Every Life Matters to God!

I am appalled at the latest trend to make it politically and socially offensive to say that all lives matter. I’m even more appalled at how many Christians and pastors have taken up the Black Lives Matter movement mantra, even apologizing for the color of their own skin. That doesn’t help anything. It only exacerbates the division in God’s creation and says that God made a mistake when He chose to make us black, white, brown, yellow or whatever the color of our skin.

I want to preface this article with a point I made in last week’s blog I Only Bend My Knee to Jesus Christ and No Other! My family is diverse in skin color but unified in love. That’s how God wants us all to live in His universal family.

God hates all forms of racism. He cares about every human being because He made everyone in His own image, regardless of race, nationality, political persuasion, or birth status.

It is not racism to accept the way God made you; it is racism to think your skin color makes you more deserving than other skin colors.

All lives matter to God. Any pastor or Christian who renounces that statement is deceived, doesn’t understand the nature of God, or is bending to the liberal progressive social woke agenda that wants to revise and remake Christianity in their own image.

Like these comments by Southern Baptist President J.D. Greear:

“Southern Baptists, we need to say it clearly as a gospel issue: Black lives matter,” Greear said. “Of course black lives matter. Our black brothers and sisters are made in the image of God. Black lives matter because Jesus died for them.”

“And, oh by the way, let’s not respond by saying ‘all lives matter,'” Greear said.

I want to say clearly to Greear: The “gospel issue” is that all lives matter because Jesus died for everyone!

The church must not become so politically correct that they only say what the liberal mob tells them to say but not what God’s Word says.

Many churches and Christians are attempting to be worldly woke and not godly wise.

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight. 1 Corinthians 3:19 NLT

God Cares About Everyone!

God loves and mourns all the black, brown, and white babies aborted every second. Their lives matter to God and should matter to all who turn a blind eye to their demise. Precious babies are killed before they have a chance to protest their treatment.

Statistics show that more black babies are aborted than are allowed to live! This breaks God’s heart and it should ours too! In 2016, black pastor Mark Burns in an interview bemoaned the fact that “abortion clinics” are “positioned strategically within urban communities” resulting in the abortion of “14 to 15 million black babies.”

Burns additionally explained that “you cannot declare ‘Black lives matter’ when black baby lives don’t matter.”

I would add that you can’t declare black lives matter when blacks are killing each other in Chicago and killing black policemen and there is no outrage! Why not?

Every police officer’s and first responder’s life matters to God!

Every military man and woman’s life matters to God!

Every civilian’s life matters to God!

Every child’s life matters to God!

Every elderly person’s life matters to God!

Even every criminal’s life matters to God because He wants to see all of us in heaven someday with Him.

You can’t name a person God doesn’t care about.

Any follower of Christ who doesn’t believe that God wants the best and cares about everyone, needs to read the Gospels and Epistles in the New Testament.

God confirms to me that I’m on track with the topic of my blog when I see other Christians with a similar message. I encourage you to follow Mario Murillo Ministries. Several days ago, Mario, who is Costa Rican, wrote an article “Christians Repenting for Being White.” Here are a few quotes but follow the link to read the entire article.

Something strange is in the neighborhood: Christians and preachers who have yet to repent before God for a. grieving the Holy Spirit; b. for preaching an artificial Gospel; or c. for their silence on abortion and sexual sin are, instead, repenting for being white.

Shame on these Christians who won’t pray right or repent correctly. What an offense to a heart-broken God Who is trying to save our nation, that you would engage in Pharisaical grandstanding, just to look ‘woke’ in the eyes of those we should never try to impress.

The only force that is able to save America is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The only love that can stop the crushing cycle of oppression and hatred is the love of God. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, now that you realize your need for repenting…for God’s sake, don’t repent for being white, repent for sinning against the Lord.

Repentance and Forgiveness

The only answer to the turbulence in our world is Jesus!

Sin is the root of racism, hatred, and lawlessness and that’s the “mantra” Christians should shout above all the noise. We have the answer. We know the cure!

Fairness and equal rights will never happen without a God-centered worldview. You can’t legislate or demand love of truth, equality, and righteousness.

Only God changes a hardened heart from hatred to hope.

Everyone has sin or omission to repent of, ask forgiveness from, and then choose to do better in the future. That’s what Christianity is all about. Admitting our faults and failures, repenting, and vowing to do better now and in the future.

We can’t change the past or a past that we weren’t responsible for, but we can show the love of Christ to everyone God puts in our path. You can only apologize and repent for what you’ve done personally. If there’s racism in your heart, ask God to remove it. If you’ve shown racism to someone, go to them and ask for forgiveness, but you can’t ask for forgiveness for someone else’s sin. Likewise, someone can’t forgive you for something someone else did.

Hanging on to anger and bitterness causes torment and turmoil but never solves the root problem.

What troubles me the most is that the church has been silent during the recent protests and riots. The early days of abolition started in the churches with blacks and whites working together. In the past, we would’ve seen groups of Christians and pastors on the streets not protesting but sharing the gospel, praying with those who are hurting, spreading the love of Jesus to counter the hate and destruction.

Since churches weren’t able to meet during the pandemic lockdowns, is it possible that God wants the churches to get out of their buildings and hit the streets?!

No one is worried about community spread it seems during the protests so churches can be missionaries among the masses. Mentoring, counseling, praying. Maybe they are and we don’t see them, but what a difference it will make if Christians are praying with protesters not chanting woke slogans. Again, it might be happening and if you know about it or participated personally, please let us know.

If you’re looking for affirmation and everyone to like you because of your choice of having a Jesus-eternal vision and not a world-cultural vision, you’re not going to find it. Even Murillo prefaced his article “Let me bid a fond farewell to some of you who will read this. Because after some of you read this, you will not read anything I write, again.”

If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. John 15:19

John 17:6 reminds us “‘I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word,’” Jesus was praying for His disciples.

We are His disciples today. God pulled us out of our worldly ways and gave us a new life in Christ and that’s the message of reconciliation He wants us to share with the world.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 2 Cor. 5:17-19

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 NLT

More Thoughts

I want to add some words about Black Lives Matter. It’s a radical movement and organization. I encourage you to go to their website and see if you agree with their purpose and tactics. There are many other ways to affirm our black brothers and sisters without becoming part of a liberal activist, and often violent, “global” movement seeking division and power, not unity and peace. They’re worldly focused not God-centered and that’s always doomed to failure.

We can’t let Satan outwit and take advantage of us by using the manipulation tool of emotions to create a political strategy for power. Run everything by God and Scripture before you get involved.

I also want to share with you a blog from Natasha Crane, 5 Ways Christians are Getting Swept into a Secular Worldview in This Cultural Moment. I’m only going to quote a small part here, but I encourage you to read the entire article.

“Christians, we need to open our eyes to a very important fact: research shows that those committed to a biblical worldview are now a minority. This means that if everyone around you is jumping on a bandwagon of some kind, there’s a really good chance it’s not a bandwagon rooted in values consistent with a biblical worldview.

Maybe that’s not the case in a given situation, but you won’t know unless you take the time to thoughtfully evaluate what’s going on and determine if this is a bandwagon a Christian should be on. If you don’t, you may unintentionally be espousing the values of a worldview in significant conflict with your own.

“How do we do a better job of being mindful of this?

“Carefully read statements of belief on the sites of organizations you support and promote. For example, before you champion the organization Black Lives Matter, be sure to read the statement of beliefs on their site (these reach far wider than a statement of black equality—their support for abortion, desire to “disrupt” the traditional family structure, and call to erase all gender lines are just a few of many concerns here).

“Before you donate, look at public financial statements to see where funds are being used. An organization’s statement of belief might be broad enough to not raise a red flag, but where the money goes speaks volumes.

“Don’t use hashtags until you understand where they originated, what they represent to the people who created them, and what they (likely) communicate to those around you.”

Continued . . .

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  1. Rosemary Land Lester says

    Excellent article which is full of God’s Truth! Thank you, and I look forward to sharing this email.

  2. Janet Thompson says

    Thank you for the encouragement Rosemary and for sharing. God’s truth is always the only answer to all sin issues!

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