Maybe the Election Was a Missed Promised Land Opportunity, Not a Red Sea Rescue

If you follow my blogs, you know that I’m a Bible-believing Christian and politically and socially conservative. I believe that in the womb God creates every human being equal with the opportunity for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. He also instills in us the right to make choices and those choices influence the trajectory of our life.

As a Christian, I believe that God should guide our choices and actions through prayer, wise council, and studying His timeless Words to us in the Bible. I also believe that we make mistakes. Praise God, the foundation of the Gospel is the belief in Jesus Christ and His forgiveness of our sins when we ask, repent, and go and sin no more.

God overlooked people’s ignorance about these things in earlier times, but now he commands everyone everywhere to repent of their sins and turn to him.” Acts 17:30 NLT

We shouldn’t base our actions and beliefs on the secular world’s latest whim or philosophy but on how God directs and leads us to live in His kingdom culture.

I know that many of you feel the same way. Some would call that “traditional” but I just call it being a Christian. “The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.” (Acts 11:26)

Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. 1 John 2:15

There is rhetoric today about uniting our terribly divided country under a new President’s regime, but it’s clear that the unity they refer to is compliance with the secular liberal progressive left socialist agenda. Any decent is threatened with censor and silencing.

That’s not unity. It’s conformity.

Sadly, “the church” is fragmented as some churches and Christians think the Bible should be interpreted according to the “progressive liberal culture’s” beliefs, terms, and ways, which are in stark contrast to the Lord’s beliefs, terms, and ways.

For example, a headline last week read, “Progressive Christian author trips over herself to apologize for inaugural prayer thanking God for ‘giving us this,’ land.” Hatmaker retracted her prayer saying, “He didn’t give us this land. We took this land by force and trauma,” as she goes on to add by “white supremacy!”

Silvester Beaman of the Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Delaware ended his inauguration benediction, “In the strong name of our collective faith, amen.” Many pastors pointed out that there is only one name above all names, Jesus Christ, not ‘collective faith.’

A prayer in Congress ended with “Amen and awomen!”

The new Senator from Georgia who pastors a church claims the Bible justifies abortion.

The New York Times said, “President Biden is perhaps the most religiously observant commander in chief in half a century. A different, more liberal Christianity grounds his life and his policies.”

Many “Christians” and Catholics like Biden and Pelosi have determined it’s less controversial, more expedient, and politically advantageous to create as the NYT explains “a different, more liberal Christianity,” that conforms with the world’s ways and values.

I’ve been shocked and disappointed myself to watch pastors and ministry leaders who I once admired, even followed, sounding more like the woke culture than the biblical Christian church.

There is no liberal, progressive, or conservative Christianity. There are no gradations of the absolute truth presented in the gospels. There is God’s word, period. Jesus didn’t tell us there were various political or social ways to reach the same truth, there is only one way.

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. John 14:6

We Weren’t Ready for a Red Sea Rescue!

Whatever you may think of President Trump’s past life or his tweets or demeanor, in his four years in office he fought tirelessly for patriotic values particularly love of country, prolife, and religious freedom. I’ve often said I’ve never heard a President speak more about the gospel or reverently uplift the name of Jesus in their speeches than President Trump.

He persevered for everyday Americans, even against untold opposition, and for that reason many prophets and laymen were sure that God was going to perform an election miracle at the last minute just like He did with Moses at the Red Sea. American patriots would have another four years of reprieve.

I too wanted to believe that might be God’s plan, but we know now that it wasn’t. And why wasn’t it?

While listening to a Lance Wallnau Facebook Live commentary, I had one of those ‘aha’ moments I often speak about. I began to see clearly the Red Sea/Promised Land theory he discussed so I give Lance full credit for the concept I’m developing next. It makes so much sense to me. Following are my thoughts about it.

The church wasn’t ready to be rescued.

We weren’t united but the other side stood fiercely united. Almost every Democrat liberal left leader and constituent, as well as “progressive liberal Christians,” were against President Trump even if they weren’t for Biden. It was enough for them to get rid of Trump. When I asked several what they didn’t like about Trump’s policies, they could only resort to personal attacks on him.

Numerous liberal-leaning preachers, leaders, and evangelicals were so against Trump that they were willing to throw us to the evils of socialism. When we were so close to saving more babies lives, one Republican Trump-hater politician said we must set the abortion issue aside for the greater good. What? Set aside genocide?

By no means am I saying we should idolize Trump or overlook his faults, but I challenge anyone to find fault with what he was able to accomplish, even under constant duress, for patriotism, the Constitution, and the American way of life we cherish for our children and grandchildren.

We weren’t hearing about Christian bakers, florists, and photographers being sued or run out of business for sticking by their beliefs.

We didn’t fear ISIS.

Everyone was joyfully saying Merry Christmas again.

Women weren’t fearful of a man lurking in the women’s bathroom, changing or locker room.

Christians had an ally in the White House!

And that brings me to Wallnau’s Promised Land analogy!

Remember when Moses sent Caleb and Joshua along with ten other men to investigate the Promised Land to see if the Israelites should enter. Caleb and Joshua came back with a glowing report but the other men told of scary giants. The people argued amongst themselves and couldn’t agree to cross over into the land God had promised them. And we know the rest of the story. They wandered in the desert for 40 years and the skeptic generation never experienced the Promised Land.

They were not united. (Numbers 13-14)

Sounds a lot like the church today! Christians couldn’t agree that four more years of a conservative platform was better than a liberal/socialist platform that wants to “deprogram conservatives” and might now accomplish their goal to “change our country forever.”

Maybe we even could have overturned Roe vs Wade. Continued to honor women by preventing gender-confused men from competing in women’s sports and keep men out of women’s dressing rooms and locker rooms. Stop young children from gender mutilation. Stand firm for God’s creation of only two sexes: male and female. Pastors could continue preaching biblical truths about sin.

All those reversed with the flick of Biden’s pen on his first day in office!

We couldn’t stand united as one church against evil or even the definition of evil.

People were looking for a miracle; God was looking for unity among His people!

Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household [or God’s house] divided against itself will not stand. Matt 12:25

Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Eph. 4:3

In my January About His Work Ministries newsletter, my opening article is “Only God’s Truth Will Unify! I’m linking it here if you haven’t read it yet.

PS I’m also now on MeWe! If you’re on MeWe too please join me there.

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What Color Do You See?

Recently, I’ve been going to a new hairstylist, and like we girls do, I took a picture that I thought depicted well the color highlights I was trying to achieve. But each time I had my hair done, the color turned out different from what I was expecting.

Last week, as the stylist and I put our heads together over her color chart, I noticed she was looking on one side of the chart and I was focused on the opposite side. Finally, a little frustrated I’m sure, she asked me a key question about the picture I had brought her to follow: “What color do you see?”

We had to laugh when we realized she was seeing rust tones and I was seeing reddish tones! How could that happen you ask when we were both looking at the same picture?!

It was such an “Ah ha” moment for me.

Isn’t that how we look at so many issues in our world? In our marriages. In our faith. In politics.

We can’t imagine how anyone could see something so differently from what seems crystal clear and apparent to us. But all you have to do is glance at social media or engage in a political or spiritual conversation to see that we’re often coming from completely different viewpoints on the same subject that looks so obvious from our point of view.

Seeing Black and White, Or Grey

Like many of you, I watched a good portion of the Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court Justice hearing last week. What a perfect example of how political parties differ on beliefs and how they present their differences.

Judge Barrett listened to presentations and questioning from Democrat and Republican Senators. The Dems tried to get her to change/admit what they thought was her position on specific issues and Republicans endorsed what each side assumed she would rule.

Judge Barrett gracefully and wisely never gave either side a hint of how she would vote. If confirmed, when presented with a case as a Justice, she would base her final decision on interpreting and applying the law according to the Constitution. One side was frustrated with her answers and the other side was elated.

Judge Barrett has black and white guidelines to base how she judges a case: the law and the Constitution. She said many times that she would make a decision using those benchmarks even if it went against her personal beliefs. No grey areas.

She would not rule as an advocate or activist but as a judge!

It shouldn’t matter if the left or the right nominated her because she wouldn’t be influenced by political, personal, or sociological persuasion.

That will be unique and refreshing because it seems few judges can make that distinction today. I’m convinced Justice Barrett will!

What Colors Your Faith?

Biblical laws and beliefs are not popular today, but they’re the foundation of our Christian faith and God expects us to follow them even when our faith comes under pressure. Even when it’s hard. Even when the majority does not agree with us.

Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way. James 1:2-4 The Message

It’s not easy today to go against the culture and sadly we see prominent people of faith moving to the dark side. We wonder how they could go from the brilliant light of Jesus into the world’s evil darkness, especially when we’re all reading the same Bible and praying to the same God.

How could they support the barbaric tortuous murder of unborn children?

How could they dismiss the Bible’s definition of marriage between a man and a woman?

How could they endorse the mutilation and child abuse of gender change in young children?

The Bible has the answer–

They left us, but they were never really with us. If they had been, they would have stuck it out with us, loyal to the end. In leaving, they showed their true colors, showed they never did belong. 1 John 2:19 The Message

We cry out . . .

God, put an end to evil; avenging God, show your colors! Judge of the earth, take your stand; throw the book at the arrogant. God, the wicked get away with murder—how long will you let this go on? They brag and boast and crow about their crimes! Ps. 94:1-4 The Message

Christians have God’s law and His Word to guide us in our actions, choices, and decisions. There is no grey area. “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” Is. 5:20

What Colors Your Vote?

We see states labeled with Liberal Blue or Conservative Red and yet there are both types of people living in those states. My birth state of California is liberal blue, but I have many conservative friends and family living there and many who are leaving. It’s hard to live under a tyrannical rule that pushes agendas contrary to your beliefs.

As a conservative, I admit I’m happy to be living in a “red” state, but I know there are liberals on the ballot who would like nothing better than to turn our state blue! And there are liberals who will vote for them.


I don’t know.

What do they see in socialism that attracts them? I’m truly curious, but when I ask that question, I never get an answer. I’m usually bombarded with all the things they don’t like about President Trump personally, ignoring everything he’s achieved for our country. Nothing about what they like in the Democrat agenda, which would become the law of the land if they were to win in the election.

Sadly, many people’s vote will be colored by their emotions and not wisdom.

Regardless of who we’re voting for, I believe we should base our vote primarily on platforms and polices, not personality.

Many people today are putting personality first. A treacherous mistake.

Here’s a good article to read. Deroy Murdock: Trump vs. Biden—Voters in 2020 should think long and hard about policy, not personality!

Every few weeks, I can change a wrong hair color, but we can’t change a wrong voting decision for years.

What colors do you see for America?

Red or Blue

Red, White, and Blue!

Last week, I gave a link to Vote Your Faith. I want to add a few others as we move into the countdown to November 3 and maybe you’re voting early.

Decision Magazine free voter guide to download.

Million Voices 2020 Voter Guide

We’re not just voting for a President, Congressmen, Senators, and local government officials. As Pastor Jack Hibbs, who opened the doors of his large California church on May 31 says, we’re voting for a way of life . . .

…we’re voting for our freedom.

…we’re voting to save the unborn.

…we’re voting for our right to worship freely.

…we’re voting to protect our streets and secure our borders.

…we’re voting for the right to promote Godly values!

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We Prayed. God Blessed Us. Now What?

Only God would coordinate the timing on September 26, 2020 of the Franklin Graham Prayer March 2020 and The Return with Jonathan Cahn both in Washington DC on the National Mall on the same day that President Trump announces the nomination of a conservative Christian woman Justice for the Supreme Court!

Only God!

This was no coincidence!

A friend messaged me what I also believe to be true: “I believe the remnant is storming the Highest Court in prayer and praise!”

I do believe that God heard the prayers of His people and the heavenlies smiled down on us.

So now we keep on praying and believing. We must not stop because you know that Satan is only going to ramp up his efforts to create chaos, fear, and turmoil.

I also participated in a “March for Peace and Prayer in America” in my small rural mountain community. It was nondenominational and not political. You could bring “signs of prayer and peace but please no negativity.”

As I discussed the walk with a friend from church, I found myself wondering if carrying an American flag would be considered political. Negative?

I’m happy to say we carried a large American flag and signs with encouraging Scriptures and quotes. Some of those walking were barely able to walk from the very young, one with a cane, and even some slightly lame. But everyone completed the march and gathered together at the end for encouragement and prayer.

The morning started with rain that cleared before we walked and God blessed us with an affirming rainbow!

What a spirit-filled day from coast to coast!

How Have We Strayed So Far?

As we watched the joy and smiles of the thousands walking, and some even in wheel chairs on the National Mall, I noticed many carrying and waving with pride small American flags. I couldn’t help but think what a sad day in America when emblems of patriotism and love for our country are politicized. Even scorned and burned.

I ask myself so often: How did we let this happen? I know many are bravely and boldly speaking up, as am I, but why are so many denouncing their own country? Why are children being taught that America is bad when the rest of the world looks up to us with admiration? At least they used to.

Why are we letting a fringe element of Marxists convince us that there is “systemic racism” in our country?

Why aren’t more people acknowledging that the problem is systemic secularism?

People are rejecting what they once held true and dear to fit in with a system that is rejecting not only our country . . . but our God.

As I pondered these thoughts, my Bible reading was Psalm 37 in the Holman Christian Standard Bible. I’m going to share with you some of the verses that spoke directly to my heart in these troubling times where God calls His people to action but not agitation.

I add my commentary in italics and add emphasis to the scriptures. I hope they bless you too!

Psalm 37 “Instruction in Wisdom”

Isn’t wisdom what we all want right now as our tempers rise with current events? I’ve even had some friends say their blood pressure is literally rising. God says this:

Do not be agitated by evildoers;
do not envy those who do wrong.
For they wither quickly like grass
and wilt like tender green plants.

Trust in the Lord and do what is good;
dwell in the land and live securely.[
Take delight in the Lord,
and He will give you your heart’s desires.

God tells us that if we trust Him completely and continue doing what we know is right and good, even in the midst of all the rioting, lying, COVID, and evil we’re watching daily, He will keep our lives secure.

He wants us to keep our focus on the Lord and the joy that He brings to our life and He will give us what we’re praying for either on earth or later in heaven.

Be silent before the Lord and wait expectantly for Him;
do not be agitated by one who prospers in his way,
by the man who carries out evil plans.

Refrain from anger and give up your rage;
do not be agitated—it can only bring harm.
For evildoers will be destroyed,
but those who put their hope in the Lord
will inherit the land

I don’t know about you, but at our house we’ve found ourselves very agitated at the injustice and evil that seems to be prevalent in our country today. But notice that in eight verses, God tells us three times to not be agitated by those doing evil because it does no good. In fact, it can bring harm to our health and well-being.

Instead, we need to do just what thousands of us did on Saturday, pray with trust that God is on His throne and we will get our land back if we don’t lose hope.

A little while, and the wicked person will be no more;
though you look for him, he will not be there.
11 But the humble will inherit the land
and will enjoy abundant prosperity.

12 The wicked person schemes against the righteous
and gnashes his teeth at him.
13 The Lord laughs at him
because He sees that his day is coming.

The wicked have drawn the sword and strung the bow
to bring down the afflicted and needy
and to slaughter those whose way is upright.
15 Their swords will enter their own hearts,
and their bows will be broken.

. . .

The Lord watches over the blameless all their days,
and their inheritance will last forever.
19 They will not be disgraced in times of adversity
they will be satisfied in days of hunger.

20 But the wicked will perish;
the Lord’s enemies, like the glory of the pastures,
will fade away—they will fade away like smoke.

As Christians, we know that doing wrong or evil to satisfy the culture, never pleases God. Even though we’re laughed at and disparaged, we let it bounce off us because our future is eternal life. Those who are scoffing at God will learn some day that their future is literally in hell.

A man’s steps are established by the Lord,
and He takes pleasure in his way.
24 Though he falls, he will not be overwhelmed,
because the Lord holds his hand

25 I have been young and now I am old,
yet I have not seen the righteous abandoned
or his children begging for bread.
26 He is always generous, always lending,
and his children are a blessing.

Turn away from evil and do what is good,
and dwell there[i] forever.
28 For the Lord loves justice
and will not abandon His faithful ones.

They are kept safe forever,
but the children of the wicked will be destroyed.
29 The righteous will inherit the land
and dwell in it permanently.

God reminds us that in the end, His justice will prevail. Until then, we seek righteous wisdom from God and follow guidance from His Word. We will dwell safely and securely with the Lord forever.

This theme runs through the remainder of the psalm. As you continue reading, pray that God will speak to you to calm your heart, mind, and soul as you pray for His righteousness to prevail in our world and that those promoting and supporting the evil will be unveiled and stopped.

It may look like they are winning for the moment, but God is always the winner.

The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom;
his tongue speaks what is just.
31 The instruction of his God is in his heart;
his steps do not falter.

32 The wicked one lies in wait for the righteous
and seeks to kill him;
33 the Lord will not leave him
in the power of the wicked one or allow him to be condemned when he is judged.

34 Wait for the Lord and keep His way,
and He will exalt you to inherit the land.
You will watch when the wicked are destroyed.

35 I have seen a wicked, violent man
well-rooted like a flourishing native tree.
36 Then I passed by and  noticed he was gone;
I searched for him, but he could not be found.

Watch the blameless and observe the upright,
for the man of peace will have a future.

38 But transgressors will all be eliminated;
the future of the wicked will be destroyed.

39 The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord,
their refuge in a time of distress.

40 The Lord helps and delivers them;
He will deliver them from the wicked and will save them
because they take refuge in Him.


So What Do We Do Now?

We keep on praying!

Let’s pray for Amy Coney Barrett and her family. We know how malicious the attacks will be but the Lord will be her strength and give her the right words and countenance.

Pray for President Trump as he continues to govern our nation while campaigning.

Pray for an outpouring of the Spirit on our nation.

Pray for a down pouring of rain and cold temperatures on the cities where the riots continue.

Pray for the safety of our police force and the military.

Pray for the coronavirus plague to subside.

Pray for churches to open their doors.

The vision the Lord keeps giving me is a sudden outpouring of the Holy Spirit over all those who are doing evil in our cities and government. A miracle of mass salvation!

There is no one outside of God’s reach, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Rom. 10:13)

Nothing is impossible with God.

Let me know what you’re praying for. What vision is God giving you?

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Babies’ Lives Are Important, But . . .

As someone gives you a compliment, have you ever braced yourself because you know by the tone of their voice that the disclaimer “but” is coming in the next breath. For example,

I love your new hairstyle . . . but I’m not sure about the color.

You’ve lost weight . . . but I’m sure you’ve still got more to lose.

I want to come to your party . . . but I’ll have to see how the day goes.

I agree with you . . . but aren’t you getting too political.

Are you shaking your head in agreement? We’ve all been there and maybe we’ve been the one tying two opposing thoughts together with that little qualifying dangler “but.”

In reading comments on social media, I’ve been appalled at how often I see people saying something like, “Abortion is an important issue, but this can’t be a one issue voting decision.”

Why not? What could be more important than saving a life versus “legally” murdering a life?

Looking at our own children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews would anyone make that same statement. “Well, yes their life is important, but . . .”

But what? We say we would do anything to protect them and lay down our life for theirs. Anything but vote for them to have life?!

When we don’t vote against abortion, we’re voting for it.

When we don’t vote for the party working to eliminate abortion, we’re voting for the party that wants to keep it legalized and stretch the limits to genocide like in New York and Virginia.


I hear, “I can’t vote for Trump because I don’t like how he talks or something he said or did over a decade ago, or his tweets.”

Seriously?! His rhetoric versus the life of the unborn?

Or, “Yes I’m a Christian but abortion isn’t my main concern.”

Really? Isn’t cherishing the sanctity of life, the gift from God, at the heart of Christianity?

What about a candidate who uses his Catholic “faith” to his political advantage but is willing to set the precepts of his faith aside as a liberal Democrat. What kind of character does that show?

What kind of man would trade his soul for power?

In Biden’s book Promises to Keep: On Life in Politics, he wrote, “I’m as much a cultural Catholic as I am a theological Catholic.” What does that mean? By his current stance on championing abortion, it means he’s allowing his faith to adapt to the culture rather than allowing his faith to change the culture.

He’s saying, I’m a Catholic when it’s convenient but when it interferes with my political aspirations and power, I can disavow its precepts. I can apply cancel culture to the Catholic stance on right to life!

That my friends is not how faith works. I think you would agree that you apply your faith to every aspect of life or it’s not true faith. Faith isn’t like a cafeteria where you pick and choose the aspects you like, or what works well with your situation, or is convenient.

Faith is all or none.

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ Matt. 22:37

I wonder if Biden has listened to Fr. James Altman’s convicting YouTube video: You Cannot be Catholic & a Democrat. Period.

How Does Your Vote Save Lives?

Biden and his running mate Harris not only endorse abortion up through birth, they want to make every American taxpayer pay for it!

The Biden/Harris (or Harris/Biden) agenda is characterized as the most pro-abortion ticket in history.

Biden vows to overturn every prolife advancement that President Trump has accomplished.

President Trump defunded Planned Parenthood. Biden has the endorsement of Planned Parenthood that profits from the death and dismemberment of the unborn!

President Trump is unquestionably and undeniably the most pro-life president ever!! And I might add, he’s also the most pro-faith president who puts action behind his words.

What could President Trump ever have done or said that would justify “but I’m voting for the liberal, pro-abortion socialist Democrats.”

What Christian could say, “but I’m ok with the savagery of murdering preborn babies?”

What human being could say, “but I’m ok with one pre-born baby murdered at Planned Parenthood every 97 seconds?

Let’s look at what God says about the sanctify of His created life.

 “You shall not murder.” Exodus 20:13

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:13-16

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. Psalm 127:3

There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood . . . Proverbs 6:16-17

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

From birth I was cast on you; from my mother’s womb you have been my God. Psalm 22:10

Sin Hurts

Often, we’re reticent to talk about abortion in the church because sadly, many women have had abortions today and it hurts to be reminded.

No one likes remembering their sins. It’s convicting.

The Good News of the Gospel is that when we surrender our life to Christ, He forgives us of all our past sins and wipes the slate clean.

We will always live with consequences of our actions but God remembers our sins no more. That cleansing forgiveness provides freedom from the guilt. “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).

Many women today share their testimony to encourage and mentor other women in similar situations. I suggest ways to do this in Mentoring for All Seasons: Sharing Life Experiences and God’s Faithfulness.

A New Opportunity to Save the Babies

Ruth Bader Ginsburg died after I had already written most of this post. The minute I heard it, I knew why God had me write this week on the topic of abortion. Ginsburg was a staunch liberal advocate of abortion as a “woman’s right.” Even though as I listened to commentators discuss her life, she was able to progress in her law career as a wife and mother of two children she “adored” and four grandchildren.

Instead of taking the position that women could do as she did and have a successful career as well as be a mother, she was an activist for women disposing of their unborn babies. Sad.

President Trump now has the opportunity to place a pro-life Justice on the Supreme Court and after almost 50 years, there’s a glimmer of hope that Roe vs Wade could be overturned.

The future of millions of babies rests on filling this Justice seat.

Biden will most definitely place a liberal pro-choice, pro-abortion judge and since these are lifetime positions, murdering the future unborn would be “legal” for many more years.

So tell me again why anyone who believes in the sanctity of life wouldn’t want a President in the White House who will fight for the life of future generations?

What “but” could anyone come up with that would justify trash cans filled with dismembered human beings? I can’t think of one!

Often, we say I’m just one person what can I do? You can let your voice and your vote be heard no “buts” about it! Vote for life because yes that is the single most important issue on the ballot on November 3.

Jesus Christ is our Savior and Creator of life.

Donald J Trump is our President and defender of life.

This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. Deut. 30:19

You alone are the Lord. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you. Nehemiah 9:6

Note: Live Action is a good pro-life website.

Lest you think I’m becoming too political, abortion is a moral and spiritual issue that has been politicized. I will not be silent or stop speaking out for the unborn and for those in government who can make a difference.

If you missed my blog last Monday, I was at our church women’s retreat for the weekend learning how I can use my personality to care for others. If you didn’t miss me . . . but you didn’t want to say anything, that’s ok!

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God Will Not be Silenced So Why are His People Being Silent?

Every time I hear the term “Silent Majority,” I cringe. I cringe because they’re talking about conservatives, especially conservative Christians.

I wonder: If we’re in the majority, why are we silent?

If we know the Truth and truly believe that the Truth will sustain and maintain righteous freedom, why are we silent?

If we’re in the majority, what are we afraid of? Why do we let the vocal minority claim the public square?

If God is on our side, who should we fear?

If God is for us, who can ever be against us? Rom. 8:31 NLT

Why are we cowering and not only staying silent but letting ourselves be silenced, dismissed, opposed, mocked, and marginalized?

It’s clear that mainstream media really has no idea who we are or the grit in our soul . . . maybe because we don’t tell them!

We let ourselves be referred to as living in “fly over states.” “Middle America.” “Kitchen table people.” Even “smelly Walmart shoppers.” “Blue collar workers.” Suffering from “cognitive dissonance.” “Deplorables.” Illiterate “credulous rubes.” And more . . . .

“People who love your guns and love your Bibles.” As if that’s a negative.

Many times the “silent majority” defamation is spit out with disdain unless a politician is trying to win our vote.

Politicians know we’re not silent when we go to cast our vote. And cast our vote we must!

The “silent majority’s” voice is “heard” loud and clear at the ballot box but why not also on the soapbox?

Why Wait Until Election Day to Give God a Voice

No matter what your political persuasion, if you watched the Republican National Convention, you saw everyday people speaking out and taking a courageous stand for their faith, their beliefs, and their aspirations for our country. They were not afraid!

Many of these men and women probably never read a teleprompter before, but they spoke clearly, distinctly, and passionately looking straight into the camera and letting their voices be heard across America. They were NOT silent!

I applauded each one who took such a brave and bold step. I kept wondering what the rioting minority might do to try to disrupt their life. Because that’s what bullying, abrasive, mean-spirited people do who can’t make their point in a civilized way or win by fair means.

You’ve read in past blogs how troubled I am when churches acquiesce without even a fight and close their doors. I don’t think Jesus would have done that nor would his disciples and apostles. They were not silent!

I wrote about that last week, Why Watching Church Online is NOT a Substitute for Attending in Person.

When I wrote the book, Everyday Brave: Living Courageously as a Woman of Faith, I became familiar with many biblical verses and circumstances where God knew we would need His support to be brave and not give a foothold to the enemy.

Yes, Satan is the one who really wants to silence us!

“Be strong, and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The Lord will do what is good in his sight.” 2 Sam. 10:12

As we watch civil law go counter to God’s laws and rampant tolerance for everything except Christianity, we’re under intense pressure to comply with the culture. God says, “Stand firm in the faith” and don’t crumble.

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. 1 Cor. 16:13

Courage is faith that calls on God to help us speak when we have the opportunity and remain silent when the time is not right.

We will not be silenced by those who oppose us and try to suppress us. Instead, opposition gives us a platform to show who we are in Christ and for Christ!

God tells us we can trust Him to stand right beside us! Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord. Ps. 31:24 NLT

“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 NLT

Jesus also warns us . . .

But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven. Mt. 10:33

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. 2 Tim. 1:7

How and When Should We Speak Out?

We have so many opportunities to give God the glory in our life for the little and big things He does every day.

If you’re on social media, you have a constant platform to speak truth. It’s not a place to get into arguments trying to prove your point as you’ve probably already learned. But it is a place you can “speak” and defend your beliefs. Expect that you might get pushback, but ignore it. If someone is debating you, it means they heard you.

Again, the point isn’t to prove you’re right but maybe to encourage others to bravely speak their views. You never know who might be persuaded by something you say. That goes for conversations also.

Being a kind and considerate person can win over many people or they might at least be willing to consider your opinions.

It’s sad when I hear people say to be careful what you say because someone might hurt you. Is that the world we want to live in? Intimidated by bullies and thugs?

I don’t know where God wants you to speak out in your life, but I would ask you to pray about it.

For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps. 1 Peter 2:21 NLT

People often thank me for not being silent about God and the conservative Christian agenda. But my response is that speaking out at appropriate times for what you believe shouldn’t be unusual. Everyone should!

We can’t be silent at a time when evil is flourishing all around us!

Saying nothing is saying something!

Silence is deafening!

Women wouldn’t have the vote today if the suffragettes had stayed silent.

Don’t let the culture cancel your voice or your right to speak or your courage to speak.

We speak the truth in love but we speak!

Pray before you speak, then speak the words God gives you.

Except for the part about being too young, I relate to the prophet Jeremiah when I don’t know what to say in a blog every week. When Jeremiah questioned God about what he should say, God said:

“O Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I can’t speak for you! I’m too young!”

The Lord replied, “Don’t say, ‘I’m too young,’ for you must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you. And don’t be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you. I, the Lord, have spoken!” Jeremiah 1:6-8 NLT

Let us be known as the majority who speaks up courageously and graciously for moral values, truth, faith, patriotism, and Almighty God!

You have turned for me my mourning into dancing;
You have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness,
12 That my [a]soul may sing praise to You and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever.
Ps. 30:11-12 NASB

As the Lord encouraged Paul so should we be encouraged that the majority of Americans agree with us. Let’s not be silent or silenced!

One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision and told him, “Don’t be afraid! Speak out! Don’t be silent! 10 For I am with you, and no one will attack and harm you, for many people in this city belong to me.” Acts 18:9-10 NLT

A True Story

After I had this blog ready to post, I saw this story below of a pastor’s response to someone who sent him a private message to please stick to preaching and stay off politics.

“I responded graciously and thanked her for her thoughts. [Then I wrote] I only talk about Jesus Christ and His Kingdom on Sundays. However…. I am an American citizen. I pay taxes. When I write on my personal page, I am writing only my thoughts and represent only what I think. You are free to disagree with me and I will respect you, honor you, and encourage you to speak your disagreement freely!

But I do not write in a vacuum. I know history. I understand philosophy. I know the principles upon which this great country was founded. Historically, I’ve been called a “classical liberal” because I’ve advocated for the abused, stood up to those in power, preached the equality of women and all ethnicities, and encouraged people to treat everyone with dignity and respect.

That said, I can and will no longer remain silent when it comes to our nation. I’ll talk about Jesus with you all day – and if you come to Emmanuel on Sunday mornings or Wednesday night – that’s all you will hear me talk about – the Savior and the Scriptures. But on my personal social media accounts, the Spirit has prompted me to begin speaking up, and the more people write me telling me to “stick to preaching,” the more I’ll write. :)” [Emphasis added]

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Virtual Grandparents’ Day of Prayer!

Have you heard about the Virtual Grandparents Day of Prayer? 

Since two of my granddaughters and their friends visited us this past week, I thought it was a perfect time to remind you of National Grandparents Day on September 13, 2020.  

The Christian Grandparenting Network (CGN) wants to make it a Day of Prayer for our grandchildren and their parents! This year they’re adding a virtual element to allow grandparents to pray together.

My friend Lillian Penner has provided information below to explain more about this day and how to participate.

What Is the Need?

The enemy prowls like a lion, infiltrating our culture with lies and deception. He attacks our families at all levels.

Even our Christian faith is under attack. As a result, parents and grandparents find themselves in a tug-of-war for the souls of their children and grandchildren.

Paul warns us, “For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths” (2 Timothy 4:3-4).

Barna Research confirms Paul’s warning. Fifty-eight percent of adults living in the United States agree that “identifying moral truth is up to each individual; there are no moral absolutes that apply to everyone, all the time. Surprisingly, forty-eight percent of adults identified as born-again Christians agreed with the statement.”[1]  

God has given grandparents a sacred trust – an opportunity to imprint another generation with His love and faithfulness. We need to intercede for the hearts, minds, and souls of our grandchildren and their parents, praying they don’t fall captive to the enemy’s deception.

With this in mind, the Prayer Ministry is inviting you and your church families to join us on National Grandparents’ Day (September 13th) for a Virtual Grandparents’ Day of Prayer.


Several years ago, the prayer ministry of Christian Grandparenting Network (CGN) saw the urgency to establish a day for grandparents to unite in prayer. Under the leadership of Lillian Penner, the second Sunday of September was named Grandparents’ Day of Prayer. This day coincided with the National Grandparents’ Day in the United States.

Churches enthusiastically responded by hosting events such as grandparent prayer breakfasts, luncheons and afternoon teas.

The present pandemic has forced many churches to close or limit the amount of available seating. Therefore, instead of the traditional Grandparents’ Day of Prayer, we are inviting you, as grandparents, to observe a Virtual Grandparents’ Day of Prayer on September 13th. We are encouraging you to pray with at least one other grandparent over the phone, via a conferencing tool such as Zoom, or in-person with careful observance of social distancing guidelines.

To learn more about participation go to 

May God bless you richly as you pray for your grandchildren,

Lillian Penner, 

GDOP Coordinator, 

Christian Grandparenting Prayer ministry

[email protected]

 [1] The findings are part of the American Worldview Inventory and were released by George Barna, director of research at the cultural research center at Arizona Christian University.

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Our Country Desperately Needs Kingdom Culture Not Cancel Culture

Yesterday was Father’s Day and that’s always a hard day for me. Especially now as police officers are being devalued and renounced. The incident in Atlanta where the suspect wrestled with the officers and grabbed their Taser has been especially painful. You see my father was murdered by a suspect he had pulled over who wrestled with him. Once subdued, the suspect complained of a painful ankle so my father and his partner took him to the General Hospital.

When they got the suspect into the exam room, he wrestled with them again and managed to get my father’s gun out of its holster and shot my dad pointblank. My father only lived long enough to throw the gun to his partner and with his last breath say, “He got me in the heart . . .”

When a suspect obtains possession of an officer’s weapon, the officers are in danger!

The man who shot my dad one week before his thirty-seventh birthday was a thirty-six year old high school music teacher. I was ten, my little sister was four. My mom was a thirty-two year-old widow.

Cancel Culture Instead of Kingdom Culture is Feudal!

Nothing I can do today will ever change the horror of what happened to our family. My father was protecting his community. He didn’t deserve to die doing it. His family didn’t deserve being deprived of a husband and father. My daughter didn’t deserve never knowing her heroic grandfather.

I don’t know if the murderer had a family or if he has grandchildren or even great grandchildren now. What good would it do for me to find them and demand their shame and reparations for the years their ancestor took from us?

Are they responsible for what this criminal in their heritage did to my family sixty-three years ago? Would I feel better if I rioted on their streets or defaced their homes with graffiti?

Should I hate all high school music teachers? Are music teachers systemically evil because one teacher did something despicable?

I think you would agree that the answer to all those questions is no. He and he alone murdered my father. He is the one responsible for our pain magnified by him getting off on an insanity plea and only two years in jail! But justice is mine says the Lord and the murderer died of a heart attack shortly after his release from prison.

Don’t insist on getting even; that’s not for you to do. “I’ll do the judging,” says God. “I’ll take care of it.” Rom. 12:19 The Message

It is true that this man’s actions forever changed our family. But he was the only one who could have tried to make restitution. If he had, which he didn’t, it would have been our choice whether to forgive him.

Hanging on to anger and bitterness causes torment and turmoil but never solves the root problem.

I can’t rewrite the large-letter headlines in the LA Times telling the world of my father’s tragic unjustified death. In 1957, it was big news when a police officer was killed on duty.

I can try to go back to find all the newspaper archives and demand all records of his murder be removed from history. I can rip up the yellowed newspaper articles in my family albums. I can research the murder’s family and demand they give our family restitution and destroy all his pictures in their family albums.

But nothing will bring my father back, change history, or heal any wounds in our family or theirs.

I hope you can see the parallel with what is happening in our cancel culture today.

Trying to blot out our country’s history or take blame for our ancestors’ actions will never solve the problems we’re facing today. It’s not a good use of our time, emotions, or energy.

The Truth About Forgiveness

In last week’s blog Every Life Matters to God, I wrote the following:

We can’t change the past or a past that we weren’t responsible for, but we can show the love of Christ to everyone God puts in our path. You can only apologize and repent for what you’ve done personally. If there’s racism in your heart, ask God to remove it. If you’ve shown racism to someone, go to him or her and ask for forgiveness, but you can’t ask for forgiveness for someone else’s sin. Likewise, someone can’t forgive you for something someone else did.

When it comes to the past sins of our forefathers, Ezekiel 18:20 speaks to it.

The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them.”

Our Christian faith is built on forgiveness. We were forgiven of all our past transgressions and sins when we asked Jesus into our heart. The slate was wiped clean for us.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

We have to ask God personally to forgive our own sins. No one can ask God for us or on our behalf. Likewise, we can’t accept blame or responsibility for our ancestors or anyone else’s sins and we can’t ask God to forgive them. That’s between each person and God and whoever they wronged.

My grandfather was prejudice. I’m not accountable for his beliefs that I don’t share. I chose to NOT follow his example and raised my daughter to not be racist or prejudice as she is also raising her children. It only takes one generation to make a difference, positively or negatively.

Just like I don’t expect the generations of my father’s murderer to be responsible for his sin, we aren’t responsible for our ancestors past sins and it shouldn’t make us feel righteous trying to do the impossible to make amends for something we didn’t do. We shouldn’t feel we’re doing something virtuous because we aren’t.

What we can do, as I said in last week’s article, is ask God’s forgiveness if you’ve participated in racism, or any sin, either in your heart or actions. If you need to go to someone and ask for their forgiveness for your unrighteous behavior, do it.

Then ask God to guide you to where He wants you to be a source of peace and reconciliation between all people!

If we’re not part of the solution, we’re part of the problem. We certainly see many problems in our world today that we could help solve by intercession, prayer, and personal action.

Every morning I pray “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matt. 6:10) Ask the Holy Spirit to help you envision what a Kingdom culture looks like from God’s perspective and then pray it infiltrates our world.

We need to realize that Satan’s goal is to divide us both as Americans and as Christians in any way he can. Race. Religion. Relatives. Relationships. Regions. And the Devil is using politics, media, and anarchists to achieve his goals.

Differences don’t need to divide us unless we let them. We have a choice.

How I Found Kingdom Peace Amidst Earthly Injustice

Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. 18 Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone. Rom. 12:17-18 NLT

It’s easy to say we need to forgive but it’s so hard to do when the offense is egregious. The year after my father’s murder, I was invited to a church camp where a camp counselor sat on my cot and said, “I know you’ve lost your earthly father, but would you like a heavenly Father who will never leave or forsake you?” I accepted Jesus into my heart that day when I asked Him to forgive my sins.

I don’t think I ever intentionally “forgave” the man who murdered my father, but I was able to not let that tragedy define my life. I had peace in my pain. I grew up fatherless and my mother never worked. Somehow, someway, checks came in the mail I guess from his life insurance and maybe the Highway Patrol. I know the CHP did set up a fund for my sister and me to go to college.

Life wasn’t easy for us and we lived frugally, but God used those hardships to develop me into a woman He could use someday to be About His Work. It didn’t happen early in my life, but once I completely surrendered my will and my ways to Him, it’s been a joy serving my Lord and Savior. My ministry tagline is “Sharing Life Experiences and God’s Faithfulness!” God has certainly given me many experiences to share of His faithfulness to all generations.

My mother sadly turned away from God after my father’s murder. She said no just God would ever do this to a man who was just trying to protect his community and her heart hardened toward God. I watched her physically, emotionally, and mentally deteriorate over the years. As I look back, she probably had a mental breakdown.

Only Jesus can heal a hurting grieving heart.

It was a tumultuous relationship with my mother, but I did eventually forgive her for the hurtful abusive years even though she never asked for my forgiveness. That’s what kingdom Christians do.

“If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. 15 But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Matt. 6:14-15 NLT

Will our country ever come to a place where we settle the past and move forward to the full potential of actually living again as the United States?

Only God knows and only God could bring that miracle to fruition. We can pray and hope!

 Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. Eph. 4:1-3 NLT

Last week, I asked you to send examples of Christians ministering during the riots and protests. I did receive the same video from several of you. It’s a beautiful example of what Kingdom culture looks like and what God can do when we answer the call He gives us to share the Gospel and help others find eternal life, the only life that really matters.

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What Is God’s Response to ‘Ok Boomer’?

What Does God Say About #OK Bommer

“Mom, are you a boomer?” my eleven-year old granddaughter asked my daughter.

I have to admit that none of the adults at the dinner table understood the significance of that question and so I naively answered, “No, Grammie and Grampa are boomers.” She seemed satisfied, but I continued to ponder her question. So a few days later, I texted her that boomers were born between 1946-1964. She said “thanks,” but still I wondered the genesis of her question. Something else was going on.

Then I began to see articles degrading boomers almost to the point of using ‘boomer’ as a slang or curse word, and then I REALLY wanted to know about my granddaughter’s interest in ‘boomer.’ So I asked her and she said, “Sometimes when I say something, my friends say, ‘Ok boomer,’ when I’m talking like an old person.” And that’s bad? I thought.

But it turns out it is very bad if an eleven-year old might have the perspective of something her grandmother or grandfather taught her, even if that wisdom came from a 2020 year-old person, Jesus Christ.

Being a Boomer Was Special!

I’m a boomer and I must admit most of my life it’s been a rather prestigious position. We were the largest generation in history at that time, born in the two decades after World War II when the surviving soldiers returned home after defeating the enemy. They were ready to bring normalcy back to life, get jobs, raise a family, and enjoy the American dream and ideals they fought so bravely to defend.

Because boomers represented such a vast number of consumers and voters, we influenced fashion and trends, politics, economics, business, entertainment, religion . . . the culture.

We felt respected and appreciated. And then we weren’t. Like every generation, we’ve aged, and as the “old fogies” before us, we suddenly don’t know anything and no one cares about what we want anymore. We’ve become the generation that younger people facetiously and dismissively respond to with an “Ok Boomer,” while rolling their eyes. Not in an admiring or gotcha’ manner, but you’re an old person with views and values we no longer appreciate. In fact, we’re going to blame all the world’s problems on your generation that you left for us to inherit. You’re out of touch with our problems and we don’t want to hear what you think about it.


Aja Romano wrote in her article “OK boomer” isn’t just about the past. It’s about our apocalyptic future.

OK boomer is meant to be cutting and dismissive. It suggests that the conversation around the anxieties and concerns of younger generations has become so exhausting and unproductive that the younger generations are collectively over it. OK boomer implies that the older generation misunderstands millennial and Gen Z culture and politics so fundamentally that years of condescension and misrepresentation have led to this pointedly terse rebuttal and rejection. Rather than endlessly defend decisions stemming from deep economic strife, to save money instead of investing in stocks and retirement funds, to buy avocados instead of cereal — teens and younger adults are simply through.”

How Can Christians Bridge the OK Boomer Generation Gaps?

Now that I am old and gray,
    do not abandon me, O God.
Let me proclaim your power to this new generation,
    your mighty miracles to all who come after me. Psalm 71:18 NLT

Where there are differences, Satan will use them to divide.

[Tweet “Where there are differences, Satan will use them to divide. We see that division in politics, religion, and culture but now more than ever, it rears it’s ugly head in generational antagonism. “]

We see that division in politics, religion, and culture but now more than ever, it rears it’s ugly head in generational antagonism. Yes, we can say that’s always existed, but did it in your family. Did you think your grandparents were completely out of touch with the real world or did you respect and admire their wisdom?

I learned to appreciate Scripture from Granny Reed, who always read from her Bible to my cousins and me as we literally sat at her feet. Granny Hazel taught me how to care for my complexion and played games with me when she came to visit. They were a wealth of experience and I looked forward to spending time with them.

I challenge you that #OKBoomer” is not biblical!

[Tweet “God knew that Satan could use our age differences to divide us so God gave us many Scriptures to help bridge these inevitable generation gaps, and He commands us to live by them.”]

God knew that Satan could use our age differences to divide us so God gave us many Scriptures to help bridge these inevitable generation gaps, and He commands us to live by them. 

Generation after generation stands in awe of your work;
each one tells stories of your mighty acts
. Psalm 145:4 The Message


Let me share a few excerpts from the chapter “Generation Gaps Are Not In God’s Plan” from my book Mentoring for All Seasons.

Why Do We Have Generation Gaps?

[Tweet “It was never God’s plan to have generation gaps in the church: God commanded one generation to pass down his truths to the next generation.”]

It was never God’s plan to have generation gaps in the church: God commanded one generation to pass down his truths to the next generation. But in most churches today, the gap between generations is so wide the only thing passed between the two is mistrust and misunderstanding—all in the name of Jesus.

I believe the older generation often perpetuates the gap by wanting everything to stay the same—same music, same way of doing things, same church service, same church activities. . . . Many churches relegate the young people to their own groups, and their input—whether in music or new ideas or using their talents and gifts—isn’t welcome in the main sanctuary. Then the church wonders why the youth and young adults are leaving in droves.

If we want to stay relevant in the lives of the next generation, we need to learn how to embrace their style of worship . . . their way of communicating . . . their world. If we want to have an impact in their lives—to help guide them in the ways of righteousness—we need to speak their language, care about the things they care about, and reach out to them in love with a desire to understand what’s important to them.

Mentoring: A Privilege Not a Burden

[Tweet “Do you remember when you were the next generation full of hope and ideas and ready to leave your mark on the world? I do. I also remember feeling misunderstood and unappreciated when sharing thoughts and ideas with older adults”]

Do you remember when you were the next generation full of hope and ideas and ready to leave your mark on the world? I do. I also remember feeling misunderstood and unappreciated when sharing thoughts and ideas with older adults. Yet thirty-six times in the New Living Translation of the Bible, the Lord uses the term “generation to generation.” Many more verses instruct us to pour into those who are coming up behind us in the church and in our homes. It was God’s plan for the continuation of his church throughout the generations.

Believers are to teach and train the next generation. Praise God, over the centuries believers have followed this mandate. You and I are benefactors of the sacrifices of believers who have gone before us. Over the years, followers of God and his Son, Jesus Christ, have felt compelled to ensure the next generation:

  • Has access to and knowledge of the Bible.
  • Knows how to communicate with God through the Holy Spirit and prayer.
  • Receives guidance in leading a godly life.

[Tweet “Sharing with the next generation some of what God and life has taught us is truly an honor and a privilege.”]

Sharing with the next generation some of what God and life has taught us is truly an honor and a privilege. “I will bring honor to your name in every generation. Therefore, the nations will praise you forever and ever.” (Ps. 45:17 NLT)

A Plea from the Younger Generation

[Tweet “I often hear from the older generation that the reason they don’t mentor is because the younger generations aren’t interested in being mentored, but his is a misconception and lie of the enemy.”]

I often hear from the older generation that the reason they don’t mentor is because the younger generations aren’t interested in being mentored, but his is a misconception and lie of the enemy. A young woman named Tracy, [and there were many more like her in Mentoring for All Seasons] pleads, “I beg the older generations to please be the mentor God called you to be—take up your cross and invest in the future. It takes patience, perseverance, and Christianity. The woman you invest in today may turn around and invest in tomorrow’s generation.”


[Tweet “If you’re a boomer like me, let’s continue the trend of being the largest influential generation for God!”]

If you’re a boomer like me, let’s continue the trend of being the largest influential generation for God!

That means we ignore the exasperated #OKBoomer meme and turn it into an eager #OKBoomer share with me what you’ve learned about God. Let’s not be offended by this meme but use it for God’s glory!

If you’re one of the younger generations, seek out a Christian boomer who will share with you how God helped her through the seasons of her life and is eager to bestow some of that God-fueled faith with you.

Similarly, teach the older women to live in a way that honors God. They must not slander others or be heavy drinkers.[a] Instead, they should teach others what is good. These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes,[b] to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God. Titus 2:3-5 NLT

Mentoring for All Seasons: Sharing Life and God’s Faithfulness is available signed and personalized on my website or also on Amazon and Kindle.

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4 Ways to Let Your Light Shine into the World’s Darkness

4 Ways to Let your Light Shine into a Dark World

If you follow my blogs, recently I’ve mentioned that the Lord has been clearly directing the topic He wants me to cover by repeatedly showing me a word or phrase. This past week, I’ve seen “light in the darkness” in Scriptures, devotionals, blogs, and finally today, I surrendered that I would write about this, even though I had a completely different topic in mind.

So here goes . . .

I know you’ve heard many sermons and possibly seen visuals of how it only takes one small light to illuminate the darkness. A great example is the flashlight on our cell phones. Just last night, I was stumbling over the snow in the dark, but whisking out my cell phone and turning on the flashlight immediately lit up my walking path.

Sometimes, just the screen light on our phone can help us navigate in the middle of the night on our way to the bathroom or kitchen.

Hubby and I leave a nightlight on in our bathroom and we have to shut our bedroom door because that little light reaches all the way into our bedroom and is too much light for me to sleep.

Then we’ve all enjoyed a candlelight Christmas Eve service where they issue everyone a candle and together we light up the dark room displaying the power of unified light.

In Scripture, darkness is referring to evil, but reminds us that the goodness of God always outshines the badness of Satan!

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5

Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going. John 12:35

[Tweet “Sadly many today are tripping and falling into a sinful, carnal, and wayward life guided by the father of darkness, Satan, instead of letting Jesus, the Light of the world, guide them.”]

Just like we stumble in physical darkness, sadly many today are tripping and falling into a sinful, carnal, and wayward life guided by the father of darkness, Satan, instead of letting Jesus, the Light of the world, guide them.

This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. John 3:19

Clearly, the choice is between Satan and Jesus. There is no middle ground. Many people don’t understand that if they’re not following Jesus, they’re following the world’s god, Satan.

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5

So what does this mean in a practical sense for Christians?

Jesus resides in every believer’s heart. People should see His radiance in our face, eyes, smile, words, countenance, personality, actions . . . . Yes, Jesus expects you and me to reflect His light to brighten the world’s darkness.

And if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. Isaiah 58:10

The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” Matthew 4:16

4 Ways to Let Your Light Shine into the World's Darkness

4 Ways to Let Your Light Shine

  1. Don’t deny the darkness.

[Tweet “Sometimes, we live in a cocoon of our own making. We’re busy with our lives, and we don’t want to acknowledge the dark evil and heartache we see in the world because then we might have to do something about it.”]

Sometimes, we live in a cocoon of our own making. We’re busy with our lives, and we don’t want to acknowledge the dark evil and heartache we see in the world because then we might have to do something about it. Getting involved might take our energy, time, finances, and emotions, and we’ve got enough on our plate already thank you very much.

If we stay preoccupied with our own problems, maybe we won’t have to get involved with the world’s horrors of abortion, human trafficking, drug epidemic, rising rate of suicides, homelessness and on and on. Let someone else help; it’s just too dark.

But God wants you and me to get involved even when it’s inconvenient, messy, hard, and everything in us screams not this time Lord! God says yes, you need to be My light to someone today.

I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them. Isaiah 42:16

  1. Have a heart and compassion for those who are in the dark because you once were in the dark.

Everyone has a past before we accepted Jesus as our Savior! One we’re not too proud of or wish we could go back and change. It’s hard to look at the dark side of our culture because we don’t want to remember or relive our dark days, but who better than us to reach people who are now where we once were. We need to light up the world by sharing our testimony that once I was blind, but now I see.

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light. Ephesians 5:8

  1. God gave us His Light to shine not hide!

We might not be able to change the world, but we can change a life. Our shining light draws people to us. They want to know our source of joy and peace even in difficult circumstances. Invite them to have a cup of coffee or meal. Some may reject our light because they like the darkness, but we can take every opportunity to let them know we’re friends not foe. Pray that you can be a light and comfort to someone enveloped in infernal darkness.

‘I am sending you to them 18 to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’ Acts 26:17-19

  1. Share your source of light to help brighten this dark dreary world!

God chose you; you didn’t choose Him! We’re saved to help save the dark world, our world, wherever God has planted us. Salvation isn’t just for our own benefit. Aren’t we glad that someone, maybe many people, shared the joy and hope in knowing Jesus with us? Once we surrendered to Him, the glorious light of the Holy Spirit replaced the disparaging darkness in our heart.

[Tweet “God wants Bible-believing Christians to reflect the life-saving Light of Jesus everywhere everyday to everyone!”]

God wants you to reflect the life-saving Light of Jesus everywhere everyday to everyone!

Take advantage of every opportunity to be a glowing beacon of light for Jesus!

While I was having an ultrasound, the technician told me she was a newlywed and asked how many years I’d been married. When I told her we just celebrated 27 years, she asked: What’s your secret to a good long-lasting marriage?

My answer: When we married, we agreed to put Jesus Christ at the center of our marriage. Divorce would never be an option. It hasn’t always been easy. We’re a blended family, but Jesus holds us together.

Letting your light shine is that easy!

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9

Another Kind of Darkness

In addition to physical, spiritual, and cultural darkness, there’s a deep dark hole many describe when they’re suffering from mental illness or depression. Some have even said that they feel separated from God and that’s why their world goes dark. This substantiates the Scriptures that without God in our life, or the sense that He is there with us, the light goes out. Hope evades us. Communion with God stops until His Light shines into the darkness again.

I wrote an article for Crosswalk How to Address Loneliness in a Connected World with suggestions of what we as Christian could do to help someone suffering from that kind of lonely darkness.

God has been showing me that my next book will center on the theme of the Loneliness Epidemic: Disconnected in a Connected World. That’s only a working title.

[Tweet “If you have a story to share about a time you’ve experienced loneliness or how you helped shine Jesus’ light into someone’s spiritual, emotional, mental, or physical loneliness or darkness, please message me.”]

If you have a story to share about a time you’ve experienced loneliness or how you helped shine Jesus’ light into someone’s spiritual, emotional, mental, or physical loneliness or darkness, [or you received that help] I would love to hear it. You can contact or email me at [email protected].

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

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When We Get What We Pray For, Why Are We Sad Sometimes?

How Can We Be Brave When God Answers our Prayers?

I’m back at my desk after six weeks in Southern California. If you’ve been following my blogs, newsletter articles, or Facebook posts, you may know that my husband Dave and I went to California to sell my writing cabin which we still owned. We’ve lived in Idaho for over eight years and it was getting harder to find the time to make an annual trip down to the cabin. Selling the cabin has always been a part of our retirement plan, so we felt God was telling us that now was the time to let it go.

As we prepared the cabin to put on the market, we prayed that it would sell while we were there before winter. Our Christian realtor prayed that the spirit of the Lord that had prevailed in this sweet little cabin for fifteen years, while I wrote numerous books from my desk in the living room with an amazing view, would continue with the new owners.

In a recent blog, What Are You Holding Onto That God Wants You to Let Go?, I talked about how the Lord led me in making the tough decisions of what to do with all our “stuff” as we cleaned, decluttered, staged, and decided what would fit in our car for the drive back to Idaho.

Then almost miraculously our prayers were answered. The cabin sold the last week we were there at our asking price to a Christian mother/daughter realtor team.

So why was I so sad?

[Tweet “How Can We Possibly be Brave During Grief?”]

When a friend suggested that I was grieving, it all made sense and it reminded me of the blog I wrote How Can We Possibly be Brave During Grief?

Maybe you’re grieving today, or you know someone who is, and this blog with excerpts from Everyday Brave will help. Each day gets a little bit easier for me, but I still tear up when I realize I’ll never write another article or book in that sweet cabin where I communed with God and described our time together: “It’s like I have a direct line to God!”

I know I can have that anywhere because He is everywhere, but it’s just not the same.


Hope for the Lonely by Jennifer Slattery gives hope to women who struggle with lonliness

How Can We Possibly be Brave During Grief?

“Mom, they sentenced me to ten years in prison.”

In Everyday Brave, Loretta Eidson tells the story of how a phone call from her son plunged her down the deep dark hole of depression. Loretta grieved for a prodigal: the death of the vision and dreams she had for a son who took a wrong turn in life. She aptly describes both the emotional pit of grief and the only way to dig out of it: bravely calling on God and others for help.

[Tweet “Grief is an emotional pit and the only way to dig out of it: bravely call on God and others for help.”]

Most of us have a plan for our life—we may feel certain we’re headed in the right direction. We had it all figured out. Everything’s under control. Then suddenly one day, we find ourselves living out a completely different scenario. Sometimes it’s better than we expected; but if not, we grieve. We grieve the loss of a job, a relationship, loved ones, animals, possessions, dreams, from past choices—the list goes on. Loss leaves a void in our heart. It hurts and we’re miserable.

I understand. I’ve experienced grief too. When I was ten, my thirty-six-year-old highway patrolman father was murdered with his own gun in the line of duty. At thirteen, I had to wear a body cast for aggressive debilitating scoliosis and miss two years of school. I’ve experienced a failed marriage. I’m a three-time breast cancer survivor. My daughter was a teenage prodigal. A difficult relationship with my mother, who disowned my sister and me. Moving away from family and friends. Medical issues. Relatives and close friends dying. Yet still, I can say, “Praise God!” He was with me through it all and I know he will always be there for me in the future.

[Tweet “God uses difficult circumstances in my life to give me a sensitivity and compassion for grieving and hurting women so I can better minister to them”]

God uses difficult circumstances in my life to give me a sensitivity and compassion for grieving and hurting women so I can better minister to them. And He will do the same for you. Someday He will use your heartache to help someone else going through a similar loss.

Death seems final—and sadly, it is if the one we’ve lost is not a believer. We mourn the opportunities when we wish we’d been braver to share Jesus with them. Even if we know the person is a believer and we will see him or her in heaven someday, it takes courage only God can provide to get out of bed each morning and face the loss and loneliness.

[Tweet “There is no easy or quick way to grieve, no timetable for how long grief will last. Grieving is a process.”]

There is no easy or quick way to grieve, no timetable for how long grief will last.

Grieving is a process.

Raw wounds may never completely heal, but when we seek God’s help, we can bravely face our tomorrows. One day at a time.

[Tweet “Dealing with grief bravely doesn’t mean keeping a stiff upper lip and hiding or denying your pain.”]

Dealing with grief bravely doesn’t mean keeping a stiff upper lip and hiding or denying your pain. It does mean being honest with others and yourself, and having the courage to admit you’re hurting and might need outside assistance, which can take many forms: counseling, medical, pastoral, family, friends . . . time.

As hard as we might try to prevent hardships and grief, we never know what tomorrow, or even the next hour, will bring. Many difficult trials happen to us or to our loved ones whether we’re ready or not. That can seem unnerving, but then God’s Word reminds us that as believers He has a plan for all of our lives, even when it seems obscure at the moment and we cry “Why Lord, why?” through our tears.

Grieving is a lonely time.

There’s little anyone can say to console us; no one can relieve or remove our pain. The Bible tells us that Jesus understands. He was “a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief” (Isa. 53:3 nlt). We can pour out all our pain, even pain that touches our deepest soul, to Jesus. Only he has the salve that can eventually heal our wounds, though there will always be a scar that fades with time but never disappears completely.

In the Bible, Naomi, Ruth’s mother-in-law, and Rizpah, Saul’s concubine who watched both her sons murdered and their bodies left for the vultures, suffered a mother’s anguish of outliving their children. Can you imagine their heartache and pain? Their suffering and devastation?

Maybe you’ve experienced that kind of grief and you know exactly how they felt. I’m so sorry. Still, no matter the twists and turns, the tragedies, the heartaches and pain, we sense God’s loving presence helping us brave through the unwanted circumstances, just as Naomi bravely mentored new believer Ruth and Rizpah courageously advocated for her sons’ eventual burial. They found purpose in their pain.

[Tweet “I’ve always found journaling my feelings, prayer requests, and praises helps me work through difficult seasons.”]

I’ve always found journaling my feelings, prayer requests, and praises helps me work through difficult seasons. That’s why there’s a Prayer and Praise Journal in Everyday Brave. Sometimes a journal can be a trusted confidant that just listens and doesn’t give advice. Always, it’s God assuring us that one day He will turn our mourning into dancing. Until then, the psalmist reminds us: “My eyes are dim with grief. I call to you, Lord, every day; I spread out my hands to you” (Ps. 88:9—emphasis added).

Grief is difficult to talk about, but it usually helps to talk. What has helped you during times of grief?

If you received this blog by email, please leave a comment here.

If you don’t have your copy of Everyday Brave, it’s available on Amazon or signed by me at my website. It would make a great Christmas gift for every woman on your list who might need to realize she’s braver than she knows! Let’s get our brave on for Christ this Christmas and everyday!

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