Don’t Be Silent as Our Country Surrenders to Evil!

Throughout the 1930s and 1940s, Germany was devastated by the brutality of the Nazi regime. Though there was evidence of the Nazi’s cruelty early on, the German church believed its best course of action was to avoid politics and remain silent.

Unfortunately, that decision had disastrous consequences. Before they knew it, the Nazi’s controlled every facet of society, including the church. Eric Metaxas, author of Bonhoeffer written in 2010 describing the downfall of Germany, now says he could sense remnants of a similar evil tyranny starting in America as he was writing, but never thought he would see the American church traveling the same path as the Germans like it is today.

That’s why he wrote his new book, Letter to the American Church, to wake up pastors and churches to the tragedy awaiting America if we remain silent.

“The Germans said, ‘We’re the country of Martin Luther. We are the center of Protestantism in the world, we’re fine. We’re saved by faith. We don’t have to worry about what we do too much.’ That’s what set them up for the kill. That’s what allowed evil to triumph, and that is exactly where we are in the American church today.” – Eric Metaxas

Awareness brings responsibility but many people today would rather ignore the evil infiltrating not only our country, our schools, our communities, but also our churches! Because if we admit we have a problem, then the Bible calls on us to do something about it.

Ignorance is not bliss. It’s blasphemy against the Word of God that tells us to reject evil and share the Good News wherever and whenever we have the opportunity if we truly believe that even the worst sinner can be saved!

16 For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes. Romans 1:16 NLT

Because . . . Anyone who believes in God’s Son has eternal life. Anyone who doesn’t obey the Son will never experience eternal life but remains under God’s angry judgment.” John 3:36: NLT

Silence is Compliance

We know abortion is murder! Why don’t we hear that in every church?

Have you seen the movie Sound of Freedom? We know America is now the biggest consumer of child trafficking, especially through our open borders. Does it sicken you? Why don’t we hear in the church how to be aware of it and help stop it?

We know the gay, trans, drag agenda is trying to normalize sex with children. Horrific pedophilia! Does that turn your stomach? Why isn’t the church speaking out forcefully against it?

Are we afraid to say what is so obvious that the White House is corrupt? Democrats and liberals support and lobby for everything I just mentioned. If you vote Democrat, you’re endorsing evil.

Our country is in a downward spiral because of the liberal progressive left agenda to oust God and the Judeo-Christian foundation and Constitution of our country. Think about that when you vote in any election. Or if you don’t vote, you’re voting for the other side. Yes, we are now in a situation of political good and evil and it can’t be denied!

Sen. James Lankford, a former pastor for 22 years and Oklahoma’s senior senator, is making religious liberty a pillar of his political agenda and claims the White House is failing to enforce basic protections on the issue and made these remarks in an interview with the Daily Wire. “Faith is not the freedom of worship. You have the freedom to be able to worship as you choose,” said Lankford. “It’s the freedom of religion. It’s the freedom to have a faith and live that faith. And so that’s been dear to me.” The senator went on to assert that President Biden’s administration has abandoned even basic legal protections for religious belief. 

Sadly, we’re not only in a political and social battle, we’re in a spiritual battle, and political candidates are choosing their sides between good and evil, with many calling evil good and good evil! Why don’t we hear about this in our churches?

What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter. Is. 5:20

I’ll make this one political statement for you to consider. Whether or not you “like” President Trump, he promised to appoint Constitutionalist Supreme Court Judges and he did that times three! We’ve seen Roe v Wade overturned, which many had given up hope. We just saw three judgements denying Biden’s attempt to cancel college debt, honoring religious rights of a Christian web designer, and eliminating race-based affirmative action. The liberals went ballistic over each of those judgments.

Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moved the embassy there (which many previous Presidents promised but never did), closed the border, and created the best economy in years, just to name a few things! Consider before you vote what the candidates stand for and then vote your faith and your freedom.

Every Church Should Preach: We don’t deny Christ; we denounce Satan!

Paul encouraged the church of believers at Phillip:

27 Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven, conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ. Then, whether I come and see you again or only hear about you, I will know that you are standing together with one spirit and one purpose, fighting together for the faith, which is the Good News. 28 Don’t be intimidated in any way by your enemies. This will be a sign to them that they are going to be destroyed, but that you are going to be saved, even by God himself. Phil. 27-28 NLT

Righteousness exalts a nation. Sin destroys a nation. We are being destroyed from the inside. You have to wonder if there were 10 righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah if God would’ve saved the city. Do we have enough righteous people, saved by faith, in America to save our country? I pray we do, otherwise we’re on a fast track to destruction. Silent churches and silent Christians are fueling the disaster!

Metaxas describes it as a “spiral of silence.” You don’t hear evil talked about in church so you don’t talk about it. When you don’t talk about it, your friends, family, children, grandchildren don’t talk about it, while evil blatantly floods the airways, entertainment, media, government, America, and the church does nothing, just like in Germany.

Jesus was not afraid of being canceled, unsubscribed, or disliked. He unashamedly called out sin, untruths, and unjust rulers and politicians. Christians must do the same. He didn’t go to the Cross so we could continue sinning. He gave His life to offer a chance at repentance and forgiveness from sin with the opportunity of a new changed righteous life. That’s also our message and witness!

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! 2 Cor. 5:17 NLT

Courage Begets Courage! Cowardice Begets Cowards!

Christians are good at being good people, but we’re not always good at connecting our goodness to God. Dutch Sheets reminds us that, “Truth must be shared and when it is, it becomes a weapon.”

Luke 12:12 (NLT) assures that the Holy Spirit will give us a holy boldness: “For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what needs to be said.”

God has equipped each of us to speak truth in all circumstances, and we can do all things through Him who gives us strength and courage.

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. 1 Cor. 7:12 NKJV

We are people who love God more than evil, so we must commit to God whatever it takes. Whatever He calls us to do, we do it with a “Yes, Lord, use me” mentality whether we’re in church ministry or in our own family ministry. Yes, we should look at our home as a ministry ready and willing to serve Christ. If the next generation is raised in Christian homes, we will see a turnaround in our country.

For me, it’s praying and pouring into our children and grandchildren. Not all of them appreciate it or even acknowledge it, but we can’t let that intimidate or discourage us from doing the right thing, or worse yet, stop us from living overtly for Christ.

I heard a pastor say, “Freedom and blessings don’t begin at the White House, but in our house!” I would add, in our churches.

Each generation is blessed or cursed by the previous generation and what we’re watching now is definitely a curse to those coming after us. Everything evil in our culture is NOT acceptable in the Bible. In fact, the Bible tells us how to combat it. We’re not to be silent, but to speak out and stand up for righteousness.

We have all the promises of God and the future at our fingertips in the Scriptures, but how often are Bibles open and read in our homes? I hope that you would respond often, but if not, why not?

Just because we’re saved doesn’t mean we stop learning from and listening to God. Every day, as I read my Bible and devotionals, I hear Him giving me marching orders for the day or for my writing.

Producing a weekly blog, monthly newsletter, writing for Crosswalk and books takes a large chunk of my time and I’m often asked, “How do you do it?” My response, “Only God!”

Then I’m asked, “Is it worth it?” I heard a great response to that question from a man who helped organize the evacuation of 17,000 people out of Afghanistan after the horrible debacle of America pulling out and leaving not only Americans behind, but Afghani civilians who had worked with our military. When asked if it was worth it, he said, “It doesn’t have to be worth it to do the right thing. You do it because God calls you to do the right things.”

Just this morning, after hearing that answer last night, my devotional started out with 2 Kings 7:9 NKJV, Then they said to one another, “We are not doing right. This day is a day of good news, and we remain silent.”

Don’t remain silent. Share and live the Gospel and do not fear speaking out against the evil engulfing our world and our children. It’s our job to raise the next generation to know and love the Lord and protect them from the evil that so easily surrounds them. We can’t pretend that they’re not exposed to it, so we must prepare them to resist it.

Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power. Ps. 145:4 NLT

Let Psalm 34:1-3 describe you! Replace “I” with your name. It will change you.
 I will praise the Lord at all times.
    I will constantly speak his praises.
I will boast only in the Lord;
    let all who are helpless take heart.
Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness;
    let us exalt his name together.

In her book, Journey to Confidence, Kimberly Sowell suggests we BOW before God and pray, asking Him to make us His witnesses. She suggests using the word BOW as a reminder to plead for: Boldness, Opportunity, and Words of Wisdom. Wisdom is actually my word for 2023!

Kimberly Sowell asks, “Would you be so adventurous as to not only be open to witness for Christ, but to petition Almighty God to grant you witnessing opportunities?”

“When God tells you to do something, you do not hesitate.” – Sound of Freedom

I bow before your holy Temple as I worship. I praise your name for your unfailing love and faithfulness; for your promises are backed by all the honor of your name. Ps. 138:2 NLT

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen. Eph. 3:20-21 NLT

PS: The opening picture is depicting the armor of God found in Ephesians 6:10-18. My husband and I pray those verses EVERY morning.

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Truth is Love! Not Sharing Truth is Hate!

Christians know that God and His Word is our ultimate source of truth, victory, justice, and freedom! When we remain close to Him, we operate out of each of those realms, but when we distance ourselves from God, even as Christians, we falter.

Sadly, we’re living in a country with a culture that is determined to distance actions, accountability, laws, behavior, and morals as far away from God’s Truth as possible causing us all to suffer the consequences, even in the church.

To silence Christians, Satan is using the tactic of calling the speaking of truth hate speech and yet sharing the Truth of the Gospel is the most loving thing anyone can do to help someone experience eternal life and not eternal hell.

Sadly, many pastors today are afraid of the truth and so avoid even talking about the downfall of our culture that is being imposed on congregants as well as innocent children. They’ve forgotten that their role is to speak truth to power and protect their congregation from falling into the trap of accepting sinful lifestyles as normal. Speaking the truth is not hate, it’s love and every pastor’s assignment from God.

11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Eph. 4:11-13

I find it interesting and a little disconcerting that some politicians and grassroots activists’ groups are more willing to speak the truth than many pastors.

Kirk Cameron, actor and Christian children’s book author, spoke the truth that what the transgender activists did at the White House is not brave — in contrast to the words of the President, who characterized it as such. “That’s an abomination,” said Cameron, and a “disservice and disrespectful to the brave men and women [who fought] on the beaches of Normandy [June 6, 1944,]” he added, including his own grandfather — who was a Navy corpsman during World War II. “Bravery is a call to courage to do the right thing, not to violate morality and undermine the very foundations of America.”

Following are others who spoke out against the pornographic display of promiscuity and sexual perversion entertained by the President at the White House during a “Pride” event last week where the gay flag was displayed prominently, in breach of the US Flag Code, between two American flags and Biden said that men dressing up as women were the bravest people he’s ever known?! The military, police officers, fire fighters, first responders, and even his own Secret Service aren’t the bravest people he knows. No, in his deceived mind and soul he gives that distinction to depraved men sexually cavorting and flashing on the White House lawn.

 “I’m livid and incensed by this White House, not only for the kids present at this event, but the message this sends to children across the country. Biden’s disregard for commonsense and protocol is deeply troubling. This obscenity is never acceptable, let alone at the White House that belongs to the people.” Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C.

“This is yet another example of the radical left shoving trans propaganda in the face of the American people. In our schools, at the White House, where does it end? The fact that this happened on White House grounds makes Biden look like the real boob.” Conservative radio host and former California gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder

Following is one of my favorite quotes because it states the truth so clearly and lovingly!

When someone says they’re trans, it usually means something else is badly wrong in their life. Confirming the confusion isn’t compassion, it’s cruelty. Joe Biden is celebrating that cruelty. Let’s abandon the farce that the ‘humane’ thing to do is to affirm their confusion, rather than to actually help. It’s inhumane.” Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, Republican Presidential candidate

After the White House agreed that topless trans activists were “inappropriate and disrespectful” and would not be invited back to the White House, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis also asked why anyone would want to have that kind of curriculum “jammed into a second-grader’s classroom?”

Quotes above are from GOP candidates condemn Biden for illicit mishap during White House Pride event: ‘Very revealing’

Here’s What Parents’ Rights Groups are Saying!

“I agree with Gov. DeSantis in his analogy to his parental rights bill,” Sheri Few, president and founder of United States Parents Involved in Education said. “If it is inappropriate for adults, why then is it OK for children? The same can be said for the pornographic and vulgar books in government schools that are being objected to by parents across the country. I believe Pride celebrations, with their lascivious and drunken displays, are a true reflection of the mental health issues that accompany this often promiscuous lifestyle. Attempting to make ‘LGBTQ Pride’ palatable for children is merely another way to indoctrinate children with the Leftist agenda.”

Parents’ Rights In Education Executive Director Suzanne Gallagher said, “Public display of nudity at the national capital, and elsewhere by extreme far left LGBTQAI+ activists is an extension of their larger agenda. It is the goal of the far left to change the culture, by removing all sexual moral stigma. They are doing so by using public schools and mandating K-12 comprehensive – every child, every grade, every subject – sexuality education.”

“The nationwide response we are receiving regarding this trend, promoting and demanding acceptance of all sexual behaviors at any age with anyone, is negative,” Gallagher added. “Most people want higher, not lower, moral standards for themselves and their kids.”

“Parents and allies are tired of seeing and hearing it everywhere, every day,” she added. “Students are done with it in their schools, too. Polls show the net effect is less, rather than more, respect for those demanding it.”

CEO of American Family Association Action, Walker Wildmon said, “Our nation was built on a respect for biblical morality and decency with immoral behavior discouraged and even outlawed in many cases. It is sad that what was once deemed indecent behavior that brought about shame is now being flaunted by the president and other leaders in our government. Our nation must return to a biblical ethic of family where we promote that which is truly good and acceptable.”


Quotes above are from Parents’ rights groups slam WH over topless trans activists at Pride event: ‘I agree with Gov. DeSantis’ The White House acknowledged topless transgender activists at the Pride event were ‘inappropriate’

What Are You Hearing in Your Churches?

Did you hear any of the above condemnations of the “Pride” or left agenda from the pulpit on Sunday? I hope so because weak pulpits create weak Christians who allow and maybe even justify elicit behavior from our White House to our classrooms. I’m here to tell you that is NOT what God wants or Jesus would tolerate. That is NOT love!

I know your grief when family or friends are influenced by this, or any, evil agenda. But just because they’re our loved ones doesn’t make their sinful confused choices or skewed definition of truth or love acceptable or any less sinful.

Love doesn’t affirm lies or deprecate truth.

Love doesn’t compromise the truth because sin destroys.  Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. 1 Peter 3:15 NLT

Love corrects. For the Lord corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights. Pr. 3:12 NLT

Maybe you’ve heard the argument, like I did, of using Matthew 19:12 to justify gay or trans lifestyles. “For there are eunuchs who were born that way,” insinuating I guess that some are born as gay or trans. But eunuch here refers to being born impotent, not sexual preference.

It’s important to look at the rest of the verse as we can never take Scripture out of context, “and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others . . .” Sadly, that’s the evil happening today with children being castrated either with drugs or surgery.

Eunuchs were often male servants castrated in biblical times by those in power over them, so the men couldn’t have sex with the women in their household or royal entourage. It didn’t mean it was a good or justified mutilation just because it’s in the Bible. The Bible exposes many evil practices.

The remainder of the verse continues, “and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.” That meant those choosing to live in celibacy, maybe like Catholic priests and nuns today, or even those who are tempted to be gay but stay celibate and don’t give in to their sinful lustful temptations.

Interestingly, Jesus’s timing right after Matthew 19:12 are the following verses titled “The Little Children and Jesus.” 13 Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 15 When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there. Matt. 19:13-15

Here’s my point: Just because someone we love is living a sinful lifestyle doesn’t make it right. Believe me, I understand because I’ve been there. My daughter and I wrote about this in Praying for Your Prodigal Daughter; Hope, Help & Encouragement for Hurting Parents. Because we love our child, relative, or friend, we pray their eyes will open to the truth and they’ll no longer be blinded by Satan’s lies. Gay or trans was not the issue I prayed daily from Scripture for my daughter, although there are stories in the book of other mother’s praying against that sinful lifestyle.

I loved my daughter enough to NOT want her spending eternity in hell but instead to be in heaven with me someday. I wanted her to know Jesus personally and how He wanted her to live. So, I loved her unconditionally, but never condoned her living with her boyfriend. Today, that would seem like a minor sin, but as we know, there’s no minor sins. Even though living together unmarried has become normalized by culture, and even some churches, it’s still a sin in God’s eyes.

We’ve watched how far culture has fallen as to what’s ‘acceptable.’ Now we’re all exposed to a federally imposed month dedicated to celebrating perverted sexual sin from the streets, schools, and the Peoples’ House, the White House. Children are literally taught about sexual perversion as early as kindergarten!!

I said last week in Why The Serpent Is Still Going After Women, that Satan knows NO boundaries. God is giving us a glimpse of what the tribulation will look like after the rapture. He continues to provide more time for the church and Christians to care and love enough to share the Truth with everyone we know who has not committed their entire life to Jesus or is living in willful sin. Because as bad as it is now, it will be like this on steroids during the tribulation and who would want a loved one living through that hell on earth?!

Who do you love enough to share the Truth with today? Don’t wait for your pastor to give you the marching orders, Jesus already has. Remember: Truth is Love; Not Sharing the Truth is Hate.

22 And you must show mercy to those whose faith is wavering. 23 Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. Show mercy to still others, but do so with great caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives. Jude 22-23 NLT

31 Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. 32 And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32 NLT

But Romans 1:18-32 plainly states the fate of those who will encounter God’s wrath if they continue living a perverted sexual or sinful lifestyle.  24 So God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies. 25 They traded the truth about God for a lie.”

Do you love someone enough to pray daily for them to avoid this fate? I hope so. I’m so glad I never stopped praying for my daughter, and she’s glad too!

PS: After I had already written this blog, a friend sent me the link to a sermon by Pastor Gary Hamrick of Cornerstone Chapel, Leesburg, VA, titled “A Biblical Response to the ‘Transing of America–Romans 1:18-28.” Pastor Hamrick boldly, bravely, and lovingly says so much of what I wrote above and in previous blogs. This is a pastor not afraid to share the truth with his flock! I hope you’ll listen to Pastor Hamrick, who tells a very interesting and revealing story of a trans man visiting his church.

“It is not loving to affirm a lie.” Pastor Gary Hamrick

If you received this blog by email, please leave a comment on the website here. I reply to all comments. While scrolling Facebook, I saw this meme that summarizes everything I just said in this blog pretty well.

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Why The Serpent is Still Going After Women!

Have you wondered, like I have, why after all the years of fighting and voting for women’s rights and equal treatment with men that suddenly and slyly those rights are disappearing?

I’m not talking about the false claim that women have a right to kill their unborn babies because as you’ll see in this article, calling that a “right” is straight from Satan and not the Constitution.

No, I’m talking about things like a Supreme Court Justice who can’t even define a woman and she herself is a woman!  A college student receiving an F from a female professor because she used the “unacceptable” term “biological woman” in her article. The former Democrat Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, trying to force rules to prohibit in Congress the use of terms like mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, woman, female, even though she herself is all of those. Oh, yes that brings up trying to eliminate pronouns signifying ‘she’ or ‘her.’

Matt Walsh traveling all over the United States asking “What is a Woman?” and only receiving an answer in a remote village in Nairobe and from his own wife. If you haven’t seen this excellent documentary, I highly recommend it and Elon Musk has made it free on Twitter. You should be able to access it on the link I provided above or at this one.

Democrat and progressive liberal legislatures and school boards voting to allow men to participate in women’s sports, use women’s locker rooms and bathrooms even in schools.

Men wanting to pretend they’re women by dressing in women’s clothes claiming they are now a woman just because they “identify” as one, even though they are biological males with all their male parts. But as one crazy professor told Walsh and many who are deceived believe, “Sex is how you’re born; gender is how you identify!” Wrong!!

I could go on, but you’ve seen the trend yourselves. Why the sudden war on women while encouraging men to become more feminine and using terms like male toxicity if a man acts like a man?

The blatant attempt from the political left to blur the lines between male and female, even with the propaganda that children or anyone can change their gender, is rampant in medicine, politics, government, education, and sadly even invading the church!

Would it surprise you to know that none of this is new? It all actually started back in the first book of the Bible, Genesis, with the first humans God created, Adam and Eve, and will probably continue to escalate until the book of Revelations is fulfilled with the rapture of the church and the tribulation of those left behind.

You’ve heard me and others say repeatedly that this is all satanic. Satan is behind every effort to eliminate genders and thus the human race!

It All Began in Genesis 3!

Sin entered the world in Genesis 3 where God clearly says what the ongoing repercussions of rebellion will be for the woman Eve, the man Adam, and the serpent the Devil.

We know that Satan first approached the woman Eve with the same question he asks many today about whether God really said you should follow His Words and His ways.

“The serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the Lord God had made. One day he asked the woman, “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?” (3:1)

At first, the woman stood by her beliefs and faith in what God told them, but the serpent planted doubt in her mind.

“Of course we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,” the woman replied. “It’s only the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden that we are not allowed to eat. God said, ‘You must not eat it or even touch it; if you do, you will die.’”

“You won’t die!” the serpent replied to the woman. “God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.”

Satan challenged Eve with a lie that she wouldn’t die and she fell for the temptation to achieve the same power as God. But what Eve overlooked was that the serpent introduced a word she hadn’t even heard of before “evil.” It seemed like a benign concept to her. What’s so bad about evil anyway?

The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too. At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves.

When Eve gave into the temptation to have equal power with God and ate the fruit of the tree and shared some with Adam, both immediately felt something new to them, shame. They had disobeyed God and experienced the remorse of sinning.

The verses go on explaining how God met them in the cool of the night and spoke to them. Not only did they experience evil, shame, and sin, they now experienced fear and thought they could hide their sin from God. But God sought them out asking “Where are you?” (v. 9)

Adam replied why they were hiding. “I was afraid because I was naked.” (v. 10)

God asked them if they’d eaten from the forbidden tree and Adam blamed it on Eve. So God addressed Eve directly, “What have you done?” (v. 13)

Then Eve realized another previously unknown evil, deception!

“The serpent deceived me,” she replied. “That’s why I ate it.” (v. 13)

The Lord pronounced the punishment for the serpent Satan, the woman Eve, and her husband Adam that would last through all generations until He provided a cure for repentance from sin through Jesus Christ.

14 Then the Lord God said to the serpent,

“Because you have done this, you are cursed more than all animals, domestic and wild. You will crawl on your belly, groveling in the dust as long as you live.15 And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike[b] your head, and you will strike his heel.”

16 Then he said to the woman,

“I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth. And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you.[c]

17 And to the man he said,

Since you listened to your wife and ate from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat,
the ground is cursed because of you. All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it.

I want to focus on verse 15 as we watch the current satanic attack on women.

15 And I will cause hostility between you the [serpent] and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike[b] your head, and you will strike his heel.”

Satan had taken the form of a serpent to deceive the woman, Eve. In Revelation 12:9, he’s a dragon. The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

The website Got Questions explains what has transpired ever since between Satan and women. As part of the curse, enmity—mutual hatred and ill will—will exist between the woman and the serpent. Later, the same enmity will continue between the serpent’s seed and the woman’s seed or offspring—mankind as Eve is the “mother of all living,” Genesis 3:20. Woman’s offspring will remain enemies with Satan throughout all generations. The serpent’s offspring are demonic forces and also those people who follow the devil and accomplish his will.

Jesus called the Pharisees a “brood of vipers” in Matthew 12:34 and said they belonged to their “father, the devil” in John 8:44. In short, God says that Satan will always be the enemy of mankind. It follows that people who side with Satan will be at perpetual war with God’s elect and that we are engaged in a very real battle between good and evil (Ephesians 6:12).

We also see Messianic Prophecies in Genesis 3:15 “you will strike his heel.” That is, the serpent will bite the heel of “the woman’s seed.” This passage points to the promise of Jesus’ birth, His redemption, and His victory over Satan. The woman’s offspring is Jesus, literally the offspring of a human woman. Being the Son of Man, Jesus is the perfect representative of humankind. The devil’s offspring were the evil men and demonic forces who like a snake, lay in wait for the Savior and struck at Him. Their venomous conspiracy condemned Jesus to be crucified.

But we know the serpent’s strike was not the end of mankind—offspring of the woman—because Jesus rose on the third day overcoming death and offering permanent victory for those who believe in Him.

The striking of the Messiah’s heel was a picture of the wounding and death of Jesus on the cross. Satan bruised Jesus’ “heel,” but Jesus showed complete dominance over Satan by bruising his “head.”

Satan Has Not Conceded Defeat

Satan through his demons has never given up the fight with the woman to try and prevent her from producing more generations, especially those who would follow Christ. Here are some of the ways he continues to deceive women and accomplish his goal of preventing proliferation of humans and counter God’s command to Adam and Eve in Genesis 1:28 Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. 

  1. Abortion—Satan deceives women the same way he did Eve with fear, doubt, and lies that she has power over her own body and she’s not really carrying a human baby, God’s creation, in her womb. Did God really say abortion isn’t okay to kill my baby? Every abortion chocks up another success for Satan to stop mankind from reproducing.
  2. Gay agenda and gay marriage—two people of the same gender cannot sexually reproduce.
  3. Gender Confusion—women trying to become men and vice versa may surgically destroy their reproductive capability by chemical or surgical castration, puberty blockers, opposite sex hormones, or gynecological surgery. Sterilizing children and adults.
  4. Trans—Men pretending they’re women, mocking womanhood by being culturally accepted for “identifying” as a woman and competing in areas which should remain exclusive to women, i.e. sports, bathrooms, locker and dressing rooms, women’s contests, and not sexually performing as a man to reproduce.
  5. Confusing children about their gender or lying to them that they can change their gender and convincing schools and teachers to promote these lies has now turned schools into Satan’s playground.

God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful. Gay’s often say it will be the end of the world if their way of life isn’t tolerated, but indeed, it will be the actual end because two males or two women cannot reproduce. My grandson understood that biological truth when he was only nine.

Anyone who doesn’t understand that this is all satanic does not know the Bible and has given into the same lie that Satan uses over and over “Did God really say . . .?” Even Satan knows and misuses the Bible when he convinces pastors and Christians to just love everyone now living in their sin and not make any attempt to share the Gospel truth with them. Those are cowardly churches and cowardly Christians.

No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him. 1 John 3:6

Satan has succeeded at convincing culture to just let everyone live however they want and anyone who objects to evil being forced on us is called names and may be punished by losing jobs, arrested, shunned, ostracized, . . . Satan’s most effective tools against truth are deception, fear, self-preservation, and apathy.

As I wrote last week, Why Did It Take Beer to Motivate Conservatives and Christians to Boycott Woke? it’s encouraging to watch people finally pushing back because Satan knows no limits or boundaries. He’s coming for our children because they would be the next generation women produce and he’s not waiting until they’re of age to go after them. He’s got his target on them from birth. Satan temporarily lost some power over killing babies in the womb, so he’ll go for them as soon as they can walk and talk, or even as infants if you saw some of the ‘pride” products at Target.

What I don’t understand is why more parents aren’t waking up to Satan’s evil strategy, especially moms?! Who would take their children to drag shows or library readings, gay “pride” parades or events? It’s so obviously focused on perverted sex. I asked the question recently on social media, “Would you take your child to a strip club?” Yet, just this past week there was a gay “pride” show advertised as family friendly where one of the “performers” stripped and you could hear the audience gasping and laughing. Were there children in that audience? If so, Satan is cheering the loudest of all!

 “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.” Matt. 7:13-14 NLT

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Why Did It Take Beer to Motivate Conservatives and Christians to Boycott Woke?

By now, you probably know what I mean by the “Bud Light” fiasco that infuriated beer consumers to boycott Anheuser Bush. Bud Light actually thought they would attract more consumers by being “inclusive” to the woke agenda and put a picture on their beer cans of Dylan Mulvaney, a male who dresses and acts like a little girl. They were actually shocked when it backfired. They expected Bud Light beer drinkers, who typically were masculine middle class working men, to join woke craziness and embrace this insane lunacy!!

They probably thought why not? President Biden actually invited Mulvaney to the White House and had a conversation with this ridiculous woman imposter. That just illuminates the deception and sickness in the White House.

Instead, Bud Light discovered it was the tipping point for conservatives to rise up and say enough!!! You’ve gone too far when you mess with our beer. Anheuser Bush continues to lose billions of dollars as no one would be caught drinking a Bud Light or even some of their other beers, hopefully ever again.

Anheuser Bush was blinded by wokeness. Wanting a high diversity EPI score and “Corporate Equity Index” established by the woke movement, was more important to them than understanding their consumer base who previously had been fairly quiet about the alphabet trans cult ideology. But when they went after their beer, suddenly consumers woke up and came alive with outrage and pushback.

Maybelline and Tampax have used Mulvaney in their advertising and Nike had Mulvaney promoting its line of women’s sportswear earlier in April. Mulvaney can be seen working out with the brand’s leggings and a sports bra, along with hashtags “#teamnike” and “#nikepartner” on TikTok and Instagram.

Even though the news is saturated with stories of Bud Light’s financial blood bath, it wasn’t long before North Face featured their second annual ‘Summer of Pride” with a drag man out in a field looking goulash with wild makeup wearing women’s clothing telling everyone to “come out.” He wasn’t even wearing North Face clothing, just pushing the evil cult movement to sell hiking clothes!!

Adidas drew similar controversy with photos of women’s swimwear modeled by men as part of the company’s “pride” collection and Calvin Klein had a bearded man in a bra.

Typically, and I would add unfortunately, everyone expects Christians not to speak up, but we’re finally proving that we have a voice and we’re using it as we watch 2 Timothy 3:1-5 living out in our daily culture.
You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that! (NLT)

The Los Angeles Dodgers came under fire from Catholics and Christians after it planned a “pride” night where the California State Legislature will honor the drag queen group The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, an evil cult that raises money for LGBTQ causes and performs in drag dressed as nuns while blaspheming and desecrating the Cross and Jesus. The pushback was so loud and strong, the Dodgers uninvited the Sisters to the outrage of the Dodgers’ other LGBTQ partner groups, so they re-invited this satanic group back with an apology to them! BTW the president of this satanic group in New York is the “nonbinary” the White House hired as a senior Department of Energy official who got caught stealing women’s luggage at airports!

Trying to appease their fans, the Dodgers said they’ll plan a Christian night in July. Like you can bargain with the Devil versus Jesus?! Play both sides? How blind and yes stupid can they be? You cannot serve two masters. You must choose either Satan or Jesus. There’s no in-between. The Dodgers are erroring on the side of satanic evil and I hope the stadium is empty!

Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant. Gal. 6:7 NLT

Then Target sparked outrage from conservatives and Christians for selling trans-inclusive “tuck-friendly women’s swimwear” and “pride” products designed by a satanist, leading the retailer to pull some items from its Pride collection or put them in the back of the store. A decision that angered LGBTQ supporters. Again, you cannot please both Satan and God!

Target has had June Pride Month displays with rainbow and LGBTQ+ messaging for years, but the addition of female-style swimsuits that can be used to “tuck” male genitalia was too much for their shoppers. It’s completely out of touch and offensive to women who once again are being mocked openly so Target can get a perfect score on the woke Corporate Equality Index (CEI).

Jason Whitlock says, “It’s a realization that all Christians must accept. The global economic agenda promoted by the World Economic Forum is the enemy of all Christ-centered religious faith.  ‘Corporate Equality Index,’ [is] the business credit score that helps determine how much funding they’ll receive from the central banking system. The CEI is designed to enforce LGBTQIA+ inclusion in the workplace. Corporations are financially incentivized to celebrate and promote the Alphabet Mafia agenda.” A globalist at the World Economic Forum actually said, “We must force compliance.”

Carlos Saavedra, vice president of brand marketing at Target, is also a treasurer at GLSEN. GLSEN focuses on getting districts to adopt policies that will keep parents in the dark on their child’s in-school gender transition, providing sexually explicit books to schools for free, and integrating gender ideology at all levels of curriculum in public schools. GLSEN leads the movement in creating and affirming anti-racist spaces for LGBTQIA+ students. “We are proud of 10+ years of collaboration with GLSEN and continue to support their mission,” Target said. They provide annual donations to GLSEN, of at least $2.1 million. The following GLESEN propaganda sign is placed as you can see in the picture below in the children’s section at Target along with many “Pride” items designed for children labeled as “Thoughtfully fit on multiple body types and gender expressions.”

Podcaster Benny Johnson posted a disturbing 9-minute Twitter video showing gay “pride” clothing and accessories geared toward kids prominently displayed at a Target in Tampa, Florida. You can see his video showing the satanic items for children at this link.

What more evidence do you need that Target is in partnership with the Devil??!!

Even after watching the outrage over Target and Bud Light, Kohl’s became another major retailer to sell LGBTQ clothing for infants and young kids. Various social media accounts posted a plethora of Pride Month merchandise, including a “Baby Sonoma Community Pride Bodysuit set” designed for 3-month, 6-month and 9-month-old kids. The outfit depicts what appears to be a lesbian couple with a dog and three children, including a young boy in a wheelchair. One of the adults in the drawing carries a progressive pride flag. Other merchandise includes a “Love Is Love” banner, towels, bibs, candles, shorts, and pillows. Several other clothing items can also be found, including shirts that say, “Be Proud” and “Ask Me My Pronouns.”

And if you thought you could bypass all of this sick, and yes evil, marketing by shopping at Walmart, The Western Journal reports that The Walmart website shows clothing for babies, toddlers, and young children with slogans including “Choose Equality,” one shirt reading “Some People Are Gay Get Over It,” and various rainbow-emblazoned gear. Walmart isn’t just placating the radical left with a few stray products on its website, either, as they also have displays in their stores. The corporation has also spent millions in donations to gay groups that target children. From its LGBT policies for workers and local communities, to its support of drag shows and so-called “equality,” the company has been working for the gay movement for years. The Heritage Foundation found that Walmart has paid for drag shows and gay storytime events in local communities, hosted gay pride parades for kids, and pushed LGBT policies on schools.

Even beloved Chick-Fil-A has a VP of Diversity and has written DEI guidelines into their employee handbook!

Will We Take a Permanent Stand Against the Enemy or Cave?

As Christians, we know wokeness is overtly satanic and evil because God would never sanction it. Christians have tried to let the lost live their perverted lives and not get involved with more than praying for them. But when they begin to force us to not only accept their beliefs but live immersed in those beliefs, it’s past time to take a public stand for our beliefs in the Gospel, Jesus, and Christian values.

Conservatives and Christians are finally, speaking out against the onslaught of satanic woke merchandise and advertising, but I go back to my original question of why did it take desecration of a beer can to get everyone’s attention?

However, Senator Ted Cruz wonders if all this pushback by consumers will last after the alphabet trans drag queen “pride” month passes. Honestly, I wonder the same thing? Ten years ago, when Target partnered with GLSEN to introduce perverted school curriculum and keep it from parents, Target also started a war on Christmas. Anyone remember them kicking out the Salvation Army from the front of their stores? I do. That’s the moment we stopped shopping at Target. Many were outraged then too…but many went back or kept shopping at Target.

Target has a history of being at the forefront of woke identity politics. They sparked a boycott in 2016 after posting a public statement declaring that “transgender team members and guests” are permitted “to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity.” They refused to stop even at consumer’s outrage and cases of men taking pictures of women in dressing rooms and Dad’s fighting with men who wanted to go into Target’s bathrooms while their daughters were using the restroom. Many were outraged then too . . . but many kept going, or went back to, shopping at Target.

Even now, when I remind people of Target’s past wokeness, I hear, “Oh, yeah. I forgot about that.”

Now Target has gone full blown woke targeting your kids with a satanic agenda and I’m sure many are outraged and will stop going to Target for a while . . . But Target is betting that yes, they’ll lose some initial sales, but like an addiction . . . many shoppers will return when the outrage dies down.

How many of you remember liberal left-leaning Starbucks was a big financial supporter of gay marriage? I do. Right then, we stopped going to Starbucks just like we stopped shopping at Target. Nothing could draw us back, not sales, gift cards, not even for free . . . . These stores can become like an idol or a drug that people can’t give up no matter how satanic they become. Did God really say you shouldn’t shop there? Satan asked Eve a similar question.

I heard a commentator say how surprised he was that Christians are pushing back now because in his words, “even Christians have accepted gay marriage.” Really? How could Christians, any Christian, accept something that is the opposite of God’s plan for only a man and a woman to be united in marriage? But because we let the argument die after it became law, the perception is that we agree with it. Same with abortion. Even when Roe v Wade was turned over by the Supreme Court, many Christians were silent? Was that because they had actually started to accept abortion, the killing of babies, as an acceptable practice?

Not speaking against evil, is evil itself! To be passive in the face of evil is to be evil!

Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? 14 But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats[a]; do not be frightened.”[b] 15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16 keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. 17 For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. Luke 17:28-30

God says support what He supports. Be wise. Don’t spend your hard-earned money foolishly and by all means don’t spend it to further Satan’s evil agenda!

If you haven’t read my May AHW Ministries newsletter, please check out the opening article discussing the similarity of Lot offering his two daughters in Genesis 19 to the homosexuals wanting to have sex with the visiting angels to today’s children being sacrificed to the evil woke agenda.

The angels pulled Lot back inside the house and I’m sure admonished him for wanting to throw his own precious children into the hands of those evil homosexual men, but isn’t that exactly what’s happening today to our precious innocent children?! They’re being thrown to the alphabet trans cult who want to ravage and groom them sexually and immorally.

Remember, Satan and evil knows no boundaries. Satan will go just as far as the church, citizens, and the government let him. Look at those justifying taking kids to sexually perverted pedophile drag shows and library readings, teaching them sexual perversion in schools, lying to them that they can change their genders and encouraging them to not tell their parents. Stores selling satanic clothing for as young as onesies for infants.

Satan wants our kids, he wants our families, and the left wants our country for the Marxists. That’s not a conspiracy theory. Indoctrinating kids and destroying the family is straight from the Marxist handbook. And when kids are confused about their sexuality, neutered at young ages, they can’t reproduce and that’s exactly what Satan wants.

These trans and drag men actually are excited sexually dressing in women’s clothing and many are pedophiles which is why you see drag stories for kids at libraries and children’s events. They’re not doing them for adults. It’s all evil! Evil! Evil!

It’s sad that it took beer to wake up conservatives and Christians with a Bud Light awakening, but our God moves in mysterious ways. Even though Board of Directors in woke companies have seen what happened to Budweiser and Target, everyday a new company feels like they must fall in line with a small group of woke activists with evil intent. Have you ever watched clips of their “pride” parades, which will soon be coming this month and their obvious intent of sexualizing our children? Yet, corporate America is being hijacked to think they have to appease them to get their equity scoring? Straight from the pit of hell.

But enough is never enough. Every year the alphabet mafia pushes these companies to go more woke, more evil, even though they’re going broke and alienating the majority of their customers and stockholders are losing on their investments. For example, I used to love Bed Bath and Beyond, but they went woke liberal and canceled My Pillow when Mike Lindell supported Trump and tried to rectify a stolen election. I stopped shopping there and many others must’ve also because now they’ve gone bankrupt and are closing all their stores.

Target claimed they moved the pornographic and “pride” products to the back of the store to protect their salespeople from us. Have you heard of one “violent” incident by Christians in Target? But that’s how they’re trying to reframe the response. Target and Kohl’s might think they’re too big to fail, but the further they go woke, I predict if Conservatives and Christians stay strong in their convictions, they will go woke broke.

I’ve heard it said and I believe, “The local church is the only hope for the world! The only way to take back our country is if the church gets loud and doesn’t stop voicing our outrage. Otherwise, an evil culture will dictate the future of the next generation.”

I hope you’re getting loud for what you believe and speaking out against the enemy. Please remember there is nothing prideful about remaining in and flaunting sin. Romans 1:18-32 tells us God will give these deceived people up to their own fate and incur His wrath which is tragic, but we His people certainly shouldn’t be financing their demise. Pray and evangelize with sincere godly love for the lost, but don’t throw money at them.

I heard Shelia Walsh say “Our nation is dying for the lack of people who look like they’re living. We need holy boldness.” It begins with you and me showing that we’re living for Christ, and we won’t bend to evil pressures! Peacefully protesting by where we shop and not tolerating or caving into the woke agenda is a start, but consistently being a witness of and for the Lord Jesus Christ is our primary purpose as Christians and will be the most effective.

The opening picture came from a Facebook Page “I’m So Blessed Daily June 19, 2022, and here’s what Sierra Conrad wrote below it.

“I am not shielding my children from accepting others. I am shielding my children from accepting this world’s standards of truth. I am shielding them from being indoctrinated by the world. I am raising my children to love everyone, while also raising them to love their God enough to stand for Him. My children will understand the symbolism of a rainbow as God’s Word defines it, not as our world falsely represents it. I am raising my children to see the beauty of Our Savior’s covenant. I am raising my kids to know that their identity is defined by God, NOT BY THIS WORLD.”

16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. 17 For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.” Romans 1:16-17

Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall. Pr. 16:18 NLT

In his pride the wicked man does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God. Ps. 10:4

In his letter to the church at Rome, Paul exhorted the believers to live their lives as a sacrifice to God and he challenged them not to conform to the anti-Christians culture of their day. A good word for us today!

So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. Romans 12:1-2

Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? 14 But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats[a]; do not be frightened.”[b] 15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16 keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. 17 For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. 1 Peter 3:13-17

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PS Sorry this is so long. God and I have so much to say about the evil invading our culture especially aimed toward our children, and I hope we motivate you to speak out too!! Also, if my blogs are small on your phone screen, turn your phone sideways and the print will be larger.

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Looking For the Blessings in the Middle of Crisis

First, if you missed my blog last week, we were setting up a new computer my loving husband surprised me with, but the changeover didn’t go smoothly or easily. I did make the pronouncement at one point that this would be my last new computer EVER in my lifetime! What an ominous task.

Well, I didn’t actually perform the transition from the old computer to the new one. I just answered questions, agonized, and provided water bottles as two dear friends from church, Cathy and Scott, devoted many late and long hours to helping us go from a 12-year-old desktop with Windows 10 to a new desktop with Windows 11 and recapture everything on my very old computer, which included all my 20 books and reams of files and pictures.

It was complicated and stressful! I have to admit, I had a few meltdowns.

Now, I’m in the learning curve of writing on a system that at the moment is completely foreign to me. I’m not a techie; I’m just a writer. I realized how as an author I actually had a relationship with my old computer. I knew how it worked with all its quirks and yes freezing on me continually. But as I held my breath in anticipation, it always came around to eventually unfreezing and started responding to my mouse and keyboard clicks and off we would go writing together . . . until the next freeze. We worked well in tandem for twelve years.

Everything about this new computer is unfamiliar and I’m learning different routines while trying to locate where things are that I used to previously know instinctively. Instead of being my companion and friend that I breathlessly and prayerfully waited each day for the black screen to pop up with my familiar opening page, this new computer almost seemed like my enemy for a while. But through it all, I had two amazing and gifted friends who kept reassuring me that I would once again be able to find all my old files and pictures and continue writing new material.

Today, on this gorgeous Saturday before Mother’s Day, I’m giving it my first attempt. I’m distracted easily, so when I write I need to stay focused and not wonder what tab or icon to open or will I lose everything I just wrote. It’s been difficult staying quiet with everything happening in our culture that I wanted to write about, but God had me in a holding pattern where I was forced to wait on Him and the expertise of those who understood the intricacy of making such a momentous change in operating systems.

I’m sure any of you, especially writers, who’ve been in my situation understand exactly what I’m talking about and what I’ve experienced. If you’re not a writer, think of something you depend on every day that’s suddenly malfunctioning or broken, and you don’t know how to fix it. Or its replacement requires knowledge to operate properly that you don’t possess.

In the midst of all the computer chaos, I also had an article due for that had to be finished so they could post before Mother’s Day: 7 Best Ways to Pray for Your Mom!

More pressure. More stress. More prayer.

What Were the Positive Blessings?

As I lamented the disruption to my writing life and ministry, Cathy, the dear friend who was so willing to help me with her vast knowledge of computers, continuously reminded me to be patient always assuring me everything could be “fixed” eventually. She also reminded me of the many blessings I was overlooking when all I could see was chaos and confusion. Here were some of her wise words.

“I know all this has been very stressful and I truly understand. Please try to look at all the positives.

  1. You have a loving husband that tried to ensure you had a better computer for your work.
  2. You did not miss your deadline.
  3. You have easy access to all your files & pictures, and you have learned a lot (way more than you wanted to). 
  4. Who knows, with this experience you may be able to help someone else now. Even if it’s just to calm them down …knowing that even in seemingly impossible life challenges, trusting in God’s guidance and support ‘fixes’ things we didn’t even know needed fixing. 
  5. I think you will grow to enjoy your new computer… especially when it does not freeze up, which will make you even more productive and give you some free time.
  6. I promise to continue assisting you get to that ‘happy place’ with your new computer. I am blessed to have you as such a loving friend. Thank you for trusting me to help you -through God’s guidance.”

Sweet Cathy helped me put everything back into perspective that I know God wants us to apply to every crisis in our life.

  1. There are people in our lives who love us and want to help us.
  2. God will help us achieve what He feels is important.
  3. Every crisis is an opportunity for learning something God wants us to know.
  4. We can use our experiences to help others who are going through something similar in the future. That’s the tagline for my About His Work ministry: “Sharing Life Experiences and God’s Faithfulness.”
  5. We can maintain our joy, even in crisis, because “the joy of the Lord is your strength” Nehemiah 8:10b.
  6. It’s a blessing to others when we let them help us.

Cathy was so right that this experience is something I need to share with you. Even though I serve the Lord in ministry and try to convey in my writing the thoughts and words He gives me, I will still have times in my life when I need to depend on others and remember to put my trust in the Lord to work things out in His timing and in His way. We all do.

My heartfelt gratitude goes out to my loving husband Dave who actually gave me this new computer to help make my writing life easier, which I’m sure eventually it will be. I’m not there yet, but with his encouragement and the Lord’s guidance, I’m hopeful.

We’re so blessed to have a church family willing to use their gifts and talents to help others. When my second screen wasn’t compatible with the new computer, Scott gave us an extra screen he wasn’t using that works perfectly! Cathy had an external hard drive that helped us transfer data. Now every time I look at that screen and hard drive, I give thanks for Scott and Cathy and say a prayer for them!

Scott and Cathy selflessly gave of their time, expertise, and Christian love to help Dave and me in our time of need. I pray we will always be available to do the same when we learn of others who we can help.

All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. 2 Cor. 1:3-4 NLT

There won’t be a blog next Monday. Not because of the computer, but we’re blessed to have our daughter from Illinois and son from North Carolina come for a visit to help us get our garden ready for planting. Again, we not only have church family, but our personal family offering us a helping hand.

Praise You Lord for family and the family of God!

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Truth Tellers Become Stronger; Liars Become Weaker!

If you follow my blogs, you know I’m a diligent proponent of truth, especially Christians sharing biblical Truth, to combat the manipulative lies coming from a government trying to control and dominate us by vilifying God and Christian values. It’s tragic watching so many good people mesmerized by lies they never question because they’ve heard them repeated so often. That’s the strategy of liars. That’s the strategy of Satan. Sadly, it’s working!

For example, you hear from mainstream media, and even the President and Vice President, that police officers were killed on January 6. That’s a lie. Not one police officer was killed that day! However, a Capitol police officer murdered one petite unarmed MAGA woman, Ashlie Babbitt. There was a hurried behind doors investigation, and the officer who shot her was praised instead of fired.

I could go on, but hopefully most of you are seeking discernment and praying for God to show you truth amongst the tsunami of lies. Do your own research. Seldom will you hear the truth from the liberal-leaning mainstream media.

Tucker Carlson is a Conservative populist news anchor my husband and I had come to trust to investigate and boldly report the truth substantiated by facts. If he reported something incorrectly, he humbly apologized and often injected humor with a characteristic laugh. Last Monday, to the shock of his followers and glee of left-leaning news outlets, liberals, and socialists, FOX News with no warning “parted ways with Tucker Carlson,” their #1 commentator and reigning cable TV news program not only on FOX, but across all media outlets!

Maybe you never watched Tucker Carlson Tonight or even care what happens to him, and that’s all right too. But as a Christian Conservative Patriot, I care about what’s happening to America and the nation we’re leaving to our children and grandchildren. I feel called to speak truth to lies as God reveals them to me. I hope you do too!

I enjoyed Tucker and learned from him because he was unafraid to push the envelope by tackling topics other journalists avoided. Most recently, I commented to my husband that Tucker was talking a lot about God and depicting the culture as “trying to become their own gods.” He didn’t talk about Republicans vs Democrats, or red vs blue, he characterized cultural events as good versus evil! I often shared his monologues on my social media because he was saying truth that every American needed to hear.

He also championed citizens abused by government policies or inaction and gave many of them an opportunity on his program to tell their stories. He knew that some would be attacked just for being on his show and he commended them for their bravery offering, “God’s speed.”

There was a reason why Speaker McCarthy gave the January 6 complete videos to Tucker because he knew Tucker wouldn’t be afraid to expose truths hidden from the public and that’s exactly what he did. Or tried to do. On the first night, he showed Jacob Chansley being escorted around by the Capitol police, a video which had never been shown to even his lawyers! Chansley was quickly exonerated from his 4-year jail sentence and has just filed a motion to vacate his conviction stating that “Due process rights were clearly violated.” Why was that vindicating video hidden during his trial?

Tucker showed another man moving guardrails and encouraging people to go into the Capitol, who was never jailed and didn’t appear in the congressional committee’s choreographed videos, unlike so many others who are languishing in prison without trials.

But the second night when Tucker was supposed to reveal more of the videos, I sent a note to him that I was disappointed he didn’t show anything new like he had promised. I wondered if he was constrained by higher ups at FOX listening to Chuck Shumer on the Senate floor telling them to fire Carlson. Why shouldn’t we the people be able to see all the videos? What truths were they hiding that go against their “insurrection” narrative?

Then several weeks ago, Jason Whitlock was a guest on Tucker’s show and began quoting Scripture. Suddenly, just as Tucker asked him another question, they cut to a commercial before Whitlock could answer. I started to have my suspicions that something was amiss at the once conservative FOX News.

How to Know the Truth? Those Who Censor and Suppress are Lying!

Often, Tucker and other FOX hosts said they weren’t censored by the network and could say whatever they wanted. I could see that changing on other FOX programs, but Tucker wasn’t acquiescing to censors or critics. He was becoming even bolder about exposing truth and calling out lies. He even talked about the cultural spiritual warfare we’re encountering and depicted atrocities in terms of evil versus good.

The Friday night prior to his Monday departure from FOX, Tucker keynoted at the Heritage Foundation and his speech was prophetic. I encourage you to listen to it in full here, but I’ll give you just a couple insightful quotes.

“The herd instinct is maybe the strongest instinct. It may be stronger than the hunger and sex instincts, actually. The instinct, which again is inherent, to be like everybody else and not to be cast out of the group, not to be shunned — that’s a very strong impulse in all of us from birth. And it takes over, unfortunately, in moments like this, and it’s harnessed, in fact, by bad people in moments like this to produce uniformity.”

When he used the term “this,” he was referring to what’s happening in our culture and country today. He continued.

There is a countervailing force at work always. There is a counterbalance to the badness. It’s called goodness. And you see it in people. So for every ten people who are putting ‘he and him’ in their electronic JPMorgan email signatures, there’s one person who’s like, ‘No, I’m not doing that. Sorry, I don’t want to fight but I’m not, like, doing that. That’s a betrayal of what I think is true. It’s a betrayal of my conscience, of my faith, of my sense of myself, of my dignity as a human being, of my autonomy – I am not a slave, I am a free citizen, and I’m not doing that. And there’s nothing that you can do to me to make me do it. And I hope it won’t come to that, but if it does come to that, here I am. Here I am. It’s Paul on trial. Here I am.’”

He could only be referring here to the Apostle Paul who refused to back down when the authorities told him to stop sharing the Gospel. 19 But Peter and John replied, “Do you think God wants us to obey you rather than him? 20 We cannot stop telling about everything we have seen and heard.” Acts 4:19-20

Tucker then talked about the power of truth vs the weakness of lies.

“The truth is contagious. And the second you decide to tell the truth about something, you are filled with this – I don’t want to get supernatural on you – but you are filled with this power from somewhere else. Try it. Tell the truth about something. … The more you tell the truth, the stronger you become.”

“The more you lie, the weaker and more terrified you become.”

He called out evil.

“There is no way to assess, say, the transgenderist movement with that mindset. Policy papers don’t account for it at all. If you have people who are saying, ‘I have an idea: Let’s castrate the next generation. Let’s sexually mutilate children.’ I’m sorry, that’s not a political debate … but the weight of the government [and] a lot of corporate interests are behind that.”

“None of this makes sense in conventional political terms. When people or crowds of people … decide that the goal is to destroy things, destruction for its own sake – hey, let’s tear it down – what you’re watching is not a political movement; it’s evil.”

“I’m merely calling for an acknowledgment of what we’re watching.”

Carlson stressed that abortion zealotry, like the transgenderist movement, is a theological phenomenon. He has said before that it’s becoming its own religion, a cult.

“If you’re telling me that abortion is a positive good, what are you saying? Well, you’re arguing for child sacrifice, obviously. … When the treasury secretary stands up and says, ‘You know what you can do to help the economy? Get an abortion.’ Well, that’s like an Aztec principle, actually.”

There’s much more to his speech. Again, I hope you’ll listen and understand better why Tucker was where Dave and I turned to get accurate news that others wouldn’t touch because these were the same truths that he was sharing on his news show. He wasn’t afraid of not being politically or socially correct. You’ve heard me say many times that Christians cannot just bury our heads in our churches on Sunday morning and literally let the world go to hell around us. That’s not what God wants us to do.

Tucker ended his Heritage Foundation speech by imploring his audience to pray: “Maybe we should all take just like ten minutes a day to say a prayer about it … and I hope you will.”

During his speech, Tucker said that he didn’t know why more people didn’t tell the truth. Maybe they were afraid of being fired he suggested. Ironically, or maybe prophetically, he was fired three days after giving this speech. We don’t know the details yet. Maybe he quit. Although it seemed he was preparing his Monday night program when he got the call it was over with no explanation.

“@TuckerCarlson has been engaging in the best journalism on TV uncovering and exposing the truth. This is a huge loss to Fox News” texted Senator Ron Johnson.

Let’s take ten minutes to pray that God will find a better place for Tucker Carlson to expose the truth and also to grow his faith as we’ve recently seen with another “celebrity” Kirk Cameron. Like Tucker, Kirk isn’t afraid to go against the culture to speak the truth to evil as he’s been on a tour to libraries sharing his new children’s book As You Grow about the Fruit of the Spirit. He wrote an opinion piece “Here’s what my tour around America taught me about the weird, woke, and wicked!” I encourage you to read it also. Here are a couple of quotes from Kirk.

“Our forefathers and foremothers would offer this culture-preserving advice from the Bible: ‘Train up your children in the way they should go. Husbands, love your wives. Wives, honor your husbands. Love God and one another sincerely, from the heart. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Honor one another above yourselves. Don’t be lazy, but work hard. Rejoice in hope . . . be patient in trouble . . . and keep on praying. Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.’ (Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 5: 25,33; Romans 12:9-21)”

“If you’re a parent, if you long for a return to wholesome, God-honoring values . . . if you want to salvage this country and its biblical values for your children . . . stop complaining about the culture. Instead, be brave and start creating the culture you want for your children. Lead by example. Show your kids and grandkids what genuine faith and moral integrity look like. Steel your God-given backbone.” 

“Let your love for your children conquer your fears. Use your own home as a safe place to lovingly uproot the power of evil in your neighborhood. . . . Plant seeds of truth, beauty, and goodness.” 

Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. Ephesians 4:25 ESV

So we have a journalist and an actor telling us what every pastor should be preaching to his congregation and every Christian should be espousing and living. Truth combats evil; lies foster evil.  Going along with evil as a Christian is counterintuitive and living a lie. Ignoring evil is cowardly. Doing the right thing is good and courageous. God is truth and hates lying.

Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight. Proverbs 12:22 ESV

Whoever speaks the truth gives honest evidence, but a false witness utters deceit. Proverbs 12:17 ESV

Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment. Proverbs 12:19 ESV

Abby Johnson is a pro-life advocate who spent years working at Planned Parenthood believing Satan’s lies that a baby in the womb was not a life worth saving before the Lord opened her eyes to the horrific killing of unborn babies by abortion. Now Abby shares the truth with other deceived nurses and doctors to free them from those evil lies. She says, “I am willing to offend you into heaven, but I will not love you into hell.”

 In a video tweet two days after his firing, Tucker Carlson said, “When honest people say what’s true calmly and without embarrassment, they become powerful. At the same time, the liars who’ve been trying to silence them shrink. They become weaker. That’s the iron law of the universe: True things prevail. Where can you still find Americans saying true things? There aren’t many places left, but there are some and that’s enough. As long as you can hear the words, there is hope. See you soon.”

When asked after his speech at the Heritage Foundation what’s the first thing you should do every morning, Tucker quickly replied, “Tell the people around you ‘I love you!'”

Don’t fret because of evildoers; don’t envy the wicked. 20 For evil people have no future; the light of the wicked will be snuffed out. Proverbs 24:19 NLT

We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth. 15 Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. Ephesians 4:14-15 NLT

If you received this blog by email, please go to the link here and leave a comment on the website. I read and reply to every comment. I want to hear from you, and you don’t have to agree with me.

If you didn’t see my About His Work Ministries newsletter for April, here’s the link.

Opening picture courtesy of “Prayers of a Ragamuffin Prayer Warrior.”

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Let’s Take the Gospel Viral

Often, in comments on my blog, or sent in private emails or messages, I’m commended and thanked for boldly sharing the Gospel and revealing the evil in our culture. Recently, someone wrote and thanked me for my boldness and passion and encouraged me to keep sharing the words she felt the Lord was giving me. “You’re a voice in the wilderness,” she said.

I thanked her, but jokingly reminded her of what happened to John the Baptist who was the original voice in the wilderness and ended up with his head on a platter. I asked her for prayer as I continue to write blogs, books, speak, and have a presence on social media for presenting the conservative Christian voice and viewpoint.

When responding to similar comments on my blog, or included in my blogs, I challenge, “Where does God want you to be bold?!” It’s the responsibility of every Christian to speak truth to evil and articulate God’s perspective in contrast to the world’s ways in our conversations and actions.

Speaking truth to evil wasn’t just my assignment from God, it’s the call to every believer. That means you if you’re reading my words right now.

Every Believer a Minister!

Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive[a] so that you will have the right response for everyone. Col. 4:5-6 NLT

For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory. Col. 1:27 NLT

Ministry isn’t restricted to within a church or a Christian organization – ministry is a lifestyle. How you live daily displays the Gospel to the many who may never read the Bible or hear about Jesus.

I remind everyone: Go be a voice in your own wilderness. I can only reach the people in my sphere of influence, and maybe a few extra when someone shares my posts, blogs, or books. But God is speaking to each of you just like He speaks to me. Every Christian has the Holy Spirit living inside of us. You have an audience all around you.

You don’t have to write a blog or books, have a website, be a public speaker, or even be on social media. You have friends, neighbors, family, co-workers, mentees, mentors, a community, church . . . where you can speak boldly to support our Savior, our Gospel, our country, and take a stand against the lies and atrocities plaguing our government, schools, families, and precious children.

Paul Gave Us Wise Counsel in His Letter to the Thessalonians

In 1 Thessalonians chapter 1, Paul was commending the church in Thessalonica for their evangelism and outreach. For we know, brothers and sisters[b] loved by God, that he has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction.”

Let’s stop right there. Paul is saying if you know the Gospel, then God has chosen you to share it because you now have the Holy Spirit with the knowledge and compassion for unbelievers who will experience the tribulation and be thrown into the lake of fire if they haven’t repented when Jesus returns!! That should wake everyone up who loves people, maybe even a relative.

Paul goes on to say: You know how we lived among you for your sake. You became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you welcomed the message in the midst of severe suffering with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. And so you became a model to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia.

Substitute in your own state, city, county for Macedonia and Achaia. Are you a model to all believers and unbelievers in your sphere of influence? Would people know you’re a believer by your words and actions?

Here’s the verse that holds the power you have as a Christian in this very fallen world. The Lord’s message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia—your faith in God has become known everywhere. 1 Thessalonians 1:8

We must ask ourselves if our faith in God is known everywhere, not just with our fellow church worshippers, but with everyone we talk to and every place we go. A big calling you say? Well Jesus and Paul both tell us it’s completely doable with the power of the Holy Spirit living in each Christian’s heart.

Paul concludes his praise of the Thessalonians with: Therefore we do not need to say anything about it, for they themselves report what kind of reception you gave us. They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, 10 and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead—Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath.

Is that what Paul would say about your church? Right now, we live in a world consumed by evil and the tragedy is the deafening silence of so many pastors, Christians, and churches. We’re letting this happen right around us for fear of being canceled or targeted by those who have fallen prey to Satan’s schemes. Well, if we don’t speak up, then whom?

This is not a political battle; it’s a spiritual battle not being fought between Republicans and Democrats but between good and evil, believers and nonbelievers. If we truly believe that God is on our side, then what can mere man do to us? Do you believe that?

 In God, whose word I praise, in the Lord, whose word I praise—11 in God I trust and am not afraid. What can man do to me? Psalm 56:10-11

When I wrote Forsaken God? Remembering the Goodness of God Our Culture Has Forgotten  and Everyday Brave: Living Courageously as a Woman of Faith, encouraging Christians to make a difference in our culture, I had no idea how fast our country would be moving toward destruction. I could see the atheistic direction the progressive liberals were leading the culture and our nation that was festering a great divide between conservatives and liberals, but I expected a better response from the church.

Conservative Christians need to find their voice and take the initiative to push back on evil liberal progressive socialists trying to push God out of America and become their own gods. Good can never unite, deny, or compromise with evil. It’s time for a revival of God in America and that starts with you, me, and our churches!

Jesus came to seek and save the lost and when He returned to heaven, He left us with the Holy Spirit to guide and lead us to continue His work here on earth. We all come from a background of some kind of brokenness before we knew Christ, sometimes even after, but that doesn’t negate our calling in fact it helps us relate better to those who are struggling now like we did in the past. Just like Paul says in his testimony, once I was blind but now, I see.

Every Believer Anointed!

Christians don’t live with superiority; we live with authority straight from our Creator in Matthew 28:18-20. “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

The door is still open to maintain our religious freedoms, but Satan is working hard to close it. We’ve actually seen Roe vs Wade reversed and Planned Parenthood defunded and moved out of many states including in Idaho, but now Satan is trying to divide children from their parents and rob the innocence of the young.

This is our time. This is our moment. Don’t waste it. Let your faith in God and the Gospel go viral. Let revival and restoration of the Truth begin with you! When Jesus returns for His church, the door will close on heaven for all unbelievers.

 And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. Rom. 13:11

“Blessed Lord, teach us to surrender ourselves unreservedly to the Holy Spirit . . . So we are in You, and You work through us.” Andrew Murray

You Can’t Avoid a Tornado When It’s Coming at You!

Hal Lindsey has wise words for encountering those who supposedly hate Jesus and thereby hate His followers. Hal says our goal is not to outwit them or make them look foolish, but to win them to Christ.

“We must not respond by hiding. We should not hide our eyes, pretending that this is just another societal phase, and that all things continue as they have from the beginning. Neither should we hide by retreating into our homes, never venturing beyond our “safe” neighborhoods, and by hunkering down in churches that refuse to engage the world.”

Hal continues, “When a tornado is ripping apart your home, hiding your eyes does not make you safer. There comes a point when you can’t pretend that everything is normal. If a church preaches God’s word, Satan’s world system will attack it. Your neighborhood may seem quiet on the surface, but it is almost certainly being invaded by drugs, pornography, and hate.”

Hal reminds us: “Hiding is fear-based, and our response must be faith-based. Understand what’s going on. But don’t forget that the most important part of any situation is that the God who created all things is still in charge. So, do what He says.”

Jesus gave us explicit instructions. “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” Matthew 5:44 NKJV

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Three Lessons Beyond the Story of His Only Son!

Last week, Hubby Dave and I saw the latest movie from Angel Studios, His Only Son. I was thrilled that just like Jesus Revolution, this new Christian movie stayed in theaters long after its Pre-Easter release and the five day expected showing. That’s because many Christians poured into theaters to support His Only Son.

When I looked over at Dave during the movie to see if the sounds he was making meant he was falling asleep, I discovered to the contrary, he was crying. The story of Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac brought my tenderhearted husband to tears more than once.

If you haven’t seen the movie, I don’t want to give away too many details, but it’s the familiar story of God asking Abraham to sacrifice his long-awaited son, Isaac, born to elderly parents. The son that God had told Abraham would bring descendants outnumbering the stars in the sky. It’s a beautifully filmed movie with superb acting as it brings the Bible story of Genesis 22 to life. If you haven’t seen it and it’s still in your theaters, I encourage you to go, enjoy, and maybe cry at a father’s love for his son, but his even greater love for the Father in Heaven who Abraham trusted and obeyed, even when asked to perform a seemingly impossible sacrifice.

Interwoven into the story was a brief glimpse of Sarah’s servant Hagar when Abraham and Sarah attempted to go ahead of God. In today’s blog, I want to fill in some of the blanks with lessons from the story of Hagar and Ishmael, discussed in conversation during the movie if you listen closely, but not depicted.

We can learn from the consequences of Abraham and Sarah’s poor decision about using Hagar to circumvent God’s plan. Consequences still felt in the Middle East today.

Who Was Hagar?

When we first meet Hagar in the Bible, she’s an Egyptian maidservant to Sarai (later called Sarah), the wife of Abram (later called Abraham). Sarai was infertile and desperately wanted a child. God had told Abram that he would have an heir, a son, and yet as time passed the aging couple still didn’t have a baby (Gen. 15:2-5).

Mistakenly, Sarai thought the Lord had kept her from having a baby so she came up with her own plan to give Abram a family. (Gen. 16:2) In those days, a maidservant had no rights and was required to comply with whatever her owners told her to do. When her barren and desperate mistress Sarai decides to use Hagar as a surrogate to provide her husband Abram with a child, Hagar has no option but to obey. Abram agreed and slept with Hagar and she became pregnant.

The movie alludes to this, but tastefully never shows Abram and Hagar in any sexual scenes, not even an embrace. This seems like an odd practice to us today, but it was actually an ancient custom in biblical times to ensure the birth of a male heir.

What Happened Next to Hagar?

When Hagar learned she was carrying Abram’s child, she felt superior to Sarai and the Bible says she “began to despise her mistress” (Gen. 16:4). Maybe Hagar was upset that her mistress forced her husband on her, or she felt rejected that Abram didn’t treat her as a wife, and she took her frustration out on Sarai. Whatever the reason, she wrongly thought that her pregnancy empowered her to treat Sarai with contempt.

When the relationship between the two women deteriorated and became hostile, Sarai complained to her husband. Abram told her that this had been Sarai’s idea in the first place and Hagar was hers to do with what she wanted. He wasn’t going to get involved with their dispute. Sarai took that as permission to mistreat Hagar, so pregnant Hagar ran away into the desert. But what she didn’t expect was an encounter with God, which we don’t see in the movie.

The angel of the Lord found Hagar near a spring in the desert; it was the spring that is beside the road to Shur. And he said, “Hagar, slave of Sarai, where have you come from, and where are you going?” “I’m running away from my mistress Sarai,” she answered. Then the angel of the Lord told her, “Go back to your mistress and submit to her.” Gen. 16:7-9

The angel of the Lord also told her she would have a son and name him, “Ishmael, for the Lord has heard of your misery.” (Gen. 16:11)

So obediently, Hagar returned, gave birth to her son, and stayed on as Sarai’s maidservant. Sixteen years later, Sarai, renamed by God, Sarah, finally had her own miracle son as God had promised, but like any older brother, Ishmael started teasing his little toddler half-brother Isaac. Sarah was having none of this and demanded that her husband, now called Abraham, send Hagar and her son away . . . this time permanently. The movie eludes during a conversation that this took place, but we don’t see it happening. We hear about Ishmael, but never see him.

The child [Isaac] grew and was weaned, and on the day Isaac was weaned Abraham held a great feast. But Sarah saw that the son whom Hagar the Egyptian had borne to Abraham was mocking, 10 and she said to Abraham, “Get rid of that slave woman and her son, for that woman’s son will never share in the inheritance with my son Isaac.” (Gen. 21:8-10)

Abraham, now the father of both sons, protested but to his surprise, God intervened and incredulously told him to let them go. Listen in the movie for when Abraham discusses why he let them both go.

11 The matter distressed Abraham greatly because it concerned his son. 12 But God said to him, “Do not be so distressed about the boy and your slave woman. Listen to whatever Sarah tells you, because it is through Isaac that your offspring[a] will be reckoned. 13 I will make the son of the slave into a nation also, because he is your offspring.” (Gen. 21:11-13)

Reluctantly, Abraham agreed and sent Hagar and Ishmael out into the desert with food and water.

14 Early the next morning Abraham took some food and a skin of water and gave them to Hagar. He set them on her shoulders and then sent her off with the boy. She went on her way and wandered in the Desert of Beersheba. (Gen. 21:14)

God has lessons for us to learn from every biblical story and He tells us the story of Hagar in the Bible so we can apply what she learned to our own lives. Here are three important life application lessons.

Lesson #1: God Never Rejects Us

Hagar must have lamented her painful mistreatment and abandonment. Why was all this happening to her? When her hurt and despair sent her fleeing into the desert the first time, she was surprised but also very relieved and blessed when God met her there. She realized that even in her lowly position in life, she was important to God and He hadn’t rejected or forgotten her.

It was hard to hear God wanted her to go back to Sarai and endure abuse, but then God gave her a name for her son, Ishmael. God said He would even multiply Ishmael’s descendants. Wow, that was quite a promise, which God did fulfill in later years.

Hagar agreed to God’s plan and called the Lord, “The God who sees me, for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.” (Gen. 16:13)

God heard her cries of affliction. Amazingly, a slave girl was the first recorded appearance of God face to face in Scripture. Others had heard His voice or seen visions, but here was God in person.

Like Hagar, when it seems like others are rejecting you, God sees and hears you. Don’t let rejection define you; allow it to refine you. Hagar had the confidence and security in God to humbly return to Sarai and Abram and fulfill her role in biblical history.

Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me! (Ps. 66:20)

The Lord will not reject his people; he will not abandon his special possession. (Ps. 94:14 NLT)

Lesson #2 God is Near to the Brokenhearted

When Abraham sent Hagar and her son Ismael into the desert, it looked like they would surely die when the supplies Abraham had given them were exhausted. Now her precious son who God had given her and even named would starve to death. It was too much for her to bear. She couldn’t watch as he curled up in a fetal positon under a tree, but she couldn’t block out his starving moans and wails.

15 When the water in the skin was gone, she put the boy under one of the bushes. 16 Then she went off and sat down about a bowshot away, for she thought, “I cannot watch the boy die.” And as she sat there, she[b] began to sob. (Gen. 21:15-16)

But, what was she hearing now? Could it be a second encounter with God?! Yes, He had heard the cries of her son and asked her what was wrong? The Angel of the Lord spoke to this distressed mother yet again and reassured her not to be full of fear or sadness. Just as He had promised, God reaffirmed that her son’s legacy would be a great nation.  

17 God heard the boy crying, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, “What is the matter, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying as he lies there. 18 Lift the boy up and take him by the hand, for I will make him into a great nation.” (Gen. 21:17-18)

When we’re in deep despair, our tendency often is to shut out the world, and sometimes that includes shutting out God. But God is the one who understands our distress like no human can. Sometimes He will put people in our life and speak through them to comfort us, but what He longs for us to do is bend our ear towards Him and listen. Let His presence comfort you with the hope that He’s going through this with you and He always has a plan if we open our eyes to see our opportunities and listen to the wisdom He whispers in our prayer time.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (Ps. 34:18)

Lesson #3 God’s Plan Is Always the Best One to Follow

When Hagar opened crying eyes, to her astonishment there was a well of water in the middle of the desert. Only God! She ran to fill her wineskin and gave her thirsty son a refreshing drink.

19 Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink. (Gen. 21:19)

Bravely, Hagar believed God and trusted that even as a single mom rejected and stranded in the middle of nowhere, if God said it was so, then she would trust Him and obey again. God was faithful to His promise.

20 God was with the boy as he grew up. He lived in the desert and became an archer. 21 While he was living in the Desert of Paran, his mother got a wife for him from Egypt. (Gen 21:20-21)

While we often focus on Abraham and Sarah, God has a powerful lesson in the story of Hagar. Through no fault of her own, she became entrenched in the couple’s contrived plan to fulfill God’s promise themselves instead of waiting for God’s perfect timing and plan. We can’t outsmart or outdo God. His plans always are for good and will prevail, but we’ll pay a price when our impetuous and prideful thinking is that we know best.

22 The Scriptures say that Abraham had two sons, one from his slave wife and one from his freeborn wife.[a] 23 The son of the slave wife was born in a human attempt to bring about the fulfillment of God’s promise. But the son of the freeborn wife was born as God’s own fulfillment of his promise. (Gal. 4:22-23)

Just as God promised, Ishmael became a great nation but to this day, his descendants continue to be in conflict with the nation founded by his half-brother Isaac.

Everyday Brave Hagar

I include Hagar in Everyday Brave: Living Courageously as a Woman of Faith because she didn’t let the hard life that she encountered defeat her. She had a personal experience with God and He protected and provided for her. She courageously understood that God was the One she could depend on and trust. He would make a way when circumstances seemed impossible.

Even when we don’t see God face-to-face like Hagar did, or maybe have trouble feeling His presence, our faith assures us of the truth that we’re never alone. God has promised to never leave or forsake us even when others disappoint or even abandon us. God is always just a prayer away.

God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Heb. 13:5b)

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You Were Born For Such A Time As This!

Yesterday, April 9, 2023, we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the tomb. A day revered by believers and denounced by unbelievers for centuries, still it remains one of the most significant days in history. As I mentioned in last week’s blog, the day you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior should be the most significant day in your own personal history. A day that should’ve changed everything in your life and set you on a path of living for Jesus and discovering the purpose and plans He has for you.

If you’ve allowed the world’s situation or your personal situation to distract you from letting your light shine for Jesus, Easter is always a good time to reflect and re-center on making sure every decision you make and every breath you take glorifies Jesus. That sounds like a big undertaking, and it is. It’s not something we could ever do on our own. But the Holy Spirit is everywhere residing in each Christian’s heart and mind always guiding and directing us to do the next right thing, even with all the distractions and obligations. It’s especially difficult with the arrows continually directed at us from the enemy who seems to become bolder and crueler daily.

Many think that the blatant visibility of Satan in a culture that labels Christians the enemy if we don’t agree with sin, suggests the eminent return of Jesus. It’s true, Jesus could come back for His people at any time, but until that glorious day, He has each of us living at this very moment in history for a specific purpose. It isn’t random that we’re alive while evil is called good, and Satan is trying to silence the church and take our children into his clutches.

Twice in the past week, I’ve heard a speaker refer to Esther whose fellow Jews, including her, were facing extinction by evil Hamen. Queen Esther’s uncle Mordecai pleaded with her to help save her people, even though it could mean immediate death just by asking for an audience with King Xerxes. Her uncle challenged, “And who knows but that you have come to your position for such a time as this.” After three days of fasting and prayer, Esther courageously said, “If I perish, I perish.” The King gave her an audience and she ultimately saw Hamen hung on the gallous that he had built for her uncle.

Esther was willing to set aside her queenly luxury to get involved in the politics of the King’s court to save not just herself, but her people. She risked her life to take a stand against injustice, immorality, evil, and extinction and God put her in the perfect era and place to do exactly that. God has done the same for you and me to be born right now for such a time as this. It’s exciting and exhilarating when you look at the world through that lens.

My birthday this year was on Easter. That’s only the second time in my lifetime; the first time I was three. This year, I felt God’s reminder that I’m still alive for a purpose. He’s helped me survive three breast cancer battles, a congenital malformed spine, and numerous other health and personal issues so I could devote my remaining time and talents to sharing the goodness of God and encouraging people to turn from the destruction of following the evil deceiver, Satan. That’s not always comfortable or easy, but like Esther, it’s worth the risk.

As Aware Christians, We Can’t Avoid Getting Involved!

Last Sunday, Dave and I attended the second free AWARE Biblical Citizenship & Liberty for Idaho Conference hosted by Mountain Heights Calvary Chapel in Meridian, Idaho. I want to share the encouragement and call to action we received that day. It was such a blessing to be in a room with several hundred like-minded Conservative Christians eager to learn more about how we could make a difference in our community for morals and justice to prevail.

In past blogs, I’ve mentioned the Values Advocacy Council (VAC) ministry, which helps Idahoans know what’s happening politically in our state and how we can get involved by contacting our legislators, school boards, and governor.

Last session, the Idaho Legislators passed the Child Protection Act to stop gender mutilation surgeries and opposite-sex drugs given to minors, but our Governor was threatening to veto it depending on how many calls he received supporting or protesting the bill?! The VAC gave us the numbers to call, and 19 Pastors went to the governor’s office with a petition with 5000 signatures telling him NOT to veto it and the rest of us called and emailed the Governor’s office.

We had a victory, and the Governor signed the bill so no longer can doctors and hospitals perform these barbaric “sex-reassignment” surgeries or give cross-sex hormones or puberty blocking drugs to gender-confused children in Idaho! Praise God!!

Another politically involved ministry, The Idaho Family Policy Center, sent out an encouraging email, “We can’t overstate the importance of this victory—and we definitely owe it in part to your biblical citizenship and your support of this ministry.”

Did you notice that these are both ministries involved in politics. The Idaho Family Policy Center ministry drafted the Child Protection Act four years ago. It’s the third legislative session they’ve introduced the bill and championed it. Idaho’s children will be protected because ministries got involved in politics!

One of the speakers at the AWARE Conference, Neil Mammen, is the President of Values Advocacy Council, and has written a book Jesus Is Involved in Politics! Why Aren’t You? Why Isn’t Your Church? The premise of his book is that you can’t separate politics from Christianity and the church. We don’t want a Christian government; we want Christians in government. Christians getting involved to protect God’s laws just like Christians and pastors did with the Vulnerable Child Protection Act here in Idaho.

As Christians, it’s our duty and obligation to remind the government that their job is to enforce God’s laws, not create laws that go against the biblical foundations of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which lists what government can’t do to us, not what they can.

Just because I live in a red state doesn’t mean I can be complacent, actually just the opposite. Satan doesn’t like red states and he’s using his henchmen, including the Democrat party which has turned Marxist, to try and turn conservative red states into tyrannically governed blue states.

In Idaho, and other states, Christians and churches are fighting back, and our Idaho children will be protected from this child abuse atrocity, but for sure, there will be future battles. The Governor vetoed another bill protecting children from pornography in libraries and schools and the legislators failed by one vote to overturn his veto. But it’ll be on the docket repeatedly until it’s passed. Christians know how to persevere.

I’m reading Jesus Is Involved in Politics! Why Aren’t You? Why Isn’t Your Church?. Here’s a synopsis from the author’s brochure.

“If you say Christians, churches, or pastors should not be involved in politics, you are essentially saying that child sexual abuse should be legal. It sounds harsh, but the truth is much harsher, because if you take a stance against being actively involved in politics, then you are basically also saying that death games & forced temple prostitution should still be legal.

Here’s just a partial list of abuses Christians and churches in the past have helped to overcome: slavery, racism, segregation, kidnapped brides, death games, gladiatorial combat, infanticide, child labor, child abandonment, child prostitution, child sexual abuse, child marriage, the superstitious killing of twins, elder abandonment, widow burning, cruelty to prisoners, & cruelty to animals.”

“Every one of those practices and thousands of others in history were made illegal only because pastors and elders got their congregation involved in politics and started changing laws in their nation and also in other nations.”

“How heartless, cruel, & mean spirited can we be to say Christians should not be involved in politics? Is this really the stance we want to take? Is this Christlike in any shape, fashion, or form?”

Jesus confronted the Sadducees, Pharisees, and elders who were like the Senate, Congress, and White House of our day. Jesus loves the little children, and He has compassion for a woman worried about her pregnancy, but He would NEVER tell her to kill her baby. He would expect the church to offer her alternatives, protection, and care for herself and baby.

Jesus is not ok with children being sterilized, mutilated, sexualized, and lied to that they can become another sex. He’s not ok with two men or women marrying. These are not political issues; these are biblical moral issues so why is the church silent? Why are so many Christians afraid to speak the truth? The Bible isn’t silent!

The Gospel and Jesus tell us that the truth will set us free. Don’t we want others to be free from the sin that so easily entangles and the lies that are ruining their lives?!

The church and Christians should be taking an active role in helping confused, scared, and mentally ill people. Imitating Jesus by confronting the issues with compassion, love, solutions, and most importantly, the truth so that no one will become a victim to Satan’s lies.

Our Christian Republican Congressman Russ Fulcher was one of the speakers at the AWARE Conference and took questions from the audience. He said when he walks into the Congressional chambers in Washington D.C., he feels the spiritual battle enveloping the room, but he also can sense the prayers of his constituents. He told us the best way to support him is in prayer. So pray for your federal and local officials. Not just the ones you agree with but pray for everyone to have a spiritual awakening.

Rick Green of Patriot Academy and Wall Builders reminded us of our biblical citizenship responsibility. 40 million Christians do NOT vote! Faith without works is dead.

14 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? 15 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? 17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. 18 But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. 19 You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder. James 2:14-19

We don’t want politicians in government; we want patriots! So we need to do our homework and research the voting records of the people we’re electing.

 Green also cautioned the church has lost our commission to go beyond the church walls and take the Gospel to the world. We’ve stopped making disciples.

We need to remember that our freedom comes from God who is in every aspect of our life, yes even politics. There is nothing in our life that God isn’t Lord over! Everything is under His jurisdiction. The church must be salt and light, but our culture is spoiling because there’s not enough Christian salt preserving the country we love.

 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. 14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matt. 5:13-14

Pastor Marty Yost of Mountain Heights Calvary Chapel who hosted the conference also echoed Rick’s message reminding us that yes there are Rinos in politics, but there are also what he calls “Binos”—Believers in name only—who have forgotten the Great Commission which Jesus appointed to every Christian.

18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. 19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations,[a] baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” 28:18-20 NLT

Jesus didn’t say Christian believers, disciples of Christ, have the authority to go into every part of the world except politics. Jesus said go everywhere that He is, and He is everywhere.

If you’re still uncomfortable with the word “politics,” focus on how God wants you to get involved in fighting immorality and unrighteousness in places where you can have a godly influence and pray for those in government.

17 Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it. James 4:17

If you received this article by email, please go to the blog on my website and leave a comment. I reply to all comments and appreciate hearing your thoughts.

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It’s Holy Week and Our God Still Reigns!

It was difficult deciding what to write as we start Holy Week before Easter with such sadness and turmoil in our world. But as I prayed about whether I should focus on the evil we’re all watching take place or the God whose only Son went to the Cross under evil circumstances to offer us a way out of personal sin and guilt, I quickly knew the answer when God gave me several clues as He always does.

First, as I posted on Facebook the pictures of those six precious innocent Chrisitan children and adults at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tenn. gunned down by a mentally ill suicidal transgender woman who looked into the eyes of those three children, a substitute teacher, the custodian, and the head of the school. . . then pulled the trigger . . . I saw the epitome of evil.

Evil begets evil!

There is an evil belief system infecting our culture that people can play God and become their own gods. Doctors who should be helping troubled gender dysphoria patients receive treatment to learn how to live in the bodies God gave them are instead lying to them that they can become the opposite gender by being pumped with hormones and sterilizing drugs and mutilated with irreplaceable castration, hysterectomies, and mastectomies at ages when children often think they can fly too.

Those doctors, medical professionals, and facilities are as evil as the ones killing unborn babies. Instead of offering redemptive healthcare, which they take an oath to perform, they’re participating in child abuse and infant genocide. And as evidenced by the militant attitude of the trans movement and pro-abortion advocates, no one is happy or successful in trying to play God.

The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good. Psalm 14:1

As I changed my Facebook cover photo to the pictures of those six who were mercilessly gunned down, God prompted me to also change my profile picture to the opening picture of this blog. He was guiding my hurt, heartbreak, pain, anger, and frustration back to focus on Him, the One and Only true God.

Then the title of this morning’s (3/31/23) Our Daily Bread was “Rest Assured in God” with the verse from Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Karen Pimpo wrote in the accompanying article, “When our world is troubled, how can we find rest? The Bible’s clear: there’s peace for those who trust in God, regardless of their circumstances.”

While browsing through Facebook before I sat down to write to you, I came across a post from Fox & Friends on their Faith & Friends concert series of a performance with Phil Wickham of his new song “This is Our God.” I’d seen that post several times, but this morning I opened it up weeping as I listened to the timely words of the song. I hope you’ll go to the link and worship too.

It was clear God was reminding me that our only hope is belief in our Comforter and Savior, Jesus Christ, and nothing should distract us from this truth. With so many being lied to and even murdered because of Satan’s lies, our mission is to tell everyone of God’s overriding truths. The families burying their loved ones this Holy Week will mourn the loss of their loved ones while celebrating that they are in the arms of Jesus. Heavenly joy, but earthly sorrow for now.

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32

“Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” 1 Cor. 15:55

Good Begets Good and Our God is a Good God!

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Is. 53:5-6

Isaiah 53:5-6 is the message of Easter we can’t ever overlook in the tragedies and unjustness of our culture. J. J. Packer said, “We are cruel to ourselves if we try to live in this world without knowing about the God whose world it is and who runs it.”

What is happening in our world doesn’t distract Jesus. He cares about what is happening in our heart!

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.—Ezekiel 36:26

What should we do this Holy Week to prepare our hearts for an Easter celebration?

1. Fill your mind with Words from the Lord and not from the media.

Let’s take a break from the biased media and focus our minds on the reason our Lord and Savior went to the cross—to offer us eternal life regardless of what happens in this life. We don’t want to die, but if Jesus is in our heart, we have the assurance that we will be alive with Jesus for eternity. That should calm our hearts and comfort those who have lost loved ones or maybe just received an unwanted diagnosis.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.—Romans 12:2

I heard Pastor Greg Laurie say once in a Palm Sunday message, “There are five gospels . . . you’re the 5th! You are the temple of God.” Read the four Gospels, Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John. Get to know Jesus up close and personal. Walk with Him in His shoes; listen to His words and stories.

  • What was He trying to get people to understand?
  • What does He want you to understand?
  • Look for His personal message to your generation and how to influence the next generation for Christ.
  • What does He want you to do during the crises in our country? In our world?

If you were giving the sermon this Easter, what would you include?

2. Tell people what Jesus means to you. Why you love Him. That even while you were a sinner, He still loved you enough to die for you!

Our church has a Cowboy Breakfast as an outreach for the community on Easter Sunday, and Facebook just reminded me that I was the speaker 10 years ago. It was my privilege to share the Gospel and I didn’t worry what faith or lack of faith in those attending. Easter is about salvation through belief in Christ Jesus and that was my message.

My then 6-year-old granddaughter, Katelyn, shared the microphone with me to recite John 3:16. I was so proud of her! The next year she told me, “Grammie, I want to share John 3:16 at the Cowboy Breakfast again.” Since I wasn’t the speaker, she didn’t get that opportunity, but I pray she never hesitates to share the Gospel message.

God blessed Katelyn and me with a boldness that Easter morning to share the Gospel unashamed of our Savior with gratitude for His sacrifice and rejoicing at His resurrection. Here’s what one attendee wrote to me later:

I wanted to let you know how much I appreciated your message at the Cowboy Breakfast. It was clearly presented and probably the best explanation that I have heard so that people are not confused about making a commitment to Christ. So often people are afraid to say what is needed because they are concerned about offending their audience. It was important that you were clear on what sin is and how to make a personal commitment. I also received feedback from members of our Vineyard Home Study Group that were pleased that the truth could be so clearly spoken.

Thanks again for the time and effort that you put into preparation for those who needed to hear this message.

Other years, members of our church share their testimony with friends and neighbors who attend the breakfast. My husband Dave gave his testimony one year.

When is the last time you told someone your testimony of surrendering your life to Christ? It’s hands down the most important and meaningful day in your life. Yes, it’s greater than the day you married, gave birth, bought your dream house, or signed that important contract. Your rebirth in Christ should top them all!

Yet, we eagerly tell the story of these less significant events in our life, but often are reticent to tell the story of Jesus coming into our life.

We know He is with us every day, but do we give Him the credit and the glory for the things we know He has done and is doing in our life?

This week ask yourself why you don’t talk more about Jesus?!

Then share your salvation story with someone! Reflect back on the day the death and resurrection of Jesus really meant something to you. Tell people why it still does.

There is no greater witness to God’s goodness than sharing what he has done in your life. No one can question your testimony because it’s your personal experience.

Your story becomes your testimony when the focus is on God, not on you.

Your testimony simply shares your life before Jesus. How he changed your heart and spiritually, maybe literally, saved your life.

God has given you a story to share, so seize every opportunity to tell it.

Sometimes, God redeems your testimony by surrounding you with people who need to hear your past so it doesn’t become their future.

Who needs to hear this Easter what Christ has done for you and could do for them?

At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.—Titus 3:3-7

And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.—1 John 5:11-12

You might also enjoy an article I wrote for Crosswalk, 5 Refreshing Ways to Welcome Renewal Beyond Easter.

Have a blessed Easter the way the Lord leads you to celebrate this glorious day and honor the sacrifice He made for each of us who believe in Him to have eternal life forever!

No matter what happens in our world, remember that Our God Reigns!

Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Rev. 19:6

If you received this blog in your email, please leave a comment here. I reply to all comments.

Also, if you don’t receive my monthly newsletter you can sign up on my website. Here’s the link to the March Newsletter with the opening article, “Are Your Women’s Ministries and Your Hearts Open to Teens?” I would appreciate receiving your response.

I also want to make you aware of a free e-book to share with parents and grandparents by Brandon Showalter and Jeff Meyers, Exposing the Gender Lie: How to Protect Children and Teens from the Transgender Industry’s False Ideology.

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