Family, Faith, and Science

The Coronavirus has imposed restrictions on most of the world. Our normal life abruptly came to a halt. Some people are “sheltering in place” others are quarantined. A few cities are in “lockdown.” Schools and businesses are closed. Many are working from home.

We’re all practicing social distancing.

The goal is to stop the spread of this unseen enemy. For the most part, citizens are cooperating because no one wants to get sick or spread the virus to someone else.

We’re coming together against a common foe by staying apart!

So how does this new crisis in our culture connect family, faith, and science and how can these three segments of our life unify us? Let’s look at each one.


Before this virus disrupted our everyday life, families often started their day with each person going their separate way. The kids were hurriedly hustled off to school, preschool, or daycare, and mom and dad rushed off to work or the day’s activities. Afternoons were filled with chauffeuring kids to sports, quick dinner with whoever happened to be home to eat it, homework, and individually burrowing into electronic devices. Eventually, everyone fell into bed to get up the next morning and start all over again.

Then one day everything came to a screeching halt! The entire family became sequestered at home together all day, everyday! Forced to spend time together talking, eating, entertaining each other . . . maybe taking family relationships and dynamics to a deeper level. Cocooning!

What a perfect time for a Sabbath of the soul for the whole family when there’s no place to go, no outside distractions, just you and your family.

Here are some activities to do together during this family time. . .

  • Play games or start jigsaw puzzles
  • Eat meals
  • Pray
  • Watch church online
  • Do a Bible study
  • Watch family appropriate movies
  • Cook
  • Work on household projects as a family
  • Skype, Facetime, Zoom with extended family
  • Give each other space when needed
  • Make memories
  • Help in your community

Don’t waste this unexpected season. You may never have the opportunity for this kind of uninterrupted family time again.

As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. Deuteronomy 6:6-9


“The American people want hope!” President Donald Trump

Another word for faith is hope. Heb. 11:1 reminds us “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” We don’t know what’s going to happen, but we trust that God knows and we put our trust in him. He is our hope.

Without hope, the people perish. They lose their will to go on or they act recklessly out of fear.

I know what it feels like to lack hope. I’m typically a very hopeful person, but when I was recovering from kidney surgery, I couldn’t see an end to my pain. It seemed like every day was as bad as the day before. I couldn’t tap into hope that I would ever feel better, even though the doctors said that I would, but it might take a while. Until then, I would have to endure the pain.

I cried! I needed hope! I wanted hope! Now!

How a Word Can Change Your Life, mine for 2017 was hope.

Then one day a church member, whose ministry was sending get-well cards and gifts, gave me a mug with the word “HOPE” on it. She had no idea how much I needed that reassurance, but God did. Every time I drink my morning coffee from that cup, I’m reminded that God is always my source of hope. Things will get better, but I need to be patient and not lose my hope in God.

That’s where our country is today. Our President wants to give us a cup of hope when he speaks to the nation. Where would we be if everyday he told us that nothing was going to get better and there is no medication on the horizon?

We would be a depressed, desperate people. Many have criticized the President for offering the American people hope, but that’s exactly what we need to hear.

For now, we hunker down and go through a difficult time, but hope is on the way and things will get better. President Trump said when he declared March 15, 2020 a day of prayer for the coronavirus that “No problem is too big for God!”

If you haven’t read the entire declaration, please read it now.

That’s faith! That’s hope! That’s the same faith and hope we must have today and everyday!

Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” Luke 18:27

We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 1:3


We have scientists in our family and I understand that scientists typically look at results of studies and statistics to project outcomes. When we watch the Coronavirus Task Force press conferences, there can be tension between the members telling us how things could get better and scientists cautioning that we don’t have all the data to prove it.

But I don’t believe we’re seeing faith versus science. It’s faith having confidence in science and scientists appreciating that we have faith in them to find an answer, a solution, to our crisis. We praise God for the knowledge, wisdom, and gifts He’s given them. These scientists are working around the clock to find a cure to help those who have the virus and a vaccine to eradicate it completely.

It is with faith that we pray for the medical personnel and scientists. Faith that God will use these professionals in a mighty way. Without our prayers, their work might take years. But as President Trump said in the 3/21/2020 press conference, regarding the innovative use of medicine available now and being considered by scientists to combat the virus:

“It if works it will be a gift from heaven. A gift from God. Pray to God that it does work!”

So families, while we’re home together bonding, not roaming, let’s unite in prayer for all those in the medical field, researchers, the task force, and those who have Coronavirus or any illness.

Pray to our God who knows all, sees all, and loves all of us.

“Lord, help!” they cried in their trouble,
    and he rescued them from their distress.
Psalm 107:6 (NLT)

“He [God] sees the entire timeline of history at once and asks us to see it with the same certainty. He wants us to live with a sense of his timing.

When we reflect and represent the God who does not panic about anything, we prepare hearts to open to his ways and see from a different perspective. Being still in the presence of the Lord makes his presence much more known.” Chris Tiegreen

Be still before the Lord
    and wait patiently for him. Psalm 37:7

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deut. 31:6

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  1. Good morning message! Thank you for bolstering our faith and hope with your words.

  2. Thank you Janet!
    This IS a good opportunity! Good reminder and well said!

    • Janet Thompson says

      United under God we stand strong. No weapon formed against us can prosper. Divided we fall. Praying everyone remembers this godly wisdom.

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