A Child Is Not a Problem to be Solved, But a Person to be Loved!

There once was a young boy whose mother had seven husbands. In a one-night-stand between husbands, she got pregnant. She chose to have her baby and a future husband chose to adopt her son and give him his last name. Do you know who that was? If you saw the movie Jesus Revolution, it was Pastor Greg Laurie!

In last week’s blog, No More Recreational Christianity, I talked about Pastor Jack Hibbs’ testimony of being a survivor of his mother’s botched attempt at aborting him with a coat hanger.

Steve Jobs, Apple founder, was adopted shortly after birth. Jobs’ biological parents weren’t married. He said, “I wanted to meet my biological mother mostly to see if she was OK and to thank her, because I’m glad I didn’t end up as an abortion.”

Some of you know the testimony my daughter and I share in my book Dear God, Why Can’t I Have a Baby?  It’s the story of my amazing grandson Brandon’s 15-year-old birth mother choosing to give him life so that my daughter and her husband could adopt him at two-weeks, and we could become his forever loving family. This teenage girl actually hid her pregnancy until the 7th month so she could keep her baby even though he was her second child! Somehow at her young age, she understood the value of life and didn’t impose her poor sexual choices on denying life to the children she conceived.

Many of you might have similar stories in your family. Our testimonies are powerful, and God can use each one to encourage mothers to choose life for their babies.

If you’ve had an abortion, you can ask Jesus for forgiveness and seek Christian counseling to help you with any regrets. You’re also a perfect person to encourage other women to avoid making the same choice. God can use all our experiences for His glory if we let Him.

March for Life 2024!

January is Sanctity of Life month. The 51st March for Life at the National Mall in Washington DC was on January 19 this year and the snow and cold temperatures didn’t deter thousands from marching for life. I’m not sure how they originally determined January to be the month to honor human life, but maybe it was to start the New Year with everyone remembering how important the gift of life is from God our Creator. A perfect segue from Christmas.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us.” Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good! (Genesis 1:1, 26, 31 NLT).

Why then are so many choosing to destroy this amazing gift of life and how has it become so political? Sadly, many things have become political rather than moral. For example, two moral bills supporting pregnancy centers and pregnant college students passed on January 18 by a Republican majority Congress, while every Democrat present voted immorally against them.

How could anyone with a conscience or heart vote against helping pregnant women and innocent babies? But Democrats vote in unison against the sanctity of life consistently. Could it be because one of their largest donors is Planned Parenthood, the biggest industry dedicated to murdering babies?!

The Pregnant Students’ Rights Act passed by Congress ensures that universities and colleges must provide information to pregnant students about rights, accommodations, and resources available. Congresswoman Ashley Hinson (R-IA), who authored the bill, said, “It’s unacceptable that pregnant women on college campuses are often pressured to have an abortion. My bill ensures young women are empowered to choose life and create the best future for themselves and their child.”

“Pregnant college students should never feel like abortion is their only option,” said Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL). “The Republican-led House took a huge step in empowering women to choose life by passing this legislation. I encourage my Senate colleagues to follow suit and work to ensure young women are aware of all the resources available to them and their babies while pursuing their education.”

“This vote should have been an easy one for every politician who claims to care about women’s rights, and those in the Democratic Party who voted to keep women in the dark about their legal rights should be ashamed,” said Students for Life Action (SFLAction) President Kristan Hawkins. “Still, this is a great day for the Pro-Life Generation as years of campus advocacy has led to this historic moment – the first SFLAction-inspired federal bill passing the House,” she added.

The Parenting Women and Families Act prohibits the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) from finalizing, implementing, or enforcing a Biden Administration proposed change in regulations that would essentially cut funding for pregnancy centers.

“We applaud House pro-life leaders for their work in ensuring resources and funding are made available for women, children, and families in need,” stated Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “In a post-Roe America, it is vitally important that resources are made available to support mothers and their babies both before and after birth.”  

Tobias continued, “In longstanding narrow-mindedness, every Democrat present voted wrong and failed to support these reasonable measures because the bills do not promote abortion. Once again, leaders in the Democratic Party have shown their allegiance to the abortion industry and its extremism.”

I wanted to watch the National March for Life on TV, but the only channel Dave found it on was a Catholic channel. CBN carried it too, but he found the Catholic channel first and as I listened to their discussion after the march, it was so encouraging to hear the commentators and guests, even young children and college students, talk about what they’re doing on their school campuses to promote life for every baby.

Biden who professes to be a “good Catholic,” is the most pro-death President in my lifetime. So why would a Catholic President fight against every attempt to protect the unborn, even trying to pass bills that remove the tax status and funding from Pregnancy Care Centers? Pro-Abortion Biden has weaponized the legislature to try to codify abortion up to birth. Barbarianism. What Catholic or Christian even thinks of such an atrocity? Only someone who has sold their soul to the devil for power and money. The abortion industry, aka killing babies, is lucrative to everyone involved.

Herod in Matthew 2:13-18 had all the boys two-years-old or younger slaughtered trying to kill the newborn king he had heard was born. Baby Jesus’ life was spared.

Pharaoh thought the Egyptians were multiplying too fast and he might lose power, so he had all the baby boys murdered at birth. When that wasn’t working, he had the babies drowned in the Nile, but baby Moses survived that genocide attempt and was adopted.  

Also, in the Old Testament pagan child sacrifices were made to Molek.  “‘Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molek, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the Lord.” Lev. 18:21

We falsely think we’re such a civilized culture today that we would never let something like the above scenarios happen. Yet millions of baby sacrifices have occurred in their mother’s womb as the babies are horrifically poisoned, chemically burned, crushed, suctioned, injected, or impaled, and often pulled out piece by piece. Even with the end of Roe v Wade, some states like New Jersey allow the infanticide sacrifice of babies through all nine months. Barbarism in the 21st century.

The next major battle is the abortion pill as the Supreme Court reviews a case involving access to mifepristone, which the FDA has approved. Justices are set to review a ruling by a federal appeals court to allow distribution of this abortion pill indiscriminately by mail, essentially performing home abortions. Many say the abortion pill is four times more dangerous than surgical abortion and girls and women end up in emergency rooms. The drug blocks nutrients and starves the baby to death.

Our secular culture and ruling government continue to spread the lie that babies are expendable if they’re inconvenient or unwanted. Kamala Harris is visiting school campuses touting the lie that abortion is a woman’s Constitutional right. She shows her ignorance of the Constitution.

After telling his own abortion-sparing life story when his unmarried parents chose to give him life for which he thanked them, House Speaker Mike Johnson pointed out in his March for Life speech that the Constitution and Bill of Rights says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Johnson continued, “All men are created equal, not born equal.” Equality originates in the womb, not at birth. Then he affirmed, “Our rights come from God, not the government. Your value is given to you by your Creator.”

Christians Must Change a Culture of Murder to a Culture of Life

One of the March for Life speakers said, “Abortion is like hiring a hitman. It’s murder of a human life. There’s no other way to consider it.”

Speaker Johnson reminded us of others before us, like President Lincoln and Susan B Anthony, who changed public opinion and encouraged us that we can do the same.

Abortion is the only weapon the Democrats have in the 2024 election because they don’t have any accomplishments to brag about since they’ve done nothing in the past three years except try to turn our free country into a Marxist dictatorship.

Pro-lifers, conservatives, Republicans, Christians need to change our approach in discussing abortion because what we’re doing right now isn’t reaching the majority of people, especially women. We’re characterized as not caring about women’s “rights.” I think the March for Life has realized that as their theme this year is “With Every Woman, for Every Child.”

Pastor Greg Laurie shared his testimony and gave the closing prayer at the March for Life before the marchers took off walking. He also wrote an article Why Pro-Life Is the Only Biblical Position. I hope you’ll take a moment to read it now. He speaks with conviction as a Bible-preaching pastor and a life spared for a purpose. He said it took a while to realize his life was planned by God, as is every life, even those who were not given a chance to breathe.

In the article, Pastor Laurie said, “Our culture tries to dehumanize these babies with rewordings and euphemisms. They call murder ‘terminating a pregnancy’ and they label unborn babies as ‘fetuses,’ ’embryos,’ ‘globs of cells,’ ‘uterine contents,’ or ‘products of conception.’ But the reality is that they are innocent children, made in the image of God, and they have every right to live. If you don’t agree with that then, frankly, you disagree with the Bible.”

Sadly, many churches are moving away from the Bible and that never ends well.

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. —Psalm 139:13–16 NLT

I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations. —Jeremiah 1:5 NLT

Pastor Greg points out God says, “I formed you in your mother’s womb.” God doesn’t say, ‘I waited until you were born to have a plan for you, because you were not yet really a human, but only a mass of tissue.’”

God has a plan for every child, even before birth, but He lets us make our own choices. Sadly, many people today are choosing pro-death instead of pro-life. This isn’t helping women who most certainly will be emotionally, mentally, or physically damaged from taking the life of their child. Silently enabling this choice instead of sharing the truth with love and grace is not biblical.

We as a church must never stop encouraging people to choose God because God changes everything in a person’s life. Before that, they’re not going to listen to Scripture because they either don’t believe in God or don’t care what the Bible says. They’re going to live life their own way. That’s really the root cause of abortion and all evil.

Churches Must Get Involved to Save Human Lives

It’s been a long time since I’ve heard a sermon on the sanctity of life. January 21, 2024, Sanctity of Life Sunday, would’ve been a perfect day to give one. But here’s what we can do . . .

  • We can use our vote. Pastor Laurie writes, “To refrain from voting is irresponsible and bad stewardship. Scripture tells us, ‘To him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin’ (James 4:17 NKJV). We should vote for the candidates and policies that best reflect the values we find in Scripture, and that includes voting pro-life.”
  • MyFaithVotes.org provides voter guides for how to vote as Christians biblically in upcoming elections.
  • The church was always supposed to be the place where those in need could go to get help and praise God there are Christian operated pregnancy resource centers across the United States that help the mother and child before and after birth for free. We can find one and offer to volunteer or donate.
  • Start pro-life prayer groups at your church.
  • Attend local prayer rallies for life.
  • If you have a testimony, share it.
  • In my book Mentoring for All Seasons, I have chapters on how to mentor young women considering abortion and those who have had abortions.
  • Don’t apologize for being Pro-Life. Remind everyone you’re in a discussion with on this topic that they were given life. Ask if they’re glad their mother chose life? No one has the right to deny another person the same opportunity.

This truly is our generation’s human rights movement. We’re making progress with Roe v Wade being overturned, but the battle isn’t over in the states. The battle won’t end until abortion, the killing of unborn babies, is unthinkable. A civilization is measured by how it treats its most vulnerable.

“Let’s all pray and ask God to send a spiritual awakening to our nation—we really need it.”—Pastor Greg Laurie

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Will America Survive the Next Generation’s Choices?!

Every Christian surrendering your life to Christ knows it’s a choice. A choice between continuing to live our old carnal life or a new godly life. God designed the world with options to choose Him or the world. Last Tuesday, November 8, Americans were given the same choice and it’s heartbreaking how many chose to let the current secular socialist Administration continue destroying America and obliterating righteousness in our country.

Many will say that analogy doesn’t work and Christians should stay out of politics. Well you cannot substantiate that myth in the Bible. God created politics man didn’t originate it. Politics is attacking Christianity and everything we hold dear like sanctity of life, marriage between a man and a woman, family, innocence of children, and God made only two genders. We’re in a spiritual and political war to overcome evil. When pastors and parents fail to take on the mantel of educating their flock or family in the contrast between wrong and right, evil and good, corruption and sanctification, Satan and God . . . our civil society crumbles as we’re watching happen today.

The world’s laws are sanctifying same sex marriage, murder of babies up until the day of birth, casual sex, arrest of Christians, closure of churches, mutilation of children, denying the freedom of speech, which morphs into not allowing us to profess the Bible. We’re experiencing the results of that decay in our once great America.

We could’ve changed much of that on Tuesday. If every evangelical Christian went to the polls and voted for the many candidates who were Bible-believing Christian conservatives, not even politicians, vowing to bring God and His ways back into our government, we wouldn’t see the angst, or maybe even apathy, we’re watching today.

We put our hope, support, and prayers into believing the conservative candidates, would win and clean up the corruption and evil we’ve watched coming out of this White House. Maybe they couldn’t stop it, but they could hinder it even though the current President said, ‘That’s what pens are for, veto.”

The media deceived us into believing there would be a “red wave” which never materialized. We should’ve known that anything the mainstream media says is a lie to mislead. They wanted us to believe something they knew would never happen because the wheels of corruption now run too deep in our voting system. The Democrats, just like the Communists, will do anything and everything to win and stay in control and the Republican leadership seems to be either in denial or in agreement with the corruption.

When 57% of women in Pennsylvania voted for a man who can barely talk and cannot communicate without a stenographer and wide screen, is further left than Bernie Sanders, and wants to let hardcore criminals out of jail, kill babies up until the moment of birth, and stop all fracking, the heart of Pennsylvania workers, something went wrong. Not only that, the state voted in a Democrat who died a month ago and was still on the ballot. They elected a dead person! That tells you voters didn’t do their homework or research, they believed the left’s lies and voted to keep their state poor, crime infested, and corrupt.

Sadly, the main point that drove many independents and even some Republicans to vote Democrat in spite of the dismal approval ratings and destruction of America by Biden was to vote against any candidate with a firm position on eliminating abortion. Killing babies was democracy to those voting Democrat.

We won at eliminating Roe v Wade as a federal victory, but five states had abortion protection on the ballot, and it passed in all five states, Michigan, Kentucky, Vermont, Montana and California. In California, they will codify abortion up until the day of birth and pay with taxpayers’ money for all expenses of travel, hotel, and “surgery,” aka murder. Montana rejected efforts for medical care for a baby born alive after an attempted abortion. Infanticide!

Even as I write this, tears fill my eyes, which they have often this week. Killing babies was the most important issue for those voters! Pastor Che Ahn, the pastor in California that took Newsom to court over the right to keep his church open during Covid and won, said that California now has a curse on it because God hates the spilling of innocent blood.

There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him:
17         haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,
18         a heart that devises wicked schemes,
        feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19         a false witness who pours out lies
        and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
Pr. 6:16-19

Hal Lindsey points out in his blog this week that “One of the problems with idolatry is that it does not sit still. It grows. Satan always wants more. Eventually, he even demands the children. Deuteronomy 12:31 explains where idol worship leads: You must not worship the Lord your God in their way, because in worshiping their gods, they do all kinds of detestable things the Lord hates. They even burn their sons and daughters in the fire as sacrifices to their gods.

Those ancient idol-worshipers burned their own babies alive! In this enlightened 21st century, we would never do anything like that, right? Wrong. We kill children by burning and dismembering them only we do it while babies are still in the womb.

Lindsey brings up the point I have often said, abortion isn’t a legal argument, it’s moral!

As Dave and I listened to the candidates who promised during their campaign to go against the corrupt establishment and elite swamp “idol-worshipers,” we cheered them on, but in my heart, I knew they were putting a target on their back. Sure enough, McConnell removed all support from any candidate, even in key states like AZ, NV, and PA, who said they wouldn’t vote for his reelection in the Senate. McConnell in the Senate and McCarthy in the House brought this election down to the wire, nail-biting maybe a red ripple. They let down their party and their country. I’ve always been suspicious of McConnell, but sorely disappointed in McCarthy who aspires to be the next Speaker of the House.

There’s Another Dynamic Not Being Addressed

Robert Spencer wrote an article There WOULD Have Been a Red Wave, But….. | Frontpage Mag. But for who? The group we let fall out of most churches. When kids age out of Children’s Ministry, some churches have Middle School and High School ministries, but then the church turns them out into the world without mentors or Christian peer groups and the leftist culture gobbles them up with devilish joy. Charlie Kirk, a young man who saw this debacle and started Turning Point USA is one of the few caring about the college age young adults. But he’s one man and one ministry and the conservative Christians who should biblically care for this age group for the most part throw them to the wolves.

In Robert Spencer’s article he quoted, “John Della Volpe, a hard-Left pollster and author of a deathless tome entitled FIGHT: How Gen Z is Channeling Their Fear & Passion to Save America, is claiming that his favorite age group saved the midterm elections for those who love skyrocketing inflation, open borders, rising crime, international ridicule and brinksmanship, and accelerating authoritarianism. In a tweet, he [Volpe] wrote: “One thing I know already. If not for voters under 30 … tonight WOULD have been a Red Wave. CNN National House Exit Polls
 R+ 13 65+

R+ 11 45-64

D +2 30-44

D +28 18-29

#GenZ did their job.” He added, “& young #millennials :)”

Robert Spencer responded: “If Della Volpe’s numbers are correct, and 64% of voters between the ages of 18 and 29 really voted for Democrats, then one thing is clear: the corruption and politicization of our educational system has worked.”

“What he [Volpe] is crowing about is the apparent fact that the voting group with the least life experience and the most recent subjection to the Leftist indoctrination that dominates America’s educational system ended up voting as it was brainwashed to do. Gee, that’s terrific, if you like evidence of the success of the relentless propagandizing of a vulnerable and impressionable captive audience, but neither John Della Volpe nor anyone else should be proud of it.

What it shows is not that the Leftist case is compelling or persuasive; it shows that patriotic Americans have been far too complacent in allowing public schools to become centers of Leftist indoctrination and hatred of our own nation and heritage.”

“Many, if not most, of the Gen Z-ers who voted overwhelmingly for the Left will, as they get older, come to realize how foolish and wrongheaded they were to support socialist internationalism and the managed decline of the United States. But others will never wake up and will applaud that decline as retribution for centuries of alleged racism and colonialism. Even as their own cities and towns become ever more squalid, poor, dirty, and dangerous, they will continue to think of themselves as righteous for having chosen all that. That pride will be all they have left.”

Pastor Ahn, who I mentioned earlier, said this is exactly why they homeschooled all of their children and I think he said two have become pastors. Ahn’s own father was imprisoned during the Communist takeover in China and by God’s grace was able to escape. Ahn said that’s the only reason he himself is alive so he knows what can happen to a country headed for demise like America and his own state California is right now.

On a positive note, I just read that the youngest Republican woman ever elected to serve in the State House flipped a blue House seat in Texas. 28-year-old Caroline Harris primarily ran a campaign focused on property taxes, border security, the pro-life movement, and parental rights in education. Her opponent, Echegaray, ran on immigration reform, gun control, the pro-choice movement, and improving infrastructure.

Harris was supported by a group called Run Gen Z whose mission is “Empowering and mentoring conservative trailblazers from Generation Z to pursue election to public office and win, leading state and local chambers and councils toward a more constitutionally-focused government.”

My Reaction

Mario Murillo wrote in a blog, “Christianity will survive without America, but America will not survive without Christianity. “The gloves are off and all pretenses of ‘the greater good’ are gone. This, to them, is a street fight. They [the left] want all morality removed and all pleasure legalized. They want to forcefully take what belongs to those who worked hard and squander it. Their boasts are predicted in the Bible.”

“Their eyes bulge with abundance; they have more than heart could wish. They scoff and speak wickedly concerning oppression; they speak loftily. They set their mouth against the heavens, and their tongue walks through the earth” (Psalm 73: 7-9).

I’ve been saddened personally and cried a lot for the Christian conservative candidates who were willing to stand up for God, family, and patriotism who lost and I pray the few that did win will bring righteous values to Congress.

My heart breaks and my spirit cries out for the babies being killed even as I sit here writing in my red state of Idaho. As you read this blog wherever you are, think right now a baby is being dismembered, poisoned, or having his or her neck broken! I hope you stop and cry a moment with me.

I’m reminded of the story of Joseph who eventually could say that God meant all his pain, agony, fear, and unjust treatment for good, yet it was still painful, agonizing, fearful, unjust, and his own family turned on him. His father Jacob suffered with grief for years at the seemingly loss of his precious son and then to find out it was his other sons who inflicted the horrendous years of distress on their family.

You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. Gen. 50:20

There is no guarantee that God is not going to let America go through the same painful, agonizing, fearful, unjust consequences of people destroying our beloved America before He brings out the good. There’s still a glimmer of hope as I write on Sunday, that we will not continue to be traumatized by the left and there will be enough people with integrity in government federal and local to keep our beloved country adrift.

Our friend Norm who studies Bible prophecy wrote: The enemy that we are up against is so big and so pervasive that it will take a lot to bring them down. I believe that the first step is to help people see the beast. This is not just a physical war, but a spiritual war as well. Unfortunately, many people will remain under a delusion, because they refuse to love, or believe the ‘Truth’. (See 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 & John 14:6) If people have not awakened as a result of Tuesday’s activities, then they probably won’t awaken. In my humble opinion, I believe that what we are seeing is God’s way of awakening His church. (See Rev 3:2,3 & Matt. 25:1-13)

Always I Want to Leave You With Hope

Our hope doesn’t come from the government, our hope comes from God, and if you know Jesus as your Savior, you know you will one day leave this world to spend eternity with Him. But I know you have people in your life who do not have that hope of salvation.

The government will always fail us. We know from the hard times in the Books of Judges and 1 Kings and 2 Kings, God’s people suffered greatly under evil judges and kings, but often because the people would not take a stand for their God. They didn’t get to vote for the next judge or even the kings; they were at the mercy of the lineal hierarchy. God chose David, who was fallible and struggled with hardship throughout the Book of Psalms. God tried to warn the people through the prophets of their eminent demise if they continued to worship other gods and idols.

There was silence from God for 400 years, then Jesus. Life wasn’t easy for Jesus and His followers or the churches Paul founded and counseled either, but they all knew this world was not their home, and those who didn’t choose Jesus chose Satan to follow.

So we’re back to where I started: life is full of choices. Your political party choice may affect your life here on earth, but your eternal choice and who you take with you to heaven is the only choice that really counts.

If you have a young person in your life, your church, your neighborhood love on them, mentor them, give them reason to want to make the choice you made to choose Jesus because there is no doubt the Lord is on His way back soon for His people. Don’t let anyone you love be left behind.

When believers get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be!
When we all see Jesus, we’ll sing and shout the victory!

 No politics, only Jesus.

For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. 16 Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves. 1 Peter 15-16

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“God Made the Decision!”

14 And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him. 15 And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we also know that he will give us what we ask for. 1 John 5:14-15

Each Monday morning in early June, I anxiously searched to see if this would be the Monday SCOTUS released their decision on the Mississippi Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization that could overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. But even after the unprecedented leak of Justice Alito’s preliminary opinion leading to the illegal intimidation and protesting at the personal homes of the Constitutionalist Justices, they stayed silent on their final decision. The Democrats in their now typical two-sided justice refused to call out the violence against churches, prolife and pregnancy centers, and even the attempted assassination of Justice Kavanaugh. The biased Attorney General did nothing to stop the illegal invasion of the SCOTUS’ neighborhoods. Yet still SCOTUS did not reveal their decision.

Thursday night, June 23, our church Couples Small Group met at our home for a time of food, fellowship, and prayer. As we prayed, one of our sweet ladies asked me to pray for the upcoming abortion ruling. As I prayed, I felt the Holy Spirit taking over and the words weren’t my words but His. I prayed for God’s will to be done on earth and especially for protection for the justices and their families, but also for them to do their job boldly, bravely, legally. Not to be intimidated or influenced to vote any differently than their conscience and the Constitution guided them.

Then, Friday morning, June 24th it felt like Christmas when I saw the news flash that the Supreme Court had ruled to remove abortion as a federal issue, in essence nullifying and reversing Roe v. Wade which had justified the killing of over 63 million babies for 49 years! Many of us wondered if we would ever see our prayers answered in our lifetime, and yet here it was happening. Just as I had prayed the previous night, Justice Alito wrote,

“We do not pretend to know how our political system or society will respond to today’s decision overruling Roe and Casey. And even if we could foresee what will happen, we would have no authority to let that knowledge influence our decision. We can only do our job, which is to interpret the law, apply longstanding principles of stare decisis, and decide this case accordingly. We therefore hold that the Constitution does not confer a right to abortion. Roe and Casey must be overruled, and the authority to regulate abortion must be returned to the people and their elected representatives.”

Which means, now the battle for the lives of innocent precious babies will be fought in each of the 50 states. Thirteen states already have trigger laws just waiting for this decision to ban abortion and other states are also working on variations of banning, but blue states are digging in with even more liberal abortion rights laws with California becoming a “sanctuary abortion” state for death to unwanted or inconvenient souls!

I hope you’ll take time to read the 10 Key Quotes From Justice Alito’s Opinion Overturning Roe v. Wade!

We all know that this long-awaited decision and righting of a horrific wrong, was the result of Donald J. Trump choosing three Justices that believe in adhering to the Constitution, which sadly seems to only be a conservative position as the liberal dissenting Justices want to bypass the Constitution, ignore it, or make their own rules.

The majority Justices were clear that their decision was not motivated by politics but instead adherence to our ruling document the Constitution. As Justice Alito said, “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start. Its reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences. And far from bringing about a national settlement of the abortion issue, Roe and Casey have enflamed debate and deepened division. It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”

“Our opinion is not based on any view about if and when prenatal life is entitled to any of the rights enjoyed after birth. The dissent, by contrast, would impose on the people a particular theory about when the rights of personhood begin. According to the dissent, the Constitution requires the States to regard a fetus as lacking even the most basic human right—to live—at least until an arbitrary point in a pregnancy has passed. Nothing in the Constitution or in our Nation’s legal traditions authorizes the Court to adopt that ‘theory of life.'”

“Roe found that the Constitution implicitly conferred a right to obtain an abortion, but it failed to ground its decision in text, history, or precedent. It relied on an erroneous historical narrative; it devoted great attention to and presumably relied on matters that have no bearing on the meaning of the Constitution; it disregarded the fundamental difference between the precedents on which it relied and the question before the Court; it concocted an elaborate set of rules, with different restrictions for each trimester of pregnancy, but it did not explain how this veritable code could be teased out of anything in the Constitution, the history of abortion laws, prior precedent, or any other cited source; and its most important rule (that States cannot protect fetal life prior to ‘viability’) was never raised by any Opinion of the Court party and has never been plausibly explained.”

We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled. The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision,” Alito wrote.

In other words, there is NOTHING written or implied in the Constitution that gives anyone the “right” to abort or kill their unborn child. Killing babies should never be considered a “right,” morally or legally, but that’s what pro-death advocates are demanding, and it will now become their mantra as abortion is decided by the states.

Let’s be clear: overturning Roe saves the lives of human beings! Democrat and Republican babies, liberal and conservative babies, white black brown ALL babies!! This should not be a political issue. It’s actually not even simply a spiritual or strictly “Christian” issue as so many try to label it. It is a fundamental, biological, proven scientific fact that sex between a man and woman is how babies are created and we can now watch and hear them develop.

“Choice” begins with the choice to have sex. Sexual freedom to create life shouldn’t mean legal freedom to kill that inconvenient or unwanted life! Period. Looking at an ultrasound of a squirmy baby forming in the womb, how could anyone vote to approve the barbaric poisoning or dismembering of that child?

The history of the demented shooter in the horrific murder of those precious children in Uvalde was that he carried around bags of dead animals he killed, and that was a clue to his mental instability. Yet abortion clinics can have trash bags outside their clinics of dead human babies they kill and that’s considered normal!

This demonic demented torturous slaughter of children, even up to and after birth, is what the pro-abortion pro-death abortion-on-demand politicians, advocates, activists, and extremists are screaming should be legal. Demented people who intentionally kill pregnant animals can be prosecuted, but many feel that humans should be able to legally kill their own children in their mother’s bellies with no consequences?!

Demonic, deceived, evil is what I see in the face of a President and House Speaker who profess to be “very Catholic,” whatever that means, but vow to find a way to continue infanticide. It’s a sick disease of the soul. They’ve sold their soul for political power, and like everyone, they’ll answer to God for their choices.

I always hope a reporter will ask Pelosi which one of her children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren she wishes she didn’t have when she gives her ludicrous speeches about women needing to eliminate their own children. She often mentions she should know how they feel because she had five children in six years. So is she saying she wishes she could’ve aborted one or more? Instead of using her platform to encourage women that you can still fulfill your dreams, as she did even as a mother of five, she maintains that women must have the “right” to kill their children. Yes, that’s demonic and deranged.

Whether you love or hate President Trump, when asked if he played a role in the SCOTUS decision, he responded, “God made the decision!” I would add that God made the decision to let him be President #45 at a very decisive time in the history of our country. And God made a decision to let the world see the evil festering in the Democrat party when He let Biden steal the election. The country had to see what the left does when they don’t get their evil way and I pray that Christian Conservative Republican candidates will run the board red in November. Elections have consequences and we’re watching the results right now.

Let’s stop complaining and start campaigning for the next generation of Conservative politicians to take back our country for God, family, and patriotism. The  SCOTUS ruling has showed us it can be done! Even if you’re in a so-called “blue state” don’t give up. The battle has just taken on a new dimension.

I share with you parts of a commentary from Dr. Robert Jeffress. Please go to the link at the end to read in its entirety.
“It is a resounding victory for millions of yet-to-be-born children who will now get to live out their God-ordained lives… Those who value life cannot afford to become weary in well-doing. The overturn of Roe is also an affirmation of the right and responsibility of Christians to get involved in the political process. There is only one reason Roe was overturned: in 2016, conservative Christians worked together to elect Donald Trump, and President Trump kept his promise to appoint pro-life justices to the Supreme Court. Had Hillary Clinton been elected—as some Christians hoped would happen—Roe would still be the law of the land today.

“This week’s historic ruling is a reminder that elections have consequences. Elected leaders determine policies that can influence the moral and spiritual direction of a country. In the 1940s, German Christians (with only a few exceptions) remained silent as Adolf Hitler rose to power and murdered six million Jewish people. Thankfully, Christians in our country have refused to remain silent about the holocaust of unborn children. Together, they effected a leadership change that in turn resulted in a policy change that will save millions of lives.” Commentary on Dobbs Supreme Court Ruling from Dr. Robert Jeffress – Pathway to Victory (ptv.org)

My Faith Votes reminds us that when a pregnant woman visits a Pregnancy Resource Center, she’s often given a gift of baby items. A simple pack of diapers can humanize the fact that a baby is growing in her womb. Imagine if we each took action in our community with this one simple step! Please join us by pledging, right now, to show care and compassion to these mothers in need…we’ll even help you find the Pregnancy Resource Center closest to you.

Our Family Choice for Life Story

Lest you think I’m writing on this topic without knowing personally the difference the life and death of an unborn baby can make to a family, let me bring home to you how giving life to a child influences generations to come in a family.

I have the blessing of almost thirty years married to my godly husband Dave because his mother Barbara’s birthmother chose life for her, and she was adopted. Barbara married Al and my husband Dave was born and he fathered three children, who gave birth to eight grandchildren because their grandmother Barbara was given life.

My daughter Kim’s grandmother, Jean, on her dad’s side was adopted, and because Jean’s birthmother chose to give her life, Jean gave birth to Kim’s dad, my first husband, and we had my precious daughter Kim.

Kim and her husband have three children. They adopted their first child Brandon at two weeks. His Hispanic birthmother was only 15 and Brandon was her second child she bravely chose to carry. Because of her choice to give Brandon life, we have a handsome 17-year-old grandson who has worked since he was 15, while remaining a straight A brilliant student in school and just bought his first car. Brandon is who I thought about as tears flowed reading the SCOTUS decision honoring the sanctity of life. I can’t imagine our family without him. He is such a blessing and loved so dearly.

How many other Barbara’s, Jean’s, and Brandon’s  didn’t get the opportunity to experience life and be a part of a family generational tree because their birthmothers walked into a Planned Parenthood clinic? Thank you Jesus that more of the children You create in their mother’s womb will now have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.” Psalm 139:13-14 

PS You can read more of our family’s adoption story in Dear God, Why Can’t I Have a Baby? A Companion Guide for Couples on the Infertility Journey.

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Babies’ Lives Are Important, But . . .

As someone gives you a compliment, have you ever braced yourself because you know by the tone of their voice that the disclaimer “but” is coming in the next breath. For example,

I love your new hairstyle . . . but I’m not sure about the color.

You’ve lost weight . . . but I’m sure you’ve still got more to lose.

I want to come to your party . . . but I’ll have to see how the day goes.

I agree with you . . . but aren’t you getting too political.

Are you shaking your head in agreement? We’ve all been there and maybe we’ve been the one tying two opposing thoughts together with that little qualifying dangler “but.”

In reading comments on social media, I’ve been appalled at how often I see people saying something like, “Abortion is an important issue, but this can’t be a one issue voting decision.”

Why not? What could be more important than saving a life versus “legally” murdering a life?

Looking at our own children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews would anyone make that same statement. “Well, yes their life is important, but . . .”

But what? We say we would do anything to protect them and lay down our life for theirs. Anything but vote for them to have life?!

When we don’t vote against abortion, we’re voting for it.

When we don’t vote for the party working to eliminate abortion, we’re voting for the party that wants to keep it legalized and stretch the limits to genocide like in New York and Virginia.


I hear, “I can’t vote for Trump because I don’t like how he talks or something he said or did over a decade ago, or his tweets.”

Seriously?! His rhetoric versus the life of the unborn?

Or, “Yes I’m a Christian but abortion isn’t my main concern.”

Really? Isn’t cherishing the sanctity of life, the gift from God, at the heart of Christianity?

What about a candidate who uses his Catholic “faith” to his political advantage but is willing to set the precepts of his faith aside as a liberal Democrat. What kind of character does that show?

What kind of man would trade his soul for power?

In Biden’s book Promises to Keep: On Life in Politics, he wrote, “I’m as much a cultural Catholic as I am a theological Catholic.” What does that mean? By his current stance on championing abortion, it means he’s allowing his faith to adapt to the culture rather than allowing his faith to change the culture.

He’s saying, I’m a Catholic when it’s convenient but when it interferes with my political aspirations and power, I can disavow its precepts. I can apply cancel culture to the Catholic stance on right to life!

That my friends is not how faith works. I think you would agree that you apply your faith to every aspect of life or it’s not true faith. Faith isn’t like a cafeteria where you pick and choose the aspects you like, or what works well with your situation, or is convenient.

Faith is all or none.

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ Matt. 22:37

I wonder if Biden has listened to Fr. James Altman’s convicting YouTube video: You Cannot be Catholic & a Democrat. Period.

How Does Your Vote Save Lives?

Biden and his running mate Harris not only endorse abortion up through birth, they want to make every American taxpayer pay for it!

The Biden/Harris (or Harris/Biden) agenda is characterized as the most pro-abortion ticket in history.

Biden vows to overturn every prolife advancement that President Trump has accomplished.

President Trump defunded Planned Parenthood. Biden has the endorsement of Planned Parenthood that profits from the death and dismemberment of the unborn!

President Trump is unquestionably and undeniably the most pro-life president ever!! And I might add, he’s also the most pro-faith president who puts action behind his words.

What could President Trump ever have done or said that would justify “but I’m voting for the liberal, pro-abortion socialist Democrats.”

What Christian could say, “but I’m ok with the savagery of murdering preborn babies?”

What human being could say, “but I’m ok with one pre-born baby murdered at Planned Parenthood every 97 seconds?

Let’s look at what God says about the sanctify of His created life.

 “You shall not murder.” Exodus 20:13

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:13-16

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. Psalm 127:3

There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood . . . Proverbs 6:16-17

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

From birth I was cast on you; from my mother’s womb you have been my God. Psalm 22:10

Sin Hurts

Often, we’re reticent to talk about abortion in the church because sadly, many women have had abortions today and it hurts to be reminded.

No one likes remembering their sins. It’s convicting.

The Good News of the Gospel is that when we surrender our life to Christ, He forgives us of all our past sins and wipes the slate clean.

We will always live with consequences of our actions but God remembers our sins no more. That cleansing forgiveness provides freedom from the guilt. “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).

Many women today share their testimony to encourage and mentor other women in similar situations. I suggest ways to do this in Mentoring for All Seasons: Sharing Life Experiences and God’s Faithfulness.

A New Opportunity to Save the Babies

Ruth Bader Ginsburg died after I had already written most of this post. The minute I heard it, I knew why God had me write this week on the topic of abortion. Ginsburg was a staunch liberal advocate of abortion as a “woman’s right.” Even though as I listened to commentators discuss her life, she was able to progress in her law career as a wife and mother of two children she “adored” and four grandchildren.

Instead of taking the position that women could do as she did and have a successful career as well as be a mother, she was an activist for women disposing of their unborn babies. Sad.

President Trump now has the opportunity to place a pro-life Justice on the Supreme Court and after almost 50 years, there’s a glimmer of hope that Roe vs Wade could be overturned.

The future of millions of babies rests on filling this Justice seat.

Biden will most definitely place a liberal pro-choice, pro-abortion judge and since these are lifetime positions, murdering the future unborn would be “legal” for many more years.

So tell me again why anyone who believes in the sanctity of life wouldn’t want a President in the White House who will fight for the life of future generations?

What “but” could anyone come up with that would justify trash cans filled with dismembered human beings? I can’t think of one!

Often, we say I’m just one person what can I do? You can let your voice and your vote be heard no “buts” about it! Vote for life because yes that is the single most important issue on the ballot on November 3.

Jesus Christ is our Savior and Creator of life.

Donald J Trump is our President and defender of life.

This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. Deut. 30:19

You alone are the Lord. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you. Nehemiah 9:6

Note: Live Action is a good pro-life website.

Lest you think I’m becoming too political, abortion is a moral and spiritual issue that has been politicized. I will not be silent or stop speaking out for the unborn and for those in government who can make a difference.

If you missed my blog last Monday, I was at our church women’s retreat for the weekend learning how I can use my personality to care for others. If you didn’t miss me . . . but you didn’t want to say anything, that’s ok!

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If You’re Pro-life, You’re Pro-Woman!

If You're Pro Life, You're Pro Woman

I woke up the morning of January 24 excited and eager to watch the 2020 March for Life on TV. For the first time in the forty-seven years of this annual march, a President, our President Trump, was going to speak in person! A bold and brave step in the current political climate.

I made my coffee and turned on the TV, but to my dismay, no reception. Looking out the window, I saw snow on our cable Dish, and even though we cover it with a trash bag, sometimes the weight of the snow or ice inhibits the DISH from operating properly.

Knowing how important this was to me, hubby put on his snow clothes and boots, grabbed the brush to clear the DISH, and plodded out through the snow in what was now rain. A true act of love!

The TV screen finally came alive, but now what channel would be broadcasting this momentous event? Surely, no mainstream media since they were too busy championing the impeachment trial.

Again, hubby to the rescue located the march on C-Span just as the program was starting. Then with an opening prayer, a welcome from pro-life Vice President Pence and his wife streamed in from Italy where they’re meeting with the Pope, President Trump strode onto the stage to address the tens of thousands of marchers ready to take up their Pro-Life signs and march for the right to life of the unborn.

[Tweet “One sign at the March for Life was especially poignant as it portrayed the birth of Jesus in a manger with the words “An Unplanned Pregnancy Saved Us All!””]

One sign was especially poignant as it portrayed the birth of Jesus in a manger with the words “An Unplanned Pregnancy Saved Us All!” We know that Mary and Joseph didn’t plan that pregnancy, but God did as He plans each and every pregnancy!

As President Trump greeted the crowd, he reiterated how proud he was to stand with the advocates for life to “protect the right of every child, born and unborn, to fulfill their God-given potential.”

A few of his remarks:

[Tweet “Every child is a precious and sacred gift from God. Together, we must protect, cherish, and defend the dignity and the sanctity of every human life.” President Trump at the March for Life”]

“All of us here today understand an eternal truth: Every child is a precious and sacred gift from God. Together, we must protect, cherish, and defend the dignity and the sanctity of every human life.”

“When we see the image of a baby in the womb, we glimpse the majesty of God’s creation.”

“As the Bible tells us, each person is wonderfully made.”

“Together, we are the voice for the voiceless.”

What If You’ve Had an Abortion or Know Someone Who Has?

[Tweet “If you’ve had an abortion, please know that God loves you and is ready to forgive if you only ask. ‘There is forgiveness of sins for all who repent. Luke 24:27 NLT”]

If you’ve had an abortion, please know that God loves you and is ready to forgive if you only ask. ‘There is forgiveness of sins for all who repent. Luke 24:27 NLT

I’m sure it hurts to hear and read about pro-life speeches and marches when you don’t know what to do with your pain and sorrow. I encourage you to share your story with a trustworthy person. Someone who will pray with you and keep your confidence. It’s healing to talk about your feelings and not let them fester in your heart where they can lead to bitterness and self-deprecating efforts to soothe remorse.

If you know someone who has had an abortion, offer to be a listening ear. Pray with and for her. Assist her in finding the help and support she needs to experience the peace and forgiveness her heart craves.

Life Empowers: Pro-Life is Pro-Woman

The March for Life chose the above theme this year because 2020 marks one hundred years since the 19th Amendment giving women the inalienable right to vote.

[Tweet “From the beginning of time, God empowered women with the incredible ability and responsibility of bringing new life into the world. Eve, whose name means “life-giving” was the first mother through which the entire world populated.”]

But from the beginning of time, God empowered women with the incredible ability and responsibility of bringing new life into the world. Eve, whose name means “Life-giving,” was the first mother from which the entire world would populate. Eve also means “Mother of All Who Have Life.”

[Tweet “Only a woman is empowered by God with the capability and privilege of carrying a human life in her womb.”]

Only a woman is empowered by God with the capability and privilege of carrying a human life in her womb. To feel her baby as it grows. The first kick. The first hiccup. The first rollover. That is our amazing joy as women to bring another person into the world. New creations, each one designed by God unique with its own DNA, fingerprint, and purpose.

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. Psalm 139:13-14 NLT

God picks the time of each child’s conception! Sometimes His timing coincides with our desires, but like everything God does, it’s not always on our terms or times. That’s why He’s God and we’re not.

[Tweet “With the advent of ultrasounds, unborn babies may be voiceless, but they’re not invisible and their heartbeats are clearly heard.”]

With the advent of ultrasounds, unborn babies may be voiceless, but they’re not invisible and their heartbeats are clearly heard. It’s the Devil’s lie that these aren’t precious little human beings to be incubated and nourished in their mommy’s tummy until they burst forth with their first breath and cry. Both bodies intertwined from the moment of conception, bonding even before birth. That’s how God designed the mystery and majesty of creation.

Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women.

[Tweet “Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women.”]

The case for abortion is based on lies and manipulation. Abortion has become a cash cow funding industries and organizations like Planned Parenthood who lie to women and tell them their baby isn’t really human and that they won’t feel a thing. The truth is that they will feel their searing loss for the rest of their lives. Those women who sadly tout and brag about how liberating their abortions have been are trying to convince themselves that they didn’t really eliminate their own children.

What Can We Do?

If You're Pro Life, You're Pro Woman

As Christians, we need to remember that God doesn’t conform to man’s laws!

We can’t stand idly by and do nothing or think abortion isn’t our issue because it might not affect us personally or it’s “legal.” As I mentioned in last week’s blog post, apathy is the antithesis of the Christian life.

We need to let what breaks God’s heart, break our hearts.

I know you may have other good causes that you’re giving your time and energy too, but I ask: What could have been more important than saving the life and future of the 61,000,000 babies aborted? The purpose and plans God had for these baby boys and girls?

You don’t have to walk in a march or carry a sign to be an advocate for life.

As speakers pointed out in the Walk for Life, we have the right and obligation to vote for this Human Rights Issue. With our empowered vote, we choose government legislatures and presidents who don’t just talk about changing the status quo, but are willing to risk their political future and reputation to save the next generation of babies.

Who will go up against the liberal left?

Who will use the power we give him or her to not just maintain limits on abortion, but abolish it completely?

[Tweet “No woman or man should have the right to make a choice that ends in savagely taking a life and calling it legal.”]

No woman or man should have the right to make a choice that ends in savagely taking a life and calling it legal.

I challenge you that silence is compliance. Not taking a stand for right is inadvertently taking a stand for wrong.

[Tweet “Silence is compliance. Not taking a stand for right is inadvertently taking a stand for wrong.”]

I applaud each of you with a burden in your heart for the babies tortured, dismembered, and horrifically burned every second of every day because Satan spreads the lie that an unborn child does not have the inalienable right to life.

For everyone reading this blog, and I know there will be many unsubscribes, I pray that God speaks to your soul with what He wants you to do. Because there is no denying there will be a price to pay for this bloodstain on our nation as God asks: I saved you, why aren’t you saving the children?

Our Family’s Adoption Story

If You're Pro Life, You're Pro WomanIf You're Pro Life, You're Pro Woman

I have an amazing grandson because fifteen years ago a pregnant 15-year-old girl chose life for her second baby, while she was still raising her 18-month-old first baby and attending high school! She managed to keep her pregnancy a secret from her mom for seven months, when fifteen years ago abortion wasn’t an option at that late stage of pregnancy. Instead, she delivered a beautiful baby boy. My daughter and son-in-law, who suffered from infertility, blessed our family by adopting him and we became his forever family.

While I rejoice and praise God over that young girl’s choice to give her baby, my grandson, an opportunity to live, I cry over the millions of babies who never had the same opportunity.*

“We cannot know what our citizens yet unborn will achieve. The dreams they will imagine. The masterpieces they will create. The discoveries they will make. But we know this: every life brings love into this world, every child brings joy to a family. Every person is worth protecting. And above all, we know that every human soul is divine and every human life, born and unborn, is made in the holy image of Almighty God.” President Donald J. Trump

Yet you brought me safely from my mother’s womb
and led me to trust you at my mother’s breast.
10 I was thrust into your arms at my birth.
You have been my God from the moment I was born. Psalm 22:9-10 NLT

You can watch President Trump speaking at the 2020 March for Life and/or read the transcript at LifeSitenews.com.

Read two of our daughters’ infertility stories and about my grandson’s adoption in Dear God, Why Can’t I Have a Baby?

In my book Mentoring for All Seasons, there’s a section on “Pregnancy—Planned and Unplanned” with tips and Scripture on how to mentor a pregnant woman, Teen Mom, and “Post-Abortion Recovery” section for mentoring a woman who has had an abortion.

In Everyday Brave, the chapter on “Brave Mothers” includes a testimony of Kathleen, a brave teen mom who chose to keep and raise her baby, who twenty-eight years later is a digital media arts teacher. In the chapter “Brave Believer,”
Penelope tells her brave story of being an RN Circulator in operating rooms and refusing to participate in abortion procedures even though it could jeopardize her career and she received much ridicule from her peers.

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Abortion: A Crime of Passion

With all the discussion lately about abortion, the focus has been on the depravity of late term abortion now legalized in some states, and the life-saving efforts of other states to eliminate abortion completely. But what I haven’t heard in the public discourse is what leads to abortion in the first place: sex!

No one seems to want to touch the underlying cause of 59+ million babies murdered since Roe vs Wade became law at a time of sexual revolution with the advent of birth control pills and the availability of abortion to anyone who wanted it, regardless of age or reason. Though, originally abortion was supposed to be safe and rare, with the advent of Planned Parenthood it became another form of birth control and frequent. Approximately 20% of pregnancies end by abortion!

Boys and girls, men and women, felt the freedom to have sex with whomever they wanted whenever they wanted because if they got pregnant, all they had to do was find the money to get an abortion. And many girls and women have stories that they didn’t stop having indiscriminate unprotected sex after their first abortion. No, they did it again and maybe again…

Feminist actress Alyssa Milano by her own admission wanted women to go on a sex strike when Georgia passed a law prohibiting abortion after a detected heartbeat. She said women couldn’t afford to get pregnant because they couldn’t have an abortion. In other words, abortion, not protection, is your failsafe way to deal with the product of conception: a baby! “Our reproductive rights are being erased. Until women have legal control over our own bodies we just cannot risk pregnancy. Join me by not having sex until we get bodily autonomy back.” So says Alyssa Milano.

What she and many others fail to address is that a few moments of sexual passion and pleasure can lead to a lifetime of living with the murder of their own babies. Today, you hear women, especially liberal actresses and politicians, celebrating the death of their babies, but I surmise that they’re actually angry, hurt, and anguished over what they’ve done. If they can get a group together with similar feelings, they can live in denial knowing they’re not alone. They find comfort in commonality. Like the old adage, “misery loves company.”

[Tweet “Today, you hear women, especially liberal actresses and politicians, actually celebrating the death of their babies, but they’re actually angry, hurt, and anguished over what they’ve done”]

My friend Patti Smith wrote a blog about the devastation of her own abortions: Nobody Told Me the Truth. Maybe that’s you and you were misled or misinformed. Patti learned that God is the God of forgiveness as she learned the truth. I’ve heard good things about Project Rachel: Hope After Abortion. After your own healing, like Patti, God may use your past to help another woman not let it become her future.

[Tweet “Before ultrasounds and heartbeat monitoring, women bought into the lie they were told that it’s just a blob of cells that can’t feel pain.”]

Before ultrasounds and heartbeat monitoring, women bought into the lie they were told that it’s just a blob of cells that can’t feel pain. But now, we know none of that is true. We can see the baby developing and hear the heartbeat at six weeks. We know, without a doubt, that life begins at conception. Yet there are still many lobbying for killing that human being, even after it takes its first breath! Inhuman barbaric depravity is actually celebrated in Congress and some state governments.

[Tweet “The Devil tries to seduce with deception by calling the baby a “fetus,” which sounds clinical and not like a human being.”]

The Devil tries to seduce with deception by calling the baby a “fetus,” which sounds clinical and not like a human being. But I’ve never heard a woman say she’s pregnant with a fetus or a blob of cells. She says she’s going to have a baby: a precious, fragile, defenseless human being that she can “choose” to murder or let live.

Liberals and abortion advocates try to couch the killing of babies by using terms like: A woman’s right to choose. Reproductive rights. Control over our own bodies. Healthcare. A decision between the woman and her doctor. Prochoice. A war on women.

Even a SCOTUS said you can’t call a pregnant woman a “mother”!  A woman who exercises her constitutionally protected right to terminate a pregnancy is not a mother” – Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. If she’s not a mother what is she?

Read a father’s reply to Ginsburg’s outrageous statement as he discusses that even babies who die in miscarriage still have a mommy and daddy.

[Tweet “Abortion is not a constitutional right.”]

Abortion is not a constitutional right. The Constitution says everyone has a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and that includes everyone with a beating heart. You would think a Supreme Court Judge would know that. But that’s how delusional some people have become. Another sly deception is to confuse by denying biology that every baby has both a mother and a father.

Let’s look at some common deceptions.

  1. “A woman’s right to choose.” In 99.9% of situations, a woman does have a right to choose . . . if she’s going to have sex or not. That’s her choice.
  2. “Reproductive rights” start with the right to say yes or no to sex. Sex leads to reproduction. A scientific and biological fact and a right God gave to every man and woman who chooses to have sex.
  3. “Healthcare.” There’s nothing healthy for a woman to have a baby poisoned, burned, dismembered, or sucked out of her womb.
  4. “It’s my body.” It’s not her own body. She didn’t create herself. God did by her parents having sex to create her. Then she used her body to have sex and create a body separate from hers with its own heartbeat, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, brain, organs, skin, arms, legs, sensitivity to pain, and cry.
  5. “Bodily autonomy is a human right.” Autonomy does allow a woman to choose to have sex with her body, but when she creates another body, that little body has autonomy and a human right also.
  6. “Abortion is morally good.” When murder becomes morally good and justified, we’ve definitely regressed to barbarism and savagery. Promiscuous sex is morally wrong. Two wrongs do not make a right.
  7. “It’s a decision between a woman and her doctor.” When a girl or woman goes into Planned Parenthood, they don’t see the doctor until they’re in stirrups and he’s killing her baby. And often it’s not even a doctor performing the abortion.
  8. “Prochoice.” The argument is between prolife and prodeath advocates! That’s something no one wants to say.
  9. “A war on women.” Hmm. How about we stop the war on babies, both male and female.

Abortion is a crime of passion

Why is the Movie Industry so Pro Abortion?

That answer is clear: money. Sex sells. Sex leads to unwanted pregnancy, which often leads to abortion. So Planned Parenthood, Hollywood, elites, and liberals are in the Devil’s circle.

[Tweet “Sex sells. Sex leads to unwanted pregnancy, which often leads to abortion. So Planned Parenthood, Hollywood, elites, and liberals are in the Devil’s circle.”]

Almost every movie and most TV programs show couples going on a date and having sex. Maybe not even the date first. Entertainment exploits explicit sex. Everyone sleeps together, hook ups, casual promiscuous sex is presented as the norm, and sadly, it’s become the norm. You don’t see women saying no or concerned with pregnancy.

[Tweet “Virginity is only said with respect at Christmas with the “Virgin Mary.””]

Virginity is only said with respect at Christmas with the “Virgin Mary.” Young people often don’t even know what virgin stands for today. Girls and women who’ve had multiple sex partners are still married in white, maybe pregnant or carrying their baby and no one blinks at it. I saw a program with girls picking out wedding dresses and one of them laughed, “Maybe I’m pregnant.” It was funny, not remorseful. I applaud the women who choose to keep their babies, I just wish they had also chosen to save God’s gift of virginity for the man they want to spend the rest of their life with because you can only give the gift of virginity away once.

[Tweet “Today’s culture considers abstinence until marriage archaic and laughable and scoffs at anyone who dares to suggest it, or chooses to live by God’s moral principles.”]

Today’s culture considers abstinence until marriage archaic and laughable and scoffs at anyone who dares to suggest it, or chooses to live by God’s moral principles.

And that brings us to a place those of us who have lived a while would never have expected possible in America: infanticide.

Abortion has become the accepted crime of unbridled passion and lust. Sex for murder.

[Tweet “Abortion has become the accepted crime of unbridled passion and lust. Sex for murder.”]

There’s only one entity who could bring us to this despicable time in history: Satan.

[Tweet “No matter how anyone tries to twist God’s Word, he designed sex to be between a married man and woman. That’s it! No exceptions.  “]

No matter how anyone tries to twist God’s Word, he designed sex to be between a married man and woman. That’s it! No exceptions. Everyone who is having sex any other way is sinning. I didn’t make that rule, God did. Many today try to make God into their own image the way they want to live, but you’ll always be going against God’s will for you.

God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our image, make them
reflecting our nature . . . Reflecting God’s nature.
He created them male and female.
God blessed them: “Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge!” Gen. 1:27-28 The Message

There’s no right way to do the wrong thing. There’s no justification for having sex and killing a baby because the sex was convenient, but the baby is inconvenient.

So what can you do about these atrocities?

  •  Let your voice be heard in your state’s legislature.
  • Be a voice for the voiceless. Boldly and unashamedly stand for prolife as an abolitionist.
  • Mentor women who are having indiscriminate sex, considering an abortion, or had an abortion. I give ideas about how to do this in my book Mentoring for All Seasons.
  • If you’re having sex outside of marriage, stop now!

[Tweet “Our culture today is playing God by choosing who can live and who should die. That’s not going to end well.”]

Our culture today is playing God by choosing who can live and who should die. That’s not going to end well.

Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth—to every nation, tribe, language and people. He said in a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.”

A second angel followed and said, “‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great,’[a] which made all the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries.”

A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand,10 they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. 11 And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.”

12 This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus.

Revelation 14:6-12

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What Kind of Person Kills a Newborn Baby?

My daughter’s birthday was last week, February 26. Since she posted a picture with candles on her cake, I think she’ll be OK with me telling you I gave birth to her forty-six years ago. But like all mothers, when our children have birthdays no matter how old they are, we reminisce about their birth.

Where it took place.

How long or short was our labor?

Hearing our newborn’s first cry.

The nurse laying our precious gift from God on our chest as we kiss his or her cheek.

I remember like it was yesterday. Back then, we didn’t know if we were having a boy or girl, so I still have memories of the doctor holding her up and announcing, “It’s a girl!”

Then the nurse pronounced time of birth at 11:00 AM.

This year, Kim’s birthday fell on the day after Democrats in the US Senate blocked the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would mandate that doctors must try to save the life of a baby born after attempts at abortion.

[Tweet “Democrat endorsed legalized infanticide. Republicans voted in favor of bill to save innocent baby’s lives.”]

All Democrats, except for three, endorsed legalized infanticide: killing an infant. While all Republicans, except for three who didn’t vote, voted in favor of the bill to save innocent baby’s lives.

What Kind of Person Let's Newborn Baby Die?

Without the passage of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, the doctor can legally ask the parents if they want their newborn baby to live or die. If the parent’s give the death sentence to their new baby, the nurse removes the baby and lets this precious creation of God . . . cry or choke to death.

Then the nurse pronounces the time of death.

[Tweet “Doctors can ask parents if they want their newborn baby to live or die.”]

What kind of doctor, who took an oath to save lives, looks at a newborn baby, and asks, “Should we let him or her live or die?

What kind of nurse participates in this barbaric killing?

What kind of mother who gave her baby life, carried her baby in her tummy, went through delivery, and heard her baby’s first cry instructs the doctor to kill her baby?

What kind of Senator knows that this bill has absolutely nothing to do with abortion laws, but everything to do with saving the life of a newborn baby, votes for infanticide?

What kind of “political base” could these Senators be trying to please, who expect them to vote against a  Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act,  which would have required that “any health care practitioner present” at the time of a birth “exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age.”

What kind of country tolerates infanticide?

What kind of church leader doesn’t denounce infanticide?

My friend Patti Smith asks this same question in her blog Where is the Outrage of Church Leaders and Infanticide?

What kind of Christian does nothing?

Some friends who are speaking out have said they’ve taken a lot of online abuse from Christians who call this a “moral quandary” – and we should not judge others. I suggest they ask their critics, “So do you consider it judgement or a “moral quandary” to try and stop someone from being murdered?”

Then ask: “If abortion wasn’t legal, would you still think it was okay for a woman to have her baby burned, poisoned, or torn apart? Is it a moral quandary for that baby with a beating heart, who feels pain and is trusting his mommy’s tummy is the safest place in this world, to have a chance at life?”

Our job as Christians is to live by God’s ways, not compromise because they’re not popular.

[Tweet “Our job as Christians is to live by God’s ways, not compromise because they’re not popular.”]

Anyone who says they’re a Bible-believing Christian and refuses to take a stand against abortion, late-term abortion, and now infanticide is falling into Satan’s trap: “Did God really say that we shouldn’t kill, inside or outside the womb, His babies made in His image?” Yes, He did.

Christians must fight for the sanctity of life at all ages! With many Democrats threatening Socialism in America, how long will it be before the government decides how long you can live before you become a burden or inconvenience to society?

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act didn’t effect abortion; it was designed to protect the life of a baby that survives abortion. But here’s the fear of the liberal left and why they voted against it. If they agree that a baby is a human when it’s born after a botched abortion, it leads back to the argument that a baby is a human when the abortion was attempted in the womb. The Democrats couldn’t take the chance that the public might start thinking of unborn babies as humans, so they can’t recognize that the born infant is a human!

The Democrat’s rationale: If parents wanted assisted killing of their baby in the womb, they should be allowed to also have assisted murder of the baby if the abortion failed, and horror of all horrors, their baby lived!

We need to keep reminding the public that from the moment of conception in the mother’s womb, each baby has a unique genetic code with its own personal DNA and fingerprint. Scientifically, no one can deny that humanity is not determined on a sliding scale of whether you’re wanted or not wanted. The March for Life theme this year was “Unique from Day One!”

[Tweet “The Democrats couldn’t take the chance that the public might start thinking of unborn babies as humans”]

It’s unimaginable that we’ve arrived at a time in a supposedly civilized society where we’ve reverted to barbaric times when babies were drowned or left on a hillside to die if they weren’t wanted. Or like in the days of the worship of Bael, burned alive.

“‘For Israel has forsaken me and turned this valley into a place of wickedness. The people burn incense to foreign gods—idols never before acknowledged by this generation, by their ancestors, or by the kings of Judah. And they have filled this place with the blood of innocent children. They have built pagan shrines to Baal, and there they burn their sons as sacrifices to Baal. I have never commanded such a horrible deed; it never even crossed my mind to command such a thing!” Jeremiah 19:4-5 NLT

When I visited with my daughter on her birthday, she said that before going to bed the night before, she had read the final Senate ruling on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. She, like many of us, couldn’t sleep. She kept thinking of all the birthday wishes she would receive celebrating her life, while thousands of newborn babies would never see their first day of life because they were unwanted, an inconvenience.

No celebration of his or her life. No funeral. Their coffin a trash can. Nameless. The abortionist was supposed to murder the baby before it was born. Now they’re live human beings left to die, and maybe even dismembered and body parts sold.

What Kind of Person Let's a Newborn Baby Die?

Kim realized she has life because I wanted her and loved her. She has three children that she dearly loves, and her first child was adopted from a teenage mom who didn’t abort but chose to give her baby life and give our family a blessing.

[Tweet “How could a mother who gave birth to her child choose death for that child?”]

It was hard for Kim to reconcile, as it is for any of us mothers, that a woman could give birth and then choose death for her child.

With states like New York passing laws that a baby can be aborted up and through delivery, and now infanticide, the one hope we can cling to is that the public will become outraged and no longer able to ignore the atrocities of abortion.

A civil society doesn’t kill its babies in the womb or in the world.

[Tweet “A civil society doesn’t kill its babies in the womb or in the world.”]

And yet, Abortion is the Leading Cause of Death in 2018 with 41 Million Killed.”

“Globally, just under a quarter of all pregnancies (23 percent) were ended by abortion in 2018, and for every 33 live births, ten infants were aborted. There were more deaths from abortion in 2018 than all deaths from cancer, malaria, HIV/AIDS, smoking, alcohol, and traffic accidents combined.”

Listen to this interview of Ainsley Earhardt with a former abortionist as he describes why he stopped “murdering” other people’s baby boys and girls. You need to hear this. Have a Kleenex ready. Then support the upcoming movie Unplanned in which he plays the part of an abortionist. He’s not an actor, but who knows better how to portray the horror than someone who has experienced it firsthand.

I encourage you also to listen to an interview with Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act’s, chief sponsor.

Listen to a mother who almost aborted her baby until told by Planned Parenthood practitioners that if her baby was delivered alive, they would break it’s neck!

I hope the interviews and the movie trailer keep you up at night too. I hope you’re asking God what He wants you to do about this travesty. I hope you’re not thinking who are you to make a difference. You are a believer, that’s who you are, and that makes all the difference!

I hope you’re championing for life, because anyone of us could be related to a baby who was left on a cold metal table to die and ended up in a trashcan, maybe torn apart.

What to Do With Your Anger Over Evil

Don’t Just Cry, Do Something!

I’m just a baby, without a voice
Life interrupted by another’s choice
My heart was beating…but now it has ceased
And my precious life didn’t end in peace
I cried and I cried…but to no avail
Couldn’t you hear me? Why did you fail?
To give me a chance to sing my own song
I could have dreamed dreams, but now they are gone
I was a baby…but now I’m no more
Life interrupted by a vote on the floor
But I hold no grudge for the wrong that you’ve done
For I’m now in the arms of Jesus, God’s son
With millions of others, who had the same plea
I’m just a baby…please look out for me.

Merissa Lee Kelley
Feb 28, 2019

“Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained
for me were written in your book before one of them came
to be.” Psalm 139:16

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In Today’s Culture, I Might Have Been Aborted

In Today's Culture I Could've Been Aborted

“I wouldn’t have had you if I knew I would be passing on health issues to you!” My mom said to me.

As states are rapid-fire passing abortion laws that allow babies to be aborted for any “health” reason, even up through and after delivery, my mother’s words echo in my mind. I was just a young girl and I tried to frame her words in love. But I wondered then, as I do now, why wouldn’t she want me? Were her words coming from a point of regret or concern about my future? She’s gone now and I never asked.

[Tweet “Ultrasounds have made strides in helping to determine when a heart starts beating as new parent’s excitedly watch the development of their baby in mommy’s tummy.”]

Ultrasounds have made strides in helping to determine when a heart starts beating as new parents excitedly watch the development of their baby in mommy’s tummy. There are so many benefits of ultrasounds, especially in letting hesitant mommy’s know their baby is not just tissue or a fetus, but a kicking, smiling, yawning, sleeping, squirming baby boy or girl.

Ultrasounds and amniocentesis also detect early developmental issues. Often a baby’s life can be saved by intrauterine surgery or detecting that the mommy needs to be on bedrest.

[Tweet “Before ultrasounds detecting problems babies would have a chance at life. Today doctors encourage fearful parents to abort “and try again.””]

But these same tests can detect problems that can’t be treated until the baby is born, or maybe not treatable ever.

Before intrauterine technology, those babies would have a chance at life. Today doctors might encourage fearful parents to “abort and try again.” Even though we read story after story of the doctor and the tests being wrong and a beautiful baby boy or girl surprises everyone. A baby almost killed because he or she might not be perfect.

I would’ve been one of those imperfect babies.

Today’s technology could probably detect that I would have a spine with severe debilitating congenital scoliosis. Doctors might have told my first-time parents that without treatment I would be deformed and why not “get rid of me and try again for a better baby next time.” But my mom was pregnant before ultrasounds. Parents had to anxiously wait until their baby was born to even know if they were having a boy or a girl. So I lived.

But as I grew, my mother continually told me to stand up straight and had me standing for hours with my back against the wall hoping my spine would straighten on its own. But it only got worse until doctors told her if I didn’t have surgery to put a metal rod down my spine or be put in traction and wear a plaster cast from just under my ears to my hip bones until I finished growing, my left arm would eventually drag the ground. There was no way to correct the S-shaped curvature, only stop it from getting any worse and I would endure a lifetime of back pain.

She probably repeated in her mind, “I shouldn’t have had you.”

In Today's Culture, I Could've Been Aborted Because I had a deformed spine

At Christmas with my younger sister. The plaster cast you see around my neck went all the way down to my hip bones. I’m bracing myself with my left hand because I could barely sit up.

Or maybe she would’ve started experiencing many of her “health issues,” and when she became pregnant, she didn’t want to pass them on to me. I would be better off not being born. Aborted.

When I had breast cancer three times after she was gone, had she been alive, she might have said again, “I shouldn’t have had you.”

But praise God . . . she did have me.

In Today's Culture, I Could Have Been Aborted

[Tweet “God had a plan for me like He has for every one of His creations and none of us are perfect.”]

God had a plan for me like He has for every one of His creations and none of us are perfect.

Mothers often express in delight, “My baby is perfect as they count ten toes and fingers, four limbs, two eyes, two ears, one nose and a mouth, but no one really knows what awaits each of us. And that’s a good thing. If we knew a two-year old was going to get cancer, would we not want to have those two precious years with our child? What about if doctors could predict asthma or allergies? Would those be considered enough “health issues” to abort?

Now that they can detect Down’s Syndrome and cleft palates, should those darling children not have a chance at life? Savagely, doctor’s give parents that choice today.

[Tweet “Every life has a purpose, and while we’d like our life to be pure joy and happiness, we’re all going to have challenges.”]

Every life has a purpose, and while we’d like our life to be pure joy and happiness, we’re all going to have challenges. God’s plan is for all His children to be a part of human history for however long or short our time on earth or how imperfect our bodies or minds.

It’s not our call to play God.

[Tweet “It is not our call to play God.”]

Here’s some ways God has used my less than perfect body.

  1. I had a beautiful baby girl, who could’ve possibly had scoliosis, but she doesn’t. I tried so hard to have her while I struggled with infertility and not once did I ever think, “Maybe God doesn’t want me to have a baby.” I love being a mother.
  2. My daughter has three beautiful children. I love being a grandmother.
  3. I have a godly husband who is devoted to Jesus and to me. I love being a wife.
  4. I had the opportunity to start the Woman to Woman Mentoring Ministry over twenty years ago and only God knows the number of women throughout the world who have been, and continue to be, blessed by mentoring relationships. I love being About His Work.
  5. At the age of 50, I became an author! September 2019 will be the release of my twentieth Christian nonfiction book, all written to the glory of God. I love being an author.
  6. I’ve had the opportunity to speak and encourage women throughout the United States and Canada about how to live a life for Christ. I love speaking and mentoring.

It’s true I’ve had, and continue to have, many health issues, but I’m so glad my mother did choose to give me life.

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
    and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
    Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.

Psalm 139:13-14

In a recent post Don’t Just Cry About It, Do Something, I said one of the things we can do is put a face to the inhumanity of abortion by telling our stories. I’m sure all of you have a story to tell too of someone, maybe you, who might’ve been aborted today. Share with us your story in the comments and tell someone else today! You might just be saving an unborn life.

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*Opening picture is from the Christian Conservative

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Interview with Julie Sanders, Author of “Expectant”


Today’s blog post is an interview with Julie Sanders, my fellow Mentor Mom for The M.O.M. Initiative,  about her new E-book release,  EXPECTANT:  40 Devotions for New and Expectant Moms

Tell us what we can expect from EXPECTANT.

EXPECTANT is a collection of 40 devotions for new and expectant moms that uses transparent stories and biblical truth to offer hope and wisdom to women transitioning into motherhood. If you have dreams and hopes of what mothering will be, your heart is already Expectant.

Women enter motherhood in a variety of ways, so EXPECTANT shares encouragement for every mom as she grows into being a mother. That may mean she grows a pregnant belly or a home study for adoption, but she will grow. By talking about real issues like changes in your body, your marriage, your work, and your schedule, EXPECTANT helps new moms think through necessary transitions to find hope and confidence right there on the changing table or playground.

Like spending time with a loving, honest mentor over coffee, EXPECTANT uplifts women. The devotions are organized into sections about you, other grown-ups, the baby, and your new normal. Each one includes words from Scripture to grow your heart, as well as questions to get the conversation started with a friend, mentor, or dad-to-be. It’s formatted so that it would be easy to do with a partner or small group of moms.

Each journey into motherhood is unique, but every mother’s heart is expectant.

How is motherhood different than you expected?

I knew I would love our children, but I never imagined how much I would enjoy our children. Every season has been amazing, but moving through the changes of childhood, along with the accidents and surprises, has kept me prayerful. Being a mom is great for your prayer life!

Being a mom has stretched me more personally than I ever expected. God uses motherhood to expose my weaknesses, my failures, and my sin. While I’ve been watching our kids grow, God has been growing my heart and life.

What are some of your favorite motherhood books?

Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Ted Tripp is foundational. Sharon Jaynes’ book Being a Great Mom, Raising Great Kids really challenged me when I was deep in the elementary years. I was so inspired to make the most of time with our kids. Vicki Courtney’s 5 Conversations books for boys and for girls gave me direction as JoHanna and Jacob were growing, especially since I never had a brother. I needed the wisdom from those authors!

One thing I’ve learned as a mom is that I should never stop learning, so I’m always excited to find a new book or resource to make me a better mom. If I ever think I’ve got all the bases covered, something changes and I’m sent to my knees, searching for wisdom!

Your website is called Come have a Peace. How do you find peace as a mother?

I’m convinced God means for us to live out our days experiencing His peace in the practical, real life, relational stuff of our days. For a mom, it seems impossible sometimes, but we aren’t meant to stay in heavy, discouraged places on our mothering journey. We’re meant to find peace, and Jesus said we find it in Him, (John 16:33). Mamas need that message all day, every day, and often through the night.

God has used major transitions, distance from family, and multiple crises in our lives to show me my “peaceful mom’s heart” does not depend on my circumstances. I’ve become a “pray all day” kinda mom who cries out often and openly to the only perfect Parent we know, God Himself. I’ve learned to give myself a lot of grace and let myself off the hook of expecting perfection, refusing to compare myself to moms around me. (Remind me of that, will you?) And I give our kids a lot of grace, trying to keep the “big picture” in mind as God unfolds His plans for them. He’s doing a great job with them!

The greatest complement I receive is when our kids have friends over and they say, “Your house is so … peaceful.”  Love that!

What was most difficult for you during the “young years?”  How did you grow as a mother?

When I delivered our first baby, it was quite a finale to our pregnancy! Nothing happened the way we anticipated. I was left with fear and disappointment, and it took a long time for me to feel whole again. Feeling fragile was not only hard, it wasn’t what I expected.

I always wanted to have children, but I also loved being a teacher. Making a transition to spending the day with the baby at home was not as easy as I thought it would be, and before long I found myself overcommitted and worn out. I was challenged to take a close look at where I found my identity and where I placed my trust. Motherhood turned out to be as much about growing me as growing our children.

It seems like women in their early twenties are discouraged to become a mother so young. What type of encouragement do you have for young couples ready to become parents?

No one is every fully prepared to be a mom, but giving yourself a chance to grow and mature in wisdom helps you be the best mom you can be and want to be. God is able to do extraordinary things with moms who start as ordinary women. If you wait until you’re perfect and have a well-padded portfolio and house with a fence, you might wait a long time.

A wise mentor once encouraged me not to rush through the sweet years of just being a couple. Strengthen your oneness during your pre-child season, and you’ll be better parents when the time comes. As you enter parenthood, you’ll find that it’s a lot about growing yourselves while growing your family.

I’m thankful my mentor slowed us down; God’s timing is unique for everyone. Seek Him together. The most important part of the decision about when to start a family is unity between the mom and dad-to-be. It’s never worth it for one anxious spouse to push the other forward. Your hearts must be longing and expectant together.

Will you be overwhelmed if you start young? Every mom is overwhelmed at times, regardless of age, but God will be there to Father you lovingly into an experience more amazing than you ever imagined. He has a tender place in His heart for moms, and He knows all you hope and all you anticipate, (Isaiah 40:11). He is the one who has grown your mama’s heart to be so EXPECTANT.

Stop by the EXPECTANT page to find out more and to purchase your copy for $4.99 on Kindle or for use on the Kindle App.


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Mother’s Day: Happy or Hurting

“I hate Mother’s Day!” said my dear friend who is longing for a baby. “You know that women struggling with infertility don’t go to church on Mother’s Day.” Kris agrees, “I was that mom-in-waiting for 16 years; I stayed away from baby showers, church, and friends who would get pregnant. I didn’t stop praying, but it WAS the worse pain.” Lisa concurs, “I am guilty of having skipped church a few years before we adopted my son.”

In my book, Dear God, Why Can’t I Have a Baby? A Companion Guide for Couples on the Infertility Journey, my own daughter wrote about her painful Mother’s Day experience:

Dear God,

It’s almost Mother’s Day and I don’t know if I can handle seeing all those happy moms at church and brunch. I’m trying to focus on my mom and not think about how I’m missing out on being a mommy on yet another Mother’s Day. This year is especially hard since we’ve been trying to be parents for so long and so hard, only to be repeatedly disappointed. At the store looking for a card for my mom, I see the cute cards at the end of the aisle “To Mommy”…oh God, I wish I were someone’s mommy! I look away and continue focusing at the task ahead, getting my mom and mothers-in-law their cards.

Today’s the day, it’s Mother’s Day. I don’t think I can bear it. It’s just begun and already I want this day over. I pull myself out of bed and get ready for church. I’m not looking forward to the sermon about children being a blessing and honoring mothers. God, help me focus on my mom.

We met my parents at church and I put on my happy face, when inside I was crying watching all the mothers with big smiles dressed in pretty spring dresses and children running all around. This was a day of celebration and I just wanted to go back to bed. The pastor started the message with asking all the mothers to stand up. Hundreds of women stood and everyone applauded. I couldn’t take it any longer and sat slouched over in my seat quietly crying. Toby put his arm around me and my mom held my hand, but nothing took away the pain. I barely heard the rest of the message.

After brunch, I came home, collapsed on my bed, and cried myself to sleep where I remained the rest of the day. God, please don’t make me go through another Mother’s Day with this hole in my heart. I want to stand up in church with all those other mothers beaming from ear to ear and have everyone applaud me. God, please let me stand up next year.

Mother’s Day is especially hard for mommies-in-waiting, but for most of these women, every day is hard. With 1 in 6 couples experiencing infertility, you are, or know, a woman experiencing this heartache. Often we don’t know what to say to them, so we say nothing, or maybe unintentionally say something that makes them feel worse. Kris, who I mentioned in the opening paragraph, says, “We cannot ignore them [women longing for a child]. I know how hard it was for people to talk to me. But I would have loved it if they did.”

In Dear God, Why Can’t I Have a Baby?, I offer tools to help you know the “Top Fifteen Things Not to Say or Do And To Say or Do to Someone Experiencing Infertility.” This list is also on the Infertility Support page on my website.

When I was writing the book, women often told me that the place they felt the loneliest was the church. That breaks my heart.  Jesus said he came for the sick, and that includes heartsick. The church should be a safe place for the hurting, not a place where they feel shunned or outcast.  How does your church comfort mommies-in-waiting on Mother’s Day and every day?

Mothers of Prodigals

Another group of women who will be hurting on Mother’s Day are the mothers of prodigals. They may not even know where there child is, or know all too well where they are and what they are doing that breaks a mother’s heart and the heart of God. These moms also need comforting, a hug, a reminder that this day is for them too and they are not forgotten or ignored.

I was that hurting mom and in Praying for Your Prodigal Daughter: Hope, Help & Encouragement for Hurting Parents, I tell the story of praying daily that my daughter would find her way back to God, and six years later, she did. This Mother’s Day weekend she and I will be sharing our story at a Mother/Daughter tea. I’ve had a vision of us doing this for many years and prayed expectantly that God would bring my dream to life, and He has.

And Kim who was that heartsick mommy-in-waiting on Mother’s Day is now blessed with a family, but when we speak to the women God brings to this Mother’s Day Tea, neither of us will ever forget what it felt like to be hurting on Mother’s Day. We will speak with caring and compassion a comforting message of hope in God’s plan and timing. We won’t ignore these women, we will love on them!

I hope that you will do the same for the mommies-in-waiting, the moms of prodigals, or the moms who have lost a daughter or a son who may need a shoulder to cry on . . . a prayer . . . an understanding hug. If you’ve been where they’re at, mentor them like only someone who has been in their shoes can. If you haven’t been in their shoes, just let them know you can’t possibly understand, but you’re there for them and God is too!

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as you are already doing.”—1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NLT)

NOTE: Besides not knowing what to say, many of us don’t know what to give a mommy-in-waiting or a mom of a prodigal, and so we usually give them nothing. The books I have written for these women are full of hope and encouragement from the voices of other women who have walked the same journey, as well as from God’s Love Letter.  So for the month of May I’m running a sale on my website for Dear God, Why Can’t I Have a Baby? and Praying for Your Prodigal Daughter. Another helpful book might be Face-to-Face with Sarah, Rachel, and Hannah: Pleading with God. I will sign and personalize each book.

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