We’re In a War of Words with the Devil

Have you noticed how many new words and terms suddenly and slyly invaded our cultural vocabulary? Most do not reflect conservative or Christian values and yet we find ourselves using them because the left has done a very good job of normalizing them.

I heard a statement recently that jarred my thinking: “Marxists makeup words and their own definition to create a narrative, then those words become mainstream!” Yes, mainstream even among Christians. Marxism attempts to brainwash the population into subconsciously accepting their terms and narrative.

George Orwell said, “The best way to control a society is to control its language first!”

Think about some of the words and narratives introduced into everyday conversation and given new meaning. Here are just a few:

Abortion, the killing of unborn babies in the womb, is redefined as “healthcare.”

Marxists’ goal is depopulation. Fewer babies born, less people to have to worry about converting and controlling. The Old Testament describes evil enemy invaders opening up the bellies of pregnant women to kill their babies. Today with modern science, they just kill the baby in the womb. The Marxists have convinced enough people that this is a good thing, that they’re rioting and protesting in the streets that unborn babies must be killed!

Anarchists are vandalizing and attacking pregnancy centers devoted to helping mothers carry and deliver their babies, even with Socialist members of Congress like Senator Liz Warren incredulously demanding that pro-life pregnancy centers should all be destroyed! Don’t let babies be born and their mothers cared for after birth, but only give women a choice to kill their babies! How barbaric and yet revealing of the progressive left’s agenda.

The Marxist narrative around abortion has led to terms like “Pro Choice,” which should actually be “Pro Murder” because the baby certainly has no choice to live. Pro Choice makes murder sound righteous. Marxists are anti-family and killing the next generation of babies certainly reduces the number of families and the population.

We counter Pro Choice with “Pro Life,” but we should actually say “Pro Babies” or “Pro Babies’ Life.” Or Pro-family! We need to clearly articulate what lives we’re talking about and why they must be saved from slaughter.

Black Lives Matter or BLM came into prominence during George Floyd’s death. A criminal and drug addict was suddenly immortalized with statues and because of the bad acts of several policemen, all police were demonized. BLM is a self-described Marxist organization that professes in their manifesto that they want to dismantle the traditional family and what better way to gain control than to eliminate law and order. Large corporations and private citizens blindly contributed to this Marxist organization. You were criticized if you said the reality that All Lives Matter or pointed out that BLM has done nothing for the black community!

How did a Marxist group get so much power in America? Brainwashed Americans gave it to them.

Defund the Police and reimagine the police became the motto of left liberals and radical activists. When did you ever think you would hear that being a battle cry? What happens when there are no police? Crime escalates while domestic terrorists like ANTIFA and BLM rule the streets in a Marxist takeover of society.

Woke wasn’t a real word until 2017 when it was actually added to the dictionary meaning a slang word for social justice, another Marxist term. Both concepts came from the BLM movement. Woke is now mainstream indicating politically left-leaning ideology.

Stay woke has become words of action. Woke activists call on others to stay woke. Wokeness has now invaded every area of our life, starting with the White House and throughout government, the media, corporations, and education.

Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Systemic Racism theorists erroneously argue that American social life, political structures, and economic systems are founded upon race, which (in their view) is a social construct. Systemic racism, in the eyes of critical race theorists, stems from the dominance of race in American life. https://criticalrace.org › what-is-critical-race-theory

In announcing a legal coalition, Conservative Chris Rufo rightly explained that “Critical race theory is a grave threat to the American way of life. It divides Americans by race and traffics in the pernicious concepts of race essentialism, racial stereotyping, and race-based segregation—all under a false pursuit of ‘social justice.‘” He continued: “Critical race theory training programs have become commonplace in academia, government, and corporate life, where they have sought to advance the ideology through cult-like indoctrination, intimidation, and harassment.” What is critical race theory? | Fox News

CRT or racism is also invading the military and being taught to our children in schools that some are the oppressed and others are the oppressors, determined by the color of your skin. What better way to take over a population than to divide them by race and have them attack each other.

What does God say? There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Gal. 3:28

Transition is a new favorite word from the left. They never clearly articulate what we’re transitioning to but it’s clear by their actions that they’re attempting to transition America from a democratic Republic to tyrannical Marxism.

Then we come to the homosexual movement, which is not only being normalized, but also legalized and accepted. Sadly, many Christians are okay with that. Well God isn’t! You won’t find any of the following terms in the Bible, but He does give His thoughts on homosexuality.

Gay and Gay Marriage–never sanctioned or intended by God. We even let them hijack our blessed rainbow.

“Haven’t you read,” he [Jesus] replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? Matt. 19:4-5

Gay pride—God hates pride, especially when you’re proud of your sin.

Transgender, cisgender, binary and whatever else they come up with—God made two genders, male and female that’s it. Everything else is concocted by man’s confusion or evil desires.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Gen. 1:27 ESV

Drag Queen Crossdressers—there’s even a verse in the Bible against this demented practice, which is now also being used to groom young children.

A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this. Deut. 22:5

As if it wasn’t enough that this ungodly movement has been normalized in our society, they’re now invading our schools teaching sinful lifestyles to small children. We can’t teach the Bible in schools, but the left is eager to teach Satan’s sexual perversion to impressionable children.

Are you seeing a theme here? When my grandson was only nine-years-old, he said it was obvious that we were not supposed to be homosexuals because how would we repopulate the earth?! He knew that it takes a male and female to have babies, even though the crazy liberals would have you believe that men could get pregnant.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Gen. 1:27-28 ESV

The homosexual agenda and all its variants are designed by Satan to create confusion and normalize demonic practices and policies to destroy the American Family and the population.

For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. 1 Cor. 14:33

Notice the new plague Monkey Pox is transmitted through homosexual men having sex with each other, especially those with multiple partners. That’s exactly how AIDS was first transmitted. Do you think God is trying to get our attention that our society is blindly falling into Satan’s web?

What’s a Christian to Do and Say?

Another new term that stops many people from speaking the truth is cancel culture. If you mention any of the points I made above, you risk being canceled, maybe from social media (another new term) or from your liberal friends or family, but other times your job may actually be at risk if you refuse to accept the craziness or use the wrong pronouns.

I was alarmed that so few Christians and churches were celebrating the overturn of Roe v Wade! Were they afraid to actually admit that they were opposed to murdering babies? We should’ve heard an eruption of praise and joy that reached the heavenlies, yet I didn’t even see many professing this amazing act of God among my Christian friends on social media. Does Facebook and Twitter hold so much power that we don’t speak openly for fear of being canceled? If you follow me, you know I won’t succumb to that kind of tyranny. None of us should!

We have a choice as Christians. Do we tolerate this insanity, or do we refuse to be indoctrinated and dominated by satanic demonic ways of life? Do we go along to get along or do we boldly stand for truth and what we believe, even when it’s uncomfortable and yes even when it’s with family members. Their eternal life depends on it.

We all have different styles of communication and God will give us the words and the timing if we let Him.

I recently heard this interesting quote, “Nice is not a fruit of the Spirit!” If you were facing Satan face to face, you wouldn’t conform and be nice to him. You wouldn’t nicely give him an audience, so he could try to tempt you like he did Eve or intimidate you from speaking truth.

As Bible-believing followers of Christ, we aren’t mean or unkind, but we are unashamedly bold and brave! We don’t back down from speaking and standing up for God’s truth! If not us, then who?!

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 1 Cor. 13:6

The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right; his ears are open to their cries for help.
16 But the Lord turns his face against those who do evil; he will erase their memory from the earth.
Ps. 34:15-16 NLT

Jesus was not nice to demons and did not tolerate sin or evil. He boldly spoke the truth and called the Pharisees just what they were, vipers.  

34 You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. 35 A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. Matt. 12:34-35

33 “You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell? Matt. 23:33

And Paul wrote in Romans 1:24-27 to those who wanted to live intentionally sinful lives.

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

And for those who are championing the murder and sexualization of children, Jesus didn’t hold back.

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Matt. 18:6

God couldn’t be any more direct: Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Is. 5:20

I’m writing a blog for Crosswalk “What Is the Biblical Truth Behind Gender Roles.” When it posts, I’ll share it with you. But for now, pray about what God wants you to do in this rapidly changing social environment.

In summary, let’s stop using Satan’s words and ideologies and just call it what it is, evil. Another writer asked me once if they could reprint a blog I’d written about abortion murdering babies in the womb, but she asked if she could change the word murder because it might offend some. You can imagine my response was that the article needs to stay as written or don’t use it.

That’s exactly my point: Don’t be so afraid of offending others that you stop opposing evil!

So Paul and Barnabas spent considerable time there, speaking boldly for the Lord, who confirmed the message of his grace by enabling them to perform signs and wonders. Acts 14:3

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Christmas Isn’t About a Tree; It’s About God’s Love

You may have read the title to this blog and said, “Of course, I know that!”

I love having my grandchildren help us decorate our Christmas tree and I especially enjoy the lights. Hubby puts the lights on a timer so they come on in the morning before I wake up and go off at night after I’m in bed. I wake up to our beautiful lit tree and enjoy it until I put my head on the pillow at night.

So this blog is not a discussion of whether or not Christians should have Christmas trees. As long as we’re not worshipping our tree but instead worshipping our Lord, Christmas trees bring joy and beauty to our festive celebration of the birth of Jesus.

What I do want to talk about is the recent trend by evil deranged people burning down Christmas trees. Several well-meaning media reporters equated the burning of the trees as an attack on Christians because Christmas is a Christian holiday. I think it’s a stretch to think the arsonists were going after Christianity, but I did appreciate that the newscasters were emphasizing that Christmas is a Christian celebration.

But at the same time, there was a subtle implication that Christmas trees signify a Christian Christmas. Burning down a Christmas tree is a sick twisted even satanic crime, but a decorated tree doesn’t represent our faith. Our faith is in the birth, death, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The Christmas I went through radiation for breast cancer, we didn’t have a Christmas tree. I didn’t have the energy to put one up, but we did set up a mini manger scene. A friend brought us some hay from the feed store, we laid a baby doll wrapped in a blanket on top of it and put stuffed animals all around. That’s where we placed our presents.

For years after, we set up the manger scene along with a Christmas tree. It helped display the real meaning of Christmas to the grandchildren and anyone who visited us.

Make no mistake, Christianity is under attack by the liberal secular cult of “wokeness,” and that is something we do need to be aware of and resist. It doesn’t usually present itself in the form of burning flames that we can visually see but in a new religion of man-made “social justice” rules founded on various groups’ definition of how we should live, not on how God and the Bible designed for us to live.

If we’re not careful, their “statement of woke faith” can begin to creep into our own thinking as we start using their language, terms, and subjecting ourselves to their atheistic beliefs, which oppose and reject God.

In an article “Where ‘woke’ came from and why marketers should think twice before jumping on the social activism bandwagon,” Andrew Sullivan was quoted on what he wrote about woke social awareness as an equal but opposing position to Evangelical Christianity:

And so the young adherents of the Great Awokening exhibit the zeal of the Great Awakening […] they punish heresy by banishing sinners from society or coercing them to public demonstrations of shame […] We have the cult of social justice on the left, a religion whose followers show the same zeal as any born-again Evangelical.

In an article by Jose Gomez, How Should Christians Respond to the Challenge of Wokeness, Gomez wrote, “secularization means ‘de-Christianization.’ For years now, there has been a deliberate effort in Europe and America to erase the Christian roots of society and to suppress any remaining Christian influences.

“In your program for this Congress, you allude to ‘cancel culture’ and ‘political correctness.’ And we recognize that often what is being cancelled and corrected are perspectives rooted in Christian beliefs — about human life and the human person, about marriage, the family, and more.

“In your society and mine, the ‘space’ that the Church and believing Christians are permitted to occupy is shrinking. Church institutions and Christian-owned businesses are increasingly challenged and harassed. The same is true for Christians working in education, health care, government, and other sectors. Holding certain Christian beliefs is said to be a threat to the freedoms, and even to the safety, of other groups in our societies.”

What Can Christians Do to Avoid Wokeness

1. Don’t use their terminology.

I heard Mario Murillo speaking on how Satan is using wokeness to infiltrate our language. The example he used was “transgender.” This is not a word or a concept we would find in the Bible, and we know it’s unbiblical because God only made male and female. He does not create anyone trans or gay. I would add fabricated terms like “gender fluidity” “gender identity” “nonbinary ” “gender confusion” again are words and concepts with no legitimate substance or credible meaning because our Creator God is not the God of confusion. If anyone is confused, where do we as Christians know they should turn? To God and the Bible.

Yet, we as Christians probably find ourselves falling into the trap of using the same language as the woke cult instead of confirming what we know to be true. Why would we do this when they certainly do not use our language in fact their mission is to destroy Christianity because we are anti everything they are for.­­­­

2. Share the Truth in Love

Christmas is a perfect time of year for Christians to proclaim loud and clear what we believe and know to be true: Jesus came into the world as a baby to be our Savior from the sin that so easily entangles us in this world. He came to call sinners, which is everyone, to repentance. He came to seek and save the lost and give His life as a ransom for all who would believe in Him.

With love and joy we can share that Good News. We pray for those who are lost because we know that all things are possible with God. We don’t enable sin but help the broken and broken-hearted to find healing.

We’re never ashamed of what we believe, we don’t compromise or succumb to the world’s ways or give credence to their misconceptions and misguidedness. We pray that God will give us wisdom to live for Him in every area of our life. When people encounter us, they should see the pure love of God. Our every action, thought, and response motivated by love because God is love and God lives in us.

We celebrate CHRISTmas boldly, bravely, and broadly whether or not we put up a Christmas tree. We love our neighbor, praise God for forgiving our sins, and prepare for the imminent Day of His return. Christmas is God’s answer to the Fall. Christmas is redemption. Jesus came to earth to show us the way of love. The Devil can’t manifest in the presence of God’s love.

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 12 No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

17 This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. 1 John 4:7-12, 17

Here is another interesting article about Christians and wokeness. How Should Christians Think About “Wokeness”? (frc.org)

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We’re No Longer One Nation United Under God!

It’s been a subtle shift of disunity over the years as God became degraded and discarded in our country and the two political sides became defined by whether they stood for godly principles. But two recent significant events have clarified and delineated the spiritual political divide: Covid and the disputed election.

Let’s start with Covid. A pandemic, like any traumatic event, should’ve united our country in fighting it together, but instead it divided us, even in the church. I wrote a few weeks ago about Don’t Let Vaccines Divide the Church, and then last year, Don’t Let Covid Divide the Church: We’re on the Same Team! But because Covid has been politicized, the country and the church are divided often along political lines. And we’ve let it happen. Lies from the media blame Conservatives and Christians for causing what they now refer to as the “unvaccinated pandemic,” when in actuality the highest number of unvaccinated are people of color regardless of party affiliation.

Democrat politicians show their ignorance about God by trying to claim that God wants everyone vaccinated and yet they’re the party that voted several years ago at their convention to take God out of policies and programs, even the Pledge of Allegiance. They wrongly think they can pretend to represent God now as they show their biblical ignorance by taking Scriptures out of context and trying to manipulate a Christian population they know nothing about.

It was the liberal blue state governors that forbid churches to meet during Covid lockdowns calling them nonessential and even imprisoning pastors and fining parishioners who defied them and met anyway. With never an apology, they think they can tell us they’re now speaking for God concerning His desire for vaccinations. Even going so far as to say you’re disobeying God if you don’t get the vaccine!

Which brings me to the next great divide: Diabolical progressives and godless liberal Democrats used Covid to perpetuate voter fraud and take control of our country, while falsely claiming to be the party of unity. Their idea of “unity” is agreeing with them or you lose your job, are fined, or even put in jail.

But good can never unite with evil, without denouncing faith.

14 Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? 15 What harmony can there be between Christ and the devil? How can a believer be a partner with an unbeliever? 2 Cor. 6:13-15 NLT

Let’s look at just some of the differences of Conservatives vs. Progressive Liberals (which have hijacked the Democrat party).

Conservatives Believe                                                           Progressive Liberals Believe

Sanctity of life protecting unborn babies                               Slaughter/sacrifice babies

Scientific biology of male and female                          Scalpels can change genders

Police/Military protection                                                       Defund police/woke military

Medical treatment is personal                                                Government forced medicine

Following the Constitution                                                     Destroying the Constitution

A country with borders                                                           Borderless country

Freedom                                                                                  Mandates

Work ethic                                                                              Social welfare

Democracy / civil rights                                                     Marxism/Communism

Against racism                                                                        Critical race theory

Judeo/Christian foundation                                                     Godless government

God reigns                                                                               Government rules                                                                   

I’m sure you can think of even more differences like equality vs equity. But you get the point that there can never be a compromise, reaching across the aisle, or meeting of the minds with a political party or position that excludes God. We can never support a government that refuses to submit to godly principles and only uses God when politically convenient, but fundamentally wants to rule as gods themselves.

This radicalization has been slow in coming, but living up to their name, it’s been progressive. Several years ago, everyone was laughing at AOC and Bernie Sander’s “New Green Deal” and today it’s included in a massive spending bill before Congress with only two legislators holding out against it and progressives mad because the bill isn’t even bigger and include more socialism. And those two holdouts probably will go with the bill if the price tag is lowered, but it would still be a bill that allows the government to spy on your bank accounts, the IRS to harass you, tax your driving miles, and turn us into a socialist welfare state.

What’s Changed?

Over the years, we’ve watched the changes in government officials like Pelosi and Biden and the Democrat Party. They weren’t always totally godless as they are today, but they’ve succumbed to the alluring sin of power at any cost, even renouncing the ways of the God some claim to know. I don’t know the spiritual history of all the Democrats in Congress and the Senate, but no one in Congress who voted for the latest deceptively named “Women’s Healthcare Act” allowing babies to be killed up until birth, could have a clear conscience if they had a relationship with Jesus. Only one Democrat Congressman was brave enough to do the right thing and vote against it. I wrote about this in my blog last week, Satan is Running Scared: He Knows His Time is Short!

I’m not an historian, but I do believe the downfall of America began with Roe v Wade and has been on a steady decline to the historic deterioration we’re watching today. When a country decides that unborn babies should be violently poisoned and viciously ripped apart in their mother’s womb and taxpayers actually pay for it, God cried. God was angry. He’s still crying and angry! How could He not be?!

They have built pagan shrines at Topheth, the garbage dump in the valley of Ben-Hinnom, and there they burn their sons and daughters in the fire. I have never commanded such a horrible deed; it never even crossed my mind to command such a thing! Jer. 7:31 NLT

You have done more evil than all who lived before you. You have made for yourself other gods, idols made of metal; you have aroused my anger and turned your back on me. 1 Kings 14:9

And the worst part is that Christians and the church have actually done very little to reverse this atrocity or keep child sacrifice in front of politicians until recently and the Dems have noticed our sudden advocacy. What started over 50 years ago as a practice only to be used in an extreme emergency has evolved to killing babies on a whim and even as a form of birth control. Yet still for the most part the church and Republicans have been fairly quiet as millions of babies are murdered.

Last year was the first time a sitting President, Donald J. Trump, appeared personally and spoke at a National Walk for Life in Washington DC. It seemed like the Republican Party and the church became emboldened. Some red states are beginning to pass laws forbidding abortion, especially after a heartbeat, which is a beginning. Now we have a political party in charge of our country that wants to, as Nancy Pelosi’s own Bishop said, pass a bill that could’ve only been written by Satan.

I hear more Conservative news pundits willing to call out what we’re watching take place in our government for what it is: evil! They use the word evil! Finally, people willing to verbalize what is happening in our country and world today. But is it too late? I don’t know. But what I do know is God is only going to put up with what He’s watching for so long, just like in the days of Noah.

God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to forgive those who repent from their sins but that promise is shouted down today by rioters, Marxists, and corrupt legislators who encourage sin and violence instead of repentance and forgiveness.

We will never be a united nation as long as evil rules in our nation.

Our only chance to take back our beloved nation is to vote the Democrats and Communists out of power and keep them out of power forever unless they have a spiritual awakening. They’re not going to go quietly and they’re going to do as much damage as they can while they’re still in the driver’s seat. You can see them squirming and frantically scrambling as I wrote about last week, that Satan is running scared because he knows his time is short. How short? I don’t know, but I do know that we can’t give up the fight and sit back and wait for the next election because maybe God’s not waiting. Any day He could say “Enough!” and it’s over.


Be ready

Make your voice heard now for godly justice.

Vote and do your part for voter integrity.

Run for local offices like school boards and state legislators.

Make sure the people you love most are ready when Jesus comes to rapture His people.

38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left. Matt. 24:38-41

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Satan is Running Scared! He Knows His Time is Short

Newscasters often open their show with, “This has been a busy news week!” Actually, it’s been busy news days for the past few years. We’re bombarded with so many conflicting stories of world events that sometimes we just become numb and want to tune it all out. I agree there are times we should do exactly that when we feel overwhelmed and need to take a break to clear our heads and seek God’s perspective, but then we need to jump back into the battle to pray and take action wherever God directs us.

With the recent news flurry about illegal Haitians flooding our borders and cities, Covid related mandates, the search for Brian Laundrie after his fiancé was found dead, bogus lies about Border Patrol agents on horseback, Biden blaming the unvaccinated for his economic disaster, Biden’s Afghanistan fiasco, the Hunter Biden laptop story, two vaccinated cohosts on The View testing Covid positive live on the show after just lecturing the unvaccinated . . . one critical news story was buried or barely covered.

I almost missed this headline myself: “House Passes ‘Extreme’ Pro-Abortion Bill to Wipe Out State Pro-Life Laws and Permanently Enshrine Roe!” Where did I see this? I subscribe to CBN News (News with a Christian Perspective) and I would encourage you to follow them also. Friday morning, September 24, 2021, Congress voted to approve what they labeled the “Women’s Health Protection Act,” a sweeping bill to wipe away state pro-life laws like the one recently passed in Texas preventing abortion after a heartbeat is detected. Sadly, the House bill passed as you would expect by party line 218 to 211 with only one brave Democrat voting against it.

Democrats are so worried about Roe v. Wade eventually being overturned that when the Supreme Court refused to challenge the Texas pro-life law, they quickly put together their federal bill that not only disallows states’ rights to pass their own abortion laws, it would codify Roe from ever being challenged!

 It’s obvious why the Dems wanted to bury this news on a Friday morning, but one pro-life congresswoman, Marjorie Taylor Greene, was willing to challenge them on the steps of the Capitol while they attempted to hold a press conference gloating over their success. Rep. Greene shouts at Democrats on Capitol steps over abortion: ‘Try being a Christian!’ It’s disappointing Greene didn’t have more Congressional Republicans out there with her, but kudos to her for making enough noise to get this atrocity recognized by the media filming.

Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) tried to challenge Greene by shouting the only verse that Democrats seem to know and use out of context against Christians speaking up against the wrongs in our country: “You should practice the basic thing you’re taught in church: respect your neighbor.” [As if murdering babies is respecting your neighbor?!]

“Try being a Christian and supporting life!” Greene hit back.

Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) who opposed the measure in Congress warned, “This bill is far outside the American mainstream and goes far beyond Roe v Wade. For the first time ever by congressional statute, H.R. 3755 would legally enable the death of unborn baby girls and boys by dismemberment, decapitation, forced expulsion from the womb, deadly poisons, or other methods at any time until birth.”

This diabolical bill allows abortion up until the moment of birth and opens the door to prevent state protections for children from abortion based solely on their sex, race, or diagnosis of a genetic abnormality such as Down Syndrome—policies that, in the words of Justice Clarence Thomas, ‘promote a State’s compelling interest in preventing abortion from becoming a tool of modern-day eugenics’!

It removes all rights from the state regarding abortion and transfers them to the federal government. It also prevents abortion to ever be challenged in the Supreme Court!

Of course, ‘Catholic’ Biden says he would sign the bill and ‘Catholic’ Pelosi praised the bill saying, “it’s about people’s medical choices.” Notice she didn’t say women’s choices, a distinction the crazy dems are trying to devoid of motherhood, even though it’s called the Women’s Health Protection Act. Pelosi said, “This is about freedom. About freedom of women to have a choice about the size and timing of their families – not the business of the people on the court or members of Congress. It’s about themselves. But it’s also about freedom from the danger of vigilantes.”

Dems Want to Codify Child Sacrifice

Christians know this bill is satanic! It has nothing to do with women’s health and is purely child sacrifice on the altar of pleasure, convenience, and personal gratification. Everyone knows, whether or not you believe in God as our Creator, children are conceived through sex. No one wants to bring up the inconvenient fact that the male sperm permeates the female egg creating life during sex.

While the Dems are so eager to talk about climate control and vaccine control, when’s the last time you heard them talk about birth control?!

Another thing this bill would circumvent is a waiting period or showing an expectant mother an ultrasound before she chooses abortion because they know that no one can look at an ultrasound or hear a heart beating and deny there is a child in the womb who will be murdered. Yes, abortion is murder by torture.

Calling abortion a “medical or health procedure” is another one of the Democrats’ ludicrous attempts to brainwash and gaslight with terminology. Medical/health procedures preserve life, not destroy life. Abortion will negatively affect a woman’s mental health for the rest of her life.

Is God Loosening His Leash On Satan?

I know I’m preaching to the choir for most of my followers, but we must acknowledge the pervasive satanic evil in our legislature. Every pastor should be talking about this very subject from the podium!! We’re blessed that our pastor did talk about this bill on Sunday morning. And he also brought up an interesting point. Could we be experiencing God pouring out His wrath on the world by loosening Satan’s leash?!

“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” Matt. 10:34

Nancy Pelosi’s Cardinal also speaks out. Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, Pelosi’s home diocese, criticized her stance on the Hyde Amendment. “Let me repeat: no one can claim to be a devout Catholic and condone the killing of innocent human life, let alone have the government pay for it,” he told CNA.  

In response, [to Pelosi’s Press Conference in July regarding eliminating the Hyde Amendment] Archbishop Cordileone said: “To use the smokescreen of abortion as an issue of health and fairness to poor women is the epitome of hypocrisy: what about the health of the baby being killed? What about giving poor women real choice, so they are supported in choosing life?”

“This would give them fairness and equality to women of means, who can afford to bring a child into the world. It is people of faith who run pro-life crisis pregnancy clinics; they are the only ones who provide poor women life-giving alternatives to having their babies killed in their wombs.”  

He added: “I cannot be prouder of my fellow Catholics who are so prominent in providing this vital service. To them, I say: you are the ones worthy to call yourselves ‘devout Catholics’!”

What Can You Do?

This so-called “Women’s Health Protection Act” still has to pass the Senate where Republicans can invoke the filibuster and require 60 votes to overcome the 50/50 partisan division. So while it doesn’t seem the Democrats will be successful, don’t think this will be their last attempt! Satan is running scared that Roe v. Wade could be overturned and children’s lives could be saved.

So you need to contact your Senators and tell them to vote no when this atrocious bill hits the Senate floor. Chastise any of your legislators who voted for it in Congress.

Then we need to pray, not only that this evil satanic bill is widely defeated, but for the soul of every blinded legislator who would vote for such a horrific atrocity to fellow human beings. Only Satan could distort the value of innocent life in the womb. I’m not saying those who vote for it are satanic, but I am saying they are being influenced, persuaded, and deceived by the author of evil. They are intentionally taking a purely political power stance without considering the ethical or moral ramifications.

There are six things the Lord hates—no, seven things he detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family. Pr. 6:16-19 NLT

I doubt that any of the Democrat legislators have watched the movie Unplanned and graphically watched what happens to a baby in an abortion. If they have and still consider killing a baby as a legal “right,” then they have definitely sold their soul to the devil, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t redeemable and salvageable. They need our prayers for the blinders to be removed because they will be held accountable for their detestable actions.

God can and does change lives, even liberals.

I was inspired to write this blog because with my Saturday morning coffee, I watched Sean Feucht in front of the Supreme Court in D.C. with others praying for legislation concerning the lives of the unborn. As I prayed with them, I knew what this week’s topic would be. Let God speak to you every morning too about what He wants you to focus on in your thoughts and in your prayers. Christians are carriers of Christ to a lost and hurting world.

Do not let the opposition beat you down. Don’t become discouraged or lose hope. Don’t give up the fight. That’s what they’re counting on but they don’t know the perseverance and determination of Christ followers!

“The mystery of God’s presence is revealed through those who wear it well.” Chris Tiegreen

For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory. Col. 1:27 NLT

Satan’s time is running out . . .

Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices shouting in heaven: “The world has now become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign forever and ever. Rev. 11:15 NLT

Note: I know that someone reading this article has experienced an abortion and I want you to know that if you haven’t already asked God for forgiveness, He’s just waiting to hear from you. He is a merciful God and doesn’t want you living with guilt and sorrow, but He does want you to share your testimony with other women to help them know the power of Jesus in your life. You can also help pregnant women find solutions for their baby other than abortion. I would encourage you to read a blog by my friend Patti Smith in which she gives her own abortion testimony, Nobody Told Me the Truth.

If you or someone you know is suffering post abortion, I’ve heard good things about Hope After Abortion.

I’ve written several previous blogs on abortion.

Why You Should See Unplanned Movie
Abortion a Crime of Passion
Who’s Behind the War on Women?

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How Can We Have Hope During Times of Crisis?

As I sat in the swing on our deck one early morning last week, sipping coffee and drinking in the serene beauty of the forest where we live, my mind and prayers were consumed by the horrors of what our country has done in Afghanistan. I was safe and comfortable while thousands of people were living in fear for their life and praying they aren’t discovered and killed before somehow they miraculously can escape. Honestly, I had little hope for them if they were depending on our government to save them.

How could they trust the same bungling American government that put them in these dire circumstances in the first place?!

I’ve felt the heavy burden in my last two blogs to awaken those whom they might reach to the evil being unleashed not only in our country, but in the world, How Does God Define Evil vs Good? How Do You? and Take the Spiritual Battle Seriously, Don’t Become a Casualty. We carry on with our daily life, which we must, but the Bible warns, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8

For the Afghani Christians and underground churches, they know their only hope is in the Lord. If He chooses that this is the time for them to meet Him face-to-face, then perhaps it’s God sparing them for glory and not the gory fate awaiting them from an evil regime that Biden just handed them over to after twenty years, while he went on “vacation”!

It’s hard to process the incompetence and inaptitude in our government and military leaders right now. How could they have so misjudged what would happen so quickly? How could they leave behind in harm’s way Americans, interpreters, and Afghan nationals who helped our military? Not to mention abandoning all our weapons and military bases? What was their end game? Why?

Watching the chaotic fiasco that has just occurred on the world stage, one that impacts our allies as well as the Afghanis, how can we trust our own government about anything? They’ve created a crisis at the southern border, lawlessness in our streets, wokeness instead of greatness, inflation, racial division, Marxist Critical Race Theory in our schools, and used a virus as a weapon to try and force Americans to forfeit our autonomy and freedoms.

When you look at the pictures of the packed cargo planes and crowds in Afghanistan, do you see anyone aside from a few reporters in masks? Those people are running for their lives and social distancing and Covid rules are the last thing on their mind.

When you see the pictures of the hordes of people coming across our southern borders are they wearing masks or vaccinated? Was anyone wearing a mask, showing vaccine papers, or social distancing at Obama’s huge birthday party? NO!

When the elites are caught enjoying life without a mask, or ignoring their own rules, you know it’s because they must know the masks don’t really work! Yet they want to mask our precious children in school! Vaccinated people are still getting Covid!?

I had to go to a hospital last week for a bone density test. When we walked in, we were handed a paper mask and told that we had to wear their mask, even though we had our own masks. When we questioned why we couldn’t wear our own masks, no one could explain why. Their only answer, “It’s the rules. Wear our mask or leave!”

Can you remember when we had outbreaks of the flu virus? BTW whatever happened to the flu? The flu hospitalized some, and yes there were deaths, but we didn’t all wear masks. Vaccines were available to those who wanted them, but they were optional and even if you got one, you were told they didn’t cover all the variants of flu. Schools, churches, and businesses weren’t closed. Life went on. People took precautions but there was medicine available if you did get the flu and there’s medicine for treatment of Covid too, but it’s being sequestered by the government. Why?

I’m going to make one more point that’s been on my mind. Israel had the strictest lockdowns, masks and vaccine mandates, and yet had extremely high cases of Covid and when the Delta variant came around, Israel had one of the worst outbreaks. Same thing with draconian controlled blue states and yet many red states that let their citizens make their own choices had lower numbers then and now! We’re being played because hyperbole and fear lead to control, dominance, and acquiescence . . . if we let it.

There are so many issues today that could divide us, let’s not let Covid be one of them. If you want to wear a mask or get the vaccine, it should be a choice. Prayerfully do your own research, don’t accept what you hear or read. Just remember that statistics can be manipulated and reported to prove any outcome desired. Every time I hear the word “mandate” arbitrarily being imposed on our citizens, I cringe.

Many will disagree with me, and again, that’s you’re right, but the more freedoms we give up the less we are “the land of the free.”

It might not be a matter of conscience for you, but it is for the other person. For why should my freedom be limited by what someone else thinks? 1 Cor. 10:29 NLT

40 A man with leprosy came and knelt in front of Jesus, begging to be healed. “If you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean,” he said.

41 Moved with compassion,[a] Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!” Mark 1:40-41

What’s In Our Future?

Hal Lindsey, author of The Late Great Planet Earth, wrote in his newsletter this week, “The US debacle in Afghanistan is further destabilizing an already unstable world. In other words, planet earth is being rapidly prepared for the coming leader known as Antichrist.”

To those of us who believe that Christians and the church will be raptured before the Antichrist comes on the scene this actually gives us hope that Jesus will be returning soon!

It couldn’t be far off when you see the emerging attempts that seem so much like the mark of the beast when places like New York City are requiring vaccine proof to eat in restaurants and go to indoor public events, even gyms!

15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[a] That number is 666. Rev. 13:15-18

My husband and I have been watching the Victory Channel for news from a Christian perspective. On Tuesday and Thursday nights, they have a program called Flashpoint where they discuss “how prophecy and current events are aligning to usher in the greatest awakening the world has ever known. Host Gene Bailey, along with regular contributors Mario Murillo, Hank Kunneman and Lance Wallnau, are joined by special guests that include prominent prophetic voices in the Church today, as well as political, governmental, business and church leaders. FlashPoint focuses on pertinent issues currently facing America and delivers news and commentary under the anointing—encouraging evidence and hope that God is indeed working to bring about His plans and purposes during these turbulent times. Join us every Tuesday and Thursday at 8 p.m. ET/7 p.m. CT.”

Last Thursday night, 8/19, the guest was General Michael Flynn who presented his views of what could be going on right now under the current administration. He spoke from his years of military service including in Afghanistan, serving in the White House, and being targeted by the evil deep state. It was distressing to hear, but he concluded that he still has hope.

His hope lies in the fact that in times of crises with incompetent leadership like we’re watching now, a strong leader emerges! After reading Hal Lindsey’s comments, I wondered if that leader truly would be the Antichrist or if it’s not yet time for him to emerge and it will be another Ronald Reagan or Donald Trump type leader.

Only God knows!

Until then, we need to pray for our own personal wisdom and discernment and for patriotic wise leadership to emerge on the local levels.

Don’t live in fear live in faith! Stop listening to the screaming, threatening talking heads and listen only to the Head of the church, Jesus Christ. You’ll hear that still small voice when you pray and read your Bible.

Like General Flynn, I want to leave you today with a message of hope from my devotional The One Year Salt and Light by Chris Tiegreen, August 20.

No situation in this world is hopeless; even the worst events have threads of redemption running through them. God has told us so, and we have seen it ourselves. We have no reason to despair

Even so, people around us will despair. That’s where we come in as bearers of good news . . . When we point others to the hope we have been given despite what we experience on earth and put a positive light on today’s headlines, we are bearers of good news. The media will give us a constant stream of tragic circumstances, but we see the bigger picture. God is at work in this world, amazing things are happening, and we get to participate in and tell the story.

How beautiful on the mountains
    are the feet of the messenger who brings good news,
the good news of peace and salvation,
    the news that the God of Israel reigns!
Is. 52:7 NLT

Here is a beautiful prayer by Anne Graham-Lotz for Afghanistan. Keep praying for them as the ruthless Taliban moves into power.

I also wanted to share three talks that were given by William Federer at Pastor Jack Hibbs Calvary Chapel Chino Hills Church. Federer traces events we’re watching in our culture today through history and the Bible. Fascinating.

Day 1 : Understanding the Culture with William Federer – YouTube

Day 2: (Day 2) Understanding the Culture with William Federer – YouTube

Day 3: (Day 3) Understanding the Culture with William Federer – YouTube

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How Does God Define Evil Vs. Good? How Do You?

In last week’s blog, Take the Spiritual Battle Seriously Don’t Become a Casualty, I had this line: “It’s the battle between good and evil, Jesus and Satan, which will continue until the time of Jesus’ return.”

I talk often about the battle between good and evil and assumed that we would all have similar thoughts on what is evil. I was wrong!

Let me back up a bit. On Facebook, I saw a meme that caught my eye and I was going to ask permission to use it in last week’s blog. It said something to the effect that “We’re Way Beyond Democrats vs Republicans or Liberals vs Conservatives, It’s Good vs Evil.” I thought yes, I agree and went to the page of the meme creator and discovered that person didn’t see evil through the same lens that I do. Obviously, I didn’t use the meme.

But it started me thinking that there’s no longer a universal view of evil. When I mentioned this to my pastor, he said yes because we’re now in the era of what was once evil is now considered good and good is evil. God knew this would happen in the world.

What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter. Is 5:20 NLT

The Bible tells us “The Lord is watching everywhere, keeping his eye on both the evil and the good” (Prov. 15:3).

So that raises the question: What does God consider evil?

Evil Was Not in God’s Original Plan for Us

We first learn of God differentiating good and evil during the creation of the earth: The Lord God made all sorts of trees grow up from the ground—trees that were beautiful and that produced delicious fruit. In the middle of the garden he placed the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Gen. 2:9 NLT

Then God set boundaries for his first human creation, Adam. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” Gen. 2:16-17

But as we know, the serpent Satan tempted Eve to eat from the tree anyway, “God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.” Gen. 3:5

Sure enough, after Eve and Adam gave into the temptation from Satan and ate from the tree, “And the Lord God said, ‘The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil.’” Gen. 3:22

Sadly, people chose to do more evil than good. “The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. Gen. 6:5-6

So next, we have the story of Noah building the ark and God wiping everyone but Noah’s family off the face of the earth with the flood. Something God said He would never do again, even though the Israelites did tempt Him, “Never again will I curse the ground because of humans, even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood.” Gen. 8:21

And there it is. We’re born knowing how to be evil and have to learn how to be good. God gave us godly rules to follow in how to live a good life pleasing to Him in the 10 Commandments. (Ex. 20:2-17) But seeing that people couldn’t even live by these ten simple instructions, God went silent for 400 hundred years.

Then Came Jesus!

God sent His one and only Son to die for our sins so that we could receive undeserved forgiveness and redemption from our inevitable evil sins, with one stipulation: You must ask God for forgiveness, repent, and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Then the Holy Spirit will enter your heart to guide and lead you to do good and not evil. (Acts 2:36-38)

Evil still tries to invade the lives of those saved by grace. Satan will always try to tempt us, just like he did with Jesus in the desert. But like Jesus, by faith and the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, we can resist. Sadly, some may give in momentarily to the sin, but a believer always knows in his or her heart that they’re sinning.

Just as I wrote in last week’s blog, from the beginning of time, the source of all evil is Satan. The Bible often refers to him as the “evil one.” When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart. Matt. 13:19

Jesus goes on to help define for us evil in Matt. 15:18-19: 18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. Evil.

Moral evil can exist even without external action. Murder is an evil action, but it has its start with the moral evil of hatred in the heart (Matthew 5:21-22). Committing adultery is evil, but so is the moral evil of lust in the heart (Matthew 5:27-28).

As Christian philosopher J. P. Moreland said, “Evil is a lack of goodness. It is goodness spoiled. You can have good without evil, but you cannot have evil without good.”

Anything that contradicts the holiness of God  (Psalm 51:4) or anything committed against God i.e. unbelief, idolatry, blasphemy, is evil.

 As God’s children, we are to live by this command: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21).

But people often make up their own definition of evil based on personal opinions that might be contrary to yours. When I went to that Facebook timeline that I mentioned earlier, I saw that my conservative beliefs were considered evil by that person. But the Bible tells us this will happen:

Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man. Luke 6:22

It’s a Choice: Jesus or Satan

Here’s a hard truth but it’s real: anyone not following Jesus is following Satan. They are the only two spiritual forces in this world. It doesn’t mean unbelievers are satanic but they are influenced in thought, mind, and actions by Satan and they need our prayers for an awakening.

I know you’re thinking: But I know some really “good” people who aren’t Christians. If Jesus doesn’t have their heart, than Satan does. I’m not saying this, Jesus did about those who reject Him: This is the verdict: Light [Jesus] has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.” John 3:19

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

Paul emphasized, But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth [Jesus] and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. Rom. 2:8

Job’s introduction in Job 1:1 describes whether he is a follower of God or Satan, the only two options then and now. Not how he looked physically but his spiritual persuasion: “There once was a man named Job who lived in the land of Uz. He was blameless—a man of complete integrity. He feared God and stayed away from evil.” (NLT)

21 Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of[a] your evil behavior. 22 But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation— 23 if you continue in your faith, established and firm, and do not move from the hope held out in the gospel. This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, have become a servant. Col. 1:21-23

God wants all of His creation to turn from evil to good, but He doesn’t force it. Even Jesus didn’t make a mandate that all should be saved. It’s a choice.

Evil is disbelief in God. OR belief in God but rejecting Him. OR a believer trying to justify ungodly thoughts and actions. We’re watching all of this take place in our culture openly today.

28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Rom. 1:28-31

The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good. Ps. 14:1

BLM and Antifa are blatant self-described atheists, therefore motivated by Satan’s evil, not God’s good, but look at all the people, including misguided Christians, supporting them and their violence.

What about the ungodly laws being passed and supported not only by many in government, but by constituents, even some Christians. There is no way to legitimize the murder of babies in the womb as “good.” But many do. Evil. Satanic.

A deceived Minneapolis DFL called the evil burning of a police precinct “an act of pure righteousness.”

Mutilating the bodies of children in the name of “gender identity.” Evil. God created each of us in the image of God, male or female and He doesn’t make mistakes. (Gen. 1:27)

CRT is evil. Many school boards are calling it “good.” God looks at our heart for goodness and character, not the color of our skin that He gave each of us. “The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Sam. 16:7

Child and sex trafficking, smuggling of drugs across the border. Evil. But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea. Matt. 18:6 NLT

I could go on, but I hope I’ve prompted you to not just look at issues politically or emotionally, but spiritually. What’s in the hearts, motivations, and actions of those promoting issues and ideas? Then prayerfully ask God what He sees as “good.” What does He want you to encourage and support. How does He want you to live.

 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Eph. 5:15-17

Finally, dear brothers and sisters,[a] we ask you to pray for us. Pray that the Lord’s message will spread rapidly and be honored wherever it goes, just as when it came to you. Pray, too, that we will be rescued from wicked and evil people, for not everyone is a believer. But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one. 2 Thess. 3:1-3 NLT

Note: There was an error in last week’s blog link to Dr. Charles Stanley’s “Dressing in Your Spiritual Wardrobe.” It is corrected now (and here), but I was surprised that my husband was the only person to alert me to the mistake. If ever a link doesn’t work or you see a typo, please contact me so I can correct it.

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We’re Focusing Too Much On Vaccines & Masks and Not Enough on Jesus & Prayer!

Have you noticed that in the last week the public conversation and news cycle has turned from racism to vaccination? Rising crime to mask mandates. Even though Covid cases/deaths are decreasing, government control is increasing!

It’s hard to participate in a conversation, even among Christians, without the topic turning to those who believe in the vaccines and those who oppose them. Those already wearing masks again versus those who refuse to ever wear one again.

People justifiably have strong opinions and often want to impose them on others. Disagreements divide when we can’t agree to disagree. Is it really worth it?

The purpose of this blog is not to take one side or the other. I have my personal opinion and distrust much of the information we’re hearing. One side presents the opinion of their “experts” as factual and “scientific” while the other side has “experts” with directly opposing opinions.

When the so-called experts can’t agree, we know that either there’s no definitive answer or it’s all just being politicized. We’re being played. Regardless, we need to let God, the real expert, guide our decisions.

I’ve started wondering lately why Christians aren’t as vocal about the biblical truths of Jesus, who we trust and believe, as we are about what we hear from strangers in the news, on a podcast, or opinions on social media and websites? People are trying so hard to convince others how to save themselves from Covid when it’s obvious no one really knows for sure.

What you and I do know for sure is the saving power of Jesus Christ. Yet, I dare say there are more Christians talking about Covid, vaccinations, and masks today than are talking about how Jesus saved their life!

In an interview with Jon Voight, Tucker Carlson expected to talk about Voight’s political views, but Jon skillfully turned the conversation to sharing his testimony about how everything changed in his life when he realized that God was real!

You can view the interview here, and I hope you will. We can do the same thing. Turn political or controversial conversations into spiritual opportunities.

As Christians, we know that Jesus is in complete control. He tells us in Scripture not to live in fear but to be alert for the early signs of His return and to be ready.

And when you hear of wars and insurrections, don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place first, but the end won’t follow immediately.” 10 Then he added, “Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11 There will be great earthquakes, and there will be famines and plagues in many lands, and there will be terrifying things and great miraculous signs from heaven.

12 But before all this occurs, there will be a time of great persecution. You will be dragged into synagogues and prisons, and you will stand trial before kings and governors because you are my followers. Luke 21:9-12 NLT

Jesus forewarned there would be plagues so Covid is no surprise to Him. But notice there will also be “great miraculous signs from heaven.” We see those miraculous signs all around us and we need to keep our focus on God and not the government.

My opening article in the AHW Ministry July newsletter is “Are You Aware of When Satan is Hijacking Your Thoughts?” I hope you’ll take a moment to read it. I talk in that article about how I almost missed attending Sean Feucht’s Let Us Worship revival in Boise. I’m so glad I didn’t let Satan hijack me because I did see miracles happening at that revival. People were being freed from addictions, suicide, hang-ups, and hurts, and surrendering their life to the Savior, Jesus Christ. It was a small glimpse of heaven as a large crowd freely worshipped together.

Sean didn’t shy away from talking about the persecutions his ministry has encountered. He like many pastors persevered, even some going to the Supreme Court, for the right to minister and worship during the imposed lockdowns on churches. He told his story with humor and joy that nothing was going to stop him from continuing to go into the hardest places like Portland, Seattle, New York, Chicago, LA, DC and over 50 cities with more to come sharing the gospel and leading people to Jesus!

Sean lives in California and had an unsuccessful run for Congress wanting to make a political difference, but it’s evident that God wants him in the streets and parks of America making a spiritual difference because people need the Lord. Many came to the revival with darkness in their souls and left with the light of Jesus in their hearts.

I’m not saying that we don’t take precautions to avoid getting sick and staying healthy, but I am saying spiritual sickness is more threatening in our world than any plague and we know the remedy.

Our churches need to be hospitals for the sick at heart, mind, and soul and we need to be more worried about convincing those who don’t know Jesus to come into a relationship with Him than spending our time trying to outguess or outsmart what the latest cure/prevention/protection is for Covid. Or letting Covid divide us as believers with differing opinions. We need to stay united in the only thing that actually matters for eternity: salvation of souls.

Mario Murillo put it like this in his article Tearing Away the Evil with Increasing Power:
“Every Christian and every church should be studying the authority over evil that we have in Christ. It should be blazingly clear by now that we are going to get exactly nowhere in this depraved, addicted and demonized society, without supernatural power and authority over Satan.”

I’m frustrated just like you at the way Satan seems to be succeeding in our government and it’s easy to think there’s nothing we can do about it. In fact, I was asked this question recently on a Facebook post: “Given where we are now, what is the best action for a person to take for the future?”

My answer: Such a good question. We vote the socialists, Marxists, Communists out of office for starters. We don’t live in fear and we pray for God’s wisdom and discernment about how He wants us to live out our faith in Him and NOT the government no matter who is in power.

We pray for revival. Only Jesus is going to save us, not a mask, a vaccine or a government and certainly not the very confused CDC. God’s up to something so how can we work with Him to save as many people as possible for eternity?!

Reply: Thanks. Good positive focus.

I believe we need to keep our focus positive, hopeful, and faith-filled! I always say: follow God’s leading and calling as to where He wants you to go, what He wants you to do, and what He wants you to say. Then go, do, and say it!

This morning while reading my devotional, The One Year Salt and Light Devotional by Chris Tiegreen, and praying about what to write this week, I was reminded that Jesus is our only hope out of the distressing times we live in now. They may even get worse, but Jesus only gets sweeter. Here’s what Chris said for July 30:

“We are called to learn the language of heaven and speak it into people’s hearts. That means replacing all complaining, gossip, frustration, and attention to problems with encouragement, affirmation, blessing, and attention to solutions. Instead of crying out for help, which always begins with a problem, we praise the majesty of God, which always begins with the answer. As holders of the truths of God’s Kingdom, we have an amazing opportunity to shape our environment with them—if we are intentional about putting a Kingdom angle on everything we see.” [I would add, on everything we say!]

I don’t know about you but I’m tired of the conversation being about vaccinations and masks. Let’s starting talking about Jesus! That’s where I want my focus to be; I hope you agree!

14 But even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward you for it. So don’t worry or be afraid of their threats. 15 Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. 1 Peter 3:14-15 NLT

Here’s my latest Crosswalk article: 6 Reasons You Should Participate in a Prayer Group.

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An Expert Explains Why Critical Race Theory Must Be Kept Out of Schools!

The Biden Administration is trying to claim it was an “error” that the U.S. Department of Education’s handbook published in April 2021 promotes the radical “Abolitionist Teaching Network’s handbook “Guide for Racial Justice & Abolitionist Social and Emotional Learning” that advocates for educators to “disrupt Whiteness” and accuses the U.S. educational system of “the spirit murder of Black, Brown and Indigenous Children.”

Critical Race Theory included in a federal teacher’s handbook! Who is responsible?

Betsy DeVos, former Secretary to Education under President Trump, said in interviews that someone high-up in the Department of Education had to sign off on the citation to this radical activist group being included in the handbook. It couldn’t have been an oversite. Who included it in the first place?

“This notion that it was a mistake is an absolute falsehood,” said DeVos, who served under President Trump. “Having been there at the department for four years and working through the approval processes for anything that is put out from the department, I know full well that there were eyes on and full knowledge of this going on.”

Earlier this month, I wrote a blog “Never Poke a Mama Bear” in which I encouraged parents to know what their children are being taught and to especially protest critical race theory indoctrination in schools.

Last week, Judith Rolfs, a professional marriage and family counselor, responded to my blog Do You Know the Difference Between Misinformation and Disinformation? She sent me a copy of an article she had written on the dangers of CRT being introduced into our schools. I asked her if I could share it with you and she said absolutely. We all need to become educated, forewarned, and motivated to combat the enemy within education.

As I’ve said before, Satan wants the next generation. Whether or not you have children in school, you can’t deny the impact this will have on our culture. Our country. Our families.

So here’s Judith Rolfs’ article on this topic . . .

Dear Readers,
I’ve been asked to share my thoughts about race in America and how the topic impacts school children based on my experience as a professional marriage and family counselor. This seems a timely topic with all the discussion in our news currently.

The truth is that race discussion does not belong in our public or private schools. Yet the National Education Association is promoting teaching a theory that imposes guilt on children and creates division among our children.

Here is why this is wrong. Witness children at play. Children accept others in play without regard for the color of another child’s skin. Feelings and friendships are developed naturally by the way each child interacts. They realize that there are differences in many things regarding color, flowers, sky, water, trees, toys, and yes, people. 

In a child’s mind, the color of one’s skin has no bearing on their friendships or acceptance UNLESS they’re taught that one color is better than another color.

Prejudices are taught. They don’t come naturally to children. Being white, or whatever color one is born, is the Creator’s decision and no race is superior or inferior to another. It’s horrific to hang guilt on a child because of their white skin color.

I came across this shocking statement! May 27, 2021 — Says Becky Pringle, President of the NEA. “Our children need to understand the painful truth of racism.” “(NEA) believes that, in order to achieve racial and social justice, educators must acknowledge the existence of white supremacy culture as a primary root cause of institutional racism, structural racism, and white privilege.” 

I want to be quite clear about CRT race discussion at any level of schooling. It’s incorrect for a teacher or school system to infer students are racist or that students should bear guilt for the way people were treated in the past. This can harm innocent children. They shouldn’t experience guilt over something for which they have no responsibility. To do so is child abuse

The Bible makes this very clear in Ezekiel 18:20 “The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.”

Our country was founded on the truth that all men are created equal and founded with the intent to provide religious freedom and equal opportunity for ALL. It was not founded to promote slavery. “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28                                                   

So then what should older children learn about race? The facts. Historically, some races have been ill-treated tragically at times. Slavery was wrong. Imposed segregation was wrong. Whites, blacks, and people of every color have equal opportunity given by God. No individual and no government has the authority to deny this right to any other human being.

Sadly, self-serving politicians spread the lie that blacks are inferior, of lesser intelligence, incapable of achieving success, or ridiculously that blacks could not complete voter ID forms. Such deceitful individuals want black people to believe these untruths about themselves and feel inferior and dependent on government for their well-being.

No race or skin color is inferior or superior to any other. God created all men and women equal!

Parents make sure your children are not damaged by misled teachers who are misinformed or have an evil agenda to cause division and hate. Be certain your school boards do not accept this harmful NEA agenda.

These so-called educational “strategies” do not belong in our schools. Teachers are hard pressed enough teaching basic academic subjects. Since teachers were pressed into social agendas, our students have fallen woefully behind other countries academically.

It’s helpful to keep in mind that Jesus is the great unifier. Every family black, white, brown, or yellow, has the opportunity for acceptance and love in Him and through Him for one another.

Instead of distressing children with “white privilege guilt” teachers should promote values like a good work ethic and build the esteem of every student by empowering them through solid academic learning.

Unity can exist when it’s based on strong moral principles of respect for one another as God’s creation. Race theory doesn’t belong in our schools. 

Dr. Judith Rolfs has been a marriage and family therapist, speaker and author for almost three decades. She’s passionate about helping couples have joyful, strong marriages and families. As a Christian woman, wife, and mom of four, grandmother of seven, she knows firsthand the challenges of life in this often chaotic world. Judith teaches biblical principles from Scripture and always encourages dependence on God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for living one’s best life.

On Judith’s YouTube channel you can find Marriage and Parenting tips plus Judith reading short stories to children from her modern fairy tales book Unforgettable Stories for Kids.

Her Amazon Author page reveals what an eclectic author she is of over twenty books from five star mystery novels, marriage and family how-to books to her Tommy Smurlee/Grella Weller children’s series for ages eight and up – creative mystery fantasy books with solid moral values.

Her website is www.judithrolfs.com

Judith lives in a hidden woodland garden in Wisconsin with her husband who is the popular author of family inspirational books, Words For Today, Thoughts For Tomorrow

Recent Family Book Release: Man in Command, 52 Ways To Be A Great Husband and Dad

Thank you Judith for sharing your article with us!

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5 Ways to Refocus and Renewal This Easter Season

Easter is less than a month away! I hope your church will be open to celebrate as a church family the commemoration of the foundation of our Christian faith: Jesus Christ arose from the tomb and lives today in every believer’s heart! The Gospel! The Good News!

I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that if your church is not open, find one that is! Yes, it might take a little effort, but if there was one day out of the year, especially this year, that believers needed to gather together in praise, worship, and fellowship . . . it’s Easter. It’s time for churches to cut the chains on their doors and throw them wide open just like the tomb was wide open on Easter morning! Then stay open.

Covid canceled Easter in churches last year. Don’t let anyone cancel Easter for you this year! Yes, you can watch services online, which is awesome for those who are housebound and I’m so glad it’s available for them. But for those of us who are able to attend church in person, we need to be participating and professing together with our brothers and sisters in Christ as one body in God’s house.

People without a church family desperately need to be with us in church on Easter to experience the hope we have in the living Christ, our Lord and Savior who overcame the grave! Easter is a great outreach when many turn their life over to Christ. An important role of the church is to welcome those seeking the Truth or any who are lonely, depressed, discouraged, fearful. It’s not all about us, it’s about us being there for them!

For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. Rom. 12:4-5

Easter Reminds Us of Our Hope in a Fallen World

Without Easter, there would be no hope. Easter reminds us, and the world, that there is forgiveness for our sins and the assurance of eternal life. As the Apostle Paul reminded the Corinthians:

Let me now remind you, dear brothers and sisters of the Good News I preached to you before. You welcomed it then, and you still stand firm in it. It is this Good News that saves you if you continue to believe the message I told you—unless, of course, you believed something that was never true in the first place.

I passed on to you what was most important and what had also been passed on to me. Christ died for our sins, just as the Scriptures said. He was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day, just as the Scriptures said. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

When we ask Jesus into our heart and receive the merciful forgiveness of our sins that nailed Him to the cross, we experience a spiritual rebirth. Hallelujah! Then, as we grow in our faith, we need a daily empty-tomb reawakening not just annually at Easter.

Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” John 3:3

Jesus lives within the heart of every Christian and He wants us to live as if we believe it! The Christian life is one of evolving renewal! We continually cast off old patterns of thinking and behaving as we transition into a richer more fulfilling faith.

But now is the time to get rid of anger, rage, malicious behavior, slander, and dirty language. Don’t lie to each other, for you have stripped off your old sinful nature and all its wicked deeds. Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him. Col. 3:8-10

I don’t know about you, but watching the prevalent and even celebrated evil in our culture, I feel like we need an Easter season, not just Easter Sunday. A refocus of our heart and mind. A reminder of who we are in Christ and why we must continue persevering in His name and His purpose!

Store shelves and displays take commercial advantage of Easter to sell their products for over a month prior to Easter; shouldn’t we start NOW sharing the real message of Easter?! The world needs Jesus, let’s remind them of that message and prepare our hearts for sharing loud and clear: Jesus is alive!

5 Ways Scripture Helps Us Refocus and Embrace Renewal This Easter Season

1. Renew Your Mind

What we let enter into our mind—positive or negative—controls our emotions, actions, and beliefs.

What is bothering you right now? What is seeping into your psyche that keeps you up at night or troubles you during the day? Can you identify it? The news. Politics. Social media. Stock market. Cancel culture. COVID.

Whatever is stressing you, try a mental fast! Free your mind from everything that furrows your brow. You may never want to let those things have dominion over your thoughts again.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

Personal Renewal: God wants us to rid our mind of worldly ways and saturate our mind with His wisdom. Proverbs is God’s Book of Wisdom, so try reading a proverb everyday and write it on an index card. When your thoughts begin to drift to things of this world, recite the day’s proverb. If you’re ambitious, read an entire chapter in Proverbs daily and in thirty-one days you’ll have read the entire Book of Proverbs. When you finish, start back at Proverbs 1:1. You can never be too wise!

The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out. Proverbs 18:15

2. Renew Your Heart

God created us uniquely with our mind, heart, and spirit intertwined. A renewal of one affects the other two. A mind change touches our heart and our spirit nudges us to act according to our mind and heart. If our heart fills with compassion for a situation, our mind follows suit and again our spirit reminds us of how God wants us to act. We are to have the mind of Christ and what breaks His heart should break our heart too. Much in our world is surely breaking His heart!

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26

Personal Renewal: Who could you invite to Easter services? Maybe you’ve asked them to join you at church before and they’ve declined or it’s someone you’re sure would say no. Perhaps your heart has become a bit hardened toward their spiritual future. Ask God for the courage to ask them anyway. This could be the Easter they say “Yes!” and their life changes forever.

If they say no, then commit to pray for them to say yes to God someday.

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

3. Renew Your Commitments

A commitment is a sacred vow, a promise, to honor your word. Commitment often involves a sacrifice of putting others’ needs before your own needs, even when it’s inconvenient or painful.

Our Christian faith hinges on a commitment we make to Christ to follow Him and adhere to His Word, whether it’s easy or difficult. At Easter, we remember the ultimate cost Christ paid on the cross to fulfill His commitment to save a lost world. Now he expects us to honor our commitments to Him and to others.

Don’t let your mouth make you sin. And don’t defend yourself by telling the Temple messenger that the promise you made was a mistake. That would make God angry, and he might wipe out everything you have achieved. Ecclesiastes 5:6 NLT

Practical Renewal: Have you committed to something you wish you hadn’t? We’ve all been there. Learn from it and pray next time before you make a decision; but this time, follow through on your commitment. Backing out of a promise damages the credibility of your Christian witness.

All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one. Matthew 5:37

4. Renew Your Testimony

There is no greater witness to God’s goodness than sharing what He has done in your life. No one can question your testimony because it’s your personal experience. The Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) isn’t just for disciples and pastors; it’s for every follower and believer of Jesus Christ. You don’t have to be an evangelist to share your story.

As we mature and evolve spiritually, we retell our testimony to benefit others. You and I are Christians today because twelve disciples obediently followed Jesus’ command to tell the world the Good News. They shared their personal experience with the gospel to anyone who would listen and with many who didn’t listen.

When we become Christians, our charge is to tell the world why we love Jesus! Your story becomes your testimony when the focus is on God, not on you.

At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. Titus 3:3-7

Personal Renewal: When you give God the glory for something in your life, you testify to God’s goodness. Your salvation testimony shares your life before Jesus. How He changed your heart and spiritually, maybe literally, saved your life. God has given you a story to share, so seize every opportunity to tell it. Sometimes God redeems your testimony by surrounding you with people who need to hear your past so it doesn’t become their future.

Who needs to hear this Easter what Christ has done for you?

And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. 1 John 5:11-12

5. Renew Your Soul

Easter is springtime in our souls! God is calling His people into a closer relationship with Him so that we can share Jesus with others who need more of Him in their life . . . or don’t yet know Him.

The world is full of unsaved people stumbling in spiritual darkness and deceit. God calls every Christian to help the lost find their way to the light. When Jesus spoke . . . he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

We need to refresh, renew, and refuel our body, mind, and soul so the illuminating joy of Christ radiates from us!

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:30-31

Personal Renewal: Let the songs you sing on Easter and the messages you hear, revive your spirit and speak directly to your soul. Bask in the glow that Jesus is alive!

If you’re ready to arise and be God’s messenger, start praying now for those divine appointments where God will use you in a hurting and lonely world.

I pray this Easter season finds you refreshed, refocused, and renewed in your relationship with Christ and the purpose He has given each of us to keep the memory of Easter alive and vibrant, every day in our hearts, speech, and actions. Let us never forget:

You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. Col. 2:13-14 (NLT)

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16

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Christians Should NEVER Validate an Evil Political Platform!

I struggled with what to write about the day before an election that could change the trajectory of our nation. How we experience the American way of life. How we practice our Christian faith.

This is not an election about whether you like a candidate’s personality or communication style; it truly is a choice between good and evil.

Many will challenge that statement so let me explain.

Biden has been saying that he will unite the nation, but there is nothing in his platform that Bible-believing, Jesus-following Christians could unite with or validate.

The Bible is clear in The Message translation of 2 Corinthians 6:14-18.

Don’t become partners with those who reject God. How can you make a partnership out of right and wrong? That’s not partnership; that’s war. Is light best friends with dark? Does Christ go strolling with the Devil? Do trust and mistrust hold hands? Who would think of setting up pagan idols in God’s holy Temple? But that is exactly what we are, each of us a temple in whom God lives. God himself put it this way:

“I’ll live in them, move into them;
    I’ll be their God and they’ll be my people.
So leave the corruption and compromise;
    leave it for good,” says God

God could not be more adamant that His people don’t vote for a political party that champions evil and removes God from their platform!

He warned the Israelites when they went into the Promised Land not to partner with pagans, but they didn’t listen to Him and there’s been a battle between people who walk in the light and those on the dark side ever since.

They are corrupt and not his children;
    to their shame they are a warped and crooked generation.
Is this the way you repay the Lord,
    you foolish and unwise people?
Is he not your Father, your Creator,[a]
    who made you and formed you?
Deut. 32:5-6

Our country was founded on Judeo Christian values that both parties agreed to in the writing of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. God’s principles were central to those two documents that form the basis for our government and laws. At least they should!

But the Democrat party wants to remove God and His moral principles and values from the public square, from their convention platform, and in some cases even the Pledge of Allegiance. While incredulously Biden’s campaign slogan is “a battle for the soul of the nation!”

He’s got that part right, we are in a battle but it’s a spiritual battle and only God, not a godless political party, can put the soul back in America and possibly unite us again!

Here are just a few areas that this election highlights to Christians on how we should use our voting power to vote our values for the Presidency, the Senate, and the Congress, as well as local officials.

Christians can NEVER Unite with a Murder-Driven Platform that Denies the Sanctity of Life!

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. Ps. 139:13

The most profound moral division between the Democrat and Republican platforms is on abortion— the spilling of innocent blood in murdering, yes murdering, millions upon millions of precious babies created by God in their mother’s womb, who never had a chance at life.

Abortion is cherished by the Democrat Party in the name of arrogance, pride, and moral decay. They are in rebellion against God’s commands that sex is for the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. Proponents of abortion encourage sexual promiscuity without responsibility.

The opposite of pro-life is pro-choice of having sex without consequences.

The opposite of pro-life is pro-death when a life is not convenient.

Science, as well as God, tells us that sex results in possible conception of a child.

Democrats promote sex without consequences. Their solution is genocide that allows the ripping apart, poisoning, or burning in the womb of a viable child who feels pain. Even extending this barbaric torture up to and after delivery.

They expect every taxpayer to subsidize this horrific and savage practice of the shedding of innocent blood that has brought a curse upon America. How could it not? Abortion does have consequences.

Planned Parenthood is the primary baby murdering organization and they refuse to compromise with ways to reduce the number of abortions they preform because abortions are their primary business and source of revenue! Democrats will restore funding removed by the Trump Administration to Planned Parenthood, which is why PP is a huge financial donor to the Biden campaign with money made from the destruction of babies!

Biden, who professes himself a “faithful Catholic,” now endorses abortion in his platform. He will repeal the Hyde Amendment and continue to defeat born-alive protection bills! While he touts restoring the soul of America, He has sold his own soul to the evil partyline.

If you’re a Christian considering voting for the Democrats, knowing their stance on taking the life of a baby God created in His image, I challenge you to find justification for the sin of abortion in the Bible.

If you’ve had an abortion, voting for it won’t remove your guilt but Jesus is waiting for you to ask for forgiveness and repentance and He offers you grace and mercy, which brings the peace your heart desires.

Abortion: A Crime of Passion

Babies Lives Are Important, But . . .

Christians can Never Unite with “Gender Fluidity”!

“On his first day in office, Biden will reinstate the Obama-Biden guidance revoked by the Trump-Pence administration, which will restore transgender students’ access to sports, bathrooms and locker rooms in accordance with their gender identity. . . . Biden will ensure that LGBTQ+ individuals have full access to all appropriate health care treatments and resources. This includes covering care related to transitioning.”—Biden campaign website

The Democrats who contend we should always “follow the science,” reject the science of biology that God created every human male and female.

Christians can Never Unite with a Political Party that Restricts Religious Liberty!

Democrat run states have kept their churches closed and inflicted penalties and fines on churches allowing their congregants to worship together. President Trump has repeatedly said churches are essential and should open now.

Obama/Biden lit up the White House in gay pride colors and if the Democrats are in power, they could prevent pastors from preaching the sins listed in Acts chapter 1. They have already shown hostility to religious freedom in running your business according to your faith beliefs as in the cases of Christian florists, bakers, and photographers who choose to not serve at gay marriages. Under the Trump Administration, their faith rights have been protected but they were persecuted under Obama/Biden.

Biden promises to make the misleadingly named Equality Act a top priority in his first 100 days. This federal legislation makes sexual orientation and gender identity protected civil rights, with no protections for religious organizations or people of faith who hold orthodox beliefs on sexuality as taught by Judaism and Christianity. It would also gut the landmark Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The Equality Act treats churches, businesses, adoption agencies and medical professionals as discriminators if they operate based on their belief that humans are created male and female and sex is between a man and a woman.

Biden plans to reverse all of President Trump’s actions to protect religious freedom.

Christians can NEVER Unite with a Socialist/Communist/Marxist Agenda!

We’ve watched the Democrats, including Biden/Harris, stay silent while ANTIFA and BLM riot in the streets looting, burning, and destroying innocent business owner’s livelihoods! They don’t condemn what they refer to as “peaceful protests” while cities are destroyed.

They talk about the police being the enemy and reimagining the police, whatever that means.

The mainstream media supports the liberal agenda and feeds the people propaganda! Yes, just like in Communist countries. Often the networks all repeat the same identical mantra! That’s Communism!

Big Tech, which I wrote about in last week’s blog, censors conservatives while spreading liberal lies and talking points.

We see the “tyrant” governors and mayors in Democrat run states during Covid, but what would it look like if they were in charge of the entire country?! You might be able to leave California or New York now, but where would you go if the long arm of socialism and liberalism could reach you wherever you lived in this country?

We are one nation under God not under a liberal Socialist government!

The attack by socialism and communism on the status quo is a call to our consciences — those of us who consider ourselves Christians. This call warns us more strongly than any sermon that our task is to live in protest against everything that opposes God in this world. So poorly have we Christians filled this role that the question must be asked: Are we Christians at all? (Eberhard Arnold) The Intersection of the Gospel, Culture, and Politics

The Two Candidates

If I haven’t offended you too much and you’ve read this far, you may still have an argument about the character of the candidates so let me briefly discuss that too.

Biden is a corrupt politician. He had to back out of several previous attempts at the presidency because of his blatant lies, fantasized life stories, and plagiarism that were investigated by real journalists who exposed him.

He still tells the same lies and untruths, but as I said earlier, today’s propaganda media covers for him. For example, the recent discovery that he lied about having interaction with his son Hunter’s business dealings with foreign countries, and may have profited from them even while in office as VP, has only appeared on FOX and NEWSMAX. Silence on all the other networks.

The Democrats have vowed to increase the number of justices to pack the Supreme Court with liberal judges if they win the Senate and Presidency. A “liberal” Supreme Court removed prayer from the schools, made Roe v Wade the law of the land, and went against the vote of the people to legalize gay marriage.

President Trump has his character flaws, as has every past and future President. But it’s never mentioned that Trump has asked for forgiveness for his past discretions in his personal life. Christians should grant grace to a man who acknowledges his wrongs.

It’s amazing how many Christians want to continually go back to things he did and said years ago, ignoring the person he has become in the past four years and the good he’s done and the promises he’s fulfilled for our country, and Christians in particular. In his first term, he has put three conservative justices on the Supreme Court and hundreds of federal judges.

President Trump definitely has room to improve. Even his wife doesn’t agree with some of his tweets, but unlike corrupt politicians who just tell you what you want to hear, as his family attests, you always know what he’s thinking.

President Trump made his money before becoming president and walked away from a good life because as a patriot, he saw the downward slide of America. He doesn’t take a salary as President but donates it. Unlike Biden, who has become rich as a politician!

I believe God put it on Trump’s heart to leave the comfortable life he had and step into the lion’s den of Washington where he has been unmercifully spied on, plotted against, resisted, hated, lied about, and even impeached.

God is using this unlikely man to unveil the evil and corruption in our government and the underground world. I pray he has four more years because the work isn’t finished yet.

Many people think that Jesus came to Earth to unite the world, but He actually came as a divider to separate those who would follow Him and His ways at any cost from those who might follow Him in name only or those who chose a secular life. Divide, not unite, those who chose the world over His ways.

“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn

“‘a man against his father,
    a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
36     a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’[a]

37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Matt. 10:34-38

Sadly, many deceived “Christian” leaders have tried to meld Christianity’s truths with secular culture’s fallen mind-set and morals.

Christians are to infiltrate and influence the secular world but never let the world’s ways invade the church or their personal lives.

We don’t unite with evil, we fight evil.

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Is. 5:20

God does not compromise or condone evil and neither should we, His people.

If you’re a Christian voting for Biden/Harris, I would ask you to prayerfully consider why you would choose the Democrat’s evil policies and plans that will affect our country for future generations as they vow to eradicate generations that will never get to take their first breath.

If you know a Christian voting for the Democrat platform, please prayerfully send them this article.

When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan. Proverbs 29:2 ESV

A closing note from Pastor Bill Johnson a fifth-generation pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, California, author of Born for Significance, and speaker on revival and the Holy Spirit, who wrote an op-ed for The Christian Post on why he voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and will again in 2020. In it he says,

“For me it is worthy of note that I’ve never seen a president who loved prayer as much as Donald Trump — and that includes from those I voted for and those I didn’t, . . . His passion for godly counsel is also legendary. His historic actions for Israel should appeal to believers, as the biblical mandate to pray supportively for Jerusalem is a clear priority in scripture.”

If you haven’t voted already, please pray and let God lead you to vote your faith values for President, Senators, Congress, local candidates, and our country.

God Bless America!

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