Who Is the Real Threat to the Soul of Our Nation?

This past week, I’ve felt a sense of oppression that I couldn’t shake. I woke up with it every morning as I prayed asking God to reveal the source and why I was functioning each day under a dark cloud. I now think that it was the Lord awakening me to a heightened discernment of prevalent evil. I honestly wish I could walk away from this awareness and avoid dealing with it. But I know God has a purpose. He knows I will use the gifts He’s given me to awaken others too, so here I go.

The soul of America is God. The heart of America is God. The foundation of America is God.

Socialism replaces God with government and freedom with tyranny and we’re watching the deterioration of our beloved America right now with the current Administration removing God and His ways from every area of life.

In Biden’s “enemies of the state speech,” he looked and sounded like a dictator vilifying half the country who love God, family, and America but don’t happen to agree with his socialist policies. He called us evil, semi-fascists, and said we were a threat to the nation and destroying its soul. As he projected onto conservative Republicans everything he and his party are doing, he gave no specific examples of how we’re doing the country harm with traditional values and morality.

Yet, if he would only look in the mirror, he would see clearly the real threat to the soul of America.

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. James 1:23-24

When God is Removed the Nation Suffers

Here are just a few observable signs . . .

1. Measurable increase in crime and lawlessness

A mommy goes out for her usual morning jog and is kidnapped, raped, and killed by a man let out of prison early. A child sleeping in the back of the family car at a gas station or sleeping in his bed is shot and killed by random shooters. Another man released from jail early goes on a killing spree and videotapes his carnage on social media. Carjacking and robberies of stores and persons is rampant. Criminals are arrested and let back on the streets by progressive DA’s, judges, and the elimination of cash bond policies.

2. Open Borders

The Constitution and border laws are disregarded while unvetted and unvaccinated illegals from over a hundred countries are allowed to inhumanly flood our borders where drug Cartels and sex trafficking are prolific and horrific.

3. The Fantasy of Multiple Genders

Liberals cannot define a woman, fabricate multiple genders, and deny that there are scientifically and biologically only two genders, male and female.

4. Child Abuse

Young children are given dangerous hormones, puberty blockers, castrated, given mastectomies, and genitalia mutilated by physicians, as an acceptable medical practice even in “Children’s Hospitals.”

5. Parents Parental Rights Threatened

Schools are encouraged to transcend the parent / child relationship and sexualize young children. Parents are called domestic terrorists when they question what their children are being taught about CRT and perverted pornographic sex practices.

6. Compulsory Inoculation

People forced to take potentially dangerous vaccinations to attend schools, remain in the military, or keep their job.

7. Police are vilified and defunded.

8. Drag shows for children are normalized as “artistic expression.”

9. Abortion

Women consider it their “constitutional right” to kill their babies up until birth and sometimes after while calling it “healthcare.”

10. Woke overtakes morality and sensibility.

11. Diversity and equity replace all men and women are created equal.

12. Biological men allowed in women’s sports, showers, and locker rooms.

13. Marriage is no longer between a man and a woman.

14. Gay, transgender, and drag rights outweigh citizen rights.

15. Censorship is acceptable.

The Real Threat to the Soul of Our Nation

You may think that I’m leading up to calling Biden and the progressive Democrats the threat to the soul of our country and that’s partially true because they’ve sold their soul to the one who is the real threat: Satan.

You think that’s an overstatement? Joe Biden appointed as White House National Monkeypox Response Deputy Coordinator a gay doctor who has been pictured touting his tattoos of the official symbol of the Church of Satan: The Pentagram. It seems like Joe Biden could have a Satanist working in the White House. Monkeypox is transmitted by gay men having sex with each other, something you seldom hear mentioned.

More and more I see Conservative commentators not afraid to point out the obvious. Jason Whitlock on Tucker Carlson Tonight said, “The Democrats are so busy calling us names why don’t we call them out on what they REALLY are a Satanic Cult!”

Only Satan could be behind what we’re watching happen in our country today. And Satan is not a respecter of red and blue states. Satan knows no boundaries!

When the Threat is Close to Home!

I and many of my fellow Idahoans were shocked that last weekend in Boise, Idaho, traditionally a Conservative red state, the gay community held a Boise Pride parade and weekend “festival” that originally was advertised to feature a Drag Kids Show on stage for kids 11-18 and a Drag Story Time!

Many local businesses supported and sponsored this event. They too have been deceived by this gay pride movement just like they were with the BLM scam that received thousands from businesses and then BLM exploited the money and did nothing to help the black community.

News of the Boise Gay Pride weekend traveled to California! Pastor Jack Hibbs posted on Facebook an urgent call to attention. Here’s part of it.

“To my dear fellow Watchmen in Idaho, I’m sorry, but for many of you, I’ve not yet had a chance to meet, and sorry again for this topic of urgency. Even down here in Chino Hills, California, we’ve heard about the City of Boise hosting a “Drag Kids” event at its pride celebration this Friday-Sunday. (THIS WEEKEND) We need to urgently gather as many Calvary Chapel pastors who are willing (and we may be joined by a number of LDS Ward/Stake presidents) to visit current Sheriff Matthew Clifford. [I later learned he refused to meet with the pastors]

We need to encourage him (and he is willing but must hear from the public first for him to act) to make an announcement that he is planning to arrest any organizer that contributes to the delinquency of minors and any persons who commit lewd acts in public especially if there are children present.

I need you, dear pastor, and your church to take a firm stand, or Idaho might become California in short order.”

Awaiting His Return!

Pastor Jack Hibbs Calvary Chapel Chino Hills

Many of us got busy and started contacting the sheriff and the sponsoring businesses of this event, and to their credit, I know of five that rescinded support when they heard about the children’s grooming events. I hope there were more. By Thursday, the Gay Pride group had canceled or “postponed” the Kid’s Drag Show.

It was confirming that when we join together peacefully and politely and let our voices be heard to pushback against evil, we can make a difference. Even though the pride group is now fabricating talking points that we’re “the extremist” threatening the children. As Calvary Church Star, Idaho points out, “that is the furthest thing WE AS A CHURCH BODY are guilty of. Don’t be freaked out- Satan-the great deceiver has always been after the next generation. We are FOR these children and our hearts should break for the confusion and hurt they are being taken thru…but being groomed into a life of DRAG is NOT the answer.” Amen

This church hosted a prayer vigil on the steps of the Capitol on Saturday during the pride event.

I also joined the Values Advocacy Council group http://boise.vacmail.org to do my part in saving Idaho! No matter where you live, we all need to heed Pastor Hibb’s warning about Idaho, or your state, turning into California. Many of us moved to Idaho because it was a conservative red state, but we need to work to keep it that way.

An entire month of “Pride” in June wasn’t enough. On 9/11, a day where satanic evil killed 3000 innocent lives and we should all be reverently commemorating the tragedy not celebrating evil, a pride parade took place right here in Boise trying to exploit young children!! It’s as if Satan is laughing at us.

I think Satan knows his time is short and he’s not holding back. He’s testing how much he can get away with and will we try to stop him? And yes, I do believe he’s invaded the core of the Democrats in Washington and Democrat run states who would see nothing wrong with the gay pride event or the 15 items I listed above. In fact, they vote for championing and legalizing this evil.

Even as Biden calls Conservatives and those who believe in biblical moral principles evil and “extreme,” there’s currently a demonized mind set in his administration. They don’t even realize they’ve become Satan’s captives doing his dirty work for him. When you open the door to the demonic, you welcome Satan into your house, including the White House!

Let God arise and may His enemies be scattered.

Let God’s people arise and may their enemies be scattered.

The one whose walk is blameless is kept safe, but the one whose ways are perverse will fall into the pit. Pr. 28:18

What Do We Do as Christians?

Yes, my heart is heavy for the soul of our country, my birth state California, and now my home state Idaho, and family members who don’t know Jesus. Blatant evil is so prevalent today and it weighs heavy on me. I know the Lord won’t lift that burden because He wants me to continue taking action to shed the light of Jesus as far and wide as I can.

It was a joy to partner with other conservative groups and friends on Facebook as we worked together to challenge the local businesses to do the right thing and protect as many children as we could from this horrific exploitation, but there were parents who were going to allow their children to be a part of this evil.

Deception. Spiritual Blindness. Media Propaganda.

We pray and we act where God leads us to help put God back into the soul of America. Without that, we stumble and fall as a nation, but with God at the helm, we will soar to victory.

If they then say, ‘Come, let us worship other gods’—gods you have not known before— do not listen to them. The Lord your God is testing you to see if you truly love him with all your heart and soul. Serve only the Lord your God and fear him alone. Obey his commands, listen to his voice, and cling to him. Deut. 13:2-4 NLT

But we are not like those who turn away from God to their own destruction. We are the faithful ones, whose souls will be saved. Heb. 10:39 NLT

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  1. Norman Bobczynski says

    Awesome word. Well said, Janet

    • Janet Thompson says

      Thank you Norm. It was a hard one to write but I pray some are encouraged we can make a difference against the evil we’re watching take over our nation.

  2. Irene Leavell says

    Hi Janet!

    Your comment link did not work for me.

    I am leaving you a comment anyway……YOU HIT THE NAIL RIGHT ON THE HEAD!

    Satan is feverishly at work as he knows his time is short!

    Please let me know how I can become involved in making a difference in Idaho for God!

    Thank you for being the “voice crying out in the wilderness.” God bless you and protect you!



    • Janet Thompson says

      Thank you, Irene. Operator error on my part that the blog link didn’t work but glad you found the blog here. I will send you information on getting involved in saving Idaho!!

  3. Christie Dayton says

    Excellent and spot on. We have to push back spiritually and physically. Praying people will rise to the occasion and work as a United front against all this evil. Thank you for sharing. May I copy and repost on my Facebook page for my friends and family to see?

    • Janet Thompson says

      Yes Christie please do share!! It’s also posted on my FB personal page and my author FB page and you could just share from there. Here’s the author page https://www.facebook.com/Janetthompson.authorspeaker/ or if you hit on the F Facebook link above at the end of the article, it will take you right to my author page and you can share from there. I blog every Monday morning and you can sign up on my website to receive in your email if you would like. Let me know if you have any problems or questions.

  4. Fabulous and insightful and true. I will post it on my FB page! Thank you for this!!✝️🙏🏻🇺🇸❤️

    • Janet Thompson says

      Thank you, Susan! If you go to the FB link right up above comments, that will take you to my FB author/speaker page where the blog is the latest post, and you can share right from there. Appreciate you sharing.

  5. You said so much and very articulately, I wish more Christians and churches would open up and share what is really going on in our America. Lord, have mercy on our nation.

    GO Janet!

    • Janet Thompson says

      It’s up to each of us to speak up and share the truth and act where we feel led. God will show us what to say and do!

  6. Kathy Collard Miller says

    Janet, I’m so glad you are a fabulous source for truth spoken in love. God is so wise to give His children gifts of courage and the ability to filter through so much that is confusing. Well, at least I’m confused some times. So keep up the great work. I appreciate you.

  7. Janet Thompson says

    To God be the glory, Kathy! Thank you for your encouragement and support. You’re right that Satan is the author of confusion and you’re not the only one. He’s working overtime to keep everyone confused. Praise God for clarity when we most need it.

  8. I have a copy of your book, Praying for your Prodigal Daughter which you used the story of my prodigal daughter 15 years ago. I recently picked it up again, because restoration has occurred in so many ways with her. It led me to pursue your website, in which I read this recent blog.

    WOW! You are courageously and boldly sharing the unvarnished truth and what needs to be said, not only from the pulpit but on every media source possible. If things continue wildly unchecked and evil is allowed to continue to destroy people’s minds, souls and hearts we will lose this country forever!

    • Janet Thompson says

      Hi Suzanne, I’m glad the Lord led you to my website and also so happy to hear of the restoration with your daughter. Prayer works!
      If you like, you can sign up on the website to receive my Monday Morning blogs into your email. And yes, you’re right it’s soon going to be revival or the rapture!


  1. […] This often manifests itself as Critical Race Theory (CRT), graphic sex-ed literature taught as young as elementary school, teachers asking students about their “gender identity” and picking out “preferred pronouns,” and radical events like “drag queen story hour” (Note from Janet: this actually happened in Boise the Capitol of Idaho with a “drag kids show” on 9/11! I wrote about it in my blog Who is the Real Threat to the Soul of Our Nation)! […]

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