Why Is America a Republic and NOT a Democracy?

The topic of this blog may have surprised you. I was intrigued too when I initially heard the statement that America is a Republic and not a Democracy. Then, I began hearing this concept explained repeatedly by Conservative Constitutionalists I respect and became not only intrigued, but also curious to learn more. It resonated with me because I’d noticed the liberal left fixated on the word democracy as they oppose safe fair voting rights laws like voter ID or they attempt to eliminate, disregard, or illegally alter laws to allow voter fraud. The universal chant echoed by their marketing department, the liberal mainstream media, was that “Democracy will be threatened or even destroyed!”

The more I learned about their definition of democracy, the more I realized what they were really saying is they would lose power, which they’re desperate to maintain at any cost, even ignoring or breaking current laws and trying to establish new laws that would only benefit them, the Democrat party, not democracy for everyone!

Democracy to them is all about their power, not equal representation for All Americans, which our Founding Fathers envisioned when they wrote Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution. Notice the authors of the Constitution did not write that we would be a Democracy, but instead a Republic.

Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

The principle behind this constitutional article was that in a republic, even the political party in the minority would still have a voice in the government to represent their constituents. A republic would be a participatory system where one side could not completely dominate and rule, but both sides would have a say in their government regardless of who was in the majority. The purpose was to avoid the tyranny of the majority in legislature, like we’re experiencing today. We the people, ALL the people, are supposed to have equal civil rights. In a republic, the government equally represents both political sides which discuss and debate issues together and consider what’s best for the country as a whole, not just the majority in power.

Our Founding Fathers were trying to prevent. . .

“A democracy mindset carries a lynch-mob, rule-of-the-majority MENTALITY that getting the most votes by any means necessary is the only thing that matters, even at the expense of human decency, manners, morals, truth, fact, fairness, and following the law. Nothing, but nothing, is as important as getting the most votes BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY including the use of lies, intimidation, preaching hate, voting fraud, and brutal violence, all methods used, throughout their party’s history, by those on the political Left. 

“Such tactics are precisely why our Founding Fathers UNANIMOUSLY REJECTED democracy and considered it to be “evil,” “wretched,” “a disease,” “the most vile form of government,” and wanted nothing to do with it. 

“Contrast democracy’s destructive mentality with the peaceful MINDSET of being a Republic where rule-of-law matters, whether it’s the majority or not. Republicanism means: “adherence to a republican form of government,” NOT a democratic form. It also means: “the principles, policy, or practices of the Republican party of the U.S.”

“As such, republicanism REJECTS the mob-rule mentality because established laws protect our personal rights and our civil rights, whereas democracy would PROTECT NOTHING because, unlike a republic, it’s fifty-one percent wins every time and whether it’s legal or moral doesn’t matter. By continuously selling their LIE of democracy, instead of the documented truth of our Republic, Democrats have brainwashed Americans by successfully BLURRING THE DISTINCTION between the two and instilled a MOB-RULE MENTALITY in their followers. 

“Ever since Democrats formally rejected our ‘Republican Form of Government’ by adopting the cause of democracy at their 1832 proslavery National Convention, Democrats have been involved in an ALL-OUT-EFFORT to OVERTHROW our Republic and its rule-of-law. They seek to replace it with the mob rule of democracy, where using fraud and violence to get their way is perfectly acceptable. Simply said, they’re SELFISH and want what they want and don’t care how they get it or who they hurt.” Article IV Section 4 – Reclaim Our Republic Because Truth Matters

The Democrats can only move their progressive/Marxist agenda with violence like we see with BLM, Antifa, pro-abortion extremists, and now the fraudulent January 6 Commission.

Dave Barton on Flashpoint pointed out that right and wrong today are determined by whether or not it hurts my agenda. We see that vividly in the two-tiered justice system in our country today. If something goes against the Democrat’s agenda, like let’s say abortion being overturned, they turn a blind eye to the danger, harassment, and threats against the conservative Supreme Court Judges, even though the law specifically prohibits going to their homes and protesting, not to mention trying to assassinate one of them.

But the White House, Biden, Pelosi, Garland don’t enforce the law and show their complicity with inaction. Schumer actually called for an insurrection and possible harm to Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, with no reprimand. Anti-abortion terrorist groups are systematically and violently defacing and attacking pro-life centers and churches with no accountability, while a year and a half later, conservative political prisoners from January 6 are still in solitary confinement in jails without trials.

Violence, intimidation, threats are the Democrats way of getting what they want, even breaking the law. We all know what would happen if Republicans were doing this.

Again, Article IV Section 4 – Reclaim Our Republic Because Truth Matters asks the questions:

“Didn’t Republicans learn anything from 2015 to 2021, when Democrats, in separate documented incidents, violently attacked upwards of one thousand Republican supporters of Donald Trump and more than one hundred Republican members of congress, killing some and hospitalizing others? Or from 2015 to 2021, when Democrat leaders like Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Tom Perez, Ilhan Omar, Ocasio Cortez, and others publicly called for more violence against Republicans? Or from 2017 to 2021, when Democrats again refused to accept the election of a Republican president by illegally attempting to remove him from office based on a fake Russian Dossier they created, followed by a fake impeachment based on a fake phone conversation they created? 

“Or from 2020 to today, when self-confessed Marxist Democrat terrorist groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter used rioting, looting, burning, intimidation, brutal violence, and murder to occupy major portions of American cities for months on end? Or from 2020 to today, when Democrat-led big tech companies are attempting to silence and censure Republicans again? Or in 2021, when Democrat President Joe Biden proposed packing the Supreme Court again, this time adding 4 new Justices to give Democrats majority control?”

The Democrats want to pack the court and eliminate the electoral college so we will be governed solely by the popular vote, which would mean that 20 liberal Democrat-controlled blue cities and 9 blue states would tyrannically control America. We would no longer be a republic, but a democracy where the majority liberal left would literally rule as dictators forever or until the people rebel. Republicans would have no voice or vote in our country ever again. That is their ultimate goal at any cost.

Why am I telling you this? Because Conservatives are already being censured and silenced by those in power and they’re attempting to force us into “tolerance” of everything that goes against God and the way He wants His people to live, as I wrote about last week, America Needs Truth NOT Tolerance. Jesus gave us responsibility while we’re here on earth to speak the truth, live the truth, share the truth, vote the truth!

We are God’s voice and if we don’t use it wisely, we will be silenced. We are a nation of laws not ruled by men. We do everything by God’s laws first, then the Constitution, and we support and vote for people who understand that we are a republic of the people and for the people, not a democracy of the most powerful.

 But Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than any human authority. Acts 5:29 NLT

Words matter! Listen carefully. Learn diligently. Vote responsibly. Pray continuously. Do not be deceived.

A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Eph. 6:10

When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily. But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability. Proverbs 28:2 NLT

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  1. Kathy Bob says

    Shout it from the rooftops, your blog today is so spot on!!! Words do matter, Vote responsibly in November and Pray that the enemy of our souls and nation will not intervene and steal this election.

    I also wanted to comment that when you write you do not ‘judge’ but call out good and evil. And backing up your words with facts, not fiction and scriptures, not opinion. You are standing up for the many that cannot articulate the chaos surrounding the USA. Lord help us and have mercy upon our nation.

  2. Janet Thompson says

    It is tragic how Satan is intimidating so many people from standing by the truth and refusing to tolerate evil. God is looking for men and women of faith who will not back down to the enemy.

    Thank you for your continued support, encouragement, and prayers!

  3. Cynthia Williamson says

    Excellent and very accurate words you have once again penned!!! There are so many that are blinded and deceived and, sadly, too many extended family included. Keep up the excellent ministry our Lord has chosen you for and blessed you with, dear cousin!! As Robin D Bullock says…God is ABSOLUTELY good!! And He has NOT forsaken this nation that chose Him and was founded on His Word…He is uncovering fraud and He is a God of SUDDENLIES!!

  4. Janet Thompson says

    Looking forward to all of God’s “suddenlies”!

  5. Rosemary Lester says

    Excellent article and, obviously, timely and should be read by everyone in our nation. I wish I could send this/forward to every teen, young adult and adult in the United States! I can’t do that but I will share with everyone I know! (Will also encourage them to sign up for your emails.)
    Thank you!

    • Janet Thompson says

      Thank you Rosemary for sharing this blog and for your enthusiasm and encouragement. To God be the glory!

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