Are You Ready to Get Your Brave On With Me?

Celebrating release of Everyday Brave

Celebrate with me the launch of Everyday Brave: Living Courageously as a Woman of Faith

Well it’s finally time! The release of Everyday Brave: Living Courageously as a Woman of Faith is today, September 10, 2019! Hoot!!! Hoot!!

[Tweet “It’s finally time! The release of Everyday Brave: Living Courageously as a Woman of Faith is today, September 10, 2019! Hoot!!! Hoot!!”]

Over the past year, many of you have traveled with me on this writing journey through trips and falls, illnesses, flooded basement, broken wrist, snowed in, car hit by a boulder . . . . Yes, it’s been a challenging year, but God has been good and the writing, editing, and printing kept on going.

Nothing can stop what God starts! I hope you agree this is true in your own life too.

[Tweet “Nothing can stop what God starts! I hope you agree this is true in your own life too.”]

It was a blessing last week to hold my new “baby” in my hands and start signing books for contributors, endorsers, and winners of blogs where I’ve been a guest blogger.

But don’t worry; I’m not leaving you out of the fun! I’m offering a signed copy of Everyday Brave to two of you who leave a comment on today’s blog to enter a drawing. I’ll announce the winners in next week’s blog!

It Takes a Village to Write a Book

A huge thank you to the courageous women who answered my shout out for stories and bravely shared in this book to bless other women. You know who you are!

I’m blessed to have nine endorsers who humbled me with their kind and gracious encouraging words about how God can use this book in the lives of women who often don’t realize they’re courageous everyday.

Tricia Goyer endorses Everyday Brave

Then there are the stories of 50 brave and courageous women in the Bible. In Everyday Brave, I use a new style of writing for me, creative nonfiction, where I base their stories on the biblical facts, while bringing them to life by recreating their world and environment. It was fun and some have said it’s my best book so far, but we’ll see what everyone else thinks.

Everyday Brave is not a Bible study, but there are discussion questions at the end of each chapter, which make the book perfect for use in Bible studies, small groups, Women’s Ministry studies, book clubs, Mentors and Mentees, or to help you as the reader engage with what you’ve read.

Everyone Needs the Lord

We live in a time when Christians need to have the courage to stand firm in their faith in a culture that is not Christian-friendly.

[Tweet “We live in a time when Christians need to have the courage to stand firm in their faith in a culture that is not Christian-friendly.”]

Regardless of the chaos in the world, we remain role models of a God-honoring life. Many are watching to see what it really means to be a faithful Christian who lives by the Bible.

Christians do not change the Bible to conform to the culture, but they do use the unchangeable Bible to reform the culture!

[Tweet “Christians do not change the Bible to conform to the culture, but they do use the unchangeable Bible to reform the culture!”]

True, it’s not for the faint of heart, but it is for those of us who fear the Lord!

I had to put my brave on just to write a book like Everyday Brave, but God’s timing is always perfect. I’ve felt Him encouraging me at every step, and I pray you will also be encouraged as you read it.

You and I really are much braver than we think we are!

Here’s a sneak preview of the Preface.

Believe me when I say I had to put my brave on just to write a book like this, but God’s timing is always perfect and I’ve felt Him encouraging me at every step. Let me first say, I had to tap into my everyday brave just to write this book. I’m not an expert on bravery and I don’t have all the answers for what makes us brave and courageous, but I do have a tight relationship with the One who does. He instilled in all of us brave hearts to push beyond what we think we’re capable of achieving, and so I started writing.

When taunting thoughts assailed me, such as Who are you to write a book about bravery? I honestly asked myself the same question. Then I quickly realized those disparaging words were coming from Satan because God doesn’t instill doubt in us. When he gives us a Holy Spirit–inspired idea or assignment, he encourages us and cheers us on with a “You go girl! I’ve got this. I’m with you all the way.” I knew God was with me on this project—I just had to get with it!

We need to bolster each other toward bravery just to withstand the barrage of daunting news today and the escalating attacks on our faith. It’s comforting to know that incredible women in the Bible also experienced scary and threatening times. They were victorious, and we can be too.

So my dear friends, let’s be courageous women of faith and get our brave on for God! Are you ready?! Let’s do it!

Be your own kind of brave!

Maybe your first brave step will be verbalizing an area of your life where God wants you to be brave and courageous.

Since I’m offering two free books for comments on this blog, let me give you a few ideas.

  • What is God asking you to do, but you’re hesitating?
  • What’s stopping you from courageously moving forward on God’s nudge to take a step of faith?
  • Where have you been victoriously bold and brave and how did it feel?

I sign Everyday Brave with this verse Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. 1 Cor. 16:13

Everyday Brave available now on Amazon for sale



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Throw Out Insecurity and Cast Your Net By Andrea Chatelain


God will help us mentor; it's not about us!

Today’s guest blogger is Andrea Chatelain, who has encouraging words for anyone who thought serving God was all about them!

Throw Out Insecurity and Cast Your Net

By Andrea Chatelain

I was a shell of a woman. Broken over miscarriages and lonely in faith, I called the one friend I had and asked her to gather some gals. We bought the shortest Bible study available, and strangers gathered in my living room. I had no idea what I was doing. Why had God prompted me to open my house and my heart to others when I felt so unqualified, imperfect, and weary? Truth is, He can work great things out of our vulnerability if we’ll be bold enough to follow.

[Tweet “God can work great things out of our vulnerability if we’ll be bold enough to follow.”]

Being a mentor starts with this motto: Throw out insecurity and cast your net.

Before Jesus’ disciples followed Him, many were fishermen. They spent their days casting out a net because they knew there were fish in the water–even if they weren’t biting. Some days the disciples hauled in so many fish the boat was overflowing, other times there wasn’t much to show for their efforts.

But they kept throwing their nets.

Then Jesus invited them to catch something better. “And He said to them, follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19 ESV

To do the important work of mentoring others, bringing them up in love and truth, we have to believe two things: 1. God chose us fully aware of our shortcomings. 2. The outcome is in His control as we follow His lead.

If we examine the first disciples, Christ didn’t always choose the most qualified. He called those willing to follow and throw their net. And the same is true of us.

[Tweet “God has chosen each of us to cast our nets right where we are and mentor others in love and truth not because we are awesome, but because He is awesome.”]

God has chosen each of us to cast our nets right where we are and mentor others in love and truth not because we are awesome, but because He is awesome. Believing that perfection isn’t required to lead others emboldens us to step out of our comfort zone and do the sometimes intimidating job of mentoring. So we throw off insecurity and say yes to every crazy idea God gives us knowing it’s not about what we have to give, but about trusting the One who’s leading us.

[Tweet “To boldly say yes when God calls us to mentor or disciple others, we must also trust Him with the outcome.”]

To boldly say yes when God calls us to mentor or disciple others, we must also trust Him with the outcome. In the past, I didn’t open myself up to mentoring because I was simply afraid no one would show up, or that the group wouldn’t be successful. I believed the outcome of my leadership was all on me. And that left me paralyzed.

I was frozen in fear and insecurity thinking it was necessary to possess all the answers for the women I mentored. But when I changed my mindset, having faith God called me to that post, He provided me with strength and wisdom through His Holy Spirit, and the pressure subsided. And even if it didn’t turn out the way I expected, I learned to trust that was part of God’s plan too.

So no, I’ve never been a perfect leader, and I doubt I ever will be, but God showed up each week to that Bible study as I committed to love and serve others. As I continue to cast my net despite my fears and insecurities, God has built friendships, grown my faith, and healed my heart.

Who is God calling you to reach out to? What fear is holding you back? Trust that God knows exactly who you are, your weakness and strengths, and wants to use you to encourage and mentor others. He will be glorified as you faithfully say yes!

Andrea Chatelain’s mission is to meet women in their struggles and love them forward with God’s truth. She’s a Midwest mom of three, faith and family blogger at A Fruitful Woman, and college English instructor to immigrants and refugees. It’s her joy to connect with women in her neighborhood, church, and community. Her talks reflect her spunky personality, love for Jesus, and heart for fellow believers. Read more from Andrea at A Fruitful Woman or follow her on Facebook.

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Why We Need Mentoring Part Two By Tammy Keene

This week we have the second part of Tammy Keene’s blog post on how mentoring has impacted her life and led her to start a mentoring ministry at her church, First Baptist Church of Riverview. If you didn’t get to read last week’s Why We Need Mentoring Part One, be sure and read it first so you can meet Tammy.

This is also Love Your Body Like God Loves Your Body last Monday of the month and Tammy gives some good advice on sticking with weight loss or any health regime.

Why We Need Mentoring Part Two By Tammy Keene

In 2013, I invited Lisa Weaver to join me on a weight loss journey. What started as just the two of us meeting at the gym to walk on a treadmill and discuss a Bible study became so much more.

Looking back at this time, I have recognized a very important lesson: this simple act of obedience led me to where I am today. As I reflect now, I am shocked that I would have the boldness to ask another woman to join me on a weight loss journey.

That weight loss journey led to the Tuesday Night Ladies Bible Study. It was during our first Bible study, that God laid on my heart to share what we were learning with other ladies. It started out as a weight loss Bible study, but it became so much more.

[Tweet “Sometimes you need to pass the baton so God can use you somewhere else.”]

Sometimes you need to pass the baton so God can use you somewhere else.

In preparation for starting our mentoring ministry, I felt God calling me to step away from leading the Tuesday Night Bible Study. I almost let my fear of stepping away get in the way of what God was trying to accomplish. As I stepped away, God blessed the Tuesday Night Bible Study with two women to co-lead.

This was just the start because God was not done. He also led three more ladies to lead two more Bible studies I was leading on Wednesday mornings.

[Tweet “God’s economics are so much better than ours!”]

God’s economics are so much better than mine! 

If I had allowed my fear of letting go hold me back, I would have missed being a small part of some of the blessings at First Baptist Church of Riverview.

In Janet Thompson’s book, Mentoring for All Seasons, one mentee shared her concern about mentoring. “Where are all the mentors? I remember looking up to several women in the church, but I was never able to wiggle my way under their wing. It shouldn’t have been so hard, and no mom should have to go it alone. The church should weave mentoring into the fabric of the church.” (p. 143)

I know that as women, we are very busy, our schedules are packed and our time is precious, but I truly believe the experience of having a mentor or mentee is necessary for each of us. You’ll be amazed by what God will show you during this time.

Another mentor shared in Mentoring for All Seasons that: “Sometimes we don’t fully discover our strengths because we let doubt and fear keep us from moving forward…we minimize those feelings, put things off for a later date or hold back because we doubt our feelings or our own abilities. But when we say yes – even if we aren’t sure if we’re qualified or how it’s all going to turn out – that’s when He opens new doors to discover, live, and love our strengths…that’s when lives are changed, including ours…one by one the world is changed too.” (p. 145)

In 2013, I didn’t realize I had a passion for mentoring, but God used the lessons learned over my lifetime to confirm that He has placed me exactly where I am meant to be. I am blessed to be a small part of the mentoring ministry at FBCR, mentoring is my passion! 

Tammy Keene

Why We Need Mentoring Party Two by Tammy Keene

Where might God be calling you to step away, so He can help you step into something new?

[Tweet “Where might God be calling you to step away, so He can help you step into something new?”]

How has mentoring changed your life?

Why we need mentoring Part 2 by Tammy Keene

Notice Tammy made sure the Bible studies she was leading had capable new leaders before she left. That’s one important point I also make in The Team That Jesus Built. Never walk away from a ministry unless you’ve equipped someone to take your place.

[Tweet “Never walk away from a ministry unless you’ve equipped someone to take your place.”]

Then you don’t leave a void or hurt the ministry you’re leaving.

If you received this blog by email, please leave a comment here.

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Caregiving Lessons Aren’t Just for Caregivers by Cheri Swalwell

I have a big favor to ask. Would you take a short quick survey to help my publisher and me with the title of the book I’m currently writing! It won’t take five minutes. Thanks so much. Here’s the link.

This week’s guest blogger is Cheri Swalwell. I know you’ll enjoy her lessons learned from caregiving that we can apply to all areas of our life.

Caregiving Lessons Aren’t Just for Caregivers by Cheri Swalwell

This past spring, I co-lead my first life group. While we studied the book Caring for the Caregiver, God used the time to teach me multiple truths, which apply to many areas of life, not just caregiving.

I’m Not in Control

One lesson God has been teaching me through the study is “I’m not in control.” So true when providing care for another. While I may be able to control when I offer food, rest, medication, and/or bathroom privileges, I cannot force someone to eat, drink, sleep, use the bathroom, or take medication. I’m not in control of the other person agreeing and following through.

The same is true whether dealing with friends, family, or just strangers on the street. So, you may ask: What can we do when the control is out of our hands?

[Tweet “Pray – before, during, and after every situation we find ourselves.”]

Pray – before, during, and after every situation. When we invite in Jesus before we make any decisions, He takes control. I don’t have to control anything.

Knowing Who You Serve

Another lesson He taught me through caregiving: You must know the person you’re blessed to serve. Study their preferences. Introverted or extroverted? Prefer to spend time alone or crave the company of others? A high or low pain tolerance?

The same principles apply to everyday life. When we’re interacting with loved ones, friends, or strangers, pay attention, listen, and ask questions.

I like to start each day asking God to use me in whatever way He wants. I ask Him to help me slow down and see opportunities where He wants to use me as a blessing.

Approaching life this way, God will provide opportunities for us to bless others. He will give the “wiggle room” in our schedules to take the time to get to know others so our interactions with them are genuine.

[Tweet “We’re here on earth to share about God’s plan with those who don’t know Him and to encourage brothers and sisters in Christ who feel like giving up.”]

We’re here on earth to share God’s plan with those who don’t know Him and to encourage brothers and sisters in Christ who feel like giving up. Best done through relationships. Taking a genuine interest in those God puts in our circles.

Know Your Own Limits

Equally as important as knowing the person you’re called to serve, is staying close enough to God to know your own limits.

This past spring was a busy season for our family. We were dealing with a few serious health crises of family members, emotional burdens of other family members, and added busyness of “end-of-the-school-year activities.” Our oldest graduated from high school, with the added joy of planning his party.

One day, I was attempting to juggle a doctor’s appointment while fielding updates from another family member’s serious illness, while gathering prices at various stores for the party we were planning. While running errands, I looked up when a urinal caught my eye – I had walked into the men’s bathroom!

Two stores later, I “woke up” from my thoughts with enough time to stop from nearly shoplifting three containers of juice. I’d hit my limit. I couldn’t put one more thing in my brain. I shouldn’t make major decisions until I allowed myself time to rest and recover, if only for a few hours.

[Tweet “Fill up with God before you allow yourself to get completely depleted.”]

Know your limits and fill up with God before you get completely depleted. Sometimes, life hits hard and fast and we can’t fill up as fast as we have to pour out. That’s when relying on God’s strength is the best decision we can make.

My recent busyness has included obligations not usually on my plate. Most are good things like celebrations to enjoy and cherish. However, busy is busy and there are still only 24 hours in each day.

[Tweet “Too busy leads to stress. Stress can make a person act differently. Stress can give license to unleash their “crazy.””]

Too busy leads to stress. Stress can make us act differently. Stress can give license to unleash our “crazy.” During the busy, stressful times is when people around us take notice. How will she act in this situation? How will she handle such and such? Especially, if one professes to be a Christ follower.

[Tweet “When we’re at our busiest or when we’re faced with the worst trials, people tend to look the closest and our true character shines through.”]

When we’re at our busiest or when we’re faced with the worst trials, people tend to look the closest and our true character shines through. I had to look in the mirror and decide if I liked the character traits I saw, or if I needed to make some adjustments. More than anything, I want people to see more of Jesus and less of me at all times, but especially in the times of busy.

Busy seasons will always be a part of life. How we prepare ahead of time for them determines how much of Jesus others will see in us during those times. I, for one, want others to see more of Jesus and less of me as I mature and become closer to Jesus’ likeness.

What Characteristics Does Caregiving and Busy Bring Out in You?

I’m Not In Control?

Knowing Who You Serve?

Knowing Your Own Limits?

If you received this blog by email, leave a comment here.

Cheri Swalwell is a Christ follower who thoroughly enjoys her calling to be a wife, mother, and writer, in that order. She enjoys writing regularly for Book Fun Magazine. Her Spoken from the Heart Series is available through Amazon in both eBook and paperback versions. Her book, Hope During Heartache, a compilation of 13 men and women’s stories told from their viewpoint about hope after the loss of a child, is also available at Amazon in both paperback and eBook versions as well as her Bible study, Caring for the Caregiver. To read one of her many articles on life from a Christian perspective, visit her blog. She loves to interact with her readers and would love for you to visit her website or send an email to [email protected] or “like” her on Facebook or interact with her on Twitter, LinkedIN, or Goodreads.




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Love Your Body—For Longer Than Thirty Days

Love Your Body Longer Than 30 Days talks about the challenges of keeping weight off beyond the 30 days. Is it a way of eating you could do for life? If not it will be a disappointment.

Love Your Body Like God Loves It

Last week, a Facebook friend posted that she ended up in the hospital after trying a weight-loss drink. My heart sank. Fortunately, she’s fine now, but she’ll never do that again. If you follow my last Monday of the month Love Your Body series, you’ve heard me speak so often about the dangers of quick weight loss products and diets. How many people do you know who have gone on a weight loss shake or product or shots and kept the weight off? These are costly and comprised of chemicals, not natural food no matter how they try to advertise “natural” or even organic. You might lose weight for the short-run, but no one is going to spend the rest of her or his life drinking expensive shakes for a meal or buying the packaged foods some of the programs tout, or going to meetings . . . and as you start slipping back into your old eating habits, (because you haven’t learned new healthy ones) the weight returns, maybe even more than you lost. So this week, I’m rerunning a post as a reminder of how to Love Your Body Like God Loves Your Body!

I know I’m going to take some heat for this blog post, so let me start off by reminding everyone that the only reason I write this series on the last Monday of the month is because I care about your health. My first degree in college was a Bachelor of Science in Dietetics, and I spent a year internship to become a Registered Dietitian, R.D. While I don’t currently practice that profession, I always say, “Once a dietitian, always a dietitian.” When you’ve learned the principles of how to eat the way God made our bodies, why would you ever want to do anything differently?!

[Tweet “Most people want a quick fix and not a lifetime of eating healthy”]

But I didn’t stay in that profession for one reason; most people want a quick fix and not a lifetime of eating healthy. It was a thankless career. I began as a clinical R.D. in hospitals and thought I could be the Florence Nightingale of dietetics and help everyone on the path to wellness. I quickly learned that an R.D. was the meanie. You would think we were taking away their whole reason for living, instead of helping them to live longer! Even though in so many illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and weight-related, diet plays such a key role, people are often in denial. They want to take a pill or find an easy solution so they can keep eating the way they love, often more than they love their own bodies and loved ones.

[Tweet ” Easy fast weight loss is not possible. “]

Today the world of nutrition has garnered more respect, but many still ignore advice and wise counsel. Every few months, there’s a new diet touted as easy, fast weight loss, which by the way is not possible. Just look at the most well-known yo-yo celebrity dieter, Oprah. She’s probably tried them all, but the weight always returns.

Or Kirstie Alley and Valerie Bertinelli, who lost weight as spokeswomen for Jenny Craig, but both started gaining it back when the contract ended. Why? No one is going to eat Jenny Craig food for the rest of her life.

Nothing changed about why these women overeat. They didn’t modify their eating habits for life, just the duration of the program. Or the diet got boring and gradually the old eating habits returned. Maybe you’ve been there too.

I have many friends lose weight with Weight Watchers, but when they stopped going to meetings and measuring food, the weight started creeping back on, because again they aren’t going to attend Weight Watchers for life.

[Tweet “Everyone wants to find a way to eat more calories than God made their bodies to need or use, and in some cases will do harm, and still lose weight”]

Everyone wants to find a way to eat more calories than God made their bodies to need or use, and in some cases will do harm, and still lose weight. It isn’t going to happen unless you adopt eating habits good for your body for life.

My Thoughts on the 30-Day Diet

[Tweet “The 30-Day Diet is the latest quick fix weight loss attempt.”]

When I started seeing people on Facebook talking about the latest diet rage, the 30-day diet, my heart sank. I went online and saw that people like Dr. Oz were approving it; but seriously how many other diets has he already approved? I can answer that: whatever is the latest quick fix. For once, it isn’t a bad diet with drinks or shakes you have to purchase or major foods groups to eliminate (except maybe sources of calcium). But almost everyone who is overweight is going to lose weight and detox with only eating 1200 calories, no processed foods, not eating for 12 hours after dinner—everyone should do that—and drinking lots of water—again we all should—and eating kale chips and roasted chickpeas for snacks. Hmm could you live with that as your only snack for longer than 30 days? And exercise is good, but jumping rope I’m not sure many could do as one website suggested.

And of course, there’s always a book for sale.

[Tweet “Is the 30 Day Diet a way of eating someone would do for life? “]

Again, I ask: Is this a way of eating someone would do for life? It wouldn’t be a bad way to eat, but I appreciated this disclaimer at the end of one the descriptions of the diet: Also, like any weight-loss plan, you might regain any weight you lost once you go back to your usual eating habits. To minimize regain, incorporate some of things you learned over the 30-day diet, such as mindful eating and focusing your meals on whole, fresh food.

If you want to do the 30-day diet, I don’t see anything that would hurt you. But as the disclaimer said, don’t start it unless you’re ready to change your eating patterns for life, or it will just be another failed disappointing diet.

What did people learn over the 30 days? Did they learn “mindful eating”?

Why they overeat and food has such a stronghold?

When they overeat?

How to avoid overeating?

What they’re overeating?

Why isn’t reaching their goal and looking amazing in their clothes enough incentive for not gaining back the weight?

Let God Help

[Tweet “The only way to stop overeating for life is not a quick-fix diet”]

The only way to stop overeating for life is not a quick-fix diet; it’s to find the answers to the above questions and I believe God can help you answer them. I had the privilege of writing a Bible study God’s Best for Your Life for First Place 4 Health, a ministry program I highly endorse. It’s not just a diet program focused on a quick weight loss, but a plan for a healthy lifestyle and eating habits for life. Helping those who are in a struggle with weight and food look at the whole body physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally from God’s perspective, often in a group setting, but you can also do it on your own with one of their Bible studies.

A Mentor Offers Accountability

[Tweet ” a mentoring relationship can provide the same accountability.”]

The benefit of being in a group setting is accountability, but a mentoring relationship can provide the same accountability. In Mentoring for All Seasons, I discuss how to have a quality accountability relationship. Interestingly the Stages of Mentoring chapter shares a story of a mentor and mentee who met in a First Place 4 Health group at their church. The mentee Tara was leading the group, but she was seeking spiritual wisdom from an older woman, which she found in Jerre.

Many have told me they’ve lost and kept off weight just from the mentoring tips I’ve given in this Love Your Body series. That blesses me beyond words! I’ve seen so much pain and illness from something God made to nourish and sustain us be abused and misused by the evil one causing obsession, and yes, addiction to unhealthy eating patterns.

Love Your Body for More Than 30 Days discusses how an accountabiilty partner helping you stay on a healthy diet is more successful than going on a quick fix diet like the 30 Day diet where even they admit the weight will return if you go back to old eating habits.

Love Your Body Like God Loves Your Body, eat healthy

Here are some previous Love Your Body articles you might enjoy on the topic of developing healthy eating habits to lose and maintain weight loss:

Written by my daughter Love Your Body—Use Technology to Lose Weight

Love Your Body—Break the Food Strongholds, Debbie Dittrich shared her story

Love Your Body—Weight Loss is Not the Goal, Debbie Dittrich shares more of her story

If you received this blog by email, please leave a comment here. Tell us how you’re keeping your weight under control or if you’ve tried the 30-Day Diet.


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How To Stand Against Cultural Opposition & Disunity In The Church By Erica Wiggenhorn

Erica Wiggenhorn, author of An Unexplainable Life: Recovering the Wonders and Devotion of the Early Church, is our guest blogger and Erica and I both have a heart for the church today to learn from the church of the past to impact our current culture. In Forsaken God?: Remembering the Goodness of God Our Culture Has Forgotten, I trace the mishaps of the Israelites and how we can learn from their mistakes and forgetfulness of God’s goodness. Erica traces the biblical conflict that started right from the beginning of the church and offers solutions of how to confront inevitable conflict in the current church that is sadly influencing our culture away from God and the church. I’ve also written about resolving conflict biblically in Face-to-Face with Euodia and Syntyche: From Conflict to Community.

I also wrote a recent article for you might enjoy reading, Biblical Responses for When the Church Offends or Hurts You.

Enjoy and pray about Erica’s post below.

How can the church not be effected by today's culture

Author/Mentee Erica Wiggenhorn

One of the very first things I noticed about the early Christian church is that trouble started right away. The church was barely a week old before issues arose.

This shouldn’t be a surprise since the Christian church is made up of people—flawed, imperfect human beings. Yet we are somehow shocked today when issues occur within the church. We shake our heads in disbelief when believers disagree with one another, or are outraged when others come against the church because we don’t condone their lifestyle or support their beliefs.

[Tweet “The early Christians in the book of Acts realized that regardless of what they faced, God was on their side and the church was going to continue.”]

The church should expect opposition within its walls and without. By living in a false mentality that the Christian church will perpetually function in peace and unity, we are deceived into not dealing with it. We think something is wrong. But what if we opened up the pages of Scripture, realized that there have always been issues, and therefore actively prepared for them? What if we intentionally wrestle and pray through difficulties before they even arise?

[Tweet “Disagreement and opposition are nothing more than the enemy’s plans to thwart the church.”]

Disagreement and opposition are nothing more than the enemy’s plans to thwart the church. Here are just a handful of accusations that came against the early Christian church within weeks of its inception:

  • Prejudice
  • Favoritism
  • Insurrection
  • Governmental and social unrest
  • Hypocrisy
  • Deceit

How many of these do we see today? Nothing has changed, friends. But what if we changed, went back to the beginning, and prayed specific, powerful prayers like the early believers did?

[Tweet ” Nothing has changed, friends. But what if we changed, went back to the beginning, and prayed specific, powerful prayers like the early believers did?”]

How Should We Respond? What Should We Do?

[Tweet “Next time you feel overwhelmed by cultural opposition—pray. Next time you’re discouraged by disunity within your church—pray. Even before either one happens—pray, because it’s going to happen. Make sure you’re ready.”]

“You spoke by the Holy Spirit through the mouth of your servant, our father David: ‘Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed one’ … Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.” (Acts 4:25-26, 29)

Look at what God did as a result of this prayer: “After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.” (Acts 4:31)

God gave them a visible demonstration that His power was mightier than Rome’s greatest emperor! The early Christians didn’t cower in the corner wringing their hands because they faced opposition. They confronted it head-on by addressing the One powerful enough to help them overcome it! They prayed to God. The early Christians in the book of Acts realized that regardless of what they faced, God was on their side and the church was going to continue.

[Tweet “But what if we opened up the pages of Scripture, realized that there have always been issues, and therefore actively prepared for them? “]

God has warned us that we need to prepare for disagreement and opposition. We need to prayerfully decide how we are going to respond to difficult issues. We need to study the Word of God so we are aware of our enemy’s schemes.

We need to realize that trouble is often our greatest indicator that our enemy is threatened and God is at work. And as we study, pray, and come together with other believers wrestling through issues and injustices, the Holy Spirit will move with power—wall shaking power—and give us everything we need to continue to spread the news of Jesus! Two thousand years later, the gospel is still spreading!

[Tweet “The early Christians didn’t cower in the corner wringing their hands because they faced opposition. They confronted it head-on by addressing the One powerful enough to help them overcome it!”]

Next time you feel overwhelmed by cultural opposition—pray. Next time you’re discouraged by disunity within your church—pray. Even before either one happens—pray, because it’s going to happen. Make sure you’re ready.

[Tweet “God has warned us that we need to prepare for disagreement and opposition. We need to prayerfully decide how we are going to respond to difficult issues.”]

[Tweet “Next time you feel overwhelmed by cultural opposition—pray. Next time you’re discouraged by disunity within your church—pray. Even before either one happens—pray, because it’s going to happen. Make sure you’re ready.”]

For more information about her latest Bible study, An Unexplainable Life: Recovering the Wonder and Devotion of the Early Church, and Erica’s Every Life Ministry click here.

Now It’s Your Turn

What is your general response when disunity occurs within your church?

How do you specifically pray for your church’s protection against cultural opposition?

What is one key way to prepare ourselves for opposition within our church or from without?

You can comment below or if you received this blog by email comment here.

An Unexplainable Life

Euodia and Syntyche: From Conflict to Community

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Conservatives, Don’t Be Intimidated!

“I haven’t done enough research on conservatives to call myself or be called one. I’m just refusing to be enslaved by monolithic thought. There are people around me that disagree with me and voice their opinion. I respect everyone’s opinion but I stand my ground.” Kanye West

“My definition of conservative is having the audacity to believe what your grandma taught you!” Kay Cole Jones, President of the Heritage Foundation

On our recent trip to Southern California, we met some former neighbors at a favorite coffee place in Orange County. Since we were all Christians and conservative Trump supporters, the conversation quickly turned to our faith, FOX News, President Trump, and the California liberal progressive government. We sat at an outside table, prayed together over our meal, talked openly, and enjoyed each other’s company.

Without warning, a husky man came up behind Dave and me. I saw him lean into Dave and stick out his hand. We were all surprised, until it registered that this was another good friend of ours. After we exchanged conversation and our friend left, the neighbor we were having breakfast with said that as he saw the man approaching us, he feared that he was coming to yell at us . . . or even worse . . . regarding our conversation.

Intimidated, fearful, apprehensive is exactly how many conservatives are feeling today, especially in liberal states and college campuses. Many liberals use bullying tactics to quiet conservatives and instill fear rather than encouraging an honest open debate. Or just allow us to have our opinions without trying to demonize, bully, or call us names!

[Tweet “Many liberals use bullying tactics to quiet conservatives and instill fear rather than encouraging an honest open debate.”]

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

I don’t know of many conservatives who would approach a group of liberals at a meal or in a public place and start shouting at them or calling them names, as many liberals do with conservatives. Their goal is not to convert us, but to silence us. Even if convinced they’re right and we’re wrong, no one has the right to use scare tactics, or even force. Try wearing a Make America Great Again or Trump hat or T-shirt and see what happens.

Government Tries to Intimidate Us

Sadly, many governments, like California, are supporting the liberal agenda and trying to quiet or eliminate conservative and religious rights. Often conservatives are letting them, accepting it as the new normal.

[Tweet “Many governments, like California, are supporting the liberal agenda and trying to quiet or eliminate conservative and religious rights.”]

One California couple, the Fromms in San Juan Capistrano, were fined by the city for having a Bible study in their home, but they’re not backing down or acquiescing to the attempt to stop their home meetings because one neighbor complained. You can read more of their story in this news clip.

We will stand up for our faith and for the use of our home.”

While we were in California, the state Assembly approved Assembly Bill 2943 that prohibits the advertising or selling of “sexual orientation change efforts.” The bill declares books and conferences dealing with biblical views on homosexuality or transgenderism as fraudulent under the state’s consumer fraud statute. Ultimately, it could penalize those who encourage and promote biblical views of marriage and sex.

That means the Bible!

Thankfully, before it goes before the California Senate, many Christians are rallying together to stop it. From an article by Emily Jones, Will California Ban The Bible? Christians Say ‘Not Without a Fight’There are churches that want to have everyone in their congregation making phone calls to their state senators. And there are also some people who want to have effective and persuasive news conferences.

[Tweet “Christians need to be stronger, bolder, and tougher if we plan to defend our faith and the right to live by our morals and beliefs”]

Sadly, discrimination is not just happening in California, but we must NOT let this become our new American normal. The Bible tells us that in the last days Christians and God’s Word will come under attack and persecution, but the Bible does NOT tell us to acquiesce under any circumstances. We need to be stronger, bolder, and tougher if we plan to defend our faith and the right to live by our values, morals, and beliefs. We need to be thick-skinned and never shrink from the Truth and our right to speak it.

[Tweet “The Bible tells us that in the last days Christians and God’s Word will come under attack and persecution, but the Bible does NOT tell us to acquiesce under any circumstances.”]

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Matthew 5:10-12

Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 2 Peter 3:3

[Tweet “We can’t shrink away from the attacks and threats on our faith and beliefs,”]

Social Media Tries to Intimidate Us!

We can’t shrink away from the attacks and threats on our faith and beliefs, but we must fight . . . not like liberals fight . . .  but with our voices, social media, calling and emailing congressmen, supporting and voting for those who represent the conservative agenda, blogging, using whatever platform God gives us, and covering it all in prayer.

I know it’s getting harder as social media and YouTube are trying to censor the conservative or Christian voice. Trump supporters Diamond and Silk went in front of Congress to voice their complaint of Facebook and YouTube censoring them because of their vocal support for President Trump. It was appalling to see how the Democrats in Congress dismissed and patronized them. But they aren’t staying silent and their voices are being heard.

Diamond and Silk challenge Facebook censoring them.

Maybe we don’t have a platform like Diamond and Silk, or Kanye West, but we can do our part . . . without intimidation . . . wherever the Lord plants us.

 In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, 13 while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, 15 and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 3:12-15

Do not be afraid!

Do not stay quiet!

Do not be intimidated or dismissed!

Do not accept sin as normal!

Do let your conservative Christian voice be heard!

Do adhere to what you know is right!

Do be willing to sacrifice!

Do stand up for what you believe!

Do stay strong in the Word!  

The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. 21 But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. 22 The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful. 23 But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.” Matthew 13:20-25

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Are Today’s Churches Discouraging Reading the Bible?

How Can a Word Change Your Life?, Reading God's Word will change your life.

At the beginning of the sermon, a Bible church pastor said to raise your hand if you needed a Bible and you could keep it if you didn’t have one. No one raised his or her hand.

Every sermon Scripture was in a printed handout in the church bulletin, as well as on the screens at the front of the church. Why would anyone need a Bible?

[Tweet “Congregants are spoon-fed Scriptures with no reason to bring their Bibles to church!”]

This is becoming the norm in churches. Congregants are spoon-fed Scriptures with no reason to bring their Bibles to church!

  • How many make a note somewhere when a particular Scripture pierces their heart?
  • How many will remember the Scriptures flashing up on a screen?
  • How many will throw away the bulletin handout when they get home?
  • How many will go back and review and study the Scriptures the pastor chose for his sermon?
  • How many open their Bibles during the week?
  • How many know where the books of the Bible are located?

Can churches still be called “Bible churches” when no one opens a Bible, even the pastor?

[Tweet “Can churches still be called “Bible churches” when no one opens a Bible, even the pastor?”]

I’m sure many will counter that with tablets, IPads, and smart phones, the Scriptures are available online. What if a church doesn’t have internet service? And even if they did, I seldom see congregants interacting and taking notes on their electronic devices like you can do with a hard copy Bible.

Recently, I was told the next generation only wants to use electronic Bibles. “What if they don’t know where Habakkuk is?” I was asked. “In ‘search,’ it’s easy to find on an electronic Bible.”

This underscores my point. The next generation will not know how to find Habakkuk in a Bible because they’re not looking at the complete Bible on an electronic device. That’s like looking at one line in a book you’re reading, but never read the entire book. Every Bible has a Table of Contents.

[Tweet “The next generation will not know how to find Habakkuk, or any book of the Bible, because they’re not looking at the complete Bible.”]

My counter to what the next generation wants: What are we told to do in the Bible? Give them just what they want, the way they want it? Or are we to mentor them using God’s Word and teach them the value of knowing their Bible, God’s Word, and how to use it for their own personal relationship with the Lord.

[Tweet “We’re to mentor using God’s Word and teach the next generation the value of knowing their Bible”]

“When we want to find God’s will, it is essential that we know our Bible. After all, God will never lead one of His followers to do anything that is contrary to the Scriptures. That’s one reason Paul exhorted us believers to “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom” (Colossians 3:16). When we know Christ, are being led by His Spirit, and are abiding in His Word, we will be more sensitive to God’s guidance in our life. “Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths” (Psalm 25:4). (The Believer’s Code, O. S. Hawkins, April 3).

There is absolutely a place for electronic Bibles for reaching those doing online studies or aren’t in an area where they can obtain a Bible, but reading and interacting with God’s Word is about a relationship, not research. It’s not just randomly looking up a Scripture; it’s interacting and interfacing with the entire Bible. If you have a close relationship with someone, would you be satisfied with one or two lines on social media, or would you want to get to know them personally?

[Tweet “Knowing your Bible isn’t just randomly looking up a Scripture; it’s interacting and interfacing with the entire Bible”]

I realize it’s important to reach the younger generation where they’re at, and some might accept Christ without a Bible in their hand because the Holy Spirit does not send out the Word of God void (Isaiah 55:11). But what about those of us called to mentor them into maturity in their faith? Shouldn’t we help them get to know their Bible? Help them learn how to go to God’s Word in context as a guide for living the Christian life so they can say, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you” (Psalm 119:11).

Let’s never portray the Bible as intimidating, but proclaim the Bible as inspiring!

[Tweet “Never portray the Bible as intimidating, proclaim the Bible as inspiring!”]

A note to parents: If you only read your Bible on an electronic device, how do your children know you’re not checking email, social media, or playing a game?

Taking our precious Bibles to church, looking up Scriptures, writing notes in our Bible, reading our Bibles . . .  sets a godly role model for those watching us, as we grow in our maturity and relationship with the Lord.

[Tweet “I don’t see mature believers with their Bibles in church or even using an electronic Bible.”]

Honestly, I often don’t see mature believers with their Bibles in church or even using an electronic Bible. What kind of example does that set? We never reach a place in our faith, where we know it all. God’s Word is new every morning and every reading.

I was recently at the Billy Graham library where his Bibles were on display with all his notes in the margins. A legacy of interaction with the Word of God, and with God.

Billy Graham my Mentor with his Beloved Bible

If we want to grow in our love for the Lord, we must draw near to Him through His Word. As we learn to know Him intimately, our love will increase and we’ll desire to obey. Unless we invest in Scripture, our fervor for the Lord will fall short of what it could be.

And if you ever feel disappointed that your love for Christ seems small, open the Word of God and obey whatever He says, He will abide with you and disclose Himself, thereby increasing your capacity to love and know Him more. Dr. Charles Stanley, In Touch Magazine, April 3, 2018 (emphasis added).

I’m fortunate to attend a church where people still bring their Bibles. The pastor puts the Scripture reference in the handout notes, but not the Scripture. He encourages everyone to look them up, and he waits to give them a chance. What a blessing to hear the pages of Bibles turning. What joy this must bring to the Lord. Yes, the Scriptures are also on the screens and some don’t look up the Scriptures in a Bible.

My point: If you want to hear God, you need to engage with Him through a vital way He communicates, His Word, the Holy Bible.

[Tweet “If you want God to speak, you need to engage with Him through His Word!”]

Flashing Scriptures on a screen, reading on an electronic device, or printing them in a handout that often gets tossed, will never replace knowing the written Word of God.

A revealing of Jesus, the Messiah. God gave it to make plain to his servants what is about to happen. He published and delivered it by Angel to his servant John. And John told everything he saw: God’s Word— the witness of Jesus Christ!

How blessed the reader! How blessed the hearers and keepers of these oracle words, all the words written in this book!

Time is just about up. Revelation 1:1-3 The Message

After you pray and ask God what He thinks, let me know what He says to you.

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How a Beauty Pageant Launched a Destiny by Catherine Zoller

Today’s guest post is written by a dear friend who puts books of the Bible to rhyme for children. Her books are beautifully illustrated and loved by all children. Enjoy her post on Esther and her own personal testimony.

Catherine Zollers rhyming Bible stories for children

How a Beauty Pageant Launched a Destiny

by Catherine Zoller

People either love beauty pageants or hate them. But one of the oldest beauty pageants in history turned a participant into a queen.

Like many of you, I’m sure, I’ve come to love the small ten chapter book of Esther.  Not only because it’s a beautiful story of a young woman who dared to risk her life by trusting the living God, but also because it speaks so powerfully of identity and destiny.

Esther, or Hadassah, as she was known before being taken into King Ahasuerus’ harem, was a young Jewish orphan girl.  Think about those four words for a moment. Don’t let your eyes and thoughts glide over them without being struck by what they reveal. Young. Jewish. Orphan. Girl. It was a societal four strikes. In a caste system (and it was, of sorts) she would have been on the lowest rung.

Her cousin, Mordecai, had been taken captive from Jerusalem into exile in Babylon under the ruler ship of King Nebuchadnezzar (Esther 2:5-6).  Mordecai was raising young Hadassah. Somehow after the death of both of her parents, she found herself in her relative’s care. As the story unfolds, we are relieved to see how devoted he was to her well-being.

However, they were living as outsiders in a foreign land.  They were Jewish, and about to face severe persecution to the point of planned annihilation.  Hadassah was an orphan in a patriarchal society.  And she was a girl.

And yet God, as only He can, gave Hadassah a change of identity. Within a year of being one of the chosen women to potentially replace the rebellious Queen Vashti, Esther would find herself winning the favor of the king and being crowned the Queen of Persia and Media.  Without any intermediary steps in between, she went from a position of lowest to highest. It’s remarkable, really! And a lesson we can take to heart of the kind of transformation the Lord wants to do in each of us.

From Rebel to Writer

[Tweet “Thankfully, God is in the business of changing identities and leading us into our destiny”]

Thankfully, God is in the business of changing identities and leading us into our destiny But rarely does it come without His transformational power on grand display.

I was raised in what appeared to be an ideal situation. Within an intact marriage; with two brothers, and a financially successful father.  And yet, like every family since the one in Eden, we had our share of dysfunction.  At some point, I began to believe a lie. A lie that seemed to scream at me from the lips of almost every adult in my life. And the lie was this: It’s not okay to be me.

I wasn’t quiet and studious like my older brother.  Nor was I docile and winsome like my younger brother. Rather, I was the challenging, wildly curious, hyperactive, rule-questioning, exasperating middle child.  I was a horrible student from the moment I entered Kindergarten until I managed to graduate from high school.  “Trouble” was my constant companion and we got along just fine.

Because I felt marginalized both at home and in the classroom, a flicker of fury was quietly being fanned into an inferno of rage and rebellion.

The summer I turned fifteen, my parents severed their parental rights and had me placed in a state run home for juvenile delinquents. I felt the sting of rejection and the slap of abandonment in the deepest part of my being. I became even angrier and more rebellious. At one point, I was put on six months’ probation with a potential 8-year prison sentence hanging over my head like a guillotine waiting to be released. (You can read the full story here.)

My identity was clearly defined in my mind and everyone else’s, and all who knew me could see I was racing headlong down a path of destruction.

But God.

I don’t have time in this short blog to tell you how God scooped me up from the miry pit and set my feet on the narrow path.  But He did.  And in the process, He began to change my identity.  Not as swiftly as He did Esther’s, mind you, but every bit as effectively.

I married, had three children, and buried my oldest son three weeks before his 22nd birthday. I was active in our church, attended two Bible studies, and began to put the books of the Bible to rhyme. The Rhyme and Reason Series was born in 2009 and is now eight titles strong. I’ve been an inspirational speaker, sharing strength, hope, and the redemptive power of Jesus for longer than I can remember.

You Are a Destiny Imparter

[Tweet “Like Esther, like you and me, every child has a God-given destiny and identity.”]

Like Esther, like you and me, every child has a God-given destiny and identity.  Our job as parents, grandparents, mentors and human beings, is to help guide those God has placed within our families and spheres of influence. When we impart that knowledge to them in their early lives, and reinforce it all along the way, we empower them to seek and discover God’s purpose and plan for their lives.

[Tweet “Our job as parents, grandparents, mentors and human beings, is to help guide those God has placed within our families and spheres of influence.”]

Tools to Inspire

If you have a child in your life between the ages of two and twelve whose identity and destiny you are trying to help shape, consider reading the book of Esther to them in rhyme. And then take advantage of the free coloring pages, word games, and activity sheet that correspond to the book and help reinforce the story.

Use these tools as a natural springboard for conversations about how the child sees themselves. If what they say doesn’t line up with who you know them to be and who God declares they are, begin to gently shift their thinking with words of truth and encouragement.

I leave you with the words of my favorite rhyme mister, Dr. Seuss. “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.  It’s not.”

If you feel so inclined, please share with me and others the practical ways God is using you to make things better for the people in your lives as you help steer them into their identity and destiny.

Leave a comment below to enter a drawing to receive an autographed copy of Esther.

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With a delicious blend of engaging humor and biblical truth, writer, author and inspirational speaker Catherine Zoller more than lives up to her pledge to, “Make ‘em laugh, make ‘em cry, make ‘em think, and change their lives!”

Catherine’s life experiences, along with her wit and candid, invigorating style, resonates deeply with her audiences.

At the age of fifteen, she fell in love with the truth found in the Scriptures and experienced its life-changing power.  Since that time, Catherine’s singular passion is for divine influence to move hearts toward reverent obedience to God and His Word.

She firmly believes in getting the truth into children’s lives at a young age.  To that end, she has put several of the books of the Bible to rhyme.  “The Rhyme and Reason Series” began in 2009 and is currently seven titles strong.

Catherine and her husband Jay have been married a very long time and have three grown children, the oldest of whom is with the Lord.

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“So That No One Will Malign the Word of God”

So that no one will malign the word of God in our culture today, know your Bible

The title of this article is the end of Titus 2:5 (NIV). Other translations read:

so that the Christian faith can’t be spoken against by those who know them. (TLB)

In this way, the Word of God is honored. (NLV)

so that the word of God may not be discredited. (NABRE)

We don’t want anyone looking down on God’s Message because of their behavior. (MSG)

that the word of God may not be exposed to reproach (blasphemed or discredited) (AMPC)

Here’s Titus 2:1-5 (NIV) in context, a passage often used in mentoring . . .

You, however, must teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine. Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.

Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

[Tweet “The Bible remains the number one best seller in the world!”]

No other book in history have emperors, empires, authorities, and mankind tried to malign, dishonor, discredit, reproach, blasphemy and destroy more than the Bible, yet still it remains the number one best seller in the world! Those of us who believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, often come under similar attacks. The world sees us as ignorant, foolish, drinking the Kool-Aid, stupid, unenlightened, living in the dark ages, not current or relevant . . . even deplorable. I’m sure many of you have been called worse names. I know I have.

[Tweet “The culture needs to adapt to the Bible, not the reverse!”]

Today’s liberal culture believes the Bible needs to adapt to culture instead of the culture adapting to the Bible. Progressive ignorance and blasphemy.

Jesus didn’t come to conform to the culture; he came to reform the culture! Now we’re to go and do likewise, but sadly many are following the culture instead of following Jesus’ example.

[Tweet “Tucker Carlson interviews a liberal Episcopalian pastor who promotes a gender-neutral God. Blasphemy”]

My heart sank as I heard Tucker Carlson on FOX news interview a liberal Episcopalian pastor who was convinced that Jesus would be in favor of taking gender out of the Bible and no longer seeing God as the Father image, but a gender-neutral God. The pastor’s words seared my heart, “We’re not taking anything away from the Bible, we’re just adding to it.”

I screamed at the TV, Tucker, remind him of the last words in the Bible . . .

18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.

20 He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.”

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

Do you, like me, find it inapprehensible to live in a culture that openly, and without reproach or conscious, maligns the Word of God from politicians, officials, congressmen, media, progressives, and yes, even many churches? We’ve forsaken Paul’s warning to Titus to teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine to men and women, and likewise teach the next generations.

It’s so easy for Bible-believing Christians to scoff at the culture and bemoan liberalism, but should our churches and ourselves look in the mirror and assume some of the blame?

22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. James 1:22-24

As we watch liberalism and progressivism try to eliminate genders and the roles God assigned them, normalize same-sex unnatural relations and promiscuous sex, promote slaughtering babies in the womb, and the next generation accepting these atrocities, are Christians doing anything tangible to make a difference?

[Tweet “It’s not always comfortable to stand up for what you believe, but you must!”]

It’s not always comfortable to stand up for what you believe, but when you know the Truth and take to heart that many who are deceived today will spend eternity in hell instead of heaven, how could it be comfortable to remain silent?

The Bible is the only source of Truth

How Can You Stop the Maligning of God’s Word?

  1. Know your Bible! Relate to it. Read it. Study it. Memorize it. Share it.
  2. Practice and role model the Bible’s teaching in your life and with your family.
  3. Engage with the next generation by teaching or mentoring them using God’s Word as your guide.
  4. Ask God to give you new insights into His Word and a hunger to learn more.
  5. Remember how God’s Word has changed your life and share your testimony whenever God gives you the opportunity. If you’re wondering how to do this, Forsaken God?: Remembering the Goodness of God Our Culture Has Forgotten offers life-application ways, ideas, and prompts.

Obey the Word of God. If you hear only and do not act, you are only fooling yourself.—James 1:22 NLV

I know I’m preaching to the choir, and I commend the ministries you’re involved in and the ways God has led you to grow His Kingdom here on earth. For those who feel challenged by today’s blog, pray that God will show where He needs you to make a difference. 

[Tweet “Pray God will show where He needs you to make a difference.”]

For me, it’s a personal attack when I hear anyone belittling or maligning my precious Lord and Savior and the Bible He’s given us to know how to live as believers during the time He gives us on earth. Our world today is not an easy place for Bible-believing Christians, but we must not let that stop us. Jesus told us we would be persecuted, just like He was (John 15:20), but all He asks us to do is defend His Word, the Bible, and prayerfully share His gospel message with grace and love. God will do the rest.

The Bible assures us: What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun (Ecc. 1:9), and Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Heb. 13:8).

Please share with us how God has led you to stop the maligning of His Word.

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Note: In the book I’m writing now, Get Your Brave On: Women of the Bible Show Us We’re Braver Than We Think, you won’t be surprised that there is a chapter on Bold Faith. I would love to hear how God has lead you to stand up for your faith and the Bible. Please email me at [email protected] for more details.

Remember the goodness of God so you don't forsake Him in your life.

Forsaken God?

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