When Did We Become So Uncivil?

When Did We Become So Uncivilized on social media?

It’s almost impossible to listen to a newscast without hearing harsh accusing comments rather than factual news. So-called news today is simply opinions and biases of the person or persons using their platform to bash someone who doesn’t agree with them or they don’t like. Often, these programs digress to shouting matches instead of civil debate. Dave and I usually turn those off because you can’t hear what either side is angrily saying as they talk over each other.

[Tweet “If you post something on Facebook or social media that people don’t agree with, get ready for comments attacking you”]

If you post something on Facebook or social media that people don’t agree with, get ready for comments attacking you, often filled with profanity, accusations, name-calling, and vile language. Just try reading the comments on President Trump’s twitter page or on Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ twitter or Franklin Graham’s Facebook page. You can be sure they only use social media to reach out to their supporters and they avoid reading the disgusting, often threatening, uncivil, vile comments directed at them and anyone who posts a positive comment. I for one can’t read them.

[Tweet “People feel they can hide behind social media to be at their worst”]

People feel they can hide behind these forms of communication to be at their worst. A liberal congresswoman on the left, encourages protestors to harass those who don’t agree with them i.e. Republicans, Trump supporters, and the Cabinet. There’s a reason why celebrities get restraining orders and even indictments against harassers because it always leads to someone getting hurt. And yet, we have public officials and celebrities encouraging this kind of behavior against people they don’t like or who don’t agree with them. Seriously? Is this how civil people act!?

[Tweet “There’s a reason why celebrities get restraining orders and even indictments against harassers”]

What About the Incivility of Christians?

We’ve come to expect this kind of uncivil discourse and public displays of hostility from the liberal left and those immersed in “the world’s ways,” but what about when we see these unsavory ways coming from those who profess to be Christians? How are they justifying the unkind way they talk to others . . . even to fellow Christians? Where are they finding justification for this kind of behavior in the Bible? From God?

When I posted my Monday Morning Blog, Why Is the Church Going Dark?, several of you responded with your perspective and opinion and we had a respectful, civil dialogue back and forth. It probably helped that I knew everyone commenting, and they knew me from following my blogs. They knew that my heart is to share ideas and topics for thought and conversation to draw us closer to Jesus and to each other.

Another Christian website saw the blog and felt it was an intriguing topic. They asked if they could reprint it. I said absolutely! As I write today, the post has 14,500 shares and 127 comments on their website! This is a topic many people feel strongly about and have an opinion. Some emailed me directly, even from Malesia!

But here’s the alarming difference between comments on my personal website post, where I’m known, and the Christian website where I’m not known personally. It’s obvious I’m a fellow Christian from my bio and what I reference in the article—but many comments were not gentle, kind, and uplifting as you would expect one Christian to talk to another. Some were even uncivil, rude, and accusatory. Not just toward me, but also toward each other’s comments.

As I read a few, I saw a defensive, judgmental, harsh, cynical, often condescending attitude. If you didn’t agree with their perspective, there was something wrong with you, even as a Christian! Where else have we heard that kind of uncivil attitude? In the world, that’s where.

Most of these people probably would never say to our face the things they wrote to me and to each other, and surely not while standing in the church foyer. But with the shadow of anonymity, they felt comfortable and safe lashing out if anyone, including me, had a differing opinion from their opinion. They might have felt self-righteous because they didn’t use profanity, but their delivery still stung.

Reading several of these was enough for me. I don’t expect, or even want, everyone to agree with me, or each other. That’s when you have a good debate and a post getting the kind of traction this one did because so many have varying opinions on controversial topics. But what I did expect was a Christian attitude of civility and respect with those who have a different perspective and opinion.

We all, myself included, need to remember those filled with the Holy Spirit should display the fruit of the Spirit:

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! Galatians 5:22-23

[Tweet “The Bible warns us that we’re in the world, but we’re not to take on the characteristics of the world.”]

The Bible warns us that we’re in the world, but we’re not to take on the characteristics of the world. I wonder how many of you have experienced what I’m talking about? It’s dangerous when you can’t differentiate God’s people from the rest of the world.

Don’t get me wrong, all the comments weren’t uncivil, many were thoughtful and well-spoken. But it was easy to tell who was speaking from a heart full of love and grace and who was speaking from pride and ego. It saddened me to see how close believers can sound like the world.

[Tweet “It’s a dangerous slippery slope when we forget who we are in Christ.”]

It’s a dangerous slippery slope when we forget who we are in Christ.

The world is watching, and when they can’t see any difference between them and us, we’re losing the battle of maintaining civility.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Because of the privilege and authority[c] God has given me, I give each of you this warning: Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us. Romans 12:2-3 NLT

What say you? Do you know what I’m talking about here? Have you experienced it?

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Photo by Jonathan Velasquez on Unsplash

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  1. Well said Janet! It reminds me of Proverbs 3:3 – Do not let kindness and truth leave you.

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