Protect Our Children from Groupthink!

Our children should walk up to others and be kind. Not walk out. Stop group think!

I woke up the morning after the school walkout and wondered,

How did the word about this walkout at a specific time and date spread to children in schools across the nation?

Yes, they’re on social media, but not every kid could be reached that way?

Whose original idea was it?

Who organized it?

Who took it to my grandchildren’s middle school?

Pondering these questions, I made a cup of coffee and opened up the online FOX news page. There was the answer to all my questions. I had missed the Laura Ingraham’s show the previous night where this was the topic of her opening monologue.

Then, it all made sense.

[Tweet “Teenagers don’t have the capability to pull off a national walkout, but politicians and  the Women’s March do! They organized the walkout.”]

Teenagers wouldn’t have that capability on their own to pull off such a national event, but politicians and organizations like the Women’s March do! They organized the walkout.

I wonder how many of the boys who participated realized they were being manipulated by liberal women who march in pink hats?

[Tweet “The Women’s March formed Women’s March Youth Empower indoctrinating our children with liberal views.”]

Remember the Women’s March group? Well, they also have an arm called Women’s March Youth Empower and they’re going after our children with their liberal views. Not just girls, which is bad enough, but all children.

You don’t have to look far back in history, or even today, to see other radical groups who indoctrinate the young.

[Tweet “March 14, our children and grandchildren were manipulated by politicians and the Women’s March”]

March 14th, our children and grandchildren were manipulated by a liberal activist group and politicians, who used the kid’s naïvetés and youthful emotion and energy to further their political agenda.

If you look at clips on Laura Ingraham’s report, you’ll see left-wing politicians like Nancy Pelosie and Bernie Sanders speaking, and New York’s liberal Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Chuck Shummer clapping hands, chanting, and high fiving the students in front of the White House. Of course, they all had their armed bodyguards! Local liberal politicians and school administrators and teachers promoted the walkout in their district schools.

This walkout was supposed to be seventeen minutes to honor the seventeen lives lost in the Parkland, FL. tragic school shooting a month ago. But I didn’t hear or see any news clips recognizing these victims. The purpose of the walkout was lost amongst yelling and political rhetoric. Interestingly, no one protested the FBI or local sheriff’s department for ignoring all the obvious clues and warnings of impending tragedy.

[Tweet “The purpose of the walkout was lost amongst yelling and political rhetoric.”]

In many cases, the walkout went on for hours and was more of a political, anti-Trump rally. In California, it even turned violent. How ironic is that . . . a protest to find ways to be safe, results in causing danger!

Walk Up, Not Out

And the walkout wasn’t just in high schools. To my daughter’s surprise, she received a text from my 12-year old, middle school granddaughter Katelyn asking if she should walkout. Mom realized they should have talked about it the night before, but Kim never expected it to touch middle schools. Here’s a transcript of their texts and see below it for the challenge mom gave daughter:

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Here was the Walk-Up challenge posted on Facebook by Amy Flynn that mom gave to Katelyn and she refers to in the above text:

On March 14, encourage students to walk up. Walk up to the kid who sits alone at lunch and invite her to sit with you. Walk up to the kid who sits quietly in the corner, smile and say hi. Walk up to the kid who may be disruptive in class and ask him how he’s doing. Walk up to teachers and school staff and say thank you. Walk up to someone who has different views than you and get to know him/her. Walk up to 14 students and 3 teachers and say something kind. Honor the lives of those lost by walking up, not out.#walkupnotout

One of Katelyn’s teachers read this aloud to the whole class!

Katelyn and her friend took the challenge, and they complimented eight kids and two teachers!

The girls had the courage not to follow the crowd and submit to groupthink. They walked up instead of out.

[Tweet “Tucker Carlson “The show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and group think.””]

The theme of Tucker Carlson’s program on FOX news is, “The show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink.” He often emphasizes, “Especially groupthink!” Ah, that every parent would incorporate this motto into their family values.

Katelyn said most of the kids just hung out with their friends and were looking for a way to get out of class.

Walk With God

Laura Ingraham shared conversations from her radio program where some parochial schools walked into churches to pray for the victims and their families.

Here’s how one group of school kids chose to make a difference in schools and our culture. Click on this link. Watch and be inspired!

Whether or not you agree with more gun control or kids protesting, who do you think will have the most positive effect on our culture? Kids who, walk out or kids who walk up, in, and with?

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” Matthew 18:6

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Picture courtesy of Amy Flynn posed on Facebook

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  1. Linda Powell says

    thank you for sharing this with the world….
    it is a much better way to handle the situation since most of school shooters are kids who were never a part of anything and bullied by others. It sends a strong message about loving others more than ourselves and being like Jesus to others.

    • Janet Thompson says

      There’s another list of liberals who are financing the walk this weekend. I just pray that parents will help their children be discerning and not manipulated. I know there are wise kids who can have a positive influence on their peers. I posted a link on my timeline today of a young woman who did exactly what you said in your comment. Our country needs so much prayer.

  2. Carol Munhofen says

    Carol Munhofen
    Mother, Grandmother, and Greatgrandmother

    There is so much deception, by the father of lies, going on in our society today. We need to know truth so we won’t be deceived, and our children and grandchildren and great grandchildren, won’t be deluded by the culture, but will be transformed by the renewing of their minds.

    • Janet Thompson says

      Absolutely! As you read in this blog post, I couldn’t agree with you more. We can make a difference in the next generation one child at a time.

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