No More Recreational Christianity!

You might be thinking, “Well I’m a Christian and I enjoy recreation!” I do too. I’m not talking about squelching fun in fact I encourage it. In the context of this blog, I’m using recreational as light, undemanding, even entertaining, Christianity.

Christian living encompasses an obligation beyond what feels good or is easy and comfortable. God isn’t expecting us to be the smartest person in heaven. He’s going to be more interested in how we used the gifts and talents He gave us to further His kingdom here on earth to overcome pervasive evil.

Yes, being a Christian goes beyond fellowshipping and enjoying the company of like-minded believers, even beyond our personal spiritual maturity, although these are all important elements of our Christian life. But even more important is our willingness to go where Christ calls us to go and do what He says to do. I’m not suggesting going on the mission field, unless that’s where you feel God calling you. When we look around us with discernment, we see a huge mission field of evil engulfing our world from the government to the schools.

It’s easy to think there’s nothing we can do about it. Or, who are we to get involved? I would answer, “We’re Christians. That’s who we are and that’s why we do get involved. If not us, than who? If not now, then when?”

The Bible tells every Christian, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.” Pr. 31:8 NLT

Right now, our children and grandchildren are being crushed by evil in a secular culture that sees them as innocent prey. In schools. Libraries. Entertainment. The medical profession. Satan puts a bullseye on children he can’t murder in the womb.

Abortion is a sacrament of Satan. It’s demonic. Satan knows he can’t kill God, so he breaks God’s heart by killing or deceiving God’s creation using demonic industries like Planned Parenthood that performs the majority of abortions and is one of the top producers of gender alternation medications. Assaults on children by Planned Parenthood, the medical profession, and the Democrat transgender agenda are evil golden cash cows.

I found myself yelling at the television when Democrat Congressman Jerry Nadler told Congress we need more illegal immigrants because Americans are having less babies and our population is diminishing. He admitted the Dems do have a plan to replace American citizens with illegals. I wanted someone to tell him, “The population is decreasing because the Democrats support the murder of babies, transgenderism, and castrating, mutilating, and chemically sterilizing young children!” That’s not a political statemen; it’s factual.

You might think we won the battle of abortion when Roe v Wade was overturned. While that was an amazing accomplishment, the battle is far from over as each state now sets its own abortion laws and Biden is trying to codify abortion as the law of the land. Every time a red state passes strict abortion regulations, the Biden Administration sues that state! The Federal government has also approved abortion pills mailed into states that prohibit the sale of them, like Idaho where I live. That’s why abortion will be a central part of the Presidential campaign. Sadly, many pro-life politicians have been defeated. There are a number of pro-abortion Republicans in both the Senate and Congress who have either bought the “healthcare” lie or aren’t willing to tell the truth about abortion. They compromise to win.

I was happy to see our Idaho legislature changing the terminology for our state to reflect the true sanctity of life. Fetus and stillborn fetus are now replaced with preborn child and stillborn child.

I know you’ve seen an infant recently in your family, church, or community. What a blessing that child is but we weep for all the precious lives ended before they could begin. Only those deceived by Satan would champion indiscriminate sex over a precious conceived life. If you study this issue, you quickly learn that Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, first called Planned Parenthood the American Birth Control League. She’s credited with originating the term birth control. Research shows that her intent was that women could have sexual pleasure without the responsibility of pregnancy. It also involved eugenics, as she wanted to eliminate blacks and any child with potential birth defects. Straight from Satan’s playbook.

I challenge you to find anywhere in the Bible where God, the Creator of life, uses the term birth control, or espouses the concept of humans, instead of God, controlling birth. Just the opposite. Man also thinks he can control the weather. Again, trying to usurp God.

God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.  Gen. 1:28

An atheistic mind that believes there is no God, concludes there’s no need or respect for human life. It’s a false humanism religion denying that we are both body and soul. Exactly where our secular culture is today and yet so often the church is afraid to talk about this or expose the satanic repercussions. We’d rather talk about things that make us feel good—recreational entertaining Christianity instead of righteously effective Christianity.

Planned Parenthood is also behind pornography and “Sex Ed for Social Change” in schools, school libraries, and public libraries. If they can corrupt innocent minds with sex and sexual deviations, they control them for life. Those who are paying attention can clearly see this is all a prelude to normalizing sex with children, pedophilia. It’s already happening as we saw in the movie Sound of Freedom. Child sex trafficking rings are prevalent, especially with the border invasion. Horrible stories appear in the news like videotaping toddlers being sexually abused while perverts attempt to lower the age of sexual consent for children!

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Matt. 18:6

Does that seem too extreme to be true? Many of us can remember when sex outside of marriage was taboo. Virginity was cherished. Living together before marriage was unacceptable, and if a couple got pregnant, they got married. Sex, nudity, couples in bed together, multiple lovers, and promiscuity weren’t allowed on television. Now it’s all been normalized and somehow Christians let it happen.

Let marriage be kept honorable in every way, and the marriage bed undefiled. For God will judge those who commit sexual sins, especially those who commit adultery. Heb. 213:4

Every Christian must defend morality! One day, we’re all going to stand before God and He’s going to ask what did you do, or not do, about the evil corruption in your culture.

I would encourage you to listen to this YouTube conversation with Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills and Seth Gruger who has a Pro Life Ministry, A White Rose. I learned that Pastor Hibbs is an abortion survivor. In his teens, he overheard his mother telling someone that a neighbor discovered his mother mutilating herself by trying to abort him with a coat hanger. After three weeks in the hospital, Pastor Hibbs’ life was saved. He didn’t understand the complete impact of his rescue until he later became a Christian. How many future pastors, presidents, inventors, physicians, missionaries, parents, musicians, athletes . . . God’s children . . . weren’t rescued and saved? If you’ve ever heard Pastor Hibbs preach or speak, you know he’s living out his purpose.

We were all saved and called to a purpose that promotes God’s kingdom here on earth. We must discover that purpose and fulfill it for the Lord’s glory!

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose. 29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. 30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. Romans 8:28-30

Update on Our Local Library

Some of you have been following my unexpected and unplanned role spearheading the removal of obscene and pornographic books targeted for children in our local library. You can read the history in my blogs Jesus Reveals the Opposing Fathers of Truth and Lies and Be Alert for Where and When the Lord Wants You to Get Involved!

As an update, a friend and I accepted an invitation to meet with the librarian who at first was determined that we were censors. But after talking with us, she agreed to amend the board minutes referring to us as “people in favor of censorship” and suggested I send a letter to the library board asking them to review the books according to Idaho’s definition of pornography.

In God’s perfect timing, our Idaho Legislature’s House State Affairs Committee has introduced a new bill for libraries to either remove or move to a designated “Adults Only” section of the library “harmful materials” directed to minors, or materials that include “nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or sado-masochistic abuse.” Under the Legislatures definition of “sexual conduct this includes any act of homosexuality. With this new legislation, students, parents and legal guardians could fill out a written notice to libraries asking to relocate a library item that they deem “harmful” to the adult section. A library that doesn’t comply would be fined.

There was a similar law last year that made its way to Governor Little’s desk and he vetoed it. One Republican vote prevented overriding the veto. They’ve revised the bill according to the changes the governor asked for and are hoping to get this one passed. I’m happy to see Republicans didn’t give up, as I haven’t given up.

I’m not telling you this story for pats on the back or an at-a-girl. I’m sharing it to make the point that we never know where God is going to “call” us to get involved for a just cause. I would’ve never predicted I would be enmeshed, let alone the spokeswoman, for this issue in our little town, but God knew. Therefore, I can’t be deterred or dissuaded. Instead, I ask for prayer and go where He leads and change is happening for the good. I want to encourage each one of you to do the same.

When Hobby Lobby won the case in the Supreme Court to not be required to offer abortion in their employee’s insurance plans, California sent a letter to churches that California wasn’t going to abide by the ruling and churches would be required to offer abortion to their employees. Pastor Hibbs went to battle against it and eight years later, won!

We know God’s truth and we must stand our ground for it wherever God has planted us!

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. 14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matt. 5:13-16

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete. 2 Cor. 10:4-6

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  1. Janet Schramm says

    Good Job Janet…yes. this was perfect for us. God is definitely teaching me for sure about having HOPE in Him. I believe He puts us in different situations and circumstances to work on us and others. We are each called for a purpose and I believe our purpose changes throughout our lives to be a vessel for Him. At first Don and I said before this trip that we are going to Praise Him and have fun.. But I also believe that he will bring people and circumstances to us so that we can grow in our faith and HOPE in Him. Thank you for your diligence in His service. I love you. Janet❤️

    • Janet Thompson says

      A good time to journal how you see the Lord working on expanding your hope in Him on the trip and how He will use you, which I know He will! You’ve got lots of material in only 2 days!

  2. Kathy Collard Miller says

    Janet, I did not know Pastor Hibbs is an abortion survivor. That really makes the fight for life even more “real.” I also am concerned that so many Christians are Bible-knowledge-poor. And they accept anything anyone says that supposedly the Bible says. We all should be asking for Chapter and verse and looking it up! Keep up the great work and I’m thrilled to hear how the Lord used your courage!

  3. Janet Thompson says

    We have friends who attend Pastor Hibbs’ church and apparently he does mention it often, but I hadn’t heard it either. They also said part of his testimony is that he stuttered until God miraculously healed him in his early 20’s. What a testimony!
    You’re right we must be biblically accurate as Christians.

  4. Linda Pillsbury says

    Janet great newsletter!!!
    We attended Jack’s church for 6 months!!!
    It was a tremendous blessing!!’ Commute was too far for us to be hands on involved.😞😞😞. I recall the story on his stuttering was a situation when he felt lead by the Lord to pray over someone, not sure if it was salvation prayer, but he did and afterward his stuttering was gone!!
    We are involved locally going to school board meetings, board of supervisor meetings, and attend meetings to learn what is happening locally. In our weekly neighborhood prayer group we share about the CCP influenced board of supervisors who will not even bring up for a vote to remove voting machines , the trans sexual grooming starting at PreK, and the school board majority that does not believe in parental notification.
    The response we get from our very committed Christian friends is “ we are so glad you do all you do!” Well, Chuck & Linda are not enough to turn the tide of the tidal wave of evil!!! Yes we are among a small group of believer activists who feel we must show up, speak out, and be knowledgeable about county and school board agendas!!! But we are not a majority at these meetings!!!!😞😞😞
    We especially wonder about the mature Christians who are retired and have the time??! Where are they??? We are all accountable to God for our actions or inactions!!!! Is it the love of night time television??!
    If 20% of our local student population is homeschooled or private schooled, that leaves 80% who are government schooled.
    Guess what!! Your grandchildren will be living in a culture with their neighbors,
    co-workers or even employers having been brainwashed into the cultural Marxist ideology!!! All 80% of them!!
    They will be outnumbered in every situation! Wake up people!!
    And another issue for many strong committed Christians is the idea that Jesus is coming soon so why bother!! No one knows when that will be but in the meantime we are losing the cultural war!
    We are to occupy until He returns!
    Come on people: door knock for your Christian candidates, attend conservative meetings to learn the issues, attend school board meetings or board of supervisor meetings, pray at abortion clinics, support your local pregnancy resource center, etc.
    I could go on but thank you Janet for your passion for freedom which is also freedom to preach the gospel and share our faith.

  5. Janet Thompson says

    Well said Linda. The harvest is so ripe, but the workers are so few. I understand what you mean when people tell you they’re so glad what you’re doing when our goal is to get others to join us not just cheer us on. It’s the call for every Christian and I always pray my blogs will motivate others to be engaged active Christians!

  6. Janet, Great blog, a lot to absorb and you have definitely done your homework! You articulate everything you write about. I love it when you become passionate about certain topics. Especially when it comes to our precious children.

    I read an article recently about satanic ritual abortions, made my skin crawl. I thought, well that’s from the pit of hell- truly. Lord help, us.

    Keep writing, keep sharing the truth about things done in darkness…GO Janet!

    • Janet Thompson says

      The Lord definitely has given me the gift of passion for the things that break His heart and mine. My prayer is that others would not grow weary in doing good and furthering His kingdom, even when they face obstacles and hardships. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. It means so much!


  1. […] last week’s blog, No More Recreational Christianity, I talked about Pastor Jack Hibbs’ testimony of being a survivor of his mother’s botched […]

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