What Would You Sacrifice for Your Beliefs?

You’ve probably read or heard about Shelly Luther, the Dallas hair salon owner arrested for opening her business before the state of Texas approved the opening of salons. The judge gave her the choice of apologizing for being “selfish” or going to jail. She refused to render an apology saying it wasn’t selfish to want to feed her family. She went to jail, not for opening her salon, but for contempt of court because the judge didn’t like her answer.

I’m not defending her opening the salon early, but what struck me in that story was her courage to not deny what she felt was right just to avoid a penalty. She was bravely willing to go to jail rather than bow down to this judge’s demands for her to go against her convictions.

As I heard this story unfold, I wondered how many Christians would take that kind of a sacrificial stand for their faith? Their beliefs? If a judge said deny Christ or go to jail, would there be any hesitation on our part?

We might think that would never happen in America, but I’m sure Shelly never thought she would face that crossroads either just for opening the doors of her business. A business that supported her family, paid the bills, and provided a livelihood to other stylists in her salon. They had waited as long as they could; it was time to get back to work. Yet, there she was standing before a judge telling her to gravel or the gavel goes down. And down it went.

Other business owners have had local governments suspend their business license for opening their doors. I’m not advocating breaking the law, but there really is no law, simply executive orders at the whim of what a local government official deems is their right to inflict on constituents. No one is governing these officials and they have no experience or expertise with this pandemic to back up their demands.

Last week, I wrote about how fast this shutdown of our rights has happened in our country in the name of “public health” based on “facts and science” that change every day and none of the governors or mayors actually ever provide specific data for their restrictions. Everything can be manipulated to serve anyone’s purpose or power grab.

Honestly, some restrictions are outrageous like the mayor of Los Angeles saying when people “have earned the right” to go back to the beach they must stay on wet sand, not dry sand! He has now said they can leave their home but must wear a mask at all times. They can’t gather in their backyard or go to someone else’s house. Where is any of this in the public health handbook for coronavirus?

But I digress. The real thought I want us to chew on is could this be a preview of what could happen to people of faith? Wait, it is happening! In some states, pastors are fined, and even jailed, for opening their churches safely!

What we’re learning during this unseen enemy is that in today’s culture, it takes sacrifice and courage to stand up for our faith and our rights, but this is nothing new. The message the Apostle Paul gave to the church at Corinth is still a source of encouragement for Christians to be brave today: “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong” (1 Cor. 16:13).

And Paul should know. He was routinely arrested, sent to prison, flogged, ridiculed, and eventually killed for his faith, but he never backed down from sharing the truth of the gospel. I don’t know if Shelly Luther is a believer, but like her, Paul would not bow down to any magistrate who wanted him to denounce his convictions and he would not deny his faith to avoid prison, or worse.

Women of Faith in the Bible Give Us Courage

A group of what the Bible calls “prominent women” or “leading women” who were God-fearing Greeks in Thessalonica and Berea heard Paul’s message about Jesus, became believers, and joined his ministry. In both cities, the Jews listening to Paul became jealous that he was drawing a crowd, and they formed a mob to go after him and his ministry companion Silas. Knowing violent agitators and bullies were following Paul everywhere he went, what must these courageous women have feared might happen to them?

We’re not sure if prominent refers to their status as the wife of well-known important men, or if they indeed were leaders of influence themselves, or simply wealthy women—or all of the above. Publicly believing the gospel and joining Paul’s evangelistic ministry could easily jeopardize their marriages, their standing in society, and their businesses. No matter what the personal cost to worldly fame, fortune, and security, they were all in for Christ.

They were brave believers and played an important role in helping Paul start the early church and share the gospel. Imagine the trials, struggles, and sacrifices of these women as they watched Paul endure persecution while they served beside him amid hostility and danger. They knew that the authorities in the government and temple didn’t readily receive the message of Jesus.

Conspicuous believers were risking their lives. After all, they crucified their Messiah. What would happen to them? It seems they didn’t care. As believers, they were willing to take that risk.

Jesus had brave women willing to risk their lives for him too! Many courageous women disciples like Joanna, Susanna, Mary Magdalene, and others, also went against the cultural norm to loyally support Jesus’s ministry, even as it became more and more controversial and his life was in eminent danger.

We can learn from these strong women of faith following Paul and Jesus to see how to carry on their courageous legacy in a culture today that often isn’t receptive to the gospel of Christ. We can look to these women as prime examples of faith and devotion to Christ and emulate them in our own lives as believing disciples, regardless of daunting circumstances and possible sacrifices.

When I wrote Everyday Brave: Living Courageously As A Woman of Faith, where I explore these biblical women who supported Paul and Jesus along with fifty other brave women, I had no idea how soon after its release last September that we would all be putting our brave on for our families, ourselves, and our faith. The premise of Everyday Brave is that the women of the Bible have a message about bravery for the women of today.

When the coronavirus is over, and it will be someday, we will each have our own brave story. Maybe it was tackling homeschooling or figuring how best to protect our families. For all of us, it’s how to provide financially and provisionally when it seems like the world shut down. But God never shut down or abandoned us and He knows exactly what we need to make it through this difficult season emotionally, physically, spiritually, and mentally.

We just need to stay strong in our convictions, our beliefs, and our faith that in all things God will work this out for good for those who love him. “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them (Romans 8:28 NLT).

God knows the number of our days. We don’t live foolishly or recklessly, but we do live out our faith with a peace that passes understanding.

For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs. Zephaniah 3:17 NLT

In our current culture, it’s no longer cushy and easy being a Jesus-follower or loyally defending Jesus. Standing firm in our faith takes grit, determination, and fierce loyalty. When society tries to dissuade and discourage us from remaining true to Jesus, we must stand firm with bravery and courage, even if it means standing “alone”—God is always with us cheering us on.

I don’t think believers will go to jail in our country for our beliefs today, but there is coming a time during the tribulation when even worse will happen to those who profess Christ as their Savior. My personal belief is that God will rapture all Christians before the tribulation, but everyone left behind will suffer greatly if they don’t deny Christ.

Let this plague, which is minor in light of the tribulation, be a wake up call to share the gospel with everyone you love because Jesus is coming and it could be soon!

 “I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close. You have little strength, yet you obeyed my word and did not deny me.” Revelation 3:8 NLT

PS For more on endtime prophesy, I highly recommend Dr. David Jeremiah’s book The Signs. Our small group has been studying this book since last fall and what a timely study it has been for such a time as this.

If you missed last week’s blog How Is Home Depot More “Essential” Than God’s Home?

Everyday Brave: Living Courageously As A Woman of Faith is available signed at my website or on Amazon. I pray it encourages you that we all are braver than we know!

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4 Ways to Let Your Light Shine into the World’s Darkness

4 Ways to Let your Light Shine into a Dark World

If you follow my blogs, recently I’ve mentioned that the Lord has been clearly directing the topic He wants me to cover by repeatedly showing me a word or phrase. This past week, I’ve seen “light in the darkness” in Scriptures, devotionals, blogs, and finally today, I surrendered that I would write about this, even though I had a completely different topic in mind.

So here goes . . .

I know you’ve heard many sermons and possibly seen visuals of how it only takes one small light to illuminate the darkness. A great example is the flashlight on our cell phones. Just last night, I was stumbling over the snow in the dark, but whisking out my cell phone and turning on the flashlight immediately lit up my walking path.

Sometimes, just the screen light on our phone can help us navigate in the middle of the night on our way to the bathroom or kitchen.

Hubby and I leave a nightlight on in our bathroom and we have to shut our bedroom door because that little light reaches all the way into our bedroom and is too much light for me to sleep.

Then we’ve all enjoyed a candlelight Christmas Eve service where they issue everyone a candle and together we light up the dark room displaying the power of unified light.

In Scripture, darkness is referring to evil, but reminds us that the goodness of God always outshines the badness of Satan!

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5

Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going. John 12:35

[Tweet “Sadly many today are tripping and falling into a sinful, carnal, and wayward life guided by the father of darkness, Satan, instead of letting Jesus, the Light of the world, guide them.”]

Just like we stumble in physical darkness, sadly many today are tripping and falling into a sinful, carnal, and wayward life guided by the father of darkness, Satan, instead of letting Jesus, the Light of the world, guide them.

This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. John 3:19

Clearly, the choice is between Satan and Jesus. There is no middle ground. Many people don’t understand that if they’re not following Jesus, they’re following the world’s god, Satan.

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5

So what does this mean in a practical sense for Christians?

Jesus resides in every believer’s heart. People should see His radiance in our face, eyes, smile, words, countenance, personality, actions . . . . Yes, Jesus expects you and me to reflect His light to brighten the world’s darkness.

And if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. Isaiah 58:10

The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” Matthew 4:16

4 Ways to Let Your Light Shine into the World's Darkness

4 Ways to Let Your Light Shine

  1. Don’t deny the darkness.

[Tweet “Sometimes, we live in a cocoon of our own making. We’re busy with our lives, and we don’t want to acknowledge the dark evil and heartache we see in the world because then we might have to do something about it.”]

Sometimes, we live in a cocoon of our own making. We’re busy with our lives, and we don’t want to acknowledge the dark evil and heartache we see in the world because then we might have to do something about it. Getting involved might take our energy, time, finances, and emotions, and we’ve got enough on our plate already thank you very much.

If we stay preoccupied with our own problems, maybe we won’t have to get involved with the world’s horrors of abortion, human trafficking, drug epidemic, rising rate of suicides, homelessness and on and on. Let someone else help; it’s just too dark.

But God wants you and me to get involved even when it’s inconvenient, messy, hard, and everything in us screams not this time Lord! God says yes, you need to be My light to someone today.

I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them. Isaiah 42:16

  1. Have a heart and compassion for those who are in the dark because you once were in the dark.

Everyone has a past before we accepted Jesus as our Savior! One we’re not too proud of or wish we could go back and change. It’s hard to look at the dark side of our culture because we don’t want to remember or relive our dark days, but who better than us to reach people who are now where we once were. We need to light up the world by sharing our testimony that once I was blind, but now I see.

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light. Ephesians 5:8

  1. God gave us His Light to shine not hide!

We might not be able to change the world, but we can change a life. Our shining light draws people to us. They want to know our source of joy and peace even in difficult circumstances. Invite them to have a cup of coffee or meal. Some may reject our light because they like the darkness, but we can take every opportunity to let them know we’re friends not foe. Pray that you can be a light and comfort to someone enveloped in infernal darkness.

‘I am sending you to them 18 to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’ Acts 26:17-19

  1. Share your source of light to help brighten this dark dreary world!

God chose you; you didn’t choose Him! We’re saved to help save the dark world, our world, wherever God has planted us. Salvation isn’t just for our own benefit. Aren’t we glad that someone, maybe many people, shared the joy and hope in knowing Jesus with us? Once we surrendered to Him, the glorious light of the Holy Spirit replaced the disparaging darkness in our heart.

[Tweet “God wants Bible-believing Christians to reflect the life-saving Light of Jesus everywhere everyday to everyone!”]

God wants you to reflect the life-saving Light of Jesus everywhere everyday to everyone!

Take advantage of every opportunity to be a glowing beacon of light for Jesus!

While I was having an ultrasound, the technician told me she was a newlywed and asked how many years I’d been married. When I told her we just celebrated 27 years, she asked: What’s your secret to a good long-lasting marriage?

My answer: When we married, we agreed to put Jesus Christ at the center of our marriage. Divorce would never be an option. It hasn’t always been easy. We’re a blended family, but Jesus holds us together.

Letting your light shine is that easy!

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9

Another Kind of Darkness

In addition to physical, spiritual, and cultural darkness, there’s a deep dark hole many describe when they’re suffering from mental illness or depression. Some have even said that they feel separated from God and that’s why their world goes dark. This substantiates the Scriptures that without God in our life, or the sense that He is there with us, the light goes out. Hope evades us. Communion with God stops until His Light shines into the darkness again.

I wrote an article for Crosswalk How to Address Loneliness in a Connected World with suggestions of what we as Christian could do to help someone suffering from that kind of lonely darkness.

God has been showing me that my next book will center on the theme of the Loneliness Epidemic: Disconnected in a Connected World. That’s only a working title.

[Tweet “If you have a story to share about a time you’ve experienced loneliness or how you helped shine Jesus’ light into someone’s spiritual, emotional, mental, or physical loneliness or darkness, please message me.”]

If you have a story to share about a time you’ve experienced loneliness or how you helped shine Jesus’ light into someone’s spiritual, emotional, mental, or physical loneliness or darkness, [or you received that help] I would love to hear it. You can contact or email me at [email protected].

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

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God Wants a Word with You!

God Wants to Have a Word with You

First, let me wish each of you a blessed 2020!

As I talked about in last week’s blog, How Do Your Plans for 2020 Align with God’s Plans for You?, we often set goals for what we want to achieve in the upcoming year. A fresh start.

There are two complementary thoughts for the New Year that I want to share with you in this week’s Monday Morning Blog.

A Word to Focus On in 2020

Several years ago, a friend and I decided to pray about a personal word God wanted us to incorporate into our actions, thoughts, and speech in the New Year. We remind each other of our word when times get tough or we’ve lost our focus. One we can pray for ourselves every morning, night, and throughout the day as a guiding remembrance of how God wants us to live and reflect to others.

As I browse Social Media, I notice that this has also become a tradition for many of my friends as they share their “word for the year.” Maybe you have a word for 2020 and if so, I’d love you to share it with us.

My “word” for 2018 was “Calm.” That year I fell down the stairs and broke my wrist, tore up my leg, and we had a septic flood. Calm was a prophetic word I clung to in the chaos.

2019’s word was “Joy.” The damage from our 2018 septic flood wasn’t repaired until August of 2019. I started the year still in a wrist brace and physical therapy from the fall, and we sold my writing cabin, which was bittersweet. In my sadness and unrest, I longed for joy and gladness. Joy was an appropriate word for 2019.

And drum roll . . . my word for 2020 is “Glorify.”

I’ll share with you how I arrive at the word I feel God wants for me each year.

  1. I pray asking God, the only One who knows what the coming year will bring, the word He knows will help me as I encounter the next year’s events.
  2. I read God’s Word, the Bible, expecting the Holy Spirit to speak to my heart.
  3. I listen to Him in my quiet time.
  4. I notice that a word appears repeatedly in songs we sing in church or I hear on the radio or in a sermon.
  5. I discuss with my friend our individual “word for the year.”
  6. When I feel confirmation, I settle on my word.
  7. I write my word in places I will see daily and pray over it each morning.

Some of you might also have a Scripture to focus on for the year or one that inspires you to pick a word for the year.

As I prayed about different words to pick for 2020, my thoughts went to the fruit of the Spirit.

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! Galatians 5:22-33

I wanted each of those words in Galatians 5:22-23 to define me. I would be a better wife, grandmother, mother, friend, neighbor, speaker, writer . . . and then God reminded me that if I focused on glorifying Him in everything I did, I would be reflecting all the fruits of the Spirit. I would become more Christ-like. Worthy of professing I’m a Christian.

For example, before I speak or write, I will think, Would that glorify God? Before I act, Would that glorify God? It’s amazing how my 2020 word is already changing me in one week. I still have a long way to go because after I say something, I also think, Wow that didn’t glorify God. Please forgive me.

Glorify is making me more aware of what God wants for me in my life.

[Tweet “I’m not suggesting everyone needs to have a “word,” but every Christian does need to know God’s Word.”]

I’m not suggesting everyone needs to have a “word,” but every Christian does need to know God’s Word.

God Wants a Word With You

God’s Word in Your Life in 2020

I often read the Bible in a year. I’m usually about a month behind on New Year’s Eve, but I don’t let that deter me. I just start the New Year’s reading plan in February instead of January, although I’m trying to catch up faster this year. As I write to you today on January 5, I’m just starting 1 Peter. Almost there!

So here’s my point. I don’t speedread to say I did it, but read at a pace that allows me to digest what I’m reading and what the Lord wants me to discern from His Word. The Bible is how He speaks to us. If you’re not in your Bible daily, you’re missing a daily Word from God. When someone tells me that God doesn’t speak to him or her, I ask, “Are you reading your Bible? Are you studying your Bible? Are you listening to what His Word is saying to you?”

As I read, I have a highlighter in my hand to note what speaks to me. God always has something new to tell me about how His Word applies to the issues in my life and in the world.

In the Preface of Everyday Brave: Living Courageously As a Woman of Faith I shared how God spoke to me in my annual Bible reading that He wanted me to write about the brave women in the Bible.

God started my journey of writing Everyday Brave during morning quiet times. I often begin the New Year by reading the Bible over the course of a year and choose a different translation each year. About fifteen years ago, as I read Genesis in January, the Lord opened my eyes to the amazing accomplishments of biblical women. I was in awe of the courage and boldness as I continued reading through the year. A few years later, I decided to start making notes as I came across these courageous women in my annual Bible reading.

I want the best God has planned for you and that’s why I’m pleading with you, if you’re not already reading your Bible daily, start now. You don’t need to read the Bible in a year, but you do need to read the Bible during the year.

[Tweet “”God is not the God of confusion or division. He wants to help you live your life with purpose, but you have to be in His Word to know how to do that.”]

We live in tumultuous times, the Bible was full of those also. God is not the God of confusion or division. He wants to help you live your life with purpose, but you have to be in His Word to know how to do that. No self-help book will help you like God’s Guide for your life.

[Tweet “God is not the God of confusion or division. He wants to help you live your life with purpose, but you have to be in His Word to know how to do that.”]

I came across two other blogs today that I want to share with you, because they were my confirmation that at least one of you, and maybe more, need the encouragement to chisel time out of your busy schedules to pick up your Bible and let God speak to you. Even if it’s just one passage.

A short conversation with God is better than no conversation!

2020 Is the Year of the Bible for Many Christians

The Benefits of Reading the Bible in 2020

Let God’s Word, not the world’s words, guide your thoughts and actions.

[Tweet “Let God’s Word, not the world’s words, guide your thoughts and actions.”]

Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.

Psalm 90:12 NLT

Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. Hold firmly to the word of life. Phil. 2:15-16

Bible and highlighter Aaron Burden@aaronburden

Bible with cup of coffee Nathan Dumlao@nate_dumlao

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Grandparents Praying with Purpose

I hope the you had a blessed Thanksgiving whether you were with friends and family or spending a quiet day yourself reflecting how good God is and how fortunate we are to be His children.

Speaking of children, many of us have grandchildren. Dave and I are grandparents to eleven ranging in age from nine to twenty-one. As part of my morning quiet time, I pray God’s Word for these precious ones. It doesn’t mean they haven’t encountered trials and hardships, but they do each know Jesus as their Savior and I find comfort and confidence that God is watching over each one.

But I’m not fooling myself that in today’s culture there will be many temptations and the evil one is targeting the next generation. Satan does not want us producing more Christians in our families and the family of God.

So I want to introduce to you my dear friend Lillian Penner, Co-prayer director for Christian Grandparenting Network, and her new book The New “Revised and Expanded” Grandparenting with a Purpose.

If you’re a grandparent, you’re going to want a copy of this book. If there are grandparents in your life, this would make a great gift. If you’re a parent you need all the help you can get and what a gift to have your parents praying for your children, their grandchildren.

I asked Lillian to tell you about her new book . . . here is a message from Lillian Penner!

Today, there are over 70 million grandparents in the United States plus many more around the world. Grandparents represent one-third of the population with 1.7 million new grandparents added to the ranks every year in the U.S. Grandparents lead 37% of all U.S. households in this country — that’s 44 million households nationwide. (Google) [email protected]


[Tweet “We have reached a time in history when the grandparents must rise as one to cry to God.”]

It is estimated that there are over 30 million Christian grandparents. We have reached a time in history when the grandparents must rise as one to cry to God.  I believe if 30 million Christian Grandparents who believe in the power of prayer and deliberately praying the enemy will be crushed.

[Tweet “Satan is relentless in his aggressive attack to desensitize our children to truth and righteousness. This is a spiritual battle requiring spiritual weapons.”]

Satan is relentless in his aggressive attack to desensitize our children to truth and righteousness. This is a spiritual battle requiring spiritual weapons. Our grandchildren and their parents not only need our support, they need our earnest and united prayers. They need our united prayer, a genuine, unified prayer for our hope and dreams for the next generation to be realized.

Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for Your Grandchildren - Revised & Expanded

The “Revised and Expanded” Grandparenting with a Purpose, Effective Ways to Pray for Your Grandchildren is designed to encourage and equip grandparents to intentionally pray for their grandchildren and their parents.

Since I have had many requests for a study guide to go with the chapters, I have expanded the book with additional chapters and a study guide for each chapter, which you will find useful.

  • I have found there are many hurting estranged grandparents today with heavy hearts, so I am addressing that issue in a chapter. Is your grandparenting painful or a blessing?
  • I include a section looking at a view of the culture our grandchildren and their parents are navigating today.
  • God’s Design for grandparenting plus several additional chapters and Scriptures to Pray for Teens and Scriptures for Grandparents to pray for themselves.

The book retails for $14.99, however, on my website it is available for a discounted price of $15.00, including shipping and handling costs in the U. S. for a limited time.  A bonus of Scriptural Prayer resource will be included with your purchase. The book will be available in EBook format for $3.99 for those who would prefer the EBook format or live outside the U. S. to save on shipping costs.

[Tweet ““Revised and Expanded” Grandparenting with a Purpose, Effective Ways to Pray for Your Grandchildren will show grandparents how to be intentional disciple-makers and prayer warriors to impact the next generation.”]

This book will challenge you and give you resources for this spiritual battle with the enemy. It will show you how to be an intentional disciple-maker and prayer warrior to impact the next generation.

Written by Lillian Penner, Co-prayer director for Christian Grandparenting Network. [email protected]

If you received this blog by email, please leave a comment here.

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Are You Ready to Get Your Brave On With Me?

Celebrating release of Everyday Brave

Celebrate with me the launch of Everyday Brave: Living Courageously as a Woman of Faith

Well it’s finally time! The release of Everyday Brave: Living Courageously as a Woman of Faith is today, September 10, 2019! Hoot!!! Hoot!!

[Tweet “It’s finally time! The release of Everyday Brave: Living Courageously as a Woman of Faith is today, September 10, 2019! Hoot!!! Hoot!!”]

Over the past year, many of you have traveled with me on this writing journey through trips and falls, illnesses, flooded basement, broken wrist, snowed in, car hit by a boulder . . . . Yes, it’s been a challenging year, but God has been good and the writing, editing, and printing kept on going.

Nothing can stop what God starts! I hope you agree this is true in your own life too.

[Tweet “Nothing can stop what God starts! I hope you agree this is true in your own life too.”]

It was a blessing last week to hold my new “baby” in my hands and start signing books for contributors, endorsers, and winners of blogs where I’ve been a guest blogger.

But don’t worry; I’m not leaving you out of the fun! I’m offering a signed copy of Everyday Brave to two of you who leave a comment on today’s blog to enter a drawing. I’ll announce the winners in next week’s blog!

It Takes a Village to Write a Book

A huge thank you to the courageous women who answered my shout out for stories and bravely shared in this book to bless other women. You know who you are!

I’m blessed to have nine endorsers who humbled me with their kind and gracious encouraging words about how God can use this book in the lives of women who often don’t realize they’re courageous everyday.

Tricia Goyer endorses Everyday Brave

Then there are the stories of 50 brave and courageous women in the Bible. In Everyday Brave, I use a new style of writing for me, creative nonfiction, where I base their stories on the biblical facts, while bringing them to life by recreating their world and environment. It was fun and some have said it’s my best book so far, but we’ll see what everyone else thinks.

Everyday Brave is not a Bible study, but there are discussion questions at the end of each chapter, which make the book perfect for use in Bible studies, small groups, Women’s Ministry studies, book clubs, Mentors and Mentees, or to help you as the reader engage with what you’ve read.

Everyone Needs the Lord

We live in a time when Christians need to have the courage to stand firm in their faith in a culture that is not Christian-friendly.

[Tweet “We live in a time when Christians need to have the courage to stand firm in their faith in a culture that is not Christian-friendly.”]

Regardless of the chaos in the world, we remain role models of a God-honoring life. Many are watching to see what it really means to be a faithful Christian who lives by the Bible.

Christians do not change the Bible to conform to the culture, but they do use the unchangeable Bible to reform the culture!

[Tweet “Christians do not change the Bible to conform to the culture, but they do use the unchangeable Bible to reform the culture!”]

True, it’s not for the faint of heart, but it is for those of us who fear the Lord!

I had to put my brave on just to write a book like Everyday Brave, but God’s timing is always perfect. I’ve felt Him encouraging me at every step, and I pray you will also be encouraged as you read it.

You and I really are much braver than we think we are!

Here’s a sneak preview of the Preface.

Believe me when I say I had to put my brave on just to write a book like this, but God’s timing is always perfect and I’ve felt Him encouraging me at every step. Let me first say, I had to tap into my everyday brave just to write this book. I’m not an expert on bravery and I don’t have all the answers for what makes us brave and courageous, but I do have a tight relationship with the One who does. He instilled in all of us brave hearts to push beyond what we think we’re capable of achieving, and so I started writing.

When taunting thoughts assailed me, such as Who are you to write a book about bravery? I honestly asked myself the same question. Then I quickly realized those disparaging words were coming from Satan because God doesn’t instill doubt in us. When he gives us a Holy Spirit–inspired idea or assignment, he encourages us and cheers us on with a “You go girl! I’ve got this. I’m with you all the way.” I knew God was with me on this project—I just had to get with it!

We need to bolster each other toward bravery just to withstand the barrage of daunting news today and the escalating attacks on our faith. It’s comforting to know that incredible women in the Bible also experienced scary and threatening times. They were victorious, and we can be too.

So my dear friends, let’s be courageous women of faith and get our brave on for God! Are you ready?! Let’s do it!

Be your own kind of brave!

Maybe your first brave step will be verbalizing an area of your life where God wants you to be brave and courageous.

Since I’m offering two free books for comments on this blog, let me give you a few ideas.

  • What is God asking you to do, but you’re hesitating?
  • What’s stopping you from courageously moving forward on God’s nudge to take a step of faith?
  • Where have you been victoriously bold and brave and how did it feel?

I sign Everyday Brave with this verse Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. 1 Cor. 16:13

Everyday Brave available now on Amazon for sale



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We’re Brave Women of Integrity

We're Brave Women of Integrity

The annoying song announcing a new text was playing early in the morning. I opened the text and to my surprise, there was a message from the insurance company saying they were sending a check for the completion of our reconstruction work after our basement flooded last Thanksgiving. Yes, I said last Thanksgiving!! What a journey it’s been for nine long months but now it was finally over! Closure.

But as I looked at the amount, there was something wrong! It was twice as much as we should receive. The reconstruction had been going on for so long that different people were now overseeing the construction, and the original insurance adjuster was long gone. Our claim was handed off to at least four other people.

Unless we pointed out the error, our claim would be closed. Forever. Filed away.

But we knew the error. God knew the error. And we knew what we needed to do.

So hubby contacted the construction company’s office and told them they needed to send the insurance company the correct final amount.

I contacted the most recent insurance claims resolution specialist I’d been working with and told her the check was not the correct amount.

Then I added,

“I’m sure you don’t receive many emails saying you paid us too much!” And signed it “Appreciate your help! Have a blessed rest of the day.”

She emailed back,

“I really appreciate your honesty! Like you mentioned, we never get emails advising we have overpaid.” And she signed, “Have a blessed day as well.”

[Tweet “We never know whose life our integrity and honesty is going to touch and influence.”]

We never know whose life our integrity and honesty is going to touch and influence. Im sure she receives many emails and phone calls from angry disgruntled clients. And who hasn’t complained about insurance companies and the cost of insurance.

But what really impressed me the most was her telling me to also have a blessed day. In today’s politically correct environment, we might think we have to avoid a “spiritual” greeting and opt for a vanilla generic “Have a nice day.” What do we really mean when we say “nice”? It’s an overused cliché definitely better than saying nothing but a missed opportunity to say something meaningful. I’ve noticed that when I offer a blessing, people stop and take notice.

[Tweet ” I’ve noticed that when I offer a blessing, people stop and take notice.“]

As women of integrity, we stay true to who we are in Christ and Christ in us, regardless of the circumstances. I’m not saying we lead out with the Gospel, but that we live out the Gospel.

For example, you’re with a group of people you’ve just met and you sense by their conversation and actions that they’re not believers. What do you do now? Try to fit in and not make too many waves, or act the same as you would if you were with a group of fellow believers? We’ve all been there sending up a silent prayer asking God, “Help!”

[Tweet “As women of integrity, we stay true to who we are in Christ and Christ in us, regardless of the circumstances.”]

In today’s culture, it takes courage to stand up for our faith and live with integrity. The world doesn’t reward or encourage moral standards. You stand out in a crowd when you do what’s right instead of compromising or taking the easy way out. This is nothing new. Paul certainly would have had an easier life if he backed down every time someone challenged him for being a believer. But the message the Apostle Paul gave to the church at Corinth is still a source of encouragement for Christians to bravely and boldly live with integrity today: “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong” (1 Cor. 16:13).

I looked up the definition of integrity and here’s what I found: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness; virtue; character; incorruptibility; goodness. It saddens me to think how hard it is for Christians today to live with integrity without being confronted and bullied in schools, college campuses, sports, jobs, social media, in business, and even with some friends and family. It’s not easy, but it is courageous.

Living with integrity is not popular, but it is possible. It’s not the world’s way, but it is God’s way! And that’s all that matters to us, right!

[Tweet “[Living with integrity is not popular, but it is possible. It’s not the world’s way, but it is God’s way! And that’s all that matters to us, right!”]

As we watch civil law go counter to God’s laws and rampant tolerance for everything except Christianity, we’re under intense pressure to comply. God says, “Stand firm in the faith” and don’t crumble. Biblical courage means obeying God’s laws and not condoning or compromising on anything that Scripture opposes.

Yes, it’s uncomfortable and difficult, but as long as we stay tethered to God, biblical truths, and each other, He will provide us the strength we need to go against the worldly secular culture when it opposes our faith. Be strong. Be courageous. Be brave. Be a woman of integrity!

We're Brave Women of Integrity

You can preorder Everyday Brave and receive it as soon as it releases! I’m excited about this book, can you tell?!

Here is an interview I gave on At The Library, where I talk about what inspired me to write this book and answer a number of questions about it. If you’ve never heard my voice, it might be fun to listen so you’ll know what I sound like when you read my blogs and books!

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Let’s Be Everyday Brave Believers!

Let's Be Brave Believers

Every day, we wake up to a new alarming story. If I write my Monday Morning Blog about something that happened the previous week, by the Tuesday after the blog posts, it’s old news because there’s another “breaking news alert.”

It can’t help but keep us in a constant state of anxiety and unrest. Many wonder Where is God? Or Why isn’t He doing something? Every time I hear someone say that or read it in print, Matthew West’s song comes to mind, “Do Something.” The first part of this song talks about waking up every morning to a litany of troubling social issues that are all too familiar to us. He even says he shook his fist at heaven asking, “God, why don’t You do something?”

Then, he hears God’s answer: “I did, I created you.”

That’s right, God created you and me to do something. “If not us, then who, If not me and you.”

If you follow me regularly, you know God is relentless in giving me this theme to share. Sometimes, I feel like Isaiah and Jeremiah trying to warn God’s people that a major role of believers is asking God, “What do you want me to do and where do you want me to do it?”

[Tweet “Every brave Christian asks God, “What do you want me to do and where do you want me to do it?””]

Coincidently, I just finished reading the Book of Isaiah and am now in Jeremiah on my annual Daily Walk reading plan. Today, I read, a quote describing Jeremiah 26-29: “Those who truly aspire to be Christlike should not be surprised when the mob comes to crucify them.”

Ok I know that sounds a bit foreboding, but today we do see a “mob mentality,” as I wrote last week, that wants to demonize, demoralize, discourage, and dissuade believers from speaking out and stepping out against the immorality and injustice in our culture. And Satan would like nothing better than for us to be silent. But this is nothing new as we can see from the Old Testament prophets to New Testament Jesus and Paul. Look what Paul wrote to the Corinthian church . . .

Yes, we live under constant danger of death because we serve Jesus, so that the life of Jesus will be evident in our dying bodies. 12 So we live in the face of death, but this has resulted in eternal life for you.

13 But we continue to preach because we have the same kind of faith the psalmist [David Ps. 116:10] had when he said, “I believed in God, so I spoke.”[c] 14 We know that God, who raised the Lord Jesus,[d] will also raise us with Jesus and present us to himself together with you. 15 All of this is for your benefit. And as God’s grace reaches more and more people, there will be great thanksgiving, and God will receive more and more glory.

16 That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day. 17 For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! 18 So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever. 2 Cor. 4:11-18 NLT

In my upcoming release, Everyday Brave, I quote O.S. Hawkins from his devotional The Believer’s Code, “It takes courage to stand for what is right in our world today. Be strong and have the courage not to condone nor compromise what is clearly opposed in Scripture.” We can do that, right?!

[Tweet “As Christians, if everyone agrees with what we say and do, we’re not being bold for Christ because the Bible and the Christian life is offensive to many in the world today.”]

As Christians, if everyone agrees with what we say and do, there’s a good chance we’re not being bold for Christ because the Bible and the Christian life is offensive to many in the world today.

[Tweet “We can’t please everyone, but we speak the truth in love even if it’s not popular and even when it’s not embraced.”]

We can’t please everyone, but we speak the truth in love even if it’s not popular and even when it’s not embraced. God might be using us as part of someone’s eventual spiritual journey. We can pray that happens.

In Chapter 25, “Brave Believer,” I tell the biblical stories of Phoebe, Damaris, and the prominent women who followed Paul. These women might only have their names mentioned in a verse or two in the Bible, or remain nameless, and yet we know by context that they were all brave believers and played an important role in helping Paul start the early church and share the gospel. Imagine the trials and struggles faced by these women as they watched Paul endure persecution while they served beside him in ministry amid hostility and danger. We can learn from these strong women of faith how to carry on their courageous legacy in a culture that often isn’t receptive to the gospel of Christ.

The present-day brave believer in that chapter was my good friend and author, Penelope Carlevato, who tells the story of risking her career and reputation as a RN circulator in the operating room by refusing to participate in abortions.

Here’s a sneak preview into the section You’re Braver Than You Know in Chapter 25. “In a world antagonistic toward Christians, the Bible, God, and Jesus, a world that refuses to acknowledge that sin is wrong, it takes great courage like Penelope had to stand by your moral convictions and not let today’s cultural war frighten or silence you—especially when shunned, criticized, and ridiculed as she was. It might seem easier just to go with the flow, but when we abdicate to the culture, we deny Christ, the foundation of our faith. Never do we see Jesus or the Apostle Paul shying away from sharing the truth just because someone didn’t like the message.”

[Tweet “In a world antagonistic toward Christians, the Bible, God, and Jesus, and refuses to acknowledge that sin is wrong, it takes courage to stand by your moral convictions and not let today’s cultural war frighten or silence you.”]

“Sometimes we’re tempted to compromise on our beliefs because we don’t want to make waves; we want to keep everybody happy. Impossible. Jesus made waves. We worry how we’ll look to our peers. Jesus worried about the eternal life, more than the earthly life, of both his peers and his enemies. What if they reject or snub us? They rejected Jesus. What if God doesn’t come through for us? God is always faithful; we’re the ones who often let him down.”

[Tweet “Jesus worried about the eternal life, more than the earthly life, of both his peers and his enemies.”]

So here are questions to ask ourselves as we get our brave on:

  • Am I willing for others in my circles to know I’m a believer—maybe the only one?
  • Would someone have to ask if I’m a believer?
  • And if they did ask, what would be my response?
  • Would I have the courage to stand by my convictions at the risk of losing my job or friends?

Suffering for the gospel isn’t a punishment; it’s a privilege!*

[Tweet “Suffering for the gospel isn’t a punishment; it’s a privilege!”]

How have you had to suffer for the gospel? Will you share with us?

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*Excerpts from Chapter 25, “Everyday Believer” in Everyday Brave: Living Courageously as a Woman of Faith

Let's Be Everyday Believers

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Is Your Church Being Invaded?

Is Your Church Being Inaded?

Since the beginning of time in the Garden of Eden, Satan’s sole purpose has been to destroy God’s kingdom on earth and overtake the world with evil and his tactical invasion is succeeding, not just in the world, but also in the church.

In the past, Satan’s tactics to divide churches were things like, chairs vs. pews. Hymns vs. contemporary music. Guitars and drums vs. pianos and organs. A young pastor or a seasoned pastor? Central campus or satellite campuses? These strategies of Satan seem trivial compared to today’s divisive issues that attack the central heartbeat and foundation of Christianity. Satan has methodically and effectively:

  • Changed God’s definition of marriage. Shockingly, certain denominations embrace gay marriage and gay clergy and it’s dividing their churches.
  • Legalized the killing of unborn and born babies—many of whom might have been Christian leaders, presidents, pastors, evangelists, parents, and loud voices in the wilderness.
  • Removed God, prayer, and Bibles from schools.
  • Eliminated God from the public square.

What has the church done to stop any of this? Very little.

Instead of the church influencing culture, the culture is influencing the church.

So is it any wonder that we see Satan zeroing in for a strategic blow: destroying unity in the church body and causing bitter divisions even among evangelicals.

Liberal politicians and commentators tout that Bible-believing Christians haven’t kept up with world changes and are thus becoming extinct. There’s no longer a universal definition of evangelical. The current political arena is revealing many shades of Evangelicals and Christians in what traditionally was simply, “the church.” Some Christians find it necessary to distinguish themselves as “gospel Christians” or “Bible-believing Christians.”

For a fantastic discussion on the biblical meaning and foundation of Evangelical Christians, and what liberal secularism will mean for our country if it takes over, watch this interview with Mark Levin and Pastor John Hagee, “Secularizing of America Will Lead to Heartache and Chaos.”

In Forsaken God? Remembering the Goodness of God Our Culture Has Forgotten, I warn of Satan’s impending invasion of the church if believers, who comprise God’s church, don’t take a firm stand against the devil’s schemes (Eph. 6:18):

Satan won’t like you making a concerted effort to remember God. Satan wants you to forget God’s goodness. Let that sink in a minute. If you forget God and his role in your life, then Satan has you just where he wants you. Satan’s target is believers. He doesn’t care about those who love the world because he already has them in his grip. He focuses on luring believers to love something else more than they love God. Satan wants to break God’s heart. Unfortunately, he seems to be succeeding in many areas. If he can get believers to look to the world’s ways, and forget God’s ways, Satan smirks.

Satan’s five strategic tactics to destroy churches with worldliness invading holiness.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” —John 10:10


In an article in the Washington Post, Michelle Boorestein quoted Pastor Rick Scarborough, who is trying to politically mobilize evangelical voters: “Evangelicals are so divided….It’s because we are living in a growing age of secularism that is forcing itself on people who hold traditional values . . . .Some frame the split as Christian pragmatists vs. Christian idealists.”

No one, not even Satan, can force secularism or pragmatism on people who stay true to biblical values and principles. It’s a choice between compromise or commitment.

Satan is hijacking high-profile liberal pastors, speakers, authors, and several mainline denominations who expound that: the Bible isn’t inerrant or relevant, God is a myth, Jesus is a legend, and the church needs to catch up with the culture and abandon God’s Word regarding sin.

Culture never trumps Scripture.

Those who call themselves “progressive/liberal Christians” defiantly ignore Jesus’s warning that Christians are in the world, but not of the world. And Jesus didn’t come to conform to the culture; he came to reform the culture.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. —Romans 12:2


The center of all divisiveness is selfishness and pride. We want things our way, the way we think is right. The church often doesn’t agree on what Christ wants for His church.

No one likes admitting they’re wrong, but the heart of Christianity is admitting mistakes and misconceptions. Selfish pride is at the root of arguments, dissention, hurt feelings, gossip, and complaining. God hates pride; Satan loves it.

For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world.—1 John 2:16


When was the last time you heard a sermon on what Scripture calls sin? Parishioners often want a pastor who doesn’t challenge them. How many in congregations today are living a sinful life without feeling any pangs of remorse because the church isn’t confronting them? How many pastors are afraid of retaliation if they call homosexuality, living together, adultery, abortion, lying, or cheating a sin?

Satan is the father of sin and he has done well when the church cowers in fear of being called judgmental, haters, prejudice, legalists and the latest, racist. The very foundation of the church is that Christians confess their sins, repent, ask for forgiveness and turn their lives over to Jesus.

Why did Jesus have to endure the painful cross for forgiveness of our sins if the church now refuses to call sinning wrong? Jesus loves all people, but he hates sin—“the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom. 6:23).

If a church doesn’t know how to love the sinner without embracing the sin, it may abandon the sinner or avoid confronting them thus condoning their sin.

Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!Matthew 18:7


Pastors, church leaders, and prominent Christians succumb to moral or financial failures. Some even lose all hope and commit suicide. Churches don’t always have, or enforce, a system of accountability and mentoring at every level of leadership. Church staff may think they’re safe and above needing protective measures, and that’s right where Satan wants them with a target on their back. When one of these Christian leaders or someone in their family falls, the media and many Christians and fellow pastors are quick to voice opinions and denounce them publically. The church may not respond biblically, which is why nonbelievers characterize Christians as the only group that “eats its own.”

Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted.—Galatians 6:1

Social Acceptance

Many voices are screaming louder than the church, which in its attempt to be culturally relevant, may widen the road that Jesus said is narrow. Political correctness and ideological inclusiveness overshadows biblical truthfulness.

The church should only seek the exclusive acceptance of, and answer to, the Head of the Church—Jesus Christ.

If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.—John 15:19


Cultural Christianity creates an entertainment church, emphasizing popular people more than Holy God. Churches try the latest trend rather than leading from the Holy Spirit. Concert-style worship can detract from the purpose of musical worship—inviting in the Holy Spirit and drawing close to God, an atmosphere Satan hates.

Satan loves it when earplugs accompany the bulletin, little children plug their ears, and only those on stage sing. Or people don’t bring their Bibles to church because it’s too dark to read them.

For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light! For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true. —Eph. 5:8-9 NLT

What should the church do to combat Satan’s divisive encroaching tactics?

Believers must agree to stand together united as the Christian church—led by Christ and based on biblical truths—and fight Satan using prayer and the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, as our battle plan and strong fortress.

But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold. 18 They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.” These are the people who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.

But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. —Jude 1:17-21

Otherwise, “If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand” (Mark 3:25).

“I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought” (1 Cor. 1:10).

Is your church being invaded?

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Where Are the Christian Abolitionists?

“Awareness without action is apathy.”

I heard Dr. Jeff Brodsky say this slogan when he was on The Mike Huckabee show on TBN as one of “Huck’s Heroes.” It’s the theme of Dr. Brodsky’s ministry Joy International: The purpose of JOY International® is to be involved in, or help to coordinate, the rescue, restoration, reintegration, and prevention of the commercial sexual exploitation of children domestically and internationally.

When I heard Dr. Brodsky say that phase, I ran to get a pen to write it down. I realized it’s the message God has also laid on my heart as I challenge every Christian to do more than be outraged on social media and in conversation about the atrocities in our society today, but instead to ask yourself what God wants you to do about it.

Yes, of course, we’re to pray, but I think God wants us to do more. He also wants us to pray about what we can do to make a difference. “Just as the body is dead without breath, so also faith is dead without good works” (James 2:26 NLT).

If you follow my blogs, you know that I often ask the engaging question: What can you do? What are you doing? What does God want you to do?

One recent blog post challenged readers to do more than put a crying or angry emoji on Facebook, but to ask God what action He wanted you to take about the source of your anger or sadness: What to do With Our Anger Over Evil.

[Tweet “The great abolitionists of the past who took action to free the slaves for example, didn’t have social media to profess their anger over slavery. They did something about it.”]

The great abolitionists of the past who took action to free the slaves for example, didn’t have social media to profess their anger over slavery. They did something about it. They took risks and action. I wonder how long it would have taken for the abolishment of slavery if they could just sit in the comfort of their home and profess anger on social media, but didn’t feel the urge to get out of their chairs and advocate for complete freedom for everyone.

Abolitionism is nothing more or less than the Christian response to evils such as slavery or child sacrifice aka abortion, or child sex trafficking or _____________ fill in the blank. What is God tugging at your heart to get out of your comfort zone and to take action?

The root word of abolitionist is abolish which means: end, destroy, eliminate, eradicate, stop, extinguish, defeat, terminate, and stamp out.

Abolish is more than just making a difference or progress. It’s wiping out completely. 

I was encouraged to read an article “Human Trafficking Victims Call Upon Advocates for Care by Andrew Kepier and Perry Chiaramonte where they noted, “The problem has attracted swarms of advocates and activists dedicated to education, prevention and post-trafficing care for survivors.”

[Tweet “We are seeing progress in the fight against child sacrifice in abortion and sex trafficking, but we shouldn’t be satisfied until it’s abolished.”]

We are seeing progress in the fight against child sacrifice in abortion and sex trafficking of children, but we shouldn’t be satisfied until it’s abolished. Don’t you agree?

So I wonder who will rise above the rest as today’s abolitionists.

Who won’t stop taking action until every baby from conception through birth is rescued from slaughter and receives the God-given gift and right of life? And then the opportunity to live a life free of evil and abuse?

[Tweet “Who won’t stop taking action until every baby from conception is rescued from slaughter and receives life?”]

Who are Today's Abolitionists?

Dr. Brodsky is one of those brave abolitionists who has gone barefoot since July 9, 2010 to bring awareness to child sex slavery and vows to continue until it is abolished. He first took going barefoot as a one-year challenge when he saw so many children in impoverished countries with no shoes:

“After a serious conversation with God, I felt strongly impressed to go barefoot for 1 year in solidarity with these children and the many others who were trafficked or at high risk. Living at 8,990′ elevation in the mountains of Colorado, I knew it would be a challenge (especially during the cold winters), but I decided I would just be extremely careful as I knew I had to do this.”

Then God prompted him to do more:

“I’ve been barefoot ever since. I shared with my wife, family and friends (who thought I lost my mind), that if my going barefoot will motivate just 1 person per year to action in a way that helps me rescue even 1 more child a year, I would go barefoot the rest of my life.”

He continues:

“There are hundreds of organizations who are bringing awareness to the plight of sexually exploited children, but there are just a handful that are devoted to raising funds for the actual rescue of children out of their nightmare life.”

Again, as Jeff states, “Awareness is good, but awareness without action is apathy.”

Read more of his story and the ministry here on Joy International website.

[Tweet “The church has become a place of apathy, and I think that’s why our culture has regressed morally, spiritually, and socially”]

The church has become a place of apathy, and I think that’s why our culture has regressed morally, spiritually, and socially. Not all churches, but so many have failed to address the social and moral issues of our day that go against everything we know is righteous and godly.

Shane Idleman wrote an article discussing this in The Peril of Megachurches–Political Correctness in which he warns: ” . . . it’s sad to see many pastors concerned about offending their audience. After all, whoever has the most social media followers, campuses, or sermon downloads is the way to gauge success, right? Wrong. God judges faithfulness–faithfulness to His Word. Truth about marriage, abortion, socialism, and national security is often neglected, watered-down, or avoided altogether in the hope of not offending members. Please don’t misunderstand: many mega church pastors are doing great things. . .”

And this isn’t only found in megachurches. Smaller churches might try this to gain new members. The article also discusses why it’s important for pastors to be involved in politics as our founding fathers were both political and spiritual.

[Tweet “The fear of making those who are sinning uncomfortable has put many churches into politically correct mode rather than fearing God mode”]

The fear of making those who are sinning uncomfortable has put many churches into politically correct mode rather than fearing God mode. I wrote about that last week, Are Churches too Focused on God’s Love and Not the Fear of God.

Who Will be Today's Abolitionists?

God has asked me to use the writing and speaking gifts He gave me later in my life to challenge Christians and the church to be activists—movers, shakers, lightning rods, champions, advocates—and not apathetic. Some call that brave. I call it a committed Christian.

So I ask: Where does God want you to use your gifts as an abolitionist, advocate, and activist?

I know many of you are activists, advocates, and abolitionists right now. Tell us your story.

Ready set go!

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*Pictures from In His Image Ministries

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10 Things You Can Do In a World Gone Mad

__Holy Nectar from a hummingbird and God

Each morning we wake up and thank God for another new day.

10 Things You Can Do in a World Gone Mad

Then we look at the news headlines in disbelief that Satan is getting bolder and more visible. Evil seems to be winning and prevailing in a country founded on Judeo Christian values.

[Tweet “We’ve gone from most people believing in the 10 Commandments as a solid foundation for behavior to a world that’s traded evil for good”]

We’ve gone from most people believing in the 10 Commandments as a basis for behavior to a world that now finds the 10 Commandments offensive and has replaced good with evil. Truth with lies.  Moral with immoral. Like in the days of Judges, everyone does what seems right in their own eyes. There is no recognized central truth. Truth is whatever you want it to be. Your truth is all that matters.

“You can be whatever you want to be,” used to be an encouragement parents gave to their children to follow their dreams. Now it means children are “gender neutral” until “they” determine whatever sex “they” want to be regardless of their scientific biologic sex.

10 Things You Can Do in a World Gone Mad

More Madness

  • Legalized infanticide and late term abortions.
  • Gay marriage.
  • Young children who haven’t even experienced the hormonal changes of puberty are receiving hormones to change their biological sex.
  • Transgender athletes allowed to compete with their new gender identification, even in the Olympics. Yes, that means biological men are competing against biological women.
  • Political leaders stump for Socialism and Communism in America.
  • A freshmen Congresswoman suggests we eliminate air travel, cows, cars, hamburgers, and having children and seasoned legislators support this ludicrous fictional fable.
  • A Congresswoman denounces Israel and Congress doesn’t denounce her.
  • A sixteen-year old high school student is slandered and defamed by the mainstream media and celebrities for standing still and smiling while being harassed because he had participated in a pro-life rally and was wearing a MAGA hat.
  • A celebrity fabricates a hate-crime for greed, fame, and incrimination of supporters of our president, and fools the media with his lies.
  • Celebrity parents pay enormous bribes in a lying fraudulent scam to get their children into prestigious colleges.
  • A Democrat presidential contender encourages smoking marijuana to experience joy and legalizing prostitution.
  • Another inexperienced liberal Democrat throws his hat into the 2020 contenders. The newbie has no platform and his only claim to fame is that he swears a lot, has a DUI, fanaticized about killing children, was part of a hacking group, and can skateboard across a stage.
  • Media outlets no longer present news facts, but instead spew partisan opinions and biased liberal propaganda.
  • Churches of all faiths need armed guards.

I could fill this blog with cultural madness, and as soon as this blog posts, there will be even more shocking headlines.

We live in tumultuous times in the church and in the world. Confusion and fear reigns among newer believers who don’t have a solid foundation in biblical truth to help them discern evil from good, lies from truths, abnormal from normal.

How do you mentor the next generation when it seems we are in the end times?

[Tweet “How do you mentor the next generation when it seems we are in the end times?”]

How do you help young people stand bravely by the Bible when even many churches and pastors are deviating from God’s Word?

[Tweet “How do you help young people stand bravely by the Bible when even many churches and pastors are deviating from God’s Word?”]

Each generation has a predisposition to look at God as the God of the past who doesn’t understand the current culture. That’s why I’m a passionate proponent of mentoring and living out Titus 2:1-6 where spiritually older men and women receive the charge to teach, train, and model the Christian life to the next generation so they won’t be deceived and dissuaded.

Your job is to speak out on the things that make for solid doctrine. Guide older men into lives of temperance, dignity, and wisdom, into healthy faith, love, and endurance. Guide older women into lives of reverence so they end up as neither gossips nor drunks, but models of goodness. By looking at them, the younger women will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house, be good wives. We don’t want anyone looking down on God’s Message because of their behavior. Also, guide the young men to live disciplined lives. Titus 2:1-6 The Message

To understand the full impact of Titus 2:1-6, we need to read the issues Paul was addressing in the previous verses. It sounds a lot like our world today:

Everything is pure to those whose hearts are pure. But nothing is pure to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, because their minds and consciences are corrupted. Such people claim they know God, but they deny him by the way they live. They are detestable and disobedient, worthless for doing anything good.—Titus 1:15-16 NIV

[Tweet “There’s a steady increase in crime and decrease in morality in our culture because many believers are failing to take up the Titus 2 mantel”]

Today, we see a steady increase in crime and decrease in morality in our culture because many believers are failing to take up the Titus 2 mantel—one Paul and I call the job description for every Christian man and woman. A consequence of a generation not accepting the charge of Titus 2 is a liberal progressive society aggressively challenging Christianity and long-held truths governing our society for over 2,000 years.

Just as the apostle Paul saw the need for mentors in his day, we desperately need mentors today. Yet, many who should be stepping up to mentor and teach the next generation are falling away from Titus 2 just as quickly as our world is falling away from God.

[Tweet “How do we ordinary Christians make a difference in today’s confused and fallen world?”]

So how do we ordinary Christians make a difference in today’s confused and fallen world? We follow Paul’s teaching to Pastor Titus. As mentors, we speak, teach, and train the truth to the spiritually younger, straight from the Bible.

10 Things You Can Do in a World Gone Made

We read our Bibles and let God’s Word speak, teach, and train the truth to us so we can respond to life’s issues from God’s perspective. Together mentors and mentees learn spiritual wisdom and scriptural principles to help navigate the moral decline of our culture, and in some cases, the foundation of the Christian faith.

Here’s What We Can Do

We can pray for revival.

We can pray for everyone blinded by lack of faith in God!

We can pray for the victims of evil.

We can ask God what He wants His people, to do. What action does He want us to take?

We can share Jesus openly in this urgent time of uncertainty.

We can reassure our children, grandchildren, and mentees that they can make a difference in this world.

We can live as godly role models in a world that has forsaken God.

We can live by the Bible in our personal lives and share the Truth that salvation is free by the grace of God.

We can emphasize that we don’t follow God’s laws because we have to; we follow them because we have Jesus in our heart and they can too.

Here’s What We Can’t Do

We can’t lose hope.

We can’t ignore what’s happening around us.

We can’t live fearfully.

We can’t be silent.

We won’t become relics if we stay relevant.

[Tweet “Jesus didn’t come to conform to the culture; he came to reform the culture.”]

Jesus didn’t come to conform to the culture; he came to reform the culture. Now we’re to go and do likewise. Are you up for it? I pray your answer is “Yes, Lord, Yes. Here am I, use me!”

If you received this blog by email, please leave your comments here.

Here’s a slide show I wrote for Crosswalk.com that also posted today. I encourage you to read it: 10 Powerful Gifts to Pass On to the Next Generation.

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