They’re Coming for Our Children!

We all have children in our life! Whether our own children, grand or great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, friend’s kids or neighborhood children, they all matter to God and they must matter to each of us! I hope you’ll continue to read even if you don’t have children in your life right now, because the fate of our future country will soon be in their hands.

Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them. 14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 15 When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there. Matt. 19:13-15

We know that God loves the little children and His design and desire is that they’re raised in a godly home with parents who teach them right from wrong and how to grow up into upright citizens who will be an asset to those around them and our country. Not every child has that blessing and that’s where the church can step in and embrace these children in the community and schools.

Sadly, we’ve let mentioning Jesus or God be completely removed from conversation in schools, and yet, evil practices like Marxist Critical Race Theory, Black Lives Matter, and gender disunity or “fluidity” are embraced and encouraged. Is it any wonder we have generations of children growing up with drug and alcohol addictions, cutting and eating disorders, anxiety, and tragically suicide is at an all-time high among children. Even those raised in good Christian homes can suffer from these afflictions because they spend the majority of their life in school and not in their home.

That’s an alarming thought, but it’s true.

I’ve said many times before that Satan focuses on disrupting the family and capturing the minds of our children. He doesn’t want generations of Christians growing up in the world; he wants generations of confused radicalized children indoctrinated with his evil ways. That’s exactly what we’re watching as Critical Race Theory is infused into not only curriculum, but the minds of teachers and teaching methods.

Even when racism isn’t directly infiltrated into schoolbooks, it’s become a method of teaching where children are separated by race and every subject is taught through the lens of racism, diversity, and equity. You can watch at this link an interview with three mothers and a school administrator explaining how CRT seeps into curriculum.

Wokeness is a disease spreading through every area of life but especially worrisome is how it’s infecting the vulnerable minds and spirits of our children. It’s a worldview founded in the basic principles of Marxism. Many teachers today are indoctrinated into this radicalized ideology and so it comes naturally for them to teach from that perspective.

We read every day about the firing of conservative teachers who rebel against teaching liberal woke principles! Fired for trying to bring patriotism, sanity, honesty, and clarity into the classroom. We need to pray for good teachers refusing to do the wrong thing!

When teachers were silenced from saying the name of Jesus in schools, I often wondered how Christian teachers coped. As Christians, Jesus is the center of our life. Everything we do and say reflects the perspective of Jesus. Our identity is in Jesus. I know many teachers adjusted by letting Jesus shine brightly through their actions, countenance, and the way they dealt with issues. But how difficult it must be to keep Jesus under wraps in your workplace!

I loved when Tucker Carlson asked Glenn Youngkin, the Christian Republican who just won Governor of Virginia, what Youngkin’s advisors thought when he was so open during his campaign about being a Christian. Youngkin responded that he would never ask them. Being a Christian is who he is and not something he’s ashamed of or could ever hide. He didn’t have to attack Critical Race Theory because he based his campaign on the scriptural and constitutional antithesis that all men are created equal!

Parents Have a Sacred Duty and We Need to Support Them!

We often profess that God can, and will, bring good out of troubling times. Nowhere is this more evident than when the pandemic required kids to participate in school from home via zoom. We started hearing of parents’ alarm at what they heard teachers saying and doing. Many teachers were trying to ban parents from listening in on school sessions, but parents were listening and they heard the woke, racist, gender confusion curriculum their children were learning and often the biases of liberal teachers infused into lectures and behavior.

This wasn’t true of all teachers, but even one bad teacher can harm a child for life!

Today, parents are fighting back! You know school boards are trying to hide their guilt when they take steps to silence the truth from being revealed by alert mama bear and papa bear parents confronting them. So alarmed are school boards that they asked the DOJ to label any parent who questioned them as “domestic terrorists!” And the DOJ did!!!

During the 2016 campaign, Franklin Graham did a prayer tour to all 50 Capitols. My daughter, grandkids, Dave, and I all went to see him on the steps of the Boise Capitol. I remember Franklin saying then that Christians needed to run for local office if we wanted fair and just laws governing us, and he specifically mentioned school boards! It almost seems today like he was a prophet as we watch the damage liberal school boards are doing to our children. But praise God, conservatives ran in recent elections in many states, including in my daughter’s school district, and won!

I heard one parent recently warn parents to stay vigilant. If you don’t fight for the children, no one else will. Pay attention and don’t let your guard down even if you have a conservative school board, know what the individual teachers are teaching.

I’m not insinuating that all teachers are liberal and woke but when a five-year old comes home and asks her mother if she’s evil because she was born white, you know there’s a big problem.

Don’t Let Schools and Government Replace Parents

I would advise parents to get to know your kids’ teachers no matter what the age of your children. I remember my mother going to back-to-school night and knowing my high school teachers. I also remember being moved out of a class because my mom didn’t like how a teacher handled her classes or relating to me. I’m glad my mom cared enough to get involved.

I’ve read many disturbing stories of school counselors encouraging gender fluidity in children and discussing gender change options without ever including the parents! That’s wrong!

Then there’s the promiscuous sex education trying to normalize the gay agenda and gender confusion. I hate to even give these terms and concepts validity because they’re manmade excuses for giving credence to Satan’s attempts to distort God’s creation. What God calls sinful, depraved, and wicked sex practices, the LGBQT agenda receives credibility for and it’s allowed to seep into school curriculum as accepted lifestyles. Children are even encouraged to experiment sexually. Again, it’s evil (Romans 1:18-29) and has no role in public education. Parents need to stand up and take back their rightful place in their children’s social and sexual education. The schools have definitely taken too much liberty.

Here are a few warning quotes from Mark Levin’s book American Marxism.
“Especially pernicious is the American Marxist’s control over our public school and college classrooms, with the full support and active role of the two national teachers’ unions—the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT)—where your children and grandchildren are being taught to hate our country and are brainwashed with racist propaganda… As the Heritage Foundation reports: “The dissemination of curricular content and instruction based on CRT in K-12 schools is second only in scope to the presence of CRT in post-secondary instruction, where CRT originated.”

“Without your knowledge, let alone consent ‘districts around the country have integrated CRT into school curricula. Both of the nation’s largest teacher unions support the Back Lives Matter organization, with the National Education Association specifically calling for the use of Black Lives Matter curricular materials in K-12 schools. The curriculum is ‘committed’ to ideas such as a ‘queer-affirming network,’ which have nothing to do with rigorous instructional content, and promotes racially charged essays such as ‘Open Secrets in First-Grade Math: Teaching about White Supremacy on American Currency.’”

I also want to warn you about children potentially being asked in school if they want the COVID vaccine without obtaining parents’ permission and/or making it mandatory for attending school. I am not an anti-vaxxer, but please please do your research before you let children be subjected to a vaccine where there is no long-term data. We know that even though children seem to be getting the new Delta Variant easier than the original COVID, the majority of them are not seriously ill and recover quickly. It is not a deadly illness for children but the vaccine could have lasting consequences, which even the FDA admits they’ll only know by giving it to kids now. Don’t let your children be part of this experiment unless you have peace with it.

Raise Your Children in a Godly Home!

Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. Pr. 22:6

As a kid, I remember always being taught to respect authority, especially teachers and police. I think it’s important today that while we teach our children and grandchildren to be respectful, we now need to teach them to recognize red flags of a teacher or someone in authority that is not teaching them what they’ve learned at home to be right, moral, and the way God wants us to live.

Keep communication open so children feel comfortable coming to you when they hear something at school that doesn’t jive with what you’ve taught them as a parent or grandparent. Parents more than ever need to be sure values instilled in your children come from you!

When my daughter was in high school, she came home saying she was going to believe in both Creationism and Darwinism. She had learned at church that God created the earth, but was taught differently in school. I was surprised, but glad she told me so we could have a discussion and I could help lead her in the direction of truth.

More than ever parents need to ask their children what they’re being taught and help them know how to navigate a world that thinks differently than they do. If children have a firm biblical foundation, they won’t tend to be influenced by an alternate worldview.

Help your children feel safe talking to you and look for signs of confusion. Ask specific questions beyond, “How was your day?” Especially from a boy, you’re just going to get “fine.” Know the classes their taking and conversationally engage them in discussing what they like about their classes and a few “what are your learning?” type questions. Not as an interrogation, but sincere interest.

Pray for all schoolchildren, especially those close to you. Dave and I pray every night for our grandchildren and I pray for them in the morning.

I’ll close with another quote from Mark Levin’s last chapter “We Choose Liberty!” in American Marxism.
“I am often asked on radio what are ‘we’ going to do about recovering our country. Too often, what is meant is—what is someone else going to do to save America. That mind-set is simply unacceptable. If we are to rally to the defense of our own liberty and unalienable rights, then each of us, in our own roles and ways, must become personally and directly involved as citizen activists, in our own fate and the fate of our country.”

I would add that each parent and grandparent must have a mind-set to take a role in not only saving our country for the sake of our children, but saving our children for their own sake!

Note: I had no idea what to write about this week. My mind was blank but God woke me up Friday night and this blog topic kept me awake for several hours. I knew what the Lord wanted me to share. I hope to write some thoughts on the climate-control hoax soon, but nothing is more important right now than the fate and future of our children, the next generation.

Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children. Pr. 17:6

One generation commends your works to another;
    they tell of your mighty acts.
They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty—
    and I will meditate on your wonderful works.[a]
They tell of the power of your awesome works—
    and I will proclaim your great deeds.
They celebrate your abundant goodness
    and joyfully sing of your righteousness.
Psalm 145:4-7

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  1. Janet,
    This blog was very timely considering the state of our education system and the dismantling of our country by the current regime. Previously teachers taught reading, writing and arithmetic, that has all melted away along with standing and saying the Pledge of Allegiance. When God and respect for our country is taken out of schools, socialism and radical beliefs grow.

    Yes, we need to protect our precious children and pray, pray, pray. Lord, help us!

    • Janet Thompson says

      As always, God is the answer and we are His earthly workers and we must keep doing our part. Each one of us!!

  2. Linda Harrold says

    I’m glad God woke you in the night. It’s so important for people to know what’s being taught in schools.
    Much to pray for!

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