It Always Was About Jesus! He is the Real Target . . .

“Look at China, Russia, Venezuela. First they topple statues, then they start killing people, and then they take away your rights.” David Marcus, The Federalist

I’ve never been convinced that the George Floyd murder was about racism. It was the heinous act of a demented depraved policeman. But because he was white and the victim was black, the race card was played and suddenly people were forced to take sides even though everyone agreed it was an egregious act.

It should have unified all Americans that justice needed to prevail.

But that’s not what happened. People with an agenda saw it as an opportunity to unearth racial tension as if we had never made any progress in 400 years. What started out as “peaceful protests,” even in the midst of a pandemic, turned into destructive rioting and violent mobs that didn’t care if they were hurting blacks or whites or even those on their side, they just wanted to create havoc and panic.

And so they did as Democrat governors and mayors ignored protecting their defenseless constituents. In many cases, the police, who could have stopped the chaos, were told to stand down, as the protesters then turned on them.

There seems to be no limits to what the rioters can do or demands they can make because after all it’s all about “racism.”

I’m not minimizing the need for improvement in race relations but the lawlessness we’re watching in the streets of liberal “blue” states is political not relational.

God Is Not One Dimensional!

Caucasians, who God created with white skin, are shamed and manipulated into renouncing their presumed “white privilege” as if admitting that God liked them better than his darker skinned creations. Heresy!

God made us all different colors by His design. Since we’re all made in His image, Jesus appears to each of us in our own skin color.

Just like at Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon those gathered there from every nation, they each heard Peter and the believers sharing the gospel in their own language:

At that time there were devout Jews from every nation living in Jerusalem. When they heard the loud noise, everyone came running, and they were bewildered to hear their own languages being spoken by the believers . . . “And we all hear these people speaking in our own languages about the wonderful things God has done!” 12 They stood there amazed and perplexed. “What can this mean?” they asked each other. Acts 2:5-6, 11-12

In his article America’s Jews and Christians Are Failing the Test of Their Lives, Dennis Prager wrote:

“Isn’t it fundamental to all Bible-based religions that we are all created in God’s image, that God has no race and that Adam and Eve, from whom we all descend, had no race? If you are a Christian, do you see Christians of other races first as fellow Christians or first as members of their race? If you are a Jew, do you see Jews of other races as anything other than fellow Jews? Does God?”

Only Satan Can Pit God’s Creation Against Itself!

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8

Satan’s Strategy to Devour and Destroy America

  1. Use a pandemic plague to close businesses and churches and force people to stay home.
  2. Use a horrific murder by a police officer to create racial chaos.
  3. Perpetuate a falsehood that all whites are racist.
  4. Introduce sham terms like “systemic racism” and “white privilege.”
  5. Generate hate against the police and remove their capability to protect communities.
  6. Call for defunding and disbanding the police and give the preposterous idea momentum.
  7. Make government officials apathetic toward looting, burning, defacing, mob violence.
  8. Guilt Caucasians into apologizing that God made them white.
  9. Encourage whites to bow down to Black Lives Matter militia.
  10. Create a fake repentance theology of whites washing the feet of blacks or shining their shoes.
  11. Continue to keep churches closed or require prohibitive restrictions while thousands of protestors and rioters have no restrictions and passengers pack into planes.
  12. Keep pastors and “the church” silent or denounced, even arrested, if they claim religious freedom and the right to meet.
  13. Tear down all replicas of American heritage and history, good or bad, while horrified Americans helplessly watch or misguided and deceived Americans applaud.
  14. Create disunity and fear among all Americans politically, racially, spiritually, physically, and emotionally.
  15. Reveal Satan’s real motive: Go after Jesus and the church, which often still isn’t meeting and pastors are still staying silent.

Jesus Has Always Been the Target

Destroying Jesus is Satan’s ultimate goal and everything in between was just carnage to distract.

Satan knows that the only answer to division and strife is Jesus and His church!

Government can’t legislate or force racial tolerance. It has to be a heart change and only Jesus can change a heart!

I’ll give you a new heart, put a new spirit in you. I’ll remove the stone heart from your body and replace it with a heart that’s God-willed, not self-willed. I’ll put my Spirit in you and make it possible for you to do what I tell you and live by my commands. Ezekiel 36:26-27 The Message

A person with a changed heart seeks praise from God, not from people. Rom 2:29 NLT

That’s why Satan’s ultimate target is Jesus!

If we’re too busy fighting each other over racism, defunding and disarming the police, taking down the President, rebuilding everything torn down by rioters . . . maybe we won’t notice that Satan is trying to wipe out Christ’s heritage . . . the church.

Christian and conservative content, videos, and Scriptures are already being censored on social media and YouTube.

Now Satan will Start taking down statues, pictures, replicas, or stained glass windows with “white Jesus” and defacing churches.

Next Satan will go after the cross and anything resembling the cross. He’s tried this before but hasn’t completely succeeded.

Then he’ll get the Bible censored as hate speech. There will be burning of Bibles and a law against preaching the Bible or carrying your Bible outside of your home. Maybe it will be illegal even to have a Bible.

Christians will ultimately receive the final blow because if we’re silenced, no one will hear the truth about eternal life with Jesus versus eternal hell with Satan.

Do you think these things could never happen in America? Well look at what’s already happened in the first six months of 2020 that you never could have imagined.

  • A President impeachment attempt over a diplomatic phone call.
  • Citizens mandated to not leave home. Wear a mask. Not allowed to go to a park, play tennis, or go to the beach. Schools closed. “Social distance.”
  • Small businesses closed and owners harassed, lost business licenses, fined, or jailed if they opened.
  • Hoarding of TP.
  • Not allowed to go to church and fined or jailed if you tried.
  • National monuments defaced and torn down with no one stopping the vandalism.
  • Liberal radicals take over the center of a major Capitol city with the mayor’s and governor’s help.

How will Satan achieve all of this?

By the deception of people who do not know Jesus and maybe some who do but are deceived by lies instead of trusting the truth they once knew and believed.

Satan uses people to do his work on earth.

I’ve said many times what the Bible teaches: there are only two forces at work in this world, Satan and God. If you’re not following God, by default you’re following Satan. There is no in between.

Rise Up Church!

“The most patriotic thing you can do is give your life to Jesus!” Said by Billy Graham years ago and it never changes.

The next most patriotic thing you can do is to help others know the difference between Jesus or Satan guiding a life. Share with them that . . .

  • Jesus saves. Satan destroys.
  • Jesus loves. Satan hates.
  • Jesus unifies. Satan divides.
  • Jesus heals. Satan defiles.
  • Jesus is peace. Satan is discord.
  • Jesus is courage. Satan is cowardice.
  • Jesus is truth. Satan is a liar.
  • Jesus reveals. Satan deceives.
  • Jesus is hope. Satan is despair.
  • Jesus is light. Satan is darkness.

Can you think of more?

When you see what’s happening in the world today or listen to the news, consider it through the grid of Jesus or Satan.

I’ve learned not to let what I see happening today shock me because it’s so clearly Satan’s tactics and schemes. But we have the antidote: Time is short. Death is sure. Sin is the cause. Jesus is the cure!

I love the song, The Same Power by Jeremy Camp because it reminds us that we have the same power in us that rose Jesus from the grave! “We will not be overtaken, we will not be overcome!”

Scripture tells us we have the power to pray against demons so let’s pray against demonic behavior that wants to rob and steal our country of the peace and harmony of Jesus.

We’re on the winning side but we still need to fight the spiritual battles to achieve victory.

Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned. 17 These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. Mark 16:16-17

I want to close with a word of encouragement.

I’m blessed to see that finally the threat to the church is bringing out bold and brave pastors and churches. I hope you’ll take the time to read this post, listen to the pastor, and then pray God multiplies this ministry with pastors of all races and all denominations across the United States: Pastors Vow to Defend Houses of Worship, Not Allow Christian Heritage to be Erased.

So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Deut. 31:6 NLT

We cannot be afraid. Pick up your sword of the Spirit and pray like you’ve never prayed before. Your life and the life of the ones you love could very well depend on it.

Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. Eph. 6:17-18 NLT

Note: In my AHW Ministries June Newsletter, I share about the positive difference a mentor made in the life of Senator Tim Scott, the only black Republican Senator at this time.

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  1. Truth! My dear friend, you’ve spoken truth. Now it’s up to the hearer…we’ve given them truth to ponder. Truth that will soon clash with the lie in their own neighborhood, church, and home. I pray each reader listens, hears, and pledges allegiance to Jesus!

    • Janet Thompson says

      I said to my hubby this morning that I wonder if I’m just writing to the choir but God will send our words where they need to be heard. Your experience at church yesterday confirmed the way the lost are being used to target Jesus-followers and the church. We must stand strong and be prepared with our armor of God cinched tight.

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