Satan is Running Scared! He Knows His Time is Short

Newscasters often open their show with, “This has been a busy news week!” Actually, it’s been busy news days for the past few years. We’re bombarded with so many conflicting stories of world events that sometimes we just become numb and want to tune it all out. I agree there are times we should do exactly that when we feel overwhelmed and need to take a break to clear our heads and seek God’s perspective, but then we need to jump back into the battle to pray and take action wherever God directs us.

With the recent news flurry about illegal Haitians flooding our borders and cities, Covid related mandates, the search for Brian Laundrie after his fiancé was found dead, bogus lies about Border Patrol agents on horseback, Biden blaming the unvaccinated for his economic disaster, Biden’s Afghanistan fiasco, the Hunter Biden laptop story, two vaccinated cohosts on The View testing Covid positive live on the show after just lecturing the unvaccinated . . . one critical news story was buried or barely covered.

I almost missed this headline myself: “House Passes ‘Extreme’ Pro-Abortion Bill to Wipe Out State Pro-Life Laws and Permanently Enshrine Roe!” Where did I see this? I subscribe to CBN News (News with a Christian Perspective) and I would encourage you to follow them also. Friday morning, September 24, 2021, Congress voted to approve what they labeled the “Women’s Health Protection Act,” a sweeping bill to wipe away state pro-life laws like the one recently passed in Texas preventing abortion after a heartbeat is detected. Sadly, the House bill passed as you would expect by party line 218 to 211 with only one brave Democrat voting against it.

Democrats are so worried about Roe v. Wade eventually being overturned that when the Supreme Court refused to challenge the Texas pro-life law, they quickly put together their federal bill that not only disallows states’ rights to pass their own abortion laws, it would codify Roe from ever being challenged!

 It’s obvious why the Dems wanted to bury this news on a Friday morning, but one pro-life congresswoman, Marjorie Taylor Greene, was willing to challenge them on the steps of the Capitol while they attempted to hold a press conference gloating over their success. Rep. Greene shouts at Democrats on Capitol steps over abortion: ‘Try being a Christian!’ It’s disappointing Greene didn’t have more Congressional Republicans out there with her, but kudos to her for making enough noise to get this atrocity recognized by the media filming.

Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) tried to challenge Greene by shouting the only verse that Democrats seem to know and use out of context against Christians speaking up against the wrongs in our country: “You should practice the basic thing you’re taught in church: respect your neighbor.” [As if murdering babies is respecting your neighbor?!]

“Try being a Christian and supporting life!” Greene hit back.

Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) who opposed the measure in Congress warned, “This bill is far outside the American mainstream and goes far beyond Roe v Wade. For the first time ever by congressional statute, H.R. 3755 would legally enable the death of unborn baby girls and boys by dismemberment, decapitation, forced expulsion from the womb, deadly poisons, or other methods at any time until birth.”

This diabolical bill allows abortion up until the moment of birth and opens the door to prevent state protections for children from abortion based solely on their sex, race, or diagnosis of a genetic abnormality such as Down Syndrome—policies that, in the words of Justice Clarence Thomas, ‘promote a State’s compelling interest in preventing abortion from becoming a tool of modern-day eugenics’!

It removes all rights from the state regarding abortion and transfers them to the federal government. It also prevents abortion to ever be challenged in the Supreme Court!

Of course, ‘Catholic’ Biden says he would sign the bill and ‘Catholic’ Pelosi praised the bill saying, “it’s about people’s medical choices.” Notice she didn’t say women’s choices, a distinction the crazy dems are trying to devoid of motherhood, even though it’s called the Women’s Health Protection Act. Pelosi said, “This is about freedom. About freedom of women to have a choice about the size and timing of their families – not the business of the people on the court or members of Congress. It’s about themselves. But it’s also about freedom from the danger of vigilantes.”

Dems Want to Codify Child Sacrifice

Christians know this bill is satanic! It has nothing to do with women’s health and is purely child sacrifice on the altar of pleasure, convenience, and personal gratification. Everyone knows, whether or not you believe in God as our Creator, children are conceived through sex. No one wants to bring up the inconvenient fact that the male sperm permeates the female egg creating life during sex.

While the Dems are so eager to talk about climate control and vaccine control, when’s the last time you heard them talk about birth control?!

Another thing this bill would circumvent is a waiting period or showing an expectant mother an ultrasound before she chooses abortion because they know that no one can look at an ultrasound or hear a heart beating and deny there is a child in the womb who will be murdered. Yes, abortion is murder by torture.

Calling abortion a “medical or health procedure” is another one of the Democrats’ ludicrous attempts to brainwash and gaslight with terminology. Medical/health procedures preserve life, not destroy life. Abortion will negatively affect a woman’s mental health for the rest of her life.

Is God Loosening His Leash On Satan?

I know I’m preaching to the choir for most of my followers, but we must acknowledge the pervasive satanic evil in our legislature. Every pastor should be talking about this very subject from the podium!! We’re blessed that our pastor did talk about this bill on Sunday morning. And he also brought up an interesting point. Could we be experiencing God pouring out His wrath on the world by loosening Satan’s leash?!

“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” Matt. 10:34

Nancy Pelosi’s Cardinal also speaks out. Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, Pelosi’s home diocese, criticized her stance on the Hyde Amendment. “Let me repeat: no one can claim to be a devout Catholic and condone the killing of innocent human life, let alone have the government pay for it,” he told CNA.  

In response, [to Pelosi’s Press Conference in July regarding eliminating the Hyde Amendment] Archbishop Cordileone said: “To use the smokescreen of abortion as an issue of health and fairness to poor women is the epitome of hypocrisy: what about the health of the baby being killed? What about giving poor women real choice, so they are supported in choosing life?”

“This would give them fairness and equality to women of means, who can afford to bring a child into the world. It is people of faith who run pro-life crisis pregnancy clinics; they are the only ones who provide poor women life-giving alternatives to having their babies killed in their wombs.”  

He added: “I cannot be prouder of my fellow Catholics who are so prominent in providing this vital service. To them, I say: you are the ones worthy to call yourselves ‘devout Catholics’!”

What Can You Do?

This so-called “Women’s Health Protection Act” still has to pass the Senate where Republicans can invoke the filibuster and require 60 votes to overcome the 50/50 partisan division. So while it doesn’t seem the Democrats will be successful, don’t think this will be their last attempt! Satan is running scared that Roe v. Wade could be overturned and children’s lives could be saved.

So you need to contact your Senators and tell them to vote no when this atrocious bill hits the Senate floor. Chastise any of your legislators who voted for it in Congress.

Then we need to pray, not only that this evil satanic bill is widely defeated, but for the soul of every blinded legislator who would vote for such a horrific atrocity to fellow human beings. Only Satan could distort the value of innocent life in the womb. I’m not saying those who vote for it are satanic, but I am saying they are being influenced, persuaded, and deceived by the author of evil. They are intentionally taking a purely political power stance without considering the ethical or moral ramifications.

There are six things the Lord hates—no, seven things he detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family. Pr. 6:16-19 NLT

I doubt that any of the Democrat legislators have watched the movie Unplanned and graphically watched what happens to a baby in an abortion. If they have and still consider killing a baby as a legal “right,” then they have definitely sold their soul to the devil, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t redeemable and salvageable. They need our prayers for the blinders to be removed because they will be held accountable for their detestable actions.

God can and does change lives, even liberals.

I was inspired to write this blog because with my Saturday morning coffee, I watched Sean Feucht in front of the Supreme Court in D.C. with others praying for legislation concerning the lives of the unborn. As I prayed with them, I knew what this week’s topic would be. Let God speak to you every morning too about what He wants you to focus on in your thoughts and in your prayers. Christians are carriers of Christ to a lost and hurting world.

Do not let the opposition beat you down. Don’t become discouraged or lose hope. Don’t give up the fight. That’s what they’re counting on but they don’t know the perseverance and determination of Christ followers!

“The mystery of God’s presence is revealed through those who wear it well.” Chris Tiegreen

For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory. Col. 1:27 NLT

Satan’s time is running out . . .

Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices shouting in heaven: “The world has now become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign forever and ever. Rev. 11:15 NLT

Note: I know that someone reading this article has experienced an abortion and I want you to know that if you haven’t already asked God for forgiveness, He’s just waiting to hear from you. He is a merciful God and doesn’t want you living with guilt and sorrow, but He does want you to share your testimony with other women to help them know the power of Jesus in your life. You can also help pregnant women find solutions for their baby other than abortion. I would encourage you to read a blog by my friend Patti Smith in which she gives her own abortion testimony, Nobody Told Me the Truth.

If you or someone you know is suffering post abortion, I’ve heard good things about Hope After Abortion.

I’ve written several previous blogs on abortion.

Why You Should See Unplanned Movie
Abortion a Crime of Passion
Who’s Behind the War on Women?

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  1. Excellent blog, Janet, I truly hope people will wake up. My heart aches for our country and the shameful bills that are being created by sinful politicians. Lord help us!

  2. Janet Thompson says

    Let’s pray that God wakes up the church!


  1. […] Over the years, we’ve watched the changes in government officials like Pelosi and Biden and the Democrat Party. They weren’t always totally godless as they are today, but they’ve succumbed to the alluring sin of power at any cost, even renouncing the ways of the God some claim to know. I don’t know the spiritual history of all the Democrats in Congress and the Senate, but no one in Congress who voted for the latest deceptively named “Women’s Healthcare Act” allowing babies to be killed up until birth, could have a clear conscience if they had a relationship with Jesus. Only one Democrat Congressman was brave enough to do the right thing and vote against it. I wrote about this in my blog last week, Satan is Running Scared: He Knows His Time is Short! […]

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