An Easter Morning Testimony


I thought you would enjoy a flashback with me. Our church puts on an Easter Sunrise Cowboy Breakfast down at the river behind our church for the community. It’s a great outreach.

I love that in Idaho, Sunrise Service starts at 8:00 am! When we lived in California the sun rose at 6:00 am.

My husband, Dave Thompson, was asked to give his testimony one year and he allowed me to share it with you today. Enjoy and be blessed.

Dave’s Easter Testimony

I learned about God and Jesus in my teens, but in my early adult years – I became a self-made man.

Robert Ringer’s book Looking Out For Number One became my motto – in his book he talks about don’t let anyone take your marbles, so I walked over and through everyone or anyone in my way to achieve my goals.

I was a successful corporate executive married with a young family with a large home in an influential community. I had it made, so I thought, until it all came crashing down! I was eventually divorced, my family split up.

It was then I began a real relationship with Christ.

I dedicated my life to Jesus and reversed my motto, and let the only Real #1 look out for me. He does so much better than I could ever do.

When you think about it . . . who could better look out for you than the One who is:

Omnipresent – always with you

Omnipotent – all powerful

Omniscient – seeing all and everything ahead goes before you preparing the way.

So you ask: What has Christ meant in my life? Everything!

He has taken me with all my sins and prideful ways, and made me His child, an adopted heir. He loves me more than anyone else could, or I could ever love myself.

[Tweet “[Christ has taken me with all my sins and prideful ways, and made me His child, an adopted heir. He loves me more than anyone else could, or I could ever love myself.”]

Further, I would have never met the love of my life, my beautiful wife, Janet, if it were not for my relationship with Christ. You see, we met in a church small group at Saddleback Church and have grown together in a true marriage triangle relationship with Christ at the apex.

My wife, Janet’s writing and speaking ministry, About His Work Ministries, was born out of our love for Christ and His church.  Many lives have been changed by Him using her, us, and our experiences, challenges, and trials as vessels to help others.

[Tweet “When you give your life and your time to Christ and make yourself available, He molds you and makes you into who He wants you to be and uses you and the gifts He has given you to help others.”]

When you give your life and your time to Christ and make yourself available, He molds you and makes you into who He wants you to be and uses you and the gifts He has given you to help others.  In fact, our ministry tagline “Sharing life experiences and God’s faithfulness” defines our life in Christ.

[Tweet “If you are a self-made man or woman stop playing king of the mountain, give up your fight to stay on top and let the only one who belongs there take your place.”]

So if you are a self-made man or woman stop playing king of the mountain, give up your fight to stay on top and let the only one who belongs there take your place. He will give to you more abundantly than you could ever imagine. He will not only renew your mind, but He will change your heart.

Happy Easter and God bless you all!

We hope you had a blessed Easter and a chance to tell someone, or many someones, that Jesus is Alive!

Testimony originally given on Easter April 1, 2013

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  1. Amen and Amen, Cousin Dave!!! God is SO GOOD and HE IS ALIVE!!! We are blood cousins, but I am so blessed to have you and Janet as my brother and sister in Christ!!!! Happy Resurrection Day!!!!

    • Hi Cynthia…it is so awesome to be together in the family of God! Glad you enjoyed reading “Cousin Dave’s” testimony. He did a great job and was humbly blessed to see how God used it and him! Jesus is ALIVE! Praise God.

  2. Nothing more encouraging than a man admitting his creator is the “ONE”! Thanks for sharing your life with others. Thanks, Janet for posting this!

  3. Hi Mary Ann. I read your comments to Dave and he was blessed to hear how God was taking his testimony beyond yesterday. I always say that God will turn your story into HIStory if you let Him!

  4. I love this Janet and Dave. I come from a family of “self made people,” and it was only when God got a hold of us that we were changed from empty to full of hope. What a great testimony this was to share on Easter morning. God is truly able to give us abundant life in Him!

    • Janet Thompson says

      Thank you Julie for your sweet remarks. I too had my years of looking out for #1. So glad I realized that the One and Only was looking out for me. Dave wasn’t sure if his testimony would have much of an impact and he has been pleasantly surprised!

  5. I absolutely loved reading Dave’s testimony! I wish I could have heard him share it but I know the Lord used it in the lives of those who did! Praying God opens more doors for Dave to share too! 🙂

    • Janet Thompson says

      I hope he gets to share more too. The church just made him an elder so he’s already been up front in the church more in the last two weeks then his entire Christian life. Maybe the new book will allow us to do some speaking together:).

  6. Priscilla Beissel says

    Dear Dave & Janet,
    Thank you so much for your powerful testimony! For those of us who are always and forever praying for our husbands; it is so uplifting to hear what the Lord has done in your life. My life
    was forever transformed by Janet’s mentoring ministry and Dave’s love, encouragement and
    support for the ministry. My prayer for both of you is that the Lord will use both of you in
    mighty, miraculous ways to reach others and that the Holy Spirit will use you both as a vessel
    for His message of love, hope and salvation to everyone.

    • Janet Thompson says

      Hi Priscilla,
      So great to hear from you. It will bless you to know the Woman to Woman Mentoring Ministry is still being used by God in a mighty way in churches today because as you know it’s biblically based and the Bible never changes.
      We hope you’re well and know that God is using you in ministry also.
      Thank you for the prayers, love, and support over the years.
      Blessings, Janet

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