A Blessing and A Hearbreak


Last week, I was grumbling about filling out a long form for a local author’s group. I really don’t like forms and had procrastinated until the night before the due date. I decided to go to Amazon for ISBN numbers and descriptions, and there it was—I couldn’t believe it—Dear God, They Say It’s Cancer: A Companion Guide for Women on the Breast Cancer Journey was in the top 100 Best Sellers for breast cancer books —#28 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Diseases & Physical Ailments > Cancer > Breast Cancer!

I seldom look at my Amazon sales numbers, which change daily. If I let those numbers influence me, I might never write again. So I have no idea how long this book has been on Amazon’s bestseller list—every author’s dream—or how long it will stay there. Let me clarify that my book was not in the top 100 of all books on Amazon, but it was in the top 100 in its category. The number fluctuates from day to day, but it’s stayed in the top 100 for awhile.

In shock, I clicked on the link to the page displaying the top 100 books; and yes, there it was #28! A joyous “Yahoo!” quickly turned into a heartbreaking moan . . . this could only mean that more and more women are being diagnosed with breast cancer. In the span of a few moments, my feelings transgressed through shock, joy, gratefulness, praise, sadness, and finally humbleness that God would use me to comfort and encourage so many breast cancer sisters.

Reaching Out

Recently, I learned on Facebook that two author friends have breast cancer. One I have known for years, and the other I’ve only recently met on Facebook. I’ve left occasional comments and “likes” on their timelines, but I felt the Holy Spirit persistently nudging me to engage with these breast cancer sisters on a more personal level.

I knew what I was to do—I messaged each one and simply said: I’m a three-time breast cancer survivor and I’ve written a book that might bring you comfort. I’m praying for you and want you to know that I’m here for you if you have questions or just want to chat or cry. Immediately, both responded back thanking me and had so many questions that only someone who has been through this heartbreak could answer. One wrote: Thank you for reaching out to me. I’ve asked the Lord to bring me together with women who have experienced this and that can encourage me. You are one of them.

Sharing Life’s Experiences and God’s Faithfulness

People all around us are praying that the Lord will bring someone experienced in what they’re going through. God has allowed me challenging experiences like having a prodigal, infertility, breast cancer, divorce, being a single parent, my father murdered, blending a family, and chronic back pain to name a few. In dealing with life’s hard times, I have two choices—as  do you—1) wallow in self-pity that spirals into depression and a victim personality, 2) trust God and turn hurts and pains over to Him and let Him use them to His glory.

It’s A Choice

I will rejoice that God has used my breast cancer to help me pen Dear God, They Say It’s Cancer to comfort, encourage, and walk beside other women who are dealing with this devastating disease. And I will rejoice that for now, it is an Amazon Best Seller because hopefully the publisher will keep it in print longer to bless other women. That has been a long-time prayer because publishers need to see books selling in order to keep investing in them.

I am humbled that God has gifted me with the ability and desire to share my life experiences with others to offer hope in God alone. It’s hard to believe He thinks I am worthy of such a calling, but as long as we are on this earth, there is going to be pain and suffering, and if He thinks I can help comfort the afflicted then I am blessed, even if it’s heartbreaking.


What experience do you think God is asking you to share with someone who is hurting right now?

 How can you reach out and let them know that God is there for them and so are you?

Breast cancer book

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I’m Back!

In my last post I told you that my breast cancer had recurred and I was deciding on treatment. I know many of you have followed my progress on our CaringBridge site, but for those of you who haven’t I’ll just give a quick summary of what God has taught me in this new journey.

1. Don’t be afraid to get a second opinion. Many women, myself included, are afraid of offending their doctor, but a secure doctor should not be threatened. This is your body and you want to be sure you have checked out all the options before you make a decision.

2. Question “standard procedure.” Is it possible that the standard doesn’t apply to your situation.

3. If you have any doubt or unrest, wait until you have peace with a decision.

4. Even if all the pathology test were not done in a previous occurrence, they can be run now. That was amazing to me. My doctor was able to get slides from 2002 and retest them. I didn’t know that was possible.

5. Allow others to help. Find things for them to do. It is as much a blessing to receive help as it is to give it.

I wrote Dear God, They Say It’s Cancer after my first breast cancer journey. It was the book I longed to have and then God allowed me the opportunity to actually use it through this new journey. And I have to say it was everything I hoped it would be for my breast cancer sisters.

Yesterday, was a month since my surgery and I am definitely on the road to recovery! I have many writing projects and speaking engagements but I will post more regularly.

The picture with this post is the blanket my daughter-in-law and 4 of my grandchildren made for me. It has hearts and breast cancer ribbons on it and the grandchildren tied all the fringe. I snuggled under it every day of recovery and felt so very loved.

I am praising God for the opportunity to still be…

About His Work,

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