Don’t Just Cry, Do Something!

I’m back! Did you miss my Monday Morning Blogs these past few months? I certainly missed you!

As many of you know, I broke my wrist after a tumble down my office stairs on October 22. I’ve been in casts and braces ever since as my wrist healed. Now I’m in physical therapy to strengthen my wrist and muscles that haven’t been used for three months. As you can imagine, this was difficult for a writer!!! Fortunately, I had turned in the manuscript for the new book Everyday Brave the week before the fall.

But it’s been a long journey and isn’t over yet, so I’ll have to make this brief, if I can, since there are so many cultural events I want to address. If you follow me on Facebook, I’ve been able to peck out my comments and thoughts there.

Don't Just Cry, Do Something about the atrocities of abortion in our nation.

Since I’m limited today in the use of my wrist, there are several excellent posts I’d like you to read and share your thoughts and comments here:

“Standing for God in a Pagan Culture” by Pastor Greg Laurie

I’m reading the Bible in a year, and just read about the encounter Pastor Laurie talks about between God, Moses, and Pharaoh. For those who think that Christians should not be involved in government or political issues that are more moral than political, Pharaoh was the government and God sent Moses and Aaron to confront him 10 times before Pharaoh freed the Israelite slaves. I love the last line of this article, “God isn’t looking for good speakers; He’s looking for obedient servants.”

Question: What is God asking you to do in your sphere of influence?

The New York “Reproductive Health Act” RHA (which should’ve been named “Unlimited Abortion Act”) became law on January 22, 2019. Governor Cuomo and his supporters applauded and lit up the World Trade Center monument in pink to celebrate…

[Tweet “Governor Cuomo and his supporters applauded and lit up the World Trade Center monument in pink to celebrate…”]

  • When a pregnant woman miscarries from an assault, the loss of her baby is no longer a crime.
  • Allowing third-trimester abortions (infanticide) for vaguely and subjectively a mother’s “health”.
  • Allowing abortions to be performed by medical personnel other than physicians
  • Making it legal for viable babies born alive following late-term abortions to be denied medical care and left to painfully die. (I can’t imagine what kind of person could stand by and watch this happen. Well I can’t imagine who could be an abortionist either!)

In other words, in New York a baby is not a human!

[Tweet “In New York a baby is not a human!”]

Please read the full text of RHA. It will only take five minutes. Many are trying to spin what it says. Read it for yourself.

In response to New York’s new genocide abortion law, my friend Heather Riggleman saw what God was asking her to do and bravely shared her own testimony in an open letter to New York posted in TODAY Parenting Team, “New York—You Let Fear Win.”

I know that if you’ve had an abortion, this topic is raw and painful for you if you haven’t asked God for, and received, His forgiveness. There’s nothing we’ve done that isn’t forgivable . . .  “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

I’ve seen so many angry and tearful emojis on Facebook, but I think God wants us to put those emotions into action. Not just cry all over Facebook and social media where posts will soon be forgotten. We’re to do something to impact our culture positively.

Here are some ideas:

Pray that with science and medical strides in ultrasounds confirming that the creation of a human begins at conception, more people will see and admit that in-utero babies are developing people.

Share God’s Word on His creation of life. Psalm 139:13 Isaiah 49:1

Boldly support, campaign, and vote for pro-life conservative legislators.

Work to get out the conservative vote.

Volunteer at women’s healthcare centers that offer alternatives to abortion.

[Tweet “Encourage your church to get involved in foster care and adoption programs. The church, not the government, is supposed to care for the orphans.”]

Encourage your church to get involved in foster care and adoption programs. The church, not the government, is supposed to care for the orphans. Give these expectant mothers ways to care for their unborn children.

Sign petitions that shout your voice. We’ve seen their success in other areas.

Don’t become complacent or let the horror that alarms you now, become the norm.

Champion for life like you would for your own baby or grandchild’s life.

[Tweet “See and promote movies that expose the truth about abortion. Gosnell or Unplanned when it releases in March.”]

See and promote movies that expose the truth about abortion. Gosnell (his crimes would now be legal in New York. We were on our way to see this movie when I broke my wrist), Unplanned (listen to actress Ashley Bratcher’s own story),

Mentor—educate young women about the reality of abortion and answer their questions. I talk about ideas for how to have these discussions in Mentoring for All Seasons. I also talk in this book about how to mentor women and girls who’ve already had an abortion. How to share with them that God loves them and will forgive them if they only will come to Him and ask.

Use Your Story for God’s Glory. My friend Patti Smith is an example of a woman who had abortions before turning her life over to Jesus. She’s now mentoring women who’ve had abortions. She wrote a blog post for me several years ago, Prisoners of Their Own Choice.

God can use our past bad choices to help them not become someone else’s future.

[Tweet “God can use our past bad choices to help them not become someone else’s future.”]

Believe me, all those women in the “Shout Your Abortion” movement endorsed by Oprah Winfrey are not proud of their abortions. They’re hurting women who think they’ll feel better about their choice if they can justify it by finding other women in the same situation. They too need to hear that Jesus forgives when you ask.

[Tweet “Women who’ve had abortions too need to hear that Jesus forgives when you ask. Spread that news that God loves you.”]

Share the Gospel and love. Spread the news that God loves you and forgives. All you have to do is accept Jesus as your Savior, turn from your sinful life, ask Him for forgiveness for past sins, and let Him guide your life. (1 John 1:9)

Read Forsaken God?: Remembering the Goodness of God Our Culture Has Forgotten. There are questions at the end of each chapter for group study.

I’m not trying to promote sales of this book, I’m just telling you that when this book released in 2016, I foretold the progressive movement for what it is: the playbook for Satan. I saw it then and it’s even more relevant now. If progressives, like Cuomo and other liberals, get into power in the White House this is just an example of the continued progression of evil in our country.

Here’s another good article from, Abortion is Satanic Worship.

When Cuomo and his colleagues gleefully wore pink and signed the death sentence to so many unborn boys and girls, he made this statement: “a historic victory for our progressive values.”

In Forsaken God?, here is what I wrote about Progressivism. It’s founder is Satan and atheism is the basis for its values.

Each generation pushes out the boundaries of sin and immorality a little farther in the name of a “progressive tolerant culture.” The 20th Century’s sexual revolution has made sex outside of marriage and abortion acceptable and old stuff as the 21st Century’s norm becomes casual hookups, unwed pregnancies, homosexuals, transgenderism, gay marriage, and condoms passed out in schools. What one generation does in moderation, the next generation does in excess, and sadly that’s been true since the beginning of time.

Satan is hijacking high-profile liberal pastors and several mainline denominations who expound that: the Bible isn’t inerrant or relevant, God is a myth, Jesus is a legend, and the church needs to catch up with the culture. Essentially, they’re atheists trying to mask themselves as “progressive Christians,” as if they’ve discovered the true, open-minded Christianity that doesn’t need the Bible.

I want to hear other ideas you have for engaging with our culture. God is using all of this to bring the atrocities of abortion back into the public eye.

What are you doing to let the light shine as the darkness takes over our country? You can make a difference, one life at a time.

Good to be back for such a time as this.

Remember the goodness of God so you don't forsake Him in your life.

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