You Must Know and Speak the Truth to Remain Free

I was shocked last week when a friend posted on Facebook about the deadly Fentanyl crisis in our country. That wasn’t the shocking part because if you listen to FOX news or NEWSMAX or anything besides mainstream media, you hear every night how Fentanyl is flowing over our open borders and killing 300 people every day, especially children. No that wasn’t a surprise to me because I’m aware of the destruction of our country from the Left’s open borders. A crisis they NEVER talk about, in fact the VP tries to tell you the border is secure! Secure for the cartels maybe.

No, the shock was the first comment under my friend’s post: “What is fentanyl?”

How could you live in America and not know about fentanyl? Because mainstream media doesn’t talk about the drug crisis or the horrific deaths, rapes, and child abuse happening at the out-of-control open border. The ONLY newscaster at the border reporting what’s really happening there is FOX News reporter Bill Melugin. And he’s increasingly “irritating the White House” because he provides video evidence contrary to their narrative that the border is secure and everything is under control. Naught!

Now, this is not a blog sponsoring FOX, but it is a blog to draw attention to the news that is NOT reported and the continual lies told by the White House and mainstream media. There’s a looming threat to our country and many people are oblivious, like the woman commenting on my friend’s post. FOX along with NEWSMAX are reporting the raw undeniable evidence that we’re being lied to and deceived by this administration.

Fentanyl is now coming across the border looking like candy and laced into other street drugs and even food and drinks and it is deadly! Just today in church, I spoke with a father who lost his son to fentanyl. When have you EVER heard Biden or Harris even mention this lethal threat?! NEVER! Some progressive DA’s aren’t even arresting drug dealers!

I follow iVoterGuide, which is a Conservative Christian nonprofit organization researching who we should vote for in our elections. They provide information on candidates who have a record of championing Christian Conservative values. iVoterGuide is a division of AFA (American Family Association) which I also follow. I received an email last week from iVoterGuide that is so valuable I want to share parts of it with you. I know that not everyone follows links that I post, so I’m going to write below some of the invaluable points in their email with the subject line “Decoding the Left’s Lies.”

I’m always telling my husband how important words are in communication. If he says something is “up” I look up, but he might just mean it’s on top of something and not in the sky where I’m looking up. Sometimes what he describes as the bottom of something is what I think is the top. We have this conversation often. We’re not trying to deceive each other; we just have different perspectives.

Decoding the Left’s Lies

 But the left and the media are trying to deceive us. They have a diabolical plan to mislead and lie via misinformation, changing the definition of words, and creating new terms then making them into law. That’s what Debbie Wuthnow, President of IVoterGuide, shares in the email I present parts of to you here. The following is from Debbie’s email.

Words can be used to clarify. Words can also be used to “spin” or distort.

Part of iVoterGuide’s mission is to clarify issues when politicians try to distort them. This election year, our team is working overtime to “break the code words” politicians use to try to fool Judeo-Christian voters.

We’ve seen just this year how easily words can be abused. The White House, along with their liberal allies in the media, literally tried to redefine the word “recession” to avoid accountability for our economic freefall.

Here are a few examples of the “code words” we are fighting against that twist the truth and deceive voters into voting AGAINST their own beliefs and values:

CODE: “Reproductive healthcare” or “Reproductive access”

TRANSLATION: Abortion of unborn human beings, often without restriction for all nine months of pregnancy and often funded with taxpayer dollars. This also often means taxpayer funding of contraception in public schools, college campuses, and even workplaces.

In examining thousands of candidates across the country, we typically found the above code used by wishy-washy politicians trying to appease both sides when they address legislative or party platform language on the sanctity of life.

Make no mistake: Politicians using this code are almost never truly pro-life.

CODE: “Gender-affirming care”

TRANSLATION: Radical and dangerous sex-change procedures, including artificial hormone injection and surgically re-creating reproductive organs—which often means genital mutilation. Such procedures are increasingly being pushed on minors, sometimes as early as middle and elementary school.

Studies show that far from curing problems, these procedures often magnify the problems of those struggling with their sexuality during adolescence (the suicide rate is actually higher post-procedure than prior to the procedure).

Voters must ensure the candidates they vote for are not being fooled by this deeply harmful rhetoric—or worse, covertly supporting it.

CODE: “Expand voting rights”

TRANSLATION: Enable ineligible voters to vote. This deliberately makes election fraud difficult to detect, difficult to investigate, and difficult to prosecute effectively.

The following are some examples of this dangerous code in action: stopping the cleaning up of voter rolls, expanding automatic voter registration and early voting, introducing same-day voter registration, allowing online voter registration and absentee ballot requests, letting voters opt-in to automatic mail-in ballots, pre-registration of minors as young as 16, not requiring any official photo ID to vote, and more.

As you’ll notice, all of these proposals disproportionately benefit the Left, since they would have a greater impact in highly concentrated urban areas which always vote more liberal and many of these measures would also incentivize inexperienced, low-information voters who are more likely influenced by the mainstream media.

We must elect leaders who will recognize the threat and the lie of “expanding voter rights” and stand up to those proposing this nonsense.

CODE: “Social Emotional Learning (SEL)” or “Whole-child education”

TRANSLATION: Harmful indoctrination based on feelings rather than facts. Instead of teaching schoolchildren tried-and-true facts regarding history, science, math, etc., this new methodology focuses on teaching kids to “get in touch with your senses and your feelings,” consider that “your truth may be different from the truth of others,” and “explore your identity.”

This often manifests itself as Critical Race Theory (CRT), graphic sex-ed literature taught as young as elementary school, teachers asking students about their “gender identity” and picking out “preferred pronouns,” and radical events like “drag queen story hour” (Note from Janet: this actually happened in Boise the Capitol of Idaho with a “drag kids show” on 9/11! I wrote about it in my blog Who is the Real Threat to the Soul of Our Nation)!

CODE: “_____ justice” (Environmental, economic, racial, social, etc.)

TRANSLATION: Forced redistribution of wealth, property, and income from “oppressor” groups to favored “oppressed” groups, usually funded by higher taxes on the oppressor groups.

Many candidates using the above code words support policies or platforms that amount to socialism. These terms are usually just an excuse to offer handouts in an attempt to earn minority votes, appease the woke mob and “politically correct” police, cater to climate change alarmists, and generally sow division.

Voters must be aware of the spineless politicians willing to play these games so they can vote for candidates who will not cave to the pressure.

You Can Be a Codebreaker

When you support iVoterGuide, you support our team of expert researchers working hard to decode where candidates stand on crucial issues for conservative voters in races across the nation. And right now, we are in the middle of our 5 Million Movement—our initiative to get this vital research into the hands of five million faith-based voters by Election Day, November 8.

As I’m sure you’ve read, numerous races are going down to the wire. And many are predicting a “red wave,” but it will not happen by itself—especially with the Left doing their best to push back.

Faith-based voters MUST get out and vote in record numbers—and they MUST be properly equipped to vote for the right candidates!

iVoterGuide has proven to be the key difference maker in hundreds of races up and down the ballot across the nation for years, and we are working to make 2022 the biggest year yet!

Back to Janet

That’s the end of what I wanted to share with you from this excellent informative email.  iVoterGuide is one of the resources where Dave and I go to learn about who to vote for that represents our values. You can learn more about them and donate if you choose at iVoterGuide | Voter Guide Tool |

Often I’m described as “bold and courageous” and my response is always, “Shouldn’t every Christian be?!” This is not the time to be uninformed and unwilling to speak up. I wrote an entire book for women on Everyday Brave: Living Courageously as a Woman of Faith and in that book, I highlight numerous women from the Old and New Testament who did incredibly courageous actions against incredible hardships, as well as the stories of modern-day brave women. Why do we in the 21st Century think we should be timid and fearful as believers?

Can I be so bold to say that if our country goes down in flames, it will be because the church stayed silent and let it happen. Exactly what happened in Germany with Hitler. We’re better than that. Yes, we pray, but we are also the Lord’s hands and feet while we still have breath and if we care about the world we’re leaving to our children and grandchildren, we will get involved. There are good people who are willing to serve, we just need to do our best to be sure they get elected and bring our country back from the brink of toppling and instill stability into this nation we love. We need to make America godly again!

The wicked run away when no one is chasing them,
    but the godly are as bold as lions.

When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily.
    But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability.
Pr. 28:1-2

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  1. Kathy Collard Miller says

    Soooo important. Thank you, Janet. I checked out
    Keep up the important work!

    • Janet Thompson says

      I pray that others will join me in the Lord’s work to save our country for our children and grandchildren. iVoterguide is one of those and there are others. We just need to do our research like we would when we write. So important as you said!

  2. Excellent blog on defining the ‘Truth!’

    Go Janet!!!!

  3. Norm Bobczynski says

    Excellent word, Janet. Thanks.

  4. Bravo Janet!! Thank you for using your voice and position as a bold front line warrior leading the charge to inform and with a strong a call to action! The body of Christ can no longer sit timidly and silently while inflammatory political/social narratives are actively destroying our freedoms through this “police state” administration, using government departments and agencies against the citizens of this country as they see fit to do so.

    We must grow the spiritual courage and conviction to become the “tip of the spear” of God’s truth that can pierce into this destructive, anti-Christian activist machine or we may find ourselves completely under the heels of a totalitarian pseudo-American government, and the church will be driven underground!

    As you stated above, “Faith-based voters MUST get out and vote in record numbers—and they MUST be properly equipped to vote for the right candidates!” If we don’t speak up now and courageously push in and stand up for our Judaeo-Christian values, then the Word of God, our moral convictions, and our Constitutional rights are forever cancelled and lost. Gone would be a republic nation, a once world super-power that was a shining example of freedom. liberty and positive influence. Instead, our beloved country will be in political and economic shambles with a crushing national debt and a hopeless legacy for generations to come. My Army husband and 2 Army children would have served in wars and fought in vain to hold the line of freedom, as so many other service members have across nearly 3 centuries ago to wrestle freedom from English totalitarian rule!

    The answer is not for Jesus’ followers to keep silent and simply cave under the pressure of the horrors happenings all around us. We are warned, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

  5. Janet Thompson says

    If the church fails, the country fails! Thank you for reiterating that Suzanne.

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