Don’t Let COVID Divide the Church! We’re On the Same Team!

It bothers me, and I hope it bothers you too, to see how easily Satan has used the COVID pandemic to divide Christians.

Church members used to have differing opinions on worship style music: Contemporary or hymns? Pews or chairs? Young or mature pastor? Multiple services or one? Carpet or wood floors?

They might also differ on theological issues like Pre, Post, or Mid Tribulation.

Sadly, sometimes those disagreements did divide the church!

Today, if you go on social media the topics disputed range from: open the church or stay closed? Meet outside or inside? Sing or don’t sing?

Wear masks or don’t wear masks? Social distance or be social? Back to school or keep kids home?

Then there’s the recent dividing issue of racism, which I talked about in last week’s blog America’s Problem is Systemic Secularism NOT Systemic Racism!

You would hardly know sometimes that it’s Christians communicating as they sling opinions as assaults and attacks on each other. Anger seeps through every word. Conversations escalate to arguments. Verbal attacks and accusations fly through the comments on a Facebook post, twitter, an article, or in person.

Just today, I became entangled in one of these tirades about wearing masks. Everyone was wrestling to have their voice heard and actually denounce any dissenting viewpoints. No grace or acknowledgement that others might disagree.

Suddenly, the Holy Spirit spiritually scolded me that this exchange was such a waste of time and energy. Often we’re trying to convince a stranger, as if they’re suddenly going to see our point of view. They’re not!

My last comment seemed to close the conversation for a little while. In an attempt to bring everyone to a realization of what we all need to think about. Here’s what I wrote:

I think if Christians spent as much time and energy sharing the Gospel as they do arguing over masks, we could see a huge revival and maybe even the rapture where for sure we won’t need masks or gloves. BTW I wonder why no one is talking about plastic gloves anymore? Anyway, I have a blog to write and bet you have better things to do today too.

I thought that was the end of the discussion until it turned to gloves. I was scolded that plastic gloves were never recommended for coronavirus protection. And off everyone went about gloves!

Sometimes, we need the righteous right hand of the Lord to give us one of those wake-up jolts to bring us out of the stupor we’ve succumbed to by arguing over issues where there really is no definitive answer or right way to think or do something. Or that we have no control over.

I meant what I wrote in the comment above. What if we put the same energy and effort into convincing people to give their life to Christ as we do trying to convince them to wear masks or stay home?

Why aren’t we as worried about other people’s spiritual death as we are about their physical death? Or is it really just about us?

I like Lou Holtz’s thinking, “I don’t want to stop living for fear of dying.”

Do We Want to Identify with The Mob or The Lord?

We’ve seen in this woke culture that if anyone disagrees with the mob, they use intimidation, horrible name-calling, ruining reputations, shouting down opposition, or even violence.

The mob is not the group we want to imitate.

If ever Christians needed to be counter-culture, it’s now!

There’s little in today’s culture we want to reflect in our own lives. But as we listen to all the arguing and dissent in the news today and on social media, it’s so easy to let some of it seep into our mind and yes our heart and conversation.

There are definitely two sides to society: a worldly culture that wants to eliminate God and His teachings and a godly culture that wants to share Jesus and the gospel with the world.

My belief is that while some might try to have a little of both cultures in their life, in a truly Christ-centered life, there isn’t space for any of the world’s ways.

Not easy. It takes so much prayer, discipline, and time in God’s Word to be able to differentiate God’s wisdom from Satan’s manipulation.

We must pray about everything we “hear” and ask God to help us discern if it’s truth or lies.

God is good. He will direct you.

As I learn your righteous regulations, I will thank you by living as I should! Psalm 119:7 NLT

Don’t just repeat everything the culture is telling you right now. What is God telling you? Most times, it will be the exact opposite of a term or opinion you hear repeatedly.

Don’t accept anything as truth just because someone on the news or Facebook or even an “expert” said it like it was believable.

We’re living in a culture like the time of Judges where everyone did what was right in his own eyes. “All the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes.” Judges 21:25 NLT

The only eyes we should focus on are God’s eyes, which roam the world looking for those who will follow Him exclusively. “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” 2 Chr. 16:9

I want to be one of those people that catches God’s eye and I know you do too.

With the closing of many churches today, Satan has the perfect circumstance to not only keep the church silent, but to also let differences fester. We all know that sitting home and watching a sermon online fills the void of hearing a message but does not replace the gathering together of God’s people to encourage each other and lift each other up, especially now.

24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrew 10:24-25

We need to find ways to uplift and encourage each other through our conversation and interaction. Disagree without being disagreeable or disrespectful.

As God’s people, we unite for one purpose, to grow in our faith so we can share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

We don’t know when the Lord will return, but it could be soon or He could tarry to give more time for people to repent. Let’s use our time wisely to be kind to each other and focus on what really matters, saving the lost and encouraging our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Christ died for us so that, whether we are dead or alive when he returns, we can live with him forever. So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. 1 Thess. 5:11-12

I appeal to you, dear brothers and sisters, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church. Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and purpose. 1 Cor. 1:10 NLT

Side note: I want to make clear that by uniting as the church, I mean the Bible-believing church. Sadly, many Christians and churches today have joined the progressive liberal culture to change the meaning of the Bible to adapt to culture instead of culture adapting to the Bible.

Pastor Shane Idleman has an excellent article I would encourage you to read about Christians who have adapted to the culture.

Also, one of the best factual commentaries on the Black Lives Matter movement is from Mike Huckabee’s opening monologue on his show July 18, 2020. It’s not very long, I hope you’ll listen. At first, it will say an error occurred please try again later, but just wait a few minutes and it will start. I’ve noticed that a lot lately on YouTube.

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  1. Dear Janet, I usually leave the same comment, but you REALLY did hit this nail on the head. What a focused and very needed post. I find myself easily disagreeing with Christian brothers and sisters about non-essential things. I am praying to have more grace with those who are fearful in today’s atmosphere. FEAR is huge among many and even many Christians. This leads to many discussions that end up in arguments. ALmost all fear is centered around the fear of dying. We must have grace for those who don’t know Christ and are afraid of dying without a savior. May God give us the grace to pray for them and avoid getting caught in the trap of disagreements.

    • Janet Thompson says

      So well said Penny! The media and liberals are playing to fear mongering and it’s so important that as Christians we remember to exude faith that surpasses fear, grace that replaces condemnation , especially to each other.

  2. You two ladies are so right. I’ve never seen a time in my lifetime when fear seems to lurk in the midst of everything…even in the hearts of many believers. And Janet, this post certainly certified what God has been speaking to my heart about…pointless opinions and wasted time. Satan has shifted into overdrive because he knows his time is short and we are allowing ourselves to be caught and tossed into his chaotic scheme.

    Penny you spoke truth, “We must have grace…” I shudder to think how often my mind and heart have been occupied with unimportant things and I’ve missed the opportunity of speaking about the love and mercy of Jesus because I was preoccupied or irritated.

    • Janet Thompson says

      DiAne we’ve all “been there” and I’m sure that’s why God put on my heart to remind us what’s really worth our time and emotions.


  1. […] If you didn’t read last week’s blog, I share thoughts on Don’t Let COVID Divide the Church! We’re On the Same Team! […]

  2. […] has introduced a sundry of issues for “friends” to disagree over. I wrote a blog recently Don’t Let COVID Divide the Church! We’re On the Same Team. In this article, I also discuss the reasons not to waste your time getting entangled in social […]

  3. […] Don’t Let COVID Divide The Church! We’re On the Same Team! […]

  4. […] church. I wrote a few weeks ago about Don’t Let Vaccines Divide the Church, and then last year, Don’t Let Covid Divide the Church: We’re on the Same Team! But because Covid has been politicized, the country and the church are divided often along […]

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