When God Confirms Your Message!

I’m going to be short today. You’re probably going “right!” Well, I’m going to try.

Last week, I had some pre-cancers frozen off my hands and a couple of them are very painful so it’s hard to type. But God in His mercy brought to my attention a pastor whose blogs I could have written myself! As I read several, and listened to video clips, I wondered how I had never heard of Pastor Shane Idleman of Westside Fellowship Church in Lancaster, California.

While reading Pastor Idleman’s article “An Open Letter to American Churches—Focus on the Cross,” I found that many comments by this pastor are similar to ones I made in my blog last week, It Always Was About Jesus! He is the Real Target . . .

As I listened to Idleman’s message “Let Me Get This Straight” on You Tube, I was dittoing and saying amen to everything he said because I’ve been saying the same thing!

One more. In “Post-Pandemic Pastors & the Sin of Silence,” Pastor Idleman addresses issues I’ve been writing about.

Here’s just one: Why has it taken so long for pastors to realize they were the first to be silenced/closed during the pandemic while liquor stores and abortion clinics stayed open?! Now, thousands are rioting and protesting in mass and it seems to be no problem to the community spread of Covid; yet most churches are still closed or open under burdensome restrictions, like not singing.

God has used Pastor Idleman to confirm the messages God is giving me to write. I’m not alone. The Holy Spirit is speaking to both of us in a similar way. It’s as if Pastor Idleman and I are reading and writing from the same script. Actually, we are: The Bible!

I love what he says on his website:
“If we encourage truth, yet fail to relate to our culture, the church can seem formal and dead. This fact fuels the postmodern movement. But when truth is sacrificed for the sake of relating to the culture, as we see today, the very foundation is destroyed. Truth, the foundational beliefs clearly outlined in Scripture, must remain unmoved and unchanged. Times change, but truth does not!”

So what am I asking you to do this week? Read his blogs I mention above and maybe you will find more you want to read. I did. Each one I noted has a link embedded in the title. Watch the video clip also and pray about what you read and hear.

Let me know if God speaks to you through this pastor’s words as they speak to me.

President Trump’s Mount Rushmore Speech

If you didn’t hear President Trump’s historic speech at Mount Rushmore on July 3 that traced the history and legacy of the four presidents chiseled into this mountain in South Dakota, please take time to listen now. If you have children or grandchildren, listen with them. They may have never heard the contributions these men made to our freedom and the greatness of America.

Everyone has made mistakes in life but tearing down statues of our founding fathers only accentuates the ignorant mistakes of those participating in the violence.

We are the land of liberty not insanity.

We are the land where freedom reigns but lawlessness is condemned.

We are the land founded on God’s biblical principles that Satan will not destroy!

Here are several quotes that caught my attention from President Trump’s Mount Rushmore speech:

“Don’t rip up your heritage, live up to it!”

“It is time to speak up loudly and proudly to defend our country!”

“We stand strong! We stand proud! We stand tall! And we only kneel to almighty God!”

I hope to be back next week with a blog “America’s Problem Is Systemic Secularism NOT Systemic Racism. “

PS If you get an error message on the link to President Trump’s speech, just wait and it will come up.

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God Wants a Word with You!

God Wants to Have a Word with You

First, let me wish each of you a blessed 2020!

As I talked about in last week’s blog, How Do Your Plans for 2020 Align with God’s Plans for You?, we often set goals for what we want to achieve in the upcoming year. A fresh start.

There are two complementary thoughts for the New Year that I want to share with you in this week’s Monday Morning Blog.

A Word to Focus On in 2020

Several years ago, a friend and I decided to pray about a personal word God wanted us to incorporate into our actions, thoughts, and speech in the New Year. We remind each other of our word when times get tough or we’ve lost our focus. One we can pray for ourselves every morning, night, and throughout the day as a guiding remembrance of how God wants us to live and reflect to others.

As I browse Social Media, I notice that this has also become a tradition for many of my friends as they share their “word for the year.” Maybe you have a word for 2020 and if so, I’d love you to share it with us.

My “word” for 2018 was “Calm.” That year I fell down the stairs and broke my wrist, tore up my leg, and we had a septic flood. Calm was a prophetic word I clung to in the chaos.

2019’s word was “Joy.” The damage from our 2018 septic flood wasn’t repaired until August of 2019. I started the year still in a wrist brace and physical therapy from the fall, and we sold my writing cabin, which was bittersweet. In my sadness and unrest, I longed for joy and gladness. Joy was an appropriate word for 2019.

And drum roll . . . my word for 2020 is “Glorify.”

I’ll share with you how I arrive at the word I feel God wants for me each year.

  1. I pray asking God, the only One who knows what the coming year will bring, the word He knows will help me as I encounter the next year’s events.
  2. I read God’s Word, the Bible, expecting the Holy Spirit to speak to my heart.
  3. I listen to Him in my quiet time.
  4. I notice that a word appears repeatedly in songs we sing in church or I hear on the radio or in a sermon.
  5. I discuss with my friend our individual “word for the year.”
  6. When I feel confirmation, I settle on my word.
  7. I write my word in places I will see daily and pray over it each morning.

Some of you might also have a Scripture to focus on for the year or one that inspires you to pick a word for the year.

As I prayed about different words to pick for 2020, my thoughts went to the fruit of the Spirit.

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! Galatians 5:22-33

I wanted each of those words in Galatians 5:22-23 to define me. I would be a better wife, grandmother, mother, friend, neighbor, speaker, writer . . . and then God reminded me that if I focused on glorifying Him in everything I did, I would be reflecting all the fruits of the Spirit. I would become more Christ-like. Worthy of professing I’m a Christian.

For example, before I speak or write, I will think, Would that glorify God? Before I act, Would that glorify God? It’s amazing how my 2020 word is already changing me in one week. I still have a long way to go because after I say something, I also think, Wow that didn’t glorify God. Please forgive me.

Glorify is making me more aware of what God wants for me in my life.

[Tweet “I’m not suggesting everyone needs to have a “word,” but every Christian does need to know God’s Word.”]

I’m not suggesting everyone needs to have a “word,” but every Christian does need to know God’s Word.

God Wants a Word With You

God’s Word in Your Life in 2020

I often read the Bible in a year. I’m usually about a month behind on New Year’s Eve, but I don’t let that deter me. I just start the New Year’s reading plan in February instead of January, although I’m trying to catch up faster this year. As I write to you today on January 5, I’m just starting 1 Peter. Almost there!

So here’s my point. I don’t speedread to say I did it, but read at a pace that allows me to digest what I’m reading and what the Lord wants me to discern from His Word. The Bible is how He speaks to us. If you’re not in your Bible daily, you’re missing a daily Word from God. When someone tells me that God doesn’t speak to him or her, I ask, “Are you reading your Bible? Are you studying your Bible? Are you listening to what His Word is saying to you?”

As I read, I have a highlighter in my hand to note what speaks to me. God always has something new to tell me about how His Word applies to the issues in my life and in the world.

In the Preface of Everyday Brave: Living Courageously As a Woman of Faith I shared how God spoke to me in my annual Bible reading that He wanted me to write about the brave women in the Bible.

God started my journey of writing Everyday Brave during morning quiet times. I often begin the New Year by reading the Bible over the course of a year and choose a different translation each year. About fifteen years ago, as I read Genesis in January, the Lord opened my eyes to the amazing accomplishments of biblical women. I was in awe of the courage and boldness as I continued reading through the year. A few years later, I decided to start making notes as I came across these courageous women in my annual Bible reading.

I want the best God has planned for you and that’s why I’m pleading with you, if you’re not already reading your Bible daily, start now. You don’t need to read the Bible in a year, but you do need to read the Bible during the year.

[Tweet “”God is not the God of confusion or division. He wants to help you live your life with purpose, but you have to be in His Word to know how to do that.”]

We live in tumultuous times, the Bible was full of those also. God is not the God of confusion or division. He wants to help you live your life with purpose, but you have to be in His Word to know how to do that. No self-help book will help you like God’s Guide for your life.

[Tweet “God is not the God of confusion or division. He wants to help you live your life with purpose, but you have to be in His Word to know how to do that.”]

I came across two other blogs today that I want to share with you, because they were my confirmation that at least one of you, and maybe more, need the encouragement to chisel time out of your busy schedules to pick up your Bible and let God speak to you. Even if it’s just one passage.

A short conversation with God is better than no conversation!

2020 Is the Year of the Bible for Many Christians

The Benefits of Reading the Bible in 2020

Let God’s Word, not the world’s words, guide your thoughts and actions.

[Tweet “Let God’s Word, not the world’s words, guide your thoughts and actions.”]

Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.

Psalm 90:12 NLT

Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. Hold firmly to the word of life. Phil. 2:15-16

Bible and highlighter Aaron Burden@aaronburden

Bible with cup of coffee Nathan Dumlao@nate_dumlao

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Why Is the Church Going Dark?

Why is the church going dark when Jesus is the light of the World?

Crouch Community Church with the Light shining even on a cloudy day!

Recently, we visited a church, not too different from some other churches I’ve visited. Maybe this even describes your church.

It was dark! No windows and the only bright lights shining were on the stage. People entered the dimly lit, mostly dark, rows of chairs and found their seat. Some pulled out their cell phone and started texting.

I wondered, as I always do when I enter a similar church, will they turn up the lights so I can see my Bible when the sermon starts. They didn’t.

As we began to worship in song and the lyrics appeared on the screens, I had an epiphany from the Holy Spirit. The lyrics were much like this song “The Light in the Darkness,” which starts out like this:

In the beginning was the Word
The Word was with God and the Word was God
Through Him all things were made that have been made
In Him was Life and that Life was the Light of men

And the Light shone in the darkness
But it did not understand
The Light shone in the darkness
But it did not comprehend

That which we have heard and we have seen
This we proclaim to you concerning the Word of Life
This is message we have heard and declare to you
God is Light and in Him there’s no darkness at all

And the Light shines in the darkness
But it did not understand
The Light shines in the darkness
But it’s hard to comprehend

As the words kept flashing on the screen, I thought, Lord, why are we singing about you being the Light in the darkness while standing here in almost complete darkness? This just doesn’t seem right. You are the Light of the world. You tell us to go into the dark world and let our Christian light shine, and yet, we’re worshipping in a church enveloped in darkness!

[Tweet “Lord, You tell us to go into the dark world and let our Christian light shine, and yet, many worship in a church enveloped in darkness!”]

We continued singing in the dark . . .

The Word became flesh and dwells among us
We behold the glory of the only begotten Son
He has come full of love full of grace and truth
This is the message we proclaim to you

And the Light shines in your darkness
And we pray you understand
The Light shines in your darkness
And we pray you comprehend

The Light shines in the darkness
Ah but will you understand
The Light shines in the darkness
But will you comprehend
Will you comprehend
I pray you comprehend

I know many churches start out in movie theaters and office buildings, but the church we were in that Sunday morning looked like a new building.

[Tweet “I’ve heard the reasoning behind having the church dark is to draw the younger generation,”]

I’ve also heard the reasoning behind having the church dark is to draw the younger generation, but this is not a concert setting, this is church! Why does the next generation want to sit in the dark?

[Tweet “Why does the next generation want to sit in the dark in church?”]

The pastor was not a young pastor; he looked like he could be a grandpa.

When we returned to our home church, I loved worshipping in the sunlight streaming through the windows and looking at the clouds and blue sky through the window behind the log cross, built by one of our parishioners. And with the beautiful overhead lighting, I could see clearly my church family, and most importantly, the words in my Bible.

The side “walls” at Saddleback Church, (Pastor Rick Warren) where we were members for almost twenty-five years, are floor to ceiling windows, and the sanctuary well lit with overhead lights. When you walk in, you can clearly see fellow parishioners to greet them. There is no darkness. Even if you were feeling down when you entered, your spirits lift in the bright cheery atmosphere. People can actually sit outside and look through the windows to see the stage and hear through speakers.

They can see to read their Bibles, if they bring them.

Pastor Rick Warren speaking at Saddleback church

Pastor Rick Warren preaching at Saddleback Church

Saddleback Church is not a dark church, it's flooded with light

Saddleback Church

With so many churches going dark today, I understand why people aren’t taking their Bibles to church. I recently wrote about this sad trend: Are Today’s Churches Discouraging Reading the Bible? Some comments mentioned they couldn’t read their Bible in church because it was so dark.

[Tweet “Some people don’t bring their Bibles to church because it’s too dark to read them.”]

The word “light” appears 263 times in the NIV Bible.

Maybe I’m making too much of this, but I know it was the Holy Spirit nudging me to speak out as I stood in the dark, singing about the Light shining in the darkness. We know that “darkness” in the Bible refers to a culture or “world” that doesn’t know or worship God and His ways: anti-God.

But “God is never too exhausted by His Light to take care of the darkness,” Pastor Brian Smith. And neither should we be!

[Tweet “Scriptural darkness” is a culture that does not know or worship God and His ways”]

I honestly don’t understand why churches are choosing to have dark sanctuaries. I would welcome a discussion to please enlighten me, and others who want to see clearly, when we go to church.

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

Walk in the light because He is in the light!

If you received this post by email, please leave a comment here.

Saddleback sanctuary picture compliments of Jenne’ Blackburn

Pastor Rick Warren preaching, www.thechristianmail.com

I took the picture of CCC cross on a rainy day. You can imagine how beautiful it is with billowing clouds floating in a blue sky shining through the window above it.


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What to Do When You Don’t Like Your Life Season

What Do You Do When You Don't Like Your Life Season? Cry yell scream get depressed? None of those things are going to change things. God tells us in Ecc. 3:1-8 that there's a time for every good and difficult season under heaven but read and discover how God and mentoriing can help you survive this season!

We’ve all heard it said, “There’s a time for everything.” Or “You’re just in a season, it will pass.” In fact, it’s Scriptural—

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:

a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
    a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
    a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
    a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
    a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
    a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
    a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.”—Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

The good and pleasant seasons sound wonderful and just what God wants for us, right? It’s so easy to think that God couldn’t possibly want what we perceive as a bad or unpleasant season for us. And yet this Scripture passage tells us that God made both, and while we’re alive, we’re going to experience every season—the good and the bad—under heaven.

Pastor Rick Warren often says that life is like a roller coaster: if you’re going up and experiencing a good season, brace yourself because in about three weeks you’ll probably find yourself going down into an unpleasant season, screaming all the way!

We try so hard to hold onto those feel-good seasons, and there’s nothing wrong with that—we should have times of joy, dancing, laughing, loving, and peace. But when the not so good times roll, we need to remember that God has not left us. He’s walking right beside us through the mourning, weeping, uprooting, and war seasons, and that’s when a mentor is so helpful to remind us that she made it through her tough seasons and we will too.

[Tweet “A mentor is helpful to remind us that she made it through her tough seasons and we will too”]

The focus of my book Forsaken God?: Remembering the Goodness of God Our Culture has Forgotten is for us to remember how good God has been in all the seasons of our life. God never abandons His children. This is a message we need to share with each other and with the culture, especially during these challenging times we live in today.

Reasons for Not Liking our Life Season

Usually we don’t like our life season because:

It’s painful or uncomfortable.

We’re jealous and like what someone else’s life looks like more than our own life.

We’re living with the consequences of our, or someone else’s, behavior or decisions.

We’re discontent or discouraged.

We’re not sure if God still cares about us.

What would you add to the list?

We all have difficult seasons we want to end. Or maybe we’re in a wonderful season that we never want to end. Many life seasons we have no control over, even though advertisers and the culture would try to make you believe differently. They set us up to fail either way by thinking if we just drink the right cola, take the right pill, own the right car, use the right cosmetics and anti-aging products, eat the right food, reach success . . . every season of our life will be heavenly. The aging clock is going to stop and somehow God made our life to be different from everyone else’s life.

But that’s a lie and those who buy into it will never be content because everything God lists in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 is a season that everyone will experience.

What to Do When We Don’t Like Our  Life Season

We probably feel like crying, screaming, maybe yelling, getting depressed, ignoring, or trying to get out of it. If we’re honest, we’ve all been there.

[Tweet “The only thing that works when we don’t like our life season is to ask God how He wants us to deal with it”]

But soon we realize that the only thing that works when we don’t like our life season is to ask God how He wants us to deal with it, and then listen carefully to how the Holy Spirit speaks to us. It’s that still small voice we hear guiding us when we cry out to God. We might not know how to get through the season, but God does. So often He’s talking, but we’re not listening.

Someone on a friend’s Facebook post asked how my Christian friend knew what God wanted. Did he have a direct line to God? I thought, Yes he does! Every Christian has a direct line to God the world doesn’t understand, and one we don’t use nearly enough: praying to Jesus who hears every word and the Holy Spirit who intercedes for us even when all we can do is groan.

For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus. 1 Timothy 2:5

26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. Romans 8:26-27

While writing this post, I met a woman whose husband has cancer. As she shared her story, I heard in my mind hug her and pray for her. Mind you, we had just met, and I had already told her I would be praying for her husband and their family since I understood having had breast cancer three times. But as she kept talking, I knew I was to pray for her now. So I said, “Let me pray for you,” and stepped forward to hug her; but she didn’t realize that I meant right then. I knew God meant right then! She needed it and she was so grateful.

I had tried to talk myself out of it, and how many times is God trying to tell us what to do “right then,” but we’re dismissing His words of wisdom to see us through this season and on into the next one. That’s when a mentor can step in and do just what I was able to do for this woman, even though we barely knew each other. Can you imagine how much comfort can come from two women who have a personal mentoring relationship?!

[Tweet “Can you imagine how much comfort can come from two women who have a mentoring relationship?!”]

God doesn’t want us going through any season alone, but He also doesn’t want us listening to anyone who isn’t giving us biblical wisdom. That’s why in Mentoring for All Seasons: Sharing Life Experiences and God’s Faithfulness, every season has Scripture to study together that applies to the various issues women might experience in that season.

[Tweet “Being a mentor doesn’t mean you have all the answers or have the Bible memorized. “]

Being a mentor, or a mentee reaching out to another woman for guidance, doesn’t mean the mentor has all the answers or the Bible memorized. It just means she’s willing to search God’s Word and pray together for Him to tell you both what to do in the life seasons you might not like right now; and then, you both reach out and help someone else going through something similar.

And that’s exactly what Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 tells us we need to do when we’re going through a life season we don’t like!

What to Do When You Don't Like Your Life Season? Find a mentor who has experienced it already and let her support and encourage you. Read some helpful tips on how to survive those unpleasant life seasons.

Mentoring for All Seasons: Sharing Life Experiences and God’s Faithfulness is available now for order or Kindle or signed by the author.

Author Bio

Janet Thompson is an international speaker, freelance editor, and award-winning author of 19 books. Her latest release is Mentoring for All Seasons: Sharing Life Experiences and God’s Faithfulness.

She is also the author of Forsaken God?: Remembering the Goodness of God Our Culture Has Forgotten; The Team That Jesus Built; Dear God, Why Can’t I Have a Baby?; Dear God They Say It’s Cancer; Dear God, He’s Home!; Praying for Your Prodigal Daughter; Face-to-Face Bible study Series; and Woman to Woman Mentoring: How to Start, Grow, & Maintain a Mentoring Ministry Resources.

She is the founder of Woman to Woman Mentoring and About His Work Ministries.

Visit Janet and sign up for her Monday Morning blog and online newsletter at womantowomanmentoring.com





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