What Would You Sacrifice for Your Beliefs?

You’ve probably read or heard about Shelly Luther, the Dallas hair salon owner arrested for opening her business before the state of Texas approved the opening of salons. The judge gave her the choice of apologizing for being “selfish” or going to jail. She refused to render an apology saying it wasn’t selfish to want to feed her family. She went to jail, not for opening her salon, but for contempt of court because the judge didn’t like her answer.

I’m not defending her opening the salon early, but what struck me in that story was her courage to not deny what she felt was right just to avoid a penalty. She was bravely willing to go to jail rather than bow down to this judge’s demands for her to go against her convictions.

As I heard this story unfold, I wondered how many Christians would take that kind of a sacrificial stand for their faith? Their beliefs? If a judge said deny Christ or go to jail, would there be any hesitation on our part?

We might think that would never happen in America, but I’m sure Shelly never thought she would face that crossroads either just for opening the doors of her business. A business that supported her family, paid the bills, and provided a livelihood to other stylists in her salon. They had waited as long as they could; it was time to get back to work. Yet, there she was standing before a judge telling her to gravel or the gavel goes down. And down it went.

Other business owners have had local governments suspend their business license for opening their doors. I’m not advocating breaking the law, but there really is no law, simply executive orders at the whim of what a local government official deems is their right to inflict on constituents. No one is governing these officials and they have no experience or expertise with this pandemic to back up their demands.

Last week, I wrote about how fast this shutdown of our rights has happened in our country in the name of “public health” based on “facts and science” that change every day and none of the governors or mayors actually ever provide specific data for their restrictions. Everything can be manipulated to serve anyone’s purpose or power grab.

Honestly, some restrictions are outrageous like the mayor of Los Angeles saying when people “have earned the right” to go back to the beach they must stay on wet sand, not dry sand! He has now said they can leave their home but must wear a mask at all times. They can’t gather in their backyard or go to someone else’s house. Where is any of this in the public health handbook for coronavirus?

But I digress. The real thought I want us to chew on is could this be a preview of what could happen to people of faith? Wait, it is happening! In some states, pastors are fined, and even jailed, for opening their churches safely!

What we’re learning during this unseen enemy is that in today’s culture, it takes sacrifice and courage to stand up for our faith and our rights, but this is nothing new. The message the Apostle Paul gave to the church at Corinth is still a source of encouragement for Christians to be brave today: “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong” (1 Cor. 16:13).

And Paul should know. He was routinely arrested, sent to prison, flogged, ridiculed, and eventually killed for his faith, but he never backed down from sharing the truth of the gospel. I don’t know if Shelly Luther is a believer, but like her, Paul would not bow down to any magistrate who wanted him to denounce his convictions and he would not deny his faith to avoid prison, or worse.

Women of Faith in the Bible Give Us Courage

A group of what the Bible calls “prominent women” or “leading women” who were God-fearing Greeks in Thessalonica and Berea heard Paul’s message about Jesus, became believers, and joined his ministry. In both cities, the Jews listening to Paul became jealous that he was drawing a crowd, and they formed a mob to go after him and his ministry companion Silas. Knowing violent agitators and bullies were following Paul everywhere he went, what must these courageous women have feared might happen to them?

We’re not sure if prominent refers to their status as the wife of well-known important men, or if they indeed were leaders of influence themselves, or simply wealthy women—or all of the above. Publicly believing the gospel and joining Paul’s evangelistic ministry could easily jeopardize their marriages, their standing in society, and their businesses. No matter what the personal cost to worldly fame, fortune, and security, they were all in for Christ.

They were brave believers and played an important role in helping Paul start the early church and share the gospel. Imagine the trials, struggles, and sacrifices of these women as they watched Paul endure persecution while they served beside him amid hostility and danger. They knew that the authorities in the government and temple didn’t readily receive the message of Jesus.

Conspicuous believers were risking their lives. After all, they crucified their Messiah. What would happen to them? It seems they didn’t care. As believers, they were willing to take that risk.

Jesus had brave women willing to risk their lives for him too! Many courageous women disciples like Joanna, Susanna, Mary Magdalene, and others, also went against the cultural norm to loyally support Jesus’s ministry, even as it became more and more controversial and his life was in eminent danger.

We can learn from these strong women of faith following Paul and Jesus to see how to carry on their courageous legacy in a culture today that often isn’t receptive to the gospel of Christ. We can look to these women as prime examples of faith and devotion to Christ and emulate them in our own lives as believing disciples, regardless of daunting circumstances and possible sacrifices.

When I wrote Everyday Brave: Living Courageously As A Woman of Faith, where I explore these biblical women who supported Paul and Jesus along with fifty other brave women, I had no idea how soon after its release last September that we would all be putting our brave on for our families, ourselves, and our faith. The premise of Everyday Brave is that the women of the Bible have a message about bravery for the women of today.

When the coronavirus is over, and it will be someday, we will each have our own brave story. Maybe it was tackling homeschooling or figuring how best to protect our families. For all of us, it’s how to provide financially and provisionally when it seems like the world shut down. But God never shut down or abandoned us and He knows exactly what we need to make it through this difficult season emotionally, physically, spiritually, and mentally.

We just need to stay strong in our convictions, our beliefs, and our faith that in all things God will work this out for good for those who love him. “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them (Romans 8:28 NLT).

God knows the number of our days. We don’t live foolishly or recklessly, but we do live out our faith with a peace that passes understanding.

For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs. Zephaniah 3:17 NLT

In our current culture, it’s no longer cushy and easy being a Jesus-follower or loyally defending Jesus. Standing firm in our faith takes grit, determination, and fierce loyalty. When society tries to dissuade and discourage us from remaining true to Jesus, we must stand firm with bravery and courage, even if it means standing “alone”—God is always with us cheering us on.

I don’t think believers will go to jail in our country for our beliefs today, but there is coming a time during the tribulation when even worse will happen to those who profess Christ as their Savior. My personal belief is that God will rapture all Christians before the tribulation, but everyone left behind will suffer greatly if they don’t deny Christ.

Let this plague, which is minor in light of the tribulation, be a wake up call to share the gospel with everyone you love because Jesus is coming and it could be soon!

 “I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close. You have little strength, yet you obeyed my word and did not deny me.” Revelation 3:8 NLT

PS For more on endtime prophesy, I highly recommend Dr. David Jeremiah’s book The Signs. Our small group has been studying this book since last fall and what a timely study it has been for such a time as this.

If you missed last week’s blog How Is Home Depot More “Essential” Than God’s Home?

Everyday Brave: Living Courageously As A Woman of Faith is available signed at my website or on Amazon. I pray it encourages you that we all are braver than we know!

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