Holy Nectar By Saundria Keck

It’s happening again! I’m blessed to be writing a new book with Leafwood Publishers who have given me a very short deadline. I just started writing and it’s due 9/30/18!! Yikes! So rather than take a hiatus from Monday Morning Blogs, which I did earlier in the year when we were on vacation, I’ve asked some of my author/speaker friends if they would like to share some of their thoughts with you. I know you’ll be blessed, and I’ll add some of my posts as time allows. You know I won’t be able to stay silent if there’s a pressing topic I feel the Lord wants me to share with you.

Today’s guest blogger is Saundria Keck. Enjoy how a hummingbird inspired her to share this message with us, one I needed to hear myself especially as I work towards this deadline in the middle of summer. It’s short and like me, maybe perfect for a refreshing quick read today! Enjoy!

Holy Nectar by Saundria Keck

Holy Nectar from a hummingbird and God

Recently a hummingbird managed to get herself trapped in our garage. When I noticed her, she was flying in a panic near the ceiling, trying desperately to find a way out. As I watched her, I thought: How can I help herJust then, she dropped to the top of my car, wings widespread, breathing laboriously. She was exhausted.

I ran into the house to tell my husband Lee about the bird. He managed to scoop her up in a towel, the sweet thing. He took her outside, placed a capful of nectar near her bill, and gave her a chance to sip and recoup. Eventually she took a sip, and we watched as her breathing became less labored. She rested. She recouped. Then in a flash she flew off. Restored!

[Tweet “Girls, is this you? You are going ninety to nothing? You are exhausted. Do you need a sip of Holy Nectar?”]

Girls, is this you? You are going ninety to nothing? You are exhausted. Do you need a sip of Holy Nectar? Fall. Fall into the arms of Jesus for awhile. Sip on His Word. He will restore you.

[Tweet “Fall into the arms of Jesus for awhile. Sip on His Word. He will restore you.”]

Then you can fly again.

“Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 62:5-6, NIV

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Saundria lives in Franklin, Tennessee with her husband Lee. They have two grown children and six grandchildren. Saundria served in Christian publishing for many years but is now retired. She is nonetheless busy writing books, curriculum and blogs. She also leads a Moms’ Ministry in her church. As a hobby she flower gardens.

A hummingbird reminds us to stop and smell the flowers in Holly Nectar by Saundria Keck

Saundria Keck

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