“We the People” Is NOT the Government

Like many of you, I forced myself to listen to Biden’s address to Congress because I wanted to know what his plans were for our country. An educated public is a prepared public so ignoring him is the worst thing we can do. It’s like putting our head under the covers and hoping for the best.

We the people need to take responsibility for our country and not think that if we ignore those in power because we don’t agree with them, that they’re just going to go away. They’re never going to stop pushing their Socialist agenda on America until we the people stand up unified and say “Enough!” We’re not gonna take it anymore!

As I listened to his speech, not totally focused, I suddenly became very focused as I heard him refer to his administration as “We the people.”

“It’s time we remembered that ‘We the people’ are the government,” Biden said while trying to convince listeners that we shouldn’t fear government intervention in our lives. We should willingly subjugate our freedoms to big government who would become our caretakers as well as our overseers. We would owe the government complete homage to their will and whim in return for them spending trillions of our dollars to control us, especially our families.

Here’s what the Constitution actually says about “We the people”:

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

The government is only established to serve we the people, not control we the people. They serve at our pleasure to preserve the freedoms of every citizen regardless of color, financial status, religious belief, political affiliation, profession, or location. We don’t become their minions from cradle to grave to tell us what we can do, think, say, eat, drive, believe or when we can go outside, go to school, work, recreate, worship or mandate we get vaccinated or cover our faces.

So why hasn’t there been more pushback from we the people to Biden’s erroneous statement? Why aren’t Conservatives and Republicans in Congress and government calling him out on such a preposterous position? Why isn’t every American on both sides of the aisle correcting him as to the meaning of “We the People?”

Lies, Lies, Lies!

Then there were his lies about what happened on January 6 at the Capitol with the preposterous claim that it was the worst thing America has encountered since the Civil War!!!

Say what?!

Thousands of people on both sides lost their lives in the Civil War as the battle raged on to free the slaves, which eventually happened after….

The Union and the Confederacy quickly raised volunteer and conscription armies that fought mostly in the South for four years. Intense combat left between 620,000 and 750,000 soldiers dead, along with an undetermined number of civilians. The Civil War remains the deadliest military conflict in American history, and accounted for more American military deaths than all other wars combined until the Vietnam War.

Has Biden completely lost his memory of 9/11 when Islamic terrorists attacked our country and over 3000 people lost their lives, not to mention all those who succumbed in the aftermath?!

He falsely said, “white supremacists” were the most dangerous terrorist threat in our country today, completely ignoring the terrorism and destruction of BLM, Antifa, and the Cartel. Glossing over China’s threat to the USA!

He falsely said, “people were killed” on January 6th. Only one person was killed that day. A Capitol police officer shot Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed, white, veteran, Trump supporter woman who had both hands visible. We’ve heard nothing about the police officer or his justification for murdering her. Why aren’t Conservatives and Republicans in government in an uproar and demanding an explanation and investigation into her death? All we hear are crickets.

Or what about those arrested that day who are still in prison with no bail four months later, while Antifa members are often released the next day or never arrested?!

Congress went back to work that very night on January 6! Hardly an insurrection. I’m not denying things got out of hand, and people went where they shouldn’t have in the Capitol, but the Democrats are treating it like Pearl Harbor!

Biden, with the help of liberals and Democrats, is lying over and over and people are buying into the false drama and fake stories the media promotes to take the focus off the real threat to our country, the current administration!

Why aren’t we the people demanding answers to these and so many more questions?

When we hear Democrats and liberals try to convince us that we’re a systemically racist country, why isn’t anyone pointing out that we had a black President for 8 years and we now have a “black” VP?

Why are we the people allowing them to inflict our country with reverse racism and condemn small children in school for being white?

Why aren’t more parents speaking out against “critical race theory” being taught in our schools and the insanity of having small children wearing masks? Some parents are, and I commend them for their bravery in fighting for the wellbeing of their children.

My Struggle with the Lord

This wasn’t really what I wanted to write about this week, but the Lord kept it resonating in my thoughts. We wrestled much like Jacob* did with the Lord until I surrendered. I’ve received many comments on my recent blogs telling me that I’m putting into words what many of you are thinking but my response is always the same: You have words too, please use them however the Lord leads. Have you been wrestling with Him too about being more involved in the destiny of our nation? Our children and grandchildren’s future? Reimagining One Nation Under God as I wrote about last week?

We the people will soon become Biden’s morbid forecast of “we the people are the government” if we don’t find ways to fight back and take a stand for the freedoms and democracy we cherish in America.

What about We the People Christians? Why are we staying silent? Why isn’t the church speaking out? Why are some churches still closed? Why are some pastors succumbing to the politically correct way of interpreting the Bible?

We’re a mighty force when we unite with one voice but we are weak and ineffective when we retreat to the sidelines as we watch our country being destroyed and do nothing.

We the people have our voice and our vote. We need to ask God how to use both wisely and bravely.                                                     

Oh, the joys of those who do not
    follow the advice of the wicked,
    or stand around with sinners,
    or join in with mockers.
But they delight in the law of the Lord,
    meditating on it day and night.
They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
    bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither,
    and they prosper in all they do. Psalm 1:1-4

PS: I’m so glad that Greg Kelly on NEWSMAX continues to report on the killing of Ashli Babbitt. He interviewed her husband on April 29. He continued the investigation on April 30 and he brings up her name almost every program. I pray he doesn’t give up until we have some answers.

*I also wrote a blog recently for Crosswalk 4 Lessons from Jacob’s Ladder to Encourage and Challenge You.

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  1. Thank you, Janet, for speaking the truth. We, The People, of this United States of America, must speak the truth and expose the deadly lies that come from the White House. Thank you for being brave, standing up for truth and encouraging others to do the same. This absurd rhetoric has to be exposed.

    • Janet Thompson says

      There’s no other option for us than to speak truth to the lies. I pray many others realize that soon. Not speaking the truth, staying silent, is the same as lying, a sin.

  2. Kathy Bob says

    Thank you Janet!
    Number one I applaud you for being able to listen to Biden’s speech. Unfortunately I didn’t have the stomach for it. Yes, We the People need to step up and stop what is happening in America and as it infects the entire world we live in. May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ show us the right path to take in this endeavor.

    Excellent blog, every line kept me totally engaged, wonderful written!

    • Janet Thompson says

      God shows every one of us how and where to speak the truth. We just each need to listen and obey.

  3. Helena Leffingwell says

    Yes. Thank you for this post. I have been very sad about our nation and how identify politics and “wokeness” have now crept into The Church under the disguise of “justice”.
    I have cried many a time to God about this.
    It is also very confusing since I feel the whole narrative of “social justice” is a false gospel but many well meaning and well known Pastors have jumped on it and are incorporating it in their sermons or material for “further reading”.
    I’m so encouraged when I read your blog.

    • Janet Thompson says

      It can be disheartening Helena, but if each of us confronts these lies when given the opportunity, think of how quickly this could all turn around. I know God is answering your cries to Him. He’ll show you where and how to make a difference in your corner of the world! Keep praying!

  4. Cynthia Hosking says

    Thank you Janet! You wrote the truth so clearly!

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