How Can We Have Hope During Times of Crisis?

As I sat in the swing on our deck one early morning last week, sipping coffee and drinking in the serene beauty of the forest where we live, my mind and prayers were consumed by the horrors of what our country has done in Afghanistan. I was safe and comfortable while thousands of people were living in fear for their life and praying they aren’t discovered and killed before somehow they miraculously can escape. Honestly, I had little hope for them if they were depending on our government to save them.

How could they trust the same bungling American government that put them in these dire circumstances in the first place?!

I’ve felt the heavy burden in my last two blogs to awaken those whom they might reach to the evil being unleashed not only in our country, but in the world, How Does God Define Evil vs Good? How Do You? and Take the Spiritual Battle Seriously, Don’t Become a Casualty. We carry on with our daily life, which we must, but the Bible warns, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8

For the Afghani Christians and underground churches, they know their only hope is in the Lord. If He chooses that this is the time for them to meet Him face-to-face, then perhaps it’s God sparing them for glory and not the gory fate awaiting them from an evil regime that Biden just handed them over to after twenty years, while he went on “vacation”!

It’s hard to process the incompetence and inaptitude in our government and military leaders right now. How could they have so misjudged what would happen so quickly? How could they leave behind in harm’s way Americans, interpreters, and Afghan nationals who helped our military? Not to mention abandoning all our weapons and military bases? What was their end game? Why?

Watching the chaotic fiasco that has just occurred on the world stage, one that impacts our allies as well as the Afghanis, how can we trust our own government about anything? They’ve created a crisis at the southern border, lawlessness in our streets, wokeness instead of greatness, inflation, racial division, Marxist Critical Race Theory in our schools, and used a virus as a weapon to try and force Americans to forfeit our autonomy and freedoms.

When you look at the pictures of the packed cargo planes and crowds in Afghanistan, do you see anyone aside from a few reporters in masks? Those people are running for their lives and social distancing and Covid rules are the last thing on their mind.

When you see the pictures of the hordes of people coming across our southern borders are they wearing masks or vaccinated? Was anyone wearing a mask, showing vaccine papers, or social distancing at Obama’s huge birthday party? NO!

When the elites are caught enjoying life without a mask, or ignoring their own rules, you know it’s because they must know the masks don’t really work! Yet they want to mask our precious children in school! Vaccinated people are still getting Covid!?

I had to go to a hospital last week for a bone density test. When we walked in, we were handed a paper mask and told that we had to wear their mask, even though we had our own masks. When we questioned why we couldn’t wear our own masks, no one could explain why. Their only answer, “It’s the rules. Wear our mask or leave!”

Can you remember when we had outbreaks of the flu virus? BTW whatever happened to the flu? The flu hospitalized some, and yes there were deaths, but we didn’t all wear masks. Vaccines were available to those who wanted them, but they were optional and even if you got one, you were told they didn’t cover all the variants of flu. Schools, churches, and businesses weren’t closed. Life went on. People took precautions but there was medicine available if you did get the flu and there’s medicine for treatment of Covid too, but it’s being sequestered by the government. Why?

I’m going to make one more point that’s been on my mind. Israel had the strictest lockdowns, masks and vaccine mandates, and yet had extremely high cases of Covid and when the Delta variant came around, Israel had one of the worst outbreaks. Same thing with draconian controlled blue states and yet many red states that let their citizens make their own choices had lower numbers then and now! We’re being played because hyperbole and fear lead to control, dominance, and acquiescence . . . if we let it.

There are so many issues today that could divide us, let’s not let Covid be one of them. If you want to wear a mask or get the vaccine, it should be a choice. Prayerfully do your own research, don’t accept what you hear or read. Just remember that statistics can be manipulated and reported to prove any outcome desired. Every time I hear the word “mandate” arbitrarily being imposed on our citizens, I cringe.

Many will disagree with me, and again, that’s you’re right, but the more freedoms we give up the less we are “the land of the free.”

It might not be a matter of conscience for you, but it is for the other person. For why should my freedom be limited by what someone else thinks? 1 Cor. 10:29 NLT

40 A man with leprosy came and knelt in front of Jesus, begging to be healed. “If you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean,” he said.

41 Moved with compassion,[a] Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!” Mark 1:40-41

What’s In Our Future?

Hal Lindsey, author of The Late Great Planet Earth, wrote in his newsletter this week, “The US debacle in Afghanistan is further destabilizing an already unstable world. In other words, planet earth is being rapidly prepared for the coming leader known as Antichrist.”

To those of us who believe that Christians and the church will be raptured before the Antichrist comes on the scene this actually gives us hope that Jesus will be returning soon!

It couldn’t be far off when you see the emerging attempts that seem so much like the mark of the beast when places like New York City are requiring vaccine proof to eat in restaurants and go to indoor public events, even gyms!

15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[a] That number is 666. Rev. 13:15-18

My husband and I have been watching the Victory Channel for news from a Christian perspective. On Tuesday and Thursday nights, they have a program called Flashpoint where they discuss “how prophecy and current events are aligning to usher in the greatest awakening the world has ever known. Host Gene Bailey, along with regular contributors Mario Murillo, Hank Kunneman and Lance Wallnau, are joined by special guests that include prominent prophetic voices in the Church today, as well as political, governmental, business and church leaders. FlashPoint focuses on pertinent issues currently facing America and delivers news and commentary under the anointing—encouraging evidence and hope that God is indeed working to bring about His plans and purposes during these turbulent times. Join us every Tuesday and Thursday at 8 p.m. ET/7 p.m. CT.”

Last Thursday night, 8/19, the guest was General Michael Flynn who presented his views of what could be going on right now under the current administration. He spoke from his years of military service including in Afghanistan, serving in the White House, and being targeted by the evil deep state. It was distressing to hear, but he concluded that he still has hope.

His hope lies in the fact that in times of crises with incompetent leadership like we’re watching now, a strong leader emerges! After reading Hal Lindsey’s comments, I wondered if that leader truly would be the Antichrist or if it’s not yet time for him to emerge and it will be another Ronald Reagan or Donald Trump type leader.

Only God knows!

Until then, we need to pray for our own personal wisdom and discernment and for patriotic wise leadership to emerge on the local levels.

Don’t live in fear live in faith! Stop listening to the screaming, threatening talking heads and listen only to the Head of the church, Jesus Christ. You’ll hear that still small voice when you pray and read your Bible.

Like General Flynn, I want to leave you today with a message of hope from my devotional The One Year Salt and Light by Chris Tiegreen, August 20.

No situation in this world is hopeless; even the worst events have threads of redemption running through them. God has told us so, and we have seen it ourselves. We have no reason to despair

Even so, people around us will despair. That’s where we come in as bearers of good news . . . When we point others to the hope we have been given despite what we experience on earth and put a positive light on today’s headlines, we are bearers of good news. The media will give us a constant stream of tragic circumstances, but we see the bigger picture. God is at work in this world, amazing things are happening, and we get to participate in and tell the story.

How beautiful on the mountains
    are the feet of the messenger who brings good news,
the good news of peace and salvation,
    the news that the God of Israel reigns!
Is. 52:7 NLT

Here is a beautiful prayer by Anne Graham-Lotz for Afghanistan. Keep praying for them as the ruthless Taliban moves into power.

I also wanted to share three talks that were given by William Federer at Pastor Jack Hibbs Calvary Chapel Chino Hills Church. Federer traces events we’re watching in our culture today through history and the Bible. Fascinating.

Day 1 : Understanding the Culture with William Federer – YouTube

Day 2: (Day 2) Understanding the Culture with William Federer – YouTube

Day 3: (Day 3) Understanding the Culture with William Federer – YouTube

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  1. Faith rayfield says

    We must pray for our family’s and friends

  2. Pat Carter says



  1. […] Then the next night, Dave and I were listening to the Flashpoint program (which I mentioned in last week‘s blog) and one of the prophetic participants this week said the good that God will bring out […]

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