10 Things You Can Do In a World Gone Mad

__Holy Nectar from a hummingbird and God

Each morning we wake up and thank God for another new day.

10 Things You Can Do in a World Gone Mad

Then we look at the news headlines in disbelief that Satan is getting bolder and more visible. Evil seems to be winning and prevailing in a country founded on Judeo Christian values.

[Tweet “We’ve gone from most people believing in the 10 Commandments as a solid foundation for behavior to a world that’s traded evil for good”]

We’ve gone from most people believing in the 10 Commandments as a basis for behavior to a world that now finds the 10 Commandments offensive and has replaced good with evil. Truth with lies.  Moral with immoral. Like in the days of Judges, everyone does what seems right in their own eyes. There is no recognized central truth. Truth is whatever you want it to be. Your truth is all that matters.

“You can be whatever you want to be,” used to be an encouragement parents gave to their children to follow their dreams. Now it means children are “gender neutral” until “they” determine whatever sex “they” want to be regardless of their scientific biologic sex.

10 Things You Can Do in a World Gone Mad

More Madness

  • Legalized infanticide and late term abortions.
  • Gay marriage.
  • Young children who haven’t even experienced the hormonal changes of puberty are receiving hormones to change their biological sex.
  • Transgender athletes allowed to compete with their new gender identification, even in the Olympics. Yes, that means biological men are competing against biological women.
  • Political leaders stump for Socialism and Communism in America.
  • A freshmen Congresswoman suggests we eliminate air travel, cows, cars, hamburgers, and having children and seasoned legislators support this ludicrous fictional fable.
  • A Congresswoman denounces Israel and Congress doesn’t denounce her.
  • A sixteen-year old high school student is slandered and defamed by the mainstream media and celebrities for standing still and smiling while being harassed because he had participated in a pro-life rally and was wearing a MAGA hat.
  • A celebrity fabricates a hate-crime for greed, fame, and incrimination of supporters of our president, and fools the media with his lies.
  • Celebrity parents pay enormous bribes in a lying fraudulent scam to get their children into prestigious colleges.
  • A Democrat presidential contender encourages smoking marijuana to experience joy and legalizing prostitution.
  • Another inexperienced liberal Democrat throws his hat into the 2020 contenders. The newbie has no platform and his only claim to fame is that he swears a lot, has a DUI, fanaticized about killing children, was part of a hacking group, and can skateboard across a stage.
  • Media outlets no longer present news facts, but instead spew partisan opinions and biased liberal propaganda.
  • Churches of all faiths need armed guards.

I could fill this blog with cultural madness, and as soon as this blog posts, there will be even more shocking headlines.

We live in tumultuous times in the church and in the world. Confusion and fear reigns among newer believers who don’t have a solid foundation in biblical truth to help them discern evil from good, lies from truths, abnormal from normal.

How do you mentor the next generation when it seems we are in the end times?

[Tweet “How do you mentor the next generation when it seems we are in the end times?”]

How do you help young people stand bravely by the Bible when even many churches and pastors are deviating from God’s Word?

[Tweet “How do you help young people stand bravely by the Bible when even many churches and pastors are deviating from God’s Word?”]

Each generation has a predisposition to look at God as the God of the past who doesn’t understand the current culture. That’s why I’m a passionate proponent of mentoring and living out Titus 2:1-6 where spiritually older men and women receive the charge to teach, train, and model the Christian life to the next generation so they won’t be deceived and dissuaded.

Your job is to speak out on the things that make for solid doctrine. Guide older men into lives of temperance, dignity, and wisdom, into healthy faith, love, and endurance. Guide older women into lives of reverence so they end up as neither gossips nor drunks, but models of goodness. By looking at them, the younger women will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house, be good wives. We don’t want anyone looking down on God’s Message because of their behavior. Also, guide the young men to live disciplined lives. Titus 2:1-6 The Message

To understand the full impact of Titus 2:1-6, we need to read the issues Paul was addressing in the previous verses. It sounds a lot like our world today:

Everything is pure to those whose hearts are pure. But nothing is pure to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, because their minds and consciences are corrupted. Such people claim they know God, but they deny him by the way they live. They are detestable and disobedient, worthless for doing anything good.—Titus 1:15-16 NIV

[Tweet “There’s a steady increase in crime and decrease in morality in our culture because many believers are failing to take up the Titus 2 mantel”]

Today, we see a steady increase in crime and decrease in morality in our culture because many believers are failing to take up the Titus 2 mantel—one Paul and I call the job description for every Christian man and woman. A consequence of a generation not accepting the charge of Titus 2 is a liberal progressive society aggressively challenging Christianity and long-held truths governing our society for over 2,000 years.

Just as the apostle Paul saw the need for mentors in his day, we desperately need mentors today. Yet, many who should be stepping up to mentor and teach the next generation are falling away from Titus 2 just as quickly as our world is falling away from God.

[Tweet “How do we ordinary Christians make a difference in today’s confused and fallen world?”]

So how do we ordinary Christians make a difference in today’s confused and fallen world? We follow Paul’s teaching to Pastor Titus. As mentors, we speak, teach, and train the truth to the spiritually younger, straight from the Bible.

10 Things You Can Do in a World Gone Made

We read our Bibles and let God’s Word speak, teach, and train the truth to us so we can respond to life’s issues from God’s perspective. Together mentors and mentees learn spiritual wisdom and scriptural principles to help navigate the moral decline of our culture, and in some cases, the foundation of the Christian faith.

Here’s What We Can Do

We can pray for revival.

We can pray for everyone blinded by lack of faith in God!

We can pray for the victims of evil.

We can ask God what He wants His people, to do. What action does He want us to take?

We can share Jesus openly in this urgent time of uncertainty.

We can reassure our children, grandchildren, and mentees that they can make a difference in this world.

We can live as godly role models in a world that has forsaken God.

We can live by the Bible in our personal lives and share the Truth that salvation is free by the grace of God.

We can emphasize that we don’t follow God’s laws because we have to; we follow them because we have Jesus in our heart and they can too.

Here’s What We Can’t Do

We can’t lose hope.

We can’t ignore what’s happening around us.

We can’t live fearfully.

We can’t be silent.

We won’t become relics if we stay relevant.

[Tweet “Jesus didn’t come to conform to the culture; he came to reform the culture.”]

Jesus didn’t come to conform to the culture; he came to reform the culture. Now we’re to go and do likewise. Are you up for it? I pray your answer is “Yes, Lord, Yes. Here am I, use me!”

If you received this blog by email, please leave your comments here.

Here’s a slide show I wrote for Crosswalk.com that also posted today. I encourage you to read it: 10 Powerful Gifts to Pass On to the Next Generation.

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How Not Mentoring Millennials Implodes a Political Party. What Can the Church Learn?

How Not Mentoring Millinnials Implodes a Political Party! What Can the Church Learn?

Let me say right from the beginning that this is not a political blog. But it is a blog about what happens politically, spiritually, and personally when generations don’t heed God’s instructions, Hear this, you elders; listen, all who live in the land. Has anything like this ever happened in your days or in the days of your ancestors? Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation. —Joel 1:2-3

I don’t have all the answers, but I do know the Man who does, Jesus Christ. The Lord knew everything we would encounter in life and in our country. There’s nothing new under the sun. The culture may change, but the Bible is timeless.

[Tweet “There’s nothing new under the sun. The culture may change, but the Bible is timeless.”]

Here’s what I do know. If we’re encountering a problem in our world, God gave us the answer. We just need to seek it out and apply it. I can’t find anywhere in God’s Word where we’re told that young people don’t need guidance, direction, and mentoring before they take on important and influential roles.

[Tweet “Young people need guidance, direction, and mentoring before they take on important and influential roles.”]

For those of us past the age of millennials, we were all their age once when we thought we knew everything and were ready to change the world. But God knew that it was important for us to temper our enthusiasm with wisdom from those who have gone before us, whether it’s in business, ministry, parenting, politics, or just living life.

[Tweet “The Bible and God tells us that one generation should teach and train the next generation”]

Throughout the Bible God repeatedly tells us that one generation should teach and train the next generation. Titus 2:1-8 is a familiar mentoring passage written to older and younger men and women. But so often neither generation, the young or the old, realizes the value of mentoring.

These men and women understood, Ask your father and he will tell you, your elders, and they will explain to you (Deut. 32:7).

  • Moses mentored Joshua before Joshua took over the role of leading the Israelites into the Promised Land.
  • Elijah mentored Elisha as his successor.
  • Barnabas mentored Paul and Paul mentored Titus, Timothy, and Mark.
  • Ruth followed Naomi and wanted to know her God.
  • Young Mary visited with her elderly relative Elizabeth as they both had miracle pregnancies.
  • Even though Saul was a bad king, David obeyed him until it was his time to be king and he learned from Saul how not to rule.

The younger people didn’t ignore or usurp their elders. They wanted to learn from them so that someday they would be ready for their God-given roles.

What Happens Without Mentoring?

In 1 Kings 12:1-24, a young son of Solomon, Rehoboam, tried to take on a leadership role he wasn’t ready to assume. His subjects implored him, “Your father put a heavy yoke on us, but now lighten the harsh labor and the heavy yoke he put on us, and we will serve you.”

Rehoboam told them to go away for three days and then he inquired of the elders who had served his father what he should do. They wisely replied, “If today you will be a servant to these people and serve them and give them a favorable answer, they will always be your servants.”

But Rehoboam rejected the advice the elders gave him and consulted the young men who had grown up with him and were serving him. He asked them, “What is your advice? How should we answer these people who say to me, ‘Lighten the yoke your father put on us’?”

10 The young men who had grown up with him replied, “These people have said to you, ‘Your father put a heavy yoke on us, but make our yoke lighter.’ Now tell them, ‘My little finger is thicker than my father’s waist. 11 My father laid on you a heavy yoke; I will make it even heavier. My father scourged you with whips; I will scourge you with scorpions.’”

Do you remember who he listened to? The wise elders or his arrogant young friends?

Yes, he took the advice of the young inexperienced entitled young men who were looking for power with Rehoboam, not what was best for the people.

The people said forget it then. We’re leaving. Those who stayed, rebelled against Rehoboam and he barely got away with his life.

We’re seeing something similar happen with the Congressional Democrats. Young, freshmen millennial women, who weren’t mentored or given wise counsel in how to be a constructive team player in Congress, came into office with their own agendas discounting the experience of those who went before them.

[Tweet “Instead of senior Congressional leaders reining in the freshmen for some mentoring, they seem intimidated”]

But instead of the senior Congressional leaders acting as mentors for the freshmen, they seem to be intimidated by them. The experienced elders are cowering to the inexperienced Millennials. They’re letting these three women set the agenda as ridiculous, rude, radical, and rudimentary as it is. They’re even letting one proclaim she’s “the boss,” and it looks like she is.

Why are Democrat presidential hopefuls endorsing the harmful philosophies of these three women instead of educating them on the pitfalls and dangers of Socialism and anti-semitism? Because the freshmen are getting more attention and press so the contenders for the party nomination feel they must join them, even if it means destroying America.

How could older legislators let the young immature legislators come in as wrecking balls and then bow down to them? Why? Because the seniors think this is what they have to do to get the millennial vote. Sell their souls and the good of the country for party power even as they lose their personal power.

[Tweet “Democrats are immobilized by their own identity politics.”]

The Democrats are immobilized by their own identity politics. Now they can’t seem to discipline or restrain the three women “of color” (which now just means not white) for fear of being called misogynist, Islamophobic, or racist. The same slurs they sling at Conservatives are boomeranging to haunt them.

Three freshmen Congresswomen are in charge while the elders are impotent. And just like the story of Rehoboam . . . they could soon see their party running for its life.

I don’t think this is how Millennials want to be wooed. They’re smarter than this. I don’t think we all raised a generation of arrogant, entitled, foolish, disrespectful, loud-mouthed young people. If I’m wrong and these three women are representative of the next generation, then our country will be in a steady dissent. If the older generation is afraid to confront them, they will indeed be a generation that watches their accomplishments disintegrate.

[Tweet “The older generation’s legacy will be that they tried to please the next generation instead of taking the time to mentor them.”]

What Can the Church Learn About the Importance of Mentoring the Next Generation?

I pray the older generation’s legacy in the culture and in the church will not be that they tried to please the next generation instead of taking the time to mentor them, love on them, and show them how to live godly lives in an ungodly culture.

Mentor them don’t ignore them.

Mentor them don’t appease them.

Do the young people in your church know about the evils of Socialism, anti-Semitism, abortion, and infanticide? Or is your church letting the culture and liberal media brainwash them?

We need to speak out against the wave of anti-Semitism, and yet, so far the only Christian leader I’ve heard denounce it is Governor Mike Huckabee in his monologue for his program on TBN.

It’s the church’s responsibility to educate the next generation, so that the evils of the past don’t become their future.

[Tweet “It’s the church’s responsibility to educate the next generation.”]

Mentor them about the fallacies and faults of Socialism. 

Show them that Socialism isn’t free, but you will lose your freedoms.

[Tweet “Socialism isn’t free, but you will lose your freedoms.”]

[Tweet “Each generation is responsible for the actions of the next generation.”]

Each generation is responsible for the actions of the next generation. What did we teach or not teach them? What kind of role models were we? How much time did we spend molding them into responsible citizens? They’re our legacy. Our responsibility. If we’re alarmed at what’s going on today, we have to ask ourselves: How did we let this happen?

I’ve stressed so often in blogs like this one that Generation Gaps Were Never Part of God’s Plan! In my book Mentoring for All Seasons: Sharing Life Experiences and God’s Faithfulness, I give ideas of how the generations can learn from each other and work together, just as God planned for us to do.

I encourage you to read my blog for Crosswalk: The Forgotten Link Between Seniors and Discipleship/Church Growth.

If you’re a Millennial, I would love to hear your thoughts. How can we reach your generation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and help them be ready to take over the responsibility of running our free Democratic country, without ruining it with Socialism or Communism? How can we prepare them to continue God’s earthly kingdom and His church?

In an Op-ed Newt Gingrich writes about what he sees happening between the congressional generations: “To the new Democrats, the leaders are like the grandparents. And I don’t mean this in a positive way that could foster an opportunity for maternal or paternal mentorships.” Instead, “these new Democrats are throwing a party – and the grandparents aren’t invited.”

“One generation commends your works to another, they tell of your mighty acts.” Psalm 145:4

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Don’t Just Cry, Do Something!

I’m back! Did you miss my Monday Morning Blogs these past few months? I certainly missed you!

As many of you know, I broke my wrist after a tumble down my office stairs on October 22. I’ve been in casts and braces ever since as my wrist healed. Now I’m in physical therapy to strengthen my wrist and muscles that haven’t been used for three months. As you can imagine, this was difficult for a writer!!! Fortunately, I had turned in the manuscript for the new book Everyday Brave the week before the fall.

But it’s been a long journey and isn’t over yet, so I’ll have to make this brief, if I can, since there are so many cultural events I want to address. If you follow me on Facebook, I’ve been able to peck out my comments and thoughts there.

Don't Just Cry, Do Something about the atrocities of abortion in our nation.

Since I’m limited today in the use of my wrist, there are several excellent posts I’d like you to read and share your thoughts and comments here:

“Standing for God in a Pagan Culture” by Pastor Greg Laurie

I’m reading the Bible in a year, and just read about the encounter Pastor Laurie talks about between God, Moses, and Pharaoh. For those who think that Christians should not be involved in government or political issues that are more moral than political, Pharaoh was the government and God sent Moses and Aaron to confront him 10 times before Pharaoh freed the Israelite slaves. I love the last line of this article, “God isn’t looking for good speakers; He’s looking for obedient servants.”

Question: What is God asking you to do in your sphere of influence?

The New York “Reproductive Health Act” RHA (which should’ve been named “Unlimited Abortion Act”) became law on January 22, 2019. Governor Cuomo and his supporters applauded and lit up the World Trade Center monument in pink to celebrate…

[Tweet “Governor Cuomo and his supporters applauded and lit up the World Trade Center monument in pink to celebrate…”]

  • When a pregnant woman miscarries from an assault, the loss of her baby is no longer a crime.
  • Allowing third-trimester abortions (infanticide) for vaguely and subjectively a mother’s “health”.
  • Allowing abortions to be performed by medical personnel other than physicians
  • Making it legal for viable babies born alive following late-term abortions to be denied medical care and left to painfully die. (I can’t imagine what kind of person could stand by and watch this happen. Well I can’t imagine who could be an abortionist either!)

In other words, in New York a baby is not a human!

[Tweet “In New York a baby is not a human!”]

Please read the full text of RHA. It will only take five minutes. Many are trying to spin what it says. Read it for yourself.

In response to New York’s new genocide abortion law, my friend Heather Riggleman saw what God was asking her to do and bravely shared her own testimony in an open letter to New York posted in TODAY Parenting Team, “New York—You Let Fear Win.”

I know that if you’ve had an abortion, this topic is raw and painful for you if you haven’t asked God for, and received, His forgiveness. There’s nothing we’ve done that isn’t forgivable . . .  “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

I’ve seen so many angry and tearful emojis on Facebook, but I think God wants us to put those emotions into action. Not just cry all over Facebook and social media where posts will soon be forgotten. We’re to do something to impact our culture positively.

Here are some ideas:

Pray that with science and medical strides in ultrasounds confirming that the creation of a human begins at conception, more people will see and admit that in-utero babies are developing people.

Share God’s Word on His creation of life. Psalm 139:13 Isaiah 49:1

Boldly support, campaign, and vote for pro-life conservative legislators.

Work to get out the conservative vote.

Volunteer at women’s healthcare centers that offer alternatives to abortion.

[Tweet “Encourage your church to get involved in foster care and adoption programs. The church, not the government, is supposed to care for the orphans.”]

Encourage your church to get involved in foster care and adoption programs. The church, not the government, is supposed to care for the orphans. Give these expectant mothers ways to care for their unborn children.

Sign petitions that shout your voice. We’ve seen their success in other areas.

Don’t become complacent or let the horror that alarms you now, become the norm.

Champion for life like you would for your own baby or grandchild’s life.

[Tweet “See and promote movies that expose the truth about abortion. Gosnell or Unplanned when it releases in March.”]

See and promote movies that expose the truth about abortion. Gosnell (his crimes would now be legal in New York. We were on our way to see this movie when I broke my wrist), Unplanned (listen to actress Ashley Bratcher’s own story),

Mentor—educate young women about the reality of abortion and answer their questions. I talk about ideas for how to have these discussions in Mentoring for All Seasons. I also talk in this book about how to mentor women and girls who’ve already had an abortion. How to share with them that God loves them and will forgive them if they only will come to Him and ask.

Use Your Story for God’s Glory. My friend Patti Smith is an example of a woman who had abortions before turning her life over to Jesus. She’s now mentoring women who’ve had abortions. She wrote a blog post for me several years ago, Prisoners of Their Own Choice.

God can use our past bad choices to help them not become someone else’s future.

[Tweet “God can use our past bad choices to help them not become someone else’s future.”]

Believe me, all those women in the “Shout Your Abortion” movement endorsed by Oprah Winfrey are not proud of their abortions. They’re hurting women who think they’ll feel better about their choice if they can justify it by finding other women in the same situation. They too need to hear that Jesus forgives when you ask.

[Tweet “Women who’ve had abortions too need to hear that Jesus forgives when you ask. Spread that news that God loves you.”]

Share the Gospel and love. Spread the news that God loves you and forgives. All you have to do is accept Jesus as your Savior, turn from your sinful life, ask Him for forgiveness for past sins, and let Him guide your life. (1 John 1:9)

Read Forsaken God?: Remembering the Goodness of God Our Culture Has Forgotten. There are questions at the end of each chapter for group study.

I’m not trying to promote sales of this book, I’m just telling you that when this book released in 2016, I foretold the progressive movement for what it is: the playbook for Satan. I saw it then and it’s even more relevant now. If progressives, like Cuomo and other liberals, get into power in the White House this is just an example of the continued progression of evil in our country.

Here’s another good article from Christianpost.com, Abortion is Satanic Worship.

When Cuomo and his colleagues gleefully wore pink and signed the death sentence to so many unborn boys and girls, he made this statement: “a historic victory for our progressive values.”

In Forsaken God?, here is what I wrote about Progressivism. It’s founder is Satan and atheism is the basis for its values.

Each generation pushes out the boundaries of sin and immorality a little farther in the name of a “progressive tolerant culture.” The 20th Century’s sexual revolution has made sex outside of marriage and abortion acceptable and old stuff as the 21st Century’s norm becomes casual hookups, unwed pregnancies, homosexuals, transgenderism, gay marriage, and condoms passed out in schools. What one generation does in moderation, the next generation does in excess, and sadly that’s been true since the beginning of time.

Satan is hijacking high-profile liberal pastors and several mainline denominations who expound that: the Bible isn’t inerrant or relevant, God is a myth, Jesus is a legend, and the church needs to catch up with the culture. Essentially, they’re atheists trying to mask themselves as “progressive Christians,” as if they’ve discovered the true, open-minded Christianity that doesn’t need the Bible.

I want to hear other ideas you have for engaging with our culture. God is using all of this to bring the atrocities of abortion back into the public eye.

What are you doing to let the light shine as the darkness takes over our country? You can make a difference, one life at a time.

Good to be back for such a time as this.

Remember the goodness of God so you don't forsake Him in your life.

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God Is in Charge of His Glory—Not You! by Kathy Collard Miller

As I mentioned last week, my new book was due to the publisher on Monday and I had to stay focused on finishing it, which I did, so our Monday Morning Blog is again on Tuesday . . . but at least it’s in the morning this time. Kathy Collard Miller is a dear friend of mine, fellow author, and former mentor to me so I’m thrilled to have her share with you from her book, Pure-Hearted. Kathy is also generously offering a free book so make sure to leave a comment below by next Sunday, Oct. 21, to enter the drawing. We had a lot of fun last week with our comments and drawing and one blessed woman is enjoying her free book this week.

God willing, I’ll be back next Monday! Thank all of you who prayed for me during this writing marathon of Everyday Brave: Living Courageously as a Woman of Faith. It will release in September 2019. 

God Is in Charge of His Glory—Not You!

by Kathy Collard Miller

I walked away from the coffee house berating myself. “Kathy! You must have said the wrong thing to her. See her response? How is God going to be glorified and her grow in Christ if you keep saying the wrong thing?”

I had been mentoring this new Christian for a month or two but felt like every time we met I said something wrong or something that could be misinterpreted. I just knew God wasn’t shining through me very clearly! When would I get it right? And the fact that my mentee was still struggling must mean I was doing it wrong.

[Tweet “The fact that my mentee was still struggling must mean I was doing it wrong!”]

Is My Mentee Talking About Me to Others?

Plus, I wasn’t quite sure if she was talking about me with others. I knew my desire was to help, but I felt tense thinking of other’s opinions about my ministry.

This scenario has occurred many times over the years of helping others in their spiritual walk, and over time, I’ve been able to counteract the lies with the truth: God is in charge of changes within others and He isn’t dependent upon me mentoring perfectly.

[Tweet “God is in charge of changes within others and He isn’t dependent upon me mentoring perfectly.”]

What the Apostle Paul Says

I’ve also been encouraged by the perspective of the Apostle Paul who wrote, But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by any human court. In fact, I do not even judge myself. For I am not aware of anything against myself, but I am not thereby acquitted. It is the Lord who judges me (I Corinthians 4:3-4).

Paul doesn’t jump into self-contempt like I do. He seeks God’s opinion. I think so many of us depend upon our self-evaluations rather than looking to God for his judgement of what happened with the person we are mentoring. We conclude we didn’t say the right things. But we don’t know what our mentee needed to hear. Maybe the very words we said—and are judging—were what she needed to hear.

[Tweet “Maybe the very words we said—and are judging—were what our mentee needed to hear.”]

I Apologized But It Wasn’t Needed

So many times, I’ve followed up on a conversation and apologized for what I said. Most of the time the person responds, “Really? I don’t remember.” Other times, she says, “No, I didn’t think anything bad at all.” I had been all upset, rehearsing what I said, but my friend wasn’t.

Paul continues, We are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are wise in Christ. We are weak, but you are strong. You are held in honor, but we in disrepute (vs. 10).

Evidently, Paul’s opponents in Corinth are saying those things about him, so he is responding sarcastically. He’s basically saying, “Of course, you’re right. You are wise but we are fools. You are strong, but we are weak. You are held in honor, but we are disreputable. Shame on us.” Wink. Wink.

The Apostle Paul Is Making Fun of Others

He is making light of their opinions of him because he doesn’t mind others seeing him in those ways. His motive is not to be seen well, but to cooperate with God’s plan. What a lesson for us. We don’t have to be bothered by what others say about us either.

[Tweet “We don’t have to be bothered by what others say about us.”]

If we’re afraid of appearing as fools when we speak of the Lord, we might want to examine our hearts. Maybe our self-contempt is because we fear looking foolish or silly or unintelligent or whatever we have vowed to never appear as or feel like. When we have the purified heart of sacrifice for God’s glory, we will be wisely sensitive to the needs of others, led by the Holy Spirit, because our focus isn’t distracted by our own self-protection.

I Don’t Want to Be Thought of As Stupid

I have recognized my distracted focus of not wanting to seem stupid or insensitive. Both prevent me from boldly obeying the Spirit’s leading. I’m afraid I’ll reveal my stupidity by saying something my mentee can dispute from Scripture or her own interpretation of truth. My old childhood nemesis—don’t make anyone feel bad because then I’m bad—hampers me from having the freedom to respond however the Holy Spirit is leading me.

Yet, what is the truth? Paul states the truth earlier in this first letter to the Corinthians, But we have the mind of Christ (2:16).

The Corinthian believers must really be struggling with their image. Paul confronts those issues in so many ways. He writes, For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling, and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God (1 Corinthians 2:2-5).

Paul seems to be saying, “I have known the fears of appearing weak and lacking wisdom just like you are experiencing. But my weaknesses mean you’ll rest in God’s power and not depend upon me being so wise.”

I Have a New Bold Sensitivity

To some degree, I’ve seen God newly empower my life with a bold sensitivity by being willing to sacrifice my own image or risk being misunderstood.

[Tweet “I’ve seen God newly empower my life with a bold sensitivity by being willing to sacrifice my own image.”]

I remember one time specifically when I berated myself after seemingly giving all the wrong responses to a friend about God and His workings. I felt defeated and wondered whether I had destroyed any possibility of her responding to God’s love. But then, God popped a great thought into my mind. “Well, if she grows as a Christian, it certainly won’t be because of my communication skills.”

I’m Not Responsible for My Mentee’s Growth

Then, the truth hit me. If her growth, or even conversion, isn’t because of me, who is the cause? And who will get the glory since I don’t deserve it? Jesus and his Spirit. If I had been brilliant and my friend suddenly exclaimed, “Oh, you’ve made it so clear. I do want to become a Christian,” it would have been easy to give myself credit rather than the work of the Holy Spirit. But He is the one who calls her to growth or salvation, it’s not about me at all. I’m just a weak and inadequate vessel.

Having pure motives for God’s glory doesn’t mean we won’t prepare as much as we can. It means we recognize God is completely in charge of His glory—not us.

[Tweet “Having pure motives for God’s glory doesn’t mean we won’t prepare as much as we can. It means we recognize God is completely in charge of His glory—not us.”]

What have you found helpful in resisting taking the growth of your mentee personally? Share in the comment section, and also enter to win a copy of Kathy’s book, Pure-Hearted.

If you received this blog by email, leave a comment here.

This guest blog is adapted from Pure-Hearted: The Blessings of Living Out God’s Glory.

Kathy is making a copy of Pure-Hearted available to the winner of a book drawing. Enter to win in the comment section below by Sunday, October 21, and the winner will be drawn and announced that afternoon. (US addresses only please.)

Kathy Collard Miller author of Pure Hearted discusses letting mentees suffer as God uses their trials to strengthen them.

Pure-Hearted will help you bring more glory to God by purifying your motives. Author and speaker Jennifer Kennedy Dean writes in the Foreword: “You will find the secret to the communion for which your heart was formed.”

Kathy Collard Miller writes about letting God work through suffering in mentoring.

Kathy Collard Miller is an award-winning author of over 50 books that include Christian living topics, women’s Bible studies, and Bible commentaries. She is a speaker who has shared in 8 foreign countries and over 30 US states. Kathy and Larry have been married for 48 years and are the parents of two and grandparents of two. They live in Southern California and often write and speak together. Visit her at www.KathyCollardMiller.com. She would love to hear from you.

Order Pure-Hearted




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Why We Need Mentoring Part Two By Tammy Keene

This week we have the second part of Tammy Keene’s blog post on how mentoring has impacted her life and led her to start a mentoring ministry at her church, First Baptist Church of Riverview. If you didn’t get to read last week’s Why We Need Mentoring Part One, be sure and read it first so you can meet Tammy.

This is also Love Your Body Like God Loves Your Body last Monday of the month and Tammy gives some good advice on sticking with weight loss or any health regime.

Why We Need Mentoring Part Two By Tammy Keene

In 2013, I invited Lisa Weaver to join me on a weight loss journey. What started as just the two of us meeting at the gym to walk on a treadmill and discuss a Bible study became so much more.

Looking back at this time, I have recognized a very important lesson: this simple act of obedience led me to where I am today. As I reflect now, I am shocked that I would have the boldness to ask another woman to join me on a weight loss journey.

That weight loss journey led to the Tuesday Night Ladies Bible Study. It was during our first Bible study, that God laid on my heart to share what we were learning with other ladies. It started out as a weight loss Bible study, but it became so much more.

[Tweet “Sometimes you need to pass the baton so God can use you somewhere else.”]

Sometimes you need to pass the baton so God can use you somewhere else.

In preparation for starting our mentoring ministry, I felt God calling me to step away from leading the Tuesday Night Bible Study. I almost let my fear of stepping away get in the way of what God was trying to accomplish. As I stepped away, God blessed the Tuesday Night Bible Study with two women to co-lead.

This was just the start because God was not done. He also led three more ladies to lead two more Bible studies I was leading on Wednesday mornings.

[Tweet “God’s economics are so much better than ours!”]

God’s economics are so much better than mine! 

If I had allowed my fear of letting go hold me back, I would have missed being a small part of some of the blessings at First Baptist Church of Riverview.

In Janet Thompson’s book, Mentoring for All Seasons, one mentee shared her concern about mentoring. “Where are all the mentors? I remember looking up to several women in the church, but I was never able to wiggle my way under their wing. It shouldn’t have been so hard, and no mom should have to go it alone. The church should weave mentoring into the fabric of the church.” (p. 143)

I know that as women, we are very busy, our schedules are packed and our time is precious, but I truly believe the experience of having a mentor or mentee is necessary for each of us. You’ll be amazed by what God will show you during this time.

Another mentor shared in Mentoring for All Seasons that: “Sometimes we don’t fully discover our strengths because we let doubt and fear keep us from moving forward…we minimize those feelings, put things off for a later date or hold back because we doubt our feelings or our own abilities. But when we say yes – even if we aren’t sure if we’re qualified or how it’s all going to turn out – that’s when He opens new doors to discover, live, and love our strengths…that’s when lives are changed, including ours…one by one the world is changed too.” (p. 145)

In 2013, I didn’t realize I had a passion for mentoring, but God used the lessons learned over my lifetime to confirm that He has placed me exactly where I am meant to be. I am blessed to be a small part of the mentoring ministry at FBCR, mentoring is my passion! 

Tammy Keene

Why We Need Mentoring Party Two by Tammy Keene

Where might God be calling you to step away, so He can help you step into something new?

[Tweet “Where might God be calling you to step away, so He can help you step into something new?”]

How has mentoring changed your life?

Why we need mentoring Part 2 by Tammy Keene

Notice Tammy made sure the Bible studies she was leading had capable new leaders before she left. That’s one important point I also make in The Team That Jesus Built. Never walk away from a ministry unless you’ve equipped someone to take your place.

[Tweet “Never walk away from a ministry unless you’ve equipped someone to take your place.”]

Then you don’t leave a void or hurt the ministry you’re leaving.

If you received this blog by email, please leave a comment here.

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Why We Need Mentoring by Tammy Keene

Tammy Keene is the leader of the mentoring ministry Touching Another Generation, TAG, at First Baptist Church of Riverview. I’m looking forward to meeting Tammy and speaking at her church in 2019. Tammy knows I’m on a book deadline and offered to write her thoughts on mentoring, and I welcomed them. This will be a two-part post, so check back next week for the conclusion. So here’s Tammy!

Why We Need Mentoring by Tammy Keene

Why We Need Mentoring by Tammy Kenne leadero of Touching Another Generation Mentoring Ministry

I have the privilege of leading my church’s women’s mentoring ministry, Touching Another Generation, TAG. We model our ministry after the Titus 2 woman, and our key verse is Psalm 145:4, “One generation shall praise your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts.”

In the past when I shared my testimony, I would begin with God’s call on my life in 2015. After reflecting on the blessings that I’ve received, God has illuminated another truth in my life, mentoring has been a lifelong process.

[Tweet “Mentoring is a lifelong process”]

Mentoring has enriched my life!

[Tweet “Mentoring is necessary for women”]

Mentoring is necessary for women, and I know that God uniquely designed me and gave me this passion for mentoring.

Janet Thompson’s Woman to Woman Mentoring Ministry DVD kit was an invaluable tool to create a mentoring ministry at my church. Her step-by-step approach provided the information necessary to launch and sustain our mentoring ministry. The kit provided me with a ready-made outline for our first Orientation Coffee and Kickoff Event including the following:

  • From Lucibel Van Atta’s book – Women Encouraging Women:

“Mentoring isn’t just another activity to scrunch into our already over-crowded calendars. It is a relationship, a commitment, a step of faith. A faith defined as giving God the opportunity to fulfill His promise through our lives. And this is indeed what pleases God, ‘And without faith it is impossible to please God’ (Hebrews 11:6).”

  • A Mentor is ‘someone close and trusted and experienced.’ Mentoring requires no special talent. All God asks is for us to take seriously the task of nurturing and building up other women.
  • As Christian women we are to share with another Christian woman how Christ has helped us through the joys and pains of our lives. We are to remind our younger sisters in Christ to go to Christ and let Him walk beside us, comfort us, and guide us.

[Tweet “Mentoring is an intentional relationship, sharing your faith journey with another woman”]

  • Mentoring is an intentional relationship, sharing your faith journey with another woman because women need women!
  • A mentor is someone who has experienced life and is willing to walk alongside of a sister in Christ.
  • A mentee is simply a spiritually younger woman willing to be mentored by an experienced sister in Christ. She may not have all of the answers but she is willing to walk alongside of you.                       

Mentoring is a two-way relationship!

[Tweet “Mentoring is a two-way relationship!”]

           Why mentoring?

  • It’s biblical.

God instructs women to model godly behavior for other women.

In the same way, older women are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not slaves to excessive drinking. They are to teach what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands and to love their children, to be self-controlled, pure, workers at home, kind, and in submission to their husbands, so that God’s word will not be slandered. Titus 2:3-5 (CSB)

The Apostle Paul provides specific instructions for teaching sound doctrine with a specific admonition to women. We’re responsible for training godly women, how else are they to learn what is expected of them?

           Why mentoring?

  • It’s a blessing. God will bless you through the relationship.

Her mouth speaks wisdom, and loving instruction is on her tongue. Proverbs 31:26 (CSB)

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort.  Who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort also. 2 Corinthians 1:3-5

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy. Complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord of one mind. Philippians 2:1-2

[Tweet “Mentoring not only blesses us, but we are able to bless others.”]

Mentoring not only blesses us, but we are able to bless others.

A mentor in Janet Thompson’s book, Mentoring for All Seasons, stated: “Comfort with the same comfort we received from God in our difficult season. God puts people in our path going through something we’ve experienced and survived with his help and he expects us to reach out to them with the power of his love, healing, and forgiveness.” (p. 186).

And God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8

          Why mentoring?

  • It builds you. God will use the mentoring relationship to build your confidence in yourself, but especially your confidence in His Word.

[Tweet “God will use the mentoring relationship to build your confidence in yourself, but especially your confidence in His Word.”]

Having a mature sister in Christ will help keep you focused on putting first things first, which will build your confidence. Character building is encouraged by having a godly woman walking beside you. When you’re in a mentoring relationship, you have another woman to share prayer requests and life challenges. Having a godly woman to walk alongside of you as you walk through life’s daily challenges is a blessing, but it also will illuminate the biblical foundation built through the relationship and the strengthening of your relationship with God.

In the fall of 2014, my husband and I learned that at the end of the year we both would lose our jobs. I know that God was teaching me to trust Him in all things, but especially with our careers. I reached out to my mentor Tisha and asked her to pray for wisdom and discernment with our job search.

As she faithfully prayed, I kept her updated with my search and interviews. It was the middle of January, she prayed that God would knock my socks off and He did. I had seven interviews scheduled in one week! I actually had to cancel one. Tisha was modeling a very important lesson, pray specifically and wait for God to show up! God answered our prayers and my husband and I both had new jobs by March.

How has mentoring blessed your life?

If you received this blog by email, please leave a comment here.

Tammy Keene is the founder and leader of Touching Another Generation Mentoring Ministry at First Baptist Church of Riverview. I love this picture of Tammy!

Tammy Keene writes about Why Mentoring Is Necessary

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Laughing All the Way by Karen O’connor

Our guest blogger this week is long time friend and author Karen O’Connor sharing about her new book Laughing All the Way. No matter what season of life you’re in right now, we’re all going to grow older, and Karen gives wise perspective on how to enjoy the life God has granted to each of us.

Karen is offering a free copy of Laughing All the Way. Just leave a comment below to enter the drawing. It would make a great gift!

I came across this quote in Our Daily Bread (9/7/18) article “Unchanging Love” by James Banks, “We grow older and the world around us may change, but God’s love doesn’t. He can always be trusted to take care of those who turn to Him.”

Laughing All the Way

By Karen O’Connor

Laughing All the Way by Karen O'Connor

“The tragedy of life is not that it ends too soon, but that we wait so long to begin it,” said William Mather Lewis, American teacher, university president, and state and national government official.

[Tweet “”The tragedy of life is not that it ends too soon, but that we wait so long to begin it,” William Mather Lewis”]

This quote gave me pause as I considered my own life now that I’m heading down the home stretch. Do I give up and just watch TV or do I open the door and walk outside eager for what God might bring my way today? I want to open the door but sometimes I’m afraid or worried or anxious about what might be out there.

[Tweet “Karen O’Connor says I decided that hiding out, using old age as an excuse, was completely contrary to my personality and my experience.”]

I decided that hiding out, using old age as an excuse, was completely contrary to my personality and my experience so I decided to write one more book, continue teaching writing to young people online, and sign up for substitute teaching one day a week at a nearby school.

Once I put all these actions in motion, I watched my fears and worries melt away. I was smiling more and pretty soon laughing at the obstacles I had erected for myself. I share my experiences and those of others in my new book: Laughing All the Way: Wit, Wisdom, and Willpower for the Golden Years. (Harvest House Publishers, 2018).

[Tweet “Karen O’connor says If you feel the need for mentoring from an old gal who’s been there and done that, I hope my book will provide it”]

If you feel the need for a bit of mentoring from an old gal who’s been there and done that, I hope my book will provide it through chapters in the following sections:

Making New Choices will cover some of the ways we can become involved with new people and places, as well as new ways of thinking.

Accepting New Challenges will highlight the inevitable experiences that are part of the aging process: illness, loss of a loved one, financial worries and so on, and how we can accept and work with them in positive ways—and even smile through them.

Taking New Chances will prompt you to risk more and worry less, to do that thing you’ve always wanted to do—whether it’s singing lessons, or running a marathon for seniors, or repairing a broken friendship before it’s too late.

Opening New Chapters will suggest ways to rekindle your relationship with God, how to live in the heartland of gratitude and joy regardless of the circumstances, and coming to realize that growing old is truly a ‘privilege few people get to experience.’

[Tweet “Growing old is truly a ‘privilege few people get to experience.’Karen O’Connor”]

I’d love to hear from you about what you’re doing to make the most of growing older with wit, wisdom, and willpower. Please visit me:



Don’t forget to leave a comment below to join the drawing to receive a copy of Karen’s new book. If you received this blog by email, please leave a comment here.

Laughing All the Way by Karen O'Connor

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7 Principles For Making Wise Choices by Dawn Wilson

Today’s guest post is from a dear friend and author, Dawn Wilson. I’m chained to the computer writing a new book with a short deadline. I found it interesting that Dawn’s blog provides us seven principles for making wise choices and the first chapter in my book is “Brave Choices.” I also just finished Chapter Eight “Brave Discernment.” Reading Dawn’s post gives me some new thoughts to consider. I know it will you too because we all make zillions of decisions from the time we get up until we go to bed, and each decision is a “choice.” Enjoy!

 7 Principles For Making Wise Choices by Dawn Wilson

Some people make choices in a “spaghetti” fashion, throwing options at a wall to see what sticks. They’re not sure what to do, so they guess at what God might bless and use.

I used to do that, and ended up making some bad—or not the best—decisions. I concluded it’s far wiser to ask God how to make better biblical choices.

7 Principles for Making Wise Choices by Dawn Wilson

Discernment comes from understanding our inclination toward sin and foolishness, and from knowing the Word of God (Hebrews 5:13-14). The Bible offers clear principles to guide us in making wise big decisions and everyday choices.

[Tweet “The Bible offers clear principles to guide us in making wise big decisions and everyday choices.”]

This is good news whether we’re searching for answers ourselves, or encouraging and mentoring others. Few in our culture have a biblical framework for making healthy, positive decisions—spiritually, emotionally, mentally, socially and physically. We especially need to give new Christ-followers principles for developing discernment and making wise choices so they won’t be easy prey for the enemy.

Principles for Making Godly Decisions

  1. Conscience Principle

Our conscience is the part of our human psyche that causes mental anguish and guilt feelings when we violate our value system. We have feelings of well-being when we conform to our value system. This is often referred to as our moral consciousness—moral awareness—or moral compass. A weak or immature conscience is the product of a faulty value system. Our conscience can be hi-jacked by worldly beliefs, the enemy’s lies, or our own sinful nature. But as believers mature in the faith, our conscience strengthens in the will and ways of God.

[Tweet “Our conscience can be hi-jacked by worldly beliefs, the enemy’s lies, or our own sinful nature.”]


  1. Counsel Principle

Our Heavenly Father counsels His children, Jesus is our Wonderful Counselor according to Isaiah 9:6, and He left us another Counselor, the Holy Spirit. We also find counsel in Scripture. God also equips us with wise counsel from Christian teachers and mentors.


  1. Convictions Principle

Convictions aren’t our opinions. They’re our firmly held beliefs that ultimately determine who we are and what we do. Convictions often chart our course for life, because they drive our choices. They help us set healthy boundaries. We have convictions about our relationships, career, time, finances, health, entertainment, and our spiritual priorities.

[Tweet “Convictions often chart our course for life, because they drive our choices.”]


  1. Cause Principle

Our motives—the underlying reason for our actionsmatter to God. We can serve God from impure motives, but He won’t be impressed! The Bible says our motives will be exposed, and impure motives can hinder our prayers, so we need to carefully check them.

[Tweet “We can serve God from impure motives, but He won’t be impressed!”]


  1. Control Principle

Jesus cautioned believers to consider whether we call Him Lord, but still want to be lord of our own life.


  1. Consequences Principle

There are good and bad possible consequences of our choices. If we’re wise, we’ll anticipate these natural consequences before moving forward.


  1. Concern Principle

[Tweet “It’s so easy to think about our own agenda and not consider how our choices affect others.”]

We live in a selfish world. It’s so easy to think about our own agenda and not consider how our choices affect others. This isn’t a biblical way to live.


The more we seek the Lord’s direction for our decisions, the more we will benefit ourselves, bless others, and bring glory to God.

[Tweet “The more we seek the Lord’s direction for our decisions, the more we will benefit ourselves, bless others, and bring glory to God.”]

You may find some principles easier to act on than other principles. What is the hardest one for you to follow regarding your choices?

If you received this blog by email, leave a comment here.

7 Principles for Making Wise Choices__

Dawn Wilson and her husband Bob live in Southern California. They have two married sons and three granddaughters. A former journalist for Christian newspapers, Dawn now assists author and radio host Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth with research and works with various departments at Revive Our HeartsShe is also the founder and director of Heart Choices Today, publishes UPGRADE with Dawn, and writes for Crosswalk.com and TrueWoman.com. Dawn occasionally travels with her husband Bob with Pacesetter Global Outreach.



Graphic adapted, courtesy of Ben White at Unsplash

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Love Your Body—For Longer Than Thirty Days

Love Your Body Longer Than 30 Days talks about the challenges of keeping weight off beyond the 30 days. Is it a way of eating you could do for life? If not it will be a disappointment.

Love Your Body Like God Loves It

Last week, a Facebook friend posted that she ended up in the hospital after trying a weight-loss drink. My heart sank. Fortunately, she’s fine now, but she’ll never do that again. If you follow my last Monday of the month Love Your Body series, you’ve heard me speak so often about the dangers of quick weight loss products and diets. How many people do you know who have gone on a weight loss shake or product or shots and kept the weight off? These are costly and comprised of chemicals, not natural food no matter how they try to advertise “natural” or even organic. You might lose weight for the short-run, but no one is going to spend the rest of her or his life drinking expensive shakes for a meal or buying the packaged foods some of the programs tout, or going to meetings . . . and as you start slipping back into your old eating habits, (because you haven’t learned new healthy ones) the weight returns, maybe even more than you lost. So this week, I’m rerunning a post as a reminder of how to Love Your Body Like God Loves Your Body!

I know I’m going to take some heat for this blog post, so let me start off by reminding everyone that the only reason I write this series on the last Monday of the month is because I care about your health. My first degree in college was a Bachelor of Science in Dietetics, and I spent a year internship to become a Registered Dietitian, R.D. While I don’t currently practice that profession, I always say, “Once a dietitian, always a dietitian.” When you’ve learned the principles of how to eat the way God made our bodies, why would you ever want to do anything differently?!

[Tweet “Most people want a quick fix and not a lifetime of eating healthy”]

But I didn’t stay in that profession for one reason; most people want a quick fix and not a lifetime of eating healthy. It was a thankless career. I began as a clinical R.D. in hospitals and thought I could be the Florence Nightingale of dietetics and help everyone on the path to wellness. I quickly learned that an R.D. was the meanie. You would think we were taking away their whole reason for living, instead of helping them to live longer! Even though in so many illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and weight-related, diet plays such a key role, people are often in denial. They want to take a pill or find an easy solution so they can keep eating the way they love, often more than they love their own bodies and loved ones.

[Tweet ” Easy fast weight loss is not possible. “]

Today the world of nutrition has garnered more respect, but many still ignore advice and wise counsel. Every few months, there’s a new diet touted as easy, fast weight loss, which by the way is not possible. Just look at the most well-known yo-yo celebrity dieter, Oprah. She’s probably tried them all, but the weight always returns.

Or Kirstie Alley and Valerie Bertinelli, who lost weight as spokeswomen for Jenny Craig, but both started gaining it back when the contract ended. Why? No one is going to eat Jenny Craig food for the rest of her life.

Nothing changed about why these women overeat. They didn’t modify their eating habits for life, just the duration of the program. Or the diet got boring and gradually the old eating habits returned. Maybe you’ve been there too.

I have many friends lose weight with Weight Watchers, but when they stopped going to meetings and measuring food, the weight started creeping back on, because again they aren’t going to attend Weight Watchers for life.

[Tweet “Everyone wants to find a way to eat more calories than God made their bodies to need or use, and in some cases will do harm, and still lose weight”]

Everyone wants to find a way to eat more calories than God made their bodies to need or use, and in some cases will do harm, and still lose weight. It isn’t going to happen unless you adopt eating habits good for your body for life.

My Thoughts on the 30-Day Diet

[Tweet “The 30-Day Diet is the latest quick fix weight loss attempt.”]

When I started seeing people on Facebook talking about the latest diet rage, the 30-day diet, my heart sank. I went online and saw that people like Dr. Oz were approving it; but seriously how many other diets has he already approved? I can answer that: whatever is the latest quick fix. For once, it isn’t a bad diet with drinks or shakes you have to purchase or major foods groups to eliminate (except maybe sources of calcium). But almost everyone who is overweight is going to lose weight and detox with only eating 1200 calories, no processed foods, not eating for 12 hours after dinner—everyone should do that—and drinking lots of water—again we all should—and eating kale chips and roasted chickpeas for snacks. Hmm could you live with that as your only snack for longer than 30 days? And exercise is good, but jumping rope I’m not sure many could do as one website suggested.

And of course, there’s always a book for sale.

[Tweet “Is the 30 Day Diet a way of eating someone would do for life? “]

Again, I ask: Is this a way of eating someone would do for life? It wouldn’t be a bad way to eat, but I appreciated this disclaimer at the end of one the descriptions of the diet: Also, like any weight-loss plan, you might regain any weight you lost once you go back to your usual eating habits. To minimize regain, incorporate some of things you learned over the 30-day diet, such as mindful eating and focusing your meals on whole, fresh food.

If you want to do the 30-day diet, I don’t see anything that would hurt you. But as the disclaimer said, don’t start it unless you’re ready to change your eating patterns for life, or it will just be another failed disappointing diet.

What did people learn over the 30 days? Did they learn “mindful eating”?

Why they overeat and food has such a stronghold?

When they overeat?

How to avoid overeating?

What they’re overeating?

Why isn’t reaching their goal and looking amazing in their clothes enough incentive for not gaining back the weight?

Let God Help

[Tweet “The only way to stop overeating for life is not a quick-fix diet”]

The only way to stop overeating for life is not a quick-fix diet; it’s to find the answers to the above questions and I believe God can help you answer them. I had the privilege of writing a Bible study God’s Best for Your Life for First Place 4 Health, a ministry program I highly endorse. It’s not just a diet program focused on a quick weight loss, but a plan for a healthy lifestyle and eating habits for life. Helping those who are in a struggle with weight and food look at the whole body physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally from God’s perspective, often in a group setting, but you can also do it on your own with one of their Bible studies.

A Mentor Offers Accountability

[Tweet ” a mentoring relationship can provide the same accountability.”]

The benefit of being in a group setting is accountability, but a mentoring relationship can provide the same accountability. In Mentoring for All Seasons, I discuss how to have a quality accountability relationship. Interestingly the Stages of Mentoring chapter shares a story of a mentor and mentee who met in a First Place 4 Health group at their church. The mentee Tara was leading the group, but she was seeking spiritual wisdom from an older woman, which she found in Jerre.

Many have told me they’ve lost and kept off weight just from the mentoring tips I’ve given in this Love Your Body series. That blesses me beyond words! I’ve seen so much pain and illness from something God made to nourish and sustain us be abused and misused by the evil one causing obsession, and yes, addiction to unhealthy eating patterns.

Love Your Body for More Than 30 Days discusses how an accountabiilty partner helping you stay on a healthy diet is more successful than going on a quick fix diet like the 30 Day diet where even they admit the weight will return if you go back to old eating habits.

Love Your Body Like God Loves Your Body, eat healthy

Here are some previous Love Your Body articles you might enjoy on the topic of developing healthy eating habits to lose and maintain weight loss:

Written by my daughter Love Your Body—Use Technology to Lose Weight

Love Your Body—Break the Food Strongholds, Debbie Dittrich shared her story

Love Your Body—Weight Loss is Not the Goal, Debbie Dittrich shares more of her story

If you received this blog by email, please leave a comment here. Tell us how you’re keeping your weight under control or if you’ve tried the 30-Day Diet.


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Are Today’s Churches Discouraging Reading the Bible?

How Can a Word Change Your Life?, Reading God's Word will change your life.

At the beginning of the sermon, a Bible church pastor said to raise your hand if you needed a Bible and you could keep it if you didn’t have one. No one raised his or her hand.

Every sermon Scripture was in a printed handout in the church bulletin, as well as on the screens at the front of the church. Why would anyone need a Bible?

[Tweet “Congregants are spoon-fed Scriptures with no reason to bring their Bibles to church!”]

This is becoming the norm in churches. Congregants are spoon-fed Scriptures with no reason to bring their Bibles to church!

  • How many make a note somewhere when a particular Scripture pierces their heart?
  • How many will remember the Scriptures flashing up on a screen?
  • How many will throw away the bulletin handout when they get home?
  • How many will go back and review and study the Scriptures the pastor chose for his sermon?
  • How many open their Bibles during the week?
  • How many know where the books of the Bible are located?

Can churches still be called “Bible churches” when no one opens a Bible, even the pastor?

[Tweet “Can churches still be called “Bible churches” when no one opens a Bible, even the pastor?”]

I’m sure many will counter that with tablets, IPads, and smart phones, the Scriptures are available online. What if a church doesn’t have internet service? And even if they did, I seldom see congregants interacting and taking notes on their electronic devices like you can do with a hard copy Bible.

Recently, I was told the next generation only wants to use electronic Bibles. “What if they don’t know where Habakkuk is?” I was asked. “In ‘search,’ it’s easy to find on an electronic Bible.”

This underscores my point. The next generation will not know how to find Habakkuk in a Bible because they’re not looking at the complete Bible on an electronic device. That’s like looking at one line in a book you’re reading, but never read the entire book. Every Bible has a Table of Contents.

[Tweet “The next generation will not know how to find Habakkuk, or any book of the Bible, because they’re not looking at the complete Bible.”]

My counter to what the next generation wants: What are we told to do in the Bible? Give them just what they want, the way they want it? Or are we to mentor them using God’s Word and teach them the value of knowing their Bible, God’s Word, and how to use it for their own personal relationship with the Lord.

[Tweet “We’re to mentor using God’s Word and teach the next generation the value of knowing their Bible”]

“When we want to find God’s will, it is essential that we know our Bible. After all, God will never lead one of His followers to do anything that is contrary to the Scriptures. That’s one reason Paul exhorted us believers to “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom” (Colossians 3:16). When we know Christ, are being led by His Spirit, and are abiding in His Word, we will be more sensitive to God’s guidance in our life. “Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths” (Psalm 25:4). (The Believer’s Code, O. S. Hawkins, April 3).

There is absolutely a place for electronic Bibles for reaching those doing online studies or aren’t in an area where they can obtain a Bible, but reading and interacting with God’s Word is about a relationship, not research. It’s not just randomly looking up a Scripture; it’s interacting and interfacing with the entire Bible. If you have a close relationship with someone, would you be satisfied with one or two lines on social media, or would you want to get to know them personally?

[Tweet “Knowing your Bible isn’t just randomly looking up a Scripture; it’s interacting and interfacing with the entire Bible”]

I realize it’s important to reach the younger generation where they’re at, and some might accept Christ without a Bible in their hand because the Holy Spirit does not send out the Word of God void (Isaiah 55:11). But what about those of us called to mentor them into maturity in their faith? Shouldn’t we help them get to know their Bible? Help them learn how to go to God’s Word in context as a guide for living the Christian life so they can say, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you” (Psalm 119:11).

Let’s never portray the Bible as intimidating, but proclaim the Bible as inspiring!

[Tweet “Never portray the Bible as intimidating, proclaim the Bible as inspiring!”]

A note to parents: If you only read your Bible on an electronic device, how do your children know you’re not checking email, social media, or playing a game?

Taking our precious Bibles to church, looking up Scriptures, writing notes in our Bible, reading our Bibles . . .  sets a godly role model for those watching us, as we grow in our maturity and relationship with the Lord.

[Tweet “I don’t see mature believers with their Bibles in church or even using an electronic Bible.”]

Honestly, I often don’t see mature believers with their Bibles in church or even using an electronic Bible. What kind of example does that set? We never reach a place in our faith, where we know it all. God’s Word is new every morning and every reading.

I was recently at the Billy Graham library where his Bibles were on display with all his notes in the margins. A legacy of interaction with the Word of God, and with God.

Billy Graham my Mentor with his Beloved Bible

If we want to grow in our love for the Lord, we must draw near to Him through His Word. As we learn to know Him intimately, our love will increase and we’ll desire to obey. Unless we invest in Scripture, our fervor for the Lord will fall short of what it could be.

And if you ever feel disappointed that your love for Christ seems small, open the Word of God and obey whatever He says, He will abide with you and disclose Himself, thereby increasing your capacity to love and know Him more. Dr. Charles Stanley, In Touch Magazine, April 3, 2018 (emphasis added).

I’m fortunate to attend a church where people still bring their Bibles. The pastor puts the Scripture reference in the handout notes, but not the Scripture. He encourages everyone to look them up, and he waits to give them a chance. What a blessing to hear the pages of Bibles turning. What joy this must bring to the Lord. Yes, the Scriptures are also on the screens and some don’t look up the Scriptures in a Bible.

My point: If you want to hear God, you need to engage with Him through a vital way He communicates, His Word, the Holy Bible.

[Tweet “If you want God to speak, you need to engage with Him through His Word!”]

Flashing Scriptures on a screen, reading on an electronic device, or printing them in a handout that often gets tossed, will never replace knowing the written Word of God.

A revealing of Jesus, the Messiah. God gave it to make plain to his servants what is about to happen. He published and delivered it by Angel to his servant John. And John told everything he saw: God’s Word— the witness of Jesus Christ!

How blessed the reader! How blessed the hearers and keepers of these oracle words, all the words written in this book!

Time is just about up. Revelation 1:1-3 The Message

After you pray and ask God what He thinks, let me know what He says to you.

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