Jesus Loves the Little Children Our Government is Exploiting

When we hear on the news about the “border crisis” and the surge of thousands crossing into our country from other countries, it can seem so distant from us, unless you live in a border state. Border security, something that should be of great concern for America’s safety, has become dangerously and erroneously politicized with the Biden Administration’s only focus on erasing everything that President Trump had accomplished, even when it hurts our country and its citizens.

On the nightly news, we see pictures of the caravans and lately we’ve seen the insanely crowded and unhealthy conditions of the overflowing detainment centers. Especially heartbreaking are the ones for children crammed into facilities not equipped for such large numbers.

We worry about how many of these illegals have COVID while we’re all forced to wear masks and parents are fighting to get their kids back into school. We wonder if we’re the only ones worried about all of this?!

How can the Biden Administration brush off this travesty and falsely call it humane as they continue to encourage people from all countries to flood our borders with the promise that migrant children will not be turned away at the border and will be placed in federal shelters. And once you’re here, America will take care of you!

But Biden conveniently leaves out, if they make it here alive! A sick and cruel incentive that Biden is enticing parents to send their children alone on a treacherous dangerous journey.

Again, it still seems distant and solely the source of news monologues and partisan arguments.

Until the twisted and evil reality could no longer be ignored as we watched the video clip of a frightened 10-year-old little boy in a hoodie with tears streaming down his face who had come all the way across the border from Nicaragua now wandering alone on a dirt road fearing for his life.

How could tears not pour down your face too and your heart not break imagining the terror of this child alone in a foreign country where he doesn’t speak the language. Lost and afraid of being robbed and kidnapped, he sobbed to the off-duty border patrol officer who happened to come upon him that no he wasn’t with his mommy or daddy and the group he was traveling with “left me behind, of course.”

But as the young unaccompanied migrant boy pleaded for help, he had been told the words to say, “turn myself in to you.”

His parents didn’t send him off to camp, they sent him on a harrowing journey with a migrant group who obviously weren’t looking out for him! He didn’t have a bottle of water or even a backpack and how many days had he been traveling before the group abandoned him?

I heard the WH Press Secretary refer to “loving parents” who were sending their children of all ages alone on these perilous journeys. Last week, we saw two sisters three and five dropped over a 14-foot wall by themselves. What are these parents thinking??? How many of these children never complete the journey or are traumatized for life?! How is this considered “loving”?

19,000 unaccompanied minors traveled across our southern border in March!! Parents of 19,000 children intentionally sent their children alone to our border with no guarantee they would make it safely! 18,890 in February! How many “John Does” never made it? How would those parents ever know what happened to their children?

Look at your own children and grandchildren . . . no matter how bad life gets, would you ever subject them to such an atrocity? Of course, not. You make it through somehow together at home. Or you travel with them.

Have you ever thought that your child was lost in a mall or at the park? Remember the terror that struck your heart. Were you ever lost as a child or separated from your parents? Or heard the cries and sobs of a young terrified child who lost sight of their parents!

It all seems unimaginable, like something from a sci-fi or horror movie and yet it is happening everyday at our southern border and our government is encouraging it! Biden in my mind has done horrible things since taking office, but that little boy’s tear-streaked face captures it all. Has Biden seen that video? Does it not break his heart? Did he watch those little girls dropped over the wall?

Biden and Harris are ignoring the tragedy of all these unattended migrant children while they continue to encourage parents to inhumanely sacrifice their children! What is wrong with them?

Evil is the only answer.

First, they encourage the murder of children in the womb and now they entice desperate parents to do the unspeakable act of sending their innocent children purposely into harm’s way . . .

God has a proclamation for this kind of shameless treatment of children:

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” Matt. 18:6

The Little Children and Jesus

People were also bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Luke 18:15-17

I think we can safely say that Jesus hates what He is watching happen to these little children He loves so much. Some are actually sold to cartels to be used over and over again to cross the border and many are brutalized and raped. Rep. Chip Roy told Todd Starnes he saw a 7-year-old little girl who traveled across Mexico by herself and crossed the border without any family.

Biden/Harris and the Democrat party using these children as pawns, as bate, are as guilty and demented as all the traffickers and cartels. They’re encouraging this and they know it! That’s why they don’t want reporters or politicians to take pictures. They don’t want the public to see the reality of what’s happening to these unaccompanied innocent children.

But now we have seen it and we can’t ignore it. [If you haven’t already seen the video of the abandoned little boy, please open the links I’ve provided.]

When you remove all the political rhetoric, people with platforms need to be brave enough to call out the Biden Administration on this in a way they can’t ignore. To play the video of that lost frightened little Nicaraguan boy pleading for help and put the onus on Biden. Not just the nebulous “administration” but Joe Biden! This is what you’ve caused Joe. This is what you could stop if you were an honorable man.

What Can We Do?

We can take it personally, just like that little Nicaraguan boy became personal to me. Contact your Congressmen and Senators and make it personal to them. Call it what it is, child abuse perpetuated by the current administration.

Pray for these children. It’s hard to imagine how afraid and traumatized they are right now. These children weren’t separated at the border from their parents, these children’s parents separated themselves from their children at home!

It’s unimaginable but it’s also endtimes specific.

21 “A brother will betray his brother to death, a father will betray his own child.” Matt. 10:21 NLT

To close on an encouraging note, my family and I went to see the new faith-based release, The Girl Who Believes in Miracles. I encourage you to go see it now! We were the only people in an afternoon matinee and I’m sure if more people don’t go watch it that it won’t be at the theaters for long. You’ll cry and laugh and hug your family. You’ll also be touched by the Holy Spirit speaking to you how He wants your faith to match this little girl’s faith.

 “You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.” Matthew 17:20 NLT

The opening picture of Jesus with the children is a mural available for purchase on their website.

The political cartoon is used with permission by the artist A.F.Branco.
You can see his daily conservative legal cartoons on or at A.F. Branco | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion.

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You might enjoy a new blog I wrote for Crosswalk, 4 Powerful Prayers for Forgiveness in the Bible.

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Trust In God, Not the Government

It doesn’t matter which party is in power or who is in government positions, we should always place our trust and hope in God, not the government or politicians. That’s why it still says on our money and in the House Chamber, “In God We Trust,” which became our nation’s official motto on July 30, 1956, when Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the bill proclaiming it the law of the land!

I think many lawmakers walking the halls of Congress and many voters forget that God is the only One who is trustworthy, regardless of how many politicians try to put themselves in His place.

Last week, as Biden gave his first public address to the nation, he painted a “dark” picture of our country and tried to tell us that our only hope of living free again in the land of the free was in his words as he leaned into the camera, “trust the government and science.” A government that wants to tell us when we can hug grandma and grandpa and maybe have a backyard BBQ on the 4th of July if we obey and follow the government’s ever changing “science-based” rules and guidelines for living everyday life.

What he grossly omitted from his lecture to America was mentioning the Only source of hope out of any darkness or trouble: Celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ together in our churches on Easter Sunday next month!

For a child is born to us,
    a son is given to us.
The government will rest on his shoulders.
    And he will be called:
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
7 His government and its peace
    will never end.

He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David
    for all eternity.

The passionate commitment of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies
    will make this happen! Isaiah 9:6-7 NLT

Discernment and Rational Thinking Seem to Be Masked

During the election, a group of prominent Pastors and Christian leaders who called themselves, “Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden,” baffled me. It seemed an oxymoron. They wanted to believe that Biden’s campaign would honor a verbal agreement to check with them before making any abortion legislation, so they supported him and tried to get others onboard.

Yet, with only a little investigation and discernment while listening to his campaign points directed to his core liberal constituency, they would have easily deducted that he actually would . . .

  • Reverse the Hyde Amendment, which he once supported but now Democrats call racist
  • Make himself the champion of a “woman’s right to choose” and call it “healthcare”
  • Force taxpayers to pay for abortion up and through the point of birth
  • Reopen the case against the Little Sisters of the Poor and reinstate the policy that every organization had to pay for abortifacient contraceptives
  • Reverse the Mexico City Policy, which prevents taxpayers from funding abortion overseas
  • If SCOTUS overturned Roe V Wade, he’d go to Congress and make it the law of the land
  • Oh and BTW, his running mate was a liberal advocates for abortion.

They would know that the head of the U.S. Catholic Bishops wrote a public scathing rebuke of Catholic Biden’s radical support of abortion and redefinition of gender.

You had to be completely oblivious or in denial not to know that the Biden/Harris administration was going to not only support and liberally promote abortion, but also radical gender identity issues.

Yet still the Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden are now publically outraged and feel betrayed?!

“We are very disappointed about the COVID-19 relief package’s exclusion of the Hyde Amendment, a longstanding bipartisan policy that prevents taxpayer funding for abortion. We’re even more upset that the Biden administration is supporting this bill,” the group declared in a recent statement.

“As pro-life leaders in the evangelical community, we publicly supported President Biden’s candidacy with the understanding that there would be engagement [with] us on the issue of abortion and particularly the Hyde Amendment,” the group said. “The Biden team wanted to talk to us during the campaign to gain our support, and we gave it on the condition there would be active dialogue and common ground solutions on the issue of abortion. There has been no dialogue since the campaign.”

How could any Christian be so deceived? How did they think they would find common ground with the Biden liberal agenda even if they had been consulted? They weren’t betrayed; they were used. He’s doing just what he said he would do. Joe Biden is being Joe Biden.

Wouldn’t you think that Pro-life Evangelicals, and even Catholics who voted for him, could’ve seen through his political two-sided facade?

What made Joe renege his Catholic faith beliefs and reverse position on many policies he once championed like the Hyde Ammendment? Power. It seems that the temptation to compromise became too great. Becoming President overshadowed his once core beliefs.

It’s so important as citizens and Christians that we diligently do our homework and persistently pray for wisdom and discernment. Look at facts and details with clear unbiased eyes. We don’t want to become jaded with cynicism, but we do want to be realistic and pursue all avenues before making final decisions or placing our support behind a person or issue.

Often Christians are characterized as naïve and gullible, and honestly, the Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden being so easily manipulated and duped, only reinforces this misconception. But it’s the opposite of who we are! We know the Author of Truth who is just a prayer away.

We are naïve and gullible when we trust those who do not have the same values and beliefs that we do. If we have doubts or concerns, then we do our own research and don’t rely on political rhetoric.

Give discernment to me, your servant; then I will understand your laws. Psalm 119:125 NLT

My child, don’t lose sight of common sense and discernment. Hang on to them. Pr. 3:21 NLT

Rich people may think they are wise, but a poor person with discernment can see right through them. Pr. 28:11 NLT

Let those who are wise understand these things. Let those with discernment listen carefully. The paths of the Lord are true and right, and righteous people live by walking in them. But in those paths sinners stumble and fall. Hosea 14:9 NLT

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8

Science Continually Changes, God Never Does

What so many people forget is that science and faith are not mutually exclusive. God created science and gave man the potential to explore and study it. God created the world; only He knows when it will end. God created and controls the weather and the climate. God created gender, male and female.

Covid was man-made by scientists and yet we’re continually told to trust the science as government uses the pandemic to control us.

God knows what we should do in all circumstances. Who we should trust and who has evil motives. We just need to take our concerns and questions to Him. Then listen for His answer!

Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe. Pr. 29:25

 Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. Ps. 20:7

It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in humans. Ps. 118:8

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea. Ps. 46:1-2

What Does God Want Us to Learn About Placing Our Trust in the Wrong Places?

When we pray about decisions, God gives us a confirming peace or a check in our spirit that something isn’t quite right. If you’re experiencing unrest right now, pray and ask God to fill you with discernment and wisdom then trust that the peace you feel moving forward is coming from the Lord.

Dave and I often pray about big and little decisions on our own and then together. Then we wait until we’re both in agreement that we’re doing the right thing. It might take a while and each of us might need to change some preconceived ideas or do more research, but God will speak to us in unity through our prayers and reading our Bibles. Often one of us will say to the other one, “I was thinking the same thing.” Then we know we’re close to a decision.

If you’re not married find a prayer partner that you feel comfortable and confident sharing with each other.

We’re not going to find the way God wants us to go by relying solely on outside input like the culture, media, or social media. We’re children of God, not children of the world.

“Every Kingdom citizen is called to be a conformist toward God and a nonconformist toward the world’s systems. Let the Spirit change the environment within you; then trust the power within you to change the world around you.” Chris Tiegreen

If you now regret decisions that you’ve made in the past, join the club. We’ve all been there, but we can learn from our mistakes and with God’s help, choose a better way next time. He’ll never make us go it alone.

I hope that as you pray over the Scriptures I’ve included in this article that you’ll feel a peace come over you, like I did. We do our part to further the Kingdom, but we do it out of a sense of peace and not stress or fear. Shalom!

“Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, the LORD himself, is my strength and my defense ; he has become my salvation.” Is. 12:2

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD himself, is the Rock eternal. Is. 26:3-4

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life. Ps 143:8

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise— in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? Ps. 56:3-4

Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD. Ps. 112:6-7

If you received this article by email, please leave a comment here. I read and reply to all of them.

The quotes from the Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden came from an article by Mike Huckabee and also a link he shares, but they were readily published in the media. As I read their comments, I sensed that they still didn’t understand where they went wrong as many said they would still vote Democrat even knowing the liberals support everything they don’t support? Voters’ Remorse – Latest News – Mike Huckabee

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What Do We Do When “Equality” Isn’t Equal?!

As a kid, I remember hearing the term “tomboy.” Did you? I haven’t heard that term used in many years. It was fondly given to girls who liked playing with boys and their toys more than dolls and playing house. Tomboys usually preferred participating in sports over playing jacks. They liked wearing jeans, never dresses. Maybe you were a tomboy.

It was a phase of adolescence that most girls outgrew, although many might grow up to still not like “girly things” and fight for the right to have girls’ sports taken seriously. They wanted stereotypes to change so that girls could enter the police force and military, but I doubt that few considered physically becoming a boy instead of a girl.

In today’s culture, that young “tomboy” might be told in school how she could change physically to become a boy. To permanently change her body and medically alter her natural hormones to resemble a man forever!

Or a young boy could choose his gender and be physically altered to a girl. Whether or not parents approve, liberal school curriculum begins discussing “sexual identity,” “sexual orientation,” and gender change in Kindergarten.

A child who is not capable of making independent decisions in any other area of their life, who needs parental permission to go on a field trip, could make a forever life-changing decision as early as a young child!

The proposed Equality Act could make it illegal for parents to seek counseling for their child, which the bill refers to as discriminatory “conversion therapy” and seeks to eliminate.

That’s just one of the unequal, unfair absurdities of the so called “Equality Act” that just passed Congress and is headed to the Senate. They need to get 60 votes in the Senate for it to pass and as you know right now the Senate is divided 50/50. So we need all the Republican Senators, and hopefully some Democrat Senators with a conscience, to stick together and vote against it. The Democrats tried this bill before and the Senate voted it down, but with the majority in both houses, they’re trying it again.

In case, you are interrupted from reading further in this blog, where I will outline more evil proponents of this Democrat backed bill and why it is inequality not equality, I want to prevail on you to take action right now.

1. Pray for the bill not to pass the Senate but also pray for your Senator! Dave and I recently listened to a telephone town hall with our Idaho Republican Congressman and when one of the callers asked how we could help him, the Congressman was startled and humbled because he hadn’t ever been asked that question.

He actually asked for prayer! He admitted it’s tough in DC and there is practically no civility anymore across the aisle. Everything is partisan and with the Democrats having a majority in both houses and the White House, it’s not an easy job. But he was still hopeful and felt it was an honor to represent us, even in such a hostile environment.

2. Contact your Senator NOW! They need to hear from us and know what we want and expect them to do, especially if your Senator is a Democrat. Call 202-224-3121 or go to this link and you can find the phone number of your Senator and also send him/her an email.
Another easy option is at MyFaithVotes where they have an email already written for you to send right from their website to your Senator along with further discussion of the “Equality Act” ramifications. They need to know we’re counting on them to do the right thing and we’re praying for them.

3. Read this prayer alert from Franklin Graham “We Cannot Remain Silent!” and share it. He outlines so well some of the many dyer consequences of this bill. Then share it with everyone you know. In the last twenty-four hours, I’ve had several friends send it to me, even as I’m writing about it here.

The “Equality Act” Denies the Bible

It’s not hard to see that the trajectory of this bill is to outlaw churches, religious organizations, and the Bible . . . to criminalize and cancel God. Man is trying to establish “truth” and replace God’s Truth as confirmed in our Bibles. To deny the Judeo/Christian values our country was founded on that sets us apart from any other country in the world.

I cannot imagine how anyone who believes in God could support or vote for this bill. The next step could be to declare the Bible as “hate speech” and Amazon would cancel selling the Bible just as it has begun to do with books that talk about gender issues.

The bill’s legal goal is to deny the exclusivity of scientific biological sex at birth and introduce interchangeable terms like “gender identity” or “sexual orientation.” Here are just a few of the Scriptures that could then be considered offensive:
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Gen. 1:27

He created them male and female, and he blessed them and called them “human.” Gen. 5:2

“Haven’t you read the Scriptures?” Jesus replied. “They record that from the beginning ‘God made them male and female.’” And he said, “‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’ Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.” Matt. 19:4-6 NLT

Under the Equality Act, Christian businesses like bakeries, florists, photographers, and venues couldn’t decline servicing weddings that go against their faith. They could be sued for discrimination if they refuse.

Churches and other religious ministries would not be exempt from hiring people who don’t share their faith and beliefs.

How long do you think it will be before the church cannot proclaim that Jesus is the Son of God?

Not to mention the inability to declare sin as outlined in Romans 1, where God talks about His wrath and anger against sinful humanity. Specifically in verses 24-28. When people wouldn’t listen to Him, God washed His hands and abandoned them to their evil ways. Isn’t that what we’re watching now in our country?

24 So God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies. 25 They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen. 26 That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved. 28 Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. Rom. 1:24-28

The Equality Act Denies Women’s Rights

Did you ever think you would be living in a universe where male and female genders would come under attack? Children would be able to pick their gender and deny the body God gave them?

Men who “identify” as women allowed to compete in women’s sports with their male physic that gives them a physical advantage over women? Title IX was established to create a balance in male and females sports and athletics. It would be abolished by the Equality Act as biological men are allowed to participate as women and compete against real women.

As one female school athlete put it, “Inclusion” for everyone means “exclusion” for women in sports.

Gender “identity” doesn’t erase physiological realities and differences. That’s common sense and a biological scientific fact. But the progressives tell women that they’re not important in this discussion. They’re telling biological men who “identify as a woman,” it’s okay to invade women’s sports where they know they’ll win and push out opportunities for women to attain scholarships, grants, and advancement. We’ve all seen the pictures of them overpowering women in track, basketball, soccer, and wrestling in states that are already allowing this travesty.

How many fathers, grandfathers, legislators with daughters and granddaughters want them competing with men and having men in their locker rooms and bathrooms? Does President Biden or Pelosi want this for their own granddaughters?

Are We Sheep Or Fighters for Freedom?

Adults are free to believe what they want, choose their lifestyles, and do to their bodies what they choose, but to legally impose the acceptance of the contents of H.R.5 on Americans who find it offensive or morally wrong is beyond comprehension. To deny pastors and counselors the freedom to talk with those who have what is now called gender dysphoria is ludicrous. To force physicians, hospitals, and medical professionals to go against their conscience and perform mutilating surgeries or administer gender transition treatments they know will harm children, and adults, for life is inhumane.

I’ve only addressed several of the horrific ramifications of this bill, but I encourage you to read it for yourself. If passed, no one is exempt from adhering to it. Christian businesses, schools, churches may choose to close their doors rather than comply! It’s that serious.

We need to get out of our Sunday-go-to-church bubble and become an active voice in what is happening to our culture, our families, our children, our grandchildren. We need to live out our faith with compassion and love for those who are lost and confused while we stand firm in our biblical and moral beliefs.

The Equality Act is not a shield to protect a group but a sword of inequality to use against those who don’t agree with the progressive movement.

Listening to South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem at CPAC, I picked up a few nuggets from her excellent speech: “The left takes its vision to change America seriously. They want to lead, which means they expect us to be the sheep and follow. We will NOT be the sheep.”

“If we’re going to be the land of the free, we have to be the home of the brave!” Ben Carson

“An act of Congress can change the law, but not even an act of Congress can change Scripture.” Mike Huckabee

This is the written account of the descendants of Adam. When God created human beings, he made them to be like himself. He created them male and female, and he blessed them and called them “human.” Gen. 5:1-2 NLT

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*The opening picture is a poster outside Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene’s congressional office.

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Maybe the Election Was a Missed Promised Land Opportunity, Not a Red Sea Rescue

If you follow my blogs, you know that I’m a Bible-believing Christian and politically and socially conservative. I believe that in the womb God creates every human being equal with the opportunity for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. He also instills in us the right to make choices and those choices influence the trajectory of our life.

As a Christian, I believe that God should guide our choices and actions through prayer, wise council, and studying His timeless Words to us in the Bible. I also believe that we make mistakes. Praise God, the foundation of the Gospel is the belief in Jesus Christ and His forgiveness of our sins when we ask, repent, and go and sin no more.

God overlooked people’s ignorance about these things in earlier times, but now he commands everyone everywhere to repent of their sins and turn to him.” Acts 17:30 NLT

We shouldn’t base our actions and beliefs on the secular world’s latest whim or philosophy but on how God directs and leads us to live in His kingdom culture.

I know that many of you feel the same way. Some would call that “traditional” but I just call it being a Christian. “The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.” (Acts 11:26)

Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. 1 John 2:15

There is rhetoric today about uniting our terribly divided country under a new President’s regime, but it’s clear that the unity they refer to is compliance with the secular liberal progressive left socialist agenda. Any decent is threatened with censor and silencing.

That’s not unity. It’s conformity.

Sadly, “the church” is fragmented as some churches and Christians think the Bible should be interpreted according to the “progressive liberal culture’s” beliefs, terms, and ways, which are in stark contrast to the Lord’s beliefs, terms, and ways.

For example, a headline last week read, “Progressive Christian author trips over herself to apologize for inaugural prayer thanking God for ‘giving us this,’ land.” Hatmaker retracted her prayer saying, “He didn’t give us this land. We took this land by force and trauma,” as she goes on to add by “white supremacy!”

Silvester Beaman of the Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Delaware ended his inauguration benediction, “In the strong name of our collective faith, amen.” Many pastors pointed out that there is only one name above all names, Jesus Christ, not ‘collective faith.’

A prayer in Congress ended with “Amen and awomen!”

The new Senator from Georgia who pastors a church claims the Bible justifies abortion.

The New York Times said, “President Biden is perhaps the most religiously observant commander in chief in half a century. A different, more liberal Christianity grounds his life and his policies.”

Many “Christians” and Catholics like Biden and Pelosi have determined it’s less controversial, more expedient, and politically advantageous to create as the NYT explains “a different, more liberal Christianity,” that conforms with the world’s ways and values.

I’ve been shocked and disappointed myself to watch pastors and ministry leaders who I once admired, even followed, sounding more like the woke culture than the biblical Christian church.

There is no liberal, progressive, or conservative Christianity. There are no gradations of the absolute truth presented in the gospels. There is God’s word, period. Jesus didn’t tell us there were various political or social ways to reach the same truth, there is only one way.

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. John 14:6

We Weren’t Ready for a Red Sea Rescue!

Whatever you may think of President Trump’s past life or his tweets or demeanor, in his four years in office he fought tirelessly for patriotic values particularly love of country, prolife, and religious freedom. I’ve often said I’ve never heard a President speak more about the gospel or reverently uplift the name of Jesus in their speeches than President Trump.

He persevered for everyday Americans, even against untold opposition, and for that reason many prophets and laymen were sure that God was going to perform an election miracle at the last minute just like He did with Moses at the Red Sea. American patriots would have another four years of reprieve.

I too wanted to believe that might be God’s plan, but we know now that it wasn’t. And why wasn’t it?

While listening to a Lance Wallnau Facebook Live commentary, I had one of those ‘aha’ moments I often speak about. I began to see clearly the Red Sea/Promised Land theory he discussed so I give Lance full credit for the concept I’m developing next. It makes so much sense to me. Following are my thoughts about it.

The church wasn’t ready to be rescued.

We weren’t united but the other side stood fiercely united. Almost every Democrat liberal left leader and constituent, as well as “progressive liberal Christians,” were against President Trump even if they weren’t for Biden. It was enough for them to get rid of Trump. When I asked several what they didn’t like about Trump’s policies, they could only resort to personal attacks on him.

Numerous liberal-leaning preachers, leaders, and evangelicals were so against Trump that they were willing to throw us to the evils of socialism. When we were so close to saving more babies lives, one Republican Trump-hater politician said we must set the abortion issue aside for the greater good. What? Set aside genocide?

By no means am I saying we should idolize Trump or overlook his faults, but I challenge anyone to find fault with what he was able to accomplish, even under constant duress, for patriotism, the Constitution, and the American way of life we cherish for our children and grandchildren.

We weren’t hearing about Christian bakers, florists, and photographers being sued or run out of business for sticking by their beliefs.

We didn’t fear ISIS.

Everyone was joyfully saying Merry Christmas again.

Women weren’t fearful of a man lurking in the women’s bathroom, changing or locker room.

Christians had an ally in the White House!

And that brings me to Wallnau’s Promised Land analogy!

Remember when Moses sent Caleb and Joshua along with ten other men to investigate the Promised Land to see if the Israelites should enter. Caleb and Joshua came back with a glowing report but the other men told of scary giants. The people argued amongst themselves and couldn’t agree to cross over into the land God had promised them. And we know the rest of the story. They wandered in the desert for 40 years and the skeptic generation never experienced the Promised Land.

They were not united. (Numbers 13-14)

Sounds a lot like the church today! Christians couldn’t agree that four more years of a conservative platform was better than a liberal/socialist platform that wants to “deprogram conservatives” and might now accomplish their goal to “change our country forever.”

Maybe we even could have overturned Roe vs Wade. Continued to honor women by preventing gender-confused men from competing in women’s sports and keep men out of women’s dressing rooms and locker rooms. Stop young children from gender mutilation. Stand firm for God’s creation of only two sexes: male and female. Pastors could continue preaching biblical truths about sin.

All those reversed with the flick of Biden’s pen on his first day in office!

We couldn’t stand united as one church against evil or even the definition of evil.

People were looking for a miracle; God was looking for unity among His people!

Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household [or God’s house] divided against itself will not stand. Matt 12:25

Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Eph. 4:3

In my January About His Work Ministries newsletter, my opening article is “Only God’s Truth Will Unify! I’m linking it here if you haven’t read it yet.

PS I’m also now on MeWe! If you’re on MeWe too please join me there.

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We Will NEVER Cancel Christmas!

And Nehemiah continued, “Go and celebrate with a feast of rich foods and sweet drinks, and share gifts of food with people who have nothing prepared. This is a sacred day before our Lord. Don’t be dejected and sad, for the joy of the Lord is your strength!” Nehemiah 8:10 NLT

We’ve just experienced a Thanksgiving like no other. Mayors, Governors, and local authorities were threatening fines and even imprisonment if there were too many people gathered around dinner tables.

Some “dictators” gave tirades telling us to cancel a holiday that focused on giving thanks to God for the blessings we continue to enjoy, even while these tyrants are actively trying to restrict our freedoms.

I hope you found a way to enjoy Thanksgiving with the ones you love and care about, and most importantly, with the One who gave us life and provisions.

Now we see the next surge of politicians trying to get us to cancel Christmas!


Please join me in agreeing that’s not going to happen on our watch!

No one can cancel Jesus. No one can eliminate the celebration of His birth. Many have tried, but none succeeded and they won’t this year either!

Maybe your Christmas will look a little different and you won’t have the usual parties or travel, but Christmas is going to happen on December 25!

We need to let the world know our Savior is having a birthday.

We must celebrate Christmas for the same reason it’s been celebrated for 2020 years . . .

 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 NLT

The government tried to mess with the birth of Jesus 2020 years ago too when Joseph and Mary had to leave home and travel to Bethlehem for a census. That must have been frustrating for Mary nine months pregnant. Then to have no place to sleep except in a smelly stable when her water broke and she knew her time had come.

Talk about inconvenient. Not your typical birth. Not what Mary planned or dreamed about, but no government edict could stop her baby boy from coming into this world just as God planned.

And no government edict is going to stop us from joyfully celebrating the birth of the Savior of the world, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

In fact, Christmas should have even more meaning to us this year as we realize how close we’ve come to losing something we’ve always taken for granted: worshipping Jesus in our church. I’m so happy to see pastors fighting back over this injustice and not giving up until they reach the Supreme Court, where last week there was a victory.

People need the joy of the Lord right now and Christians are the Lord’s ambassadors to a world that is trying with all its might to go dark. To deem good evil and evil good. To take away people’s free will and force them into bondage with threats of jail if they don’t submit and obey, even for simply leaving their home.

I’m going to make one rant point here—none of the people indiscriminately reeling these mandates are basing their rulings on science! The science does not substantiate them. They’re desperate and see a chance to grab power like they’ve never been able to lord over people before.

California is a perfect example. If the ridiculous forced lockdowns, closures of businesses, and mask mandates, rules, rules, rules were working, why are cases going up. Why would their Governor break all his own rules to eat in a small room in a pricey restaurant with no mask and no social distancing with a group of “health officials” if he (and they) thought the mandates were effective?

It’s not just hypocrisy, it’s power gone insanely out of control.

7 Ways to Experience a Joyful 2020 Christmas Season

Christians need to counter the insanity of the world right now with a vocal, joyful, and purposeful approach to Christmas this year.

Here are a few ways we’re keeping normalcy and focus in our Christmas, and please let me know what you’re doing.

1. Wish everyone you meet in person or on the phone a “Merry Christmas” or a “Blessed Christmas.”

2. Play Christian Christmas music in your home, phone, and car.

3. Put up decorations that signify the Christmas spirit to you even if you’re not having parties or guests. It brings normalcy to the season and your soul. If you have children or grandchildren, they need to know the scrooge of COVID or election fraud is not going to change Christmas at your house.

4. If you typically string lights outside, or inside, hang those lights. I love Christmas lights and hubby puts them on a timer so they’re on when I wake up in the morning and after I go to bed at night.

5. If you enjoy baking Christmas goodies, then by all means, fire up the oven and start baking.

6. Remember those who are living alone or elderly. Discover ways to brighten their lives.

7. Spend more time with Jesus. Start everyday reading the Christmas story from the Book of Matthew or Luke or in a Christmas devotional. It helps focus the day’s activities around the ONLY reason we celebrate Christmas. It reminds us that Jesus doesn’t want us stressed or in a frenzy.

Jesus came into the world for one reason, to offer those who believe in Him eternal life, not to add a burden to our life but to lighten our load: “Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. Isaiah 41:10 NLT

T’was the month of Christmas,
And all through the town,
People wore masks,
That covered their frown.

The frown had begun
Way back in the Spring,
When a global pandemic
Changed everything.

Airplanes were grounded,
Travel was banned.
Borders were closed
Across air, sea, and land.

As the world entered lockdown
To flatten the curve,
The economy halted,
And folks lost their nerve.

From March to July
We rode the first wave,
People stayed home,
They tried to behave.

When summer emerged
The lockdown was lifted.
But away from caution,
Many folks drifted.

Now it’s December
And cases are spiking,
Wave two has arrived,
Much to our disliking.

It’s true that this year
Has had sadness a plenty,
We’ll never forget
The year 2020.

And just ‘round the corner –
The holiday season,
But why be merry?
Is there even one reason?

To decorate the house
And put up the tree,
Who will see it,
No one but me.

But outside my window
The snow gently falls,
And I think to myself,
Let’s deck the halls!

So, I gather the ribbon,
The garland and bows,
As I play those old carols,
My happiness grows.

Christmas is not cancelled
And neither is hope.
If we lean on each other,
I know we can cope.

So open your Bible
And read the timeless story
Of a baby’s birth, so eventful,
When God came down to earth in humble glory!

(Adapted, edited, and enhanced from an Anonymous poem)

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Vote Your Values for America

We’re three weeks away from Election Day. Maybe you’re voting by mail, or you’ve already voted, or like us, you’re exerting your right to vote in person. Some have said this is the most important election in history!

I’m sure there were previous elections where voters felt the same urgency, but what we see in this election is literally the difference between remaining a free nation under God and converting to a Socialist/Marxist/Communist controlled nation excluding God.

That’s definitely important and worth taking a moment to discuss and it’s why I’m writing on this topic now.

First, I want to address those who think that the church should stay out of politics. Like never before that fallacy is refuted as we see politicians invading the church using their power to close churches and synagogues.

I won’t repeat here what I’ve said in numerous past blogs regarding the oppression from mostly Democrat run states on declaring the church nonessential and the need for the church to speak up and take a stand for justice.

I encourage you to listen to this short video from Los Angeles Pastor John MacArthur who I agree with completely.

If your church is still closed, share that video with your pastor.

If you’re OK with your church being closed, Pastor MacArthur has a word to challenge you too.

The argument that church and state should stay separate has been debunked. It was to protect the church from governmental overreach not to prevent the church from having a voice in government.

Personally, I’m so glad that VP Mike Pence, a devoted born-again Christian, went into politics and stands up in government for our constitutional rights and the right to life. He and President Trump have been stronger proponents of saving the lives of the unborn than any presidential team in our history.

President Trump’s pro-life agenda alone should make the voting decision for every Bible-believing Christian. He not only promised to be pro-life, he has lived up to his promises. If you think the abortion issue is not a strong enough reason, then I hope you will read my blog Babie’s Lives Are Important, But . . .

You might question if the Democrat Party is actually socialist when you see Joe Biden professing to be a moderate. Maybe he used to be but with the manifesto agreement he signed with Bernie Sanders to get their socialist votes and endorsement, he sold away the American dream to the liberal progressives who have actually said as much.

Please take a moment to read this article Progressives, including ‘Squad,’ release agenda to push Biden to the Left. Here’s a quote:

The progressives acknowledge Biden wasn’t their top choice, but they make the case he’s far better than President Trump and they have a better shot of mobilizing pressure on him to adopt their agenda if he wins office. The People’s Charter is the vehicle to organize for the election, to activate the base and hold Biden accountable if he wins, organizers say,

“We’ve always said that electing Joe Biden was a doorway, not a destination,” said Working Families Party National Director Maurice Mitchell in a statement. 

Is that the America you’re voting for? Are those your values? Is progressive socialism/communism what you want to leave to future generations? I don’t!

The Democrats will not denounce the Marxist organization behind Black Lives Matter, or ANTIFA, and in fact, support them and try to convince us that we’re not actually seeing the rioting in the streets of their cities.

I feel as Christians, we should vote for the America we want for our children and the generations to follow.

That means we don’t look at the personalities of the two candidates or whether we “like” them, we look at their vision and platform for America. Those values should line up with our Christian beliefs.

The Democrats refuse to reveal a list of Supreme Court Justice recommendations probably because they know they would be too radical.

Neither Bidden nor Harris will deny that they would pack the Supreme Court, which would make it another political branch and cancel government checks and balances.

They say publically that they don’t support the New Green Deal and yet their website says they do! Harris was an original supporter of it and both are on record saying they would eliminate fracking and yet now deny it.

Biden claims to be a “practicing” Catholic but is denied the sacraments because he supports abortion until delivery, maybe even after, something in the past he denounced.

He’ll say and do what he must to get power, and if he wins, he’ll say and do what he’s told. Not what we the people tell him but what the liberals have planned for him and for us.

Do you see a pattern here?

You may have seen this chart before but I think a visual says it best.

Please don’t listen to the biased media propaganda. Do your own homework.

It’s also important that you look carefully at those you’re voting for at local levels. We’ve seen the power of mayors and governors as many liberals ignore the looting, burning, and rioting destroying their cities while keeping their constituents in tyrannical lockdowns.

Vote carefully for your school board members because they control the curriculum for your children.

I recommend before you vote, go to My Faith Votes. You can see the two party platforms and learn about your local and federal candidates and determine which agree with biblical values for America.

Don’t just listen to me and definitely don’t rely on the media to make such crucial decisions. Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance.


Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position. 2 Peter 3:13


Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Ps. 25:4

Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them. Pr. 4:5

I wrote a blog similar to today’s prior to the 2016 election that I would encourage you to read, God Does Tell Us How to Vote!

I like this quote I read recently: “I’m not voting for a man . . . I’m voting for what God can do through a man!”

Regardless of the outcome of the election, nothing will change in our personal worship and dependence on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is enough. He will sustain us. He will show us the way we should go.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Pr. 3:5-6

“But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:15

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Babies’ Lives Are Important, But . . .

As someone gives you a compliment, have you ever braced yourself because you know by the tone of their voice that the disclaimer “but” is coming in the next breath. For example,

I love your new hairstyle . . . but I’m not sure about the color.

You’ve lost weight . . . but I’m sure you’ve still got more to lose.

I want to come to your party . . . but I’ll have to see how the day goes.

I agree with you . . . but aren’t you getting too political.

Are you shaking your head in agreement? We’ve all been there and maybe we’ve been the one tying two opposing thoughts together with that little qualifying dangler “but.”

In reading comments on social media, I’ve been appalled at how often I see people saying something like, “Abortion is an important issue, but this can’t be a one issue voting decision.”

Why not? What could be more important than saving a life versus “legally” murdering a life?

Looking at our own children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews would anyone make that same statement. “Well, yes their life is important, but . . .”

But what? We say we would do anything to protect them and lay down our life for theirs. Anything but vote for them to have life?!

When we don’t vote against abortion, we’re voting for it.

When we don’t vote for the party working to eliminate abortion, we’re voting for the party that wants to keep it legalized and stretch the limits to genocide like in New York and Virginia.


I hear, “I can’t vote for Trump because I don’t like how he talks or something he said or did over a decade ago, or his tweets.”

Seriously?! His rhetoric versus the life of the unborn?

Or, “Yes I’m a Christian but abortion isn’t my main concern.”

Really? Isn’t cherishing the sanctity of life, the gift from God, at the heart of Christianity?

What about a candidate who uses his Catholic “faith” to his political advantage but is willing to set the precepts of his faith aside as a liberal Democrat. What kind of character does that show?

What kind of man would trade his soul for power?

In Biden’s book Promises to Keep: On Life in Politics, he wrote, “I’m as much a cultural Catholic as I am a theological Catholic.” What does that mean? By his current stance on championing abortion, it means he’s allowing his faith to adapt to the culture rather than allowing his faith to change the culture.

He’s saying, I’m a Catholic when it’s convenient but when it interferes with my political aspirations and power, I can disavow its precepts. I can apply cancel culture to the Catholic stance on right to life!

That my friends is not how faith works. I think you would agree that you apply your faith to every aspect of life or it’s not true faith. Faith isn’t like a cafeteria where you pick and choose the aspects you like, or what works well with your situation, or is convenient.

Faith is all or none.

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ Matt. 22:37

I wonder if Biden has listened to Fr. James Altman’s convicting YouTube video: You Cannot be Catholic & a Democrat. Period.

How Does Your Vote Save Lives?

Biden and his running mate Harris not only endorse abortion up through birth, they want to make every American taxpayer pay for it!

The Biden/Harris (or Harris/Biden) agenda is characterized as the most pro-abortion ticket in history.

Biden vows to overturn every prolife advancement that President Trump has accomplished.

President Trump defunded Planned Parenthood. Biden has the endorsement of Planned Parenthood that profits from the death and dismemberment of the unborn!

President Trump is unquestionably and undeniably the most pro-life president ever!! And I might add, he’s also the most pro-faith president who puts action behind his words.

What could President Trump ever have done or said that would justify “but I’m voting for the liberal, pro-abortion socialist Democrats.”

What Christian could say, “but I’m ok with the savagery of murdering preborn babies?”

What human being could say, “but I’m ok with one pre-born baby murdered at Planned Parenthood every 97 seconds?

Let’s look at what God says about the sanctify of His created life.

 “You shall not murder.” Exodus 20:13

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:13-16

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. Psalm 127:3

There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood . . . Proverbs 6:16-17

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

From birth I was cast on you; from my mother’s womb you have been my God. Psalm 22:10

Sin Hurts

Often, we’re reticent to talk about abortion in the church because sadly, many women have had abortions today and it hurts to be reminded.

No one likes remembering their sins. It’s convicting.

The Good News of the Gospel is that when we surrender our life to Christ, He forgives us of all our past sins and wipes the slate clean.

We will always live with consequences of our actions but God remembers our sins no more. That cleansing forgiveness provides freedom from the guilt. “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).

Many women today share their testimony to encourage and mentor other women in similar situations. I suggest ways to do this in Mentoring for All Seasons: Sharing Life Experiences and God’s Faithfulness.

A New Opportunity to Save the Babies

Ruth Bader Ginsburg died after I had already written most of this post. The minute I heard it, I knew why God had me write this week on the topic of abortion. Ginsburg was a staunch liberal advocate of abortion as a “woman’s right.” Even though as I listened to commentators discuss her life, she was able to progress in her law career as a wife and mother of two children she “adored” and four grandchildren.

Instead of taking the position that women could do as she did and have a successful career as well as be a mother, she was an activist for women disposing of their unborn babies. Sad.

President Trump now has the opportunity to place a pro-life Justice on the Supreme Court and after almost 50 years, there’s a glimmer of hope that Roe vs Wade could be overturned.

The future of millions of babies rests on filling this Justice seat.

Biden will most definitely place a liberal pro-choice, pro-abortion judge and since these are lifetime positions, murdering the future unborn would be “legal” for many more years.

So tell me again why anyone who believes in the sanctity of life wouldn’t want a President in the White House who will fight for the life of future generations?

What “but” could anyone come up with that would justify trash cans filled with dismembered human beings? I can’t think of one!

Often, we say I’m just one person what can I do? You can let your voice and your vote be heard no “buts” about it! Vote for life because yes that is the single most important issue on the ballot on November 3.

Jesus Christ is our Savior and Creator of life.

Donald J Trump is our President and defender of life.

This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. Deut. 30:19

You alone are the Lord. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you. Nehemiah 9:6

Note: Live Action is a good pro-life website.

Lest you think I’m becoming too political, abortion is a moral and spiritual issue that has been politicized. I will not be silent or stop speaking out for the unborn and for those in government who can make a difference.

If you missed my blog last Monday, I was at our church women’s retreat for the weekend learning how I can use my personality to care for others. If you didn’t miss me . . . but you didn’t want to say anything, that’s ok!

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5 Ways to Disagree and Still be Friends

While playing a card game with my grandchildren and their mommy, mommy suddenly “went out” on the first hand before any of us had a chance to play our cards. I was sitting across from my young granddaughter, who was next in line to play. As realization set in that the game was over, her face went from shock to anger as she erupted into a meltdown throwing her cards across the table, leaping out of her seat, and tearfully yelling she would never play with us again!

We tried to contain our smiles knowing she was upset for the moment, but would recover and return to the fun. I hope that as she matures, she will learn how to lose gracefully.

Sadly, during this presidential election cycle, just like 2016, we’ve witnessed adult meltdowns among friends and relatives who find it difficult, even impossible, to maturely disagree politically and still remain friends. Many tell stories of family members disowning them. Political disagreements turned personal.

Tragically, we watch with horror young people and adults displaying violent meltdowns in the streets of many of our cities with looting, burning, destruction, assaults, vileness, and even murder, without any local control! This seems to be the 2020 way for many liberals to express their political views.

I’ve had many “unsubscribes” to this Monday Morning Blog when I say we all should vote for a political platform and not a person. Even though they’ve followed me for years, I am no longer their friend because we disagree on a presidential candidate.

Political disagreements are not the only cause of divisiveness. I have family members who keep their distance because I’m a Christian. You probably do too.

COVID has introduced a sundry of issues for “friends” to disagree over. I wrote a blog recently Don’t Let COVID Divide the Church! We’re On the Same Team. In this article, I also discuss the reasons not to waste your time getting entangled in social media disagreements. I have seldom seen anyone with an opposing view leave a comment, “I see your point.” Typically, they just want to prove their point!

We all have a right to our beliefs but it shouldn’t end our relationship, our friendship, or our family ties.

Five Ways to Disagree and Still Maintain the Friendship

1. State your opinion but don’t force it on the other person.

Friendships should be a safe place to disagree. If you have a variety of friends, you’re going to have a variety of differing opinions. You can learn from each other.

In our couples small group, we get into some heavy exchanges of opinions, but we always know at the end of group we’ll pray, have dessert and coffee together, and leave as friends. After one evening of especially heated discussion, one person prayed that they were grateful we respected each other enough that we could express our thoughts openly, but still maintain our friendships.

We’re still friends in Christ, even though we disagree on some spiritual and perhaps political issues.

Let all who are spiritually mature agree on these things. If you disagree on some point, I believe God will make it plain to you. Phil. 3:15 NLT

2. Don’t devalue the other person.

Use “I” statements; avoid “You” attacks. Ask why they believe the way they do. State the benefits of your position rather than the hazards of their beliefs. No name-calling allowed.

Don’t attack their character. Remain humble.

Respect must be given to be reciprocally received.

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor. James 4:10 NLT

3. Consider your motives

We get into disagreements because we want the other person to acknowledge we’re right. Sometimes we care more about being right, than “our truth” helping the other person.

My granddaughter was trying to share Jesus with two friends of a different faith, and they ended up in a disagreement. I asked my granddaughter whether her motivation was compassion for her friend’s salvation or wanting to be right.

If it was their salvation, she should speak with passion about how much she loved Jesus and He loves her. If she just wanted to be right, she probably focused more on how wrong their faith was and that made them mad. She agreed she would be far more effective showing them Jesus’s love than trying to win an argument.

Our friends and family will know the love of our Jesus through the love we show them.

“So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” John 13:34-35 NLT

4. Establish that your friendship is more important than the disagreement.

No disagreement is worth losing a friendship or a family member relationship.

Nothing is that important.

When you see a conversation turning into a disagreement, stop and establish between the two of you that your friendship or relationship means more to you both than the issue at hand.

If you both agree that continuing with the conversation would jeopardize your relationship, then change the subject.

Heather and I have been friends for years, and I love what she says about our friendship: “I have been aware of your position on politics as long as I’ve been your friend, and it hasn’t mattered. If you were not aware of mine, perhaps it is because I am much more interested in building and maintaining friendships than in debating politics.”

In my book, Praying for Your Prodigal Daughter, I share a time when my daughter and I differed on several major issues, but we still loved each other. We didn’t talk about them every time we were together, but we did talk about things we agreed on. We loved each other unconditionally because our mother/daughter relationship was more important than our differences.

Over the years, we’ve disagreed on other topics and we’ve practiced the same respect for each other. Love is more important than our disagreements.

A friend loves at all times. Proverbs 17:17

5. Let it go and pray!

Often a disagreement drags on because one of us won’t give up or we take the bait to start a disagreement instead of letting it pass.

We want the other person to come around to our way of thinking because we’re sure our way is the only right way and we have a great argument to support it. Tempers and voices rise. We say things we wish we hadn’t. Friendships and relationships fall apart.

It takes discipline to let the other person have the last word and then let the issue go.

Recently, I was at dinner with a group of Christians and I assumed we all had the same political views. We had been friends at church for years but had never discussed politics. Suddenly, one of the women asked what I thought of “Trump.” When I expressed favor, she started to say “Even though . . . .”

I could see where this conversation was going. I had arguments for what I knew she was going to say, but instead I decided to kindly reply, “I don’t think this is the time to get into a political discussion” and changed the subject.

Because we had never discussed politics before, I didn’t know she was liberal while I’m a conservative. But I knew we had been, and would continue to be, friends.

Unfriendly people care only about themselves; they lash out at common sense. Fools have no interest in understanding; they only want to air their own opinions. Pr. 18:1-2 NLT

Lord, Satan is trying with all his might to divide your house and your people. We pray Lord with all our might that we would not let that happen. We would remember that a house divided cannot stand. Help us to be the peacemaker in our relationships, friendships, and families, without bending or compromising on the Truth. And Lord, if it must be that there are those who choose to no longer be our friends or in a relationship with us, guard us against a bitter heart and remind us to pray for a softening of their heart also. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

Note: This is an adaption and update of an article I wrote for Crosswalk after Donald Trump won the 2016 election. Not much has changed this year except it’s escalated to violence in the streets not just for a few days, but for months. I pray not only friendships but also our country survives the 2020 election.

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Virtual Grandparents’ Day of Prayer!

Have you heard about the Virtual Grandparents Day of Prayer? 

Since two of my granddaughters and their friends visited us this past week, I thought it was a perfect time to remind you of National Grandparents Day on September 13, 2020.  

The Christian Grandparenting Network (CGN) wants to make it a Day of Prayer for our grandchildren and their parents! This year they’re adding a virtual element to allow grandparents to pray together.

My friend Lillian Penner has provided information below to explain more about this day and how to participate.

What Is the Need?

The enemy prowls like a lion, infiltrating our culture with lies and deception. He attacks our families at all levels.

Even our Christian faith is under attack. As a result, parents and grandparents find themselves in a tug-of-war for the souls of their children and grandchildren.

Paul warns us, “For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths” (2 Timothy 4:3-4).

Barna Research confirms Paul’s warning. Fifty-eight percent of adults living in the United States agree that “identifying moral truth is up to each individual; there are no moral absolutes that apply to everyone, all the time. Surprisingly, forty-eight percent of adults identified as born-again Christians agreed with the statement.”[1]  

God has given grandparents a sacred trust – an opportunity to imprint another generation with His love and faithfulness. We need to intercede for the hearts, minds, and souls of our grandchildren and their parents, praying they don’t fall captive to the enemy’s deception.

With this in mind, the Prayer Ministry is inviting you and your church families to join us on National Grandparents’ Day (September 13th) for a Virtual Grandparents’ Day of Prayer.


Several years ago, the prayer ministry of Christian Grandparenting Network (CGN) saw the urgency to establish a day for grandparents to unite in prayer. Under the leadership of Lillian Penner, the second Sunday of September was named Grandparents’ Day of Prayer. This day coincided with the National Grandparents’ Day in the United States.

Churches enthusiastically responded by hosting events such as grandparent prayer breakfasts, luncheons and afternoon teas.

The present pandemic has forced many churches to close or limit the amount of available seating. Therefore, instead of the traditional Grandparents’ Day of Prayer, we are inviting you, as grandparents, to observe a Virtual Grandparents’ Day of Prayer on September 13th. We are encouraging you to pray with at least one other grandparent over the phone, via a conferencing tool such as Zoom, or in-person with careful observance of social distancing guidelines.

To learn more about participation go to 

May God bless you richly as you pray for your grandchildren,

Lillian Penner, 

GDOP Coordinator, 

Christian Grandparenting Prayer ministry

[email protected]

 [1] The findings are part of the American Worldview Inventory and were released by George Barna, director of research at the cultural research center at Arizona Christian University.

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When God Confirms Your Message!

I’m going to be short today. You’re probably going “right!” Well, I’m going to try.

Last week, I had some pre-cancers frozen off my hands and a couple of them are very painful so it’s hard to type. But God in His mercy brought to my attention a pastor whose blogs I could have written myself! As I read several, and listened to video clips, I wondered how I had never heard of Pastor Shane Idleman of Westside Fellowship Church in Lancaster, California.

While reading Pastor Idleman’s article “An Open Letter to American Churches—Focus on the Cross,” I found that many comments by this pastor are similar to ones I made in my blog last week, It Always Was About Jesus! He is the Real Target . . .

As I listened to Idleman’s message “Let Me Get This Straight” on You Tube, I was dittoing and saying amen to everything he said because I’ve been saying the same thing!

One more. In “Post-Pandemic Pastors & the Sin of Silence,” Pastor Idleman addresses issues I’ve been writing about.

Here’s just one: Why has it taken so long for pastors to realize they were the first to be silenced/closed during the pandemic while liquor stores and abortion clinics stayed open?! Now, thousands are rioting and protesting in mass and it seems to be no problem to the community spread of Covid; yet most churches are still closed or open under burdensome restrictions, like not singing.

God has used Pastor Idleman to confirm the messages God is giving me to write. I’m not alone. The Holy Spirit is speaking to both of us in a similar way. It’s as if Pastor Idleman and I are reading and writing from the same script. Actually, we are: The Bible!

I love what he says on his website:
“If we encourage truth, yet fail to relate to our culture, the church can seem formal and dead. This fact fuels the postmodern movement. But when truth is sacrificed for the sake of relating to the culture, as we see today, the very foundation is destroyed. Truth, the foundational beliefs clearly outlined in Scripture, must remain unmoved and unchanged. Times change, but truth does not!”

So what am I asking you to do this week? Read his blogs I mention above and maybe you will find more you want to read. I did. Each one I noted has a link embedded in the title. Watch the video clip also and pray about what you read and hear.

Let me know if God speaks to you through this pastor’s words as they speak to me.

President Trump’s Mount Rushmore Speech

If you didn’t hear President Trump’s historic speech at Mount Rushmore on July 3 that traced the history and legacy of the four presidents chiseled into this mountain in South Dakota, please take time to listen now. If you have children or grandchildren, listen with them. They may have never heard the contributions these men made to our freedom and the greatness of America.

Everyone has made mistakes in life but tearing down statues of our founding fathers only accentuates the ignorant mistakes of those participating in the violence.

We are the land of liberty not insanity.

We are the land where freedom reigns but lawlessness is condemned.

We are the land founded on God’s biblical principles that Satan will not destroy!

Here are several quotes that caught my attention from President Trump’s Mount Rushmore speech:

“Don’t rip up your heritage, live up to it!”

“It is time to speak up loudly and proudly to defend our country!”

“We stand strong! We stand proud! We stand tall! And we only kneel to almighty God!”

I hope to be back next week with a blog “America’s Problem Is Systemic Secularism NOT Systemic Racism. “

PS If you get an error message on the link to President Trump’s speech, just wait and it will come up.

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