How To Respond When Labeled a “Christian Nationalist”!

This isn’t the first time I’ve discussed Christian Nationalism. In August 2022, I wrote They Called Jesus and His Followers Names Too! — Woman to Woman Mentoring. The difference now is that when they first began slandering Christians who love God, family, and country, they racialized it with “White Christian Nationalism” in an attempt to link us with their definition of “White Supremacy.” They’ve dropped “white” because people of all colors are rejecting the Marxism infiltrating our country, families, schools, and unfortunately, even some churches.

There’s an adversarial undercurrent of anti-Christian religiophobia bleeding into a country founded on Judeo/Christian values, morals, and principles. Like many other terms liberal progressives originate, they define and vilify “Christian nationalism.” As liberals, progressives, and atheists attempt to change history, the Constitution, and the morals of America, we must restore and protect the threatened rights and values of Christians for the betterment of the Nation.

Christ called the church and every Christian to occupy until He returns. We can’t sit in the bleachers while God is removed from the public square, children indoctrinated and mutilated, and immorality becomes the law of the land. And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come. Luke 19:13 (KJV)

The church cannot remain neutral. We’re way beyond the era of neutrality. The church has the answers to the evils of our time, but their deafening silence implies consent and complacency in the face of blatant attacks on Christianity and Jesus.

God doesn’t require only some of us to be bold and brave (Josh. 1:9). He wants every Christian to take action no matter what names or insults the enemy slings! You don’t have to receive the insults. Hold up your shield of faith to stop and extinguish the fiery darts and arrows of the devil. (Eph. 6:16)

We all have a right and responsibility to vote our biblical convictions to support candidates who share our values. That means Christ-followers need to participate in the political process because everything has become politicized. Politics has invaded the moral arena of the church, and the church must stand its ground and invade politics. That’s constitutional. Our founding fathers didn’t create a solely Christian nation, but they saw the value in a God-inspired nation.

The false narrative hyped by the manufactured term ‘Christian nationalism’ is that Christians are promoting the belief that the United States should exclusively be governed by and for the benefit of Christians. This is a crafty sly attempt of Satan to discourage Christians from becoming involved in politics.

Case in point—POLITICO reporter, Heidi Przybyla, recently went on MSNBC and claimed that Christians who believe our rights are derived from God are “Christian nationalists.” She claimed this didn’t represent all Christians, just the “extremist element.” Here’s her comments that fortunately generated loud and abundant pushback: “The things that unite them as Christian nationalists—not Christians, by the way, because Christian nationalist is very different—is that they believe that our rights as Americans, as all human beings, don’t come from any earthly authority. They don’t come from Congress. They don’t come from the Supreme Court. They come from God.” [Imagine that!]

“The problem” she continued, “is that they, man, men, [as she gleefully smiles to the men she’s talking to] are determining what God is telling them and in the past that so-called natural law is a pillar of Catholicism for instance it’s been used for good in social justice campaigns. Martin Luther King Jr. evoked it in talking about civil rights, but now you have an extremist element of conservative Christians who say that this applies specifically to issues including abortion, gay marriage, and it’s going much further than that.”

She labeled “conservative Christians” as extremists! What Bible-believing Christian isn’t conservative? She exemplified her ignorance of Christianity while attempting to divide Christians. They know if we stay united in the belief that Our God Reigns, we’ll have more power to keep our country on the right moral track. But they’re winning this spiritual battle for good versus evil because sadly, one in three Christians don’t vote! Only 37% of pastors have a biblical worldview. 62% have a hybrid worldview. Let that sink in. That’s exactly why our country is on a fast track away from the plans God had, and has, for our nation.

Heidi Przybyla’s ridiculous commentary depicts how those slinging arrows at Christians not only don’t understand Christianity, they’re ignorant regarding the documents that guide our nation, starting with The Declaration of Independence, which declares:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

The founding fathers understood that if government grants rights, government could also take them away. But if our fundamental rights are ultimately derived from God, no government could remove them. Our nation’s forefathers knew that freedom wouldn’t work without the underpinning of biblical morality. Today, our nation’s foundation is eroding because we’re a nation moving away from the Bible and God and replacing Him with government.

God is and will always be the head of the government, no matter who sits in the White House. For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Is. 9:6

“It’s the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favors.”—George Washington

God used courageous men who said if we die, we die, to write our nation’s founding documents, largely influenced by their pastor’s sermons! George Washington, our first President, took his oath with one hand on a Bible, raised his right hand, and added to the oath “so help me God.” When the oath was finished, he knelt over and kissed the Bible. Yet, many are allowed to tear down statues of Washington or change the names of schools that bore his name. The undercurrent of Satanism and Marxism.

We should unashamedly embrace being a Christian and an American in this great Nation. Otherwise, the same thing will happen to our country as happens to your body if you ignore a cancer within it.

Dr. David Jeremiah writes in “Turning Points Magazine” February 2024, “We hear the phrase ‘halls of power’ mentioned in political discussions, referring to the domains of government authorities. Within those walls, deals and decisions are made which gives the impression of power—the ability to direct the destinies of people and nations. But true power resides with God not men. As Daniel expressed in Babylon, ‘Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and [power] are His. And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings’ (Daniel 2:20-21).”

And what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of his might power. Eph. 1:19

If you haven’t seen the documentary “Letter to the American Church, I encourage you to go to to see if a church in your area is showing it and/or find out how to show it for free in your church or group. On April 12, MyFaithVotes is doing another watch party at 3pm or 9pm ET. Register here.

Dave and I are going to watch it for the second time. You’ll see how closely America today parallels Hitler’s takeover in Europe when only 1/3 of the churches realized what was happening. When the complacent or indifferent 2/3rds finally woke up, it was too late. We’re in a window where we can make a difference, and that’s why we can’t be bothered or worried about the names and labels they try to put on us to slow us down, even though people like “Meathead” shamefully try to compare Christians to Nazi’s. We need to pray for that lost deceived soul.

Today, we’re free. Tomorrow, we might not be if we become fearful, intimidated, or self-censored by those with wicked motives to silence and cancel us. Remember, the purpose behind this smear campaign is to intimidate Christians from sharing their faith, political views, running for office, and voting. We must never let them win this evil hate campaign.

How To Respond to Christian Nationalism Slurs

Often our first reaction, at least mine, is to go on the defensive against attacks on my faith or patriotism. But the best way to respond to any challenge is with questions that either put the slanderer off guard or cause them to think. Don’t be surprised however if they don’t answer your questions, but instead try to divert the conversation to another one of their talking points. Even so, hold your ground and never deny or apologize for your faith or political position.

 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. 2 Tim. 1:7-8

Here are some suggested responses that open a door for sharing your faith when you’re called a Christian nationalist.

  • Ask: “Yes, I’m a Christian. What are you?”
  • If they stumble, or even if they say they’re a Christian, then ask: “What does being a Christian mean to you?” That allows you to share the true biblical Gospel if they don’t understand Christianity.
  • After you explain the gospel, ask: “Why would you have a problem with me sharing the life-saving message of Christianity?”

Next, tackle nationalism.

  • “Did you know that God is a nationalist of Heaven with boundaries, entrance requirements, and the government rests upon His shoulders?
  • “Yes, I’m blessed to be a citizen with the freedoms and rights of this great Nation. Aren’t you proud to be an American and live in this country too, or is there somewhere else you’d rather live?”
  • Did you know that America was founded on biblical roots and principles?
  • America has been the light on the hill for other nations. If we don’t succeed by holding strong to our national values, what other country in the world is going to come and rescue us like we rescue so many other nations?
  • Yes, I’m a patriotic Christian like Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, and Martin Luther King Jr. Do you have a problem with them?

The Prayer Heard Around the World

You’ve probably heard by now about California Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, who Speaker of the House Mike Johnson invited to give the invocation prayer to open Congress on January 30, 2024. Speaker Mike Johnson is a Christian who himself opened Congress in prayer when he became Speaker and unequivocally pronounced that he holds a biblical worldview. As the uproar ensued, he never backed down from that statement. I pray for him every day because it’s evident God has him there for a purpose.

In his prayer, Pastor Hibbs called for “Humility and repentance of national sins in a time of great need.” He also closed his prayer in the Name of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, which he said several times. You can hear and watch Pastor Hibbs read and discuss the prayer @ The Prayer Heard ‘Round the World (

Twenty-six members of Congress were incensed at Pastor Hibb’s prayer and wrote a letter to Speaker Johnson accusing Hibbs of being “an ill-qualified hate preacher who was pushing a “Christian nationalist agenda.” The opening paragraph read, “Pastor Hibbs is a radical Christian nationalist who helped fuel the January 6th insurrection.” Of course, that wasn’t an insurrection and Pastor Hibbs had nothing to do with January 6th but in their attacks, they hurled slurs and slander as the letter went on to blast his character saying the pastor “has a long record of spewing hateful vitriol toward non-Christians, immigrants and members of the LGBTQ community. He should never have been granted the right to deliver the House’s opening prayer on Jan. 30, 2024.”

Who knew prayer could have such a reaction from those who don’t even believe in God and prayer?!

Praise God, Pastor Hibbs hasn’t acquiesced or apologized as so many others do when attacked for sharing the truth. Instead, with his typical good humor, he said in a statement to Fox News, “I’m quite impressed, as I didn’t know I had such power. This is just part of their way of labeling and is void of fact.” 

He also said in California pastor Jack Hibbs answers Democrat critics of his prayer to Congress, “when these progressives speak about ‘radical Christian nationalists,’ they’re using verbiage reminiscent of the rise of the Third Reich under the leadership of Adolf Hitler. Hitler, as well as communists, Marxists and socialists, are known to label and vilify those who disagree with their ideologies.”

In the same article, theologian, author and speaker Dr. Alex McFarland, based in North Carolina, said that Christian nationalism is a phrase that the left more or less coined to strike fear in the hearts of liberals to equate it almost as terrorism. Yet McFarland said, “I love God. I love my country. If that makes me a Christian nationalist … I’m proud to be one.”

Hibbs agreed, saying, “The fact is that a Christian nationalist is a Christian who happens to live in a nation … Jeremiah 29:7 says that you should ‘seek the welfare of the city in which I have planted you for the betterment of all.’”

On a “Lighthouse Faith” podcast, Pastor Hibbs reacted to the Democrats’ accusations, saying, “You know, I was honored to pray. And what a lot of people don’t realize is that … two thirds of my prayer was simply lifted, in part, from ancient prayers, so to speak, from 1774.” He was referring to the First Prayer of the Continental Congress given by the Rev. Jacob Duche, rector of Christ Church of Philadelphia, on Sept. 7, 1774.

Pastor Hibbs is author of “Daze of Deception: How to Discern Truth from Culture’s Lies,” based on a sermon series he preached in his church. He makes no excuses for being a Christian with orthodox biblical beliefs and love of America. 

Hold the Line and Let Us Worship Leader, Sean Feucht summarizes well, “I refuse to cede defining “Christian Nationalist” to those who weaponize and politicize the dictionary. If you can’t properly define what a woman is, you lose the right to define “Christian Nationalist. . . The insidious use of language by the left goes deeper than that. This is not simply name calling. It’s the left’s attempt at voter suppression. A Believer too discouraged to vote is a victor for the left THAT’s their goal. Power.” Defining “Christian Nationalism

Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it. Matt. 16:18 NLT

Here’s another article you might enjoy. Let’s Talk About Politics and Religion – The Stream

If you want to know more about becoming a praying Action Prayer Partner with My Faith Votes go to My Faith Votes | Join United. We Pray. Weekly Prayer Calls.

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  1. Kathy Collard Miller says

    Great questions to ask when we are “accused” of being a Christian Nationalist. Great ideas, Janet! Thank you.

  2. Kathy Bob says

    GO Janet, your blog was a lot to absorb but well worth the read. All I can say is, “Lord help us, all. Open eyes to see and ears to hear the truth.”

    • Janet Thompson says

      I have to admit it was a lot to take in for me to write, but the Lord has been nudging me almost daily to write this blog, so I figured I better write it down before He gave me even more thoughts and information to include!

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