It Always Was About Jesus! He is the Real Target . . .

“Look at China, Russia, Venezuela. First they topple statues, then they start killing people, and then they take away your rights.” David Marcus, The Federalist

I’ve never been convinced that the George Floyd murder was about racism. It was the heinous act of a demented depraved policeman. But because he was white and the victim was black, the race card was played and suddenly people were forced to take sides even though everyone agreed it was an egregious act.

It should have unified all Americans that justice needed to prevail.

But that’s not what happened. People with an agenda saw it as an opportunity to unearth racial tension as if we had never made any progress in 400 years. What started out as “peaceful protests,” even in the midst of a pandemic, turned into destructive rioting and violent mobs that didn’t care if they were hurting blacks or whites or even those on their side, they just wanted to create havoc and panic.

And so they did as Democrat governors and mayors ignored protecting their defenseless constituents. In many cases, the police, who could have stopped the chaos, were told to stand down, as the protesters then turned on them.

There seems to be no limits to what the rioters can do or demands they can make because after all it’s all about “racism.”

I’m not minimizing the need for improvement in race relations but the lawlessness we’re watching in the streets of liberal “blue” states is political not relational.

God Is Not One Dimensional!

Caucasians, who God created with white skin, are shamed and manipulated into renouncing their presumed “white privilege” as if admitting that God liked them better than his darker skinned creations. Heresy!

God made us all different colors by His design. Since we’re all made in His image, Jesus appears to each of us in our own skin color.

Just like at Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon those gathered there from every nation, they each heard Peter and the believers sharing the gospel in their own language:

At that time there were devout Jews from every nation living in Jerusalem. When they heard the loud noise, everyone came running, and they were bewildered to hear their own languages being spoken by the believers . . . “And we all hear these people speaking in our own languages about the wonderful things God has done!” 12 They stood there amazed and perplexed. “What can this mean?” they asked each other. Acts 2:5-6, 11-12

In his article America’s Jews and Christians Are Failing the Test of Their Lives, Dennis Prager wrote:

“Isn’t it fundamental to all Bible-based religions that we are all created in God’s image, that God has no race and that Adam and Eve, from whom we all descend, had no race? If you are a Christian, do you see Christians of other races first as fellow Christians or first as members of their race? If you are a Jew, do you see Jews of other races as anything other than fellow Jews? Does God?”

Only Satan Can Pit God’s Creation Against Itself!

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8

Satan’s Strategy to Devour and Destroy America

  1. Use a pandemic plague to close businesses and churches and force people to stay home.
  2. Use a horrific murder by a police officer to create racial chaos.
  3. Perpetuate a falsehood that all whites are racist.
  4. Introduce sham terms like “systemic racism” and “white privilege.”
  5. Generate hate against the police and remove their capability to protect communities.
  6. Call for defunding and disbanding the police and give the preposterous idea momentum.
  7. Make government officials apathetic toward looting, burning, defacing, mob violence.
  8. Guilt Caucasians into apologizing that God made them white.
  9. Encourage whites to bow down to Black Lives Matter militia.
  10. Create a fake repentance theology of whites washing the feet of blacks or shining their shoes.
  11. Continue to keep churches closed or require prohibitive restrictions while thousands of protestors and rioters have no restrictions and passengers pack into planes.
  12. Keep pastors and “the church” silent or denounced, even arrested, if they claim religious freedom and the right to meet.
  13. Tear down all replicas of American heritage and history, good or bad, while horrified Americans helplessly watch or misguided and deceived Americans applaud.
  14. Create disunity and fear among all Americans politically, racially, spiritually, physically, and emotionally.
  15. Reveal Satan’s real motive: Go after Jesus and the church, which often still isn’t meeting and pastors are still staying silent.

Jesus Has Always Been the Target

Destroying Jesus is Satan’s ultimate goal and everything in between was just carnage to distract.

Satan knows that the only answer to division and strife is Jesus and His church!

Government can’t legislate or force racial tolerance. It has to be a heart change and only Jesus can change a heart!

I’ll give you a new heart, put a new spirit in you. I’ll remove the stone heart from your body and replace it with a heart that’s God-willed, not self-willed. I’ll put my Spirit in you and make it possible for you to do what I tell you and live by my commands. Ezekiel 36:26-27 The Message

A person with a changed heart seeks praise from God, not from people. Rom 2:29 NLT

That’s why Satan’s ultimate target is Jesus!

If we’re too busy fighting each other over racism, defunding and disarming the police, taking down the President, rebuilding everything torn down by rioters . . . maybe we won’t notice that Satan is trying to wipe out Christ’s heritage . . . the church.

Christian and conservative content, videos, and Scriptures are already being censored on social media and YouTube.

Now Satan will Start taking down statues, pictures, replicas, or stained glass windows with “white Jesus” and defacing churches.

Next Satan will go after the cross and anything resembling the cross. He’s tried this before but hasn’t completely succeeded.

Then he’ll get the Bible censored as hate speech. There will be burning of Bibles and a law against preaching the Bible or carrying your Bible outside of your home. Maybe it will be illegal even to have a Bible.

Christians will ultimately receive the final blow because if we’re silenced, no one will hear the truth about eternal life with Jesus versus eternal hell with Satan.

Do you think these things could never happen in America? Well look at what’s already happened in the first six months of 2020 that you never could have imagined.

  • A President impeachment attempt over a diplomatic phone call.
  • Citizens mandated to not leave home. Wear a mask. Not allowed to go to a park, play tennis, or go to the beach. Schools closed. “Social distance.”
  • Small businesses closed and owners harassed, lost business licenses, fined, or jailed if they opened.
  • Hoarding of TP.
  • Not allowed to go to church and fined or jailed if you tried.
  • National monuments defaced and torn down with no one stopping the vandalism.
  • Liberal radicals take over the center of a major Capitol city with the mayor’s and governor’s help.

How will Satan achieve all of this?

By the deception of people who do not know Jesus and maybe some who do but are deceived by lies instead of trusting the truth they once knew and believed.

Satan uses people to do his work on earth.

I’ve said many times what the Bible teaches: there are only two forces at work in this world, Satan and God. If you’re not following God, by default you’re following Satan. There is no in between.

Rise Up Church!

“The most patriotic thing you can do is give your life to Jesus!” Said by Billy Graham years ago and it never changes.

The next most patriotic thing you can do is to help others know the difference between Jesus or Satan guiding a life. Share with them that . . .

  • Jesus saves. Satan destroys.
  • Jesus loves. Satan hates.
  • Jesus unifies. Satan divides.
  • Jesus heals. Satan defiles.
  • Jesus is peace. Satan is discord.
  • Jesus is courage. Satan is cowardice.
  • Jesus is truth. Satan is a liar.
  • Jesus reveals. Satan deceives.
  • Jesus is hope. Satan is despair.
  • Jesus is light. Satan is darkness.

Can you think of more?

When you see what’s happening in the world today or listen to the news, consider it through the grid of Jesus or Satan.

I’ve learned not to let what I see happening today shock me because it’s so clearly Satan’s tactics and schemes. But we have the antidote: Time is short. Death is sure. Sin is the cause. Jesus is the cure!

I love the song, The Same Power by Jeremy Camp because it reminds us that we have the same power in us that rose Jesus from the grave! “We will not be overtaken, we will not be overcome!”

Scripture tells us we have the power to pray against demons so let’s pray against demonic behavior that wants to rob and steal our country of the peace and harmony of Jesus.

We’re on the winning side but we still need to fight the spiritual battles to achieve victory.

Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned. 17 These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. Mark 16:16-17

I want to close with a word of encouragement.

I’m blessed to see that finally the threat to the church is bringing out bold and brave pastors and churches. I hope you’ll take the time to read this post, listen to the pastor, and then pray God multiplies this ministry with pastors of all races and all denominations across the United States: Pastors Vow to Defend Houses of Worship, Not Allow Christian Heritage to be Erased.

So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Deut. 31:6 NLT

We cannot be afraid. Pick up your sword of the Spirit and pray like you’ve never prayed before. Your life and the life of the ones you love could very well depend on it.

Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. Eph. 6:17-18 NLT

Note: In my AHW Ministries June Newsletter, I share about the positive difference a mentor made in the life of Senator Tim Scott, the only black Republican Senator at this time.

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What Is God’s Response to ‘Ok Boomer’?

What Does God Say About #OK Bommer

“Mom, are you a boomer?” my eleven-year old granddaughter asked my daughter.

I have to admit that none of the adults at the dinner table understood the significance of that question and so I naively answered, “No, Grammie and Grampa are boomers.” She seemed satisfied, but I continued to ponder her question. So a few days later, I texted her that boomers were born between 1946-1964. She said “thanks,” but still I wondered the genesis of her question. Something else was going on.

Then I began to see articles degrading boomers almost to the point of using ‘boomer’ as a slang or curse word, and then I REALLY wanted to know about my granddaughter’s interest in ‘boomer.’ So I asked her and she said, “Sometimes when I say something, my friends say, ‘Ok boomer,’ when I’m talking like an old person.” And that’s bad? I thought.

But it turns out it is very bad if an eleven-year old might have the perspective of something her grandmother or grandfather taught her, even if that wisdom came from a 2020 year-old person, Jesus Christ.

Being a Boomer Was Special!

I’m a boomer and I must admit most of my life it’s been a rather prestigious position. We were the largest generation in history at that time, born in the two decades after World War II when the surviving soldiers returned home after defeating the enemy. They were ready to bring normalcy back to life, get jobs, raise a family, and enjoy the American dream and ideals they fought so bravely to defend.

Because boomers represented such a vast number of consumers and voters, we influenced fashion and trends, politics, economics, business, entertainment, religion . . . the culture.

We felt respected and appreciated. And then we weren’t. Like every generation, we’ve aged, and as the “old fogies” before us, we suddenly don’t know anything and no one cares about what we want anymore. We’ve become the generation that younger people facetiously and dismissively respond to with an “Ok Boomer,” while rolling their eyes. Not in an admiring or gotcha’ manner, but you’re an old person with views and values we no longer appreciate. In fact, we’re going to blame all the world’s problems on your generation that you left for us to inherit. You’re out of touch with our problems and we don’t want to hear what you think about it.


Aja Romano wrote in her article “OK boomer” isn’t just about the past. It’s about our apocalyptic future.

OK boomer is meant to be cutting and dismissive. It suggests that the conversation around the anxieties and concerns of younger generations has become so exhausting and unproductive that the younger generations are collectively over it. OK boomer implies that the older generation misunderstands millennial and Gen Z culture and politics so fundamentally that years of condescension and misrepresentation have led to this pointedly terse rebuttal and rejection. Rather than endlessly defend decisions stemming from deep economic strife, to save money instead of investing in stocks and retirement funds, to buy avocados instead of cereal — teens and younger adults are simply through.”

How Can Christians Bridge the OK Boomer Generation Gaps?

Now that I am old and gray,
    do not abandon me, O God.
Let me proclaim your power to this new generation,
    your mighty miracles to all who come after me. Psalm 71:18 NLT

Where there are differences, Satan will use them to divide.

[Tweet “Where there are differences, Satan will use them to divide. We see that division in politics, religion, and culture but now more than ever, it rears it’s ugly head in generational antagonism. “]

We see that division in politics, religion, and culture but now more than ever, it rears it’s ugly head in generational antagonism. Yes, we can say that’s always existed, but did it in your family. Did you think your grandparents were completely out of touch with the real world or did you respect and admire their wisdom?

I learned to appreciate Scripture from Granny Reed, who always read from her Bible to my cousins and me as we literally sat at her feet. Granny Hazel taught me how to care for my complexion and played games with me when she came to visit. They were a wealth of experience and I looked forward to spending time with them.

I challenge you that #OKBoomer” is not biblical!

[Tweet “God knew that Satan could use our age differences to divide us so God gave us many Scriptures to help bridge these inevitable generation gaps, and He commands us to live by them.”]

God knew that Satan could use our age differences to divide us so God gave us many Scriptures to help bridge these inevitable generation gaps, and He commands us to live by them. 

Generation after generation stands in awe of your work;
each one tells stories of your mighty acts
. Psalm 145:4 The Message


Let me share a few excerpts from the chapter “Generation Gaps Are Not In God’s Plan” from my book Mentoring for All Seasons.

Why Do We Have Generation Gaps?

[Tweet “It was never God’s plan to have generation gaps in the church: God commanded one generation to pass down his truths to the next generation.”]

It was never God’s plan to have generation gaps in the church: God commanded one generation to pass down his truths to the next generation. But in most churches today, the gap between generations is so wide the only thing passed between the two is mistrust and misunderstanding—all in the name of Jesus.

I believe the older generation often perpetuates the gap by wanting everything to stay the same—same music, same way of doing things, same church service, same church activities. . . . Many churches relegate the young people to their own groups, and their input—whether in music or new ideas or using their talents and gifts—isn’t welcome in the main sanctuary. Then the church wonders why the youth and young adults are leaving in droves.

If we want to stay relevant in the lives of the next generation, we need to learn how to embrace their style of worship . . . their way of communicating . . . their world. If we want to have an impact in their lives—to help guide them in the ways of righteousness—we need to speak their language, care about the things they care about, and reach out to them in love with a desire to understand what’s important to them.

Mentoring: A Privilege Not a Burden

[Tweet “Do you remember when you were the next generation full of hope and ideas and ready to leave your mark on the world? I do. I also remember feeling misunderstood and unappreciated when sharing thoughts and ideas with older adults”]

Do you remember when you were the next generation full of hope and ideas and ready to leave your mark on the world? I do. I also remember feeling misunderstood and unappreciated when sharing thoughts and ideas with older adults. Yet thirty-six times in the New Living Translation of the Bible, the Lord uses the term “generation to generation.” Many more verses instruct us to pour into those who are coming up behind us in the church and in our homes. It was God’s plan for the continuation of his church throughout the generations.

Believers are to teach and train the next generation. Praise God, over the centuries believers have followed this mandate. You and I are benefactors of the sacrifices of believers who have gone before us. Over the years, followers of God and his Son, Jesus Christ, have felt compelled to ensure the next generation:

  • Has access to and knowledge of the Bible.
  • Knows how to communicate with God through the Holy Spirit and prayer.
  • Receives guidance in leading a godly life.

[Tweet “Sharing with the next generation some of what God and life has taught us is truly an honor and a privilege.”]

Sharing with the next generation some of what God and life has taught us is truly an honor and a privilege. “I will bring honor to your name in every generation. Therefore, the nations will praise you forever and ever.” (Ps. 45:17 NLT)

A Plea from the Younger Generation

[Tweet “I often hear from the older generation that the reason they don’t mentor is because the younger generations aren’t interested in being mentored, but his is a misconception and lie of the enemy.”]

I often hear from the older generation that the reason they don’t mentor is because the younger generations aren’t interested in being mentored, but his is a misconception and lie of the enemy. A young woman named Tracy, [and there were many more like her in Mentoring for All Seasons] pleads, “I beg the older generations to please be the mentor God called you to be—take up your cross and invest in the future. It takes patience, perseverance, and Christianity. The woman you invest in today may turn around and invest in tomorrow’s generation.”


[Tweet “If you’re a boomer like me, let’s continue the trend of being the largest influential generation for God!”]

If you’re a boomer like me, let’s continue the trend of being the largest influential generation for God!

That means we ignore the exasperated #OKBoomer meme and turn it into an eager #OKBoomer share with me what you’ve learned about God. Let’s not be offended by this meme but use it for God’s glory!

If you’re one of the younger generations, seek out a Christian boomer who will share with you how God helped her through the seasons of her life and is eager to bestow some of that God-fueled faith with you.

Similarly, teach the older women to live in a way that honors God. They must not slander others or be heavy drinkers.[a] Instead, they should teach others what is good. These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes,[b] to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God. Titus 2:3-5 NLT

Mentoring for All Seasons: Sharing Life and God’s Faithfulness is available signed and personalized on my website or also on Amazon and Kindle.

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Why Aren’t All Christians Extending Grace and Forgiveness to Trump?


A post that I wrote during the 2016 election is trending on my website and I know why! It’s just as applicable before this coming election as it was four years ago. Sadly, not much has changed with some Christians opposing President Trump, even in light of all he’s done to fulfill his promises that he would:

  • Be Pro-life and put action behind his words, even speaking at the recent March for Life and repeatedly confirming that “Every child is a sacred gift from Almighty God.”
  • Support and restore religious freedoms
  • Move the Capitol of Israel to Jerusalem and insure that America remains a strong ally of Israel
  • Choose two pro-life conservative Supreme Court justices and replace hundreds of liberal federal judges with conservatives.

At this year’s State of the Union address, President Trump publically affirmed:

“My administration is also defending religious liberty, and that includes the constitutional right to pray in public schools,” Trump continued. “In America, we don’t punish prayer. We don’t tear down crosses. We don’t ban symbols of faith. We don’t muzzle preachers and pastors. “In America, we celebrate faith. We cherish religion. We lift our voices in prayer, and we raise our sights to the glory of God.”

At the National Prayer Breakfast on February 6, 2020, the day after he was acquitted from a partisan hoax impeachment, he said, “Faith keeps us free. Prayer makes us strong. God gives us grace.”

At that same prayer breakfast Arthur Brooks, author of Love Your Enemies, was the speaker along with President Trump who responded to Brooks “I’m trying to learn. It’s not easy. When they impeach you for nothing it’s hard to like them. I’m doing my best.”

Yet many Christians are still refusing to grant President Trump grace and forgiveness.

So I’m reposting below my blog from October 17, 2016, “Why Aren’t All Christians Extending Grace and Forgiveness to Trump?” I think you’ll agree, except for Hillary being the opponent, I could’ve written it today!

What Does It Mean to be A Forgiven Christian?

I’ve been thinking a lot this week about what it means to be a saved, forgiven Christian, granted grace and mercy when I was so undeserving. Our Couples’ Group is studying Pastor Tony Evan’s Victory in Spiritual Warfare and he used a term I’d never heard before: “unsaved, saved person.” I realized that was another term for backsliding, which I did for seventeen years—saved at a youth camp at the age of eleven when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, and then living an ungodly life from my late twenties until early forties, a backslidden believer. Saved but living like an unsaved person, until I rededicated my life. I write about this time in most of my books—it’s my testimony—of how God redeemed me and has used me About His Work since the day I gave my life fully back to Him.

God forgave me for my sins as a “born again” young girl on fire for the Lord, and He never withheld His love or protection, even as He watched me do things that broke His heart and were so unworthy of someone who knew better. It was as if for seventeen years, I had blinders on, until Pastor Greg Laurie asked at a Harvest Crusade if I was ready to die that night. I wasn’t. God had been gently bringing His prodigal back to Him, as I had recently turned my dating life over to God and was dating the man He had picked to become my husband.

I’m so grateful I was attending Saddleback Church, which welcomes sinners and seekers and offers restoration, hope, and forgiveness for those who are willing to repent, ask for forgiveness, turn from their wayward ways, and follow Jesus’s biblical ways. I married my godly husband Dave, blended our two families, graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary, quit my secular job, and started the Woman to Woman Mentoring Ministry as a rededicated, divorced, remarried woman. I always was shown love, grace, mercy, support, and encouragement at seminary and Saddleback Church.

I felt so unqualified and ill equipped, but my church gave me the tools I needed, as I took a huge prayerful step of faith. I was the least likely woman to start such a ministry . . . many churches might not have let me serve. But I said, “OK” when God called me to “Feed my sheep,” and He did the rest. As a result, twenty years later, Woman to Woman Mentoring is an international ministry blessing thousands of women in Titus 2 mentoring relationships.

Dr. Charles Stanley’s wrote in “Faith Barriers,” In Touch Magazine October 13, 2016:

When we are called to serve, our strength, skill, and wisdom do not matter. Rather, it is the Lord who does the work through us. He doesn’t seek out the most qualified person for a particular job, but instead calls men and women who are willing to surrender themselves to Him. When His strength works through their weakness, it is obvious that only God could have achieved the result.

A Disturbing Lack of Forgiveness Among Evangelicals

Trump has always said that as a child he was a saved Presbyterian, but I think, like me, he probably became an “unsaved, saved” backsliding Christian. Michael Anthony on shares part of an interview with Dr. James Dobson about Trump’s recent salvation this past summer. Dr. Dobson has seen a change in Trump and only God knows the condition of his heart, which is true for all of us. Anthony also explains how we all mature in our faith at different degrees: some are like microwaves—the change is instantaneous–others are like crockpots.

Anthony and Dobson both called for prayer for the new  “baby Christian” Trump, but I’ve not seen or heard much prayer for Trump, who represents the conservative political agenda in this election. Instead, I’ve seen more stone throwing and rock slinging at him from evangelicals for his past transgressions, right along with the progressive liberals. Many Christians, who are so distressed when called “deplorables” and “haters” by the liberals, have themselves called Trump terrible, unkind, slanderous names.

I can only wonder how many new believers would last if we treated them all that way? And why are Christians doing that, when evangelism is all about sharing the forgiveness of sin and grace of Jesus Christ?

In a political move, tapes of vial things Trump said over eleven years ago became public and many Christians and prominent ministry leaders reacted as if he said them yesterday. I’ve seen video clips of him surrounded by the many Christians he has on staff as he prayed for forgiveness and he asked publicly for forgiveness during the debate. Yet many Christians are unwilling to grant him forgiveness. Why?

If he is saved, God forgave him and wiped the slate clean from all the things he did before, just like He did for you and me when we became Christians. God forgives when we mess up and ask for forgiveness, but many evangelicals pulled their support and backlashed Trump, refusing to show any grace or mercy.

[Tweet “Letting Trump’s past transgressions divide us, another score for Satan. “]

How would any of us feel if our past sins haunted us as new believers? Badmouthing Trump and not looking at the real issues in this election, is just what Satan wants us to do. Letting Trump’s past transgressions divide us, another score for Satan.

Trump is a flawed man, as has been, and will be, every president, but he’s the first one I’ve seen who actually chose a born-again Vice President who told his testimony in the VP debate. He has Christians like Ben Carson on his team mentoring him, who see the bigger picture of the Supreme Court picks who will make decisions that will affect our religious freedoms for the next thirty years! Which will determine whether we as evangelicals can voice our faith publicly in the future in a blog post like this!

With men like that surrounding him, if not saved, he’s certainly a seeker, and aren’t we as evangelicals supposed to help draw seekers to Christ?

We Need a Refresher in Forgiveness

Christians are forgiven by the grace of God, and we need to extend that same grace and forgiveness to others, including Donald Trump: “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.” Ephesians 1:7

Yes, that would apply to Hillary too, but so far, she has only made excuses for her bad behavior, justifies supporting the things God detests, and puts political spins on her lies. Her agenda is anti-Christian and anti-God. I haven’t seen her sincerely ask forgiveness for anything, but she does need prayer to repent. Wouldn’t that be a wondrous miracle of this election!


MYTH #1:  Forgiveness must be quick like God’s forgiveness

TRUTH:  Forgiveness is a process

MYTH #2: If I forgive, that means that the offense was “ok.”

TRUTH: Forgiveness doesn’t turn sin into good. Sin is always wrong.

MYTH #3:  If I forgive the person gets off the hook.

TRUTH: Sin always has consequences.

Trump and every Christian can relate to and apply 1 Timothy 1:12-16, Paul’s own words about himself:

“I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me trustworthy, appointing me to his service. Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life.”

[Tweet “Let’s start showing grace, mercy, forgiveness, and pouring out prayer for Trump.”]

Let’s start showing grace, mercy, forgiveness, and pouring out prayer for Trump. He is the candidate for the conservative platform. This election is not about a person, it is about the platform, but God cares about every person’s eternal life. Instead of helping to feed the media beast, let’s pray for a flawed man who is being:

  •  made publicly accountable for past sins
  • humiliated and humbled
  • attacked and assailed
  • refined, renewed, and reformed

He could just be the unlikely person who becomes the future leader of America and allows us to put God back in the public square for generations to come. God could do that!

My last paragraph in that 2016 blog was almost prophetic. President Trump did become the leader of America and he is putting God back in the public square and just recently signed an executive order to allow prayer back in schools! 

I hope I didn’t confuse you, but I wasn’t being disrespectful in the 2016 blog by using “Trump” instead of President Trump, but as of that writing, he had not won the election. 

To read a passage where Jesus saw the good in someone who wanted to serve, but the religious Pharisees only saw her as a sinner read Luke 7:36-50.

I would encourage you to also read this excellent article (2020) How Can You Follow Jesus and Support Donald Trump?

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If You’re Pro-life, You’re Pro-Woman!

If You're Pro Life, You're Pro Woman

I woke up the morning of January 24 excited and eager to watch the 2020 March for Life on TV. For the first time in the forty-seven years of this annual march, a President, our President Trump, was going to speak in person! A bold and brave step in the current political climate.

I made my coffee and turned on the TV, but to my dismay, no reception. Looking out the window, I saw snow on our cable Dish, and even though we cover it with a trash bag, sometimes the weight of the snow or ice inhibits the DISH from operating properly.

Knowing how important this was to me, hubby put on his snow clothes and boots, grabbed the brush to clear the DISH, and plodded out through the snow in what was now rain. A true act of love!

The TV screen finally came alive, but now what channel would be broadcasting this momentous event? Surely, no mainstream media since they were too busy championing the impeachment trial.

Again, hubby to the rescue located the march on C-Span just as the program was starting. Then with an opening prayer, a welcome from pro-life Vice President Pence and his wife streamed in from Italy where they’re meeting with the Pope, President Trump strode onto the stage to address the tens of thousands of marchers ready to take up their Pro-Life signs and march for the right to life of the unborn.

[Tweet “One sign at the March for Life was especially poignant as it portrayed the birth of Jesus in a manger with the words “An Unplanned Pregnancy Saved Us All!””]

One sign was especially poignant as it portrayed the birth of Jesus in a manger with the words “An Unplanned Pregnancy Saved Us All!” We know that Mary and Joseph didn’t plan that pregnancy, but God did as He plans each and every pregnancy!

As President Trump greeted the crowd, he reiterated how proud he was to stand with the advocates for life to “protect the right of every child, born and unborn, to fulfill their God-given potential.”

A few of his remarks:

[Tweet “Every child is a precious and sacred gift from God. Together, we must protect, cherish, and defend the dignity and the sanctity of every human life.” President Trump at the March for Life”]

“All of us here today understand an eternal truth: Every child is a precious and sacred gift from God. Together, we must protect, cherish, and defend the dignity and the sanctity of every human life.”

“When we see the image of a baby in the womb, we glimpse the majesty of God’s creation.”

“As the Bible tells us, each person is wonderfully made.”

“Together, we are the voice for the voiceless.”

What If You’ve Had an Abortion or Know Someone Who Has?

[Tweet “If you’ve had an abortion, please know that God loves you and is ready to forgive if you only ask. ‘There is forgiveness of sins for all who repent. Luke 24:27 NLT”]

If you’ve had an abortion, please know that God loves you and is ready to forgive if you only ask. ‘There is forgiveness of sins for all who repent. Luke 24:27 NLT

I’m sure it hurts to hear and read about pro-life speeches and marches when you don’t know what to do with your pain and sorrow. I encourage you to share your story with a trustworthy person. Someone who will pray with you and keep your confidence. It’s healing to talk about your feelings and not let them fester in your heart where they can lead to bitterness and self-deprecating efforts to soothe remorse.

If you know someone who has had an abortion, offer to be a listening ear. Pray with and for her. Assist her in finding the help and support she needs to experience the peace and forgiveness her heart craves.

Life Empowers: Pro-Life is Pro-Woman

The March for Life chose the above theme this year because 2020 marks one hundred years since the 19th Amendment giving women the inalienable right to vote.

[Tweet “From the beginning of time, God empowered women with the incredible ability and responsibility of bringing new life into the world. Eve, whose name means “life-giving” was the first mother through which the entire world populated.”]

But from the beginning of time, God empowered women with the incredible ability and responsibility of bringing new life into the world. Eve, whose name means “Life-giving,” was the first mother from which the entire world would populate. Eve also means “Mother of All Who Have Life.”

[Tweet “Only a woman is empowered by God with the capability and privilege of carrying a human life in her womb.”]

Only a woman is empowered by God with the capability and privilege of carrying a human life in her womb. To feel her baby as it grows. The first kick. The first hiccup. The first rollover. That is our amazing joy as women to bring another person into the world. New creations, each one designed by God unique with its own DNA, fingerprint, and purpose.

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. Psalm 139:13-14 NLT

God picks the time of each child’s conception! Sometimes His timing coincides with our desires, but like everything God does, it’s not always on our terms or times. That’s why He’s God and we’re not.

[Tweet “With the advent of ultrasounds, unborn babies may be voiceless, but they’re not invisible and their heartbeats are clearly heard.”]

With the advent of ultrasounds, unborn babies may be voiceless, but they’re not invisible and their heartbeats are clearly heard. It’s the Devil’s lie that these aren’t precious little human beings to be incubated and nourished in their mommy’s tummy until they burst forth with their first breath and cry. Both bodies intertwined from the moment of conception, bonding even before birth. That’s how God designed the mystery and majesty of creation.

Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women.

[Tweet “Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women.”]

The case for abortion is based on lies and manipulation. Abortion has become a cash cow funding industries and organizations like Planned Parenthood who lie to women and tell them their baby isn’t really human and that they won’t feel a thing. The truth is that they will feel their searing loss for the rest of their lives. Those women who sadly tout and brag about how liberating their abortions have been are trying to convince themselves that they didn’t really eliminate their own children.

What Can We Do?

If You're Pro Life, You're Pro Woman

As Christians, we need to remember that God doesn’t conform to man’s laws!

We can’t stand idly by and do nothing or think abortion isn’t our issue because it might not affect us personally or it’s “legal.” As I mentioned in last week’s blog post, apathy is the antithesis of the Christian life.

We need to let what breaks God’s heart, break our hearts.

I know you may have other good causes that you’re giving your time and energy too, but I ask: What could have been more important than saving the life and future of the 61,000,000 babies aborted? The purpose and plans God had for these baby boys and girls?

You don’t have to walk in a march or carry a sign to be an advocate for life.

As speakers pointed out in the Walk for Life, we have the right and obligation to vote for this Human Rights Issue. With our empowered vote, we choose government legislatures and presidents who don’t just talk about changing the status quo, but are willing to risk their political future and reputation to save the next generation of babies.

Who will go up against the liberal left?

Who will use the power we give him or her to not just maintain limits on abortion, but abolish it completely?

[Tweet “No woman or man should have the right to make a choice that ends in savagely taking a life and calling it legal.”]

No woman or man should have the right to make a choice that ends in savagely taking a life and calling it legal.

I challenge you that silence is compliance. Not taking a stand for right is inadvertently taking a stand for wrong.

[Tweet “Silence is compliance. Not taking a stand for right is inadvertently taking a stand for wrong.”]

I applaud each of you with a burden in your heart for the babies tortured, dismembered, and horrifically burned every second of every day because Satan spreads the lie that an unborn child does not have the inalienable right to life.

For everyone reading this blog, and I know there will be many unsubscribes, I pray that God speaks to your soul with what He wants you to do. Because there is no denying there will be a price to pay for this bloodstain on our nation as God asks: I saved you, why aren’t you saving the children?

Our Family’s Adoption Story

If You're Pro Life, You're Pro WomanIf You're Pro Life, You're Pro Woman

I have an amazing grandson because fifteen years ago a pregnant 15-year-old girl chose life for her second baby, while she was still raising her 18-month-old first baby and attending high school! She managed to keep her pregnancy a secret from her mom for seven months, when fifteen years ago abortion wasn’t an option at that late stage of pregnancy. Instead, she delivered a beautiful baby boy. My daughter and son-in-law, who suffered from infertility, blessed our family by adopting him and we became his forever family.

While I rejoice and praise God over that young girl’s choice to give her baby, my grandson, an opportunity to live, I cry over the millions of babies who never had the same opportunity.*

“We cannot know what our citizens yet unborn will achieve. The dreams they will imagine. The masterpieces they will create. The discoveries they will make. But we know this: every life brings love into this world, every child brings joy to a family. Every person is worth protecting. And above all, we know that every human soul is divine and every human life, born and unborn, is made in the holy image of Almighty God.” President Donald J. Trump

Yet you brought me safely from my mother’s womb
and led me to trust you at my mother’s breast.
10 I was thrust into your arms at my birth.
You have been my God from the moment I was born. Psalm 22:9-10 NLT

You can watch President Trump speaking at the 2020 March for Life and/or read the transcript at

Read two of our daughters’ infertility stories and about my grandson’s adoption in Dear God, Why Can’t I Have a Baby?

In my book Mentoring for All Seasons, there’s a section on “Pregnancy—Planned and Unplanned” with tips and Scripture on how to mentor a pregnant woman, Teen Mom, and “Post-Abortion Recovery” section for mentoring a woman who has had an abortion.

In Everyday Brave, the chapter on “Brave Mothers” includes a testimony of Kathleen, a brave teen mom who chose to keep and raise her baby, who twenty-eight years later is a digital media arts teacher. In the chapter “Brave Believer,”
Penelope tells her brave story of being an RN Circulator in operating rooms and refusing to participate in abortion procedures even though it could jeopardize her career and she received much ridicule from her peers.

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My Thanksgiving Prayer for You!

Count your blessings this Thanksgiving and Pray like Paul did in Philippians 1

Many of you read my blog regularly, though we’ve never met, and others I know quite well or we’ve had the opportunity to meet and fellowship together. But I want you to know that when I write this Monday Morning Blog,  my monthly newsletter, or any of my books, you are on my mind. I’m wondering what you’re thinking about world events, what’s happening in your life, and how I can encourage you with the Word of God and my words.

Often you tell me that a particular blog or book was just what you needed at the time, and we both know that it was God using me as His messenger. To God be the glory!

As I read Paul’s letter to the Philippians, I noticed that Chapter 1:3-11, 27-28 in the NIV translation has the heading: Thanksgiving and Prayer. I thought how appropriate to personalize this passage as my Thanksgiving prayer for all of you.

Adapted from Paul’s letter to the Philippians Chapter 1

Thanksgiving Prayer (Adapted from Philippians 1:3-11)

I thank my God every time I remember my family, friends, peeps, neighbors, church family, readers, blog/newsletter followers, brothers and sisters in Christ, fellow authors and speakers . . . .

In my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy for those who partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that He who began a good work in and through you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

[Tweet “I always pray with joy for those who partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that He who began a good work in and through you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”]

It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart whether I am chained to the computer writing the next book, blog, or newsletter, on a plane to a speaking event, or defending and confirming the gospel and mentoring . . . all of you share in God’s grace and ministry with me spiritually, and sometimes physically, through prayer, communication, and social networking. God can testify how I think of all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.

[Tweet “Share in God’s grace and ministry with me this Thanksgiving and every day through prayer, communication, and social networking.”]

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best for you, our country, and those you love and cherish, and that you will remain pure and blameless for the day of Christ.

That you will lead, guide, encourage, parent, serve, and mentor others and be filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.

[Tweet “Lead, guide, encourage, parent, serve, and mentor others, be filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.”]

Living a Life Worthy of the Gospel (Adapted from Philippians 1:27-28)

[Tweet “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ”]

Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I know you, or never meet you but only hear about your great work, I will know that we stand firm in one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose us. This is a sign to them that they will face destruction if they oppose God’s ways, but that we will be saved by our faith in Jesus Christ—so says our Lord.

From Janet

[Tweet “This Thanksgiving, and every day, bravely represent Christ to a depraved and fallen world”]

This Thanksgiving, and every day, bravely represent Christ to a depraved and fallen world so that because of your living courageously as a woman of faith and sharing the Good News of Jesus, more people will be saved than lost (“destroyed”) when Christ returns.

I thank God in remembrance of each of you.

About His Work with you,


A Thanksgiving prayer for you.

You can sign up for my monthly online newsletter or weekly blog on my website.

If you receive this blog by email, leave a comment here.

*This blog is an update of a 2017 prayer.

*Picture from clip art

Everyday Brave: Living Courageously as a Woman of Faith available on Amazon and signed by Janet at our website.

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What Are You Holding Onto That God Wants You to Let Go?

You may have noticed my Monday Morning Blogs have been a bit sporadic in October. Today’s post explains what’s been happening in this season of the Thompson’s always changing and never boring life adventures.

When we lived in Southern California, I was blessed to have every author’s dream: a writing retreat in the mountains where I would hibernate for weeks and soak in the inspiration of God’s amazing creation. I could write quickly and profusely with no distractions and was then ready to assume my usual life roles without a deadline hanging over me when I returned home.

In the opening picture, the chair and desk in the corner is where I wrote. Yes, I positioned myself in the living room with the spectacular view of the mountains, trees, squirrels, birds, blue sky … it was my “ah-ha” writing nook. My fingers flew over the keyboard as God spoke to me through my times of prayer on the deck, reading His Words, and experiencing His masterpiece displayed in brilliant color and majesty. It’s where I’m writing this blog to you right now!

When we moved to Idaho eight years ago, we kept the cabin as a place of refuge when we visited friends and family in SoCal. It was also always a part of our retirement plan. We now feel that God is telling us it’s time to sell “the cabin.” So we’ve spent the last month there cleaning and purging much like we did when we sold our California home to move to Idaho. The big difference is that we were utilizing a moving van for our big move and this time we’re only taking what will fit in our Outback car along with suitcases!

We brainstormed renting a small U-Haul, pulling a trailer, or shipping what we wanted to take with us. Each option had a drawback and when I surveyed all the possessions I had managed to live without daily in the past fifteen years that we’ve owned the cabin, I realized there was really very little of value I need to take with me. We had already decided to sell the cabin furnished so we wouldn’t be taking any furniture.

What did I treasure so much that would be worth the cost and inconvenience of trying to get it home and then finding a place for it there? Very little!

The realtors had advised “declutter.” “Less is best when staging your home.” That was my confirmation of what God was telling me to do. So we took loads of “stuff” to the Thrift Shop at a local church that uses the funds to support missionaries. I invited neighbors and friends to come and take whatever they or their extended families could use. Quickly, I watched my “treasures” bless others.

It was freeing and exhilarating not to sell but to give away and watch their delight as they gathered up what once was so important to me.

But I have to admit that some nights I would wake up with thoughts like What have I done? Or I really could have used that at home? Or I want that back. I knew where those haunting doubts were originating and I cast Satan out of my mind. He was trying to replace the joy of giving with the angst of losing. Calm with anxiety.

God reminded me of the verse “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal” (Matthew 6:19-20).

That verse really hit home to me since our little cabin has survived surrounding fires when everything I might hold onto so tightly would’ve been gone had those fires reached our doorstep. We were blessed that they never did, but God now wanted me to be generous not covetous.

I’ll always have the memories of our times at this cabin and the many books I wrote there. We’ll cherish and treasure the friendships along with the irreplaceable experiences God allowed us to participate in beyond our expectations.

Is there anything you’re holding onto tightly that God wants you to let go of freely?

Have you uncluttered recently and know the freedom of not letting possessions own you?

[Tweet “Have you uncluttered recently and know the freedom of not letting possessions own you?”]

What would you take with you if there was limited space in your car?

[Tweet “What would you take with you if there was limited space in your car?”]

What does it mean to store up your treasures in heaven?

Good discussion questions to have with your mentee, spouse, ponder yourself, or let me know in a comment.

I’ve just spent a month going over these in my mind and praying over them, and soon we’ll find out if even the little I’m holding onto will actually fit in the car.

Here’s a virtual tour of my former writing retreat. If you know of anyone who would enjoy a restful, secluded mountain retreat, please share.

Do you have your copy yet of Everyday Brave?

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Are You Ready to Get Your Brave On With Me?

Celebrating release of Everyday Brave

Celebrate with me the launch of Everyday Brave: Living Courageously as a Woman of Faith

Well it’s finally time! The release of Everyday Brave: Living Courageously as a Woman of Faith is today, September 10, 2019! Hoot!!! Hoot!!

[Tweet “It’s finally time! The release of Everyday Brave: Living Courageously as a Woman of Faith is today, September 10, 2019! Hoot!!! Hoot!!”]

Over the past year, many of you have traveled with me on this writing journey through trips and falls, illnesses, flooded basement, broken wrist, snowed in, car hit by a boulder . . . . Yes, it’s been a challenging year, but God has been good and the writing, editing, and printing kept on going.

Nothing can stop what God starts! I hope you agree this is true in your own life too.

[Tweet “Nothing can stop what God starts! I hope you agree this is true in your own life too.”]

It was a blessing last week to hold my new “baby” in my hands and start signing books for contributors, endorsers, and winners of blogs where I’ve been a guest blogger.

But don’t worry; I’m not leaving you out of the fun! I’m offering a signed copy of Everyday Brave to two of you who leave a comment on today’s blog to enter a drawing. I’ll announce the winners in next week’s blog!

It Takes a Village to Write a Book

A huge thank you to the courageous women who answered my shout out for stories and bravely shared in this book to bless other women. You know who you are!

I’m blessed to have nine endorsers who humbled me with their kind and gracious encouraging words about how God can use this book in the lives of women who often don’t realize they’re courageous everyday.

Tricia Goyer endorses Everyday Brave

Then there are the stories of 50 brave and courageous women in the Bible. In Everyday Brave, I use a new style of writing for me, creative nonfiction, where I base their stories on the biblical facts, while bringing them to life by recreating their world and environment. It was fun and some have said it’s my best book so far, but we’ll see what everyone else thinks.

Everyday Brave is not a Bible study, but there are discussion questions at the end of each chapter, which make the book perfect for use in Bible studies, small groups, Women’s Ministry studies, book clubs, Mentors and Mentees, or to help you as the reader engage with what you’ve read.

Everyone Needs the Lord

We live in a time when Christians need to have the courage to stand firm in their faith in a culture that is not Christian-friendly.

[Tweet “We live in a time when Christians need to have the courage to stand firm in their faith in a culture that is not Christian-friendly.”]

Regardless of the chaos in the world, we remain role models of a God-honoring life. Many are watching to see what it really means to be a faithful Christian who lives by the Bible.

Christians do not change the Bible to conform to the culture, but they do use the unchangeable Bible to reform the culture!

[Tweet “Christians do not change the Bible to conform to the culture, but they do use the unchangeable Bible to reform the culture!”]

True, it’s not for the faint of heart, but it is for those of us who fear the Lord!

I had to put my brave on just to write a book like Everyday Brave, but God’s timing is always perfect. I’ve felt Him encouraging me at every step, and I pray you will also be encouraged as you read it.

You and I really are much braver than we think we are!

Here’s a sneak preview of the Preface.

Believe me when I say I had to put my brave on just to write a book like this, but God’s timing is always perfect and I’ve felt Him encouraging me at every step. Let me first say, I had to tap into my everyday brave just to write this book. I’m not an expert on bravery and I don’t have all the answers for what makes us brave and courageous, but I do have a tight relationship with the One who does. He instilled in all of us brave hearts to push beyond what we think we’re capable of achieving, and so I started writing.

When taunting thoughts assailed me, such as Who are you to write a book about bravery? I honestly asked myself the same question. Then I quickly realized those disparaging words were coming from Satan because God doesn’t instill doubt in us. When he gives us a Holy Spirit–inspired idea or assignment, he encourages us and cheers us on with a “You go girl! I’ve got this. I’m with you all the way.” I knew God was with me on this project—I just had to get with it!

We need to bolster each other toward bravery just to withstand the barrage of daunting news today and the escalating attacks on our faith. It’s comforting to know that incredible women in the Bible also experienced scary and threatening times. They were victorious, and we can be too.

So my dear friends, let’s be courageous women of faith and get our brave on for God! Are you ready?! Let’s do it!

Be your own kind of brave!

Maybe your first brave step will be verbalizing an area of your life where God wants you to be brave and courageous.

Since I’m offering two free books for comments on this blog, let me give you a few ideas.

  • What is God asking you to do, but you’re hesitating?
  • What’s stopping you from courageously moving forward on God’s nudge to take a step of faith?
  • Where have you been victoriously bold and brave and how did it feel?

I sign Everyday Brave with this verse Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. 1 Cor. 16:13

Everyday Brave available now on Amazon for sale



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Where Have All the “Ladies” Gone?

woman sitting on ground

Do you remember a time when men showed respect to women?

They held doors open for her.

Opened the car door and then stayed around to close it after she was settled inside.

Helped her on with her jacket.

Weren’t afraid to give her a compliment when she looked nice and she appreciated it.

Cleaned up their language around her.

Made sure buddies cleaned up their language too, and didn’t tell off-color jokes.

Would never speak disparagingly to her or about her.

Acted like a gentleman in her presence.

Asked her out on dates and paid for it.

Then came the feminist movement . . .

Women asserted that they could open doors and car doors themselves thank you very much. She could struggle into her own jacket, a compliment was sexual harassment, and she could swear and tell dirty jokes with the best of them. And don’t insult her by offering to pay for the date. She could pay her own way! Oh, but she will hookup with you.

And the feminist women got just what they wanted. Men no longer respect them; they treat women as one of the guys. Nothing special. Feminist replaced feminine.

Men aren’t gentlemen anymore and women stopped being ladies.

[Tweet “With the feminist movement men aren’t gentlemen anymore and women stopped being ladies.”]

So we come to today when the women’s soccer team who, whether they like being women or not, represented the United States in the World Cup Championship. They were impressive on the field and repulsive off the field. One of the vocal team members used vile language in interviews and wanted everyone to know she hated the President, the flag, and being a heterosexual woman.

[Tweet “The USA women’s soccer team were impressive on the field and repulsive off the field.”]

And she’s not the only one. Most feminists today are constantly denouncing men, motherhood, conservatives, traditional marriage, and American traditions—even womanhood—especially acting like a lady. Some have decided they’ll try to be a man or at least act like one.

[Tweet “Most feminists today are constantly denouncing men, motherhood, conservatives, traditional marriage, and American traditions—even womanhood.”]

They’ve embraced the liberal agenda that is molding and making them frustrated and angry. How many liberal feminists do you know who aren’t screaming and mad about something? They’re not happy people, even though they got what they thought they wanted—to feel equal to or better than men.

[Tweet “How many liberal feminists do you know who aren’t screaming and mad about something? They’re not happy people!”]

What do you think God’s thoughts are on feminists? Did he make Adam out of Eve’s rib or Eve out of Adam’s rib? Did he say Adam would be Eve’s helpmate or Eve would be Adam’s helpmate?

So Where Are the Mentors Helping Young Women Become Ladies Today?

Remember when young girls followed the Hannah Montana image. I read that Mylie Cyrus said she was done with Hannah Montana after she had her first sexual encounter, and off she went on a radical transformation to smuttiness. So where did that leave the young girls who had idealized Hannah? Mylie felt no responsibility to them.

[Tweet “In today’s culture, I can’t think of one “famous” person I would want my granddaughters imitating. Can you for your daughters or granddaughters?”]

In today’s culture, I can’t think of one “famous” person I would want my granddaughters imitating. Can you for your daughters or granddaughters?

Where are all the ladies?

That puts the responsibility on home and the church to influence our future women. It’s where God has always said one generation should teach and train the next.

Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power. Psalm 145:4 NLT

God inspired Paul to understand the dire need for mentoring when Paul wrote in Titus 2:3-5

Similarly, teach the older women to live in a way that honors God. They must not slander others or be heavy drinkers.[a] Instead, they should teach others what is good. These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes,[b] to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God. (NLT)

Parents and the church cannot let the culture mentor our girls or the lost art of being a kind, respectful, modest, God-honoring lady will be lost forever. How our girls dress, talk, act, date, live . . . is your and my God-directed responsibility.

[Tweet “Parents and the church cannot let the culture mentor our girls or the lost art of being a kind, respectful, modest, God-honoring lady will be lost forever.”]

In my book, Mentoring for All Seasons, I stress the importance of mentoring our young girls as early as pre-teens. We need to take an interest in the girls and young women God puts in our life to help them understand how special it is to be a woman after God’s own heart.

Let’s resurrect lady-likeness and make it fashionable again. It starts with every Christian woman acting like a lady. 

[Tweet “Let’s resurrect lady-likeness and make it fashionable again. It starts with every Christian woman acting like a lady.”]

Let’s have a discussion to help each other be ladies of the 21st Century!  What image does that conjure up to you?

Note: When I ran spell check on this article, it didn’t even recognize “lady” and wanted to change it to “woman.”

If you received this blog by email, please leave a comment here.

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Stepping Out in Faith to Mentor

Stepping out in faith to mentor

Stepping out in faith to mentor

You might have noticed there wasn’t a Monday Morning Blog last week. That was operator error. I had a guest blogger, but I didn’t hit “schedule” and so it only went out on social media but not to my email followers. It was such a great post that I wanted to resend it to all of you.

The reason I had scheduled a guest blogger was because last weekend I was speaking at First Baptist Church Riverview, Florida on the topic of Stepping Out in Faith. You can see me speaking and some of the ladies in attendance in the opening pictures, and Tammy Keene the founder of the Glory Conference and me finally meeting after two years of planning this conference, which was so blessed by the Lord. I told the story of how I stepped out in faith to start Woman to Woman Mentoring and then offered 10 Steps to Know You’re Stepping Out in Faith with God. I’ll share those 10 steps in a future blog.

But for today, I’d like you to read Andrea Chatelain’s post below because she talks about some of the reasons we might not think we’re equipped to mentor and how to overcome those insecurities.

Throw Out Insecurity and Cast Your Net

By Andrea Chatelain

I was a shell of a woman. Broken over miscarriages and lonely in faith, I called the one friend I had and asked her to gather some gals. We bought the shortest Bible study available, and strangers gathered in my living room. I had no idea what I was doing. Why had God prompted me to open my house and my heart to others when I felt so unqualified, imperfect, and weary? Truth is, He can work great things out of our vulnerability if we’ll be bold enough to follow.

[Tweet “God can work great things out of our vulnerability if we’ll be bold enough to follow.”]

Being a mentor starts with this motto: Throw out insecurity and cast your net.

Before Jesus’ disciples followed Him, many were fishermen. They spent their days casting out a net because they knew there were fish in the water–even if they weren’t biting. Some days the disciples hauled in so many fish the boat was overflowing, other times there wasn’t much to show for their efforts.

But they kept throwing their nets.

Then Jesus invited them to catch something better. “And He said to them, follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19 ESV

To do the important work of mentoring others, bringing them up in love and truth, we have to believe two things: 1. God chose us fully aware of our shortcomings. 2. The outcome is in His control as we follow His lead.

If we examine the first disciples, Christ didn’t always choose the most qualified. He called those willing to follow and throw their net. And the same is true of us.

[Tweet “God has chosen each of us to cast our nets right where we are and mentor others in love and truth not because we are awesome, but because He is awesome.”]

God has chosen each of us to cast our nets right where we are and mentor others in love and truth not because we are awesome, but because He is awesome. Believing that perfection isn’t required to lead others emboldens us to step out of our comfort zone and do the sometimes intimidating job of mentoring. So we throw off insecurity and say yes to every crazy idea God gives us knowing it’s not about what we have to give, but about trusting the One who’s leading us.

[Tweet “To boldly say yes when God calls us to mentor or disciple others, we must also trust Him with the outcome.”]

To boldly say yes when God calls us to mentor or disciple others, we must also trust Him with the outcome. In the past, I didn’t open myself up to mentoring because I was simply afraid no one would show up, or that the group wouldn’t be successful. I believed the outcome of my leadership was all on me. And that left me paralyzed.

I was frozen in fear and insecurity thinking it was necessary to possess all the answers for the women I mentored. But when I changed my mindset, having faith God called me to that post, He provided me with strength and wisdom through His Holy Spirit, and the pressure subsided. And even if it didn’t turn out the way I expected, I learned to trust that was part of God’s plan too.

So no, I’ve never been a perfect leader, and I doubt I ever will be, but God showed up each week to that Bible study as I committed to love and serve others. As I continue to cast my net despite my fears and insecurities, God has built friendships, grown my faith, and healed my heart.

Who is God calling you to reach out to? What fear is holding you back?

[Tweet “Trust that God knows exactly who you are, your weakness and strengths, and wants to use you to encourage and mentor others.”]

Trust that God knows exactly who you are, your weakness and strengths, and wants to use you to encourage and mentor others. He will be glorified as you faithfully say yes!

If you’re looking at the following picture and wondering why I have stuffed animal sheep on the stage with me, read a little about my Feed My Sheep Story and my testimony.

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Throw Out Insecurity and Cast Your Net By Andrea Chatelain


God will help us mentor; it's not about us!

Today’s guest blogger is Andrea Chatelain, who has encouraging words for anyone who thought serving God was all about them!

Throw Out Insecurity and Cast Your Net

By Andrea Chatelain

I was a shell of a woman. Broken over miscarriages and lonely in faith, I called the one friend I had and asked her to gather some gals. We bought the shortest Bible study available, and strangers gathered in my living room. I had no idea what I was doing. Why had God prompted me to open my house and my heart to others when I felt so unqualified, imperfect, and weary? Truth is, He can work great things out of our vulnerability if we’ll be bold enough to follow.

[Tweet “God can work great things out of our vulnerability if we’ll be bold enough to follow.”]

Being a mentor starts with this motto: Throw out insecurity and cast your net.

Before Jesus’ disciples followed Him, many were fishermen. They spent their days casting out a net because they knew there were fish in the water–even if they weren’t biting. Some days the disciples hauled in so many fish the boat was overflowing, other times there wasn’t much to show for their efforts.

But they kept throwing their nets.

Then Jesus invited them to catch something better. “And He said to them, follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19 ESV

To do the important work of mentoring others, bringing them up in love and truth, we have to believe two things: 1. God chose us fully aware of our shortcomings. 2. The outcome is in His control as we follow His lead.

If we examine the first disciples, Christ didn’t always choose the most qualified. He called those willing to follow and throw their net. And the same is true of us.

[Tweet “God has chosen each of us to cast our nets right where we are and mentor others in love and truth not because we are awesome, but because He is awesome.”]

God has chosen each of us to cast our nets right where we are and mentor others in love and truth not because we are awesome, but because He is awesome. Believing that perfection isn’t required to lead others emboldens us to step out of our comfort zone and do the sometimes intimidating job of mentoring. So we throw off insecurity and say yes to every crazy idea God gives us knowing it’s not about what we have to give, but about trusting the One who’s leading us.

[Tweet “To boldly say yes when God calls us to mentor or disciple others, we must also trust Him with the outcome.”]

To boldly say yes when God calls us to mentor or disciple others, we must also trust Him with the outcome. In the past, I didn’t open myself up to mentoring because I was simply afraid no one would show up, or that the group wouldn’t be successful. I believed the outcome of my leadership was all on me. And that left me paralyzed.

I was frozen in fear and insecurity thinking it was necessary to possess all the answers for the women I mentored. But when I changed my mindset, having faith God called me to that post, He provided me with strength and wisdom through His Holy Spirit, and the pressure subsided. And even if it didn’t turn out the way I expected, I learned to trust that was part of God’s plan too.

So no, I’ve never been a perfect leader, and I doubt I ever will be, but God showed up each week to that Bible study as I committed to love and serve others. As I continue to cast my net despite my fears and insecurities, God has built friendships, grown my faith, and healed my heart.

Who is God calling you to reach out to? What fear is holding you back? Trust that God knows exactly who you are, your weakness and strengths, and wants to use you to encourage and mentor others. He will be glorified as you faithfully say yes!

Andrea Chatelain’s mission is to meet women in their struggles and love them forward with God’s truth. She’s a Midwest mom of three, faith and family blogger at A Fruitful Woman, and college English instructor to immigrants and refugees. It’s her joy to connect with women in her neighborhood, church, and community. Her talks reflect her spunky personality, love for Jesus, and heart for fellow believers. Read more from Andrea at A Fruitful Woman or follow her on Facebook.

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