Jesus Loves the Little Children Our Government is Exploiting

When we hear on the news about the “border crisis” and the surge of thousands crossing into our country from other countries, it can seem so distant from us, unless you live in a border state. Border security, something that should be of great concern for America’s safety, has become dangerously and erroneously politicized with the Biden Administration’s only focus on erasing everything that President Trump had accomplished, even when it hurts our country and its citizens.

On the nightly news, we see pictures of the caravans and lately we’ve seen the insanely crowded and unhealthy conditions of the overflowing detainment centers. Especially heartbreaking are the ones for children crammed into facilities not equipped for such large numbers.

We worry about how many of these illegals have COVID while we’re all forced to wear masks and parents are fighting to get their kids back into school. We wonder if we’re the only ones worried about all of this?!

How can the Biden Administration brush off this travesty and falsely call it humane as they continue to encourage people from all countries to flood our borders with the promise that migrant children will not be turned away at the border and will be placed in federal shelters. And once you’re here, America will take care of you!

But Biden conveniently leaves out, if they make it here alive! A sick and cruel incentive that Biden is enticing parents to send their children alone on a treacherous dangerous journey.

Again, it still seems distant and solely the source of news monologues and partisan arguments.

Until the twisted and evil reality could no longer be ignored as we watched the video clip of a frightened 10-year-old little boy in a hoodie with tears streaming down his face who had come all the way across the border from Nicaragua now wandering alone on a dirt road fearing for his life.

How could tears not pour down your face too and your heart not break imagining the terror of this child alone in a foreign country where he doesn’t speak the language. Lost and afraid of being robbed and kidnapped, he sobbed to the off-duty border patrol officer who happened to come upon him that no he wasn’t with his mommy or daddy and the group he was traveling with “left me behind, of course.”

But as the young unaccompanied migrant boy pleaded for help, he had been told the words to say, “turn myself in to you.”

His parents didn’t send him off to camp, they sent him on a harrowing journey with a migrant group who obviously weren’t looking out for him! He didn’t have a bottle of water or even a backpack and how many days had he been traveling before the group abandoned him?

I heard the WH Press Secretary refer to “loving parents” who were sending their children of all ages alone on these perilous journeys. Last week, we saw two sisters three and five dropped over a 14-foot wall by themselves. What are these parents thinking??? How many of these children never complete the journey or are traumatized for life?! How is this considered “loving”?

19,000 unaccompanied minors traveled across our southern border in March!! Parents of 19,000 children intentionally sent their children alone to our border with no guarantee they would make it safely! 18,890 in February! How many “John Does” never made it? How would those parents ever know what happened to their children?

Look at your own children and grandchildren . . . no matter how bad life gets, would you ever subject them to such an atrocity? Of course, not. You make it through somehow together at home. Or you travel with them.

Have you ever thought that your child was lost in a mall or at the park? Remember the terror that struck your heart. Were you ever lost as a child or separated from your parents? Or heard the cries and sobs of a young terrified child who lost sight of their parents!

It all seems unimaginable, like something from a sci-fi or horror movie and yet it is happening everyday at our southern border and our government is encouraging it! Biden in my mind has done horrible things since taking office, but that little boy’s tear-streaked face captures it all. Has Biden seen that video? Does it not break his heart? Did he watch those little girls dropped over the wall?

Biden and Harris are ignoring the tragedy of all these unattended migrant children while they continue to encourage parents to inhumanely sacrifice their children! What is wrong with them?

Evil is the only answer.

First, they encourage the murder of children in the womb and now they entice desperate parents to do the unspeakable act of sending their innocent children purposely into harm’s way . . .

God has a proclamation for this kind of shameless treatment of children:

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” Matt. 18:6

The Little Children and Jesus

People were also bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Luke 18:15-17

I think we can safely say that Jesus hates what He is watching happen to these little children He loves so much. Some are actually sold to cartels to be used over and over again to cross the border and many are brutalized and raped. Rep. Chip Roy told Todd Starnes he saw a 7-year-old little girl who traveled across Mexico by herself and crossed the border without any family.

Biden/Harris and the Democrat party using these children as pawns, as bate, are as guilty and demented as all the traffickers and cartels. They’re encouraging this and they know it! That’s why they don’t want reporters or politicians to take pictures. They don’t want the public to see the reality of what’s happening to these unaccompanied innocent children.

But now we have seen it and we can’t ignore it. [If you haven’t already seen the video of the abandoned little boy, please open the links I’ve provided.]

When you remove all the political rhetoric, people with platforms need to be brave enough to call out the Biden Administration on this in a way they can’t ignore. To play the video of that lost frightened little Nicaraguan boy pleading for help and put the onus on Biden. Not just the nebulous “administration” but Joe Biden! This is what you’ve caused Joe. This is what you could stop if you were an honorable man.

What Can We Do?

We can take it personally, just like that little Nicaraguan boy became personal to me. Contact your Congressmen and Senators and make it personal to them. Call it what it is, child abuse perpetuated by the current administration.

Pray for these children. It’s hard to imagine how afraid and traumatized they are right now. These children weren’t separated at the border from their parents, these children’s parents separated themselves from their children at home!

It’s unimaginable but it’s also endtimes specific.

21 “A brother will betray his brother to death, a father will betray his own child.” Matt. 10:21 NLT

To close on an encouraging note, my family and I went to see the new faith-based release, The Girl Who Believes in Miracles. I encourage you to go see it now! We were the only people in an afternoon matinee and I’m sure if more people don’t go watch it that it won’t be at the theaters for long. You’ll cry and laugh and hug your family. You’ll also be touched by the Holy Spirit speaking to you how He wants your faith to match this little girl’s faith.

 “You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.” Matthew 17:20 NLT

The opening picture of Jesus with the children is a mural available for purchase on their website.

The political cartoon is used with permission by the artist A.F.Branco.
You can see his daily conservative legal cartoons on or at A.F. Branco | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion.

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You might enjoy a new blog I wrote for Crosswalk, 4 Powerful Prayers for Forgiveness in the Bible.

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  1. Tammy Keene says

    Praying for you Janet (and Dave) as you boldly speak out against the current administration. Praying for protection for you and your family.

    May God continue to bless you and allow you to use your voice to speak Truth.

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