What Do We Do When “Equality” Isn’t Equal?!

As a kid, I remember hearing the term “tomboy.” Did you? I haven’t heard that term used in many years. It was fondly given to girls who liked playing with boys and their toys more than dolls and playing house. Tomboys usually preferred participating in sports over playing jacks. They liked wearing jeans, never dresses. Maybe you were a tomboy.

It was a phase of adolescence that most girls outgrew, although many might grow up to still not like “girly things” and fight for the right to have girls’ sports taken seriously. They wanted stereotypes to change so that girls could enter the police force and military, but I doubt that few considered physically becoming a boy instead of a girl.

In today’s culture, that young “tomboy” might be told in school how she could change physically to become a boy. To permanently change her body and medically alter her natural hormones to resemble a man forever!

Or a young boy could choose his gender and be physically altered to a girl. Whether or not parents approve, liberal school curriculum begins discussing “sexual identity,” “sexual orientation,” and gender change in Kindergarten.

A child who is not capable of making independent decisions in any other area of their life, who needs parental permission to go on a field trip, could make a forever life-changing decision as early as a young child!

The proposed Equality Act could make it illegal for parents to seek counseling for their child, which the bill refers to as discriminatory “conversion therapy” and seeks to eliminate.

That’s just one of the unequal, unfair absurdities of the so called “Equality Act” that just passed Congress and is headed to the Senate. They need to get 60 votes in the Senate for it to pass and as you know right now the Senate is divided 50/50. So we need all the Republican Senators, and hopefully some Democrat Senators with a conscience, to stick together and vote against it. The Democrats tried this bill before and the Senate voted it down, but with the majority in both houses, they’re trying it again.

In case, you are interrupted from reading further in this blog, where I will outline more evil proponents of this Democrat backed bill and why it is inequality not equality, I want to prevail on you to take action right now.

1. Pray for the bill not to pass the Senate but also pray for your Senator! Dave and I recently listened to a telephone town hall with our Idaho Republican Congressman and when one of the callers asked how we could help him, the Congressman was startled and humbled because he hadn’t ever been asked that question.

He actually asked for prayer! He admitted it’s tough in DC and there is practically no civility anymore across the aisle. Everything is partisan and with the Democrats having a majority in both houses and the White House, it’s not an easy job. But he was still hopeful and felt it was an honor to represent us, even in such a hostile environment.

2. Contact your Senator NOW! They need to hear from us and know what we want and expect them to do, especially if your Senator is a Democrat. Call 202-224-3121 or go to this link and you can find the phone number of your Senator and also send him/her an email.
Another easy option is at MyFaithVotes where they have an email already written for you to send right from their website to your Senator along with further discussion of the “Equality Act” ramifications. They need to know we’re counting on them to do the right thing and we’re praying for them.

3. Read this prayer alert from Franklin Graham “We Cannot Remain Silent!” and share it. He outlines so well some of the many dyer consequences of this bill. Then share it with everyone you know. In the last twenty-four hours, I’ve had several friends send it to me, even as I’m writing about it here.

The “Equality Act” Denies the Bible

It’s not hard to see that the trajectory of this bill is to outlaw churches, religious organizations, and the Bible . . . to criminalize and cancel God. Man is trying to establish “truth” and replace God’s Truth as confirmed in our Bibles. To deny the Judeo/Christian values our country was founded on that sets us apart from any other country in the world.

I cannot imagine how anyone who believes in God could support or vote for this bill. The next step could be to declare the Bible as “hate speech” and Amazon would cancel selling the Bible just as it has begun to do with books that talk about gender issues.

The bill’s legal goal is to deny the exclusivity of scientific biological sex at birth and introduce interchangeable terms like “gender identity” or “sexual orientation.” Here are just a few of the Scriptures that could then be considered offensive:
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Gen. 1:27

He created them male and female, and he blessed them and called them “human.” Gen. 5:2

“Haven’t you read the Scriptures?” Jesus replied. “They record that from the beginning ‘God made them male and female.’” And he said, “‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’ Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.” Matt. 19:4-6 NLT

Under the Equality Act, Christian businesses like bakeries, florists, photographers, and venues couldn’t decline servicing weddings that go against their faith. They could be sued for discrimination if they refuse.

Churches and other religious ministries would not be exempt from hiring people who don’t share their faith and beliefs.

How long do you think it will be before the church cannot proclaim that Jesus is the Son of God?

Not to mention the inability to declare sin as outlined in Romans 1, where God talks about His wrath and anger against sinful humanity. Specifically in verses 24-28. When people wouldn’t listen to Him, God washed His hands and abandoned them to their evil ways. Isn’t that what we’re watching now in our country?

24 So God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies. 25 They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen. 26 That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved. 28 Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. Rom. 1:24-28

The Equality Act Denies Women’s Rights

Did you ever think you would be living in a universe where male and female genders would come under attack? Children would be able to pick their gender and deny the body God gave them?

Men who “identify” as women allowed to compete in women’s sports with their male physic that gives them a physical advantage over women? Title IX was established to create a balance in male and females sports and athletics. It would be abolished by the Equality Act as biological men are allowed to participate as women and compete against real women.

As one female school athlete put it, “Inclusion” for everyone means “exclusion” for women in sports.

Gender “identity” doesn’t erase physiological realities and differences. That’s common sense and a biological scientific fact. But the progressives tell women that they’re not important in this discussion. They’re telling biological men who “identify as a woman,” it’s okay to invade women’s sports where they know they’ll win and push out opportunities for women to attain scholarships, grants, and advancement. We’ve all seen the pictures of them overpowering women in track, basketball, soccer, and wrestling in states that are already allowing this travesty.

How many fathers, grandfathers, legislators with daughters and granddaughters want them competing with men and having men in their locker rooms and bathrooms? Does President Biden or Pelosi want this for their own granddaughters?

Are We Sheep Or Fighters for Freedom?

Adults are free to believe what they want, choose their lifestyles, and do to their bodies what they choose, but to legally impose the acceptance of the contents of H.R.5 on Americans who find it offensive or morally wrong is beyond comprehension. To deny pastors and counselors the freedom to talk with those who have what is now called gender dysphoria is ludicrous. To force physicians, hospitals, and medical professionals to go against their conscience and perform mutilating surgeries or administer gender transition treatments they know will harm children, and adults, for life is inhumane.

I’ve only addressed several of the horrific ramifications of this bill, but I encourage you to read it for yourself. If passed, no one is exempt from adhering to it. Christian businesses, schools, churches may choose to close their doors rather than comply! It’s that serious.

We need to get out of our Sunday-go-to-church bubble and become an active voice in what is happening to our culture, our families, our children, our grandchildren. We need to live out our faith with compassion and love for those who are lost and confused while we stand firm in our biblical and moral beliefs.

The Equality Act is not a shield to protect a group but a sword of inequality to use against those who don’t agree with the progressive movement.

Listening to South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem at CPAC, I picked up a few nuggets from her excellent speech: “The left takes its vision to change America seriously. They want to lead, which means they expect us to be the sheep and follow. We will NOT be the sheep.”

“If we’re going to be the land of the free, we have to be the home of the brave!” Ben Carson

“An act of Congress can change the law, but not even an act of Congress can change Scripture.” Mike Huckabee

This is the written account of the descendants of Adam. When God created human beings, he made them to be like himself. He created them male and female, and he blessed them and called them “human.” Gen. 5:1-2 NLT

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*The opening picture is a poster outside Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene’s congressional office.

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What Can the Church Learn from Rush Limbaugh?

Last week, America lost an iconic grass-roots, conservative, bold, and brave patriotic voice. As I listened to the glowing tributes for Rush Limbaugh, I learned many things about him I didn’t know, even though he and I were in the same generation. Hubby and I play Christian music in the car, and I need quiet to write, so I don’t listen to talk radio. I wasn’t a Rush follower, but I wish now that I had been.

I didn’t realize that he helped save AM radio with his widely successful talk-radio program that reached 20 million weekday listeners for over thirty years! People listened for three hours a day to Rush in their cars, work place, and homes.

His open and popular discussion of conservatism helped launch the concept of conservative TV news programs, which like Rush provided conservatives a recourse as mainstream media became increasingly liberal and partisan left leaning.

Rush was definitely controversial and sometimes brash and sarcastic and said some things he later needed to apologize for, but haven’t we all. In his later years, especially after his cancer diagnosis, he spoke more openly about his faith, attributed his gifts and talents to a “loan from God,” and thanked God for the blessings in his life: “God is a profound factor; Jesus Christ a profound factor. I have a personal relationship. I’ve not talked about it much publicly because I don’t proselytize these things,” he said.

Best-selling author and Evangelical leader Joel C. Rosenberg worked for Rush at one time and knew him personally. Rosenberg wrote a heartfelt tribute, “Rush Limbaugh gave his life to Jesus Christ a few years ago and it gave him tremendous hope as he faced his toughest fight.”

I haven’t read or listened to any of the vicious liberal attacks on Rush, but you know they’re always going to throw out “racist,” so I appreciated this article, “Bo Snerdley recalls Rush Limbaugh as a ‘second-generation Founding Father’ who ‘returned his talent to God.’” Bo’s real name is James Golden. He was the long-time friend and producer for the Rush Limbaugh Show, and just happens to be black. Bo said on the Hannity show, which I heard, “It burns me to my soul when people sully his reputation with falsehoods, calling him a racist. This man was just an incredible phenomenon — and we love you, Rush.”

“Rush Babies”

Whether or not you agreed with Rush Limbaugh or even liked him, as I listened to the tributes I noticed how Rush spoke to the generations like we strive so hard to do in the church. Limbaugh referred to his younger followers as “Rush Babies.” I was curious how he managed to bridge across the generations.

Several years ago, I noticed my daughter was becoming increasingly conservative in her opinions and conversation and to my surprise, she often quoted Rush Limbaugh. Kim has a Sign Making and Sign Party business and she spends a great deal of time working in her “She Shop.” While cutting wood, painting, and stenciling, she listens to talk radio programs and Rush was a daily favorite, especially this past year.

With Covid and the election, she wanted to keep informed and she found Rush a “very caring voice who loves the country and talked through the questions of the day.” When she listened to Rush on the radio in the car, her sixteen-year-old son asked, “Who is this? I like him and the way he talks.” Her fifteen-year-old daughter listened too.

And that’s how millions of “Rush Babies” came about! Parents played Rush’s radio program in the house or in the car while taking the kids to soccer practice, vacations, running errands, road trips. Thirty-four-year old Benny Johnson said on his NEWSMAX show The Benny Report that he was a Rush Baby as he interviewed his parents, avid Rush fans. Benny concluded, “Rush raised my generation. Maybe you were one he raised too!”

Thirty-seven-year old Rob Schmitt recalled on his NEWSMAX program, “As a kid, I remember riding around in the car listening to Rush with my dad. I had no idea what he was talking about, but I liked his voice and listening to him.”

Schmitt had country music star John Rich (47) as a guest who talked about also riding in the car with his dad and asked what a bumper sticker “Rush is Right” meant. Rich’s dad replied, “A lot of stuff he says is right on the money.”

The headline that really got my attention was from thirty-two year old Kayleigh McEnany: Rush Limbaugh inspired a generation of young conservatives! It was an article by President Trump’s former White House Press Secretary. Here are a few quotes:

“My journey to becoming White House press secretary began in a pickup truck, alongside my Dad, who played Rush Limbaugh religiously. Though I was in elementary school, there was something magnetic, alluring and just so passionate about the conservative radio host who had such conviction and assuredness. 

My rides in my dad’s trucks through Plant City, Fla., later turned into drives in my own car to my all-girls Catholic high school. My friends knew if they chose to ride with me, they would be listening to “Maha Rushie,” as he affectionately dubbed himself. 

Rush was a giant in the conservative movement for a reason: he exhibited unrelenting boldness for the truth. He never backed down. You knew where he stood. And he was never, ever afraid to speak truth to power and challenge the mainstream media. 

Rush had a word for people like me: a “Rush Baby.” 

You see, Rush inspired tens of thousands of young men and women all across the conservative movement. Though Rush has departed this life for the next, he leaves behind a generation that will catapult forward the movement he created.” 

Kayleigh’s dad said Rush was the best friend he never met.

Rush was a mentor to all ages of listeners he might never meet. But some he did meet like Charlie Kirk the founder of Turning Point USA, a nonprofit organization that educates students about the importance of conservative values: fiscal responsibility, free markets, and limited government. Charlie started listening to Rush in high school and was introduced to him several years ago. Rush took the time to befriend and mentor young Charlie (now 28) and spoke several times at Turning Point conferences. Charlie says of Rush, “He was a great mentor focused on building up the next generation of conservatives.”

I began to see a theme: Rush influenced conservative values and ideals to his generation who passed that down to their children who undoubtedly will pass it on to their children, and like my daughter, he was still reaching new audiences! Isn’t that what we want to do in the Church with Christianity?!

What Can the Church Learn from Rush?

1. Like Rush, The Church Should Never Back Down to Cultural Pressure or Ignore the Issues of the Day!

Too many churches today are more concerned with being culturally correct or canceled than with sharing the unabashed Truth of God’s Word to the culture. They’re letting Christ be canceled!

2021 years ago, the culture tried to silence and cancel Jesus, but we know how that turned out. Jesus arose from the grave so that He could live within the heart of every man and woman who believed in Him at any age.

Yes, the culture has been trying to cancel Jesus since before the Cross, but His influence only grows wider and stronger. Jesus passed the torch to His 12 disciples and that torch of truth will continue to pass on until His return as long as believers like you and me continue to carry His torch of light and Truth.

In the Woman to Woman Mentor Handbook, I challenge mentors: What if you mentored 12 women in your lifetime just as Jesus mentored 12 men? Then those 12 women mentor 12 more women. That would be 144 women in mentoring relationships If you take that out five more levels, do you have any idea what the number of women in mentoring relationships would be just from you starting it out? 2,985,984! You have no idea how many other lives will be touched besides those of you and your mentee.

The Church is about saving lives, not saving face.

2. Like Rush, The Church Should not become a Relic but Remain Relevant!

The Bible is timeless and doesn’t change with the changing world; it brings peace, hope, and calm in the midst of the change. Its purpose is to be the consistent guide for people’s lives. Believers can count on it. A pastor’s message should help people respond to the challenges they’re facing by familiarizing them with the Book and the One with all the answers.

Sermons are not motivational speeches based on the latest trend; they’re motivational Truths to live a life ready for the Lord’s return at any moment. Urgent. Bold. Real. Challenging.

Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 1 Thess. 5:1-2

3. The Church Could Learn How and Why Rush Reached the Generations!

Someone is always watching how the church responds to the times. Children are watching their parents. The next generation wants to see us live out what we say we believe without reservation. They don’t want us to waver. They need us to share the Truth with passion, caring, and love for Jesus and love for them.

A 70 year-old man still could capture and influence the audience of younger generations. He created a bond of trust. He was still relevant. He had no biological children, but he passed on a legacy to generations of patriots to pick up the torch and carry on.

I sign every Woman to Woman Training Leader’s Guide, “Teach what you’ve been taught.” So those they teach will go on and teach what you taught them. “Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.” Heb. 13:7

Like Rush had “Rush Babies,” we want to have Jesus Babies. Followers of Jesus long after we’re gone who go on to share Jesus with others because we shared Jesus with them.

Our charge is to pass on the Torch of Truth of Jesus Christ to all generations! How focused is your church on reaching all generations?

Parents, teachers, mentors, the church, or anyone with a platform, must boldly, bravely, and with conviction speak up and stand up for living a life pleasing to Jesus and explaining what that means today. Never back down but always defend good vs evil, right vs wrong, moral vs immoral, even when it’s uncomfortable or inconvenient or unpopular.

Live your faith. Share your faith.

If your listeners choose to ignore you, that’s their fault. If you never tell them, that’s your fault!

15 Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. 16 But do this in a gentle and respectful way.[a] Keep your conscience clear. Then if people speak against you, they will be ashamed when they see what a good life you live because you belong to Christ. 1 Peter 3:15-16 NLT

Picture used by permission Legal Insurrection at https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/02/branco-cartoon-on-loan-from-god/

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We Are Resilient! We Will Not Be Silenced!

First, let me extend to you a blessed 2021!

We’re not even two weeks into the New Year and we’re already seeing that it’s going to be eventful. So many were anxious to have 2020 behind us hoping that at midnight we’d have a fresh start. But I felt 2021 would be extensionally affected by the previous year’s difficulties and probably usher in it’s own plethora of challenges. I think that’s why as I prayed for God’s guidance to choose a “word” for 2021, which is my yearly tradition, resilience came to mind.

I heard resilience on TV a day later; I knew it was God’s confirmation. He often uses a variety of ways to get our attention.

When I told my friend about my word for 2021, she warned, “You don’t need the practice on that one.” Kind of like don’t pray for patience because then God may let you experience circumstances requiring patience.

I’ve already sensed, as many of you have, that with our country on a downhill trajectory into the evils of socialism, we’re going to need to practice resilience. We can’t become intimidated emotionally, physically, or spiritually by our changing country, but we must remain firmly grounded in our convictions, faith, and family.

What Does Resilience Even Mean?

Here are several definitions for “resilience”:

Resilience is the ability to withstand adversity and bounce back from difficult life events. Being resilient does not mean that people don’t experience stress, emotional upheaval, and suffering. Some people equate resilience with mental toughness, but demonstrating resilience includes working through emotional pain and suffering.”

Mental resilience means the ability of an individual to respond to stress and adversity in a healthy way. Being mentally resilient is not necessarily a personality or genetic trait that you are born with. Rather, it’s a set of skills and coping mechanisms that can be learned.”

I would add that you can pray for resilience, which I’ll be doing daily all year!

When you search Scripture, there are numerous examples of biblical men and women who didn’t let their adverse circumstances hinder them from doing God’s will. As Christians, we don’t learn “coping mechanisms” from the world, but by reading our Bibles and depending on and trusting in God and His ways and words.

We can’t succumb to Socialist/Marxist radical liberalism, but we also can’t live in turmoil or fear. We need to conduct our lives as the Lord leads regardless of who is leading our government. We live confidently as Christ-followers. Unapologetically, Bible-believing Christians.

Youve heard me say many times, and I emphasized in Forsaken God? Remembering the Goodness of God Our Culture Has Forgotten, “progressive liberal Christianity” is a fallacy. Blasphemy. Godless.

Progressive is a secular term coined by people who want to change the Bible to adapt to culture instead of adapting culture to the Bible. They can call themselves anything they want, but a Christian, especially a “Pastor,” cannot use the Bible to justify abortion, homosexuality, secularism, or any sin!

I posted on Facebook the morning after the Senate loss in Georgia of two Conservative candidates to two radically socialist liberals: “What a good reminder this morning that this world is not our home; we’re just passing through! While here, we’re called to make a difference for the Kingdom. Our eternal home, a mansion, awaits all who know Jesus as their Lord and Savior! Come Jesus come!”

Courage and Not Cowering is Our Mission

Our mission and earthly purpose does not change by who is in the White House or government. It’s easier when they agree with us, but it takes more faith and courage when they don’t!

Nothing we’re watching in our world should surprise us. The Bible says it will be hard to be a true Christian who follows Jesus and not the world.
Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. John 15:20

The Bible also says that in the endtimes, which I believe we’re in, we will watch many fall away and Satan will come out of the shadows. He knows his time is short and he’s not going down without a fight.

Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.” Rev. 12:12

So what do we do?

We don’t become complacent or compliant with evil.

We remain aware, not afraid, and take a firm stand against the enemy!

Hold On Tight to Your Family

The very first thing the Speaker of the House did when Congress reconvened in the New Year was pass rules that prohibit the use in Congress of personal gender pronouns and family terms: father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half-brother, half-sister, grandson, or granddaughter.

I think we all agree this is ludicrous, but it also has a sinister motive to eliminate all gender classification of the way God created us: male and female.

Why would “first cousin” be included?

We cannot let this genderless language or concept creep into our own families or conversation.

It has long been the Devil’s desire to destroy God’s creation starting with the family unit. Before BLM removed it from their website, they admitted their goal is to eliminate the Patriarch father led family and BLM would become the “family.”

During the holidays, Democrat Mayors and Governors were telling us NOT to spend time with family!

By building stronger faith-filled families, we will persevere and be victorious over the attack on our way of life. Mothers and fathers must not let technology raise their sons and daughters. One of the benefits of having schools closed was that parents could see what their children are being taught and so much of the curriculum today is a liberal-left agenda against America, morals, and values.

I’m encouraging everyone to hug your family daily or call them regularly. Let each one know how much you love them!

Worship with Your Church Family and Take Your Family to Church!

Many states are still prohibiting churches from meeting, even though the Supreme Court has ruled this is unconstitutional! Another ploy from Satan who wants to destroy God’s church! It’s also a tool of Socialism/Communism.

It was alarming to me how long it took some pastors to fight back against the infringement on our 1st Amendment right to freedom of religion and to assemble in church.

I’ve written so much about this in the past and I’ll give you the links at the end of this blog. It’s absurd that people can cram into airplanes and yet can’t safely go to church.

If your church is not open, find one that is open. Sitting home on your couch and watching a sermon does not replace gathering together with your church family any more than zooming with your children replaces sitting down to dinner with them.

24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Heb. 10:24-25

 Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored his name. Malachi 3:16

We Will Not Be Silenced!

We must be vigilant and vocal but not violent or vicious.

God will not abandon His people but He will always call on us to live by His principles and share the Gospel with the lost, even those who irritate us and seem beyond reach.

2021 is off to a rocky start and none of us can predict what lies ahead, but our resilience comes from putting our trust in Jesus. Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Heb. 12:2

Listen to Me, you who know righteousness, the people in whose heart is My instruction: do not fear disgrace by men, and do not be shattered by their taunts. For the moth will devour them like a garment, and the worm will eat them like wool. But My righteousness will last forever, and My salvation for all generations. I—I am the One who comforts you. Who are you that you should fear man who dies, or a son of man who is given up like grass? Is. 51:7-8, 12 HCSB

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Is. 26:3

Big Tech is trying to censor, silence, and stifle the conservative voice, so I now have accounts on Parler and Me-We. Apple is removing Parler’s App and Amazon dropped them as a web host, but I’ve heard that Parler will be up and running again with new support soon.

You can find me on Parler @JanetThompson
MeWe mewe.com/i/janetthompson29
You will see my picture on both profiles to confirm it’s me.

Rumble is an alternative to Google’s YouTube, which has been removing conservative videos and accounts.

DuckDuckGo is a search engine that does not trace or track you like Google.

Here are some of my previous articles on topics discussed in this blog and the last one is a new Crosswalk article for married couples.

Why Watching Church Online Is NOT a Substitute for Attending in Person

If God Is Pulling Back the Veil on Evil, How Should the Church Respond?

Don’t Let COVID Divide The Church! We’re On the Same Team!

How Is Home Depot More “Essential” Than God’s Home?

God Will Not Be Silenced So Why Are His People Being Silent?

10 Marriage Goals Every Couple Should Have For 2021

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Babies’ Lives Are Important, But . . .

As someone gives you a compliment, have you ever braced yourself because you know by the tone of their voice that the disclaimer “but” is coming in the next breath. For example,

I love your new hairstyle . . . but I’m not sure about the color.

You’ve lost weight . . . but I’m sure you’ve still got more to lose.

I want to come to your party . . . but I’ll have to see how the day goes.

I agree with you . . . but aren’t you getting too political.

Are you shaking your head in agreement? We’ve all been there and maybe we’ve been the one tying two opposing thoughts together with that little qualifying dangler “but.”

In reading comments on social media, I’ve been appalled at how often I see people saying something like, “Abortion is an important issue, but this can’t be a one issue voting decision.”

Why not? What could be more important than saving a life versus “legally” murdering a life?

Looking at our own children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews would anyone make that same statement. “Well, yes their life is important, but . . .”

But what? We say we would do anything to protect them and lay down our life for theirs. Anything but vote for them to have life?!

When we don’t vote against abortion, we’re voting for it.

When we don’t vote for the party working to eliminate abortion, we’re voting for the party that wants to keep it legalized and stretch the limits to genocide like in New York and Virginia.


I hear, “I can’t vote for Trump because I don’t like how he talks or something he said or did over a decade ago, or his tweets.”

Seriously?! His rhetoric versus the life of the unborn?

Or, “Yes I’m a Christian but abortion isn’t my main concern.”

Really? Isn’t cherishing the sanctity of life, the gift from God, at the heart of Christianity?

What about a candidate who uses his Catholic “faith” to his political advantage but is willing to set the precepts of his faith aside as a liberal Democrat. What kind of character does that show?

What kind of man would trade his soul for power?

In Biden’s book Promises to Keep: On Life in Politics, he wrote, “I’m as much a cultural Catholic as I am a theological Catholic.” What does that mean? By his current stance on championing abortion, it means he’s allowing his faith to adapt to the culture rather than allowing his faith to change the culture.

He’s saying, I’m a Catholic when it’s convenient but when it interferes with my political aspirations and power, I can disavow its precepts. I can apply cancel culture to the Catholic stance on right to life!

That my friends is not how faith works. I think you would agree that you apply your faith to every aspect of life or it’s not true faith. Faith isn’t like a cafeteria where you pick and choose the aspects you like, or what works well with your situation, or is convenient.

Faith is all or none.

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ Matt. 22:37

I wonder if Biden has listened to Fr. James Altman’s convicting YouTube video: You Cannot be Catholic & a Democrat. Period.

How Does Your Vote Save Lives?

Biden and his running mate Harris not only endorse abortion up through birth, they want to make every American taxpayer pay for it!

The Biden/Harris (or Harris/Biden) agenda is characterized as the most pro-abortion ticket in history.

Biden vows to overturn every prolife advancement that President Trump has accomplished.

President Trump defunded Planned Parenthood. Biden has the endorsement of Planned Parenthood that profits from the death and dismemberment of the unborn!

President Trump is unquestionably and undeniably the most pro-life president ever!! And I might add, he’s also the most pro-faith president who puts action behind his words.

What could President Trump ever have done or said that would justify “but I’m voting for the liberal, pro-abortion socialist Democrats.”

What Christian could say, “but I’m ok with the savagery of murdering preborn babies?”

What human being could say, “but I’m ok with one pre-born baby murdered at Planned Parenthood every 97 seconds?

Let’s look at what God says about the sanctify of His created life.

 “You shall not murder.” Exodus 20:13

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:13-16

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. Psalm 127:3

There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood . . . Proverbs 6:16-17

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

From birth I was cast on you; from my mother’s womb you have been my God. Psalm 22:10

Sin Hurts

Often, we’re reticent to talk about abortion in the church because sadly, many women have had abortions today and it hurts to be reminded.

No one likes remembering their sins. It’s convicting.

The Good News of the Gospel is that when we surrender our life to Christ, He forgives us of all our past sins and wipes the slate clean.

We will always live with consequences of our actions but God remembers our sins no more. That cleansing forgiveness provides freedom from the guilt. “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).

Many women today share their testimony to encourage and mentor other women in similar situations. I suggest ways to do this in Mentoring for All Seasons: Sharing Life Experiences and God’s Faithfulness.

A New Opportunity to Save the Babies

Ruth Bader Ginsburg died after I had already written most of this post. The minute I heard it, I knew why God had me write this week on the topic of abortion. Ginsburg was a staunch liberal advocate of abortion as a “woman’s right.” Even though as I listened to commentators discuss her life, she was able to progress in her law career as a wife and mother of two children she “adored” and four grandchildren.

Instead of taking the position that women could do as she did and have a successful career as well as be a mother, she was an activist for women disposing of their unborn babies. Sad.

President Trump now has the opportunity to place a pro-life Justice on the Supreme Court and after almost 50 years, there’s a glimmer of hope that Roe vs Wade could be overturned.

The future of millions of babies rests on filling this Justice seat.

Biden will most definitely place a liberal pro-choice, pro-abortion judge and since these are lifetime positions, murdering the future unborn would be “legal” for many more years.

So tell me again why anyone who believes in the sanctity of life wouldn’t want a President in the White House who will fight for the life of future generations?

What “but” could anyone come up with that would justify trash cans filled with dismembered human beings? I can’t think of one!

Often, we say I’m just one person what can I do? You can let your voice and your vote be heard no “buts” about it! Vote for life because yes that is the single most important issue on the ballot on November 3.

Jesus Christ is our Savior and Creator of life.

Donald J Trump is our President and defender of life.

This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. Deut. 30:19

You alone are the Lord. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you. Nehemiah 9:6

Note: Live Action is a good pro-life website.

Lest you think I’m becoming too political, abortion is a moral and spiritual issue that has been politicized. I will not be silent or stop speaking out for the unborn and for those in government who can make a difference.

If you missed my blog last Monday, I was at our church women’s retreat for the weekend learning how I can use my personality to care for others. If you didn’t miss me . . . but you didn’t want to say anything, that’s ok!

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5 Ways to Survive the Storms of Marriage by Carol Kent

I’m thrilled to have Carol Kent as a guest today on the Monday Morning Blog and the timing couldn’t be more perfect. If you’re married, you’ve been spending a great deal of time together, more than usual, during the Coronavirus stay-at-home season. There’s probably stress about finances, kids out of school, fear about catching this virus, restrictions imposed on us by local government, maybe loss of a job or trying to work from home and we just want our lives back.

Carol and her husband Gene, along with Cindy and David Lambert, have a new book out that every couple will appreciate not only during these difficult times, but in the inevitable storms we will face together in our marriages.

Carol is offering a free copy of Staying Power so be sure to leave a comment to enter the drawing. Now grab a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy Carol’s words of wisdom.

5 Ways to Survive the Storms of Marriage by Carol Kent

I had been happily married to Gene for more than 25 years when a middle of the night phone call turned my world upside-down. The news was unthinkable.  Our son, a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, had been arrested for the murder of his wife’s first husband. Amid multiple accusations of abuse involving the biological father of Jason’s three-year-old and six-year-old stepdaughters, our son unraveled—mentally, emotionally, and spiritually—and now he faced a trial for murder. Following seven postponements of the trial, he was convicted of the crime and sentenced to life without parole. 

This caused unspeakable pain (for us and for the victim’s family), emotional tension, financial stress, frayed nerves, public humiliation, and often triggered pressures in our marriage we hadn’t faced before.

Our situation might seem more drastic than what your marriage is going through, but there are times for most of us when due to no fault of our own, outside challenges hit our lives and decisions need to be made. In your case it might be a struggle with infertility, or the addiction of your child, a financial crisis, an accident that changes everything about your future, caring for the needs of an aging parent, a child with a disability, parenting a grandchild, the incarceration of a loved one—and so much more.

How can our marriages become stronger when we face the storms of marriage—those things that come out of the blue, without warning, that threaten to destroy our relationships? Here are five action steps you can take.

1. Decide to be “in this together.” Gene and I, along with our co-authors, David and Cindy Lambert, have discovered through God’s faithfulness during our own trials, that as distressing as many of the challenges our marriages face are, they’re also a rich opportunity to grow together in strength and in wisdom. We have an opportunity to make our marriages stronger and more resilient than before the crisis hit.

John 16:33 says, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

2. Make the next right choice. Author Clare DeGraaf helped me understand the importance of pre-decisions. I call them our “non-negotiables”—a series of pre-determined choices we made to each other. Some of those are:

  • I will request, honor, and respect the advice of my spouse.
  • I will serve my spouse sacrificially.
  • I will control my tongue. That means no matter how difficult our situation is, Gene and I are committed to treating each other with kindness.

Clare DeGraaf writes about the 10-Second Rule: “Just do the next thing you’re reasonably certain Jesus wants you to do. (And commit to it immediately—in the next ten seconds—before you change your mind!).”

We discovered that when we regularly spent time with the Lord, Scripture passages we were reading helped to confirm important decisions. We didn’t require another two weeks of uncertainty. We discussed the options, shared what we believed God was nudging us to do, and then made the next important choice.

3. Practice automatic forgiveness. Because Gene and I live in a challenging situation that will probably not end in our lifetime, we’ve had to learn that forgiveness usually isn’t a one-time thing. We’re still human. Tempers flare.

We communicate poorly when we’re exhausted. We’re learning to instantly recognize that this negativity and unforgiveness can escalate. So we STOP and remind ourselves that . . .

  • We want resolution.
  • We need the support of each other, or our marriage won’t survive.
  • Our love is deeper than this crisis. We’re committed to forgiving each other for negative behaviors and outbursts quickly and often.

Proverbs 17:9 NLT says: “Love prospers when a fault is forgiven.”

Our goal is to be unoffendable.

4. Say “yes” to guilt-free time-outs. As a Type-A first-born, I like to solve problems and move on to the next thing. But having an incarcerated son isn’t something that’s a task to be completed on a “to-do” list. I often found myself worn out—trying to keep all of the balls of speaking, writing, being a wife, and caring for my son’s needs in the air—and I hit a wall! 

All couples who face long-term challenges need to develop a daily habit that takes them away from the immediate stress of their ongoing situation for a short while. When our family members are in pain, we often feel uncomfortable experiencing pleasure.

Make a plan to rediscover your joy.

5. Serve while suffering. Find someone who needs help worse than you do. Then do a tangible act of kindness for that person together. Serving others shifts our focus off our own challenges and onto someone else. It makes us Jesus-focused and our own challenges become less overwhelming.

Serving others produces blessing.

“Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity.” Luke 6:38 MSG

Never give up on defending your marriage and your family against the challenges life throws at you. You can build lasting staying power into your marriage with God’s help.

Drawing for a Free Copy of Staying Power

Which of the five suggested ways to make your marriage stronger in the middle of challenging circumstances is one you’d like to try? Leave a comment and a winner will be selected on Friday, May 8.

Adapted from Staying Power: Building a Stronger Marriage When Life Sends Its Worst, by Carol and Gene Kent and Cindy and David Lambert, Revell, 2020.

Get to Know Carol: 

Carol Kent is a bestselling author and international speaker. She’s the executive director of the Speak Up Conference, a ministry committed to helping Christians develop their speaking and writing skills. She and her husband, Gene, have founded the nonprofit organization, Speak Up for Hope, which benefits inmates and their families. Carol has trained Christian speakers for over twenty-five years and she has been a featured speaker at Women of Faith, Extraordinary Women, and Women of Joy arena events.  She is the author of over twenty-five books, including the bestselling When I Lay My Isaac Down and Becoming a Woman of Influence. Her two newest titles are a 365 page-per-day devotional titled, He Holds My Hand, and Staying Power, co-authored with her husband Gene, and Dave & Cindy Lambert. Connect with Carol on FB, Twitter, or Instagram.

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Family, Faith, and Science

The Coronavirus has imposed restrictions on most of the world. Our normal life abruptly came to a halt. Some people are “sheltering in place” others are quarantined. A few cities are in “lockdown.” Schools and businesses are closed. Many are working from home.

We’re all practicing social distancing.

The goal is to stop the spread of this unseen enemy. For the most part, citizens are cooperating because no one wants to get sick or spread the virus to someone else.

We’re coming together against a common foe by staying apart!

So how does this new crisis in our culture connect family, faith, and science and how can these three segments of our life unify us? Let’s look at each one.


Before this virus disrupted our everyday life, families often started their day with each person going their separate way. The kids were hurriedly hustled off to school, preschool, or daycare, and mom and dad rushed off to work or the day’s activities. Afternoons were filled with chauffeuring kids to sports, quick dinner with whoever happened to be home to eat it, homework, and individually burrowing into electronic devices. Eventually, everyone fell into bed to get up the next morning and start all over again.

Then one day everything came to a screeching halt! The entire family became sequestered at home together all day, everyday! Forced to spend time together talking, eating, entertaining each other . . . maybe taking family relationships and dynamics to a deeper level. Cocooning!

What a perfect time for a Sabbath of the soul for the whole family when there’s no place to go, no outside distractions, just you and your family.

Here are some activities to do together during this family time. . .

  • Play games or start jigsaw puzzles
  • Eat meals
  • Pray
  • Watch church online
  • Do a Bible study
  • Watch family appropriate movies
  • Cook
  • Work on household projects as a family
  • Skype, Facetime, Zoom with extended family
  • Give each other space when needed
  • Make memories
  • Help in your community

Don’t waste this unexpected season. You may never have the opportunity for this kind of uninterrupted family time again.

As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. Deuteronomy 6:6-9


“The American people want hope!” President Donald Trump

Another word for faith is hope. Heb. 11:1 reminds us “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” We don’t know what’s going to happen, but we trust that God knows and we put our trust in him. He is our hope.

Without hope, the people perish. They lose their will to go on or they act recklessly out of fear.

I know what it feels like to lack hope. I’m typically a very hopeful person, but when I was recovering from kidney surgery, I couldn’t see an end to my pain. It seemed like every day was as bad as the day before. I couldn’t tap into hope that I would ever feel better, even though the doctors said that I would, but it might take a while. Until then, I would have to endure the pain.

I cried! I needed hope! I wanted hope! Now!

How a Word Can Change Your Life, mine for 2017 was hope.

Then one day a church member, whose ministry was sending get-well cards and gifts, gave me a mug with the word “HOPE” on it. She had no idea how much I needed that reassurance, but God did. Every time I drink my morning coffee from that cup, I’m reminded that God is always my source of hope. Things will get better, but I need to be patient and not lose my hope in God.

That’s where our country is today. Our President wants to give us a cup of hope when he speaks to the nation. Where would we be if everyday he told us that nothing was going to get better and there is no medication on the horizon?

We would be a depressed, desperate people. Many have criticized the President for offering the American people hope, but that’s exactly what we need to hear.

For now, we hunker down and go through a difficult time, but hope is on the way and things will get better. President Trump said when he declared March 15, 2020 a day of prayer for the coronavirus that “No problem is too big for God!”

If you haven’t read the entire declaration, please read it now.

That’s faith! That’s hope! That’s the same faith and hope we must have today and everyday!

Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” Luke 18:27

We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 1:3


We have scientists in our family and I understand that scientists typically look at results of studies and statistics to project outcomes. When we watch the Coronavirus Task Force press conferences, there can be tension between the members telling us how things could get better and scientists cautioning that we don’t have all the data to prove it.

But I don’t believe we’re seeing faith versus science. It’s faith having confidence in science and scientists appreciating that we have faith in them to find an answer, a solution, to our crisis. We praise God for the knowledge, wisdom, and gifts He’s given them. These scientists are working around the clock to find a cure to help those who have the virus and a vaccine to eradicate it completely.

It is with faith that we pray for the medical personnel and scientists. Faith that God will use these professionals in a mighty way. Without our prayers, their work might take years. But as President Trump said in the 3/21/2020 press conference, regarding the innovative use of medicine available now and being considered by scientists to combat the virus:

“It if works it will be a gift from heaven. A gift from God. Pray to God that it does work!”

So families, while we’re home together bonding, not roaming, let’s unite in prayer for all those in the medical field, researchers, the task force, and those who have Coronavirus or any illness.

Pray to our God who knows all, sees all, and loves all of us.

“Lord, help!” they cried in their trouble,
    and he rescued them from their distress.
Psalm 107:6 (NLT)

“He [God] sees the entire timeline of history at once and asks us to see it with the same certainty. He wants us to live with a sense of his timing.

When we reflect and represent the God who does not panic about anything, we prepare hearts to open to his ways and see from a different perspective. Being still in the presence of the Lord makes his presence much more known.” Chris Tiegreen

Be still before the Lord
    and wait patiently for him. Psalm 37:7

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deut. 31:6

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If You’re Pro-life, You’re Pro-Woman!

If You're Pro Life, You're Pro Woman

I woke up the morning of January 24 excited and eager to watch the 2020 March for Life on TV. For the first time in the forty-seven years of this annual march, a President, our President Trump, was going to speak in person! A bold and brave step in the current political climate.

I made my coffee and turned on the TV, but to my dismay, no reception. Looking out the window, I saw snow on our cable Dish, and even though we cover it with a trash bag, sometimes the weight of the snow or ice inhibits the DISH from operating properly.

Knowing how important this was to me, hubby put on his snow clothes and boots, grabbed the brush to clear the DISH, and plodded out through the snow in what was now rain. A true act of love!

The TV screen finally came alive, but now what channel would be broadcasting this momentous event? Surely, no mainstream media since they were too busy championing the impeachment trial.

Again, hubby to the rescue located the march on C-Span just as the program was starting. Then with an opening prayer, a welcome from pro-life Vice President Pence and his wife streamed in from Italy where they’re meeting with the Pope, President Trump strode onto the stage to address the tens of thousands of marchers ready to take up their Pro-Life signs and march for the right to life of the unborn.

[Tweet “One sign at the March for Life was especially poignant as it portrayed the birth of Jesus in a manger with the words “An Unplanned Pregnancy Saved Us All!””]

One sign was especially poignant as it portrayed the birth of Jesus in a manger with the words “An Unplanned Pregnancy Saved Us All!” We know that Mary and Joseph didn’t plan that pregnancy, but God did as He plans each and every pregnancy!

As President Trump greeted the crowd, he reiterated how proud he was to stand with the advocates for life to “protect the right of every child, born and unborn, to fulfill their God-given potential.”

A few of his remarks:

[Tweet “Every child is a precious and sacred gift from God. Together, we must protect, cherish, and defend the dignity and the sanctity of every human life.” President Trump at the March for Life”]

“All of us here today understand an eternal truth: Every child is a precious and sacred gift from God. Together, we must protect, cherish, and defend the dignity and the sanctity of every human life.”

“When we see the image of a baby in the womb, we glimpse the majesty of God’s creation.”

“As the Bible tells us, each person is wonderfully made.”

“Together, we are the voice for the voiceless.”

What If You’ve Had an Abortion or Know Someone Who Has?

[Tweet “If you’ve had an abortion, please know that God loves you and is ready to forgive if you only ask. ‘There is forgiveness of sins for all who repent. Luke 24:27 NLT”]

If you’ve had an abortion, please know that God loves you and is ready to forgive if you only ask. ‘There is forgiveness of sins for all who repent. Luke 24:27 NLT

I’m sure it hurts to hear and read about pro-life speeches and marches when you don’t know what to do with your pain and sorrow. I encourage you to share your story with a trustworthy person. Someone who will pray with you and keep your confidence. It’s healing to talk about your feelings and not let them fester in your heart where they can lead to bitterness and self-deprecating efforts to soothe remorse.

If you know someone who has had an abortion, offer to be a listening ear. Pray with and for her. Assist her in finding the help and support she needs to experience the peace and forgiveness her heart craves.

Life Empowers: Pro-Life is Pro-Woman

The March for Life chose the above theme this year because 2020 marks one hundred years since the 19th Amendment giving women the inalienable right to vote.

[Tweet “From the beginning of time, God empowered women with the incredible ability and responsibility of bringing new life into the world. Eve, whose name means “life-giving” was the first mother through which the entire world populated.”]

But from the beginning of time, God empowered women with the incredible ability and responsibility of bringing new life into the world. Eve, whose name means “Life-giving,” was the first mother from which the entire world would populate. Eve also means “Mother of All Who Have Life.”

[Tweet “Only a woman is empowered by God with the capability and privilege of carrying a human life in her womb.”]

Only a woman is empowered by God with the capability and privilege of carrying a human life in her womb. To feel her baby as it grows. The first kick. The first hiccup. The first rollover. That is our amazing joy as women to bring another person into the world. New creations, each one designed by God unique with its own DNA, fingerprint, and purpose.

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. Psalm 139:13-14 NLT

God picks the time of each child’s conception! Sometimes His timing coincides with our desires, but like everything God does, it’s not always on our terms or times. That’s why He’s God and we’re not.

[Tweet “With the advent of ultrasounds, unborn babies may be voiceless, but they’re not invisible and their heartbeats are clearly heard.”]

With the advent of ultrasounds, unborn babies may be voiceless, but they’re not invisible and their heartbeats are clearly heard. It’s the Devil’s lie that these aren’t precious little human beings to be incubated and nourished in their mommy’s tummy until they burst forth with their first breath and cry. Both bodies intertwined from the moment of conception, bonding even before birth. That’s how God designed the mystery and majesty of creation.

Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women.

[Tweet “Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women.”]

The case for abortion is based on lies and manipulation. Abortion has become a cash cow funding industries and organizations like Planned Parenthood who lie to women and tell them their baby isn’t really human and that they won’t feel a thing. The truth is that they will feel their searing loss for the rest of their lives. Those women who sadly tout and brag about how liberating their abortions have been are trying to convince themselves that they didn’t really eliminate their own children.

What Can We Do?

If You're Pro Life, You're Pro Woman

As Christians, we need to remember that God doesn’t conform to man’s laws!

We can’t stand idly by and do nothing or think abortion isn’t our issue because it might not affect us personally or it’s “legal.” As I mentioned in last week’s blog post, apathy is the antithesis of the Christian life.

We need to let what breaks God’s heart, break our hearts.

I know you may have other good causes that you’re giving your time and energy too, but I ask: What could have been more important than saving the life and future of the 61,000,000 babies aborted? The purpose and plans God had for these baby boys and girls?

You don’t have to walk in a march or carry a sign to be an advocate for life.

As speakers pointed out in the Walk for Life, we have the right and obligation to vote for this Human Rights Issue. With our empowered vote, we choose government legislatures and presidents who don’t just talk about changing the status quo, but are willing to risk their political future and reputation to save the next generation of babies.

Who will go up against the liberal left?

Who will use the power we give him or her to not just maintain limits on abortion, but abolish it completely?

[Tweet “No woman or man should have the right to make a choice that ends in savagely taking a life and calling it legal.”]

No woman or man should have the right to make a choice that ends in savagely taking a life and calling it legal.

I challenge you that silence is compliance. Not taking a stand for right is inadvertently taking a stand for wrong.

[Tweet “Silence is compliance. Not taking a stand for right is inadvertently taking a stand for wrong.”]

I applaud each of you with a burden in your heart for the babies tortured, dismembered, and horrifically burned every second of every day because Satan spreads the lie that an unborn child does not have the inalienable right to life.

For everyone reading this blog, and I know there will be many unsubscribes, I pray that God speaks to your soul with what He wants you to do. Because there is no denying there will be a price to pay for this bloodstain on our nation as God asks: I saved you, why aren’t you saving the children?

Our Family’s Adoption Story

If You're Pro Life, You're Pro WomanIf You're Pro Life, You're Pro Woman

I have an amazing grandson because fifteen years ago a pregnant 15-year-old girl chose life for her second baby, while she was still raising her 18-month-old first baby and attending high school! She managed to keep her pregnancy a secret from her mom for seven months, when fifteen years ago abortion wasn’t an option at that late stage of pregnancy. Instead, she delivered a beautiful baby boy. My daughter and son-in-law, who suffered from infertility, blessed our family by adopting him and we became his forever family.

While I rejoice and praise God over that young girl’s choice to give her baby, my grandson, an opportunity to live, I cry over the millions of babies who never had the same opportunity.*

“We cannot know what our citizens yet unborn will achieve. The dreams they will imagine. The masterpieces they will create. The discoveries they will make. But we know this: every life brings love into this world, every child brings joy to a family. Every person is worth protecting. And above all, we know that every human soul is divine and every human life, born and unborn, is made in the holy image of Almighty God.” President Donald J. Trump

Yet you brought me safely from my mother’s womb
and led me to trust you at my mother’s breast.
10 I was thrust into your arms at my birth.
You have been my God from the moment I was born. Psalm 22:9-10 NLT

You can watch President Trump speaking at the 2020 March for Life and/or read the transcript at LifeSitenews.com.

Read two of our daughters’ infertility stories and about my grandson’s adoption in Dear God, Why Can’t I Have a Baby?

In my book Mentoring for All Seasons, there’s a section on “Pregnancy—Planned and Unplanned” with tips and Scripture on how to mentor a pregnant woman, Teen Mom, and “Post-Abortion Recovery” section for mentoring a woman who has had an abortion.

In Everyday Brave, the chapter on “Brave Mothers” includes a testimony of Kathleen, a brave teen mom who chose to keep and raise her baby, who twenty-eight years later is a digital media arts teacher. In the chapter “Brave Believer,”
Penelope tells her brave story of being an RN Circulator in operating rooms and refusing to participate in abortion procedures even though it could jeopardize her career and she received much ridicule from her peers.

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Breaking News: Life Isn’t Always Fair!

Breaking News: Life Isn't Always Fair

“I never thought that this would be easy, but I thought it would be fair,” said [Meghan] Markle. “And that’s the part that’s really hard to reconcile.”

“If things are fair, that completely tracks for me if things are fair,” said Markle. “If I do something wrong I’d be the first one to go, ‘Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I would never do that,’ but when people are saying things that are just untrue and they’re being told they’re untrue but they’re allowed to still say them, I don’t know anybody in the world who would feel that that’s OK. And that’s different than just scrutiny. That’s, what would you call that? That’s a different beast. It’s really a different beast.” [Meghan Markle admits she ‘never thought’ royal life ‘would be easy, but I thought it would be fair.’]

This week the news is full of stories about Meghan Markle and her husband Prince Harry leaving the royal life to live as civilians. What struck me the most about their decision was Markle’s comments about fairness.

She also reportedly said in a reply to her British friends telling her before she married Harry that the British tabloids would destroy her life, “And I, very naively — I’m American,” continued Markel. “We don’t have that there . . . .

[Tweet “Tabloids lie and try to destroy people’s lives, so does mainstream media. And they don’t care if it’s fair or true as long as it makes headlines!”]

I would say she definitely was naïve but also forgetful because not only do the American tabloids lie and try to destroy people’s lives, so does mainstream media. And they don’t care if it’s fair or true as long as it makes headlines! She’s right, it is a beast . . . The Beast!

The point of this blog is not to discuss Harry and Meghan’s reasons for their decision, but to point out that expecting life in a fallen world to be fair is terribly naïve of anyone.

[Tweet “As long as Satan, the father of lies, is allowed to be the ruler of the earth there will be unfairness, lies, gossip, and people who want to destroy lives for the fun of it or for political and financial gain.”]

Life should be fair. I wish it was. But as long as Satan, the father of lies, is allowed to be the ruler of the earth there will be unfairness, lies, gossip, and people who want to destroy lives for the fun of it or for political and financial gain.

Oppressors intentionally hurt people from their own lack of self-worth. If they can make you look bad in some distorted way, they think they might look better. It’s a twisted way of thinking and acting, but see it for what it is, evil.

[Tweet “How have we become a society that thrives on tearing down people with words and actions?”]

How have we become a society that thrives on tearing down people with words and actions? There’s little to no civility in the way people talk about others in the media, late night talk shows, politics, or entertainment. Kindness is weakness and meanness is strength in our perverse culture.

What can we do as Christians when life isn’t fair?

  1. Live our lives so that no one has a reason to lie about us, and if they do, their deception will eventually be exposed. They will look the fool.

But do this in a gentle and respectful way. Keep your conscience clear. Then if people speak against you, they will be ashamed when they see what a good life you live because you belong to Christ. 1 Peter 3:16 NLT

  1. Repay unfairness with kindness.

This will confuse and disarm the aggressor. Don’t match their bad behavior with more bad behavior. Don’t be lured into that trap.

If someone slaps you on one cheek, offer the other cheek also. If someone demands your coat, offer your shirt also. Luke 6:29 NLT

  1. Don’t receive negativity or react to it.

It’s hard to do, but ignore falsehoods or mean words said about you. They sting and hurt but don’t let the person saying them receive the satisfaction of knowing they hit their mark.

This is what the Lord says: “Be just and fair to all. Do what is right and good, for I am coming soon to rescue you and to display my righteousness among you. Isa. 56:1 NLT

  1. Don’t take unfairness seriously or dwell on it.

Replaying unjustness over and over in your mind like an old movie gives the incident more power and robs your joy. Cast it off and carry on with the Lord as your strength.

For the Lord gives wisdom;
    from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
He holds success in store for the upright,
    he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless,
for he guards the course of the just
    and protects the way of his faithful ones.

Then you will understand what is right and just
and fair—every good path.
10 For wisdom will enter your heart,
    and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. Proverbs 2:6-10 (NIV)

  1. Don’t be unfair or unjust to others or participate in gossip or untruths.

This is what the Lord says: Be fair-minded and just. Jer. 22:3 NLT

  1. Surround yourself with like-minded people who lift you up and don’t tear you down. 

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. 1 Thess. 5:11 NLT

[Tweet “Prepare your children and grandchildren that life isn’t always fair and they will experience injustice, but God is just and trustworthy.”]

Prepare your children and grandchildren that life isn’t always fair and they will experience injustice, but God is just and trustworthy. Make sure they have a relationship with Jesus and not the world.

It’s a mistake today to teach children that everyone wins. Everyone doesn’t win just ask any competing athlete. To try and keep children in safe spaces where they never learn how to confront opposing views or ideas is not good parenting, but teaching them that Jesus is their protector and provider will help them face the inevitable unjust times in their life.

When hard pressed, I cried to the Lord; he brought me into a spacious place. The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? Psalm 118:5-6

[Tweet “”He [God] will judge the world with justice and rule the nations with fairness.” Psalm 9:8 NLT”]

“He will judge the world with justice and rule the nations with fairness.” Psalm 9:8 NLT

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Grandparents Praying with Purpose

I hope the you had a blessed Thanksgiving whether you were with friends and family or spending a quiet day yourself reflecting how good God is and how fortunate we are to be His children.

Speaking of children, many of us have grandchildren. Dave and I are grandparents to eleven ranging in age from nine to twenty-one. As part of my morning quiet time, I pray God’s Word for these precious ones. It doesn’t mean they haven’t encountered trials and hardships, but they do each know Jesus as their Savior and I find comfort and confidence that God is watching over each one.

But I’m not fooling myself that in today’s culture there will be many temptations and the evil one is targeting the next generation. Satan does not want us producing more Christians in our families and the family of God.

So I want to introduce to you my dear friend Lillian Penner, Co-prayer director for Christian Grandparenting Network, and her new book The New “Revised and Expanded” Grandparenting with a Purpose.

If you’re a grandparent, you’re going to want a copy of this book. If there are grandparents in your life, this would make a great gift. If you’re a parent you need all the help you can get and what a gift to have your parents praying for your children, their grandchildren.

I asked Lillian to tell you about her new book . . . here is a message from Lillian Penner!

Today, there are over 70 million grandparents in the United States plus many more around the world. Grandparents represent one-third of the population with 1.7 million new grandparents added to the ranks every year in the U.S. Grandparents lead 37% of all U.S. households in this country — that’s 44 million households nationwide. (Google) [email protected]


[Tweet “We have reached a time in history when the grandparents must rise as one to cry to God.”]

It is estimated that there are over 30 million Christian grandparents. We have reached a time in history when the grandparents must rise as one to cry to God.  I believe if 30 million Christian Grandparents who believe in the power of prayer and deliberately praying the enemy will be crushed.

[Tweet “Satan is relentless in his aggressive attack to desensitize our children to truth and righteousness. This is a spiritual battle requiring spiritual weapons.”]

Satan is relentless in his aggressive attack to desensitize our children to truth and righteousness. This is a spiritual battle requiring spiritual weapons. Our grandchildren and their parents not only need our support, they need our earnest and united prayers. They need our united prayer, a genuine, unified prayer for our hope and dreams for the next generation to be realized.

Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for Your Grandchildren - Revised & Expanded

The “Revised and Expanded” Grandparenting with a Purpose, Effective Ways to Pray for Your Grandchildren is designed to encourage and equip grandparents to intentionally pray for their grandchildren and their parents.

Since I have had many requests for a study guide to go with the chapters, I have expanded the book with additional chapters and a study guide for each chapter, which you will find useful.

  • I have found there are many hurting estranged grandparents today with heavy hearts, so I am addressing that issue in a chapter. Is your grandparenting painful or a blessing?
  • I include a section looking at a view of the culture our grandchildren and their parents are navigating today.
  • God’s Design for grandparenting plus several additional chapters and Scriptures to Pray for Teens and Scriptures for Grandparents to pray for themselves.

The book retails for $14.99, however, on my website it is available for a discounted price of $15.00, including shipping and handling costs in the U. S. for a limited time.  A bonus of Scriptural Prayer resource will be included with your purchase. The book will be available in EBook format for $3.99 for those who would prefer the EBook format or live outside the U. S. to save on shipping costs.

[Tweet ““Revised and Expanded” Grandparenting with a Purpose, Effective Ways to Pray for Your Grandchildren will show grandparents how to be intentional disciple-makers and prayer warriors to impact the next generation.”]

This book will challenge you and give you resources for this spiritual battle with the enemy. It will show you how to be an intentional disciple-maker and prayer warrior to impact the next generation.

Written by Lillian Penner, Co-prayer director for Christian Grandparenting Network. [email protected]

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What Are You Doing For Grandparents Day?

Grandparents Are Uniting in Prayer on Grandparents Day of Prayer

Grandparents Day of Prayer September 8, 2019

Are you wondering when and what is Grandparents Day?

Well, my research shows that it’s actually been a National Holiday for forty-one years!

Congress passed the legislation proclaiming the first Sunday after Labor Day as National Grandparents’ Day and, on August 3, 1978, then-President Jimmy Carter signed the proclamation. September was chosen to signify the “autumn” years of life.

[Tweet “The purpose of Grandparents Day, as stated is “to honor grandparents, to give grandparents an opportunity to show love for their children’s children, and to help children become aware of the strength, information, and guidance older people can offer.””]

The purpose of the holiday, as stated in the preamble to the statute, is “to honor grandparents, to give grandparents an opportunity to show love for their children’s children, and to help children become aware of the strength, information, and guidance older people can offer.”

Wow! That’s almost exactly what God told the generations to do in the Bible.

But from everlasting to everlasting
    the Lord’s love is with those who fear him,
    and his righteousness with their children’s children.— Psalm 103:17

Hear this, you elders;
    listen, all who live in the land.
Has anything like this ever happened in your days
    or in the days of your ancestors?
Tell it to your children,
    and let your children tell it to their children,
    and their children to the next generation.— Joel 1:2-3

[Tweet “Even though Grandparents Day is on your calendar, just like Mothers Day and Fathers Day, few families recognize it, or even know about it.”]

Even though you’ll find Grandparents Day is on your calendar, just like Mothers Day and Fathers Day, few families recognize it, or even know about it. Our young Minister of Education at church announced that it must be a real holiday because it’s on the calendar so they’re having a root beer float celebration after service on Grandparents Day September 8. Many of the grandmothers will be at our women’s retreat, but I thought it was so sweet that she planned a celebration for grandparents.

My friend, Lillian Penner is the founder of Grandparenting with Purpose, an organization that encourages grandparents to pray for their grandchildren and invest in their lives. They work hard to bring awareness of Grandparents Day to the public as a reminder of how valuable the older generation’s wisdom and perspective is to the younger generations. So often, I hear that the kids won’t listen or aren’t interested in spending time with their grandparents, but Dave and I haven’t found that to be the case as long as we make an effort to be relevant in our grandchildren’s lives.

And we can pray for them. Lillian has written a sweet book, Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your GrandchildrenIn my quiet time, I pray for our eleven grandchildren. I have their pictures in my devotional and I journal a note to God about what’s happening in their lives. He knows what they need each day.

Last week, I wrote a guest blog, Brave Grandparenting, on Lillian Penner’s Grandparenting with a Purpose website. You might want to stop by and leave a comment and enter the drawing for a signed copy of Everyday Brave.

What are your thoughts on why a day as important as celebrating grandparents and their value to the family never got traction?

PS If you’re wondering why my Monday Morning Blog is coming to you on Tuesday, I was hoping you would all be spending time with family on Labor Day and not reading your email! Maybe you were even with grandparents or grandkids.

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One more week until the release of Everyday Brave: Living Courageously As a Woman of Faith, but you can pre-order NOW.

Let's Be Everyday Believers

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