America Has Forgotten Its First Love!

When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked are in power, they groan. Pr. 29:2 NLT

The word wicked means those who are morally wrong, hostile to God, anti-God and that describes many who are in authority today in our country.

A country that denies God as its Creator and moral Compass is headed for doom and disaster.

Our founding fathers knew that and so they based the Constitution and Bill of Rights on biblical godly principles. They were men who went before the Lord seeking His guidance. Our country was established on Judeo/Christian values that recognize God created the earth, He created each of us, and people who honor their Creator will succeed. Those who try to deny God and go against the laws of God will fail miserably.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Gen. 1:1 NLT

So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Gen. 1:27 NLT

I always laugh at the term “climate control.” Man doesn’t control the climate, God does. Man can barely attempt to predict the weather. But man has no say over when it rains or when there’s a drought or hurricane or the sun comes up in the morning and the moon at night.

Only God knows when He will say it’s time to end the world as we know it. Only God!

35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. 36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,, but only the Father. Matt. 24:35-36

Many have foolishly tried to play God or give the impression that they had godly powers, always for personal gain, but eventually they’re unveiled as the charlatans they are.

America Has Forgotten Its Identity is in Christ Alone!

Last week Jason Whitlock, a black Christian sports journalist, podcaster, and host for Blaze Media for the show Fearless with Jason Whitlock, appeared on the Tucker Carlson show and clearly put into perspective what’s happening in our country today. Here’s what he said:

We should be taking our identity in Christ not in skin color. Not in these superficial things your sexual preference or your gender identification. All of these identities have taken precedent over what used to be our primary identity: Are you a believer? Are you a Christian? Once you identify as that, now I can see the commonality between Tucker Carlson and Jason Whitlock.” [Tucker nods his head in agreement and says “Right”]

Jason continues, “We’re both believers. We’re both Christians. We both love our country. Those things that unite us they’re telling us to disavow and embrace things like skin color and sexual orientation, gender identity, those things that separate us they want us to lean into and lean away from God. That’s the mistake we’re making here in this country.” 

Jason gave a sermon right there! And who is the “they” he’s referring to trying to divide us? I wrote about them last week in my blog: We’re No Longer One Nation United Under God. It’s those on the left, including Biden and his administration, who want to turn America into a Marxist/Communist country. The only way they can succeed is to create division among the population and denounce and marginalize Christian Conservatives and our beliefs. They want to deny God!

Jesus wrote about what happens when a church forgets its first love. Imagine what’s going to happen to a country that forgets its first love!

“But I have this complaint against you. You don’t love me or each other as you did at first! Look how far you have fallen! Turn back to me and do the works you did at first. If you don’t repent, I will come and remove your lampstand from its place among the churches.” Rev. 2:4-5

Removing the lampstand from a church meant that they would fail as a church. That’s exactly what’s going to happen to our country if we forget our first love, Jesus Christ. America will fail.

We’re Watching Authoritarianism Replace Democracy in America

The latest attempt is to silence parents protesting in School Board meetings about the racist, sexual deviant content of what their children are being taught and the fascist attempt to mask all children and even force them to be vaccinated, which has already started in California.

Biden has made it clear the government is coming for our children by characterizing parents who want to have a voice in what their children are being taught as potential domestic terrorists, when it’s the government using a fascist game plan to suppress opposition and take over our country.

I hope that parents aren’t intimidated and continue to take a stand for protecting their children from indoctrination and harm. Don’t let the government have your children. Be respectful and passionate but let your voices be heard. God’s word, not the government, is the final authority and benchmark on how parents are to raise their children.

Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Pr. 22:6 NKJV

Next, the Biden administration wants the IRS to monitor every person’s bank account over $600! Oh, and that will require 80,000 new IRS employees, but of course only those who’ve been vaccinated. They want to know if you buy a new couch or computer or sell something on EBay! They’re not going after tax fraud in big business and the wealthy; they’re scrutinizing the middle class struggling to survive or spying on where you give donations.

The left think they’re clever the way they hijack the conversation and come up with their own definition of terms. Justice is really revenge. Equity disguises discrimination. Public safety justifies mandates. Women’s health legalizes murder. Their main goal is to control words and repeat them enough until we start using their words and thoughts too. We must not let that happen.

Most importantly, I want to remind you that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires. 2 Peter 3:3 NLT

So What Do We Do?

We keep close to God by reading His Word DAILY and praying asking what He wants us to do. He has a plan for each of us. We were all born for such a time as this.

I’ve said many times that God has a purpose for you and me. You’ll not experience fear or frustration when you feel like you’re doing something to make a difference.

“When people quit talking to God, they quit talking to one another. And people who quit talking to God soon get very lonely and depressed. They are actually lonely for God, hungering for communion with Him, yearning for His close love and nearness; but instead of recognizing these needs as spiritual, they blame their lack of fulfillment on their husbands or wives.” ― David Wilkerson

While it’s terribly infuriating and makes us even angry to watch the damage our current administration is doing to our country and our world relations, they are showing their hand clearly and God told us this would happen.

In 2 Timothy 3:1-5 we read, “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God–having a form of godliness but denying its power. “

Gather together with those who love the Lord like you do for encouragement and support, but also use whatever platform the Lord gives you to share Jesus with those who don’t know Him. Like Jason Whitlock, look for open doors to explain why you can still smile and be hopeful in the midst of the turmoil and chaos we see all around us.

I end conversations and encounters with everyone and anyone cheerfully saying, “Have a blessed rest of your day.” It’s amazing the responses I receive, all positive. Some seem a little surprised but say thank you. Others reply, “You have a blessed day too!”

Remember we don’t belong to some secret society! Just the opposite! Jesus came to earth that all might be saved and He told us not to hide our light but to let it shine brightly for all to see.

14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matt. 5:14-16

That’s exactly what Jason Whitlock did on public TV and it’s what we can do in our private life.

Interesting that the prophet Isaiah could’ve been talking about America when he wrote,

I, yes I, am the Lord, and there is no other Savior. First I predicted your rescue, then I saved you and proclaimed it to the world. No foreign god has ever done this. You are witnesses that I am the only God,” says the Lord. Isaiah 43:11-12 NLT

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We’re Focusing Too Much On Vaccines & Masks and Not Enough on Jesus & Prayer!

Have you noticed that in the last week the public conversation and news cycle has turned from racism to vaccination? Rising crime to mask mandates. Even though Covid cases/deaths are decreasing, government control is increasing!

It’s hard to participate in a conversation, even among Christians, without the topic turning to those who believe in the vaccines and those who oppose them. Those already wearing masks again versus those who refuse to ever wear one again.

People justifiably have strong opinions and often want to impose them on others. Disagreements divide when we can’t agree to disagree. Is it really worth it?

The purpose of this blog is not to take one side or the other. I have my personal opinion and distrust much of the information we’re hearing. One side presents the opinion of their “experts” as factual and “scientific” while the other side has “experts” with directly opposing opinions.

When the so-called experts can’t agree, we know that either there’s no definitive answer or it’s all just being politicized. We’re being played. Regardless, we need to let God, the real expert, guide our decisions.

I’ve started wondering lately why Christians aren’t as vocal about the biblical truths of Jesus, who we trust and believe, as we are about what we hear from strangers in the news, on a podcast, or opinions on social media and websites? People are trying so hard to convince others how to save themselves from Covid when it’s obvious no one really knows for sure.

What you and I do know for sure is the saving power of Jesus Christ. Yet, I dare say there are more Christians talking about Covid, vaccinations, and masks today than are talking about how Jesus saved their life!

In an interview with Jon Voight, Tucker Carlson expected to talk about Voight’s political views, but Jon skillfully turned the conversation to sharing his testimony about how everything changed in his life when he realized that God was real!

You can view the interview here, and I hope you will. We can do the same thing. Turn political or controversial conversations into spiritual opportunities.

As Christians, we know that Jesus is in complete control. He tells us in Scripture not to live in fear but to be alert for the early signs of His return and to be ready.

And when you hear of wars and insurrections, don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place first, but the end won’t follow immediately.” 10 Then he added, “Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11 There will be great earthquakes, and there will be famines and plagues in many lands, and there will be terrifying things and great miraculous signs from heaven.

12 But before all this occurs, there will be a time of great persecution. You will be dragged into synagogues and prisons, and you will stand trial before kings and governors because you are my followers. Luke 21:9-12 NLT

Jesus forewarned there would be plagues so Covid is no surprise to Him. But notice there will also be “great miraculous signs from heaven.” We see those miraculous signs all around us and we need to keep our focus on God and not the government.

My opening article in the AHW Ministry July newsletter is “Are You Aware of When Satan is Hijacking Your Thoughts?” I hope you’ll take a moment to read it. I talk in that article about how I almost missed attending Sean Feucht’s Let Us Worship revival in Boise. I’m so glad I didn’t let Satan hijack me because I did see miracles happening at that revival. People were being freed from addictions, suicide, hang-ups, and hurts, and surrendering their life to the Savior, Jesus Christ. It was a small glimpse of heaven as a large crowd freely worshipped together.

Sean didn’t shy away from talking about the persecutions his ministry has encountered. He like many pastors persevered, even some going to the Supreme Court, for the right to minister and worship during the imposed lockdowns on churches. He told his story with humor and joy that nothing was going to stop him from continuing to go into the hardest places like Portland, Seattle, New York, Chicago, LA, DC and over 50 cities with more to come sharing the gospel and leading people to Jesus!

Sean lives in California and had an unsuccessful run for Congress wanting to make a political difference, but it’s evident that God wants him in the streets and parks of America making a spiritual difference because people need the Lord. Many came to the revival with darkness in their souls and left with the light of Jesus in their hearts.

I’m not saying that we don’t take precautions to avoid getting sick and staying healthy, but I am saying spiritual sickness is more threatening in our world than any plague and we know the remedy.

Our churches need to be hospitals for the sick at heart, mind, and soul and we need to be more worried about convincing those who don’t know Jesus to come into a relationship with Him than spending our time trying to outguess or outsmart what the latest cure/prevention/protection is for Covid. Or letting Covid divide us as believers with differing opinions. We need to stay united in the only thing that actually matters for eternity: salvation of souls.

Mario Murillo put it like this in his article Tearing Away the Evil with Increasing Power:
“Every Christian and every church should be studying the authority over evil that we have in Christ. It should be blazingly clear by now that we are going to get exactly nowhere in this depraved, addicted and demonized society, without supernatural power and authority over Satan.”

I’m frustrated just like you at the way Satan seems to be succeeding in our government and it’s easy to think there’s nothing we can do about it. In fact, I was asked this question recently on a Facebook post: “Given where we are now, what is the best action for a person to take for the future?”

My answer: Such a good question. We vote the socialists, Marxists, Communists out of office for starters. We don’t live in fear and we pray for God’s wisdom and discernment about how He wants us to live out our faith in Him and NOT the government no matter who is in power.

We pray for revival. Only Jesus is going to save us, not a mask, a vaccine or a government and certainly not the very confused CDC. God’s up to something so how can we work with Him to save as many people as possible for eternity?!

Reply: Thanks. Good positive focus.

I believe we need to keep our focus positive, hopeful, and faith-filled! I always say: follow God’s leading and calling as to where He wants you to go, what He wants you to do, and what He wants you to say. Then go, do, and say it!

This morning while reading my devotional, The One Year Salt and Light Devotional by Chris Tiegreen, and praying about what to write this week, I was reminded that Jesus is our only hope out of the distressing times we live in now. They may even get worse, but Jesus only gets sweeter. Here’s what Chris said for July 30:

“We are called to learn the language of heaven and speak it into people’s hearts. That means replacing all complaining, gossip, frustration, and attention to problems with encouragement, affirmation, blessing, and attention to solutions. Instead of crying out for help, which always begins with a problem, we praise the majesty of God, which always begins with the answer. As holders of the truths of God’s Kingdom, we have an amazing opportunity to shape our environment with them—if we are intentional about putting a Kingdom angle on everything we see.” [I would add, on everything we say!]

I don’t know about you but I’m tired of the conversation being about vaccinations and masks. Let’s starting talking about Jesus! That’s where I want my focus to be; I hope you agree!

14 But even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward you for it. So don’t worry or be afraid of their threats. 15 Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. 1 Peter 3:14-15 NLT

Here’s my latest Crosswalk article: 6 Reasons You Should Participate in a Prayer Group.

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Protect Our Children from Groupthink!

Our children should walk up to others and be kind. Not walk out. Stop group think!

I woke up the morning after the school walkout and wondered,

How did the word about this walkout at a specific time and date spread to children in schools across the nation?

Yes, they’re on social media, but not every kid could be reached that way?

Whose original idea was it?

Who organized it?

Who took it to my grandchildren’s middle school?

Pondering these questions, I made a cup of coffee and opened up the online FOX news page. There was the answer to all my questions. I had missed the Laura Ingraham’s show the previous night where this was the topic of her opening monologue.

Then, it all made sense.

[Tweet “Teenagers don’t have the capability to pull off a national walkout, but politicians and  the Women’s March do! They organized the walkout.”]

Teenagers wouldn’t have that capability on their own to pull off such a national event, but politicians and organizations like the Women’s March do! They organized the walkout.

I wonder how many of the boys who participated realized they were being manipulated by liberal women who march in pink hats?

[Tweet “The Women’s March formed Women’s March Youth Empower indoctrinating our children with liberal views.”]

Remember the Women’s March group? Well, they also have an arm called Women’s March Youth Empower and they’re going after our children with their liberal views. Not just girls, which is bad enough, but all children.

You don’t have to look far back in history, or even today, to see other radical groups who indoctrinate the young.

[Tweet “March 14, our children and grandchildren were manipulated by politicians and the Women’s March”]

March 14th, our children and grandchildren were manipulated by a liberal activist group and politicians, who used the kid’s naïvetés and youthful emotion and energy to further their political agenda.

If you look at clips on Laura Ingraham’s report, you’ll see left-wing politicians like Nancy Pelosie and Bernie Sanders speaking, and New York’s liberal Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Chuck Shummer clapping hands, chanting, and high fiving the students in front of the White House. Of course, they all had their armed bodyguards! Local liberal politicians and school administrators and teachers promoted the walkout in their district schools.

This walkout was supposed to be seventeen minutes to honor the seventeen lives lost in the Parkland, FL. tragic school shooting a month ago. But I didn’t hear or see any news clips recognizing these victims. The purpose of the walkout was lost amongst yelling and political rhetoric. Interestingly, no one protested the FBI or local sheriff’s department for ignoring all the obvious clues and warnings of impending tragedy.

[Tweet “The purpose of the walkout was lost amongst yelling and political rhetoric.”]

In many cases, the walkout went on for hours and was more of a political, anti-Trump rally. In California, it even turned violent. How ironic is that . . . a protest to find ways to be safe, results in causing danger!

Walk Up, Not Out

And the walkout wasn’t just in high schools. To my daughter’s surprise, she received a text from my 12-year old, middle school granddaughter Katelyn asking if she should walkout. Mom realized they should have talked about it the night before, but Kim never expected it to touch middle schools. Here’s a transcript of their texts and see below it for the challenge mom gave daughter:

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Here was the Walk-Up challenge posted on Facebook by Amy Flynn that mom gave to Katelyn and she refers to in the above text:

On March 14, encourage students to walk up. Walk up to the kid who sits alone at lunch and invite her to sit with you. Walk up to the kid who sits quietly in the corner, smile and say hi. Walk up to the kid who may be disruptive in class and ask him how he’s doing. Walk up to teachers and school staff and say thank you. Walk up to someone who has different views than you and get to know him/her. Walk up to 14 students and 3 teachers and say something kind. Honor the lives of those lost by walking up, not out.#walkupnotout

One of Katelyn’s teachers read this aloud to the whole class!

Katelyn and her friend took the challenge, and they complimented eight kids and two teachers!

The girls had the courage not to follow the crowd and submit to groupthink. They walked up instead of out.

[Tweet “Tucker Carlson “The show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and group think.””]

The theme of Tucker Carlson’s program on FOX news is, “The show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink.” He often emphasizes, “Especially groupthink!” Ah, that every parent would incorporate this motto into their family values.

Katelyn said most of the kids just hung out with their friends and were looking for a way to get out of class.

Walk With God

Laura Ingraham shared conversations from her radio program where some parochial schools walked into churches to pray for the victims and their families.

Here’s how one group of school kids chose to make a difference in schools and our culture. Click on this link. Watch and be inspired!

Whether or not you agree with more gun control or kids protesting, who do you think will have the most positive effect on our culture? Kids who, walk out or kids who walk up, in, and with?

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” Matthew 18:6

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Picture courtesy of Amy Flynn posed on Facebook

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“So That No One Will Malign the Word of God”

So that no one will malign the word of God in our culture today, know your Bible

The title of this article is the end of Titus 2:5 (NIV). Other translations read:

so that the Christian faith can’t be spoken against by those who know them. (TLB)

In this way, the Word of God is honored. (NLV)

so that the word of God may not be discredited. (NABRE)

We don’t want anyone looking down on God’s Message because of their behavior. (MSG)

that the word of God may not be exposed to reproach (blasphemed or discredited) (AMPC)

Here’s Titus 2:1-5 (NIV) in context, a passage often used in mentoring . . .

You, however, must teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine. Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.

Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

[Tweet “The Bible remains the number one best seller in the world!”]

No other book in history have emperors, empires, authorities, and mankind tried to malign, dishonor, discredit, reproach, blasphemy and destroy more than the Bible, yet still it remains the number one best seller in the world! Those of us who believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, often come under similar attacks. The world sees us as ignorant, foolish, drinking the Kool-Aid, stupid, unenlightened, living in the dark ages, not current or relevant . . . even deplorable. I’m sure many of you have been called worse names. I know I have.

[Tweet “The culture needs to adapt to the Bible, not the reverse!”]

Today’s liberal culture believes the Bible needs to adapt to culture instead of the culture adapting to the Bible. Progressive ignorance and blasphemy.

Jesus didn’t come to conform to the culture; he came to reform the culture! Now we’re to go and do likewise, but sadly many are following the culture instead of following Jesus’ example.

[Tweet “Tucker Carlson interviews a liberal Episcopalian pastor who promotes a gender-neutral God. Blasphemy”]

My heart sank as I heard Tucker Carlson on FOX news interview a liberal Episcopalian pastor who was convinced that Jesus would be in favor of taking gender out of the Bible and no longer seeing God as the Father image, but a gender-neutral God. The pastor’s words seared my heart, “We’re not taking anything away from the Bible, we’re just adding to it.”

I screamed at the TV, Tucker, remind him of the last words in the Bible . . .

18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.

20 He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.”

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

Do you, like me, find it inapprehensible to live in a culture that openly, and without reproach or conscious, maligns the Word of God from politicians, officials, congressmen, media, progressives, and yes, even many churches? We’ve forsaken Paul’s warning to Titus to teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine to men and women, and likewise teach the next generations.

It’s so easy for Bible-believing Christians to scoff at the culture and bemoan liberalism, but should our churches and ourselves look in the mirror and assume some of the blame?

22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. James 1:22-24

As we watch liberalism and progressivism try to eliminate genders and the roles God assigned them, normalize same-sex unnatural relations and promiscuous sex, promote slaughtering babies in the womb, and the next generation accepting these atrocities, are Christians doing anything tangible to make a difference?

[Tweet “It’s not always comfortable to stand up for what you believe, but you must!”]

It’s not always comfortable to stand up for what you believe, but when you know the Truth and take to heart that many who are deceived today will spend eternity in hell instead of heaven, how could it be comfortable to remain silent?

The Bible is the only source of Truth

How Can You Stop the Maligning of God’s Word?

  1. Know your Bible! Relate to it. Read it. Study it. Memorize it. Share it.
  2. Practice and role model the Bible’s teaching in your life and with your family.
  3. Engage with the next generation by teaching or mentoring them using God’s Word as your guide.
  4. Ask God to give you new insights into His Word and a hunger to learn more.
  5. Remember how God’s Word has changed your life and share your testimony whenever God gives you the opportunity. If you’re wondering how to do this, Forsaken God?: Remembering the Goodness of God Our Culture Has Forgotten offers life-application ways, ideas, and prompts.

Obey the Word of God. If you hear only and do not act, you are only fooling yourself.—James 1:22 NLV

I know I’m preaching to the choir, and I commend the ministries you’re involved in and the ways God has led you to grow His Kingdom here on earth. For those who feel challenged by today’s blog, pray that God will show where He needs you to make a difference. 

[Tweet “Pray God will show where He needs you to make a difference.”]

For me, it’s a personal attack when I hear anyone belittling or maligning my precious Lord and Savior and the Bible He’s given us to know how to live as believers during the time He gives us on earth. Our world today is not an easy place for Bible-believing Christians, but we must not let that stop us. Jesus told us we would be persecuted, just like He was (John 15:20), but all He asks us to do is defend His Word, the Bible, and prayerfully share His gospel message with grace and love. God will do the rest.

The Bible assures us: What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun (Ecc. 1:9), and Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Heb. 13:8).

Please share with us how God has led you to stop the maligning of His Word.

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Note: In the book I’m writing now, Get Your Brave On: Women of the Bible Show Us We’re Braver Than We Think, you won’t be surprised that there is a chapter on Bold Faith. I would love to hear how God has lead you to stand up for your faith and the Bible. Please email me at [email protected] for more details.

Remember the goodness of God so you don't forsake Him in your life.

Forsaken God?

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