What Color Do You See?

Recently, I’ve been going to a new hairstylist, and like we girls do, I took a picture that I thought depicted well the color highlights I was trying to achieve. But each time I had my hair done, the color turned out different from what I was expecting.

Last week, as the stylist and I put our heads together over her color chart, I noticed she was looking on one side of the chart and I was focused on the opposite side. Finally, a little frustrated I’m sure, she asked me a key question about the picture I had brought her to follow: “What color do you see?”

We had to laugh when we realized she was seeing rust tones and I was seeing reddish tones! How could that happen you ask when we were both looking at the same picture?!

It was such an “Ah ha” moment for me.

Isn’t that how we look at so many issues in our world? In our marriages. In our faith. In politics.

We can’t imagine how anyone could see something so differently from what seems crystal clear and apparent to us. But all you have to do is glance at social media or engage in a political or spiritual conversation to see that we’re often coming from completely different viewpoints on the same subject that looks so obvious from our point of view.

Seeing Black and White, Or Grey

Like many of you, I watched a good portion of the Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court Justice hearing last week. What a perfect example of how political parties differ on beliefs and how they present their differences.

Judge Barrett listened to presentations and questioning from Democrat and Republican Senators. The Dems tried to get her to change/admit what they thought was her position on specific issues and Republicans endorsed what each side assumed she would rule.

Judge Barrett gracefully and wisely never gave either side a hint of how she would vote. If confirmed, when presented with a case as a Justice, she would base her final decision on interpreting and applying the law according to the Constitution. One side was frustrated with her answers and the other side was elated.

Judge Barrett has black and white guidelines to base how she judges a case: the law and the Constitution. She said many times that she would make a decision using those benchmarks even if it went against her personal beliefs. No grey areas.

She would not rule as an advocate or activist but as a judge!

It shouldn’t matter if the left or the right nominated her because she wouldn’t be influenced by political, personal, or sociological persuasion.

That will be unique and refreshing because it seems few judges can make that distinction today. I’m convinced Justice Barrett will!

What Colors Your Faith?

Biblical laws and beliefs are not popular today, but they’re the foundation of our Christian faith and God expects us to follow them even when our faith comes under pressure. Even when it’s hard. Even when the majority does not agree with us.

Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way. James 1:2-4 The Message

It’s not easy today to go against the culture and sadly we see prominent people of faith moving to the dark side. We wonder how they could go from the brilliant light of Jesus into the world’s evil darkness, especially when we’re all reading the same Bible and praying to the same God.

How could they support the barbaric tortuous murder of unborn children?

How could they dismiss the Bible’s definition of marriage between a man and a woman?

How could they endorse the mutilation and child abuse of gender change in young children?

The Bible has the answer–

They left us, but they were never really with us. If they had been, they would have stuck it out with us, loyal to the end. In leaving, they showed their true colors, showed they never did belong. 1 John 2:19 The Message

We cry out . . .

God, put an end to evil; avenging God, show your colors! Judge of the earth, take your stand; throw the book at the arrogant. God, the wicked get away with murder—how long will you let this go on? They brag and boast and crow about their crimes! Ps. 94:1-4 The Message

Christians have God’s law and His Word to guide us in our actions, choices, and decisions. There is no grey area. “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” Is. 5:20

What Colors Your Vote?

We see states labeled with Liberal Blue or Conservative Red and yet there are both types of people living in those states. My birth state of California is liberal blue, but I have many conservative friends and family living there and many who are leaving. It’s hard to live under a tyrannical rule that pushes agendas contrary to your beliefs.

As a conservative, I admit I’m happy to be living in a “red” state, but I know there are liberals on the ballot who would like nothing better than to turn our state blue! And there are liberals who will vote for them.


I don’t know.

What do they see in socialism that attracts them? I’m truly curious, but when I ask that question, I never get an answer. I’m usually bombarded with all the things they don’t like about President Trump personally, ignoring everything he’s achieved for our country. Nothing about what they like in the Democrat agenda, which would become the law of the land if they were to win in the election.

Sadly, many people’s vote will be colored by their emotions and not wisdom.

Regardless of who we’re voting for, I believe we should base our vote primarily on platforms and polices, not personality.

Many people today are putting personality first. A treacherous mistake.

Here’s a good article to read. Deroy Murdock: Trump vs. Biden—Voters in 2020 should think long and hard about policy, not personality!

Every few weeks, I can change a wrong hair color, but we can’t change a wrong voting decision for years.

What colors do you see for America?

Red or Blue

Red, White, and Blue!

Last week, I gave a link to Vote Your Faith. I want to add a few others as we move into the countdown to November 3 and maybe you’re voting early.

Decision Magazine free voter guide to download.

Million Voices 2020 Voter Guide

We’re not just voting for a President, Congressmen, Senators, and local government officials. As Pastor Jack Hibbs, who opened the doors of his large California church on May 31 says, we’re voting for a way of life . . .

…we’re voting for our freedom.

…we’re voting to save the unborn.

…we’re voting for our right to worship freely.

…we’re voting to protect our streets and secure our borders.

…we’re voting for the right to promote Godly values!

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