Will America Survive the Next Generation’s Choices?!

Every Christian surrendering your life to Christ knows it’s a choice. A choice between continuing to live our old carnal life or a new godly life. God designed the world with options to choose Him or the world. Last Tuesday, November 8, Americans were given the same choice and it’s heartbreaking how many chose to let the current secular socialist Administration continue destroying America and obliterating righteousness in our country.

Many will say that analogy doesn’t work and Christians should stay out of politics. Well you cannot substantiate that myth in the Bible. God created politics man didn’t originate it. Politics is attacking Christianity and everything we hold dear like sanctity of life, marriage between a man and a woman, family, innocence of children, and God made only two genders. We’re in a spiritual and political war to overcome evil. When pastors and parents fail to take on the mantel of educating their flock or family in the contrast between wrong and right, evil and good, corruption and sanctification, Satan and God . . . our civil society crumbles as we’re watching happen today.

The world’s laws are sanctifying same sex marriage, murder of babies up until the day of birth, casual sex, arrest of Christians, closure of churches, mutilation of children, denying the freedom of speech, which morphs into not allowing us to profess the Bible. We’re experiencing the results of that decay in our once great America.

We could’ve changed much of that on Tuesday. If every evangelical Christian went to the polls and voted for the many candidates who were Bible-believing Christian conservatives, not even politicians, vowing to bring God and His ways back into our government, we wouldn’t see the angst, or maybe even apathy, we’re watching today.

We put our hope, support, and prayers into believing the conservative candidates, would win and clean up the corruption and evil we’ve watched coming out of this White House. Maybe they couldn’t stop it, but they could hinder it even though the current President said, ‘That’s what pens are for, veto.”

The media deceived us into believing there would be a “red wave” which never materialized. We should’ve known that anything the mainstream media says is a lie to mislead. They wanted us to believe something they knew would never happen because the wheels of corruption now run too deep in our voting system. The Democrats, just like the Communists, will do anything and everything to win and stay in control and the Republican leadership seems to be either in denial or in agreement with the corruption.

When 57% of women in Pennsylvania voted for a man who can barely talk and cannot communicate without a stenographer and wide screen, is further left than Bernie Sanders, and wants to let hardcore criminals out of jail, kill babies up until the moment of birth, and stop all fracking, the heart of Pennsylvania workers, something went wrong. Not only that, the state voted in a Democrat who died a month ago and was still on the ballot. They elected a dead person! That tells you voters didn’t do their homework or research, they believed the left’s lies and voted to keep their state poor, crime infested, and corrupt.

Sadly, the main point that drove many independents and even some Republicans to vote Democrat in spite of the dismal approval ratings and destruction of America by Biden was to vote against any candidate with a firm position on eliminating abortion. Killing babies was democracy to those voting Democrat.

We won at eliminating Roe v Wade as a federal victory, but five states had abortion protection on the ballot, and it passed in all five states, Michigan, Kentucky, Vermont, Montana and California. In California, they will codify abortion up until the day of birth and pay with taxpayers’ money for all expenses of travel, hotel, and “surgery,” aka murder. Montana rejected efforts for medical care for a baby born alive after an attempted abortion. Infanticide!

Even as I write this, tears fill my eyes, which they have often this week. Killing babies was the most important issue for those voters! Pastor Che Ahn, the pastor in California that took Newsom to court over the right to keep his church open during Covid and won, said that California now has a curse on it because God hates the spilling of innocent blood.

There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him:
17         haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,
18         a heart that devises wicked schemes,
        feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19         a false witness who pours out lies
        and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
Pr. 6:16-19

Hal Lindsey points out in his blog this week that “One of the problems with idolatry is that it does not sit still. It grows. Satan always wants more. Eventually, he even demands the children. Deuteronomy 12:31 explains where idol worship leads: You must not worship the Lord your God in their way, because in worshiping their gods, they do all kinds of detestable things the Lord hates. They even burn their sons and daughters in the fire as sacrifices to their gods.

Those ancient idol-worshipers burned their own babies alive! In this enlightened 21st century, we would never do anything like that, right? Wrong. We kill children by burning and dismembering them only we do it while babies are still in the womb.

Lindsey brings up the point I have often said, abortion isn’t a legal argument, it’s moral!

As Dave and I listened to the candidates who promised during their campaign to go against the corrupt establishment and elite swamp “idol-worshipers,” we cheered them on, but in my heart, I knew they were putting a target on their back. Sure enough, McConnell removed all support from any candidate, even in key states like AZ, NV, and PA, who said they wouldn’t vote for his reelection in the Senate. McConnell in the Senate and McCarthy in the House brought this election down to the wire, nail-biting maybe a red ripple. They let down their party and their country. I’ve always been suspicious of McConnell, but sorely disappointed in McCarthy who aspires to be the next Speaker of the House.

There’s Another Dynamic Not Being Addressed

Robert Spencer wrote an article There WOULD Have Been a Red Wave, But….. | Frontpage Mag. But for who? The group we let fall out of most churches. When kids age out of Children’s Ministry, some churches have Middle School and High School ministries, but then the church turns them out into the world without mentors or Christian peer groups and the leftist culture gobbles them up with devilish joy. Charlie Kirk, a young man who saw this debacle and started Turning Point USA is one of the few caring about the college age young adults. But he’s one man and one ministry and the conservative Christians who should biblically care for this age group for the most part throw them to the wolves.

In Robert Spencer’s article he quoted, “John Della Volpe, a hard-Left pollster and author of a deathless tome entitled FIGHT: How Gen Z is Channeling Their Fear & Passion to Save America, is claiming that his favorite age group saved the midterm elections for those who love skyrocketing inflation, open borders, rising crime, international ridicule and brinksmanship, and accelerating authoritarianism. In a tweet, he [Volpe] wrote: “One thing I know already. If not for voters under 30 … tonight WOULD have been a Red Wave. CNN National House Exit Polls
 R+ 13 65+

R+ 11 45-64

D +2 30-44

D +28 18-29

#GenZ did their job.” He added, “& young #millennials :)”

Robert Spencer responded: “If Della Volpe’s numbers are correct, and 64% of voters between the ages of 18 and 29 really voted for Democrats, then one thing is clear: the corruption and politicization of our educational system has worked.”

“What he [Volpe] is crowing about is the apparent fact that the voting group with the least life experience and the most recent subjection to the Leftist indoctrination that dominates America’s educational system ended up voting as it was brainwashed to do. Gee, that’s terrific, if you like evidence of the success of the relentless propagandizing of a vulnerable and impressionable captive audience, but neither John Della Volpe nor anyone else should be proud of it.

What it shows is not that the Leftist case is compelling or persuasive; it shows that patriotic Americans have been far too complacent in allowing public schools to become centers of Leftist indoctrination and hatred of our own nation and heritage.”

“Many, if not most, of the Gen Z-ers who voted overwhelmingly for the Left will, as they get older, come to realize how foolish and wrongheaded they were to support socialist internationalism and the managed decline of the United States. But others will never wake up and will applaud that decline as retribution for centuries of alleged racism and colonialism. Even as their own cities and towns become ever more squalid, poor, dirty, and dangerous, they will continue to think of themselves as righteous for having chosen all that. That pride will be all they have left.”

Pastor Ahn, who I mentioned earlier, said this is exactly why they homeschooled all of their children and I think he said two have become pastors. Ahn’s own father was imprisoned during the Communist takeover in China and by God’s grace was able to escape. Ahn said that’s the only reason he himself is alive so he knows what can happen to a country headed for demise like America and his own state California is right now.

On a positive note, I just read that the youngest Republican woman ever elected to serve in the State House flipped a blue House seat in Texas. 28-year-old Caroline Harris primarily ran a campaign focused on property taxes, border security, the pro-life movement, and parental rights in education. Her opponent, Echegaray, ran on immigration reform, gun control, the pro-choice movement, and improving infrastructure.

Harris was supported by a group called Run Gen Z whose mission is “Empowering and mentoring conservative trailblazers from Generation Z to pursue election to public office and win, leading state and local chambers and councils toward a more constitutionally-focused government.”

My Reaction

Mario Murillo wrote in a blog, “Christianity will survive without America, but America will not survive without Christianity. “The gloves are off and all pretenses of ‘the greater good’ are gone. This, to them, is a street fight. They [the left] want all morality removed and all pleasure legalized. They want to forcefully take what belongs to those who worked hard and squander it. Their boasts are predicted in the Bible.”

“Their eyes bulge with abundance; they have more than heart could wish. They scoff and speak wickedly concerning oppression; they speak loftily. They set their mouth against the heavens, and their tongue walks through the earth” (Psalm 73: 7-9).

I’ve been saddened personally and cried a lot for the Christian conservative candidates who were willing to stand up for God, family, and patriotism who lost and I pray the few that did win will bring righteous values to Congress.

My heart breaks and my spirit cries out for the babies being killed even as I sit here writing in my red state of Idaho. As you read this blog wherever you are, think right now a baby is being dismembered, poisoned, or having his or her neck broken! I hope you stop and cry a moment with me.

I’m reminded of the story of Joseph who eventually could say that God meant all his pain, agony, fear, and unjust treatment for good, yet it was still painful, agonizing, fearful, unjust, and his own family turned on him. His father Jacob suffered with grief for years at the seemingly loss of his precious son and then to find out it was his other sons who inflicted the horrendous years of distress on their family.

You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. Gen. 50:20

There is no guarantee that God is not going to let America go through the same painful, agonizing, fearful, unjust consequences of people destroying our beloved America before He brings out the good. There’s still a glimmer of hope as I write on Sunday, that we will not continue to be traumatized by the left and there will be enough people with integrity in government federal and local to keep our beloved country adrift.

Our friend Norm who studies Bible prophecy wrote: The enemy that we are up against is so big and so pervasive that it will take a lot to bring them down. I believe that the first step is to help people see the beast. This is not just a physical war, but a spiritual war as well. Unfortunately, many people will remain under a delusion, because they refuse to love, or believe the ‘Truth’. (See 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 & John 14:6) If people have not awakened as a result of Tuesday’s activities, then they probably won’t awaken. In my humble opinion, I believe that what we are seeing is God’s way of awakening His church. (See Rev 3:2,3 & Matt. 25:1-13)

Always I Want to Leave You With Hope

Our hope doesn’t come from the government, our hope comes from God, and if you know Jesus as your Savior, you know you will one day leave this world to spend eternity with Him. But I know you have people in your life who do not have that hope of salvation.

The government will always fail us. We know from the hard times in the Books of Judges and 1 Kings and 2 Kings, God’s people suffered greatly under evil judges and kings, but often because the people would not take a stand for their God. They didn’t get to vote for the next judge or even the kings; they were at the mercy of the lineal hierarchy. God chose David, who was fallible and struggled with hardship throughout the Book of Psalms. God tried to warn the people through the prophets of their eminent demise if they continued to worship other gods and idols.

There was silence from God for 400 years, then Jesus. Life wasn’t easy for Jesus and His followers or the churches Paul founded and counseled either, but they all knew this world was not their home, and those who didn’t choose Jesus chose Satan to follow.

So we’re back to where I started: life is full of choices. Your political party choice may affect your life here on earth, but your eternal choice and who you take with you to heaven is the only choice that really counts.

If you have a young person in your life, your church, your neighborhood love on them, mentor them, give them reason to want to make the choice you made to choose Jesus because there is no doubt the Lord is on His way back soon for His people. Don’t let anyone you love be left behind.

When believers get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be!
When we all see Jesus, we’ll sing and shout the victory!

 No politics, only Jesus.

For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. 16 Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves. 1 Peter 15-16

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  1. Norm Bobczynski says

    Wow, Janet. Spot on. You nailed it, yet again. Well done. Thank you Lord, for the wonderful inspiration that You have given this awesome woman after Your own hear.

    • Janet Thompson says

      Thank you Norm and I love the way the Holy Spirit inspires us both. I have to admit it took a couple of cups of coffee for me to figure out what you were saying with the last word in your comment, but the light just went off and I think you meant “heart.”

  2. Excellent blog today, the circumstances surrounding the current election is so disconcerting. Again the lying tongues have surfaced and believe they have won. Yet, we know WHOM truly wins in the end.

    • Janet Thompson says

      And the last election and if nothing changes all elections going forward. Satan is upping his battle plan and until the final win by the Lord, we stay as His warriors in the fight.

  3. Thank you Janet! For your excellent summary of what happened…what’s happening…and reminding us that our hope is in Jesus…He will not fail us. We must keep our eyes fixed on Him, believe-trust-obey Him, no matter what or how long. And share the hope of The Gospel every opportunity He gives us. We weep for our babies, children, youth, young adults. Lord, we don’t know what to do but our eyes are on You.

  4. Janet Thompson says

    Let’s keep praying the Lord will show each of us what to do and we’ll be courageous and brave enough to follow His call. Thank you for your comment Sandy and encouragement.

  5. Kathy Collard Miller says

    Your insights always amaze me, Janet. Please keep informing and inspiring us.

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