Christians Should NEVER Validate an Evil Political Platform!

I struggled with what to write about the day before an election that could change the trajectory of our nation. How we experience the American way of life. How we practice our Christian faith.

This is not an election about whether you like a candidate’s personality or communication style; it truly is a choice between good and evil.

Many will challenge that statement so let me explain.

Biden has been saying that he will unite the nation, but there is nothing in his platform that Bible-believing, Jesus-following Christians could unite with or validate.

The Bible is clear in The Message translation of 2 Corinthians 6:14-18.

Don’t become partners with those who reject God. How can you make a partnership out of right and wrong? That’s not partnership; that’s war. Is light best friends with dark? Does Christ go strolling with the Devil? Do trust and mistrust hold hands? Who would think of setting up pagan idols in God’s holy Temple? But that is exactly what we are, each of us a temple in whom God lives. God himself put it this way:

“I’ll live in them, move into them;
    I’ll be their God and they’ll be my people.
So leave the corruption and compromise;
    leave it for good,” says God

God could not be more adamant that His people don’t vote for a political party that champions evil and removes God from their platform!

He warned the Israelites when they went into the Promised Land not to partner with pagans, but they didn’t listen to Him and there’s been a battle between people who walk in the light and those on the dark side ever since.

They are corrupt and not his children;
    to their shame they are a warped and crooked generation.
Is this the way you repay the Lord,
    you foolish and unwise people?
Is he not your Father, your Creator,[a]
    who made you and formed you?
Deut. 32:5-6

Our country was founded on Judeo Christian values that both parties agreed to in the writing of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. God’s principles were central to those two documents that form the basis for our government and laws. At least they should!

But the Democrat party wants to remove God and His moral principles and values from the public square, from their convention platform, and in some cases even the Pledge of Allegiance. While incredulously Biden’s campaign slogan is “a battle for the soul of the nation!”

He’s got that part right, we are in a battle but it’s a spiritual battle and only God, not a godless political party, can put the soul back in America and possibly unite us again!

Here are just a few areas that this election highlights to Christians on how we should use our voting power to vote our values for the Presidency, the Senate, and the Congress, as well as local officials.

Christians can NEVER Unite with a Murder-Driven Platform that Denies the Sanctity of Life!

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. Ps. 139:13

The most profound moral division between the Democrat and Republican platforms is on abortion— the spilling of innocent blood in murdering, yes murdering, millions upon millions of precious babies created by God in their mother’s womb, who never had a chance at life.

Abortion is cherished by the Democrat Party in the name of arrogance, pride, and moral decay. They are in rebellion against God’s commands that sex is for the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. Proponents of abortion encourage sexual promiscuity without responsibility.

The opposite of pro-life is pro-choice of having sex without consequences.

The opposite of pro-life is pro-death when a life is not convenient.

Science, as well as God, tells us that sex results in possible conception of a child.

Democrats promote sex without consequences. Their solution is genocide that allows the ripping apart, poisoning, or burning in the womb of a viable child who feels pain. Even extending this barbaric torture up to and after delivery.

They expect every taxpayer to subsidize this horrific and savage practice of the shedding of innocent blood that has brought a curse upon America. How could it not? Abortion does have consequences.

Planned Parenthood is the primary baby murdering organization and they refuse to compromise with ways to reduce the number of abortions they preform because abortions are their primary business and source of revenue! Democrats will restore funding removed by the Trump Administration to Planned Parenthood, which is why PP is a huge financial donor to the Biden campaign with money made from the destruction of babies!

Biden, who professes himself a “faithful Catholic,” now endorses abortion in his platform. He will repeal the Hyde Amendment and continue to defeat born-alive protection bills! While he touts restoring the soul of America, He has sold his own soul to the evil partyline.

If you’re a Christian considering voting for the Democrats, knowing their stance on taking the life of a baby God created in His image, I challenge you to find justification for the sin of abortion in the Bible.

If you’ve had an abortion, voting for it won’t remove your guilt but Jesus is waiting for you to ask for forgiveness and repentance and He offers you grace and mercy, which brings the peace your heart desires.

Abortion: A Crime of Passion

Babies Lives Are Important, But . . .

Christians can Never Unite with “Gender Fluidity”!

“On his first day in office, Biden will reinstate the Obama-Biden guidance revoked by the Trump-Pence administration, which will restore transgender students’ access to sports, bathrooms and locker rooms in accordance with their gender identity. . . . Biden will ensure that LGBTQ+ individuals have full access to all appropriate health care treatments and resources. This includes covering care related to transitioning.”—Biden campaign website

The Democrats who contend we should always “follow the science,” reject the science of biology that God created every human male and female.

Christians can Never Unite with a Political Party that Restricts Religious Liberty!

Democrat run states have kept their churches closed and inflicted penalties and fines on churches allowing their congregants to worship together. President Trump has repeatedly said churches are essential and should open now.

Obama/Biden lit up the White House in gay pride colors and if the Democrats are in power, they could prevent pastors from preaching the sins listed in Acts chapter 1. They have already shown hostility to religious freedom in running your business according to your faith beliefs as in the cases of Christian florists, bakers, and photographers who choose to not serve at gay marriages. Under the Trump Administration, their faith rights have been protected but they were persecuted under Obama/Biden.

Biden promises to make the misleadingly named Equality Act a top priority in his first 100 days. This federal legislation makes sexual orientation and gender identity protected civil rights, with no protections for religious organizations or people of faith who hold orthodox beliefs on sexuality as taught by Judaism and Christianity. It would also gut the landmark Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The Equality Act treats churches, businesses, adoption agencies and medical professionals as discriminators if they operate based on their belief that humans are created male and female and sex is between a man and a woman.

Biden plans to reverse all of President Trump’s actions to protect religious freedom.

Christians can NEVER Unite with a Socialist/Communist/Marxist Agenda!

We’ve watched the Democrats, including Biden/Harris, stay silent while ANTIFA and BLM riot in the streets looting, burning, and destroying innocent business owner’s livelihoods! They don’t condemn what they refer to as “peaceful protests” while cities are destroyed.

They talk about the police being the enemy and reimagining the police, whatever that means.

The mainstream media supports the liberal agenda and feeds the people propaganda! Yes, just like in Communist countries. Often the networks all repeat the same identical mantra! That’s Communism!

Big Tech, which I wrote about in last week’s blog, censors conservatives while spreading liberal lies and talking points.

We see the “tyrant” governors and mayors in Democrat run states during Covid, but what would it look like if they were in charge of the entire country?! You might be able to leave California or New York now, but where would you go if the long arm of socialism and liberalism could reach you wherever you lived in this country?

We are one nation under God not under a liberal Socialist government!

The attack by socialism and communism on the status quo is a call to our consciences — those of us who consider ourselves Christians. This call warns us more strongly than any sermon that our task is to live in protest against everything that opposes God in this world. So poorly have we Christians filled this role that the question must be asked: Are we Christians at all? (Eberhard Arnold) The Intersection of the Gospel, Culture, and Politics

The Two Candidates

If I haven’t offended you too much and you’ve read this far, you may still have an argument about the character of the candidates so let me briefly discuss that too.

Biden is a corrupt politician. He had to back out of several previous attempts at the presidency because of his blatant lies, fantasized life stories, and plagiarism that were investigated by real journalists who exposed him.

He still tells the same lies and untruths, but as I said earlier, today’s propaganda media covers for him. For example, the recent discovery that he lied about having interaction with his son Hunter’s business dealings with foreign countries, and may have profited from them even while in office as VP, has only appeared on FOX and NEWSMAX. Silence on all the other networks.

The Democrats have vowed to increase the number of justices to pack the Supreme Court with liberal judges if they win the Senate and Presidency. A “liberal” Supreme Court removed prayer from the schools, made Roe v Wade the law of the land, and went against the vote of the people to legalize gay marriage.

President Trump has his character flaws, as has every past and future President. But it’s never mentioned that Trump has asked for forgiveness for his past discretions in his personal life. Christians should grant grace to a man who acknowledges his wrongs.

It’s amazing how many Christians want to continually go back to things he did and said years ago, ignoring the person he has become in the past four years and the good he’s done and the promises he’s fulfilled for our country, and Christians in particular. In his first term, he has put three conservative justices on the Supreme Court and hundreds of federal judges.

President Trump definitely has room to improve. Even his wife doesn’t agree with some of his tweets, but unlike corrupt politicians who just tell you what you want to hear, as his family attests, you always know what he’s thinking.

President Trump made his money before becoming president and walked away from a good life because as a patriot, he saw the downward slide of America. He doesn’t take a salary as President but donates it. Unlike Biden, who has become rich as a politician!

I believe God put it on Trump’s heart to leave the comfortable life he had and step into the lion’s den of Washington where he has been unmercifully spied on, plotted against, resisted, hated, lied about, and even impeached.

God is using this unlikely man to unveil the evil and corruption in our government and the underground world. I pray he has four more years because the work isn’t finished yet.

Many people think that Jesus came to Earth to unite the world, but He actually came as a divider to separate those who would follow Him and His ways at any cost from those who might follow Him in name only or those who chose a secular life. Divide, not unite, those who chose the world over His ways.

“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn

“‘a man against his father,
    a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
36     a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’[a]

37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Matt. 10:34-38

Sadly, many deceived “Christian” leaders have tried to meld Christianity’s truths with secular culture’s fallen mind-set and morals.

Christians are to infiltrate and influence the secular world but never let the world’s ways invade the church or their personal lives.

We don’t unite with evil, we fight evil.

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Is. 5:20

God does not compromise or condone evil and neither should we, His people.

If you’re a Christian voting for Biden/Harris, I would ask you to prayerfully consider why you would choose the Democrat’s evil policies and plans that will affect our country for future generations as they vow to eradicate generations that will never get to take their first breath.

If you know a Christian voting for the Democrat platform, please prayerfully send them this article.

When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan. Proverbs 29:2 ESV

A closing note from Pastor Bill Johnson a fifth-generation pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, California, author of Born for Significance, and speaker on revival and the Holy Spirit, who wrote an op-ed for The Christian Post on why he voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and will again in 2020. In it he says,

“For me it is worthy of note that I’ve never seen a president who loved prayer as much as Donald Trump — and that includes from those I voted for and those I didn’t, . . . His passion for godly counsel is also legendary. His historic actions for Israel should appeal to believers, as the biblical mandate to pray supportively for Jerusalem is a clear priority in scripture.”

If you haven’t voted already, please pray and let God lead you to vote your faith values for President, Senators, Congress, local candidates, and our country.

God Bless America!

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  1. […] I said in last week’s blog, Biden has been saying that he will unite the nation, but there is nothing in his platform that […]

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