Don’t Look to Headlines, Look to God!

I don’t know about you but when I hear the words “liberal world order,” I bristle. Liberal world order is apparently what globalists, including Biden, meant all along when they spoke of a “new world order” and a “new normal transition” as the Biden Administration tries to destroy America and create their new Marxist version of our country.

When asked about how families are to contend with inflation and the rising cost of gas, Biden Administration official, Brian Deese, reiterated what Biden said on the global stage: “This is about the future of the liberal world order and we have to stand firm.” What Is the ‘Liberal World Order?’ Biden Adviser’s Remarks Spark Derision (

Was that a slip of the tongue or was Deese telling us the devious Biden plan?! By standing firm, he meant suffering with outrageous gas prices as America enriches China, India, and Russia with America’s oil reserves. Watch food outages appear in our own country rich in agricultural potential while prices at the market double and triple.

Who agreed to standing firm for this “New Liberal World Order” being forced on us? I can only think about the prelude to the antichrist who will one day rule over the global liberal world order.

Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, uses the “Great Reset” to refer to the globalist vision for the future. The elite met there again in May to reassert their control over politics worldwide. Liberal World Order: “As Long as it Takes”? (

While the phrase “new world order” is generally used to denote a significant geopolitical change, it can also designate a theory that stipulates a secretive globalist authority is seeking to control the world under a totalitarian regime and strip sovereign countries and its citizens of their freedom.

Is that what the Biden Administration is planning for us? Is that why they’re so afraid of the patriotic populist uprising of citizens who want to keep their national identity, national pride, and freedoms?

Populists don’t want to be melded into other nations where only “the elite”—an amorphous entity made up of a political, economic, cultural, and media establishment that places its own interests along with those of other interest groups such as immigrants, labor unions, and large corporations over the interests of “the people”—would benefit. While citizens become servants as the elite take what we own and force us to follow their new rules.

Is that why so many on the progressive left were denouncing July 4th and the celebration of America’s freedom from England’s tyrannical rule?

The left has already created a society devoid of joy, romance, beauty, and wonder while trying to rob the innocence of our children. Disneyland has stopped welcoming “girls and boys”! The National Education Association is trying to erase mothers. Some have equated our current culture to living in a science fiction novel where evil is rewarded and good is punished. Criminals have all the rights and the innocent lack justice. A drag queen crossdresser and a man who dresses like a woman achieve key positions in the White House administration not because of knowledge or ability but “diversity.”

People can lose their jobs by refusing to use woke pronouns or young children can even be sued in school! Motherhood is demeaned and people scream angrily in the streets for the “right” to kill babies.

When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan. Proverbs 29:2

While we are indeed groaning under the rule of incompetent globalists, there is reason to rejoice that righteousness is returning to our country.

Don’t Lose Hope!

We’re seeing a shift from the wicked plans of this administration for America. We’re winning and we’re not going to take it anymore!

We must remember that God is on the side of virtue, morality, and justice! He has NEVER lost a battle. We’re going to have a future heavenly world order here on earth by God’s power and we’re starting to see it now. The left, liberals, progressives, Biden, Pelosi, or a liberal world order doesn’t intimidate God and we shouldn’t be intimidated either. God is exposing all their ill intents, deceits, and criminality.

God is not at the mercy of demons or demonic people. After all God created the world and set it in order!

He [God] lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes, placing them in seats of honor. For all the earth is the Lord’s, and he has set the world in order. 1 Samuel 2:8 NLT

The Lord of Heaven’s Armies has sworn this oath: “It will all happen as I have planned. It will be as I have decided. Isaiah 14:24 NLT

May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Matt. 6:10 NLT

We need to start celebrating our wins and keep praying for future victories.

June 24th with the SCOTUS overturn of Roe v Wade was a long-awaited victory that we must never forget or minimize the years of tireless work and prayers of so many faithful saints. Christians everywhere should be praising God and celebrating a win for life.

Coach Kennedy’s Supreme Court win allowing prayer on a school campus was a victory for religious liberty.

Maine parents’ win in the Supreme Court prohibits the exclusion of Christian schools from state funds, vouchers, and resources opening the door for school choice. Again, another win for religious liberty.

SCOTUS struck down a New York handgun-licensing law that required New Yorkers who want to carry a handgun in public to show a special need to defend themselves which violated the 2nd Amendment.

We’re really on a role if you think about it!

We Must Take Our Direction from God and Not the World!

I believe because Biden is trying to change America from a republic to a dictatorship, from independence to dependence, from greatness to a joke, from God-centered to godless, God will exploit this evil for His own gain and glory. If we stay strong in living out our faith, sharing gospel love, praying, and evangelizing, we will see our country turning back to God. We’ve seen the devastation that comes from exploiting evil and people will be ripe for a better way of life and we have just the answer they’re seeking: Jesus Christ!

God is giving us power and marching orders and time to disrupt the liberal global world order. It’s not time for Revelation to be fulfilled yet, but it could be coming soon. People need to get ready; they need the Lord. They may love our country but the question we must ask is, “Do you love Jesus?”

Don’t look to the headlines and be filled with fear and anxiety, look to God and be filled with joy and anticipation.

You know the saying, ‘Four months between planting and harvest.’ But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripefor harvest. John 4:35 NLT

Following is a Psalm of King David who was under attack just like our country is under attack from within today. I don’t know who God has planned for our country’s next President, but let’s pray that he is a good and righteous leader who loves the ways of the Lord and God will give us strength, boldness, and courage while we wait.

In times of trouble, may the Lord answer your cry.
    May the name of the God of Jacob keep you safe from all harm.
May he send you help from his sanctuary
    and strengthen you from Jerusalem.[
May he remember all your gifts
    and look favorably on your burnt offerings. Interlude

May he grant your heart’s desires
    and make all your plans succeed.
May we shout for joy when we hear of your victory
    and raise a victory banner in the name of our God.
May the Lord answer all your prayers.

Now I know that the Lord rescues his anointed king.
    He will answer him from his holy heaven
    and rescue him by his great power.
Some nations boast of their chariots and horses,
    but we boast in the name of the Lord our God.
Those nations will fall down and collapse,
    but we will rise up and stand firm. Give victory to our king, O Lord!
    Answer our cry for help.
Psalm 20 NLT 

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21 NLT

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  1. Kathy Bob says

    Oh Janet, shout it from the rooftops what is really going on in our country under the Biden regime. The media is complicit in promoting this: New Liberal World Order and that influences the innocents and so many more. I appreciate the real the facts that you share every week, not the watered down news that gets stuck on one note ‘stories.’

    Thank you for defining the what, where and why our country is falling fast into a pit of destruction. Yet, we serve an amazing God Who will be victorious. America: PRAY, Pray, pray against this evil, wake up!

    • Janet Thompson says

      People have been hit with so many new “terms” and the left disguises their true meaning hoping no one will notice what they’re doing. As the Lord reveals the evil to me, I will continue sharing and praying for the veils to be lifted.

  2. Joni Crill says

    Janet, this was an exact synopsis of what is taking place in the Biden administration. However, I feel it a mere continuation of the Obama era. Please continue to expose the evilness our country is facing. I keep praying for our country and it’s leadership.

  3. Janet Thompson says

    I will certainly continue shining the light on the dark evil that is being normalized by the Democrat party as the Lord leads and guides me. Keep praying! 1 Thess. 5:17


  1. […] If you haven’t read last week’s blog, here it is. Don’t Look to Headlines, Look to God! […]

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