Are You Willing to do What Must Be Done?

“The question should never be, ‘What will happen if we try, but nothing happens?’ The question that should haunt us is, ‘What if God is about to turn the tide of evil in our favor, but we are too timid to do as the occasion demands?’”

The above quote is from Mario Murillo’s 2/17/22 blog, It Is A Reckoning. Mario also quoted 1 Samuel 10:6-7 in his article, At that time the Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy with them. You will be changed into a different person. After these signs take place, do what must be done, for God is with you.

There are so many signs in our world today that something must be done and it’s exciting to watch people doing something about the tyranny and evil trying to control citizens in America and neighboring Canada. When the Canadian truckers first started the convoy to their Capital city Ottawa, I listened to many of the truckers interviewed on FOX News and Newsmax. My ears perked up when the very first trucker I heard was actually a pastor and he said that not everyone in the convoy were Christians. That was my first clue there were many Christians uniting with non-Christian truckers in a peaceful protest for the same cause: FREEDOM!

I saw videos on Social Media of these truckers singing hymns and praying on the steps of the Parliament. They even did a Jericho March around the Parliament Building in Ottawa for 6 days. Thursday, Feb 17 was Day 7. Like the original Jericho March (Joshua 6), they circled the building 7 times then met at the centennial flame fountain monument in front of Parliament for communion.

At 1:00 PM EST, they ended the Jericho March at the main stage. They invited all men, women, and children across the world to honk horns for seven minutes. It’s time to bring the walls down from around the hearts of all they said. They then heard messages from pastors.

These Canadian truckers are doing what they feel must be done for freedom and the Christians know that God is with them!

But like Pharaoh, their Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s heart gets progressively harder as he becomes even more tyrannical and unreasonable with the Truckers Convoy. Instead of meeting with them to discuss their issues, he’s freezing their bank accounts, stealing their wood and gas, commandeering donations from GoFundMe, arresting people, and doxing the names and contact information of citizens sending donations to help the truckers with food, gas, and accommodations, all while denouncing them as terrorists. The same Trudeau who walked and took a knee with the BLM protestors and never denounced their violence and destruction. These Truckers are shoveling snow, picking up trash, setting up bounce houses for the kids, praying and worshipping together. The only violence seems to be coming from the government.

One sweet Gelato storeowner had me crying with her as she told her harrowing story to Jesse Watters of the harassment she received when she was doxed for her small donation to the truckers. You can hear this sweet woman’s story here.

She was just doing what she felt must be done to show kindness to her fellow Canadians!

Three organizers of the Freedom Convoy, Tamara Lich, Chris Barber, and Pat King have been arrested, but for what? “Counseling to commit the offense of mischief.” Seriously, that sounds like a schoolyard concocted charge when they couldn’t come up with anything they were doing wrong. Canada has become a police state with orchestrated charges.

Lich, Barber, and King were just doing what they felt must be done to regain freedom in Canada.

A group of Canadian clergy sent an open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau rebuking him for invoking the Emergencies Act to quell the Freedom Convoy and for other actions they described as “tyrannical.” “We are writing to you as representative pastors of Christian congregations from across the nation and as law-abiding citizens who respect the God-defined role of civil government and uphold the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the highest law of our land, which recognizes the supremacy of God over all human legislation.” Read the letter signed by 29 clergymen and remains open for other Canadians to sign.

These Christian Pastors did what they felt must be done to protect the God-given rights of all Canadian citizens.

Back in America, Jennifer Sey, a longtime Levi Strauss & Co. executive, says the apparel company has forced her out over her outspokenness against closing schools due to COVID-19. Sey forfeited a $1 million severance package that would have silenced her in order to continue espousing her views.

Sey, a mother of four, explained that she had long been an advocate for children and that Levi’s had always supported her in the past when she expressed other political views, but that all changed after Sey refused to stop speaking out against California shutting down public schools in the name of safety due to the coronavirus pandemic.

“I’ve been a Democrat my entire voting life,” Sey told FOX Business in an interview. “I feel the party has abandoned their principles and I find myself quite politically homeless . . . Free speech and kids are not ‘right wing’ issues and it should not be considered beyond the pale to stand up for these things or even be ‘right wing’ for that matter . . . It certainly shouldn’t make one unemployable.”

Jennifer says she was accused of being racist despite being a longtime supporter of racial equity and the mother of two Black children. Levi’s head of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion asked her to go on an “apology tour” for her views, but she refused. 

Sey wrote in her own article, Yesterday I Was Levi’s Brand President. I Quit So I Could Be Free I turned down $1 million severance in exchange for my voice, that she “was on track to become the next CEO of Levi’s” and that “the only thing standing in my way was me. All I had to do was stop talking about the school thing.”

Jennifer Sey did what she felt must be done to protect children, maintain free speech, and stop censorship!

Here’s one more and I’m sure there are more. At least, I hope so!

If you watched the Super Bowl, you saw Michele Tafoya on the sidelines interviewing the Rams about their big win. The program newscasters commented that this would be Michele’s last broadcast as she was retiring after eleven successful years at NBC. Then I saw her interview on Tucker Carlson where she explained she was leaving so that she can “give back to America.” I encourage you to listen to the interview because they also show clips of her on The View denouncing Critical Race Theory. Here’s a story she told on The View, which resulted in outrage from the liberal show hosts:

“My son’s first best friend was a little African-American boy. They were inseparable. Get to a certain age, they start having what’s called an affinity group, which means you go for lunch and pizza with people who look like you . . . There is a big, big focus on the color of your skin. Why are we even teaching that the color of skin matters? Because to me, what matters is your character and your values.”

When Tucker Carlson asked Tafoya why she would make such a bold and brave move leaving her career, she responded:

“This has been on my mind, I’ve been waking up every day with a palpable pull at my gut. My middle-ground, moderate viewpoint is not being represented to the rest of the world. And so rather than, you know, just banging it out on Twitter or Instagram every day, I thought, ‘I’ve got to do something.’ I have benefited greatly from the American dream, and I feel like for the sake of my kids and because I so love this country, I’ve got to start giving back.”

She quit a coveted and lucrative career to join a fight that will put her in the crosshairs of a global political movement that annihilates reputations and tries to cancel its adversaries.

“I don’t care if I’m attacked,” Tafoya told Tucker Carlson. “I really am not afraid of that, and I guess I feel like so many people now are afraid. Yeah. And I’m not. Listen, I know there are repercussions for whatever I choose to say. And I’ve talked to my kids’ school about it. You know, please don’t hold this against my kids. I’m speaking for me. I’m speaking for my family. But please don’t hold this against my kids.”

Jason Whitlock of Blaze Media describes Michele, “Michele Tafoya is fearless. Her obvious courage will be ridiculed, her reputation smeared. She’s a one-woman freedom convoy. Are you man or woman enough to join her?” [Read more of Whitlock’s article Michele Tafoya Risked Everything to Start Her Own Freedom Convoy]

Michele Tafoya is doing what she feels must be done to combat evil Critical Race Theory that’s indoctrinating our children and culture with racism and to also support conservative views not held by her employer.

What About You?

I’m sure you know where I’m going with this . . . what is God nudging you with a knot in your stomach when you wake up in the morning? Something you know must be done and He’ll be right there beside you as you do it? All the people I’ve mentioned in this article made a sacrifice of comfort, income, safety, security, conformity, employment . . . to do what they knew must be done. So don’t expect what God puts on your heart to be easy or without you giving up something in exchange for doing what you know is right and must be done.

It’s so easy to sit in the comfort and safety of our homes and not risk anything but simply complain about the atrocities and evil we see in our world today. It’s another thing to do something about it no matter the cost.

As you read your Bible and pray, ask God to show you through His Word: Lord, what do you want me to do that must be done?

Romans 8:28 assures us that every Christian is called for a specific purpose. 28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. (NLT)

Determine what you do best, what you’re called to do, and then just do it!

Therefore I, [Paul] a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Eph. 4:1 NLT

Let’s celebrate and pray for all those who do not live in fear but choose courage knowing God is with us in the battle between good and evil as we do what must be done!

In God I trust and am not afraid. What can man do to me? Psalm 56:11

For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps. 1 Peter 2:21 NLT

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  1. Hello, and thank you for the inciteful article. I am an middle aged African American woman who believe I have and am being persecuted for my beliefs. I started and attempted to create a company that addresses the concerns of children living in a world that is slowly taking away their innocence and freedom and I had to address this…..right now I’m doing all this from the comfort of my home but the goal was to work with children to give them an opportunity to learn something, have a voice of God (be motivated by the word or scriptures) and learn some skills. I’m not saying I’m doing too well because I’m not really getting any sales but I have sacrificed, employment opportunities (the few I still had), been rejected, even by my own people because I don’t believe in BLM because I’m living in an African American community and I haven’t seen any real change of the issues I’m concerned about like education, safety, etc. Here is my site if you want to look: and my blog so you can get a better idea of what I’m attempting to do.

    • Janet Thompson says

      Renee, you are doing what God has told you needs to be done so don’t lose heart. Maybe investigate ways to get your message networked like speaking, establishing an email list, keeping your blogs current on social media, and a prayer support group.

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