You Can Use Your Vote to Combat Evil!

I’m not going to mince words this week. As Christians, it’s our civic duty, obligation, right, and responsibility to vote for candidates that reflect our values. We may not like how they look. They certainly won’t be perfect, but no one is perfect except Jesus.

However, today we have politicians running our country whose policies are immoral, irrational, and evil. Their agenda is to destroy our American democracy and rebuild it as a Marxist/Communist secular country where the government controls everything and the people obey or face the consequences.

This midterm election might actually be the only way we can salvage our free country and I’m not the only one who thinks that.

Of course, you pray before you vote, do your research, and consider what has happened to our country in less than two years since the Democrats took control of the Senate, Congress, and White House. On day one of Biden’s presidency, he signed a stack of executive orders to undo and obliterate our civil liberties, freedoms, and destroy the great American way of life. Here are just a few of the ensuing dire consequences of that election!

  • The National School Board and teacher’s union kept our schools closed
  • Vaccine mandates or lose your job!
  • Transgenderism forced into schools, sports, military, and jobs
  • Skyrocketing unprecedented inflation and recession
  • Energy production halted when we were energy dependent and still have plenty of natural fuel to support not only our country but could help others
  • Gas prices doubling and tripling with no relief in sight
  • Retirement funds disappearing
  • Equity replaces equality
  • “Inclusion” includes immorality and unjustness
  • Partisan two-tiered biased justice system favoring Democrats
  • Crime terrorizing our streets
  • Defund the police and the military
  • Millions of illegals flood our boarders unchecked and unvetted
  • Drugs flowing into every state from open border drug cartels
  • Sex trafficking of women, men, and young children coming across the border
  • Critical Race Theory and racism taught in schools, which the last president banned
  • Sex and perverted explicit pornographic sex taught in school as young as kindergarten
  • Men in women’s sports, locker rooms, and bathrooms. Again, banned by Trump
  • “Misgendering” can cost your job or get you expelled from school
  • Denial of scientific biological sexes: male and female
  • Concerned parents targeted as terrorists
  • Funded drag queens in Ecuador with a $20,000 grant from our tax money to brainwash minors with the transgender ideology
  • Threat of a nuclear war and millions spent in the Ukrainian/Russia war
  • Despicable retreat from Afghanistan with tragic loss of eleven military lives and numbers injured
  • Disastrous and dangerous foreign policy
  • 89,000 new armed IRS agents added to an already overstaffed agency
  • Use of the justice department and FBI to attack political adversaries. I hesitate to even call it a justice system.
  • War on women (unable to define) and motherhood
  • Promoting the murder of babies
  • Genital mutilation, castration, mastectomies, hysterectomies, and puberty blockers of young children with some states allowing without parental consent
  • Worship of the earth and not the Creator of earth, God.

I’m crying as I make this list. Regardless of what you think of the former Republican President’s personality, none of this happened or would’ve happened during his watch. Even though he was under constant attack from the left, he took measures to prevent, curtail, or stop every item on the list. These are all Democrat despicable policies inflicted on our country in less than two years!

Many are afraid to speak out against the atrocities happening under the current Democrat led administration that tries to silence any opposition with intimidation and threats. But when you vote, it’s just between you and the paper you’re voting on. No one can entice you or force you to vote against your will, conscience, or beliefs.

Please Take the Time to Research Before You Vote!

I’ve covered many of the issues I listed above in previous blogs. I do my research before I write and I’m hoping when I give you a link to follow, you go to it to substantiate what I’m saying. If we can take back the House and the Senate for now, with the Lord’s help, we can put a halt to future destruction under the current administration, especially of our children.

Controlling our children is the goal of Marxism/Communism, which no one denies the Democrat party has become. We are no longer a country with two different political parties; we’re literally a country trying to survive a Communist attack on our republic. There’s such an emphasis now on the Democrats trying to prevent parental rights because if they can control the children, they control the next generation coming into power in our beloved country.

Look at every Communist takeover and it starts with indoctrination of the children. It’s happening right now in the schools with Critical Race Theory and sexualizing young children. Soon Christian schools will not receive accreditation if they don’t agree to comply with the demands of the National School Board, which donates to the Democrat party. This government run organization and the teacher’s union have overtly controlled schools to favor the liberal ideology.

Let’s Just Look at a Couple Items on the List: The Transgender Degradation of Women and Exploitation of Children

In Senator Ted Cruz’s new book, Justice Corrupted: How the Left Weaponized Our Legal System, he opens with the story of the father who went to a schoolboard meeting to protest his daughter being raped in the girl’s bathroom by a boy wearing a skirt. That father was jailed. The school first denied it happened, then admitted it and transferred the boy in a skirt to another school where he raped another girl. Cruz also discusses how the justice department has been weaponized, corrupted, and politicized.

A brave 14 year-old freshman volleyball player in Vermont, Blake Allen, and her father appeared on Tucker Carlson tonight with their attorney to tell their story of Blake being uncomfortable when a boy identifying as a girl was allowed in their school locker room. She left and complained to the school authorities who suspended her for 5 days because she wouldn’t write an apology to the boy! Her father was fired from his job as soccer coach at the same school because he wrote about it on social media and “misgendered” the boy impersonating a girl.

A school in North Carolina announced it would forfeit all games against teams allowing “transgender” players after one of their own players was injured in the head by a spike from a boy player on the other “girls” team. Here’s a short quote from this article “In June, the Biden administration proposed an updated rule for the enforcement of Title IX, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational settings. The proposed regulation would expand the definition of sex to include gender identity and sexual orientation, raising concerns that schools would be required to allow transgender athletes to compete as women.”

Transgender is a fabricated term for a genetic boy with a fetish or genuine mental gender dysphoria disorder dressing or simply “identifying” as a girl and demanding acceptance that he’s a girl/woman! Which, Biden fully supports since he spent time in the oval office with a grown man, Dylan Mulvaney, who identifies as a young girl and obviously has a fetish for dressing up and pretending he’s a girl. With all that’s going on in our world, Biden doesn’t have time to speak with reporters, but he sits with this man dressed like a girl who makes tic toc videos demeaning women while he’s portraying to be one.

It’s disgusting! But Biden actually tells this man that it’s immoral to not affirm his audacious behavior or to not allow small children, who for a moment might wonder what it’s like to be the other gender, to be surgically and medically mutilated/castrated for life. Tucker Carlson talks about this Biden interview with Riley Gains who lost her swimming championship title to a boy going by the name of Lia Thomas but is still genetically and physically a boy! Riley is Co-chair of Nine Pac supporting politicians who will defend Title IX allowing only biological women to compete against each other in sports!

Have you noticed it’s the males who are primarily trying to invade the true female gender? How often do you hear of a woman pretending to be a man and invading men’s space?

These men obviously have issues and need mental and spiritual help not affirmation in hurting women and misguiding children.

Which leads me to two more issues I want to address.

Last week, the Lord led me to write a blog Woke is Just a Euphemism for Demonic. I want you to read two articles that the Lord revealed to me why He’s asking me to call out Satan by name. You cannot deny any longer that what’s happening on the left is satanic and demonic.

God is giving us a chance to fight against Satan with our vote, but it demands courage, bravery, and trust to support journalists, politicians, candidates, and citizens who are fighting too!

If you thought I was overemphasizing the Drag movement last week, please read Christopher Rufo’s article below. There are schools allowing Drag shows to take place in the classrooms and not letting parents know or opt out their children from the debauchery. If you think Drag queen story hours and brunches are innocent family friendly, you’re deceived.

The history and purpose is to sexualize and normalize pedophilia and they’ve been given full reign in the school system under this liberal administration. This is a slow slide into the tolerance of adults having sex with little children. When’s the last time you heard anyone arrested because they had child porn on their computer? Now porn is being introduced into schools as “tolerant” “inclusive” “good education” and entertainment for children.

Christopher F. Rufo is a journalist who has been drawing attention to the sexualization of children. In his article below, he outlines the history and purpose of the new Drag Queen phenomena, which has received no pushback from this administration but is instead included as acceptable by the Democrat controlled National School Board. I hope you’ll read the whole article, here’s a snippet.

Drag Queen Story Hour’s radical origins and the subversive sexualization of our kids: Advocates describe Drag Queen Story Hour as family-friendly but an underlying and serious message about childhood sexuality is being conveyed. Rufo explains:

“Having begun with voluntary programs at public libraries, Drag Queen Story Hour has been remarkably successful, sparking a trend of state-subsidized drag readings, dances, and performances across the country. Advocates of Drag Queen Story Hour might reply that these are outlier cases and that many of the child-oriented events feature drag queens reading books and talking about gender, not engaging in sexualized performances.”

“But the spirit of drag is predicated on the transgressive sexual element, the ideology of queer theory, and the goal of elevating those at the bottom of the sexual hierarchy—including pedophiles—which cannot be erased by switching the context and softening the language.”

“When parents, voters, and political leaders understand the true nature of Drag Queen Story Hour and the ideology that drives it, they will work quickly to restore the limits that have been temporarily—and recklessly—abandoned. They will draw a bright line between adult sexuality and childhood innocence and send the perversions of queer theory back to the margins, where they belong.”

We need to vote the liberal progressive Democrats out of office to protect our children in so many ways and this is just another one on the list. The current administration will not draw a line because they’re promoting it under the elusive “inclusion” ideology. Inclusion should never include evil perversion, which the liberals refuse to denounce.

This next story should appall you if nothing else does!

Andrew Mark Miller wrote an article titled: Left-wing activists harass conservative reading Bible, steal book and rip it up, protester eats pages | Fox News Leftist protesters were spotted outside a speaking event by a conservative commentator surrounding and shouting down a man reading Bible passages before they snatched the Bible, ripped it up, and one protester ate the pages!

In the video posted by Young America’s Foundation earlier this week, a man reading Bible passages on a loudspeaker outside a screening of conservative commentator Matt Walsh’s “What is a Woman?” documentary in Madison, Wisconsin was accosted by screaming leftist protesters. One of the protesters can be seen banging on a can next to the Christian man’s face while another blared a siren next to him.

“The leftists’ attempts to silence a student reading the Bible demonstrate their utter contempt for the Judeo-Christian values upon which America was founded,” Nick Baker, a spokesperson for Young America’s Foundation, told Fox News Digital in a statement.

“Well, you can be on the side that eats the Bible and castrates children, or you can be on literally any side but that one,” [Matt] Walsh posted on Twitter along with the video. “Your choice, America.”

Walsh also posted a photo of a notice posted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison warning students of the event and calling it “harmful towards our trans community.” The protesters also reportedly vandalized multiple buildings on campus including a veteran’s memorial.

Even a transgender activist, Buck Angel, a “transsexual man,” believes the transgender movement has “gone too far” by encouraging minors to use drugs and surgery to transition to the opposite sex. In an article and interview with Gabrielle Reyes of Fox News, Buck admitted, “We do show that there is a lot of trauma not being addressed before going to medical and why we are having a large population of detransitioners that the transgender community is trying to hide,” Angel said. Angel also said he “does not believe children should medical transition.”

 “Mental health needs to be the priority,” he continued. “Not affirmation therapy but actual therapy.” “We do not have enough research to show that this will alleviate the gender dysphoria,” he told Fox News.

The article described, “Gender dysphoria is a “marked incongruence” between a person’s “experienced or expressed gender and the one they were assigned at birth,” as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

We’re not “assigned a gender at birth.” We are the gender at birth that God created us as either a baby boy or girl. Whoever wrote that definition of gender dysphoria in the manual needs some mental and spiritual help themselves.

Have You Heard Enough?

I could go on, but I want to close with three Republican Conservative candidates who aren’t afraid to say they’re Christians and God is who they depend on and work for, along with serving the American people. I hope and pray you have candidates like this running in your state and local elections and you do your American duty to defend our country and our children by voting in this election. We have friends who went three hours out of their way to be sure they voted before they took a road trip out of Idaho.

Herschel Walker reacts to Obama attacking him as a ‘celebrity’ politician: ‘I’m a warrior for God’ | Fox News

‘The news is a LIE, the Bible is the TRUTH’: Kari Lake debunks rumors about her faith – TheBlaze

Ron DeSantis Florida proceeds with ban on puberty blockers and sex reassignment surgeries for minors | Fox News

Christians let’s do this! Let’s turn our beloved America back to God! Pray, Vote, and Keep Praying. “For the Christian, voting is more than a privilege. It is a responsibility before God . . . we are to be stewards over all the gifts God has given us–including the right to vote.” Hal Lindsey

Let’s make this election such a landslide for good against evil that no amount of cheating from the left could alter the outcome. Vote like your life and the life of your family depends on it, because it does!

Here are two sites I recommend to research information about your local ballot.

My Faith Votes | Home

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  1. Janet,
    This was by far the most informative blog ever! Wow, I truly appreciate your research and telling it like it really is, no fluff. I hope and pray that people in general, Christians & non Christians will wake up and vote to rebuild and not tear down the future of our United States of America on Tuesday, Nov 8, 2022.

    WE need a BIG change in our current government and their ‘twisted’ policies that’s destroying our country to its core. Lord, help us before it is too late! Cleanse our country of this evil and allow us to be one nation under GOD- not tyranny, now and forevermore!

    GO Janet!!!

    • Janet Thompson says

      I pray that prayer with you! It’s not hard to do research these days because it’s everywhere! Even this morning there’s a news article about the brave 14 year-old Blake Allen and her father. I heard about Riley Gains and Nine Pac on Huckabee show. What’s happening in our world is everywhere, I just hope and pray more people will speak up against it and vote for good people on Nov. 8 and Lord let them win.

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