What a MAGA Hat Means to Me

What a MAGA Hat Means to MeI was encouraged reading some of the responses to last week’s blog Don’t Just Cry, Do Something addressing the horrific atrocities of late term abortion being celebrated in New York and the proposed bill in Virginia to allow birthed babies to be killed. I gave 14 suggestions to stopping the murder of innocent babies at any stage of development. People did do something in Virginia and that bill didn’t pass because Republicans have a small lead in the state legislature, but every Democrat voted for it!

But as might be expected, I had followers also unsubscribe.

That’s OK and I expect the same thing this week. But call me an “About His Work” rebel, I cannot be silent. Again, I prayed about what I should write, and yesterday I heard from the Lord loud and clear. I couldn’t take notes fast enough. There’s so much to say on the topic of why the MAGA hats are controversial, but others have already written and spoken many of my thoughts, so I’m going to give you links to check out.

The first one is from a favorite FOX commentator Laura Ingraham, “The Hat that Dare Not Show It’s Brim,” and on the same link, you’ll see an article by Kristin Hawkins “Why I wear a MAGA hat these days (and I didn’t start out as a Trump fan).”

Why Are MAGA Hats Controversial?

Several weeks ago, Covington High School boys, who had just participated in the March for Life in DC, were wrongly slandered and mischaracterized by the media and others who didn’t bother to obtain the facts. The boys were judged and accused of racism simply because they were Christian, Pro-life, and wearing MAGA hats.

I asked the question on Facebook, “I don’t get it? Why are MAGA hats considered racist?” I honestly didn’t make the connection.

I was shocked to hear that some people equate President Trump’s slogan Make America Great Again with going back to the days of slavery?!! Say what? No one except the liberal media, never-Trumpers, and the far left would equate MAGA with the days of slavery. So I thought . . . until some conservatives said they did too?! Where did that thinking come from?

Ah . . . it had to come from listening and believing liberals and biased media who call MAGA hat wearers Nazi’s, misogynists, haters, racists . . . and often vile names. Simply because they support President Trump.

Let’s step back and ask why.

Why? Because Make America Great Again #MAGA was a successful campaign slogan for President Trump, and they don’t want him to win again.

[Tweet “If the left could intimidate and create fear in Trump supporters, they could silence them.”]

So they had to demonize what worked for him. They hate our President for his success and they’re insanely jealous.

If they can intimidate and create fear in Trump supporters, they can silence them. Take away our First Amendment right to free speech by encouraging their followers to shame and harass anyone bold and brave enough to wear a MAGA hat or even use #MAGA.

Whatever slogan President Trump comes up with for 2020, they’ll try to create the same brainwashing, shaming, anti-Trump drama because sadly, it’s working. There’s been very little pushback.

[Tweet “When a party uses bullying tactics, it’s because they’re trying to cover up their own bad motives that they’re projecting onto the opposition.”]

When a party uses those kinds of bullying tactics, it’s because they’re trying to cover up their own bad motives that they’re projecting onto the opposition. What the liberals are doing now is exactly what Nazis did . . . suppress the opposition, silence Christians and conservatives, then subtlety, and strategically, take over.

[Tweet “What liberals are doing is exactly what Nazis did . . . suppress the opposition, silence Christians/conservatives, then subtlety, and strategically, take over.”]

Notice that the Democratic Party has gone so far left, they’re trying to bring to America Marxist socialism where the government controls the people. Suppress successful capitalism and entrepreneurship, the very reason so many people want to come here. What the liberals aren’t saying is the only way to offer all the “freebies” is to tax the people, rich and poor. In Sweden, everyone making over $32,000 a year pays 68% of their income to taxes!!!

But I digress . . . that’s for another blog.

Last week, a restaurant owner said no one wearing a MAGA hat was welcome in his restaurant: “It hasn’t happened yet, but if you come to my restaurant wearing a MAGA cap, you aren’t getting served, same as if you come in wearing a swastika, white hood, or any other symbol of intolerance and hate”.

In his apology, he said his comment was meant to “reject” the anger, hate, and violence he says he associated with the red “Make America Great Again” Then his staff and partners convinced him he was the one showing hate and intolerance and he apologized.

I imagine if you asked him why he had that perception of the MAGA hat and what examples he could give of someone showing anger, hate, and violence wearing one, he wouldn’t be able to come up with any specifics. In fact, he admitted it had never happened to him.

And yet, we’ve seen footage of numerous examples of left-wing Antifa members dressed in black with masked faces beating up people, destroying property, setting fires, breaking windows, damaging business buildings and store fronts, burning cars . . . yes displaying anger, hate, and violence . . .  why aren’t businesses banning and denouncing Antifa?

Why aren’t the mainstream media and Democrats denouncing Antifa? Ah, could it be because they’re doing their dirty work for them.

Here’s what Make America Great Again and a MEGA hat means to me.

  1. We don’t apologize to the rest of the world for being a successful prosperous nation.
  2. We respect and appreciate men and women who protect our safety, both the military and police force.
  3. We respect the flag, the Pledge of Allegiance, the National Anthem (like at this Iowa High School Basketball game), the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
  4. We remember our Judeo-Christian roots based on God and the Bible and aren’t afraid to say, “Merry Christmas” and “Jesus loves you.”
  5. We value the sanctity of life and allow every conceived baby the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Where infanticide is a crime.
  6. We protect our borders against those who want to do us harm, while welcoming those who want to enter our country legally and contribute to the American way of life.
  7. Cities don’t protect and harbor illegals with histories of violence and breaking the law.
  8. One party doesn’t encourage their constituents to harass and harm the opposing party.
  9. Freedom of speech is honored for both liberals and conservatives who can have civil debates.
  10. Colleges are intuitions of learning and not liberal indoctrination.
  11. The media and news report proven unbiased facts, not opinions and fabricated stories.
  12. Churches don’t have to have armed guards.
  13. Bibles and God are allowed in schools.
  14. You are gender by birth: male or female.
  15. You can wear a MAGA hat without backlash or fear.

[Tweet “Pres. Trump spoke about Jesus, shared the Gospel, and supported Christians more than any other president in history.”]

President Trump openly speaks about Jesus, shares the Gospel, and supports Christians more than any other president in history.

It’s our job as Christians, whether or not you like President Trump, to counter with the truth against the liberal and media lies. Denounce those who use “racism” over what flavor ice cream our President chooses or color the White House Christmas trees are, while they’re lighting up the World Trade Center monument in pink to celebrate murdering babies.

What A MAGA Hat Means to Me

One of the first orders of business in the Democrat run Congress was an attempt to eliminate “so help me God” when someone testifies in front of Congress. It didn’t pass, but they tried.

Consider that the American people of all races will be the ones held in bondage in an anti-MAGA, Socialist, Democrat controlled government. Is that really the country you want to live in?

[Tweet “Let’s work together to make America not only great again, but always!”]

Let’s work together to make America not only great again, but always!

Here’s the link again to a great article, Why I Wear a MAGA Hat These Days.

I want to hear what MAGA means to you.

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  1. Tracy Wilson says

    I, for one, would proudly wear a MAGA hat!
    What I see happening in our world today makes me shudder. It is obvious that our nation is at a crossroads and the church needs to take a stand. We the church needs to humble ourselves and turn from our sin. Many have forgotten God’s standards and ways. If the church of Jesus Christ would take a stand, I believe we would have renewed hope for America.
    God calls us to respect and pray for our President and government…..even if we disagree. God allowed President Trump to be in the position he is in to fulfill His perfect plan. I see this opposition as not trusting God, not an issue with our President.
    Janet, thank you for your courage to not compromise the truth of God’s Word and boldly taking a stand for Christ. I’m behind you!

    • Janet Thompson says

      Thank you Tracy for your support! You’re right, we need a revival in America and in the church, where Christians are willing to stand up for the Truth . . . even when it’s uncomfortable. Keep praying for President Trump. He would never receive this much opposition if he wasn’t doing something right! Blessings

  2. Jerre Moore says

    Amen!! Thank you Janet!! I wouldn’t change a word and agree with everything you wrote! We must be heard as Christians, or we will be facing, and may be already, Jeremiah 7:16.

    • Janet Thompson says

      Thank you for sharing this Scripture Jerre. I think it’s important we all realize the relevance today of Jeremiah 7:16 and pray over what God wants each of us to do to let our voice be heard in a falling world and culture. “Pray no more for these people, Jeremiah. Do not weep or pray for them, and don’t beg me to help them, for I will not listen to you.: Jer. 7:16

  3. Stephon Henderson says

    Although MAGA was a catchy campaign slogan, I don’t think we should debate about what it means to us. The point should be what it means to the person that created it! It seemed fairly clear, at least in his campaign rallies, that America was great when it only had white male candidates for president, when Republicans are in control mainly because of liberal perspectives concerning abortion, marriage equality, etc. I’m a pastor and try my best not to be dominated by politics, but the evangelical support of president Trump simply because he has some conservative similarities despite glaring racist tendencies baffles me. At least denounce the things that are wrong with him. No Trump supporters seem willing to call him out because they support him. Most people today have lost the distinction between a political adversary and an enemy. Even among evangelicals the lines are more clear between right vs left than right vs wrong. America’s biggest National sin continues to be ignoring its racist past and present regardless of what happens concerning abortion. America will be great when it deals with racist wounds in an honest manner! And that won’t be great “again,” it will be great for the first time!

    • Janet Thompson says

      I appreciate your comments because the sign of any good article is that it attracts those who agree and disagree, so this is a compliment to my writing. And I can tell that you are part of the audience I was hoping to reach. I am wondering if you read the entire article before you commented?

      Here are lines I cut out of the original: “President Trump has done more for the black community than any other president in history has, including a black president. Here are some statistics for 2018:
      “This year, African-American unemployment fell to a record low of 5.9 percent.
      Total African-American employment has increased by 976,000 since President Trump’s election and stands at a record high.
      The poverty rate for African Americans reached its lowest level on record in 2017.”

      You discounted the emphasis on abortion, but I’m sure you know that the original purpose of Planned Parenthood was to annihilate the black community and even today, the highest rate of abortions is with black and hispanic mothers. All those precious babies being murdered. How could anyone condone that, and yet the left does even up to birth! President Trump is Pro-life, President Obama was not, nor is the Democratic Party. Hard to understand wanting to even kill full-term babies?! What kind of person does that?

      You are obviously biased against President Trump, although I don’t hear specifics of why? I do not believe he is racist, but the opposition continues to call him that and I wrote why in the blog, as well as anyone like me who supports him. Believe me, I am not racist!!! BTW he just played golf last weekend with Tiger Woods.

      He is not perfect and no one has made him out to be, but he is perfect for this time in history. And when one party calls evil good, and good evil, the church needs to take a stand. When political expands into immoral, who else but the church knows the difference?

      Your started out saying we shouldn’t debate what MAGA means to us, and I ask why not? That was #9 on my MAGA list. Squelching debate is never the right answer, and that’s why I posted your comment to my blog. I had the option not to. I don’t expect to change your perspective, but I would ask that as ministers of faith, which we both are, we would look beyond our personal bias and seek what’s best for every American of every race. That’s what Gladys Knight did when she sang the National Anthem so beautifully at the Super Bowl and said in an interview as many criticized her….
      “I pray that this National Anthem will bring us all together in a way never before witnessed and we can move forward and untangle these truths which mean so much to all of us.”

  4. Deborah L Verplancke says

    Very well said! I totally agree with all you’ve written!!! Thank you for taking a bold stand for HIM!

    • Janet Thompson says

      Thank you Debbie for your support. My prayer is that we would all be bold in our sphere of influence.
      The wicked run away when no one is chasing them,
      but the godly are as bold as lions.

      2 When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily.
      But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability. Proverbs 28:1-2 NLT

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