My 2x “COVID” Survivor Story Has a Message for Everyone!

I was in shock! I slammed down my hand on the exam table exclaiming, “No way!”

My doctor had just told me I tested positive for Covid for the SECOND time!!

Yes, you read that right. I already had Covid and was living under the false pretense, as many of you might be, that I had antibodies to protect me against any recurrence.

But there’s more . . .

Not only did I have antibodies, I also had made the choice to be vaccinated to protect my hubby who didn’t get Covid when I had it the first time. When we originally heard the horror stories about Covid earlier this year and he was 75 years old with shortness of breath issues, he got the vaccine at the VA. A couple months later when it was available in our remote area, I decided to get the vaccine also and have double protection for him.

Or so I thought . . .

For a week at the beginning of October 2021, Dave and I thought we had “colds” because how could it be anything else?! We’re protected right?! Our symptoms were each a little different: mine was like a sinus headache with sniffles and a tummy ache; he had congestion and a cough. No fever, no body aches. We both were tired, but got up every morning, dressed, and continued our day sniffling, sneezing, Dave coughing, and me complaining of a pressure headache behind my right eye and food tasted blah like it does with a cold.

We took Musinex for our “colds” along with other supplements we’d been taking all year: Vit. C, Vit. D3, Beta Glucans, Elderberry, plus our handful of daily vitamins and supplements. We beefed up our Vit. C, Zinc, and added Quercetin with Zinc and stayed home.

But we weren’t getting better and my granddaughter’s 16th birthday was coming up. She and I were going to get pedi’s together, so I decided I had better go to the doctor.

Imagine my surprise when I was positive for Covid!! After I recovered from my shock, my doctor explained it was because this time I had Delta, which is what most new cases of “Covid” are now.

Dave went in the next day to confirm and he also tested positive for “Covid,” which we now knew was Delta.

So to recap: we were both vaccinated and I had Covid-19 antibodies. Now we had Delta!

Delta Changes Everything

Here’s what the government doesn’t tell you or want you to know as Biden continues to make false statements like “mounting data shows that they (vaccines) work” and “they (vaccines) move the dial to eliminate this disease.”

That’s not true! We’re proof that they’re not telling us the whole story because I believe they want the power of controlling people by corruptly, ruthlessly, and insanely mandating these vaccines. If they actually admitted that the vaccines don’t work well against the new Delta variant, then people would be hesitant to get them or fight even harder against the mandates. Oh yes, Biden has now changed the terminology from mandates to “requirements.”

And speaking of changing terminology . . . to explain away all the people who are getting “Covid” in spite of being vaccinated, they’re calling it a “breakthrough.” Breakthrough minimizes and makes it sound like it’s the same original Covid-19 but a “lighter case.” Even though thousands of “breakthrough cases” are ending up in the hospital and many are dying.

Breakthrough doesn’t explain how I got “Covid” twice, which I just heard a doctor say on a podcast is impossible. So like us, many breakthroughs are probably Delta! Why don’t they want us to know there’s a difference?

Dave and I both received vaccines months apart and I had antibodies so the chances we would get sick on the same day with “breakthrough” cases are slim to none.

96% Fully Vaccinated in Israeli Hospital Delta Outbreak.

It was explained to me that my original Covid antibodies are useless against the new Delta variant and the vaccine was designed to fight Covid-19, which explains why I actually got Delta this time. Not “Covid again.” Even though they’re calling everything “Covid” like it’s all the same thing. It’s NOT!

Instead of revealing that many new cases are Delta, a new mutated Covid virus, “breakthrough cases” insinuate they’re from the original Covid-19. I believe they don’t want to admit that the vax and antibodies from Covid-19 aren’t effective against Delta. I think you’ll hear about more cases like mine but probably not for a while until the media catches up and they’re forced to talk about it. That would put a damper on their unconstitutional vaccine mandates.

The “booster” is also just a lower dose of the original vaccine, which did not help us.

Most people tell me they’ve never heard of anyone getting Covid twice like I did or they feel “safe” because they have antibodies or have the vaccine. That’s all a false since of security the government is spreading. I can only think it’s because they either haven’t “followed the science” and studied the Delta variant or they have studied it but aren’t telling the truth about their findings. They’re making too much money with the vaccines.

A just king gives stability to his nation, but one who demands bribes destroys it. Pr. 29:4

Covid is becoming like the flu, which has variants every year. At least with the flu shot they tell you it’s not good for all the variations of flu. With Covid they’re lying and mandating something they know won’t work for every mutation!!!

When in reality, people like us are getting infected now with Delta, which isn’t going to be as responsive to the vaccine. I’ll concede that the vaccines may have kept us from having harsher cases and kept us out of the hospital, but we also did our part by taking protective supplements all year to boost our immune system.

Just tonight as I’m finishing this blog, the following panic article posted: J&J Vaxxers Being Urged to Get Another Shot ASAP! “Experts are hurrying to persuade those who received the Johnson and Johnson vaccine to go out and get the booster shot as soon as possible following a new study that showed a drop in its effectiveness during the Delta variant surge.” The drop was to 3% effective!!! “Vaccine protection fell among other vaccines as well—with Moderna’s falling from 92% to 64 percent, and Pfizer’s from 91 percent to 50 percent.”

For Dave and me the drop was to zero percent effective against Delta variant! Would you get a vaccine that’s only 50% effective? Would a sane legitimate government mandate it?

My Revealing Research

Joe Biden is trying to convince everyone that the vaccine is going to wipe out all Covid, completely ignoring what sources are saying . . .

“Just when the world thought that the COVID-19 pandemic was ending, a variant of the original virus has surfaced. The Delta variant is basically the same basic symptoms as COVID-19, but it is just different enough to slip past the vaccine and infect people yet again. Another new factor of the Delta variant is that it seems to be affecting and spreading in children, whereas the original virus mainly affected older adults.” 

In other words, the Delta variant is NOT the same as the original Covid!

The Delta variant, virtually non-existent in January, now accounts for most current infections. Several studies have already demonstrated the higher infectivity and virulence of the Delta variant. It is also more likely to escape the vaccine: the efficacy of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines dropped significantly with this variant, compared to the original virus. [Canadian Study Shows the New Variant is 133% More Deadly Than the Original Virus.]

Labs aren’t routinely testing the variant, but they admit: “The highly contagious delta variant of COVID-19 is behind the vast majority of new cases in the United States, and the country is logging over 100,000 infections daily. Due to the volume of COVID-19 cases, sequencing is not performed on all viral samples. However, because the delta variant now accounts for the majority of COVID-19 cases in the United States, there is a strong likelihood that a positive test result indicates infection with the delta variant.”

Right now, the Delta variant makes up 98% of COVID-19 cases in the US. “If you’ve gotten COVID recently, you’ve gotten it from the Delta variant,” William Schaffner, MD, an infectious disease specialist and professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, tells Health.

Why Would God Let Me Get This Plague Twice?

You have to dig to find the information I’m sharing here because you’re not going to hear anyone in the Biden Administration, Dr. Fauchi, FDA, CDC, or Mainstream Media talking about this. Instead, it seems for some nefarious reason, they want to keep it quiet. They want Americans vaccinated whether it helps or not. Why?

“But you! You have eyes only for greed and dishonesty! You murder the innocent, oppress the poor, and reign ruthlessly.” Jer. 22:17 NLT

When something unusual happens to me, I always ask the Lord how He wants to use it. When I had breast cancer, I asked Him “For what purpose?” He led me to write Dear God, They Say It’s Cancer: A Companion Guide for Women on the Breast Cancer Journey, which has allowed the Lord and me to bless many of my breast cancer sisters and I’m now a 3x breast cancer survivor.

So with this anomaly of getting Covid then Delta even with antibodies and vaccine, again I asked the Lord what should I do as a “Covid” 2x survivor? What should I say about it? This blog was my answer.

I’m not trying to influence you about getting the vaccine. There should never be vaccine shaming among God’s people. But what I am saying is do not take at face value everything/anything you’re being told about Covid or vaccines. Ask questions. Do research. If you follow me, you know that I believe we should have a choice and the government should not be allowed to desecrate our freedoms, especially medically! That’s socialism at its worst.

Don’t be surprised if you see a poor person being oppressed by the powerful and if justice is being miscarried throughout the land. For every official is under orders from higher up, and matters of justice get lost in red tape and bureaucracy. Ecc. 5:8 NLT

For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all. Luke 8:17 NLT

There is nothing Joe Biden has done that I agree with or that is in the best interest of the American people! So why would we let ourselves by subjugated to his tyranny of mandates that are resulting in so many people losing their jobs resulting in a failing economy, inflation, shipping delays, empty shelves, reduced healthcare workers, first responders and police . . .?

Why is the military being purged and debilitated, even dishonorably discharged, if they won’t take the jab? Why is our country’s protection being weakened?

Why isn’t more research and progress being made into treatments? When have you ever gone to the hospital or doctor with a possible deadly illness and been told just go home and come back if you get worse or feel like you’re dying? No prescription? No antidote? Just leave!

Why are they lumping Delta in with original Covid-19 and calling it all “Covid”?

Why are they forcing a vaccine on children that is currently proving not to be effective against the Delta variant, which is what children are getting? My thirteen year-old granddaughter and some of her friends got what was most likely Delta, but they were over it in a week.

Why are we letting the government use “Covid” as the excuse for stealing elections and everything they’re doing to destroy our country?

Why aren’t more doctors and scientists who know the truth speaking up?

Why are questions or opinions posed on social media censored by Big Tech?

Why are we buying into and accepting a lie?

“You can’t comply your way out of tyranny. You must learn to disobey.” Emerald Robinson, Newsmax White House Correspondent

“Few men have virtue enough to withstand the highest bidder.” George Washington

“Love of money, power, and control is at the root of forced vaccines.” Pastor George Pearsons, Eagle Mountain International Church

Can wicked rulers be allied with you, those who frame injustice by statute? Ps. 94:20 ESV

“A breed of Christian is coming to turn America away from destruction. We are running out of time. They will be bold, creative, compelling, and express the deep love of God like a light in the darkness.” Mario Murillo

“Don’t underestimate the power of the church and prayer. The mountain of faith will uproot the mountain of corruption.” Pastor George Pearsons

The foundations of law and order have collapsed.
    What can the righteous do?”

But the Lord is in his holy Temple;
    the Lord still rules from heaven.
He watches everyone closely,
    examining every person on earth.
Ps. 11:3-4

10 A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. 12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Eph. 6:10-12

NOTE: Dave and I have recovered and are out of quarantine. We’re still taking all our immunity builders, getting extra sleep, and regaining our energy. Thank you Lord for the amazing healing powers of prayer and the love of friends and family!

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  1. Why was Fauci and America involved in ‘gain of function’ at the Woohan Lab? Was this a population control gone wrong or did they want it to take lives, dumb people down, put people on defense, steal the Will of the people? What was Hunter really doing in China?

  2. I agree 100%. We both had COVID 19, but know we’re still vulnerable to Delta even though we’re both survivors AND vaccinated. We also researched the science and found the only studies we could believe were coming out of Israel and the UK. Nothing the CDC or the White House said could be trusted–they are definitely NOT following the science.

    • Janet Thompson says

      No the WH is following totalitarianism and now that they started the mandates, I don’t see them backing down soon. Deb if you start getting cold symptoms, it’s probably Delta. Take your preventative supplements! They got us through it!

  3. Janet,
    Most importantly we are so thankful you and Dave are recovering.

    Your blog today is an insight into the socialistic agenda this new ‘regime’ is trying to shove down our throats. My hubby and I pray constantly that eyes would open and ears would hear the truth. When the truth is being shared about Biden, COVID, election fraud, etc., the media censors the truth. This is what Socialism does- it silences anyone that goes against the current government/regimes’s agenda. This censorship is destroying our nation, our freedom of speech, our rights and liberties that make us a free nation. People need to wake up, do their research for the truth and PRAY for our nation!

    Lord help us, we pray for our nation every night. There is power in prayer.


    • Janet Thompson says

      That’s why a personal testimony is so powerful. You can’t argue against personal experience. And yes, God can move mountains of lies when we pray for the Truth to be revealed. Keep praying! ! Thess 5:17

  4. Thank you Janet for sharing your personal testimony that sheds light into the current darkness and deception we are witnessing. I continue to faithfully pray for the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth and for men and women who know the truth, to continue to have boldness and conviction to come forward. I praise God that you and Dave are recovered and out of quarantine and will be praying for you as you regain strength and energy. Blessings!!

    • Janet Thompson says

      God has a purpose for everything. Even getting “Covid” twice. Thank you for the prayers and encouragement.

  5. We are living in a time of great concern for all who profess to be Christian. This is the time we need to increase our prayers as this regime is not powered by flesh and blood, but by evil principalities. We can’t allow our country and our lives to be pushed into totalitarianism. We read in the Bible that there is coming a One World Government. Everything our government is doing now is trying to destroy America. This has been in the making for over 100 years, It is about collective control vs. personal and individual liberty. The Vax mandate is just the tip of the iceberg. Why in the world would you need to be vaccinated if you had Covid? You have natural immunity and no vaccine will outshine that. As a RN. I am totally against it…no testing that is ligitimate has been done. It’s a joke that the vaccine is safe or effective. Janet, you and Dave are one of thousands that have gotten Covid after vaccination and after having it. Thank you for sharing. We must unite as believers and fight this evil that is taking away our freedoms. Abraham Lincoln said, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Everyone stand up with courage to save our country. Keep on writing the truth, Janet.

  6. Janet Thompson says

    Yes, Penny we are being fed so many lies and while it seems evil is prevailing, Christians must not lose hope. God is depending on Christians sharing the Truth and praying for God to give us a platform to reveal it.

  7. Thank you Janet for sharing. True stories by people I respect are always the most valuable form of information in my eyes. I had Covid back in January of 2021. I also got vaccinated because I accompany my husband on sports competitions and “the system” of sitting in the bleachers, masking, was just a whole lot easier if I had a proof of vaccination card. (My husband is 80 and I am 69.)
    I understand how seriously we need to take this “plague” of sorts. It has been explained to. Me that I have Covid with a long tail. Still have very little sense of taste and Thanksgiving is coming up. Ug.

  8. Vicki Heckman says

    Thank you for sharing your insights on Covid. I have had Covid19 and was feeling protected by my natural immunity – but was also having “niggling” doubts. You have done a wonderful job of explaining the differences. I have not had the “vaccine”, nor will I, I have read far too much on the negative effects and since I have had Covid19, I would be at risk for a more serious reaction. We are most definitely “at war” and need to be sure we are battle ready every day! Thanks again!!

    • Janet Thompson says

      Vicki I’m glad the article blessed you. Yes, we are in a spiritual and physical battle and must pray for God’s wisdom and discernment each day as we dress in the armor of God.

    • Janet Thompson says

      Vicki I’m so glad my testimony blessed you. We’re definitely in a spiritual and physical battle and must pray for wisdom and discernment as we dress in the armor of God daily!

  9. John Snyder says

    What God didn’t design in the human body to combat diseases Jesus heals if we only ask. God is in control! Here I am Lord, send me! should be our exclamation not Why me? Everything has a purpose if we seek the Kingdom first.
    I am glad to hear you and Dave are ok. You are living proof of the existence of a divine purpose.
    This past year I have discovered I have a kidney disorder. It has drawn me closer to Jesus. I don’t know all that He have assigned me but through daily obedience He uses me. What a blessing that I would be trusted with such responsibility. I know it is Him working through me and not of myself. I have always loved your ministry “About His Work” and have made it my focus. It is about Jesus, not me.
    Blessings to you and Dave I know you will keep up the Good Fight.

    • Janet Thompson says

      John it was so nice to hear from you, but we’re sorry to hear of your kidney disorder and will add your healing to our prayer list. Thank you for the encouraging words. To God be the glory for all He does in and through each of us. Please say Hi to Patty for us as we all keep About His Work together!

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