Many of you read my blog regularly, some are new followers. Even though we may never have met, while others I know quite well or we’ve had the opportunity to meet and fellowship together, I want you all to know that when I write this Monday Morning Blog or my monthly newsletter, you are on my mind. I’m wondering what you’re thinking about world events and how I can encourage you with the Word of God.

Often you tell me that a particular blog was just what you needed to hear and we both know that it was God using me as His messenger. To God be the glory. I appreciate all of your comments and always acknowledge with a response.

As I read Paul’s letter to the Philippians, I noticed the heading for Chapter 1:1-11, 27-28 in the NIV translation: Thanksgiving and Prayer. I thought how appropriate to personalize this passage as my Thanksgiving Prayer for all of you.

My Thanksgiving Prayer Personalized from Paul’s Letter to the Philippians in Chapter 1

Adapted from Philippians 1:1-11 (NIV and NLT)

To all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus . . . Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Every time I think of you my dear family, friends, peeps, church family, readers, blog/newsletter followers, brothers and sisters in Christ, fellow authors and speakers, I give thanks to our God. In my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the first day you heard it until now. And I am certain that God, who began a good work within and through you and me, will carry it on until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

So it is right for me to feel this way about all of you for you have a special place in my heart. Whether I am chained to the computer writing the next book, blog, or newsletter, or defending and confirming the gospel and the value of mentoring, all of you share in God’s grace and ministry with me. We’re connected spiritually through prayer, praise, communication, and social networking. God knows how much I love you and long for you to be blessed with the tender compassion of Christ Jesus.

And this is my prayer: That your love may overflow more and more and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. For I want you to focus on what really matters, so that you may be able to discern what is best for you and those you love and cherish, and live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return. May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ—as you guide, encourage, parent, serve, and mentor others. Be filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—for this will bring much glory and praise to God.

Live a Life Worthy of the Gospel. Live as Citizens of Heaven. Adapted from Philippians 1:27-28 (NIV and NLT)

Whatever happens, above all, you must live as citizens of heaven, conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I know you personally or never meet you but only hear about your great work, I will know that we stand firm in one Spirit, and one purpose, fighting together as one for our faith, which is the Good News of the Gospel. Don’t be frightened or intimidated in any way by those who oppose or offend us. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that even God himself will save us.

For you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ but also the privilege of suffering for him. We are in this battle together. You and I have struggled in the past, and we’re very much still in the midst of it, but don’t lose hope. Jesus will be back soon! Praise God, Hallelujah!

Personal Message From Janet

This Thanksgiving, and every day, go and represent Christ to a depraved and fallen world, so that because of your witness and sharing the Good News of Jesus there will be more saved than lost (“destroyed”) when Christ returns. We see how eminent His return could be as we watch our world seemingly spinning out of control, but we also remember that God is always in control and He is close to all who seek and love His guidance and direction.

Let’s make this Thanksgiving a day filled with joy, peace, and gratitude for the many blessings we each have because we serve a great and glorious God who will never leave us or forsake us.

Come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come to him with thanksgiving. Let us sing psalms of praise to him. Ps. 95:1-2 NLT

Let this be our prayer together as we gather with others this Thanksgiving: For I decided that while I was with you, I would forget everything except Jesus Christ, the one who was crucified. 1 Cor. 2:2 NLT

I thank God in remembrance of each of you.

Happy Blessed Thanksgiving,


PS: You may have noticed that there was no Monday Morning Blog last Monday, November 15. We had a hectic week prior and enjoyed a wonderful time with guests visiting with us from California over the weekend and I just ran out of time and energy. Occasionally, I will take a break and I’ll try to give you warning, so there also will not be a blog the Monday after Thanksgiving, November 29. But I will post my monthly free online About His Work Ministries Newsletter on that Monday. If you don’t already receive the newsletter, you can sign up on my website or contact me and we’ll add your email address.

Here are several previous Thanksgiving blogs for your enjoyment:
Love Your Body—How to Survive Holiday Eating
Love Your Body—Give Yourself the Gift of Health

If you receive this blog by email, please leave a comment here and share what you’re thankful for this year. I read and respond to all comments.

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Eat Your Way to Health by Susan Neal

I hope you had a blessed Memorial Day weekend as we honor and remember the veterans who died fighting for our freedoms that we enjoy today. We must continue to pray that no one takes away from us those freedoms of life, liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness for ALL human beings from the day of conception until the day we depart this earth for our eternal life. For Christians, that means Heaven; for those who have not made Jesus their Lord and Savior, it means an eternity of separation from Jesus. None of us want that for ourselves or anyone we know.

Since I hoped you would all be enjoying the holiday Monday and not on your computers or phones, I saved this informative blog to go out on Tuesday this week rather than my typical Monday Morning Blog.

Susan Neal is our guest blogger today as she gives us tips and reminders of how God designed our bodies to eat the food He created, not food man created in a factory. I know you’ll appreciate her personal testimony of how what we eat can maintain and restore health or destroy it.

You Can Eat Your Way to a Healthy Body

Are you living life to its fullest? Is your health or weight impeding you from serving God to the best of your ability?

[Tweet “Over 50 percent of Americans live with a chronic illness and 40 percent suffer from obesity.”]

Over 50 percent of Americans live with a chronic illness and 40 percent suffer from obesity. Jesus told us, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10 NASB).

[Tweet “The decline in the health of Americans correlates with the food we eat.”]

The decline in the health of Americans correlates with the food we eat. Processed and fast foods are loaded with calories but lack nutrients. Often, we eat foods created by food manufacturers versus created by God.

Eat God’s Food

Let’s check out what God told us to eat.

“Then God said, ‘Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food’” (Genesis 1:29 NLT). A seed-bearing plant produces seeds we can plant again, such as grains and vegetables.

Fruits are so delicious they’re like God’s candy.

Instead of eating a dish of ice cream, eat a juicy strawberry, tangy green apple, or crunchy pomegranate. Fruits are not just juicy and sweet, but also provide the body with nutrients our bodies need to be healthy.

[Tweet “God created over a hundred different vegetables because the human body needs various nutrients.”]

God created over a hundred different vegetables because the human body needs various nutrients.

For example, spinach contains vitamins A and K, whereas broccoli is full of vitamin E. God gave us a variety to choose from to ensure we get the proper amounts of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Grains provide carbohydrates the body uses for energy.

We have an assortment of grains to choose from amaranth, barley, buckwheat, millet, oats, quinoa, rice, rye, wheat, and wild rice. Two grains I do not recommend are white rice and wheat, because of today’s processing methods with the nutrients stripped away; all others are beneficial.

Nuts are excellent sources of protein.

Again, God created numerous varieties to choose from including almond, Brazil, cashew, chestnut, hazelnut, macadamia, pecan, pistachio, pine, and walnut. Be sure to buy raw nuts because they contain more nutrition in their natural, raw form instead of roasted, salted, or sugar coated. Nuts are full of omega 3 oils, which are essential for brain function.

After the flood, God introduced meat into the human diet—another source of protein.

Seeds are full of trace minerals the human body needs, but in small amounts. God gave us chia, flax, hemp, poppy, pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower seeds.

[Tweet “Since God made us, he knows what our bodies require, and he provides it in different ways.”]

Since God made us, he knows what our bodies require, and he provides it in different ways. Today, many consume “food-like” substances packaged in colorful boxes and bags and laced with ingredients that get us hooked on tantalizing flavors.

[Tweet “Have you succumbed to eating the standard American diet?”]

Have you succumbed to eating the standard American diet?

Eight years ago, I lost my health. I could not serve God well. I fought nutritionally to get my health back and my weight under control. Did you know that you could improve your well-being simply by changing the foods you eat? I did and so can you.

Eat Your Way into a God healthy Body

Change Your Mindset

[Tweet “Changing your lifestyle begins with changing your mindset.”]

Changing your lifestyle begins with changing your mindset. Gain knowledge to understand that processed foods stripped of their God-given nutrients and enriched with synthetic vitamins, are not healthy for the human body. This includes all foods made from white flour.

Every time you sit down to eat, evaluate whether God created the food, like a baked potato, or a manufacturer created it, like potato chips. When you consume foods God created, your body and mind may heal from numerous ailments—mine did.

[Tweet “God knew what he was doing when he created nutrient-rich foods for us to consume.”]

God knew what he was doing when he created nutrient-rich foods for us to consume. They not only provide what our body needs, but they are delicious to enjoy as well.

[Tweet “When you take care of your body by eating God’s natural foods, as close to harvest as possible, you’re happier and healthier.”]

Jesus wants us to live an abundant life. When you take care of your body by eating God’s natural foods, as close to harvest as possible, you’re happier and healthier.

What is one change you can make to improve your eating habits?

 Susan Neal Bio

Susan Neal RN, MBA, MHS, lives her life with a passion to help others improve their health so they can serve God better. She is a Certified Health and Wellness Coach with the American Association of Christian Counselors. Her mission is to improve the health of the body of Christ. She is the author of six healthy living books including Healthy Living Journal and Healthy Living Series: 3 Books in 1. Her best-seller 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates, a Selah award winner, sold over 5000 copies in its first thirteen months. You can find her on SusanUNeal.com.

Janet’s Note: You might also enjoy my blog post on reading labels. I read every label of food I’m not buying fresh. If you don’t recognize an ingredient, or you do and know it’s not good for you, don’t put it in your temple.

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Why We Need Mentoring Part Two By Tammy Keene

This week we have the second part of Tammy Keene’s blog post on how mentoring has impacted her life and led her to start a mentoring ministry at her church, First Baptist Church of Riverview. If you didn’t get to read last week’s Why We Need Mentoring Part One, be sure and read it first so you can meet Tammy.

This is also Love Your Body Like God Loves Your Body last Monday of the month and Tammy gives some good advice on sticking with weight loss or any health regime.

Why We Need Mentoring Part Two By Tammy Keene

In 2013, I invited Lisa Weaver to join me on a weight loss journey. What started as just the two of us meeting at the gym to walk on a treadmill and discuss a Bible study became so much more.

Looking back at this time, I have recognized a very important lesson: this simple act of obedience led me to where I am today. As I reflect now, I am shocked that I would have the boldness to ask another woman to join me on a weight loss journey.

That weight loss journey led to the Tuesday Night Ladies Bible Study. It was during our first Bible study, that God laid on my heart to share what we were learning with other ladies. It started out as a weight loss Bible study, but it became so much more.

[Tweet “Sometimes you need to pass the baton so God can use you somewhere else.”]

Sometimes you need to pass the baton so God can use you somewhere else.

In preparation for starting our mentoring ministry, I felt God calling me to step away from leading the Tuesday Night Bible Study. I almost let my fear of stepping away get in the way of what God was trying to accomplish. As I stepped away, God blessed the Tuesday Night Bible Study with two women to co-lead.

This was just the start because God was not done. He also led three more ladies to lead two more Bible studies I was leading on Wednesday mornings.

[Tweet “God’s economics are so much better than ours!”]

God’s economics are so much better than mine! 

If I had allowed my fear of letting go hold me back, I would have missed being a small part of some of the blessings at First Baptist Church of Riverview.

In Janet Thompson’s book, Mentoring for All Seasons, one mentee shared her concern about mentoring. “Where are all the mentors? I remember looking up to several women in the church, but I was never able to wiggle my way under their wing. It shouldn’t have been so hard, and no mom should have to go it alone. The church should weave mentoring into the fabric of the church.” (p. 143)

I know that as women, we are very busy, our schedules are packed and our time is precious, but I truly believe the experience of having a mentor or mentee is necessary for each of us. You’ll be amazed by what God will show you during this time.

Another mentor shared in Mentoring for All Seasons that: “Sometimes we don’t fully discover our strengths because we let doubt and fear keep us from moving forward…we minimize those feelings, put things off for a later date or hold back because we doubt our feelings or our own abilities. But when we say yes – even if we aren’t sure if we’re qualified or how it’s all going to turn out – that’s when He opens new doors to discover, live, and love our strengths…that’s when lives are changed, including ours…one by one the world is changed too.” (p. 145)

In 2013, I didn’t realize I had a passion for mentoring, but God used the lessons learned over my lifetime to confirm that He has placed me exactly where I am meant to be. I am blessed to be a small part of the mentoring ministry at FBCR, mentoring is my passion! 

Tammy Keene

Why We Need Mentoring Party Two by Tammy Keene

Where might God be calling you to step away, so He can help you step into something new?

[Tweet “Where might God be calling you to step away, so He can help you step into something new?”]

How has mentoring changed your life?

Why we need mentoring Part 2 by Tammy Keene

Notice Tammy made sure the Bible studies she was leading had capable new leaders before she left. That’s one important point I also make in The Team That Jesus Built. Never walk away from a ministry unless you’ve equipped someone to take your place.

[Tweet “Never walk away from a ministry unless you’ve equipped someone to take your place.”]

Then you don’t leave a void or hurt the ministry you’re leaving.

If you received this blog by email, please leave a comment here.

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Love Your Body—For Longer Than Thirty Days

Love Your Body Longer Than 30 Days talks about the challenges of keeping weight off beyond the 30 days. Is it a way of eating you could do for life? If not it will be a disappointment.

Love Your Body Like God Loves It

Last week, a Facebook friend posted that she ended up in the hospital after trying a weight-loss drink. My heart sank. Fortunately, she’s fine now, but she’ll never do that again. If you follow my last Monday of the month Love Your Body series, you’ve heard me speak so often about the dangers of quick weight loss products and diets. How many people do you know who have gone on a weight loss shake or product or shots and kept the weight off? These are costly and comprised of chemicals, not natural food no matter how they try to advertise “natural” or even organic. You might lose weight for the short-run, but no one is going to spend the rest of her or his life drinking expensive shakes for a meal or buying the packaged foods some of the programs tout, or going to meetings . . . and as you start slipping back into your old eating habits, (because you haven’t learned new healthy ones) the weight returns, maybe even more than you lost. So this week, I’m rerunning a post as a reminder of how to Love Your Body Like God Loves Your Body!

I know I’m going to take some heat for this blog post, so let me start off by reminding everyone that the only reason I write this series on the last Monday of the month is because I care about your health. My first degree in college was a Bachelor of Science in Dietetics, and I spent a year internship to become a Registered Dietitian, R.D. While I don’t currently practice that profession, I always say, “Once a dietitian, always a dietitian.” When you’ve learned the principles of how to eat the way God made our bodies, why would you ever want to do anything differently?!

[Tweet “Most people want a quick fix and not a lifetime of eating healthy”]

But I didn’t stay in that profession for one reason; most people want a quick fix and not a lifetime of eating healthy. It was a thankless career. I began as a clinical R.D. in hospitals and thought I could be the Florence Nightingale of dietetics and help everyone on the path to wellness. I quickly learned that an R.D. was the meanie. You would think we were taking away their whole reason for living, instead of helping them to live longer! Even though in so many illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and weight-related, diet plays such a key role, people are often in denial. They want to take a pill or find an easy solution so they can keep eating the way they love, often more than they love their own bodies and loved ones.

[Tweet ” Easy fast weight loss is not possible. “]

Today the world of nutrition has garnered more respect, but many still ignore advice and wise counsel. Every few months, there’s a new diet touted as easy, fast weight loss, which by the way is not possible. Just look at the most well-known yo-yo celebrity dieter, Oprah. She’s probably tried them all, but the weight always returns.

Or Kirstie Alley and Valerie Bertinelli, who lost weight as spokeswomen for Jenny Craig, but both started gaining it back when the contract ended. Why? No one is going to eat Jenny Craig food for the rest of her life.

Nothing changed about why these women overeat. They didn’t modify their eating habits for life, just the duration of the program. Or the diet got boring and gradually the old eating habits returned. Maybe you’ve been there too.

I have many friends lose weight with Weight Watchers, but when they stopped going to meetings and measuring food, the weight started creeping back on, because again they aren’t going to attend Weight Watchers for life.

[Tweet “Everyone wants to find a way to eat more calories than God made their bodies to need or use, and in some cases will do harm, and still lose weight”]

Everyone wants to find a way to eat more calories than God made their bodies to need or use, and in some cases will do harm, and still lose weight. It isn’t going to happen unless you adopt eating habits good for your body for life.

My Thoughts on the 30-Day Diet

[Tweet “The 30-Day Diet is the latest quick fix weight loss attempt.”]

When I started seeing people on Facebook talking about the latest diet rage, the 30-day diet, my heart sank. I went online and saw that people like Dr. Oz were approving it; but seriously how many other diets has he already approved? I can answer that: whatever is the latest quick fix. For once, it isn’t a bad diet with drinks or shakes you have to purchase or major foods groups to eliminate (except maybe sources of calcium). But almost everyone who is overweight is going to lose weight and detox with only eating 1200 calories, no processed foods, not eating for 12 hours after dinner—everyone should do that—and drinking lots of water—again we all should—and eating kale chips and roasted chickpeas for snacks. Hmm could you live with that as your only snack for longer than 30 days? And exercise is good, but jumping rope I’m not sure many could do as one website suggested.

And of course, there’s always a book for sale.

[Tweet “Is the 30 Day Diet a way of eating someone would do for life? “]

Again, I ask: Is this a way of eating someone would do for life? It wouldn’t be a bad way to eat, but I appreciated this disclaimer at the end of one the descriptions of the diet: Also, like any weight-loss plan, you might regain any weight you lost once you go back to your usual eating habits. To minimize regain, incorporate some of things you learned over the 30-day diet, such as mindful eating and focusing your meals on whole, fresh food.

If you want to do the 30-day diet, I don’t see anything that would hurt you. But as the disclaimer said, don’t start it unless you’re ready to change your eating patterns for life, or it will just be another failed disappointing diet.

What did people learn over the 30 days? Did they learn “mindful eating”?

Why they overeat and food has such a stronghold?

When they overeat?

How to avoid overeating?

What they’re overeating?

Why isn’t reaching their goal and looking amazing in their clothes enough incentive for not gaining back the weight?

Let God Help

[Tweet “The only way to stop overeating for life is not a quick-fix diet”]

The only way to stop overeating for life is not a quick-fix diet; it’s to find the answers to the above questions and I believe God can help you answer them. I had the privilege of writing a Bible study God’s Best for Your Life for First Place 4 Health, a ministry program I highly endorse. It’s not just a diet program focused on a quick weight loss, but a plan for a healthy lifestyle and eating habits for life. Helping those who are in a struggle with weight and food look at the whole body physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally from God’s perspective, often in a group setting, but you can also do it on your own with one of their Bible studies.

A Mentor Offers Accountability

[Tweet ” a mentoring relationship can provide the same accountability.”]

The benefit of being in a group setting is accountability, but a mentoring relationship can provide the same accountability. In Mentoring for All Seasons, I discuss how to have a quality accountability relationship. Interestingly the Stages of Mentoring chapter shares a story of a mentor and mentee who met in a First Place 4 Health group at their church. The mentee Tara was leading the group, but she was seeking spiritual wisdom from an older woman, which she found in Jerre.

Many have told me they’ve lost and kept off weight just from the mentoring tips I’ve given in this Love Your Body series. That blesses me beyond words! I’ve seen so much pain and illness from something God made to nourish and sustain us be abused and misused by the evil one causing obsession, and yes, addiction to unhealthy eating patterns.

Love Your Body for More Than 30 Days discusses how an accountabiilty partner helping you stay on a healthy diet is more successful than going on a quick fix diet like the 30 Day diet where even they admit the weight will return if you go back to old eating habits.

Love Your Body Like God Loves Your Body, eat healthy

Here are some previous Love Your Body articles you might enjoy on the topic of developing healthy eating habits to lose and maintain weight loss:

Written by my daughter Love Your Body—Use Technology to Lose Weight

Love Your Body—Break the Food Strongholds, Debbie Dittrich shared her story

Love Your Body—Weight Loss is Not the Goal, Debbie Dittrich shares more of her story

If you received this blog by email, please leave a comment here. Tell us how you’re keeping your weight under control or if you’ve tried the 30-Day Diet.


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Love Your Body in the New Year!

Love Your Body Like God Loves It

Love Your Body Like God Loves It

(Love Your Body is a series I write the last Monday of each month on living healthy)

I started out the New Year having a third eye surgery which is still healing, so I’m going to update and resend a post I wrote in 2015. For some this will be new to you and for those who’ve been with me for awhile, it’s always good to start out the year with a refresher. I pray for each of you that it’s a healthy 2018! 

This week marks the last week in January, and if you’re like millions of people you’ve started making some changes in your life in 2018 (Five Ways to a Fresh Start in 2018). You may have overindulged throughout the holidays with the consolation that you’ll get back on track “next year.”

As I contemplated what to write to you today, I reread what I wrote two years ago, and it’s exactly what I want to say to you again this year. So I’ve updated it and hope if you’ve had some successes by reading Love Your Body Monday blogs, you’ll share those with me, like Janie did below and some of you have in my past blogs. I’m looking forward to sharing some new ideas for you to get healthy in the New Year.

As an avid gym member for many years, I always noticed how crowded the gym was the beginning of January. Those of us “regulars” would complain that it was hard to get on the equipment and the classes were packed. But we comforted each other with the knowledge that it wouldn’t last. Soon all the New Year enthusiasts would be gone and we’d have the gym back to ourselves.

Sound familiar?

What Goes Wrong with Resolutions?

[Tweet “What Goes Wrong with Resolutions?”]

Wikipedia describes New Year’s Resolution as:

New Year’s resolution, a commitment that an individual makes at New Year’s Day.

Notice the use of the word “commitment.” I think the reason many people fail at keeping their New Year’s resolutions is because they’re not making the “commitment” to anyone who will keep them accountable. It’s way too easy to give yourself a ton of grace and slack on the commitment you’ve made just to yourself.

[Tweet “I think the reason many people fail at keeping their New Year’s resolutions is because they’re not making the “commitment” to anyone who will keep them accountable.”]

If you want to make a change in your health and lifestyle, I’d like to propose that this year you make a three-fold commitment to God, another person, and yourself.

Commit to God

Journal or write down a letter to God delineating the changes you want to make. Keep this letter in your Bible and make it part of your daily quiet time. Maybe it will help you have a regular quiet time—that might be one of your resolutions. Read this letter every day for the next year. Be specific and ask God for His help in keeping you faithful to making the changes you’ve listed.

Commit to an Accountability Partner or Do a Bible Study Together

[Tweet “If you don’t tell your resolutions to anyone else, you may not be disciplined enough to stay faithful to your commitment.”]

If you don’t tell your resolutions to anyone else, you may not be disciplined enough to stay faithful to your commitment. Tell a family member or friend your resolutions and ask them to help keep you accountable. Let them know how you would like them to do that and ask them to pray for you to stick to your commitment.

Commit to Yourself—Love Yourself Enough to Change

[Tweet “Do you really want to live a healthier lifestyle?”]

Do you really want to live a healthier lifestyle? Do you want to lose weight? Reduce your cholesterol or blood pressure? Prevent diet-related diseases? Exercise more? Eat healthier? Only you can motivate you. No one can make you live healthier no matter how many “resolutions” or attempts you make. But you do have a choice to make those resolutions a reality not just dreaming.

[Tweet “Only you can motivate you. No one can make you live healthier!”]

I have to admit that as I write this Love Your Body blog post, I often wonder if anyone has made any healthy changes—does anyone care enough about themselves to try any of the suggestions I’ve been sharing? Seldom does anyone leave a comment, so I was asking God, “Am I talking to myself?”

The Lord answered in a very tangible way. The weekend before Thanksgiving 2014, my daughter and I spoke at the Nazarene Church in Ontario, Oregon. The first night, Janie Morey came up to me and told me that she had been reading my Love Your Body series and she and her husband decided to make some major diet and exercise changes with amazing results. I asked her if she would write a comment in Love Your Body During the Holidays blog post and she did. I’ve copied it here to encourage you to make 2018 the year you get, and stay, fit:

Thank you for the helpful ideas for loving our bodies to be healthy. Several months ago, I read your similar writing and was reminded that God loves us so, every part of us, including our bodies. I began praying for His help to get to a healthy weight. I have lost 22 pounds! Everything is better physically, but more importantly, my faith has been strengthened. For me, fitting exercise into every day is key. If I am not walking, I am doing physical work at the Love INC thrift store or doing Pilates (good for me at 64 years old!). Variety in exercise and food helps to keep up my healthy behaviors. Have you tried Farro? So delicious and whole grain! Cutting down on sweets and fats has sparked my appetite for the fresh vegetables that fill most of my plate these days. I use the app My Fitness Pal to keep track of what I eat. This app shows me that a cookie once-in-a-while is acceptable and my goal of healthy and balanced meals daily is possible. And lastly, I suggest getting a health buddy for support. Mine is my husband who has lost 35 pounds! Thanks Janet for reminding me to ask God for help…He loves us so!

I Want to Help You Have A . . .

I hope that Janie’s story inspires you. She started exercising, eating less sweets, eating more fresh vegetables, keeping track of what she ate, and most importantly, she enlisted the support of what she calls a “health buddy” and he got healthier too!

If you want me to pray for you to make healthy New Year’s resolutions, and keep them, leave a comment below with as many specifics as you feel comfortable sharing and I will commit to pray for you to be successful.

Commit to God—commit to a friend/family member—commit to yourself —commit to me. Together let’s make 2018 the year you Love Your Body like God loves your body!

Happy Healthy New Year!

Start 2018 living healthyYou might consider doing this study I wrote for First Place 4 Health!

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10 Ideas for Simplifying Christmas

Jesus is God's Best Gift at Christmas and Ten Ways to Simplify Christmas

We’re now in the countdown days to Christmas and many of you might be in panic mode. I remember those days well. I even remember crying to my husband that I just couldn’t do it as our family continued to grow with our four children’s marriages and grandchildren. I needed his help, but he had a bewildered, “I don’t know what to do?” look in his eyes.

I wanted to enjoy Christmas. I was excited about having a large family and grandchildren. When Dave and I married, I went from having one child to four. That was manageable. When the four got married, we doubled. Still doable. Then the precious grandkids started coming and coming and coming, and I was still trying to do all the things I did when we were a small family!

Added to the mix was leading Woman to Woman Mentoring Ministry, my career, attending seminary for the first few years of our marriage, and writing deadlines!

I was trying too hard to make everything perfect. I was assuming all the responsibility and thinking I could do everything with a family of 21 that I did with a family of two!

As much as I tried to keep my focus on Jesus, the Reason for the Season, I was focusing on:

  • trying to keep the same number of gifts for all the grandkids,
  • getting everyone the perfect gifts,
  • decorating the entire house,
  • sending everyone I knew a Christmas card,
  • making amazing Christmas goodies,
  • hosting Christmas parties,
  • trying new recipes,
  • pulling out all the best dishes . . .

You get the picture because you’ve been there . . . maybe you’re there now.

We also had an annual birthday parties for Jesus, and one year 300 people attended in our 1800 square foot home! I tried parceling out some of the work, but you know how that goes when it’s at your house. I loved it. Everyone loved it and still talks about them. But every year I tried to add a new element to the party and come up with even better party favors and different food than I had the year before.

[Tweet “If you’re trying to make every Christmas better than the last, could you be competing with yourself?”]

Looking back, I was competing with myself. Could I top the last party? Could we give the grandkids the best gifts? I worried that we weren’t giving them as many pricey gifts as the other grandparents?!

Then it all came to a screeching halt the year I was diagnosed with breast cancer and started radiation December 17, 2002, two days before our 10th wedding anniversary. Oh yes, did I forget to mention I also planned our wedding on December 19! It seemed like a great idea the first few years, but then adding in an anniversary getaway or celebration in the middle of Christmas preparations added another activity to my already overbooked schedule.

The unexpected breast cancer diagnosis coincided with a kitchen and living room remodel and all the family “coming home for Christmas.” No kitchen counters or sink because they cut the counter tops wrong. The dishwasher was still in its box in the middle of the kitchen! The new hardwood floors were in, but I had no energy to figure out how to protect them with our traditional live Christmas tree. That year changed everything and actually brought sanity to our Christmas.

Here are some changes I made that “radiation Christmas” that might help you too. Don’t think you have to do all of them, but maybe pick a few that give you more time with Jesus and reduces Christmas stress.

  1. We used decorative paper plates, plastic silverware, and paper cups. Everyone loved how easy cleanup was after a meal. (We put a tablecloth over the dishwasher box and the kids joked that I had always wanted an island in the kitchen.)
  2. We set up a small manger scene instead of putting up a Christmas tree. After that year, we switched to a beautiful artificial Christmas tree, but also added a manger scene to emphasize the real meaning of Christmas. The grandkids decorated the tree. To this day, I let the grandkids decorate the Christmas tree. They do a great job!
  3. First grandchildren usually get many presents. You’re so excited to have a grandchild. As more came, we decided on three presents each like the three Wisemen. But as we hit eleven . . . we had to scale down to one nice present each.
  4. Instead of doing the full birthday party for Jesus, which I wrote about last week and in a blog last year, I ordered online children’s costumes for the Christmas story and had the grandchildren play out the manger scene while I read it from a Children’s Bible. Here’s a YOUTube of a live enactment. Then we kept the Birthday Bag for Jesus under the tree and maintained the tradition of having guests fill out a card with a gift they would give Jesus. On Christmas we have a birthday cake and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus.
  5. 5. Scale down your Christmas card list or send by email. I love getting Christmas cards, but noticed we received so many with just a signature, nice but not personal. So I had been writing a poem every year for our Christmas card, but our list seemed to double every year.

    [Tweet “As the price of stamps increased and time and energy decreased, I stopped sending Christmas cards. An alternative is to send out a Christmas greeting by email.”]

  6. When we have a dinner party, it’s potluck. When we first moved to Idaho, we had a small dinner for our “neighbors” in the mountains. Then as we met more people, we started inviting neighbors and friends. Soon, I was back to having large groups that didn’t fit into our house! It’s hard to curtail a sanguine. So now we’re back to small, intimate groups.
  7. I mentioned in the blog post Love Your Body: How to Survive Holiday Eating, that I curtailed the baking frenzy. I make something when we’re invited to a party, but now that we’re empty nesters, we don’t need all the goodies sitting around to tempt us.
  8. I still love to decorate the house and have lights. But I don’t feel like I have to bring out every box, every Christmas, and have something in every crook and cranny of our house. Even still, I always get the comments that our house looks Christmassy, warm, and cozy.
  9. Since we now live an hour from town and shopping, we order many gifts online. I say “we” because I include hubby in the shopping. We also wrap presents together, after all, they are for “our” family, and he’s actually a better wrapper than I am. We put something on TV and sit in front of the fireplace by the Christmas tree. Two are definitely better than one!
  10. Start everyday reading a part of the Christmas story or a Christmas devotional. It helps you focus all the day’s activities around the ONLY reason we celebrate Christmas. It reminds us that Jesus doesn’t want us stressed or in a frenzy. He came into the world for one reason, to offer those who believe in Him eternal life, not to add a burden to our life but to lighten our load: “Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

[Tweet “Start everyday reading a part of the Christmas story or a Christmas devotional. It helps you focus all the day’s activities around the ONLY reason we celebrate Christmas.”]

I’d love to hear how you lighten your burdens and simplify Christmas. Please share with us.

I’ll close with a timeless poem I wrote in 2004. You may have read it in previous years, but sit down with a cup of coffee or tea and read it again.

[Tweet “Do you make time to sit with Jesus during the Christmas season?”]

Time To Sit With You”


Lord, so many things to do,             

No time to sit with you.

There’s presents to buy,

And I must bake a pie!


 But isn’t it all about Me?

What’s closed your eyes to see.

The purpose of Christmas day,

Isn’t how much you pay?


Lord, each year we hear that said,

Yet, still it comes with dread.

Anticipating all to do,

No time to sit with You!


This is MY day.

Don’t I have a say

In how you spend your time?

Remember, you are chosen…Mine!


But Lord, relatives will soon be here,

And the lawn Santa still needs reindeer!

There is so much to do,

Still no time to sit with You.


Relax and enjoy Me this season,

Let your activities have a reason.

This is My Birthday celebration,

And all I want is your attention.


Oh, Lord, we’ll make it all about You.

Do You think we should have fondue?

We’ll read the Christmas Story,

And give You all the glory.


Sit down and read My Word.

Your craziness is absurd.

Come spend some time with me,

Forget the Christmas tree.


Oh, Lord the cookies are all baked,

I have such a headache.

I know I need to pray,

But I’ve had such a day!


Lives are waiting to be saved.

Did you hear Me when you prayed?

It is certainly no wonder

Your world is all asunder.


No, God, I didn’t hear a word,

I was busy stuffing the bird.

I want to just slow down,

But I feel I’m losing ground.


You’ve made it all about you,

And all your parties too.

My message to the lost,

Overshadowed by homemade cranberry sauce.


Lord, that’s not true,

You know I do love You.

It’s just I feel a call,

To make this the best Christmas of all!


You’re wasting your time.

Do you think you could top Mine?

I had a virgin birth,

As my entrance to earth.


Oh, Lord, I’m beginning to see,

How You want to use me.

Telling Your story to all who will listen,

Is the true Christmas mission.


Spending time with Me,

Is the only way to flee

The world’s strangling control

On your time and very soul.


Oh, Lord, Your music softly plays,

As the candle glow displays,

The beauty of time spent

With our Gift heaven sent.


You’ll go against the flow

Taking time to help a lost soul.

But when the day has come to end,

You’ll have the joy of a new friend.


Oh, Lord, forgive me please.

Help me put down my car keys.

It really is so true,

There’s ALWAYS time to sit with You.

Our prayer for our friends and family is that you focus your life on only those things that will have Kingdom value. It’s the only legacy worth leaving. Merry Christmas, Janet & Dave

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Love Your Body: How to Survive Holiday Eating

Love Your Body: and Survive the Holidays by eating healthy

Love Your Body Like God Loves It

No escaping it, the Holidays are upon us and with that comes all the temptations and frustrations of trying to maintain a healthy diet.

The downward slope starts with Halloween and the candy. Then comes fall recipes using yummy pumpkin that always includes lots of sugar. Just as the last of the candy wrappers disappear in the trash . . . along comes Thanksgiving: the day we thank God for His provision by feasting.

Only a few days later, it’s December 1st. Christmas parties start with cookies, candy, fudge, punch, cakes, pies, and lots of calorie ridden, fat laden food! It’s easy to lose heart—literally and figuratively—and decide you’ll just throw caution to the wind and get back to that healthy eating January 1.

[Tweet “It’s easy to lose heart—literally and figuratively—and decide you’ll just throw caution to the wind and get back to that healthy eating January 1.”]

But hey, then you have all the nibbles watching the New Year’s parade and football, and it’s too cold to go outside and exercise so those extra few pounds over the holidays can quickly morph to a couple of new dress sizes. Then it’s Super Bowl parties, Valentine’s Day and the cycle just continues.

What’s a Body to Do?

[Tweet “There really is a way to stay in control of your health and still enjoy the holidays.”]

There really is a way to stay in control of your health and still enjoy the holidays. I do it every year and you can too, but you have to have a plan in place. Pray about how you’re going to deal with all the tempting food you’ll soon be encountering before you encounter it. Ask God to give you wisdom and discernment on what to eat, how much to eat, what to cook, how to cook it, and what to avoid.

[Tweet “Pray about how you’re going to deal with all the tempting food you’ll soon be encountering before you encounter it”]

Our usual tactic is to promise ourselves we’ll be good, and then when we get to the party throw caution to the wind…and then beat ourselves up the next day when we get on the scales. So here are some tips I’ve found helpful over the years. Please share any you have too:

  1. I do get on the scales every day so I can keep a handle on my weight. If you wait until you notice it in your clothes, chances are you’re going to have a tough time getting it off. If I see I’ve gained a few pounds, I take that seriously and layoff desserts and eat smaller portions until I lose the extra weight.
  2. If you have an exercise regime don’t stop. If you don’t have one, start! Even though the holidays can be crazy, do this for you! Give yourself the gift that keeps on giving. Exercise helps with stress, gets the endorphins pumping, and burns calories. Find a way to fit it in. In bad weather, take laps around a mall, or I’ve done laps inside a church. Get some girlfriends to join you.
  3. Take a green salad with olive oil and vinegar dressing to a potluck or party. That way you know there’s something healthy for you to eat. As you go down the buffet line, take only a spoonful of things you really love and be especially mindful of Jell-O salads usually loaded with sugar and fat. Don’t go back for seconds.
  4. When there’s a selection of desserts, have a small piece of the one you love the most. Or take tiny servings of several. If you bite into one and it isn’t as good as you thought it would be, don’t finish it!
  5. Let your stomach guide you. Most of us feel uncomfortable when we overeat, so when you start to feel the belt or waistband tighten around your middle, STOP eating.
  6. If you love bread, let yourself have a small piece, but don’t use butter. If it’s store bought dinner rolls, skip them.
  7. If you’re out to dinner, make a visual line down the middle of your plate and only eat half of the meal. Ask for a to-go box for a tasty lunch tomorrow.
  8. Drink water! Avoid punches, juices, soft drinks, and alcohol.
  9. Enjoy stuffing or mashed potatoes without gravy. They’re delicious on their own. Also avoid “sauces.”
  10. If you’re on a special diet like I was this year, take a side dish you can eat. You might find others giving it a try. At Thanksgiving this year, I made mashed cauliflower for those like me who couldn’t eat mashed potatoes. Here’s a simple recipe I learned from an employee at Trader Joe’s. BTW they also have frozen mashed and riced cauliflower at TJ’s, but they were out of the mashed when I was shopping so I made my own.

Mashed Cauliflower

Wash and cut a head of cauliflower into florets

Put in a saucepan with Organic Bone Chicken Broth to cover about an inch up the pan

Add a few peeled garlic gloves

Cook until the cauliflower is soft. Don’t drain!

Season to taste, add a little butter if you choose, and mash the cauliflower with the bone broth in the pan with a hand blender or masher until desired consistency. Delicious!!

  1. Instead of feeling left out for dessert, again bring something you can eat. I brought a keto pecan pie. I have to admit I was the only one who wanted to eat it, but when the pies came out after turkey dinner, I did not feel deprived. Can you guess which one is my keto pecan pie?Keto pecan pie looks like the real thing!

Cooking for the Holidays

I used to bring out all my recipes for my childhood holiday favorites and spend a day or two in the kitchen making cookies and candy. Then I realized I was the one eating most of it! So now, I pick a favorite or two, and that’s it. Here are some ideas for making your recipes healthier:

  1. Never use shortening in anything! Substitute coconut oil.
  2. When a recipe calls for “vegetable” oil, again use coconut oil (you can melt it) or applesauce.
  3. Cut the amount of sugar in half and substitute Stevia or Swerve for the other half or use all Stevia or Swerve, or stick with just half the sugar.
  4. Use 2% milk, almond or coconut milk.
  5. Substitute whole-wheat flour for some of the white flour.
  6. If you’re gluten-free or low carb, follow the recipes for the flours you use.
  7. Avoid recipes that are pure sugar. They’re not good for anyone.
  8. If you’re making cookies with the grandkids, send the goodies home!

[Tweet “Remember the holidays are not about food!”]

Remember that these holidays are not about food! When you gather together, it’s about the fellowship as you thank God for all His blessings and remember the greatest gift of all, His Son Jesus Christ.

I’m thankful for each of you and appreciate your following on my blog and your desire to live the best life you can for the Lord and to love His gift of your precious body.

PS My publisher for Mentoring for All Seasons: Sharing Life Experiences and God’s Faithfulness is offering a Cyber Monday discount of 40% off any purchase. Use the promo code: blackfridaycybermonday2017 to redeem your discount! Find us at. https://leafwoodpublishers.com/

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Could Mentoring Have Protected Young Actresses?

How Could Mentoring Have Helped Hollywood actresses speak out sooner if the older actresses had taken the time and effort to mentor them?

“Let’s forget about ourselves and worship Christ the Lord!”

Singing this stanza in church yesterday, reminded me of mentoring: a mentor selflessly thinks more about helping her mentee learn to worship Christ than she thinks about herself and the time and effort it might require.

[Tweet “A mentor selflessly thinks more about helping her mentee learn to worship Christ”]

Last week, we learned the awful truth that many in Hollywood—older, seasoned actresses and actors—as well as politicians, knew or had an idea of what a wealthy influential producer was doing sexually to young actresses. But everyone kept quiet until a reporter’s well-researched story finally went public. The perpetrator’s pride, wealth, and influence led him to believe he was indestructible and could bribe or ruin careers of anyone who threatened to expose him, and it seems it worked for years.

Many young actresses defiled and intimidated into believing that giving into his sexual demands and overtures was the only way to advance in the industry. Most became successful by Hollywood’s standards—wealth, Oscars, awards, movie contracts, fame—but at the cost of their own dignity and self-worth. The irony, and yes hypocrisy, is that most of Hollywood lectures and ridicules conservatives, while fostering this travesty in their own camp. Ignoring despicable and decrepit sexual abuse.

Why didn’t these young women speak out sooner? Probably their naivety, intimidation, and desperate desire for a career in Hollywood.

[Tweet “Why didn’t older actresses mentor younger ones not to succumb to the producer’s overtures”]

Why didn’t older actresses mentor them with encouragement that they were better than succumbing to this man’s overtures? So many professing “feminist” actresses and female politicians demanding higher pay and better roles for women, didn’t stop this man preying on these young actresses.

Others in Hollywood joked at Oscar presentations, in private, at Hollywood parties where many liberals attended regularly, about what many admit, “Everyone knew or surmised what was happening.”

Some victims tried to speak out but were hushed. No one wanted to hear their story or take them seriously, and the more they protested the fewer parts they received.

Now women are feeling empowered to come forward with their stories of sexual harassment and even rape; but it took a male reporter to bring down a sexual predator while the women who knew kept silent.

Reading the Book of Psalms, I see so many Scriptures documenting what’s happening right now: the foundation of deceit, sin, pride, and worldly ways crumbling . . . it always does . . . eventually.

 I have a message from God in my heart
concerning the sinfulness of the wicked:
There is no fear of God
before their eyes.

In their own eyes they flatter themselves
too much to detect or hate their sin.
The words of their mouths are wicked and deceitful;
they fail to act wisely or do good.
Even on their beds they plot evil;
they commit themselves to a sinful course
and do not reject what is wrong.
Psalm 36:1-4

What if someone had mentored these young actresses from God’s Word?

Spread Your faithful love over those who know You,
and Your righteousness over the upright in heart.
11 Do not let the foot of the arrogant man come near me
or the hand of the wicked one drive me away.
12 There the evildoers fall;
they have been thrown down and cannot rise.
Psalm 36:10-12 (HCSB)

Do not be agitated by evildoers;
do not envy those who do wrong.
For they wither quickly like grass
and wilt like tender green plants.

Trust in the Lord and do what is good;
dwell in the land and live securely.
Take delight in the Lord,
and He will give you your heart’s desires.

Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in Him, and He will act,
making your righteousness shine like the dawn,
your justice like the noonday.

Be silent before the Lord and wait expectantly for Him;
do not be agitated by one who prospers in his way,
by the man who carries out evil plans.

Refrain from anger and give up your rage;
do not be agitated—it can only bring harm.
For evildoers will be destroyed,
but those who put their hope in the Lord
will inherit the land.

The wicked person schemes against the righteous
and gnashes his teeth at him.
13 The Lord laughs at him
because He sees that his day is coming

The little that the righteous man has is better
than the abundance of many wicked people
Psalm 37:1-9, 12-13, 16 (HCSB)

[Tweet “What if someone cared enough to get involved in the young actresses lives and share Jesus with them.”]

What if someone cared enough to get involved in the actresses lives, lead them to the Book with all the answers for every situation, and assure them the wicked don’t prosper in God’s economy? Helped them see the choices they make to advance their career stays with them forever—but maintaining their dignity and pride also stays with them forever.

What Can the Church Learn From Hollywood?

[Tweet “What Can the Church Learn From Hollywood?”]

This Hollywood “scandal” has uncovered a topic to discuss right now with the young women in our churches. Instead of focusing on the evils of Hollywood and politicians enabling this horrific discovery, let’s use it to talk to young women about protecting their own purity. How often do you hear sexual purity talked about from the pulpit!? The definition of sin . . .any kind of sin!?

How many boyfriends pressure women and young girls to have sex and they succumb fearing he will dump them or ridicule them to peers? How many abortions result because no one stepped into these young women’s lives with God’s truth, assurance of options, and how to live virtuous pure lives? How many, even in the church, have given up on the concept of purity with the attitude: everyone is having sex, there’s nothing we can do, and it’s inevitable? How many Christians have accepted the ways of the world instead of the ways of Jesus?

[Tweet “How many Christians have accepted the ways of the world instead of the ways of Jesus?”]

How is this any different in our churches from the powerful producer seducer and the seasoned actresses staying silent because they didn’t want to get involved, felt it wasn’t their place, or didn’t want to jeopardize their own careers?

I wrote a blog post about this very topic in January 2017: Love Your Body: Revive Sexual Purity.

Jesus wrote to believers about the ways of the world. Isn’t it our job as Christian men and women to help protect the next generation from the evil one? John 17:15 is our assignment from the Lord.

My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.

[Tweet “My book Mentoring for All Seasons, has tips to help mentors deal with sensitive issues to protect mentees from sin”]

In Mentoring for All Seasons, I have tips to help mentors deal with sensitive issues to protect children and women mentees by not ignoring sin in their lives. I also quote Dr. Owen Strachan from his article “What the Future Holds,” in Tabletalk Magazine, August 2015, 22. Dr. Strachan, assistant professor of Christian theology and church history at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., and president of the Council of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, warns what will happen if we don’t:

we will minister to a people who are suffering the effects of rampant sin. There will be profound moral and spiritual consequences of the new sexual secularism. America is in the midst of a spiritual un-awakening. In everyday terms, this means that human suffering in America will increase. Children will be less protected. Families will feel pressure to pull apart. Marriages will prove harder to sustain. Lostness, the chief form of suffering in this world, will spread.

What lesson can the church take and apply from Dr. Owen’s prediction?

How could mentoring prevent his predictions?

What could you and I do?

PS: I’m having cataract surgery October 17 and 31. I appreciate your prayers for a smooth recovery, but while I’m healing, I’ve invited wonderful guest bloggers to share their thoughts and stories with you, until I can return to writing. I hope to be back with you soon.

Excerpts from Mentoring for All Seasons used with approval from Leafwood Publishers.

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Older women should teach and train the younger women.



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Love Your Body: Let’s Mentor Each Other On the Ketogenic Diet

Love Your Body: Let's Mentor Each Other on the Ketogneic Diet.

Love Your Body Like God Loves It

If you’ve followed my Love Your Body posts on the last Monday of the month, you know I’m not a fan of “diets,” especially those that limit or reduce a particular food group. I’ve heard of the Ketogenic Diet, as probably many of you have too, but always dismissed it since it goes against everything we’ve ever learned about eating large amounts of fat. I’ve always eaten healthy fat, but only in moderation and have enjoyed good heart-healthy blood tests over the years.

Now I’m suffering from a neurological disorder and on the sixth medication trying to control it. Many of you were following me earlier this year when the fourth medication led to numerous kidney stones and horrendous surgery. Since going off that med, I’ve tried two more and we’re running out of options if this one doesn’t work.

So I did what many of us do and started researching more to see if there was anything else I could try. Mind you, I had read and read about this condition and felt like I was doing everything the doctors and I could do, but still the symptoms or adverse reactions to a medication continue.

Then suddenly last week, while back on the internet, I saw this: Sometimes going on a Ketogenic diet can help. Whoa, why hadn’t that appeared in any of my previous research? I contacted my neurologist to see if they had any success with this diet and they hesitantly said, “Some, but you would need to be followed by a Pediatric Dietitian and it will not replace medication.” I was surprised about the “pediatric” part, but it could be because they’ve only used it with children, which my research showed was easier for kids to follow this diet than adults. I thought that was interesting.

Since many of you know my first career out of college was a Registered Dietitian, I felt confident I could figure this diet out on my own.

I mentioned the diet to my endocrinologist and he said, “Oh it’s just the Atkins diet, but it could really help your LDL levels” (which had suddenly started rising). He encouraged me to try it.

This diet is also supposed to help reduce causes of cancer, and since I’m a three-time breast cancer survivor, this peaked my attention too.

When I started checking out the diet on different websites, I became more and more confused. It’s not the old Atkins diet. Then a dear friend loaned me a big book by a doctor, and I’m trying to wade through it. I have so many questions, and I’m hoping some of you who have successfully been on this diet could mentor me and others thinking about also trying it.

[Tweet “If you’ve been on the ketogenic diet can you answers some questions for me?”]

Here are some of my questions. Please write in the comments at the end of this blog, if you have answers:

  1. Did you gradually go on the diet, how did if feel when you started, and how long did it take to go on it completely?
  2. What did you follow to know foods to eat and foods to avoid?
  3. How do you know if you’re in Ketosis? What do you use to test?
  4. Any websites or books you suggest reading to learn more and find recipes?
  5. Did you see any changes in your cholesterol or LDL levels?
  6. How do you feel after being on it for a while?
  7. I’m not trying to lose weight, but did you lose weight?
  8. Did your family go on this with you, and if not, how did you make it easy to cook this way just for yourself? Because if your family eats high fats and doesn’t reduce carbs, that can be bad for their health. I did figure that out, and I don’t think hubby is going to do this with me.
  9. How long did it take you to see results?
  10. Did you go on this diet for health reasons?
  11. What tricks do you have for eating out and staying faithful, especially with the holidays approaching?
  12. How do you prepare kale?

I could go on and on with questions, but I know your answers to these questions will help me get started, and maybe help others who have been considering going on it too.

Don’t feel you have to answer all these questions to respond, but I would love to hear from you in a comment below, so we could all learn about your experience on this Ketogenic Diet.

Also, feel free to ask more questions in your comments, because I’m sure someone is going to have the same question and/or know the answer.

This is Mentoring!

[Tweet “Mentoring is just sharing our experiences with those who are in a new season of life.”]

I hope you’ve had an opportunity to pick up a copy of my new book Mentoring for All Seasons: Sharing Life Experiences and God’s Faithfulness. Mentoring is just what I’m asking us to do in this post . . . share our experiences with those who are in a new season of life. You may be younger or older than me, but you can help me learn more about the Ketogenic Diet. Then I can pass on to others the knowledge and help you’ve given to me and everyone reading this post.

Always exciting to see your new book Mentoring for All Seasons at LifeWay bookstore

I had fun last week stopping by our new LifeWay Bookstore in Boise to take pictures of Mentoring for All Seasons with the manager of the store. It never gets old seeing your “baby” on the shelf, and it was right in the front on the “New Release” shelf. If you have a LifeWay Bookstore near you, why not stop by, pick up a copy, and support your local Christian bookstore.

[Tweet “If you have a LifeWay Bookstore pick up a copy of #mentoringforallseasons and support your local Christian bookstore.”]

I didn’t hear from any of you last week, but the publisher is offering an incredible discount on 5 or more copies of Mentoring for All Seasons through the end of December. You can use it yourself, share with your church, your women’s ministry, small group, or whoever would benefit from the book. Contact me and I’ll send you the information.

You can also purchase on all the online bookstores, Amazon, or I’ll sign and personalize it from our website store.

[Tweet “Two are better than one, and I need help figuring out a Ketogenic Diet”]

Ok, remember two are better than one, and I need your help figuring out this Ketogenic Diet. I hope many of you will leave comments and give me some advice.

Two are Better thank one because if one falls down the other can pick them up!

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Love Your Body—In All Life Seasons

Love Your Body Like God Loves It

It’s Love Your Body Monday again. How do the months roll by so quickly? In my online About His Work Ministries newsletter this month, I actually wrote about how living in a state with four distinct seasons makes the year seem to fly by. And as the months go . . . so go the years and the body changes that occur in each of those life seasons.

Eating with Purpose in Every Season

A woman my age told me she felt her usefulness was over and she was just waiting for the Lord to take her home. That was shocking because I wake up every morning with a new sense of purpose and direction to accomplish what God has planned for me that day. I assured God could use her wisdom and experience to help mentor others if she would let Him.

I recently read an article that said those who live with purpose, live longer. I think that’s true for any age. When you’re younger, if you have a sense of purpose for your life, you’re not going to abuse your body with drugs, alcohol, permissive sex, poor eating habits etc. You have your eyes set on the future whether it’s college, a career, a marriage, parenting, contributing to making the world a better place. . . and you want to be healthy enough to enjoy it.

[Tweet “How we treat our bodies when we’re younger plays a big role in how we age”]

Living with purpose and a goal applies to the aging process too. How we treat our bodies when we’re younger plays a big role in how we age. But it’s never too early, or too late, to eat healthy and establish healthy lifestyle habits.

There’s an eighty-eight year old couple in our church, and the husband was excited that he got his driver’s license renewed for four more years! He’s funny, energetic, trim, and sharp. When we ran into them at a Mexican restaurant celebrating his license renewal, they invited us to eat with them. I asked how he stayed in such good shape and his answer was, “I’ve always been active. When I was younger, I was in sports, then career military. After I retired, I always had an active job that kept me physically fit. Now I stay busy doing things around the yard and house.” I wouldn’t be surprised if he still chops his own wood for their cabin stove.

For dinner, they each ordered two tacos—that’s it. He ate both of his and she took one home. Except for her eyesight going, she’s just as spunky, funny, energetic, and enjoying life as much as he is! That’s how I want to age, but it doesn’t just happen without effort.

Do We Treat Our Cars Better than Our Bodies?

After much prayer, my husband and I decided we needed to buy a new car. In twenty-five years of marriage, it’s only the third car we’ve owned. We take extremely good care of our cars so they’ll serve us well. We put in the right gas, take them in for regular checkups, replace tires when needed, watch the fluid levels, don’t put off getting assistance when the engine light keeps flashing . . . . We make an investment in keeping our cars running well so they will serve us well and keep us safe when we’re driving. The extra care could prevent us from having inconvenient breakdowns, protect us from injury, or even death in an accident so we want to keep it as dependable and smooth running as we can.

Dave, being the manual reader, is devouring the “books” that came with our new car so we understand how it works and what we need to do to maintain it and keep it running well.

[Tweet “Many people take better care of their cars, which they don’t expect to last their lifetime, than they do their bodies”]

Maybe you do the same thing with your cars for the same reasons. Yet, I often point out that many people take better care of their cars, which they don’t expect to last their lifetime, than they do their bodies. They would never think of putting in the wrong kind of gas or pouring alcohol or lard in the gas tank, but what about the “fuel” we put in our precious bodies.

If you’re a parent, you followed careful instructions what to feed your baby. You didn’t feed them anything that would harm their precious bodies. You listened to the doctor when to introduce new foods at what age and you took them in for their scheduled checkups. But as they grow older and start exerting their own will, it’s easier to give in to unhealthy snacks and foods because they like them better than healthy food and it’s less trouble. But what will this do to their still precious bodies as they grow into adulthood? We seldom see studies on this.

[Tweet “Unfortunately, with the wide array of food choices today, our families could eat less healthy than previous generations.”]

When people lived on rural farms, far from town, they ate what they brought home from an occasional trip to town and what they grew. That meant if the kids were hungry, they ate what was on the table or went to bed hungry. There was no running down to the market or driving by fast food. Unfortunately, with the wide array of food choices we have today, our families could easily eat less healthy than previous generations. Kids often tell parents what they will eat and not eat, and because the refrigerator and pantry are full, it’s easier to give into their demands than take a stand for their health.

Know What You’re Putting Into Your Body’s “Fuel Tank”!

[Tweet “Be an avid food label reader and check dates.”]

As we move into the adulthood season and can make our own food choices, we often throw away the “healthy fuel tank manual” and stop watching what we put in our own precious bodies. In a previous post, Love Your Body—Read Labels, I talked about the importance of being an avid label reader and checking dates. Last week, I was at the market checking dates on packages of lettuce, and the woman next to me asked where she would find a date? I showed her, but thought, I wonder how many packages of lettuce she’s thrown away because it was ready to spoil?! Hint: they usually put the older dates in front.

[Tweet “All those ingredients you don’t recognize on labels are preservatives.”]

Even something “healthy,” like sheep’s milk cheese, I read the labels between two different brands. One label, which was cheaper, had other things added than the simple ingredients to make cheese. Read the labels on corn tortillas. You’d be surprised how some brands have much more than corn, lime, and maybe a little salt. All those ingredients you don’t recognize on labels are preservatives.

Here’s my Point!

[Tweet “No matter what season of life you’re in, God wants you to take care of the body He gave you.”]

No matter what season of life you’re in, God wants you to take care of the body He gave you. We may not like some of our features, but they’re ours and God thought they were perfect for us. And how magnificent to think that He made us in His own image! So let’s show Him honor by honoring His creation. You. And. Me!

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

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I’m getting so excited to share Mentoring for All Seasons with you. Remember it’s available right NOW for pre-order and preorders usually arrive before the September 12 release date!

Also, if you have a blog where I could be a guest, or would like to be on the Launch Team to help spread the word from coast to coast, woman to woman, please contact me.

Author Bio

Janet Thompson is an international speaker, freelance editor, and award-winning author of 19 books. Her latest release is Mentoring for All Seasons: Sharing Life Experiences and God’s Faithfulness. (September 12, 2017)

She is also the author of Forsaken God?: Remembering the Goodness of God Our Culture Has Forgotten; The Team That Jesus Built; Dear God, Why Can’t I Have a Baby?; Dear God They Say It’s Cancer; Dear God, He’s Home!; Praying for Your Prodigal Daughter; Face-to-Face Bible study Series; and Woman to Woman Mentoring: How to Start, Grow, & Maintain a Mentoring Ministry Resources.

She is the founder of Woman to Woman Mentoring and About His Work Ministries.

Visit Janet and sign up for her Monday Morning blog and online newsletter at womantowomanmentoring.com





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