The 4th of July Is For Proud Americans

The 4th of July is for Proud Americans

President Washington’s Prayer for America

Did you ever think we would be living in a time when love of country, respect for the American Flag, and standing for the National Anthem would become controversial? Patriotism booed and considered deplorable? Some schools not allowing children to wear patriotic clothing or even starting their school day with the Pledge of Allegiance? Athletes representing the USA abroad disgracing our country and disgracing themselves?

[Tweet “How did we become a country of ungrateful, unpatriotic citizens? Or are these just the people who yell the loudest and the media covers incessantly with glee.”]

How did we become a country of ungrateful, unpatriotic citizens? Or are these just the people who yell the loudest and the media covers incessantly with glee.

When I watched President Trump’s rally in Florida announcing his candidacy, it was so refreshing to watch a sea of red, white, and blue in the crowd. Flags waving proudly and 20,000 plus people delighting in celebrating the country they love—America.

At all President Trump’s rallies, they play the song “God Bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood, and I sing along with him, especially the lines, “I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free.”

I am proud to be an American, but not proud of all Americans.

[Tweet “I am proud to be an American, but not proud of all Americans.”]

When President Trump speaks or does press conferences here or abroad, there’s always one or more American flags.

At the Democrat debates, I wasn’t the only one who noticed there was not even one American Flag. No patriotism recognizable or spoken. I didn’t watch the debates but did see pictures. This is not our first clue that their loyalty is not to America, but to how far to the socialist, communist, liberal left they can take America to make it a country our forefathers would never recognize as the free country so many gave their lives to defend.

If you’re saying don’t make the 4th of July political—Independence Day marked the initiation of politics!

[Tweet “If you’re saying don’t make the 4th of July political—Independence Day marked the initiation of politics!”]

Have you watched shows where they do a man-on-the-street interview and ask people if they know facts about our country’s history? I wonder how many could answer questions about the 4th of July and why it’s a National holiday.

  • From what country did America fight to win their freedom?
  • Why is July 4th Independence Day?
  • What year was the Declaration of Independence signed and adopted?
  • What is the significance of 13 stripes and 50 stars?
  • Why are our patriotic colors red, white, and blue?
  • What does a national flag represent?
  • Why are caskets of fallen soldiers wrapped in the American flag?
  • Why do we have fireworks on the 4th of July?

How about asking these questions and offering a prize to the one who knows the most answers at your 4th of July gathering.

So many more historical facts are lost in a culture that has forgotten our roots.

[Tweet “Liberal politicians want to erase our heritage as if it never happened and turn a Democracy of freedoms into a country of government controls.”]

Liberal politicians want to erase our heritage as if it never happened and turn a Democracy of freedoms into a country of government controls. In their zeal to get the vote from those who can’t answer the above questions, they make it sound like the freedom of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness isn’t as valuable as the carrots they dangle of free healthcare, free college, free immigration free… free…which the naïve embrace without realizing nothing is free. They will pay the price with the loss of sovereignty and personal freedoms that so many brave soldiers gave their life to grant each of us. It will cost us dearly in taxes, independence, and quality of life.

For example, under socialism people will soon discover that “free” healthcare doesn’t mean the best medical treatment you need when you need it. The government will decide who, when, and to what extent you’re worthy of the healthcare they deem you can have or even whether they’ll let you have tests to receive a diagnosis. You won’t just pick up the phone and make a doctor’s appointment. You’ll go through legal red tape, waiting lines, and a bureaucrat in Washington deciding whether your life is worth healing or saving.

There will always be a cost. For those politicians touting Medicare-for-all, Medicare is not free. There’s a monthly premium, and everyone pays another premium for a supplement plan to pick up what Medicare doesn’t pay. And many of us have a prescription plan we pay extra for, but still have copays for prescriptions. Bernie Sanders admits there will be large increases in taxes, even to the middle class, while he tries to convince you it will be offset by no out-of-pocket. Lies! Lies! Lies!

[Tweet “Since the majority of Democrat presidential hopefuls say they’ll give illegal immigrants free health insurance, how good to you think that healthcare will be?”]

Since the majority of Democrat presidential hopefuls say they’ll give illegal immigrants free health insurance, how good do you think that healthcare will be when it’s stretched to the limits with no money to back it and millions of extra people getting it for “free.” That’s why none of the politicians have given specifics of how they would achieve this. They’re just pandering with what they think people want to hear and no one is pressing them on details, or they won’t give interviews to those who will.

[Tweet “What Americans need to remember is that the entire point of July 4th is that we don’t want to be like other nations!”]

Some politicians have said we’re the only major country without socialized healthcare. What Americans need to remember is that the entire point of July 4th is that we don’t want to be like other nations! Other nations come to America for medical treatment. People are not migrating to other countries; they want to come to America because we aren’t like other nations. They come to America for a better life.

No other country was founded on Judeo Christian values, where Presidents still say “God Bless America.” And as hard as the liberal left is trying to move our country away from God, we need to stand in the gap and keep America a blessed nation under God. Where our currency still says “In God We Trust” not “In the government we trust.”

The 4th of July celebrates the fight for freedom to be different from other countries. A Democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people.

[Tweet “The 4th of July celebrates the fight for freedom to be different from other countries. A Democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people.”]

As you plan your festivities—parades, BBQs, fireworks, pool parties, trips to the beach—how about starting those events with the Pledge of Allegiance, singing the National Anthem, and a prayer thanking God for our great nation. Remind the children at the gatherings why you’re celebrating this holiday. Our generation must pass down to the next generation our country’s history and why our freedom is so precious.

The 4th of July is for Proud Americans

Young puppeteers proud of the American Flag!

If anyone who refuses to stand for the National Anthem, honor our flag, respectfully represent the USA abroad and at home dares to celebrate the 4th of July . . . might I say they are hypocrites who either have no idea what July 4th represents, or they have no idea what they’re protesting.

God has allowed each of us to live in the greatest nation in the world. Have you ever woke up in the morning and said thank you God I’m an American? If we take God, freedom, and patriotism out of America, we won’t be able to say that anymore.

Have you noticed how both sides of the political arena are always saying, “The American people want to know.” “The American people deserve to know.” I don’t know about you, but they didn’t ask me. Let’s use our voices and our votes to tell them what the American people really want and deserve—

A country that honors God, honors our flag, honors those who have gone before us and fought for our freedoms, and honors the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America!


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The 4th of July is For Proud Americans

Let the Statue of Liberty remind us how great our God is! That’s my hubby proudly singing!

The 4th of July is For Proud Americans

The American flag is always proudly waving at Crouch Community Church!

The 4th of July is for Proud Americans

Remembering that true freedom is found in Christ alone!




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  1. This is all 100% true and thank you for saying it. BTW, our church not only has the American flag but the Christian flag as well in the sanctuary.

    • Janet Thompson says

      Donna if you look at one of the pictures at the bottom of the blog next to my hubby singing is the Christian flag. Our church has both flags too at the front of the church. You and I are so blessed to go to churches that honor God and America!

  2. Heidi Kortman says

    We should also Always sing the fourth verse of our anthem:

    Oh thus may it ever while free men shall stand between their loved homes and the war’s desolation speak of victory and peace. May the Heaven-rescued land praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.

    Then conquer we must, when our cause, it is just, and this be our Motto, In God is Our Trust.
    And the Star-spangled Banner in triumph shall wave, o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

  3. Janet Thompson says

    Amen Heidi! Thank you for sharing and being a patriotic proud American!!

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