Vote Your Values for America

We’re three weeks away from Election Day. Maybe you’re voting by mail, or you’ve already voted, or like us, you’re exerting your right to vote in person. Some have said this is the most important election in history!

I’m sure there were previous elections where voters felt the same urgency, but what we see in this election is literally the difference between remaining a free nation under God and converting to a Socialist/Marxist/Communist controlled nation excluding God.

That’s definitely important and worth taking a moment to discuss and it’s why I’m writing on this topic now.

First, I want to address those who think that the church should stay out of politics. Like never before that fallacy is refuted as we see politicians invading the church using their power to close churches and synagogues.

I won’t repeat here what I’ve said in numerous past blogs regarding the oppression from mostly Democrat run states on declaring the church nonessential and the need for the church to speak up and take a stand for justice.

I encourage you to listen to this short video from Los Angeles Pastor John MacArthur who I agree with completely.

If your church is still closed, share that video with your pastor.

If you’re OK with your church being closed, Pastor MacArthur has a word to challenge you too.

The argument that church and state should stay separate has been debunked. It was to protect the church from governmental overreach not to prevent the church from having a voice in government.

Personally, I’m so glad that VP Mike Pence, a devoted born-again Christian, went into politics and stands up in government for our constitutional rights and the right to life. He and President Trump have been stronger proponents of saving the lives of the unborn than any presidential team in our history.

President Trump’s pro-life agenda alone should make the voting decision for every Bible-believing Christian. He not only promised to be pro-life, he has lived up to his promises. If you think the abortion issue is not a strong enough reason, then I hope you will read my blog Babie’s Lives Are Important, But . . .

You might question if the Democrat Party is actually socialist when you see Joe Biden professing to be a moderate. Maybe he used to be but with the manifesto agreement he signed with Bernie Sanders to get their socialist votes and endorsement, he sold away the American dream to the liberal progressives who have actually said as much.

Please take a moment to read this article Progressives, including ‘Squad,’ release agenda to push Biden to the Left. Here’s a quote:

The progressives acknowledge Biden wasn’t their top choice, but they make the case he’s far better than President Trump and they have a better shot of mobilizing pressure on him to adopt their agenda if he wins office. The People’s Charter is the vehicle to organize for the election, to activate the base and hold Biden accountable if he wins, organizers say,

“We’ve always said that electing Joe Biden was a doorway, not a destination,” said Working Families Party National Director Maurice Mitchell in a statement. 

Is that the America you’re voting for? Are those your values? Is progressive socialism/communism what you want to leave to future generations? I don’t!

The Democrats will not denounce the Marxist organization behind Black Lives Matter, or ANTIFA, and in fact, support them and try to convince us that we’re not actually seeing the rioting in the streets of their cities.

I feel as Christians, we should vote for the America we want for our children and the generations to follow.

That means we don’t look at the personalities of the two candidates or whether we “like” them, we look at their vision and platform for America. Those values should line up with our Christian beliefs.

The Democrats refuse to reveal a list of Supreme Court Justice recommendations probably because they know they would be too radical.

Neither Bidden nor Harris will deny that they would pack the Supreme Court, which would make it another political branch and cancel government checks and balances.

They say publically that they don’t support the New Green Deal and yet their website says they do! Harris was an original supporter of it and both are on record saying they would eliminate fracking and yet now deny it.

Biden claims to be a “practicing” Catholic but is denied the sacraments because he supports abortion until delivery, maybe even after, something in the past he denounced.

He’ll say and do what he must to get power, and if he wins, he’ll say and do what he’s told. Not what we the people tell him but what the liberals have planned for him and for us.

Do you see a pattern here?

You may have seen this chart before but I think a visual says it best.

Please don’t listen to the biased media propaganda. Do your own homework.

It’s also important that you look carefully at those you’re voting for at local levels. We’ve seen the power of mayors and governors as many liberals ignore the looting, burning, and rioting destroying their cities while keeping their constituents in tyrannical lockdowns.

Vote carefully for your school board members because they control the curriculum for your children.

I recommend before you vote, go to My Faith Votes. You can see the two party platforms and learn about your local and federal candidates and determine which agree with biblical values for America.

Don’t just listen to me and definitely don’t rely on the media to make such crucial decisions. Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance.


Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position. 2 Peter 3:13


Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Ps. 25:4

Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them. Pr. 4:5

I wrote a blog similar to today’s prior to the 2016 election that I would encourage you to read, God Does Tell Us How to Vote!

I like this quote I read recently: “I’m not voting for a man . . . I’m voting for what God can do through a man!”

Regardless of the outcome of the election, nothing will change in our personal worship and dependence on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is enough. He will sustain us. He will show us the way we should go.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Pr. 3:5-6

“But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:15

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5 Examples of How to Join God in Bringing Good Out of Evil Intent

How Does God Want Us to Bring Good Out of Evil?

I struggled with what to write this week. As I prayed, God kept bringing to mind two thoughts: Lying always backfires and evil is being exposed.

If you haven’t read my last two blog posts, I hope you will. I’ve received many encouraging comments that they might be the best I’ve ever written and to that I say, “To God be the Glory!” I honestly never know what He’s going to ask me to share with you. I pray and sit down at the computer and suddenly I have a blog post. I often read it later and am amazed at what I wrote. Only God.

10 Things You Can Do in a World Gone Mad!

How Not Mentoring Millennials Implodes a Political Party. What Can the Church Learn?

Everyone Knows The Difference Between Good and Evil

Since Satan enticed Adam and Eve to eat from the fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden, humanity has known the difference between good and evil, truth and lies.

15 The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it.16 But the Lord God warned him, “You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden— 17 except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die.” Genesis 2:15-17 (NLT)

Satan: “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:5

Everyone, even those who choose to do evil and lie, has a conscience. They know the difference between right and wrong . . . except maybe psychopaths

It’s a matter of whether we choose to make evil or good our guiding life force. Tell the truth or lie to our own advantage. You don’t have to be a Christian to make that choice. Even unbelievers can do good and be truthful.

[Tweet “Our choices between good and evil usually come down to whether we’re self-centered or other-centered.”]

Our choices between good and evil usually come down to whether we’re self-centered or other-centered. Caring only about our own selfish desires or caring more about others than ourselves. Again, you don’t have to be a Christian to make the choice to do good, but Christians should always make that choice.

When I hear politicians and pro-choice advocates expound that every woman should have a choice with her body, I want someone to challenge them with asking, “A choice to do what? Good or evil?”

Let’s look at 5 examples of how we can join God in bringing good out of evil intents.

1. Abortion

Many agree that abortion is evil, but until recently how many really did anything about it. Yes, there were annual walks for life and pro-life advocates, but few people, even Christians, let the murder of innocent babies keep them awake at night or invade their everyday life.

Then abortion went to the next level of infanticide and everyone started taking notice. When New York approved abortion up and through delivery and lit up the city in pink to celebrate this evil, the governor of Virginia told us in graphic terms that a baby who survives an abortion could be left to die, and Congress voted to legalize infanticide . . . suddenly we were kept up at night. We were appalled. We couldn’t ignore that 50 million innocent souls are tortured to death in their mommy’s tummy every year.

[Tweet “We can’t ignore that 50 million innocent souls are tortured to death in their mommy’s tummy every year.”]

Social media lit up with graphic pictures and descriptions of the atrocities of abortion. The mainstream liberal media, as usual, wouldn’t touch the topic, but FOX News did. You’d have to be a hermit today to not know what happens to babies during abortion.

So how could this publicity about the atrocities of abortion be used for good?

Pushing the envelope to late-term abortions and infanticide has now made abortion a topic of discussion and disgust.

There’s renewed hope and fervor for overturning Roe vs Wade. We must keep the momentum going when the publicity dies down.

We can’t become complacent again while murder of innocent babies happens in our own hometowns every single day!

Women who have long suffered with the guilt of abortion have an opportunity to use their story for good by sharing their testimonies and turning the bad in their life into good by helping to save more babies. We can pray for these mothers and share with them the forgiveness that comes through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

A young dad who had no say in the death of his own baby when his girlfriend chose abortion, has now brought an unprecedented legal case for the rights of fathers.

We can send a message to Congress that all newborn babies should be welcomed with warmth and care, and join thousands of Americans in a End Birth Day Abortion campaign.

End birthday abortion. Stop infaniticide.

[Tweet “See the movie Unplanned releasing March 29. Tell all your friends about this movie and encourage mothers to take their teenage daughters and sons.“]

Go see the movie Unplanned releasing March 29. The true story of former Planned Parenthood Director, Abby Johnson, who suddenly saw the evils of abortion and became a pro-life advocate. A former abortion doctor has a role in the movie also.

Tell all your friends about Unplanned and encourage mothers to take their teenage daughters and sons. The movie is by the same producers who made God’s Not Dead. It has an R rating only because Hollywood promotes abortion and they’re trying to discourage people from seeing it.

[Tweet “Only God could bring out the movie Unplanned at a time when abortion is in the national discussion. We can work with God in helping publicize it.”]

Only God could bring this movie out at a time when the atrocities of all abortion is the topic of national discourse. We can work with God in helping publicize Unplanned.

[Tweet “An evil world has made killing babies a political issue. Abortion is a criminal issue. Make it your spiritual issue“]

An evil world has made killing babies a political issue. Abortion is a criminal issue. Make it your spiritual issue.

God created each baby in His image with a unique fingerprint and DNA from the moment of conception. Let’s not be satisfied until the world acknowledges this truth.

As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive. — Genesis 50:20 NASB

2. The Mueller Investigation

I know you’re saying, “How could that be used for good?” We’re all so sick of it and it has plagued our president since before he even took office. Now he’s vindicated!

But consider that if there had been no investigation, would we have ever known about the corruption of some in the FBI and Justice Department? Those evil men and women who chose to put their own political interests before the good of the country have been exposed.

And the lies, lies, and more lies of the mainstream liberal media and politicians during this investigation are now boomeranging on them as the Mueller report is released.

Let’s pray for a revival of honesty and truth in our government and that our country can begin to heal. Corruption would continue to be eradicated and God would be brought back into our schools. We would vote into office godly public officials. It starts with we the people!

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes
    and clever in their own sight.

22 Woe to those . . . who acquit the guilty for a bribe,
    but deny justice to the innocent.”  Isaiah 5:20-21, 23

3. Democrat Presidential Candidates Running on a Platform of Socialism/Communism

I know again, how could this be good? It’s not. Socialism is evil, but the younger generation and school age kids aren’t being taught that in school. This is our chance to educate them on the evils of socialism, which leads to communism and a dictatorship.

[Tweet “We have a choice. Take action or stay silent while Democrat candidates lie about the freebies of socialism without exposing how it ruins countries.”]

Again, we have a choice. Take action or stay silent while these candidates lie about the freebies of socialism without exposing how it ruins countries and lives. Speak out against their platforms and mentor truth to the next generation. If you don’t, who will?

“For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.” 1 Peter 2:15

4. Suffering

It’s hard to find good in suffering. It’s painful. Dreadful. Costly. Debilitating. Destructive. And yet, it happens to most of us at some time in our life. We try to avoid it by taking good care of our bodies, eating healthy, exercising, and taking vitamins. But one day we can’t outrun the diagnosis that stops us in our tracks. We want to deny it, but we can’t.

While in the moment it seems all about us, maybe God actually wants us to use our suffering to help others.

When I first had breast cancer, I wanted to go through surgery and treatment and then move on with my life. The last thing I wanted to do was identify as a breast cancer survivor. Then God took hold of my heart and I wrote the book I wished I had going through my cancer journey, Dear God, They Say It’s Cancer: A Companion Guide for Women on the Breast Cancer Journey. I’ve had many women tell me it was like God and I were walking along beside them during their breast cancer.

I’ll never know how many women God has used to turn evil cancer into a blessing for other breast cancer sisters.

“Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church.” Colossians 1:24

5. Sin

No matter how good we try to be, the evils of sin enter our life often through our wrong choices. But here’s the Good News: at Calvary God traded evil for good. The horrible death of Jesus Christ by evil men, and His ultimate resurrection, ushered in the amazing opportunity of salvation for everyone who chooses to believe in Jesus and receive forgiveness for his or her sins.

23 For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. 24 Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. 25 For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood. This sacrifice shows that God was being fair when he held back and did not punish those who sinned in times past, 26 for he was looking ahead and including them in what he would do in this present time. God did this to demonstrate his righteousness, for he himself is fair and just, and he makes sinners right in his sight when they believe in Jesus. Romans 3:23-26 NLT

[Tweet “For believers, evil doesn’t have the last word in our life. No matter how evil the world becomes, we know that this world is not our final home.”]

For believers, evil doesn’t have the last word in our life. No matter how evil the world becomes, we know that this world is not our final home. We must share that Good News with everyone we know who might not be joining us in eternity.

The best way to exemplify the goodness of our Holy God is to let our Light shine in the midst of a dark unholy world.

“Do all things without grumbling or disputing, 15 that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, 16 holding fast to the word of life . . . .Philippians 2:14-16

We each have a choice:

Stay silent about evil or expose it.

Turn our backs on evil or work with God to bring good out of it.

“Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.” Romans 12:21(NLT)

Will you share in the comments where you’ve worked with God to bring good out of what Satan meant for evil.

If you received this blog by email, please leave a comment here.

You might also enjoy a slide how I wrote for 10 Powerful Gifts to Pass to the Next Generation. 

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10 Things You Can Do In a World Gone Mad

__Holy Nectar from a hummingbird and God

Each morning we wake up and thank God for another new day.

10 Things You Can Do in a World Gone Mad

Then we look at the news headlines in disbelief that Satan is getting bolder and more visible. Evil seems to be winning and prevailing in a country founded on Judeo Christian values.

[Tweet “We’ve gone from most people believing in the 10 Commandments as a solid foundation for behavior to a world that’s traded evil for good”]

We’ve gone from most people believing in the 10 Commandments as a basis for behavior to a world that now finds the 10 Commandments offensive and has replaced good with evil. Truth with lies.  Moral with immoral. Like in the days of Judges, everyone does what seems right in their own eyes. There is no recognized central truth. Truth is whatever you want it to be. Your truth is all that matters.

“You can be whatever you want to be,” used to be an encouragement parents gave to their children to follow their dreams. Now it means children are “gender neutral” until “they” determine whatever sex “they” want to be regardless of their scientific biologic sex.

10 Things You Can Do in a World Gone Mad

More Madness

  • Legalized infanticide and late term abortions.
  • Gay marriage.
  • Young children who haven’t even experienced the hormonal changes of puberty are receiving hormones to change their biological sex.
  • Transgender athletes allowed to compete with their new gender identification, even in the Olympics. Yes, that means biological men are competing against biological women.
  • Political leaders stump for Socialism and Communism in America.
  • A freshmen Congresswoman suggests we eliminate air travel, cows, cars, hamburgers, and having children and seasoned legislators support this ludicrous fictional fable.
  • A Congresswoman denounces Israel and Congress doesn’t denounce her.
  • A sixteen-year old high school student is slandered and defamed by the mainstream media and celebrities for standing still and smiling while being harassed because he had participated in a pro-life rally and was wearing a MAGA hat.
  • A celebrity fabricates a hate-crime for greed, fame, and incrimination of supporters of our president, and fools the media with his lies.
  • Celebrity parents pay enormous bribes in a lying fraudulent scam to get their children into prestigious colleges.
  • A Democrat presidential contender encourages smoking marijuana to experience joy and legalizing prostitution.
  • Another inexperienced liberal Democrat throws his hat into the 2020 contenders. The newbie has no platform and his only claim to fame is that he swears a lot, has a DUI, fanaticized about killing children, was part of a hacking group, and can skateboard across a stage.
  • Media outlets no longer present news facts, but instead spew partisan opinions and biased liberal propaganda.
  • Churches of all faiths need armed guards.

I could fill this blog with cultural madness, and as soon as this blog posts, there will be even more shocking headlines.

We live in tumultuous times in the church and in the world. Confusion and fear reigns among newer believers who don’t have a solid foundation in biblical truth to help them discern evil from good, lies from truths, abnormal from normal.

How do you mentor the next generation when it seems we are in the end times?

[Tweet “How do you mentor the next generation when it seems we are in the end times?”]

How do you help young people stand bravely by the Bible when even many churches and pastors are deviating from God’s Word?

[Tweet “How do you help young people stand bravely by the Bible when even many churches and pastors are deviating from God’s Word?”]

Each generation has a predisposition to look at God as the God of the past who doesn’t understand the current culture. That’s why I’m a passionate proponent of mentoring and living out Titus 2:1-6 where spiritually older men and women receive the charge to teach, train, and model the Christian life to the next generation so they won’t be deceived and dissuaded.

Your job is to speak out on the things that make for solid doctrine. Guide older men into lives of temperance, dignity, and wisdom, into healthy faith, love, and endurance. Guide older women into lives of reverence so they end up as neither gossips nor drunks, but models of goodness. By looking at them, the younger women will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house, be good wives. We don’t want anyone looking down on God’s Message because of their behavior. Also, guide the young men to live disciplined lives. Titus 2:1-6 The Message

To understand the full impact of Titus 2:1-6, we need to read the issues Paul was addressing in the previous verses. It sounds a lot like our world today:

Everything is pure to those whose hearts are pure. But nothing is pure to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, because their minds and consciences are corrupted. Such people claim they know God, but they deny him by the way they live. They are detestable and disobedient, worthless for doing anything good.—Titus 1:15-16 NIV

[Tweet “There’s a steady increase in crime and decrease in morality in our culture because many believers are failing to take up the Titus 2 mantel”]

Today, we see a steady increase in crime and decrease in morality in our culture because many believers are failing to take up the Titus 2 mantel—one Paul and I call the job description for every Christian man and woman. A consequence of a generation not accepting the charge of Titus 2 is a liberal progressive society aggressively challenging Christianity and long-held truths governing our society for over 2,000 years.

Just as the apostle Paul saw the need for mentors in his day, we desperately need mentors today. Yet, many who should be stepping up to mentor and teach the next generation are falling away from Titus 2 just as quickly as our world is falling away from God.

[Tweet “How do we ordinary Christians make a difference in today’s confused and fallen world?”]

So how do we ordinary Christians make a difference in today’s confused and fallen world? We follow Paul’s teaching to Pastor Titus. As mentors, we speak, teach, and train the truth to the spiritually younger, straight from the Bible.

10 Things You Can Do in a World Gone Made

We read our Bibles and let God’s Word speak, teach, and train the truth to us so we can respond to life’s issues from God’s perspective. Together mentors and mentees learn spiritual wisdom and scriptural principles to help navigate the moral decline of our culture, and in some cases, the foundation of the Christian faith.

Here’s What We Can Do

We can pray for revival.

We can pray for everyone blinded by lack of faith in God!

We can pray for the victims of evil.

We can ask God what He wants His people, to do. What action does He want us to take?

We can share Jesus openly in this urgent time of uncertainty.

We can reassure our children, grandchildren, and mentees that they can make a difference in this world.

We can live as godly role models in a world that has forsaken God.

We can live by the Bible in our personal lives and share the Truth that salvation is free by the grace of God.

We can emphasize that we don’t follow God’s laws because we have to; we follow them because we have Jesus in our heart and they can too.

Here’s What We Can’t Do

We can’t lose hope.

We can’t ignore what’s happening around us.

We can’t live fearfully.

We can’t be silent.

We won’t become relics if we stay relevant.

[Tweet “Jesus didn’t come to conform to the culture; he came to reform the culture.”]

Jesus didn’t come to conform to the culture; he came to reform the culture. Now we’re to go and do likewise. Are you up for it? I pray your answer is “Yes, Lord, Yes. Here am I, use me!”

If you received this blog by email, please leave your comments here.

Here’s a slide show I wrote for that also posted today. I encourage you to read it: 10 Powerful Gifts to Pass On to the Next Generation.

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How Not Mentoring Millennials Implodes a Political Party. What Can the Church Learn?

How Not Mentoring Millinnials Implodes a Political Party! What Can the Church Learn?

Let me say right from the beginning that this is not a political blog. But it is a blog about what happens politically, spiritually, and personally when generations don’t heed God’s instructions, Hear this, you elders; listen, all who live in the land. Has anything like this ever happened in your days or in the days of your ancestors? Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation. —Joel 1:2-3

I don’t have all the answers, but I do know the Man who does, Jesus Christ. The Lord knew everything we would encounter in life and in our country. There’s nothing new under the sun. The culture may change, but the Bible is timeless.

[Tweet “There’s nothing new under the sun. The culture may change, but the Bible is timeless.”]

Here’s what I do know. If we’re encountering a problem in our world, God gave us the answer. We just need to seek it out and apply it. I can’t find anywhere in God’s Word where we’re told that young people don’t need guidance, direction, and mentoring before they take on important and influential roles.

[Tweet “Young people need guidance, direction, and mentoring before they take on important and influential roles.”]

For those of us past the age of millennials, we were all their age once when we thought we knew everything and were ready to change the world. But God knew that it was important for us to temper our enthusiasm with wisdom from those who have gone before us, whether it’s in business, ministry, parenting, politics, or just living life.

[Tweet “The Bible and God tells us that one generation should teach and train the next generation”]

Throughout the Bible God repeatedly tells us that one generation should teach and train the next generation. Titus 2:1-8 is a familiar mentoring passage written to older and younger men and women. But so often neither generation, the young or the old, realizes the value of mentoring.

These men and women understood, Ask your father and he will tell you, your elders, and they will explain to you (Deut. 32:7).

  • Moses mentored Joshua before Joshua took over the role of leading the Israelites into the Promised Land.
  • Elijah mentored Elisha as his successor.
  • Barnabas mentored Paul and Paul mentored Titus, Timothy, and Mark.
  • Ruth followed Naomi and wanted to know her God.
  • Young Mary visited with her elderly relative Elizabeth as they both had miracle pregnancies.
  • Even though Saul was a bad king, David obeyed him until it was his time to be king and he learned from Saul how not to rule.

The younger people didn’t ignore or usurp their elders. They wanted to learn from them so that someday they would be ready for their God-given roles.

What Happens Without Mentoring?

In 1 Kings 12:1-24, a young son of Solomon, Rehoboam, tried to take on a leadership role he wasn’t ready to assume. His subjects implored him, “Your father put a heavy yoke on us, but now lighten the harsh labor and the heavy yoke he put on us, and we will serve you.”

Rehoboam told them to go away for three days and then he inquired of the elders who had served his father what he should do. They wisely replied, “If today you will be a servant to these people and serve them and give them a favorable answer, they will always be your servants.”

But Rehoboam rejected the advice the elders gave him and consulted the young men who had grown up with him and were serving him. He asked them, “What is your advice? How should we answer these people who say to me, ‘Lighten the yoke your father put on us’?”

10 The young men who had grown up with him replied, “These people have said to you, ‘Your father put a heavy yoke on us, but make our yoke lighter.’ Now tell them, ‘My little finger is thicker than my father’s waist. 11 My father laid on you a heavy yoke; I will make it even heavier. My father scourged you with whips; I will scourge you with scorpions.’”

Do you remember who he listened to? The wise elders or his arrogant young friends?

Yes, he took the advice of the young inexperienced entitled young men who were looking for power with Rehoboam, not what was best for the people.

The people said forget it then. We’re leaving. Those who stayed, rebelled against Rehoboam and he barely got away with his life.

We’re seeing something similar happen with the Congressional Democrats. Young, freshmen millennial women, who weren’t mentored or given wise counsel in how to be a constructive team player in Congress, came into office with their own agendas discounting the experience of those who went before them.

[Tweet “Instead of senior Congressional leaders reining in the freshmen for some mentoring, they seem intimidated”]

But instead of the senior Congressional leaders acting as mentors for the freshmen, they seem to be intimidated by them. The experienced elders are cowering to the inexperienced Millennials. They’re letting these three women set the agenda as ridiculous, rude, radical, and rudimentary as it is. They’re even letting one proclaim she’s “the boss,” and it looks like she is.

Why are Democrat presidential hopefuls endorsing the harmful philosophies of these three women instead of educating them on the pitfalls and dangers of Socialism and anti-semitism? Because the freshmen are getting more attention and press so the contenders for the party nomination feel they must join them, even if it means destroying America.

How could older legislators let the young immature legislators come in as wrecking balls and then bow down to them? Why? Because the seniors think this is what they have to do to get the millennial vote. Sell their souls and the good of the country for party power even as they lose their personal power.

[Tweet “Democrats are immobilized by their own identity politics.”]

The Democrats are immobilized by their own identity politics. Now they can’t seem to discipline or restrain the three women “of color” (which now just means not white) for fear of being called misogynist, Islamophobic, or racist. The same slurs they sling at Conservatives are boomeranging to haunt them.

Three freshmen Congresswomen are in charge while the elders are impotent. And just like the story of Rehoboam . . . they could soon see their party running for its life.

I don’t think this is how Millennials want to be wooed. They’re smarter than this. I don’t think we all raised a generation of arrogant, entitled, foolish, disrespectful, loud-mouthed young people. If I’m wrong and these three women are representative of the next generation, then our country will be in a steady dissent. If the older generation is afraid to confront them, they will indeed be a generation that watches their accomplishments disintegrate.

[Tweet “The older generation’s legacy will be that they tried to please the next generation instead of taking the time to mentor them.”]

What Can the Church Learn About the Importance of Mentoring the Next Generation?

I pray the older generation’s legacy in the culture and in the church will not be that they tried to please the next generation instead of taking the time to mentor them, love on them, and show them how to live godly lives in an ungodly culture.

Mentor them don’t ignore them.

Mentor them don’t appease them.

Do the young people in your church know about the evils of Socialism, anti-Semitism, abortion, and infanticide? Or is your church letting the culture and liberal media brainwash them?

We need to speak out against the wave of anti-Semitism, and yet, so far the only Christian leader I’ve heard denounce it is Governor Mike Huckabee in his monologue for his program on TBN.

It’s the church’s responsibility to educate the next generation, so that the evils of the past don’t become their future.

[Tweet “It’s the church’s responsibility to educate the next generation.”]

Mentor them about the fallacies and faults of Socialism. 

Show them that Socialism isn’t free, but you will lose your freedoms.

[Tweet “Socialism isn’t free, but you will lose your freedoms.”]

[Tweet “Each generation is responsible for the actions of the next generation.”]

Each generation is responsible for the actions of the next generation. What did we teach or not teach them? What kind of role models were we? How much time did we spend molding them into responsible citizens? They’re our legacy. Our responsibility. If we’re alarmed at what’s going on today, we have to ask ourselves: How did we let this happen?

I’ve stressed so often in blogs like this one that Generation Gaps Were Never Part of God’s Plan! In my book Mentoring for All Seasons: Sharing Life Experiences and God’s Faithfulness, I give ideas of how the generations can learn from each other and work together, just as God planned for us to do.

I encourage you to read my blog for Crosswalk: The Forgotten Link Between Seniors and Discipleship/Church Growth.

If you’re a Millennial, I would love to hear your thoughts. How can we reach your generation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and help them be ready to take over the responsibility of running our free Democratic country, without ruining it with Socialism or Communism? How can we prepare them to continue God’s earthly kingdom and His church?

In an Op-ed Newt Gingrich writes about what he sees happening between the congressional generations: “To the new Democrats, the leaders are like the grandparents. And I don’t mean this in a positive way that could foster an opportunity for maternal or paternal mentorships.” Instead, “these new Democrats are throwing a party – and the grandparents aren’t invited.”

“One generation commends your works to another, they tell of your mighty acts.” Psalm 145:4

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