Dear God, Why Can’t I Have a Baby?

No, that is not my desperate cry, but it is the cry of many women who struggle with infertility, and it is also the title of my next book. This week I leave for Mount Hermon Writer’s Conference where I will be sharing my proposal for this book.

Two of my daughters have struggled with infertility, and they also share their story in the book. I know there is a void in the Christian market for books that give these “Parents-in-waiting” as I call them….hope, solace, and encouragement from others and from the Lord.

If you are a “Parent-in-Waiting” and would like to share your story in the book, please let me know. Or even if you don’t want to share the story, tell me if there were any books that helped you or what you would like to see in a book. I would love to have your comments.

I also share with you here a marquee that greeted me when I was in Idaho earlier this month doing book signings with my daughter Kim for Praying for Your Prodigal Daughter. I don’t think I have EVER had such a greeting. Kim also struggled with infertility and will be sharing her story in the new book. She and her husband adopted my precious grandson Brandon and then she became pregnant with Katelyn who was born nine months later and now she is pregnant again….you just never know what God has planned. Here also is a picture of these two little cherubs.

I look forward to hearing from you on this topic.
Blessings, Janet

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