What Does It Say When the Leader of the Free World Won’t Say “God”?

President Regan used to describe the Soviet Union as a godless Communist State. What would he think today watching America become exactly that with an Administration that wants people to worship government, not God. Socialism and critical race theory have become their religion.

By now you’ve probably heard or read that on the National Day of Prayer’s 70th Anniversary, Biden spoke of social justice, global warming, and racial reckoning in his socialist speech, never mentioning the One and Only God to which we pray?! He was the first President in 70 years to omit the Holy name of God! What he didn’t say that day speaks volumes not only about him, but also about his entire Administration and the Democrat party.

They deliberately left out God, even though God is the recipient of our prayers. At the Democrat Convention in 2012, they voted to entirely remove God from any of their platforms so why should we be surprised they omitted Him on the National Day of Prayer?!

God is an entity they can’t control and they refuse to acknowledge that He is the Creator of our environment and mankind. They cannot harness God, censor God, cancel God, emulate God, or vote God out as Ruler of the Universe, so they try to ignore and dismiss Him, as if anyone ever could.

My question is why more people didn’t notice their godlessness not only at the time of that 2012 Convention, but also during this last presidential campaign when Biden was trying to woo Evangelicals. Why did so many Catholics, Christians, clergy, and Christian leaders support Biden? Was it just because they thought Trump was crude, but they didn’t care that Biden would represent a godless party? Did they overlook that Biden would claim to be a “faithful” Catholic while supporting and endorsing the murdering of millions of innocent souls in abortion?

Putting in a word for Trump right here, I often pointed out during his tenure as President that he was the first President in my lifetime to repeatedly speak of Jesus and the Gospel openly and unashamedly in numerous speeches, especially at Christmas and Easter, but not limited to those Christian holidays!

I have to wonder what all those Evangelicals and Catholics who voted for Biden think about him now and the downward spiral he’s taking our country into Socialism, Marxism, and Communism?! Was it worth it to turn your back on your own faith just because you didn’t like President Trump’s style?

Maybe you didn’t like some of the words he used. Have you heard Biden? He can cuss with the best of them and he’s a pathological liar. Real lies, not just media trumped up lies.

I’m reminded of the Book of Judges when a good Judge who listened to God was followed by a corrupt Judge, until in the end “everyone did whatever he wanted” (Judges 21:25 HCSB). But we don’t have to go down the dark path of the current Administration. We have a choice of whether to surrender to evil or stand up for good and keep America the land of the free. A country whose motto is “In God We Trust!”

Never Be Afraid to Say the Name Above all Names, God!

If Biden won’t say God, we need to say the name of God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ every chance we get!

No one has ever rejected us when Dave and I tell everyone we meet, from the grocery store clerk, to the restaurant server, to the doctor or healthcare professional, or anyone we’re having a conversation with, “God bless you and you have a blessed day.” Sometimes they’re a little surprised, but seem truly blessed and often say back to us, “You too.” Or “Thank you.” Or “Bless you too!”

I’ve asked in church for prayer for our doctors and then let him or her know others are praying to God for them. We hear, “Thank you!” or “Good!” Or even, “I believe in the power of prayer!”

When Dave explains the pain he’s having in his hand to a doctor he’ll say, “When I go to hold my wife’s hand while we’re praying in church, my hand starts tingling in pain.” A subtle witness.

Describing the pain in his knees, he’ll give the example, “It’s really bad when I’m standing, like when I’m singing in the worship team at church.”

There are so many ways to open the conversation or infuse the conversation with God. To let others know you’re a believer and you’re proud of our Great God!

Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Col. 4:5-6 NLT

If we don’t keep God at the forefront of our lives, our conversation, our social media comments . . . and we don’t profess our disdain at a government that is trying to remove God from the conversation . . . we will soon find God is no longer relevant or revered in our country. I will go so far to say it will be our own fault! We’ll be held accountable for what we say and what we don’t say.

Joe Biden and the Democrats will be held accountable to God someday when He asks them: What did you do with the life and position I gave you? They’ll be responsible for everything they did or said, or didn’t say and do, and so will we.

Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out. Pr. 10:9

“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” Rev. 22:12-13 NLT

Don’t be discouraged by the current godless Administration. Keep praying! Actually, pray for many in the Democrat party, especially Biden who has strayed from his Catholic faith, to be guided by God! Keep saying the Name of God, the Name above all names, not just in church but every chance you get!

Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor
    and gave him the name above all other names,
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
    in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord,
    to the glory of God the Father. Phil. 2:9-11 NLT

Note: Dave is having knee replacement surgery on May 11 so we cherish your prayers for all to go well with the surgery and recovery. I will be his chief caregiver and we’re blessed that our oldest daughter is coming from Illinois to help. I’m not sure when I’ll be back with my Monday Morning blogs, but until then . . . May our Great God bless you with courage, boldness, and opportunities to share His Name and His love wherever you go.

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Cartoon is by A.F. Branco used with permission. Welcome to the Club – A.F. Branco Cartoon – Conservative Daily News

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  1. Kathy Bob says

    So thankful for your voice of reasoning in such an ungodly government that has been forced upon us. God is God and those in power will stand in judgement, Lord help them!

    We are praying for you and Dave during this surgery and especially recovery.

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