Is Our President More Excited Than We Are About Religious Freedoms?

Is President Trump More Excited About Religious Freedom Than we Are?

Is January 16, National Religious Freedom Day, marked on your calendar as an incredibly important day in our nation?

It’s not on mine either. In fact, until I read on Facebook about President Trump announcing on National Religious Freedom Day, January 16, new rules designed to roll back “discriminatory” federal regulations to promote teachers’ and students’ right to pray in public schools, I wasn’t aware of this national day.

How was I not aware of such a significant day?! As a Christian writing and speaking about preserving and expressing religious freedom, how did I miss this day? Obviously, President Trump knew about January 16 and he took notable strides to not only commemorate it, but to regain many of our religious freedoms denied us over the years!

Prior to January 16, I didn’t see any publicity about a day so vital to all religions. No mention in church or social media, and except for the landmark announcements from the Oval Office, this day could have slipped by with no recognition.

Why wasn’t there more publicity, blogs, articles?

Why wasn’t social media a buzz about the significance of regaining so many of our lost religious freedoms?

Why was President Trump the only person making a big deal of such a momentous day? Especially, considering he is restoring in schools religious freedoms that I remember when teachers and students could talk freely about God, Jesus, the Bible, and their faith without fear of repercussions or discrimination.

According to “Each year, [since 1993] the President declares January 16th to be Religious Freedom Day, and calls upon Americans to “observe this day through appropriate events and activities in homes, schools, and places of worship.” The day is the anniversary of the passage, in 1786, of the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom. We encourage schools to recognize Religious Freedom Day during the school week leading up to January 16.

The goal of is to promote and protect students’ religious expression rights by informing educators, parents, and students about these liberties.”

There is information on their website for students, educators, parents, and churches.

Our Family’s Personal School Discrimination Story

When my granddaughter was in third grade, she was a little evangelist. She didn’t know that telling the Good News of Jesus stopped at the front door of the school. She and two other little girls of a different faith were discussing their beliefs and she told them the only way to get to heaven was a relationship with Jesus Christ. One of the little girl’s mothers complained to the school and my granddaughter was shattered when she was the one called into a parent teacher conference and scolded. How could this be she cried when she had learned at Sunday school and VBS to share Jesus with everyone?

Not only did this teacher wrongfully crush her emotionally, she crushed her spiritually. Whenever we talk about sharing Jesus with others, my granddaughter, now 14, recalls this life-changing incident because you’re supposed to obey the school rules even when they’re wrong.

Thank You POTUS!

[Tweet “On January 16, 2020, President Trump announced that the U.S. Education Department will send out memos to secretaries and administrators in all 50 states stressing that they can’t prevent teachers or students from praying in public schools.”]

On January 16, 2020, President Trump announced that the U.S. Education Department will send out memos to secretaries and administrators in all 50 states stressing that they can’t prevent teachers or students from praying in public schools. The goal is to “further safeguard students’ constitutionally protected right to pray in school” and to let public school administrators know that they can lose federal funding if they violate students’ religious freedom.

Additionally, the administration will publish rules issued by nine federal agencies that ensure less regulation on religious organizations and social service providers.

President Trump said during a news conference that he doesn’t think there is anything more important than “the right to pray.”

“In public schools around the country, authorities are stopping students and teachers from praying, sharing their faith or following their religious beliefs. It is totally unacceptable. You see it on the football field, you see it so many times where they are stopped from praying. We are doing something to stop that.”

“You have a side that believes so strongly in prayer and it is being restricted and it’s getting worse and worse,” he said. “And I think we have made a big impact. We have loosened it up a lot and I want to loosen it up totally.”

As President Trump sat in the Oval Office surrounded by religious leaders, Christian, Jewish and Muslim students who have suffered discrimination, and Joe Kennedy, a high school coach who lost his job for silently praying on the field, POTUS said: It is a “sacred principle in our republic that government must never stand between the people and God, . . . Yet in public schools around the country authorities are stopping students and teachers from praying, sharing their faith, or following their religious beliefs.”

Trump stressed “there is a cultural war” that not that many years ago it would have been unthinkable that something like this could happen.

[Tweet ““Tragically, there is a growing totalitarian impulse on the far left that seeks to punish, restrict, and even prohibit religious expression.” President Donald J. Trump”]

“Tragically, there is a growing totalitarian impulse on the far left that seeks to punish, restrict, and even prohibit religious expression.”

Where was the excitement from all of us for these historic comments and executive orders?

The hurrahs?

The “Thank you Mr. President for caring about us and our religious rights!”

I maintain that we lost these rights through complacency. And yet, isn’t it that same complacency that doesn’t find us jumping up and down with joy when our President is reinstating them?!

[Tweet “Do you see the irony and spiritual battle of the news cycle obsessed with covering the impeachment of a President who is fighting for our spiritual freedoms?”]

Do you see the irony and spiritual battle of the news cycle obsessed with covering the impeachment of a President who is fighting for our spiritual freedoms?

[Tweet “Restoring religious freedoms is not political; it’s constitutional and moral regardless of which side of the political aisle you sit on.”]

Restoring our religious freedoms is not political; it’s constitutional and moral regardless of which side of the political aisle you sit on.

It has nothing to do with whether you like or agree with President Trump. It’s all about being on God’s side and helping to put Him back on His throne in the public square.

Dr. James Dobson didn’t let this historic day slip by his notice. Benjamin Gill wrote in a CBN News article on January 17, Dobson said,

“I’ve lived long enough to remember well a time when public prayer was expected and appreciated, even in schools.”

“I’ve also lived long enough to see the consequences of our societal disregard of the Ten Commandments and the eternal truth they represent.”

“For this reason, I’m greatly encouraged by the steps this administration is taking to correctly understand, restore, and preserve our constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms.

“It [the First Amendment] was designed to protect our first liberty. Unfortunately, government officials have increasingly bought the lie from groups such as Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and have worked to purge religion from the public square, demeaning the beliefs of millions of Americans in the process.”

Then he adds the important message I’m trying to drive home with this blog,

We should celebrate the administration’s vital efforts to protect our religious freedom. But such work is in vain if we don’t seize the opportunity to live out our faith and thereby transform the heart of this nation.”

We May Have Missed January 16, But Let’s Celebrate Our Religious Freedoms!

We need to make sure our schools and colleges enforce these new rules the President is establishing. Unless we take it upon ourselves to exercise our religious freedoms that are quickly being denigrated by those who want to take God and His ways out of America, we could find ourselves censored in our churches, our speech,  our writing, and in our homes.

How did abortion become legal?

How was God’s definition of marriage legally changed?

How did prayer, the Bible, and Jesus become taboo in schools?

How are crosses, even on a necklace, the 10 Commandments, Christian caps and clothes prohibited in schools and public places?

I submit to you, it’s because we let it happen.

Let’s be sure the significance of President Trump’s Proclamation and Executive Orders on January 16 are remembered and enforced.

[Tweet “Let’s bravely and courageously take a stand for our religious freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment written to protect the church from the State not the State from the church.”]

Let’s bravely and courageously take a stand for our religious freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment written to protect the church from the State not the State from the church. Don’t be fooled and don’t let anyone use it to silence you.

Let’s make it clear that our faith is in our heart that goes with us everywhere, including school.

Let’s not let the State rip the heart out of America.

 “A society without religion cannot prosper, a nation without faith cannot endure because justice goodness and peace cannot prevail without the glory of almighty God.” President Donald J. Trump

[Tweet ““A society without religion cannot prosper, a nation without faith cannot endure because justice goodness and peace cannot prevail without the glory of almighty God.” President Donald J. Trump”]

For more on these historic strides allowing the expression of faith in schools:

“Trump Announces School Prayer Guidance; 9 Agencies Draft Religious Freedom Rules”.

Trump Criticizes liberals’ ‘growing totalitarian impulse’ as he vows to protect school prayer includes President Trumps Proclamation on Religious Freedom Day, 2020 that he signed in the Oval Office.

Who Told Students They Can’t Pray in Public School?

Read an Op-ed by Pastor Greg Laurie on President Trump’s historic executive action regarding religious freedoms.

Trump Fights to Protect Prayer In School with New Federal Guidelines.

The Hill: Trump Administration’s Religious Freedom Announcement Square with Constitution, Supreme Court Precedent.

If you haven’t read my book Forsaken God? Remembering the Goodness of God Our Culture Has Forgotten, it is written for such a time as this.

Remember the goodness of God so you don't forsake Him in your life.

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The 4th of July Is For Proud Americans

The 4th of July is for Proud Americans

President Washington’s Prayer for America

Did you ever think we would be living in a time when love of country, respect for the American Flag, and standing for the National Anthem would become controversial? Patriotism booed and considered deplorable? Some schools not allowing children to wear patriotic clothing or even starting their school day with the Pledge of Allegiance? Athletes representing the USA abroad disgracing our country and disgracing themselves?

[Tweet “How did we become a country of ungrateful, unpatriotic citizens? Or are these just the people who yell the loudest and the media covers incessantly with glee.”]

How did we become a country of ungrateful, unpatriotic citizens? Or are these just the people who yell the loudest and the media covers incessantly with glee.

When I watched President Trump’s rally in Florida announcing his candidacy, it was so refreshing to watch a sea of red, white, and blue in the crowd. Flags waving proudly and 20,000 plus people delighting in celebrating the country they love—America.

At all President Trump’s rallies, they play the song “God Bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood, and I sing along with him, especially the lines, “I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free.”

I am proud to be an American, but not proud of all Americans.

[Tweet “I am proud to be an American, but not proud of all Americans.”]

When President Trump speaks or does press conferences here or abroad, there’s always one or more American flags.

At the Democrat debates, I wasn’t the only one who noticed there was not even one American Flag. No patriotism recognizable or spoken. I didn’t watch the debates but did see pictures. This is not our first clue that their loyalty is not to America, but to how far to the socialist, communist, liberal left they can take America to make it a country our forefathers would never recognize as the free country so many gave their lives to defend.

If you’re saying don’t make the 4th of July political—Independence Day marked the initiation of politics!

[Tweet “If you’re saying don’t make the 4th of July political—Independence Day marked the initiation of politics!”]

Have you watched shows where they do a man-on-the-street interview and ask people if they know facts about our country’s history? I wonder how many could answer questions about the 4th of July and why it’s a National holiday.

  • From what country did America fight to win their freedom?
  • Why is July 4th Independence Day?
  • What year was the Declaration of Independence signed and adopted?
  • What is the significance of 13 stripes and 50 stars?
  • Why are our patriotic colors red, white, and blue?
  • What does a national flag represent?
  • Why are caskets of fallen soldiers wrapped in the American flag?
  • Why do we have fireworks on the 4th of July?

How about asking these questions and offering a prize to the one who knows the most answers at your 4th of July gathering.

So many more historical facts are lost in a culture that has forgotten our roots.

[Tweet “Liberal politicians want to erase our heritage as if it never happened and turn a Democracy of freedoms into a country of government controls.”]

Liberal politicians want to erase our heritage as if it never happened and turn a Democracy of freedoms into a country of government controls. In their zeal to get the vote from those who can’t answer the above questions, they make it sound like the freedom of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness isn’t as valuable as the carrots they dangle of free healthcare, free college, free immigration free… free…which the naïve embrace without realizing nothing is free. They will pay the price with the loss of sovereignty and personal freedoms that so many brave soldiers gave their life to grant each of us. It will cost us dearly in taxes, independence, and quality of life.

For example, under socialism people will soon discover that “free” healthcare doesn’t mean the best medical treatment you need when you need it. The government will decide who, when, and to what extent you’re worthy of the healthcare they deem you can have or even whether they’ll let you have tests to receive a diagnosis. You won’t just pick up the phone and make a doctor’s appointment. You’ll go through legal red tape, waiting lines, and a bureaucrat in Washington deciding whether your life is worth healing or saving.

There will always be a cost. For those politicians touting Medicare-for-all, Medicare is not free. There’s a monthly premium, and everyone pays another premium for a supplement plan to pick up what Medicare doesn’t pay. And many of us have a prescription plan we pay extra for, but still have copays for prescriptions. Bernie Sanders admits there will be large increases in taxes, even to the middle class, while he tries to convince you it will be offset by no out-of-pocket. Lies! Lies! Lies!

[Tweet “Since the majority of Democrat presidential hopefuls say they’ll give illegal immigrants free health insurance, how good to you think that healthcare will be?”]

Since the majority of Democrat presidential hopefuls say they’ll give illegal immigrants free health insurance, how good do you think that healthcare will be when it’s stretched to the limits with no money to back it and millions of extra people getting it for “free.” That’s why none of the politicians have given specifics of how they would achieve this. They’re just pandering with what they think people want to hear and no one is pressing them on details, or they won’t give interviews to those who will.

[Tweet “What Americans need to remember is that the entire point of July 4th is that we don’t want to be like other nations!”]

Some politicians have said we’re the only major country without socialized healthcare. What Americans need to remember is that the entire point of July 4th is that we don’t want to be like other nations! Other nations come to America for medical treatment. People are not migrating to other countries; they want to come to America because we aren’t like other nations. They come to America for a better life.

No other country was founded on Judeo Christian values, where Presidents still say “God Bless America.” And as hard as the liberal left is trying to move our country away from God, we need to stand in the gap and keep America a blessed nation under God. Where our currency still says “In God We Trust” not “In the government we trust.”

The 4th of July celebrates the fight for freedom to be different from other countries. A Democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people.

[Tweet “The 4th of July celebrates the fight for freedom to be different from other countries. A Democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people.”]

As you plan your festivities—parades, BBQs, fireworks, pool parties, trips to the beach—how about starting those events with the Pledge of Allegiance, singing the National Anthem, and a prayer thanking God for our great nation. Remind the children at the gatherings why you’re celebrating this holiday. Our generation must pass down to the next generation our country’s history and why our freedom is so precious.

The 4th of July is for Proud Americans

Young puppeteers proud of the American Flag!

If anyone who refuses to stand for the National Anthem, honor our flag, respectfully represent the USA abroad and at home dares to celebrate the 4th of July . . . might I say they are hypocrites who either have no idea what July 4th represents, or they have no idea what they’re protesting.

God has allowed each of us to live in the greatest nation in the world. Have you ever woke up in the morning and said thank you God I’m an American? If we take God, freedom, and patriotism out of America, we won’t be able to say that anymore.

Have you noticed how both sides of the political arena are always saying, “The American people want to know.” “The American people deserve to know.” I don’t know about you, but they didn’t ask me. Let’s use our voices and our votes to tell them what the American people really want and deserve—

A country that honors God, honors our flag, honors those who have gone before us and fought for our freedoms, and honors the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America!


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The 4th of July is For Proud Americans

Let the Statue of Liberty remind us how great our God is! That’s my hubby proudly singing!

The 4th of July is For Proud Americans

The American flag is always proudly waving at Crouch Community Church!

The 4th of July is for Proud Americans

Remembering that true freedom is found in Christ alone!




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Conservatives, Don’t Be Intimidated!

“I haven’t done enough research on conservatives to call myself or be called one. I’m just refusing to be enslaved by monolithic thought. There are people around me that disagree with me and voice their opinion. I respect everyone’s opinion but I stand my ground.” Kanye West

“My definition of conservative is having the audacity to believe what your grandma taught you!” Kay Cole Jones, President of the Heritage Foundation

On our recent trip to Southern California, we met some former neighbors at a favorite coffee place in Orange County. Since we were all Christians and conservative Trump supporters, the conversation quickly turned to our faith, FOX News, President Trump, and the California liberal progressive government. We sat at an outside table, prayed together over our meal, talked openly, and enjoyed each other’s company.

Without warning, a husky man came up behind Dave and me. I saw him lean into Dave and stick out his hand. We were all surprised, until it registered that this was another good friend of ours. After we exchanged conversation and our friend left, the neighbor we were having breakfast with said that as he saw the man approaching us, he feared that he was coming to yell at us . . . or even worse . . . regarding our conversation.

Intimidated, fearful, apprehensive is exactly how many conservatives are feeling today, especially in liberal states and college campuses. Many liberals use bullying tactics to quiet conservatives and instill fear rather than encouraging an honest open debate. Or just allow us to have our opinions without trying to demonize, bully, or call us names!

[Tweet “Many liberals use bullying tactics to quiet conservatives and instill fear rather than encouraging an honest open debate.”]

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

I don’t know of many conservatives who would approach a group of liberals at a meal or in a public place and start shouting at them or calling them names, as many liberals do with conservatives. Their goal is not to convert us, but to silence us. Even if convinced they’re right and we’re wrong, no one has the right to use scare tactics, or even force. Try wearing a Make America Great Again or Trump hat or T-shirt and see what happens.

Government Tries to Intimidate Us

Sadly, many governments, like California, are supporting the liberal agenda and trying to quiet or eliminate conservative and religious rights. Often conservatives are letting them, accepting it as the new normal.

[Tweet “Many governments, like California, are supporting the liberal agenda and trying to quiet or eliminate conservative and religious rights.”]

One California couple, the Fromms in San Juan Capistrano, were fined by the city for having a Bible study in their home, but they’re not backing down or acquiescing to the attempt to stop their home meetings because one neighbor complained. You can read more of their story in this news clip.

We will stand up for our faith and for the use of our home.”

While we were in California, the state Assembly approved Assembly Bill 2943 that prohibits the advertising or selling of “sexual orientation change efforts.” The bill declares books and conferences dealing with biblical views on homosexuality or transgenderism as fraudulent under the state’s consumer fraud statute. Ultimately, it could penalize those who encourage and promote biblical views of marriage and sex.

That means the Bible!

Thankfully, before it goes before the California Senate, many Christians are rallying together to stop it. From an article by Emily Jones, Will California Ban The Bible? Christians Say ‘Not Without a Fight’There are churches that want to have everyone in their congregation making phone calls to their state senators. And there are also some people who want to have effective and persuasive news conferences.

[Tweet “Christians need to be stronger, bolder, and tougher if we plan to defend our faith and the right to live by our morals and beliefs”]

Sadly, discrimination is not just happening in California, but we must NOT let this become our new American normal. The Bible tells us that in the last days Christians and God’s Word will come under attack and persecution, but the Bible does NOT tell us to acquiesce under any circumstances. We need to be stronger, bolder, and tougher if we plan to defend our faith and the right to live by our values, morals, and beliefs. We need to be thick-skinned and never shrink from the Truth and our right to speak it.

[Tweet “The Bible tells us that in the last days Christians and God’s Word will come under attack and persecution, but the Bible does NOT tell us to acquiesce under any circumstances.”]

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Matthew 5:10-12

Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 2 Peter 3:3

[Tweet “We can’t shrink away from the attacks and threats on our faith and beliefs,”]

Social Media Tries to Intimidate Us!

We can’t shrink away from the attacks and threats on our faith and beliefs, but we must fight . . . not like liberals fight . . .  but with our voices, social media, calling and emailing congressmen, supporting and voting for those who represent the conservative agenda, blogging, using whatever platform God gives us, and covering it all in prayer.

I know it’s getting harder as social media and YouTube are trying to censor the conservative or Christian voice. Trump supporters Diamond and Silk went in front of Congress to voice their complaint of Facebook and YouTube censoring them because of their vocal support for President Trump. It was appalling to see how the Democrats in Congress dismissed and patronized them. But they aren’t staying silent and their voices are being heard.

Diamond and Silk challenge Facebook censoring them.

Maybe we don’t have a platform like Diamond and Silk, or Kanye West, but we can do our part . . . without intimidation . . . wherever the Lord plants us.

 In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, 13 while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, 15 and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 3:12-15

Do not be afraid!

Do not stay quiet!

Do not be intimidated or dismissed!

Do not accept sin as normal!

Do let your conservative Christian voice be heard!

Do adhere to what you know is right!

Do be willing to sacrifice!

Do stand up for what you believe!

Do stay strong in the Word!  

The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. 21 But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. 22 The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful. 23 But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.” Matthew 13:20-25

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Billy Graham was F.A.T. Are You?

America's Pastor, Billy Graham, was laid to rest.

As our friends joined Dave and me in our living room last Friday, March 2, to watch the funeral of Reverend Billy Graham, we cried, laughed, and prayed with the family and speakers. Each of Rev. Graham’s five children took the platform to share a memory of their father, and Franklin Graham gave the sermon, sharing the gospel and stories of his mother and father. Franklin offered everyone present, including millions watching, an opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior if they didn’t already have assurance of someday being in heaven with Jesus, Billy Graham, and every believer who has “gone to sleep.”

At the funeral, each child spoke with eloquence, poise, and humor and took the podium in their birth order, except for Franklin who gave the message. Nelson “Ned” Graham is the youngest, so he followed Gigi, Anne, and Ruth. When it was his turn, he mentioned that they were each given fifteen minutes to speak, but since his siblings all took longer, he was going to make his short.

After a chuckle from the crowd, he said, “My father was fat.” I immediately thought, along with I’m sure everyone else, Billy Graham was not a fat man? Ned didn’t make us ponder long the point he was making. He quickly said, “My father was F-faithful, A-available, T-teachable. F.A.T.”

I quickly grabbed a pen and paper to write down this acrostic. This is how a son saw his famous father, deemed “America’s pastor.” What better legacy for every Christian.


F-aithful. Every person I’ve heard speak about Billy Graham has shared of his faithfulness to serving God since he was a young schoolboy milking cows on his family farm.

  • His faithfulness to preach the gospel only from the Word of God, the Bible.
  • His faithfulness to his marriage and his undying love for his wife, Ruth.
  • His faithfulness to his family.
  • His faithfulness to reach all people groups.
  • His faithfulness to live a life of integrity.
  • His faithfulness to integration.
  • His faithfulness to God until his last breath.

If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. Luke 16:10 NLT

Ah, that we would all be found faithful!

Pastor Billy Graham preached the gopel around the world

A-vailable. Billy Graham made himself available to follow the call of God to share the gospel wherever God led him.

  • His availability to the Middle East. At the funeral, Pastor Sami Dagher, spoke of Rev. Graham’s influence on Christianity in the Middle East.
  • His availability to Korea. South Korean pastor Billy Kim spoke of Rev. Graham mentoring him when his church had only 300 members. Today, that same church has 20,000 members. One of the words of advice Billy gave Pastor Kim was, “Never make your message about yourself; always make it about Jesus Christ.”
  • His availability to the world. Billy Graham preached the gospel around the world, at great sacrifice of missing time with his family.
  • His availability to America. So many stories shared of mothers and fathers saved at Billy Graham crusades and bringing Christianity into their homes. Even President Trump in his eulogy to Rev. Graham in the Capitol Rotunda spoke of his father taking his mother and him to the crusade in Yankee Stadium.President Trump gave a beautiful tribute to Billy Graham in the Capitol Rotunda
  • His availability to American presidents. Presidents starting with Harry Truman knew him as their Pastor.
  • His availability to go wherever God led him in the world for as long as he had strength.

And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.  Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned.” Mark 16:15-16 NLT

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8

Ah, that we would all be found available!

T-eachable. Everyone who knew Billy Graham, described him as a humble servant of the Lord.

When he was elderly and no longer able to physically preach, an interviewer asked Billy if he had any regrets. He replied that he wished he had taken less speaking engagements and spent more time studying his Bible and praying.

Hearing this, I thought, But Billy, think of all the lives who might not have had a chance to respond to the gospel if you hadn’t gone on those preaching trips! God called. You went at great personal sacrifice. Lives were saved for eternity, as the Holy spirit spoke through you, God’s willing servant.

[Tweet “The Reverend Billy Graham was continuously a student of the Bible, always learning from God and His Word.”]

The Reverend Billy Graham was continuously a student of the Bible, always learning from God and His Word. Never thinking he knew enough, had read enough, had prayed enough, had shared enough . . . God’s Word was new every morning, even to America’s Pastor.

The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
His mercies never cease.
23 Great is his faithfulness;
his mercies begin afresh each morning.
24 I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance;
therefore, I will hope in him!
Lamentations 3:22-24 NLT

As the Graham children greeted funeral attenders, one person said to Anne Graham Lotz that he was now an evangelist pastor thanks to the teachings of her father. Anne said to him, “Preach it fast.” She was conveying, the time is short. Jesus will return in the blink of an eye, and all who do not know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior will be lost for eternity. May we all let our lives convey that same urgency for salvation of the lost.

[Tweet “The time is short. Jesus will return in the blink of an eye, and all who do not know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior will be lost for eternity.”]

Ah, that we would all have a teachable spirit!

At the internment ceremony, one speaker quoted Rev. Graham as saying “God forbid that anything about my life should be about anything besides Jesus Christ.” The speaker went on to say, “You can’t explain Billy Graham outside of Jesus. He had a complete submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Out of this spirit of humility, God poured out His grace on Billy Graham.”

In his eulogy, Franklin Graham said that his father had one last sermon he wanted to preach based on Galatians 6:14: May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

We’ll have to wait until heaven to hear Pastor Billy Graham preach that sermon, but until then, may we . . . every Christian . . . be ambassadors for Christ and let our lives be a sermon.

So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” 2 Cor. 5:10

If you haven’t read last week’s blog, I would encourage you to read it now. Billy Graham, My Mentor

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Pictures are courtesy of The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

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Why is “Merry Christmas” Controversial?

God's gift at Christmas is Jesus Christ so why is it so controversial to say "Merry Christmas"?

Most of us grew up in a culture that embraced Christmas. We said “Merry Christmas” as a joyful greeting, decorated Christmas trees, made Christmas cookies, sent out Christmas cards, gave Christmas presents, watched Christmas specials, participated in Christmas programs, and sang Christmas carols, not just at church but at school too!

[Tweet “Subtly and slyly, the way Satan works, the concept of Christmas became culturally and socially controversial, even taboo”]

Then subtly and slyly, the way Satan works, the concept of Christmas became culturally and socially controversial, even taboo. Stores and advertisers started removing the word “Christmas,” replacing it with “Holidays.” Sales personnel instructed to say “Happy Holidays,” if anything at all. School Christmas programs called “winter programs.” People sued for publically displaying nativity scenes. And on and on . . . .

What’s wrong with saying “Happy Holidays”? Well nothing, except what are the “Holidays?” On New Year’s, do you say “Happy Holidays” or do you say “Happy New Year.” To our Jewish friends, do we say “Happy Holidays” or “Happy Hanukah”?

Do we send out holiday cards or Christmas cards? Do we buy holiday presents or Christmas presents? Do we put up a holiday tree or a Christmas tree? Does our pastor preach a holiday message or a Christmas message?

A progressive liberal culture has attempted to remove Christ from Christmas and replace it with a generic “holiday”. But that’s impossible! Yes, many nonbelievers celebrate Christmas for secular reasons, which is fine as long as they don’t try to mess with the origin of Christmas.

[Tweet “A progressive liberal culture has attempted to remove Christ from Christmas.”]

Christmas is a Christian celebration. Without the birth of Christ, there would be no Christmas.

[Tweet “Without the birth of Christ, there would be no Christmas.”]

So what’s the controversy about saying “Merry Christmas”? I believe it’s because the secular world doesn’t want to admit they’re participating in a Christian celebration, so they try to neutralize Christmas to accommodate their nonbelief. Retailers commercialize Christmas to make money and don’t want to “offend” customers, even though those that eliminate Christmas in their advertising, offend every Christian, or at least it should.

[Tweet “Retailers that eliminate Christmas in their advertising, offend every Christian, or at least it should.”]

The War on Christmas

Many are trying to find fault with President Trump bringing back “Merry Christmas” into the public square. They claim there’s never been a “war on Christmas.” False! There is a war on Christmas, and you’d have to be naïve, manipulative, or deceitful not to acknowledge it.

[Tweet “There is a war on Christmas, and you’d have to be naïve, manipulative, or deceitful not to acknowledge it.”]

That’s why many of us started wearing buttons several years ago, “It’s Ok to say Merry Christmas.”

It's OK to say Merry Christmas so say it loud and clear!

The war on Christmas is why the Wash. D.C. transit system banned the Catholic Church’s Christmas Ad even though: “while the Archdiocese of Washington may not be welcome to advertise on public buses, the transit authority is more than happy to promote other enterprises – like gay hookup websites.”

The transit executives stated their reasons: “issue-oriented advertising could provoke community discord, create concern about discriminatory statements, and generate potential threats to safety and security from those who seek to oppose the advertising messages.” Seriously?! The message of Christmas is a threat to security?! (Quotes from Todd Stearns article “DC Transit Ban Catholic Church Christian Ad”)

When Martha MacCallum reported on her Fox News show, “The Story,” about this discrimination of the Catholic Church’s ad, she commented on the double-standard of DC billboards sponsored by atheists that say, “Christmas is a hoax.”

There’s a war against Christmas. There’s a war against the Christian faith.

[Tweet “There’s a war against Christmas. There’s a war against the Christian faith.”]

That’s why when we hear President Trump wishing the nation and the world a Merry Christmas at this year’s national Christmas tree lighting ceremony, noting that the birth of Jesus Christ “forever changed the course of human history,” we should thank God we have a president who isn’t afraid to acknowledge Jesus as the Reason for the season. He went on to say, “There is hardly an aspect of our lives today that his [Jesus’] life has not touched: art, music, culture, law, and our respect for the sacred dignity of every person everywhere in the world.”

President Trump also recalled the 1870 legislation signed by President Ulysses S. Grant making Christmas a federal holiday. He added, “And I sort of feel we’re doing that again. That’s what’s happening.”

[Tweet “We should thank God we have a president who isn’t afraid to acknowledge Jesus as the Reason for the season!”]

 Listen to President Trump live at the  Christmas Tree Lighting.

I posted this Tree Lighting message on Facebook and was amazed at how controversial it became. Some saying this was a political stunt. Really? Christians don’t make up the majority of the electorate. In today’s secular culture there were probably more offended than thanked God for his message. President Trump boldly stated the truth, refreshing in DC.

Those worrying about “political correctness” and inclusiveness on a clearly Christian “holiday” are the ones pulling the political stunts. And sadly, it’s worked. That’s why Christians find themselves today fighting not only to keep Christ in Christmas, but also to hold on to our religious freedoms.

What’s Our Role as Christians at Christmas?

Last Christmas, after President Trump’s election, I saw a dramatic change during the Christmas season. Clerks were saying Merry Christmas again. They didn’t look shocked when I told them Merry Christmas, or whisper it back fearfully looking over their shoulder. Christians need to use this time of Christian favor in the Trump administration to win back the ground we’ve lost.

[Tweet “Christians need to use this time of Christian favor in the Trump administration to win back the ground we’ve lost.”]

Here are some ways:

Remind the world that every time they write 2017, or soon 2018, they acknowledge the birth of Jesus.

When someone tells you “Happy Holidays,” kindly and lovingly respond with “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.”

Have a Birthday Party for Jesus and invite your neighbors and friends, especially nonbelievers. (I wrote a blog on how to do this Celebrate CHRISTmas with a Birthday Party for Jesus)

Put a birthday bag under your Christmas tree and when someone asks whose birthday, proudly say, “It’s Jesus’ birthday.”

Put a Birthday bag for Jesus under your Christmas tree.

Greet everyone you meet, and in all your correspondence, with “Merry Christmas.”

Use every opportunity to share the true meaning of Christmas and the story of Jesus’ birth.

Speak up when schools and communities try to remove the word Christmas and Christmas celebrations. We must not be silent. Voice your opinion. Be willing to take a bold stand for Jesus. Don’t let apathy or fear snuff out the light of Jesus.

When I asked my husband why Merry Christmas has become so controversial, he said, “Because the other side speaks louder than we do!” Sadly, that’s true.

Jesus was controversial when He walked the earth. They crucified Him for daring to say He was the Son of God who came to earth to save mankind from their sins. He told us that we too would not have it easy sharing our faith and the Gospel, but He also said whoever denies Him on earth, He will deny in Heaven.

32 “Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. 33 But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven.

34 “Don’t imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came not to bring peace, but a sword. (Matthew 10:32-34 NLT)

One year, as a single working mom before I rededicated my life to the Lord, I was hurriedly trying to get out my Christmas Cards. I signed all the cards “Merry Xmas.” Only one friend boldly admonished me in her Christmas card that I had left “Christ” out of Christmas. I still remember that.

Will you join me and other Christians in making sure the world remembers that Christmas has only One reason: celebrating and giving thanks for Jesus Christ, coming down to earth as a lowly baby born in a manger to die on a cross at Easter and rise again three days later to offer eternal salvation to those who believe in Him.

Merry CHRISTmas

You’ll find more ideas in how to be bold about your faith at Christmas, and every day, in Forsaken God?: Remembering the Goodness of God Our Culture Has Forgotten.

Mentoring for All Seasons: Sharing Life Experiences and God’s Faithfulness would make a great Christmas present to help mentor each other in how to be a Christian in today’s culture. It’s also a perfect time to take advantage of the publishers offer of 50% off on orders of five or more. This offer is only good until December 31. Contact me for the coupon.

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Mentoring in a World Forsaking God

Mentoring in a World Forsaking God discusses the need for bringing God's laws back into our world not gun laws!

We all woke up a week ago to the tragic news of the horrific shooting in Las Vegas. Those of us who know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior began to pray. We prayed for the families who had lost loved ones senselessly and for those who watched their friend or family member die in their arms. We prayed for those fighting for their lives in hospitals and the doctors and nurses going without sleep and rest to save as many as possible.

We heard the heroic actions of so many and the amazing, fearless first responders who walked into danger, not knowing if they would walk out, and we praised God for them. The very courageous police force, the subject of recent unjustified ridicule and disrespect, were the very men and women everyone relied on to stop the carnage. Because that’s what they do . . . regardless of skin color, gender, religious beliefs or political views—their goal and mission is to save lives, even at their own peril.

It didn’t take long however for the liberal media, Democrats, and Hollywood to politicize this tragedy. Pointing fingers, nasty words, criticism, turning their platforms into a political agenda even as many lay dead and hundreds wounded.

[Tweet “As our president called for prayer and unity, many chose harsh words of disunity. “]

As our president called for prayer and unity, many chose harsh words of disunity. They turned a tragedy into an opportunity to create more strife and grief in our country. Not one of the opportunists praised our president for calling for prayer and putting flags at half-mast—the very flag that has been the subject of protest and unpatriotic shameful rejection.

But the comment I can’t shake from my mind, I heard on a news clip “We don’t need more prayer, we need more laws.” God and the value of prayer discounted and replaced by opinions and verbal attacks. The name of God used only in exclamation not reverence.

Last week, I wrote about Steve Scalise’s shooting. He gave all the glory to God and prayer for the miracle of his survival and recovery. When asked in an interview if he had changed his mind about the 2nd Amendment, he said, absolutely not. Had he not had armed security with him on that baseball field, all might have died.

I’m not going to argue the 2nd Amendment, but the blatant hypocrisy of liberals arguing that more gun laws are the answer to violence and evil is misguided and misinformed.

  1. Hollywood glamorizes violence, bloody shootings, death, and random killing—the more gruesome the better—to depict graphic and horrific ways to take lives for the shock value and “thrill” for box office dollars. Stars live in alarm-protected homes with bodyguards and heavy protection.
  2. Then you have those people glamorizing the assassination of our president and supporting riots and protests, not condemning Antifa but encouraging them. People like Nancy Sinatra tweeting “murderous members of the NRA should be executed by a firing squad.” A former CBS lawyer saying she “was not even sympathetic” for those killed in Las Vegas because “country music fans often are Republican gun toters.” Right out of the terrorists’ and shooters’ playbook: kill those who don’t agree with you.
  3. Late-night so-called “comedians” becoming liberal politicians attacking the administration and the country.
  4. These same people want to remove every mention of God and the “original law”—the 10 Commandments—from public places, schools, courts, the public square, and yet, think more manufactured laws will trump “thou shalt not kill.” “Thou shalt not lie.”
  5. There’s no agreement on additional laws needed, ignoring the fact that criminals and evil people don’t follow laws.
  6. Football players politically and publically disrespecting our flag, the National Anthem, the police force, and our President.

To have their liberal voices heard in protest, they divide the country even more by blaming everything on our President, gender, race, political party, denouncing our history . . . everything and anything except what would really make a difference—turning our country back to God.

Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them: “Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall.” Luke 11:17

And that’s what our enemies see right now, a divided country ready for a fall.

[Tweet “THE ONLY GUN LAW WE’LL EVER NEED: Thou shalt not kill (Deut. 5:17 KJV)”]


Thou shalt not kill (Deut. 5:17 KJV)

Christians Can Make a Difference

“One day Jesus told his disciples a parable to show that they should always pray and never give up.” Luke 18:1

I would encourage you to read the story Jesus shared with his disciples of the persistent widow in Luke 18:1-8.

In Mentoring for All Seasons, I have a chapter on Mentoring in a World Forsaking God, and you may remember that I wrote a book last year Forsaken God?: Remembering the Goodness of God Our Culture Has Forgotten. The world needs to remember God and we can make this happen.

[Tweet “The world needs to remember God and Christians can make this happen.”]

We live in tumultuous times in both the church and the world. Confusion and fear reigns among newer believers who don’t have a solid foundation in the truth to help them discern evil from good, lies from truths, abnormal from normal. If more women would reach out to each other with understanding, prayer, and biblical truths, there would be far less fear, backsliding, and sin in women’s lives.

[Tweet “Since Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, every generation has lived in a fallen evil world”]

Since Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, every generation has lived in a fallen evil world. One of their sons killed the other one and since then, what one generation does in moderation, the next generation does in excess. Just as the apostle Paul saw the need for mentors in his day, we desperately need mentors today. Yet, many who should be stepping up to mentor and teach the next generation are falling away from Titus 2, just as quickly as our world is falling away from God.

[Tweet “Many who should be stepping up to mentor and teach the next generation are falling away from Titus 2”]

What Can We Do?

[Tweet “Mentors speak, teach, and train the truth to our mentees, straight from the Bible.”]

So how do we ordinary Christian women make a difference in today’s confused and fallen world? As mentors, we speak, teach, and train the truth to our mentees, straight from the Bible. We must daily read our Bibles and let God’s Word speak, teach, and train the truth to us so we can respond to life’s issues from God’s perspective. Together M&M’s learn spiritual wisdom and scriptural principles to help navigate the moral decline of our culture, and in some cases, the foundation of the Christian faith.

We can’t lose hope.

We can’t ignore what’s happening around us.

We can’t live fearfully.

We can pray for revival.

We can pray for everyone blinded by lack of faith in God . . . yes, all of them!

We can pray for the victims of evil.

We can ask God what He wants, us, His people, to do. What action does He want us to take?

We can share Jesus because we live in a time of uncertainty.

We can reassure our children and grandchildren that they can make a difference in this world too.

We can live by the 10 Commandments in our personal lives, and know that it’s not by law we’re saved, but by the grace of Jesus. We don’t follow God’s laws because we have to, we follow them because we have Jesus in our heart.

We live as godly role models in a world that has forsaken God.

Before the way of faith in Christ was available to us, we were placed under guard by the law. We were kept in protective custody, so to speak, until the way of faith was revealed.

24 Let me put it another way. The law was our guardian until Christ came; it protected us until we could be made right with God through faith. Galatians 3:23-24 NLT


Excerpts from Mentoring for All Seasons used with approval from Leafwood Publishers

Mentoring for All Seasons: Sharing Life Experiences and God’s Faithfulness, available at all Christian bookstores, online book stores, Amazon, and signed by Janet at our website store.

Forsaken God?: Remembering the Goodness of God Our Culture Has Forgotten also available at Christian bookstores, online bookstores, Amazon, and signed at our website.

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A Letter to Politicians, Media, and Hollywood from We The American People

On June 14, 2017, our President Donald J. Trump’s 71st birthday, a radicalized liberal with a high-powered rifle went to a ball field where Republican Congressmen and one of their 10 year-old sons were practicing baseball for the next night’s partisan baseball game. These men and the child were all unarmed, except for the two Capitol police who were with the Republican Majority Whip, Steve Scalise, but were not out on second base to protect him as the shooter started spraying bullets, only after clarifying it was Republicans who were practicing!

My friend and founder of the MOM Initiative sat down that morning and wrote this letter to politicians, the media, and Hollywood. She’s also made it available on her website for you to download and share. Information for that download is at the end of this blog. I know many of you, like me, share Stephanie’s passion for our country to unite, as Americans.

[Tweet “#Politicians, #Media, & #Hollywood  your platform comes with great responsibility. Stirring hate & division creates chaos. “]

Dear #Politicians, #Media, and #Hollywood – please understand that your platform comes with great responsibility. Stirring hate & division creates chaos. Remember…we are #1NationUnderGod and a house divided can not stand.

We, the American people, have watched what has happened to this country as it consistently and methodically tried to remove God from its foundation.

We, the American people, know this country stands in need of repentance. That means you too. This country cannot blatantly turn it’s back on God and then wonder where He is and where His blessings and protection have gone.

We, the American people, want unity…not division.

[Tweet “We, the American people, want peace…not political war.”]

We, the American people, want peace…not political war.

We, the American people, elected you to help solve problems, not create them.

We, the American people, want strong common-sense leadership that protects our country…not squabbles about whether you think people have the right to break the laws of this land.

We, the American people, want to be able to watch television without seeing political agendas spewed, violence justified, hate embraced, and chaos excused.

[Tweet “We, the American people, want to live freely by our Constitution “]

We, the American people, want to live freely by our Constitution as set forth very carefully, very prayerfully, and very intentionally by our Founding Fathers.

We, the American people want to see respect for one another and responsible words and actions from those who take the stage whether politically or for entertainment.

We, the American people, are tired of calls for resistance and obstruction, and unwise and controversial tweets that stir the pot instead of speaking wisdom and strength.

[Tweet “The American people, want the media to report unbiased stories”]

We, the American people, want the media to report unbiased stories instead of looking to create scandalous headlines that aren’t based on facts.

We, the American people, expect those who are given a platform to conduct themselves with integrity, dignity, respect, and for the good of the American people.

We, the American people, are asking you… the Hollywood elite, the Political leaders, and the Media to remember why you do what you do… because we, the American people have applauded your well-skilled craft, elected you to office, and invited you into our living rooms to hear what you have to say.

We, the American people, are asking you to behave yourselves like responsible, respectful, and patient adults.

[Tweet “We, the American people, believe we are one nation under God “]

We, the American people, still believe we are one nation under God and that we are endowed by our Creator with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We, the American people, expect you to believe that too.

We, the American people, expect you to behave in a way that teaches young people how to listen to other’s points of view with respect…even if you respectfully disagree.

We, the American people, expect you to seek peace and truth, not create chaos and spew lies.

We, the American people, are praying for each of you and want to see you fulfill your God-given destiny.

[Tweet “#Hollywood, #Politicians, #Media, must care enough about us, the American people,”]

But you, Hollywood, Politicians, and Media, must care enough about us, the American people, to take responsibility for the platform you’ve been given and do what you are there to do for the good of the American people.

*Think before you speak…
*Consider consequences before you act…
*Pray before you take the platform…

Because we, the American people, are desperate to see America continue to enjoy the freedoms we have been blessed with in this country…to be the land of the free, the home of the brave.

People have fought and died so that we could freely disagree, but the freedom to disagree comes with the responsibility to do so civilly with honesty and integrity.

So, be brave enough to consider we the American people before you say or do anything – and remember, our freedoms came at great cost and your platform comes with great responsibility.

** A note to you from Stephanie: I’ve rarely asked people to share a post, but if you agree with this, please share. In fact, print out and mail to your elected officials, to Hollywood producers and actors and singers, and to television stations, media personalities, journalists, and whoever you think might need to hear the heart of the American people.

[Tweet “Download letter from we the American people to send to #politicians #media #Hollywood”]

Stephanie has provided a free download on her website.

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Love Your Body: Don’t Let Bullies Get To You

Love Your Body Like God Loves It

Last month’s Love Your Body Monday was on the topic of “Why Are We Still So Angry?” One way anger expresses itself is through bullying—and whether you’re the person doing the bullying or on the receiving end, it’s not healthy!

Whoever sows sin reaps weeds, and bullying anger sputters into nothing. Pr. 22:8 MSG

Bullying has always been a serious problem with school kids. We’ve seen tragedies of children committing crimes of violence, assault—even murder—and children bullied to the brink of suicide.

Adults shake their heads in dismay wondering the source of these children’s anger. Why do they feel such little concern for the feelings, dignity, or honor of others? What has happened to regard for human life? There seems to be no limits to vengefulness, humiliation, meanness, degradation, hurt, spite, revenge, or harm. Often no purpose or reason for the bullying . . . “Just for the fun of it.” “Just because.” “Something to do.” On a dare. Bored. See if they could get away with it.

With the rise of electronics and cell phones in every child’s hand and computers at home, it’s become easier and easier to use words and pictures as weapons with no boundaries, safe-guards, rules, or supervision to stop bullies from torturing other children in cyber space, if not face to face. Bullying no longer has to leave visible physical bruises, black eyes, and broken bones—the damage is now inflicted internally with words, images, and crushing spirits.

[Tweet “Bullying no longer has to leave visible physical bruises, black eyes, and broken bones—the damage is now inflicted internally with words, images, and crushing spirits.”]

If you’re the parent of the bully, you wonder what you’ve done wrong. If your child is bullied, your heart breaks, because nothing will ever erase the words they’ve heard, the names they’ve been called, the pictures viewed, the social torture they’ve endured that will haunt them for life.

Here is a definition of bullying:

Wikipedia defines bullying as:

There is no universal definition of bullying, however, it is widely agreed upon that bullying is a subcategory of aggressive behavior characterized by the following three minimum criteria: (1) hostile intent, (2) imbalance of power, and (3) repetition over a period of time.[11] Bullying may thus be defined as the activity of repeated, aggressive behavior intended to hurt another individual, physically, mentally or emotionally.

The Norwegian researcher Dan Olweus[12] says bullying occurs when a person is “exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons”. He says negative actions occur “when a person intentionally inflicts injury or discomfort upon another person, through physical contact, through words or in other ways.”[12] Individual bullying is usually characterized by a person behaving in a certain way to gain power over another person.[

Cultural Bullying

[Tweet “Instead of adults setting a role model to guide the younger generation to treat others by the “Golden Rule,” bullying has become accepted communication.”]

The spike in school bullying is not surprising. Instead of adults setting a role model to guide the younger generation to treat others by the “Golden Rule,” bullying has become accepted communication. Who would have ever imagined the things we hear on television, the media, and read in the news today? I just saw the term “Bullying Fake News!” No boundaries, nothing off limits. No rules. No guidelines, nothing sacred—no concern for feelings, unprofessionalism, unkindness, rudeness, ungentlemanly or unlady-like behavior, disrespect, fowl language, crudeness.

Pretentious with arrogance,
they wear the latest fashions in violence,
Pampered and overfed,
decked out in silk bows of silliness.
They jeer, using words to kill;
they bully their way with words.
They’re full of hot air,
loudmouths disturbing the peace.
People actually listen to them—can you believe it?
Like thirsty puppies, they lap up their words. Psalm 73:6-10 MSG

Here are just a few public examples of bullying:

Beauty and Beast Actors Mock Christians

Katie Rich of ‘S.N.L.’ Is Suspended for Tweet Mocking Barron Trump

Watch Melissa McCarthy’s Sean Spicer Return to Hit Donald and Ivanka Trump Where It Hurts

Dumping on Trump Pays Off For Late-Night TV Shows

Chelsea Handler Shames, Bullies Melania Trump Over English

Recently, extreme bullying was acceptable when a rapper made a video replicating assassinating the President and another rapper followed with a lewd verbal and tweeting attack on the First Lady, with no repercussions! Not even a reprimand, except for those who objected on social media and Fox News. Others encouraged them, just like thousands who watch Saturday Night Live as they bully and mock the Commander and Chief, his administration, and family, and call it “humor,” while talk show hosts make a living bullying them and others.

[Tweet “Crude, lude, degrading remarks and skits about others is sick, satirical, critical, hurtful, and demeaning.”]

Crude, lude, degrading remarks and skits about others is sick, satirical, critical, hurtful, and demeaning and reflects the darkness in the heart of those who create and consider this humor and funny. A window into the unhealthy culture our young people are exposed to and why they are so easily prone to bullying.

Respect isn’t a word commonly used today or displayed for our National Anthem, our flag, our military, our President, Our Father . . . or each other!

Jesus Was Bullied—the Bible called it Persecution

So, because Jesus was doing these things on the Sabbath, the Jewish leaders began to persecute him.—John 5:16

Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. John 15:20

Stay Healthy—Bless the Bullies!

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matt. 5:10

[Tweet “If you take a stand for the Lord in today’s godless culture, you’re going to endure persecution and bullying:”]

If you take a stand for the Lord in today’s godless culture, you’re going to endure persecution and bullying: “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” 2 Timothy 3:12. I encounter bullying almost daily. At first, I took it personally and felt like arrows hitting my heart. They didn’t know me. How could they call me those vile names—the election season was vicious. If they knew I was a Christian, the name calling, was worse. So I had to make a healthy choice. Determine this would not affect me emotionally, spiritually, or physically. Nor would I back down from standing strong for Jesus and the call I feel He has put on my heart, my ministry, and my writing.

I had to figure out how not to receive the bullying and not dish it back: “Don’t walk around with a chip on your shoulder, always spoiling for a fight. Don’t try to be like those who shoulder their way through life. Why be a bully? “Why not?” you say. Because God can’t stand twisted souls. It’s the straightforward who get his respect.” Pr. 3:30-32 MSG

You’ve probably experienced the same and asking: But what if it’s a friend? A family member? A loved one? People today feel justified saying whatever they want, calling you names, or ridiculing your beliefs. You feel your blood pressure rising, your stomach churning, your sadness quotient moving towards depression or retaliation.

This isn’t the neighborhood bully mocking me—I could take that. This isn’t a foreign devil spitting invective—I could tune that out. It’s you! We grew up together! You! My best friend! Those long hours of leisure as we walked arm in arm, God a third party to our conversation. Ps. 55:12-14 MSG

My granddaughter and I were talking about how to respond when someone says or does something that makes her angry. Maybe a friend, her siblings, a kid at school. I was helping her understand that when she responds the same way, her behavior isn’t any better than the one treating her badly. They’re both in the wrong. She looked at me with eyes that said, so what should I do? I said the way to surprise the person bullying her, or to catch them off guard, was to say, “Well, bless you!”

The shocked expression on my granddaughter’s face was priceless, before she burst out laughing! Then we practiced Romans 12:14, “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.”

Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ’s love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture: They kill us in cold blood because they hate you. We’re sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one. None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I’m absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us. Romans 8:35-39

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What Does Brave Mean to You?

What does it mean to be brave?

I’ve been asking this question as I write my next book. Women typically don’t consider themselves brave. When I ask someone if she has a brave story to share, I often receive a blank or questioning stare. But these same women instinctively and bravely protect their loved ones, and maybe even strangers. Most women wouldn’t hesitate to push a child from the path of an oncoming car and take the hit herself. We fight fiercely for justice for children and families. But brave? No, we wouldn’t consider ourselves brave, just doing what comes naturally.

[Tweet ” women may hesitate to voice an opposing political or spiritual opinion for fear of facing harsh pushback or criticism. “]

However, in today’s volatile, liberal, progressive culture women may think twice before voicing an opposing political or spiritual opinion for fear of facing harsh pushback or criticism.

When President Trump invited Carryn Owens, the widow of Navy SEAL William Ryan Owens, to attend the President’s address to a joint session of Congress, Mrs. Owens probably didn’t consider her attendance brave. Her husband was the brave one in the family, as President Trump referenced John 15:13, “Ryan laid down his life for his friends, for his country, and for our freedom — we will never forget Ryan.” It might have taken bravery to tell her father-in-law, who wasn’t even willing to meet with President Trump, but she went to proudly honor her fallen hero husband. She probably couldn’t have imagined how difficult it would be to stand for two minutes with the world watching her grief-etched face, while she relived her agonizing loss as she cried out, “I love you baby” looking repeatedly to the heavens.

[Tweet “Woe to liberal bullying pundits and media, who turned a sacred moment into a political secular opportunity for their own vengeance against a president they detest.”]

As she heard the echoing applause and the kind, comforting, and praising words of the president, I doubt she looked down to see any who refused to stand again to honor her hero as the audience broke out in a second round of applause at the president’s comments. And how could she have ever imagined the bravery it would take to see her tear-stained, tortured face on talk show programs and media broadcasts becoming the brunt of callous, brutal, cowardly criticism. Liberal bullying men and women pundits and media, who turned a sacred moment into a political secular opportunity for their own vengeance against a president they detest. Those accusers were the users. They were the ones making it political. They were the cowards.

I was the child of a brave widow whose husband laid down his life in the line of law enforcement duty, so I know that Carryn’s brave days started when she married a Navy SEAL. Now as a widow with three young children to raise on her own . . . not one of those clapping or criticizing has any idea the bravery it will take for her to get out of bed and face each new day . . . alone. Many will be there to help her, but woe to those who made her burden harder.

What Is Your Brave Story?

[Tweet “Some call me brave simply for defending Jesus, conservatism, and morality in today’s secular culture,”]

Some call me “brave” simply for defending Jesus, conservatism, and morality in today’s secular culture, something I don’t think twice about, just doing what comes naturally. But like many of you, I do sometimes encounter hostile reactions, but I count it all part of the cost of serving Jesus and doing what’s right.

In my new book, Get Your Brave On: Women in the Bible Encourage Women of Today to be Brave, I explore women in the Bible who took a brave stand for justice, for their families, and for God. Some we aren’t even told their names. We’ll learn from these women of the Bible how to inspire and encourage spiritual bravery in women of today’s world.

Also, I share modern day stories. I would love to share your brave story.

Times when . . .

  • You couldn’t have made it without God
  • God asked you to do something you didn’t want to do or had no idea how to do
  • You did something just because it was the right thing to do
  • It was dangerous
  • You were afraid
  • It took all your strength physically, emotionally, or spiritually
  • You overcame a fear, an addiction, a trial, an illness, a hardship . . .
  • You shared your testimony in public
  • Whatever is brave to you . . .

We all define brave in different ways.

An Example of Biblical Bravery

When Jesus was arrested, all His disciples deserted him. Only John returned and was with him at the cross, but women who had been his followers were bravely there for him, “Some women were watching from a distance. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joseph, and Salome. In Galilee these women had followed him and cared for his needs. Many other women who had come up with him to Jerusalem were also there.” (Mark 15:40-41) They showed a courageous faith. It was these same brave women, not the men, who were first at the empty tomb (Mark 16:1). They had such a deep love for Jesus that they were not afraid to follow their heart. They are brave role models for us today.

I Will Be Including My Brave Stories

When I reflect back over my life, I too never thought I was brave, just doing what life demanded. Or after rededicating my life to Jesus . . . following God’s direction. Even now, when someone thanks me for being brave for Jesus, it surprises me because I think well isn’t that what we all should be doing? Isn’t that what it means to be a Christian? Then, I remember Jesus had to return after the crucifixion and give the disciples a pep talk before they got their brave on, and sometimes we need our bravery bolstered. My prayer is for this book to be that encouragement. Women will see Jesus at work in other women’s lives—in the Bible and in modern day—and it will bolster their faith enough to get their brave on too.

[Tweet “Jesus had to return after the crucifixion and give the disciples a pep talk before they got their brave on”]

If you would like more information about sharing your story, please contact me. You don’t have to be a writer. I’ll do the editing, and I only use first names or I won’t use your name if you prefer.

[Tweet “The women who gathered at the cross had no idea that we would still be talking about their bravery today”]

The women who gathered at the cross had no idea that we would still be talking about their bravery today. They just did what love does. Jesus needs us to show up for Him today in a brave and bold way in our world. Our families need us to help them set a moral compass in a world that is resetting the compass back to the days of Noah. Our girlfriends and other women need us to take a brave stand for modesty, morality, civility, and ethics. Our single friends need support in living godly lives, and single parents need encouragement in the brave roles they’re undertaking alone.

[Tweet “Our families need us to help them set a moral compass in a world that is resetting the compass back to the days of Noah.”]

Doing everything for the glory of God in a Godless world is brave!

I can’t wait to see what God puts on your hearts to share. I know there are so many stories. Maybe you’re in the midst of a brave battle right now, my heart goes out to you. What is sustaining you? What gives you hope? How can we pray for you?

I treasure you, and I’m praying the Lord will speak to many of you to work with me on this new writing project. It’s a joy and pleasure to chat with you each Monday morning, and it warms my heart when I hear from you.

Here’s my latest Crosswalk article encouraging all to be brave and Let Us Change the World Rather Than Being Changed By the World.

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Love Your Body—Why Are We Still So Angry?

Love Your Body Like God Loves It

Here we are again—the last Monday of the month—Love Your Body Like God Loves Your Body Monday! If you’re on social media, or watch any kind of news or talk shows, you’ve probably noticed an undercurrent of anxiety and anger. It’s actually been going on for several years, during the election cycle. Last October, I wrote a post Love Your Body: Why Are We So Angry? where I talked about how to overcome the Election Stress Disorder so many people were experiencing.  We might have expected things to settle down and everyone to get back to normal after the inauguration this past January. But with daily news of protests and riots, newscasters continually stirring up fear and strife 24/7, the great divide between the liberal left and conservative right creating division in friends and family . . . the anger and angst is taking its toll on the American public.

So how are you doing? Are you experiencing any of these symptoms?

  • Insomnia?
  • Indigestion?
  • High blood pressure?
  • Weight gain or loss?
  • Uneasiness or anxiety?
  • Fear?
  • Misplaced Anger?
  • Restlessness?
  • Worry?
  • Depression

I have to admit, I’ve experienced some of these symptoms myself as I’ve been in the heat of the spiritual battle, but the Lord has helped me identify when I’m letting Satan’s “world” invade my space instead of me invading the world for God’s Truth. Christians champion most of the conservative right agenda, but since this world is not our final home, we must remember that our true allegiance is to Jesus Christ.

We’re not on the “right” side or the “left” side; we’re on Christ’s side!

[Tweet “We’re not on the “right” side or the “left” side; we’re on Christ’s side!”]

Look at that list of symptoms above. None are from God! Yes, you can experience anger, but notice I said “misplaced” anger. That means you find yourself easily angered and acting irrationally at your spouse, the kids, the dog, your friend, your social media “friend,” the television, the media . . . yourself when you forget something or make a mistake.

Conservatives should be rejoicing as they watch platform issues they voted for checked off their “wish list.” But instead, many find themselves trying to figure out why they’re not happier.

Last week, I wrote about Fake News Trumps Good News. It’s hard today to turn on the news and hear anything positive. Even those “checked off” items are twisted and turned into bad news so many people don’t feel victory or happiness because they’re still in the defend-and-justify mode. Peace doesn’t even come in victory. Satan wins whether they win or lose.

Hmmm . . . we need to do something about that or our bodies will pay the price. And yes, I’m speaking to myself too because I intend to stay in the spiritual battle, and I hope you will too. Many have thanked me for my bold stand as a “voice in the wilderness.” But as I said in “Taking the Gospel Viral,” the opening article of February’s About His Work Ministries Newsletter, the original voice in the wilderness, John the Baptist, ended up with his head on a platter.

Here are several suggestions that help me stay strong for God in a world that is not God-friendly, while keeping peace in my mind, body, and soul. I hope they will help you too:

  1. Pray the armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-18 every morning.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12

[Tweet “We need to be among like-minded people who study God’s Word and pray together for our country and for each other.”]

  1. Join a Bible study group. We need to be among like-minded people who study God’s Word and pray together for our country and for each other. It isn’t enough to just go to church on Sunday or even to have our own time with the Lord. Both are essential, but being a Christian requires—yes I said requires—being around other Christians who can build us up, let us know when we’re off track, pray for us, and remind us that we’re in the world but not of the world. Many people don’t think they need small groups, but they probably suffer from some of the symptoms I listed above. There are many verses to support this kind of fellowship . . .

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. Matthew 18:20

  1. Don’t watch the news, engage in social media, or watch NCIS-type or disturbing graphic murder programs in the evening before bed. If you find your heart racing or angry, don’t watch them anytime.

[Tweet “News and social media is troubling, and graphic pictures and scenes stay in your mind.”]

Troubling news, social media, graphic pictures, and dialogue stay in your mind and can disrupt your sleep. The injustice in some programs haunts me. I’ll give you an example. At the end of last season, we were watching a new program, Designated Survivor with Kiefer Sutherland, about a terrorist attack on Washington killing the President and almost everyone on Capitol Hill. Sutherland, the HUD Director, was the next living person in line to become president. The program is full of deceit, lying, espionage, people and the media trying to take the new president down, and the viewer is privy to all of this . . . much like real life today. When we watched this program, my heart raced and I felt anxious. I finally told my husband I couldn’t take it anymore! In my downtime, I need to do something relaxing and refueling, especially before bed. Not watch something that leaves me anxious, unsettled, upset, and mentally exhausted. I would imagine you do too.

  1. Don’t listen to naysayers and remove yourself from unpleasant situations. We live in a cynical world. In last week’s blog, I posted how Melania Trump introduced President Trump by praying the Lord’s Prayer. Immediately, the liberal media and many on the left criticized her. But she said in advance to her opponents, “I will stay true to myself.” I would add, always stay true to God. And no matter what happens . . . be joyful that you’re pleasing Him . . . even if that angers others. Don’t internalize the anger of others.

In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us. Titus 2:7-9

Like Mrs. Trump, I’ve also had others criticize, misconstrue, or take out of context something I’ve done or said. Or I’ve been in the middle of a firestorm where I’ve had to say, “Enough! I can’t do this anymore!”

So Finally, brothers and sisters fill our minds with, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8

  1. We’ve talked a lot about exercise on Love Your Body Mondays. It always gets the endorphins going and clears my mind of negativity. It’s also a great time to pray and talk to God because . . .

God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging.[c]

There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
the holy place where the Most High dwells.
God is within her, she will not fall;
God will help her at break of day.
Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall;
he lifts his voice, the earth melts.

The Lord Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.

Come and see what the Lord has done,
the desolations he has brought on the earth.
He makes wars cease
to the ends of the earth.
He breaks the bow and shatters the spear;
he burns the shields[d] with fire.
10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”

11 The Lord Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.

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