What Kind of Person Kills a Newborn Baby?

My daughter’s birthday was last week, February 26. Since she posted a picture with candles on her cake, I think she’ll be OK with me telling you I gave birth to her forty-six years ago. But like all mothers, when our children have birthdays no matter how old they are, we reminisce about their birth.

Where it took place.

How long or short was our labor?

Hearing our newborn’s first cry.

The nurse laying our precious gift from God on our chest as we kiss his or her cheek.

I remember like it was yesterday. Back then, we didn’t know if we were having a boy or girl, so I still have memories of the doctor holding her up and announcing, “It’s a girl!”

Then the nurse pronounced time of birth at 11:00 AM.

This year, Kim’s birthday fell on the day after Democrats in the US Senate blocked the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would mandate that doctors must try to save the life of a baby born after attempts at abortion.

[Tweet “Democrat endorsed legalized infanticide. Republicans voted in favor of bill to save innocent baby’s lives.”]

All Democrats, except for three, endorsed legalized infanticide: killing an infant. While all Republicans, except for three who didn’t vote, voted in favor of the bill to save innocent baby’s lives.

What Kind of Person Let's Newborn Baby Die?

Without the passage of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, the doctor can legally ask the parents if they want their newborn baby to live or die. If the parent’s give the death sentence to their new baby, the nurse removes the baby and lets this precious creation of God . . . cry or choke to death.

Then the nurse pronounces the time of death.

[Tweet “Doctors can ask parents if they want their newborn baby to live or die.”]

What kind of doctor, who took an oath to save lives, looks at a newborn baby, and asks, “Should we let him or her live or die?

What kind of nurse participates in this barbaric killing?

What kind of mother who gave her baby life, carried her baby in her tummy, went through delivery, and heard her baby’s first cry instructs the doctor to kill her baby?

What kind of Senator knows that this bill has absolutely nothing to do with abortion laws, but everything to do with saving the life of a newborn baby, votes for infanticide?

What kind of “political base” could these Senators be trying to please, who expect them to vote against a  Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act,  which would have required that “any health care practitioner present” at the time of a birth “exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age.”

What kind of country tolerates infanticide?

What kind of church leader doesn’t denounce infanticide?

My friend Patti Smith asks this same question in her blog Where is the Outrage of Church Leaders and Infanticide?

What kind of Christian does nothing?

Some friends who are speaking out have said they’ve taken a lot of online abuse from Christians who call this a “moral quandary” – and we should not judge others. I suggest they ask their critics, “So do you consider it judgement or a “moral quandary” to try and stop someone from being murdered?”

Then ask: “If abortion wasn’t legal, would you still think it was okay for a woman to have her baby burned, poisoned, or torn apart? Is it a moral quandary for that baby with a beating heart, who feels pain and is trusting his mommy’s tummy is the safest place in this world, to have a chance at life?”

Our job as Christians is to live by God’s ways, not compromise because they’re not popular.

[Tweet “Our job as Christians is to live by God’s ways, not compromise because they’re not popular.”]

Anyone who says they’re a Bible-believing Christian and refuses to take a stand against abortion, late-term abortion, and now infanticide is falling into Satan’s trap: “Did God really say that we shouldn’t kill, inside or outside the womb, His babies made in His image?” Yes, He did.

Christians must fight for the sanctity of life at all ages! With many Democrats threatening Socialism in America, how long will it be before the government decides how long you can live before you become a burden or inconvenience to society?

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act didn’t effect abortion; it was designed to protect the life of a baby that survives abortion. But here’s the fear of the liberal left and why they voted against it. If they agree that a baby is a human when it’s born after a botched abortion, it leads back to the argument that a baby is a human when the abortion was attempted in the womb. The Democrats couldn’t take the chance that the public might start thinking of unborn babies as humans, so they can’t recognize that the born infant is a human!

The Democrat’s rationale: If parents wanted assisted killing of their baby in the womb, they should be allowed to also have assisted murder of the baby if the abortion failed, and horror of all horrors, their baby lived!

We need to keep reminding the public that from the moment of conception in the mother’s womb, each baby has a unique genetic code with its own personal DNA and fingerprint. Scientifically, no one can deny that humanity is not determined on a sliding scale of whether you’re wanted or not wanted. The March for Life theme this year was “Unique from Day One!”

[Tweet “The Democrats couldn’t take the chance that the public might start thinking of unborn babies as humans”]

It’s unimaginable that we’ve arrived at a time in a supposedly civilized society where we’ve reverted to barbaric times when babies were drowned or left on a hillside to die if they weren’t wanted. Or like in the days of the worship of Bael, burned alive.

“‘For Israel has forsaken me and turned this valley into a place of wickedness. The people burn incense to foreign gods—idols never before acknowledged by this generation, by their ancestors, or by the kings of Judah. And they have filled this place with the blood of innocent children. They have built pagan shrines to Baal, and there they burn their sons as sacrifices to Baal. I have never commanded such a horrible deed; it never even crossed my mind to command such a thing!” Jeremiah 19:4-5 NLT

When I visited with my daughter on her birthday, she said that before going to bed the night before, she had read the final Senate ruling on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. She, like many of us, couldn’t sleep. She kept thinking of all the birthday wishes she would receive celebrating her life, while thousands of newborn babies would never see their first day of life because they were unwanted, an inconvenience.

No celebration of his or her life. No funeral. Their coffin a trash can. Nameless. The abortionist was supposed to murder the baby before it was born. Now they’re live human beings left to die, and maybe even dismembered and body parts sold.

What Kind of Person Let's a Newborn Baby Die?

Kim realized she has life because I wanted her and loved her. She has three children that she dearly loves, and her first child was adopted from a teenage mom who didn’t abort but chose to give her baby life and give our family a blessing.

[Tweet “How could a mother who gave birth to her child choose death for that child?”]

It was hard for Kim to reconcile, as it is for any of us mothers, that a woman could give birth and then choose death for her child.

With states like New York passing laws that a baby can be aborted up and through delivery, and now infanticide, the one hope we can cling to is that the public will become outraged and no longer able to ignore the atrocities of abortion.

A civil society doesn’t kill its babies in the womb or in the world.

[Tweet “A civil society doesn’t kill its babies in the womb or in the world.”]

And yet, Abortion is the Leading Cause of Death in 2018 with 41 Million Killed.”

“Globally, just under a quarter of all pregnancies (23 percent) were ended by abortion in 2018, and for every 33 live births, ten infants were aborted. There were more deaths from abortion in 2018 than all deaths from cancer, malaria, HIV/AIDS, smoking, alcohol, and traffic accidents combined.”

Listen to this interview of Ainsley Earhardt with a former abortionist as he describes why he stopped “murdering” other people’s baby boys and girls. You need to hear this. Have a Kleenex ready. Then support the upcoming movie Unplanned in which he plays the part of an abortionist. He’s not an actor, but who knows better how to portray the horror than someone who has experienced it firsthand.

I encourage you also to listen to an interview with Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act’s, chief sponsor.

Listen to a mother who almost aborted her baby until told by Planned Parenthood practitioners that if her baby was delivered alive, they would break it’s neck!

I hope the interviews and the movie trailer keep you up at night too. I hope you’re asking God what He wants you to do about this travesty. I hope you’re not thinking who are you to make a difference. You are a believer, that’s who you are, and that makes all the difference!

I hope you’re championing for life, because anyone of us could be related to a baby who was left on a cold metal table to die and ended up in a trashcan, maybe torn apart.

What to Do With Your Anger Over Evil

Don’t Just Cry, Do Something!

I’m just a baby, without a voice
Life interrupted by another’s choice
My heart was beating…but now it has ceased
And my precious life didn’t end in peace
I cried and I cried…but to no avail
Couldn’t you hear me? Why did you fail?
To give me a chance to sing my own song
I could have dreamed dreams, but now they are gone
I was a baby…but now I’m no more
Life interrupted by a vote on the floor
But I hold no grudge for the wrong that you’ve done
For I’m now in the arms of Jesus, God’s son
With millions of others, who had the same plea
I’m just a baby…please look out for me.

Merissa Lee Kelley
Feb 28, 2019

“Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained
for me were written in your book before one of them came
to be.” Psalm 139:16

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  1. This breaks my heart, what can I do? I pray, I sign petitions, I tell the people that I work with about the laws that have been passed! I vote for the people I think are pro-life but they rarely are elected. The U.S. sinks deeper and deeper in to total depravity! Soooo many young people that I know struggle with infertility and are unable to even have children at all!
    1 John 5:19 “We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.” John 8:44 “(The abortion industry) are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
    When I pray to the Lord about abortion I pray that the mother/father would have a change of mind, that they wouldn’t be able to keep the appointment that day, that the Doctor/abortion clinic staff would have a change of heart and realize they are participating in murder, that the Lord would open their minds to the absolute horror of it all. And of course, I pray for everyone’s salvation.
    2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”

  2. Janet Thompson says

    Dear Terri, I so appreciate your passion. If only we could get other Christians to pray like you’re doing. I did write a blog a few weeks ago that included 14 things we could do. I suggest doing more than voting for conservatives, stump for them. And don’t give up even when it seems we aren’t making a difference. We did get Trump in the White House and look at the opposition he’s not succumbing to.
    Thank you for your compassionate caring heart. You will make a difference.

  3. Margaret Walden says

    My youngest daughter was born 10 days after Roe v.Wade. The nurses wee in shock, and the mothers were horrified.

    • Janet Thompson says

      Yet, sadly only recently have we seen shock, but let’s pray it brings back to the public the horror that has been normalized. Be sure and see the movie Unplanned releasing later this month.

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