You Must Know and Speak the Truth to Remain Free

I was shocked last week when a friend posted on Facebook about the deadly Fentanyl crisis in our country. That wasn’t the shocking part because if you listen to FOX news or NEWSMAX or anything besides mainstream media, you hear every night how Fentanyl is flowing over our open borders and killing 300 people every day, especially children. No that wasn’t a surprise to me because I’m aware of the destruction of our country from the Left’s open borders. A crisis they NEVER talk about, in fact the VP tries to tell you the border is secure! Secure for the cartels maybe.

No, the shock was the first comment under my friend’s post: “What is fentanyl?”

How could you live in America and not know about fentanyl? Because mainstream media doesn’t talk about the drug crisis or the horrific deaths, rapes, and child abuse happening at the out-of-control open border. The ONLY newscaster at the border reporting what’s really happening there is FOX News reporter Bill Melugin. And he’s increasingly “irritating the White House” because he provides video evidence contrary to their narrative that the border is secure and everything is under control. Naught!

Now, this is not a blog sponsoring FOX, but it is a blog to draw attention to the news that is NOT reported and the continual lies told by the White House and mainstream media. There’s a looming threat to our country and many people are oblivious, like the woman commenting on my friend’s post. FOX along with NEWSMAX are reporting the raw undeniable evidence that we’re being lied to and deceived by this administration.

Fentanyl is now coming across the border looking like candy and laced into other street drugs and even food and drinks and it is deadly! Just today in church, I spoke with a father who lost his son to fentanyl. When have you EVER heard Biden or Harris even mention this lethal threat?! NEVER! Some progressive DA’s aren’t even arresting drug dealers!

I follow iVoterGuide, which is a Conservative Christian nonprofit organization researching who we should vote for in our elections. They provide information on candidates who have a record of championing Christian Conservative values. iVoterGuide is a division of AFA (American Family Association) which I also follow. I received an email last week from iVoterGuide that is so valuable I want to share parts of it with you. I know that not everyone follows links that I post, so I’m going to write below some of the invaluable points in their email with the subject line “Decoding the Left’s Lies.”

I’m always telling my husband how important words are in communication. If he says something is “up” I look up, but he might just mean it’s on top of something and not in the sky where I’m looking up. Sometimes what he describes as the bottom of something is what I think is the top. We have this conversation often. We’re not trying to deceive each other; we just have different perspectives.

Decoding the Left’s Lies

 But the left and the media are trying to deceive us. They have a diabolical plan to mislead and lie via misinformation, changing the definition of words, and creating new terms then making them into law. That’s what Debbie Wuthnow, President of IVoterGuide, shares in the email I present parts of to you here. The following is from Debbie’s email.

Words can be used to clarify. Words can also be used to “spin” or distort.

Part of iVoterGuide’s mission is to clarify issues when politicians try to distort them. This election year, our team is working overtime to “break the code words” politicians use to try to fool Judeo-Christian voters.

We’ve seen just this year how easily words can be abused. The White House, along with their liberal allies in the media, literally tried to redefine the word “recession” to avoid accountability for our economic freefall.

Here are a few examples of the “code words” we are fighting against that twist the truth and deceive voters into voting AGAINST their own beliefs and values:

CODE: “Reproductive healthcare” or “Reproductive access”

TRANSLATION: Abortion of unborn human beings, often without restriction for all nine months of pregnancy and often funded with taxpayer dollars. This also often means taxpayer funding of contraception in public schools, college campuses, and even workplaces.

In examining thousands of candidates across the country, we typically found the above code used by wishy-washy politicians trying to appease both sides when they address legislative or party platform language on the sanctity of life.

Make no mistake: Politicians using this code are almost never truly pro-life.

CODE: “Gender-affirming care”

TRANSLATION: Radical and dangerous sex-change procedures, including artificial hormone injection and surgically re-creating reproductive organs—which often means genital mutilation. Such procedures are increasingly being pushed on minors, sometimes as early as middle and elementary school.

Studies show that far from curing problems, these procedures often magnify the problems of those struggling with their sexuality during adolescence (the suicide rate is actually higher post-procedure than prior to the procedure).

Voters must ensure the candidates they vote for are not being fooled by this deeply harmful rhetoric—or worse, covertly supporting it.

CODE: “Expand voting rights”

TRANSLATION: Enable ineligible voters to vote. This deliberately makes election fraud difficult to detect, difficult to investigate, and difficult to prosecute effectively.

The following are some examples of this dangerous code in action: stopping the cleaning up of voter rolls, expanding automatic voter registration and early voting, introducing same-day voter registration, allowing online voter registration and absentee ballot requests, letting voters opt-in to automatic mail-in ballots, pre-registration of minors as young as 16, not requiring any official photo ID to vote, and more.

As you’ll notice, all of these proposals disproportionately benefit the Left, since they would have a greater impact in highly concentrated urban areas which always vote more liberal and many of these measures would also incentivize inexperienced, low-information voters who are more likely influenced by the mainstream media.

We must elect leaders who will recognize the threat and the lie of “expanding voter rights” and stand up to those proposing this nonsense.

CODE: “Social Emotional Learning (SEL)” or “Whole-child education”

TRANSLATION: Harmful indoctrination based on feelings rather than facts. Instead of teaching schoolchildren tried-and-true facts regarding history, science, math, etc., this new methodology focuses on teaching kids to “get in touch with your senses and your feelings,” consider that “your truth may be different from the truth of others,” and “explore your identity.”

This often manifests itself as Critical Race Theory (CRT), graphic sex-ed literature taught as young as elementary school, teachers asking students about their “gender identity” and picking out “preferred pronouns,” and radical events like “drag queen story hour” (Note from Janet: this actually happened in Boise the Capitol of Idaho with a “drag kids show” on 9/11! I wrote about it in my blog Who is the Real Threat to the Soul of Our Nation)!

CODE: “_____ justice” (Environmental, economic, racial, social, etc.)

TRANSLATION: Forced redistribution of wealth, property, and income from “oppressor” groups to favored “oppressed” groups, usually funded by higher taxes on the oppressor groups.

Many candidates using the above code words support policies or platforms that amount to socialism. These terms are usually just an excuse to offer handouts in an attempt to earn minority votes, appease the woke mob and “politically correct” police, cater to climate change alarmists, and generally sow division.

Voters must be aware of the spineless politicians willing to play these games so they can vote for candidates who will not cave to the pressure.

You Can Be a Codebreaker

When you support iVoterGuide, you support our team of expert researchers working hard to decode where candidates stand on crucial issues for conservative voters in races across the nation. And right now, we are in the middle of our 5 Million Movement—our initiative to get this vital research into the hands of five million faith-based voters by Election Day, November 8.

As I’m sure you’ve read, numerous races are going down to the wire. And many are predicting a “red wave,” but it will not happen by itself—especially with the Left doing their best to push back.

Faith-based voters MUST get out and vote in record numbers—and they MUST be properly equipped to vote for the right candidates!

iVoterGuide has proven to be the key difference maker in hundreds of races up and down the ballot across the nation for years, and we are working to make 2022 the biggest year yet!

Back to Janet

That’s the end of what I wanted to share with you from this excellent informative email.  iVoterGuide is one of the resources where Dave and I go to learn about who to vote for that represents our values. You can learn more about them and donate if you choose at iVoterGuide | Voter Guide Tool |

Often I’m described as “bold and courageous” and my response is always, “Shouldn’t every Christian be?!” This is not the time to be uninformed and unwilling to speak up. I wrote an entire book for women on Everyday Brave: Living Courageously as a Woman of Faith and in that book, I highlight numerous women from the Old and New Testament who did incredibly courageous actions against incredible hardships, as well as the stories of modern-day brave women. Why do we in the 21st Century think we should be timid and fearful as believers?

Can I be so bold to say that if our country goes down in flames, it will be because the church stayed silent and let it happen. Exactly what happened in Germany with Hitler. We’re better than that. Yes, we pray, but we are also the Lord’s hands and feet while we still have breath and if we care about the world we’re leaving to our children and grandchildren, we will get involved. There are good people who are willing to serve, we just need to do our best to be sure they get elected and bring our country back from the brink of toppling and instill stability into this nation we love. We need to make America godly again!

The wicked run away when no one is chasing them,
    but the godly are as bold as lions.

When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily.
    But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability.
Pr. 28:1-2

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Balancing Work and Life on Labor Day and Everyday!

I’ve always looked at Memorial Day and Labor Day as the bookends of summer. Both are now three-day weekend holidays that also commemorate the end of one school year and the beginning of the next—although today’s schools don’t stick as closely to that schedule anymore.

You probably have memories of Labor Day picnics, family reunions, and barbecues as the official end of summer; but beyond that, few stop to think about why we even have the day off. What is Labor Day anyway?

History of Labor Day

In 1894, Grover Cleveland made Labor Day a federal holiday after a failed attempt to break up a railroad strike. Observed on the first Monday in September, Labor Day pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers.

Traditionally, all stores closed on Labor Day so workers could celebrate the holiday. Today, most stores are having Labor Day sales and their workforce is hard at work on a day dedicated to resting from work. Many people work on Labor Day without realizing: Hey, I’m a worker that has contributed to my company and I should have a day of rest!

Pray for Those Who Can’t Take the Day Off

Not every worker can take the day off and rest today. Those employed in the service industries often find holidays their busiest time: firemen, first responders, hospital employees, police, restaurant workers, gas stations, and now we can’t seem to go a day without a grocery store open. Seems like we could stock up on Saturday!

My father was a California Highway Patrolman and he took his turn at working every holiday. Labor Day is notoriously a heavy traffic day as travelers return from the three-day weekend and officially the last summer holiday. If you have to be on the road, drive carefully, courteously, and obey the speed limits. 

Pray for every police officer you see. They have a family keeping a plate of ribs or a hamburger warm for the end of their shift.

Work or Rest?

The article, Labor Day: Your Need for Both Work and Rest by Nick Batzig, caught my attention. It started out …

“As we come to celebrate another Labor Day, it may be beneficial for us to step back for a moment and consider what Scripture has to say about the rhythm of work and rest—i.e. the cyclical configuration by which all the events of our lives occur.”

The article discussed God’s original plan for work and how that all changed when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and why God wants us to have times of rest and refreshment. Batzig listed several changes over the years that have resulted in work being motivated by prestige, self-esteem, peer pressure, fear, anxiety, and lack of purpose outside of work, rather than simply providing for our family. The following point resonated with what I see happening in families today:

“Whereas traditional societies said that you got your meaning in life through your family, and through basically fulfilling a fairly prescribed social role—either as a mother or father, or a brother or sister, or husband or wife, or a son or a daughter…You just needed to find a way to make a living because family was what everything was about. But we’re the first culture in history that says, ‘You define yourself by defining what you want to be and by attaining it—and then you have significance.’ There’s never been more psychological and social and emotional pressure on work to be either fulfilling or at least lucrative. There’s never been a culture like that.

Learning to Balance Work and Life

Work has taken on such a priority in our culture that businesses are paying female employees to get an abortion or fly to a state that offers abortions rather than giving them time off to have their baby. I’ve heard it said by liberals with twisted values that instead of women taking maternity leave or quitting work to raise their children, abortion is better for the economy. Encouraging women to murder their babies so they won’t miss a day of work. That’s sick!

The companies, politicians, and economists subscribing to keeping women in the workforce rather than letting them experience motherhood, obviously value work over family. But the company isn’t going to be there for her when she ages, quits, is laid off, or becomes ill. The company doesn’t carry on her legacy or DNA. The company doesn’t love her like only a child can.

Family is the future of America. It’s how God designed us to live.

So God created mankind in his own image,  in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. 28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” Gen 1:27-28

Making work a god that’s worshipped is evil.  “You must not have any other god but me. “You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea.” Ex. 20:3-4 NLT

Valuing work more than family is also from the evil one.

I’ll admit that I’m a recovering workaholic. The only way I’m able to balance work and rest is to prioritize the things that are the most important to me—serving God and my family. My ministry is About His Work Ministries, so I’m fortunate to serve God through my work of writing and speaking. I also make sure to schedule times of rest with my hubby, and we often plan those times into speaking event travels and trips to see our grandkids.

We also serve in ministry together as Dave assists me with About His Work Ministries, travels with me when I speak, and we co-lead a couples Bible study. But when I’m spending time with my family—my husband, children, and grandchildren—I set aside “work,” even ministry work, and focus on family.

That doesn’t leave much time in my schedule for “extra” activities, and so I’ve had to learn to say no to some good things. Before I say “yes,” and find myself with no time to rest and refresh, I’m trying to remember to do two things:

1. Pray and ask God if it’s something He wants me to do. Does it have Kingdom value?

2. Assess if I have the time and energy to add this activity to my calendar, and if so, what should it replace?

If I sense God telling me to go for it, I know I must remove something from my calendar, or I’ll become unbalanced trying to get all the work done and rest will suffer. If you want to study more about what the Bible has to say about living a balanced life, you might enjoy my Bible study, Face to Face with Priscilla and Aquila: Balancing Life and Ministry.

What do you do to find times of rest and refreshment in a world that values work over rest and family?

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Are They Coming for You Next?

When I was writing last week’s blog regarding the left labeling Conservative Patriotic Christians as “Christian Nationalists,” They Called Jesus and His Followers Names Too, the thought entered my mind that this was a setup to dissuade and intimidate support of President Trump should he plan on running again in 2024 or frankly any Republican candidate. I didn’t include that thought in the post to not politicize it and I know there are probably readers who don’t favor President Trump. But the unprecedented raid on his home by the Justice Department and FBI, confirmed my assertions.

Whatever you think of President Trump, like him or not, the invasive raid, never before assailed against a former President in history, raises many questions about the overreach and politicization of the Justice Department and the FBI. These are not unfounded concerns with what we saw take place with the FBI and DOJ lying and falsifying documents in Russiagate along with the theatrical raids on Trump’s associates. Even the head of Project Veritas, journalist James O’Keefe, was unjustly raided by the FBI looking for the Biden family’s lost diary!

In case you didn’t know, James O’Keefe established Project Veritas in 2011 as a non-profit journalism enterprise to continue his undercover reporting work. Today, Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Overview | Project Veritas

Then last Friday, House Democrats passed an Orwellian $739 billion climate change, tax hike, and healthcare bill. A bill that will fund the IRS with 80 billion more taxpayer dollars and double the agency by adding 87,000 new IRS armed and willing to use lethal force agents!! Under the Obama Administration, the IRS was caught targeting Conservatives and nonprofits. What will happen this time and why do they need an arsenal of guns and agents willing to use them against taxpayers?

Democrats claim that by investing in the Internal Revenue Service they can save an additional $124 billion. Where do you think they’re going to get that money? From hardworking American citizens. They’ve made no excuses that their plan to fund this bill and raise the additional $124 million is with higher taxes and finding something you overlooked in filing your taxes. As some have joked: They’ll look for the change in your couch! But it’s not funny.

Of that $750 billion, $369 billion is slated to go to climate change subsidies to try to help reach Biden’s goal of cutting greenhouse gas emissions 40% by 2030. A further $64 billion will go to expanding ObamaCare subsidies. The rest of the new revenue, more than $300 billion, they claim will go to paying down the deficit they’ve inflated.

So whether or not you agree with their Green New Deal, you’re going to pay for it by force.

We Are A Nation in Trouble!

People need to know the Lord. Many are afraid and justly concerned that the safe and secure America we’ve enjoyed in the past is systematically being destroyed. Now, more than ever, we need to remember and share with everyone we know that our hope and security comes from Jesus Christ not politicians or the government that’s currently shredding our Constitution.

Even though they can make our earthly life miserable, God is still who we trust with our eternal life.

 But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. Gen. 50:20 NKJV

My husband heard that the Rev. Franklin Graham, the president of Samaritan’s Purse, was on Eric Bolling’s Newsmax show on Thursday, August 11 and I’m so glad we watched it. Franklin admitted that he too is fearful of what this nefarious government is capable of doing to anyone who disagrees with them, just like in Communist countries. But praise God Christians know the Lord as our Savior and He will use all of this for good. And yes, He will use us to do His good work.

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Eph. 2:10 NLT

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Phil. 1:6

I noticed that Rev. Graham, who usually appears in interviews smiling and relaxed, this time was unusually serious and somber as he told Bolling that after recent events the United States is entering a “very frightening time” and needs to find God again.

By recent events, Graham was referring to the FBI raid on President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence and the then proposed congressional Democrats doubling the IRS’ staff. Graham shared his organization’s experience with the Obama Administration IRS.

”During the Obama administration, because I was not supportive of their policies, we got audited at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association … the next day Samaritan’s Purse was notified, and we were audited.”

”We have nothing to hide but they will use the IRS to go after people that don’t support their agenda,” he continued. ”And I think you see when they’re going to be armed and things like this. This is very frightening — and we’re really going to turn into what we saw in Communist countries. Very Very frightening!”

That was hard to hear and a bit shocking that Franklin Graham was fearful watching this administration using Communist-style tactics against their political enemies and the very people they are charged to govern fairly regardless of party affiliation.

Next, Graham did what he always takes the opportunity to do; he turned the conversation to God. “Our only hope for this nation is God, and we as a nation we’ve turned our back on God. We’ve left Him behind. We support abortion and same sex marriage. These are things that are against God’s standards and God’s laws. We celebrate sin instead of being ashamed of sin . . . our politicians are celebrating sin.”

Then he shared with the viewers the saving grace of Jesus Christ and the Gospel. His solutions to solving the current crises are for Americans to stop celebrating sins such as abortion and same-sex marriage and turn back to God so as not to be under God’s judgment.

“We need to be repentant and turn from those sins and ask for God’s forgiveness and put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ, His Son who died for our sins on the cross and God raised to life. And if we’re willing to repent from our sins and put our faith in Jesus Christ, God will forgive our sins,” he proclaimed.

”But we as a nation are in trouble, and we’re getting probably what we deserve.” Rev. Graham to Newsmax: US in Trouble After Trump Search, Proposed IRS Growth |

God Is Our Only Hope and Refuge and He’s Coming for You!

I find it interesting that Biden put out a statement Saturday after the brutal stabbing of author Salman Rushdie: “Salman Rushdie—with his insight into humanity with his unmatched sense for story, with his refusal to be intimidated or silenced—stands for essential, universal ideals. Truth. Courage. Resilience. The ability to share ideas without fear. These are the building blocks of any free and open society. And today, we reaffirm our commitment to those deeply American values in solidarity with Rushdie and all those who stand for freedom of expression,” he added.

It’s hard to read those words attributed to Biden and believe him. The hypocrisy of that statement is deafening! Yes, that is what America used to stand for, yet Biden’s administration has already tried to enforce a federal Ministry of Truth, with a Truth Czar who would determine misinformation and squelch freedom of expression. Censor what the government didn’t consider “truth,” which Twitter and Facebook already does. They’ve created a culture where people are canceled, fired, or kicked out of school if they don’t agree with the woke trajectory that’s sending America into the abyss.

 A deep, spiritual sickness is strangling the soul of our nation. Our culture, and far too many of our institutions, have not only turned away from God like Franklin Graham lamented, but they’re becoming actively hostile to Him.

Lt. Col. Allen West wrote: “The Founders of this nation didn’t just create America because they thought it would be cool. Most believed they were fulfilling their duty to God, and that America was in many ways the result of the intervention of Divine Providence. We must continue that fight today, because if we allow America’s light to go out the entire world will be swallowed up by evil.”

Don’t let Ezekial 22:30 be true of us: “I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.”

Let God find us faithfully standing in the gap through prayer, petition, action, and our voice.

We soon will have an opportunity to change the direction of our country with our vote, but only God can spiritually deliver people with eyes that refuse to see and ears that refuse to hear. So, we pray for those blinded by the evil one, whose ears are tickled by lies. When we look at our own testimonies, and that of the apostle Paul who was killing Christians before his encounter with God, we know that God can and will change lives, even the life of a country.

As much as we should encourage people to get out and vote this November, we need to remember that our focus as Christians is to draw others to Christ in all circumstances. I always appreciate that Franklin Graham, like his father Rev. Billy Graham, never misses an opportunity to share the Gospel, because regardless of the curse our nation is bringing on itself, our job is to be sure that everyone we know is saved.

At any moment, God could say enough chances. There are many who feel God’s not done with America yet, but we should still feel urgency to be sure our family and friends know Jesus as their personal Savior.

You and I are going to encounter people who are fearful of what’s happening to our nation. Maybe that’s you. Fear seems to have been the dominating emotion since Covid and political corruption has touched every life. But God wants Jesus to touch every life, even those politicians who seem to be going against everything godly!

None of us can predict the future for America, or how this will personally affect us, but if you know Jesus Christ as your Savior, you know who holds your future. He’s got it all figured out and we’re each part of His plan to draw others to the hope found in a relationship with Jesus, while there’s still time.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jer. 29:11 NKJV

It’s God who’s coming for you and me! As Jesus told his disciples and He says to His disciples today . . .

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33


You might enjoy reading my recent Crosswalk article. What Is the Truth Behind Biblical Gender Roles?

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No blog next Monday, 8/22 but I should be back on 8/29, the Lord willing. Also, we’ve been having trouble with the email distribution which is why you’ve seen the past few weeks the blog coming maybe on a different day or time, but it’s always on my website by 4:00 AM, MT on Monday morning. I appreciate all you faithful readers!

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We’re In a War of Words with the Devil

Have you noticed how many new words and terms suddenly and slyly invaded our cultural vocabulary? Most do not reflect conservative or Christian values and yet we find ourselves using them because the left has done a very good job of normalizing them.

I heard a statement recently that jarred my thinking: “Marxists makeup words and their own definition to create a narrative, then those words become mainstream!” Yes, mainstream even among Christians. Marxism attempts to brainwash the population into subconsciously accepting their terms and narrative.

George Orwell said, “The best way to control a society is to control its language first!”

Think about some of the words and narratives introduced into everyday conversation and given new meaning. Here are just a few:

Abortion, the killing of unborn babies in the womb, is redefined as “healthcare.”

Marxists’ goal is depopulation. Fewer babies born, less people to have to worry about converting and controlling. The Old Testament describes evil enemy invaders opening up the bellies of pregnant women to kill their babies. Today with modern science, they just kill the baby in the womb. The Marxists have convinced enough people that this is a good thing, that they’re rioting and protesting in the streets that unborn babies must be killed!

Anarchists are vandalizing and attacking pregnancy centers devoted to helping mothers carry and deliver their babies, even with Socialist members of Congress like Senator Liz Warren incredulously demanding that pro-life pregnancy centers should all be destroyed! Don’t let babies be born and their mothers cared for after birth, but only give women a choice to kill their babies! How barbaric and yet revealing of the progressive left’s agenda.

The Marxist narrative around abortion has led to terms like “Pro Choice,” which should actually be “Pro Murder” because the baby certainly has no choice to live. Pro Choice makes murder sound righteous. Marxists are anti-family and killing the next generation of babies certainly reduces the number of families and the population.

We counter Pro Choice with “Pro Life,” but we should actually say “Pro Babies” or “Pro Babies’ Life.” Or Pro-family! We need to clearly articulate what lives we’re talking about and why they must be saved from slaughter.

Black Lives Matter or BLM came into prominence during George Floyd’s death. A criminal and drug addict was suddenly immortalized with statues and because of the bad acts of several policemen, all police were demonized. BLM is a self-described Marxist organization that professes in their manifesto that they want to dismantle the traditional family and what better way to gain control than to eliminate law and order. Large corporations and private citizens blindly contributed to this Marxist organization. You were criticized if you said the reality that All Lives Matter or pointed out that BLM has done nothing for the black community!

How did a Marxist group get so much power in America? Brainwashed Americans gave it to them.

Defund the Police and reimagine the police became the motto of left liberals and radical activists. When did you ever think you would hear that being a battle cry? What happens when there are no police? Crime escalates while domestic terrorists like ANTIFA and BLM rule the streets in a Marxist takeover of society.

Woke wasn’t a real word until 2017 when it was actually added to the dictionary meaning a slang word for social justice, another Marxist term. Both concepts came from the BLM movement. Woke is now mainstream indicating politically left-leaning ideology.

Stay woke has become words of action. Woke activists call on others to stay woke. Wokeness has now invaded every area of our life, starting with the White House and throughout government, the media, corporations, and education.

Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Systemic Racism theorists erroneously argue that American social life, political structures, and economic systems are founded upon race, which (in their view) is a social construct. Systemic racism, in the eyes of critical race theorists, stems from the dominance of race in American life. › what-is-critical-race-theory

In announcing a legal coalition, Conservative Chris Rufo rightly explained that “Critical race theory is a grave threat to the American way of life. It divides Americans by race and traffics in the pernicious concepts of race essentialism, racial stereotyping, and race-based segregation—all under a false pursuit of ‘social justice.‘” He continued: “Critical race theory training programs have become commonplace in academia, government, and corporate life, where they have sought to advance the ideology through cult-like indoctrination, intimidation, and harassment.” What is critical race theory? | Fox News

CRT or racism is also invading the military and being taught to our children in schools that some are the oppressed and others are the oppressors, determined by the color of your skin. What better way to take over a population than to divide them by race and have them attack each other.

What does God say? There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Gal. 3:28

Transition is a new favorite word from the left. They never clearly articulate what we’re transitioning to but it’s clear by their actions that they’re attempting to transition America from a democratic Republic to tyrannical Marxism.

Then we come to the homosexual movement, which is not only being normalized, but also legalized and accepted. Sadly, many Christians are okay with that. Well God isn’t! You won’t find any of the following terms in the Bible, but He does give His thoughts on homosexuality.

Gay and Gay Marriage–never sanctioned or intended by God. We even let them hijack our blessed rainbow.

“Haven’t you read,” he [Jesus] replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? Matt. 19:4-5

Gay pride—God hates pride, especially when you’re proud of your sin.

Transgender, cisgender, binary and whatever else they come up with—God made two genders, male and female that’s it. Everything else is concocted by man’s confusion or evil desires.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Gen. 1:27 ESV

Drag Queen Crossdressers—there’s even a verse in the Bible against this demented practice, which is now also being used to groom young children.

A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this. Deut. 22:5

As if it wasn’t enough that this ungodly movement has been normalized in our society, they’re now invading our schools teaching sinful lifestyles to small children. We can’t teach the Bible in schools, but the left is eager to teach Satan’s sexual perversion to impressionable children.

Are you seeing a theme here? When my grandson was only nine-years-old, he said it was obvious that we were not supposed to be homosexuals because how would we repopulate the earth?! He knew that it takes a male and female to have babies, even though the crazy liberals would have you believe that men could get pregnant.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Gen. 1:27-28 ESV

The homosexual agenda and all its variants are designed by Satan to create confusion and normalize demonic practices and policies to destroy the American Family and the population.

For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. 1 Cor. 14:33

Notice the new plague Monkey Pox is transmitted through homosexual men having sex with each other, especially those with multiple partners. That’s exactly how AIDS was first transmitted. Do you think God is trying to get our attention that our society is blindly falling into Satan’s web?

What’s a Christian to Do and Say?

Another new term that stops many people from speaking the truth is cancel culture. If you mention any of the points I made above, you risk being canceled, maybe from social media (another new term) or from your liberal friends or family, but other times your job may actually be at risk if you refuse to accept the craziness or use the wrong pronouns.

I was alarmed that so few Christians and churches were celebrating the overturn of Roe v Wade! Were they afraid to actually admit that they were opposed to murdering babies? We should’ve heard an eruption of praise and joy that reached the heavenlies, yet I didn’t even see many professing this amazing act of God among my Christian friends on social media. Does Facebook and Twitter hold so much power that we don’t speak openly for fear of being canceled? If you follow me, you know I won’t succumb to that kind of tyranny. None of us should!

We have a choice as Christians. Do we tolerate this insanity, or do we refuse to be indoctrinated and dominated by satanic demonic ways of life? Do we go along to get along or do we boldly stand for truth and what we believe, even when it’s uncomfortable and yes even when it’s with family members. Their eternal life depends on it.

We all have different styles of communication and God will give us the words and the timing if we let Him.

I recently heard this interesting quote, “Nice is not a fruit of the Spirit!” If you were facing Satan face to face, you wouldn’t conform and be nice to him. You wouldn’t nicely give him an audience, so he could try to tempt you like he did Eve or intimidate you from speaking truth.

As Bible-believing followers of Christ, we aren’t mean or unkind, but we are unashamedly bold and brave! We don’t back down from speaking and standing up for God’s truth! If not us, then who?!

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 1 Cor. 13:6

The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right; his ears are open to their cries for help.
16 But the Lord turns his face against those who do evil; he will erase their memory from the earth.
Ps. 34:15-16 NLT

Jesus was not nice to demons and did not tolerate sin or evil. He boldly spoke the truth and called the Pharisees just what they were, vipers.  

34 You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. 35 A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. Matt. 12:34-35

33 “You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell? Matt. 23:33

And Paul wrote in Romans 1:24-27 to those who wanted to live intentionally sinful lives.

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

And for those who are championing the murder and sexualization of children, Jesus didn’t hold back.

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Matt. 18:6

God couldn’t be any more direct: Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Is. 5:20

I’m writing a blog for Crosswalk “What Is the Biblical Truth Behind Gender Roles.” When it posts, I’ll share it with you. But for now, pray about what God wants you to do in this rapidly changing social environment.

In summary, let’s stop using Satan’s words and ideologies and just call it what it is, evil. Another writer asked me once if they could reprint a blog I’d written about abortion murdering babies in the womb, but she asked if she could change the word murder because it might offend some. You can imagine my response was that the article needs to stay as written or don’t use it.

That’s exactly my point: Don’t be so afraid of offending others that you stop opposing evil!

So Paul and Barnabas spent considerable time there, speaking boldly for the Lord, who confirmed the message of his grace by enabling them to perform signs and wonders. Acts 14:3

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How Do We Love Those Who Reject God and His Ways?

“Loving people unconditionally is not the equivalent of affirming their life choices at the expense of biblical truth.”

The above quote was a post on Facebook by my friend Susan Reinhardt. I was browsing through posts while praying for the Lord to reveal what to write about this week when I came across Susan’s post and realized this was a theme the Lord had been giving me all week.

Since the leak of the SCOTUS draft opinion by Justice Alito on the unconstitutionality of Roe v Wade and stating that abortion legislation should be decided in the states not at the Federal level, we’ve all watched the screaming, yelling, vulgar signs, and vile words of the Pro-Abortion activists taking to the streets. Pro-death protests that women should be able to kill their own children have occurred nationwide, many involving violence. Protesters have targeted the homes of conservative Supreme Court justices, vandals have targeted at least five pro-life crisis pregnancy centers across the U.S., and Catholic churches have been threatened and vandalized.

Sometimes, the protestors admit to being Satanists, but Satan is rejoicing with all the protests. I’m sure many of the protestors are women who’ve had abortions and are seeking affirmation to alleviate their guilt. Then there are those who are just following the crowd or it’s something they were told was a woman’s right and they’ve never even considered that there’s another person involved with rights, the innocent baby. Or they haven’t read or heard details of the torture and gruesome realities of abortion.

You hear some of these activists interviewed and they’ve been force-fed by the media, Planned Parenthood, liberals, Elites, and Democrats that even though science proves there’s a living feeling moving human baby waiting to be born, they’ve believed the lie that it’s not really a fellow human being until its first breath. Lies! Lies! lies!!!

Satan is the father of lies and deception and without the Holy Spirit to help discern the truth, lies can seem believable. Just like Eve was deceived in the garden by the serpent Satan who had her doubting and questioning, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” Gen. 3:1

 I’ll admit when I saw the angry, illiterate, disgusting words and signs of the protestors, I was appalled, repulsed, and angry. I’m sure many of you are too. Then I saw a sign one young woman was holding, “I wish my mother had aborted me!” The only emotion I felt was sadness for her. What little self-worth does someone possess who would rather they were never born so she’s championing that no child should have the right to life.

I realize that most of the protestors do not want to have a rational conversation, but that young woman was crying out for help. Was anyone listening? She needed someone to tell her there’s a God who created her with a purpose for her life and He wanted her to be born.

My mother once said to me, if she had known all the illnesses she was going to have in her lifetime and might pass on to her children, she wished she had never had me! I’ve never forgotten her words and I can’t imagine that I wouldn’t have had a chance to live the life I’ve enjoyed or accomplished what the Lord had planned for me, especially to be known and loved by Him. That poor girl holding the “I wish I hadn’t been born sign” needs to know she is loved by God.

A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people. 2 Tim. 2:24 NLT

Our Battle is Not Against the Protesters or Pro-Death Advocates!

I heard a woman who leads a pro-life organization interviewed and it was pointed out to her how the pro-life groups are the exact opposite of the pro-abortion groups. Pro-life groups are typically smiling, praying, singing, holding life-affirming signs, and trying to have rational conversations with those who oppose them. When asked how she tries to combat the pro-abortion groups, she said many of them don’t really understand the barbaric torture of abortion and I wish we could just have open discussion with them. But most of the time that’s impossible. They just want to scream and not listen.

You may have seen last week during a Congressional hearing when a young pro-abortion activist said she believed that yes men can get pregnant!! It was hard not to just laugh at the absurdity of her belief, but it begs the questions: What did she not learn in biology? Where did she receive her brainwashing? Is she mentally ill or mentally incompetent? Could she give an example of that ever happening in history? Satan smiles at her illiterate response and God cries.

In the same hearing, a Planned Parenthood doctor wouldn’t answer if she had seen or removed baby body parts during abortion. Even she couldn’t verbalize the horror of what she does as a “doctor” while killing a baby in the womb. A doctor that took an oath to save life works for an organization whose sole purpose is murder under the false pretense of “healthcare.”

The Democrat led White House is already preparing for the nationwide violence they expect from their radical constituents when the Roe v Wade ruling is announced. Instead of telling their people not to riot or take violent actions and to be sure their protests are legal and peaceful, they’re expecting violence because that’s what the liberal left, progressives, and Elites do when they don’t get their way.

The woman leading the pro-life organization understood the evil one has deceived these people. Paul clearly tells us in Ephesians 6:10-13 who the real enemy is and how to combat him!

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

As Christians, What Should We Do for These Lost Souls?

Satan is blinding people to the truth and he’s unwilling to let the captives go. Even some news commentators have mentioned that the opposition we’re watching by the pro-abortion advocates and government officials seems like a spiritual battle. They can’t deny what their eyes are seeing.

Our job as Christians is to pray that the truth would set the captives free from this satanic woke cult that has invaded their heart, mind, and soul and replaced their sense of reason, common sense, and morality! I know that’s hard to do when they can be so belligerent and their actions are so detestable, but they’re lost and destined to eternal damnation. As my pastor says, they are our mission field. When we think of it that way, I don’t know about you, instead of feeling angry, I feel sorrow and even compassion for them. They are who Jesus came to save not cast aside as hopeless!

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. Luke 19:10

Many people have the false belief that because Christians are to display Christ’s love, we cannot call out people’s sin. But that makes no sense. How will they ever be convicted that their actions are wrong if someone doesn’t help them see the truth? Jesus did not agree with sin. He went to the cross to provide forgiveness for sin, but the sinner has to acknowledge their sin and repent, and then they can receive forgiveness and be blessed with eternal salvation. That’s the Truth and Good News of the gospel and there is no shortcut.

If the Good News we preach is hidden behind a veil, it is hidden only from people who are perishing. Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God. 2 Cor. 4:3-4 NLT

It’s easy to love those who think like we do and agree with us, but it’s challenging to love our enemies or those who don’t believe like us. We are living in times when the spiritual battle between good and evil is prevalent and evident. As Christians, we must stand up for good and abhor evil. We don’t go along with evil to get along. We don’t accept evil so as not to make waves, even when it’s happening within our own family. We stand up for truth and morality always! We keep showing the love of Christ while not condemning but not condoning.

I share being in this exact situation in my book Praying for Your Prodigal Daughter: Hope, Help, & Encouragement for Hurting Parents. My daughter never doubted my love for her, but she also knew that I didn’t agree with her actions at the time. They weren’t ok just because she was my daughter. I prayed daily for her for six years, never agreeing with her sinful choices but always loving her with a mother’s unconditional love and one day she accepted Christ as her Savior. Today, she’s a godly wife and mother.

I know many of you are in a similar situation right now. You have a loved one who is making bad choices. You still want a relationship with them but you don’t know how to do this without agreeing with the way they’re living. My advice to you is don’t change or waiver from your beliefs and truths. You stay consistent in living biblically but you show kindness, compassion, and love rather than condemnation. Keep communication open. Keep praying. Keep loving. Keep close to Jesus. Don’t waiver in your faith or beliefs, but don’t stop loving.

Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. Eph. 4:15

 Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good! Romans 12:9 NLT

To learn more about the Purple Sash Revolution.

To read my recent post on abortion There’s Hope for America Breaking Free from Demonic Paganism!

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Since next Monday is a holiday, there won’t be a Monday Morning Blog but God willing, I’ll be back June 6th! Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend.

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There’s Hope for America Breaking Free From Demonic Paganism!

The title of last week’s blog was God Is Up to Something Big! That almost seems prophetic with the events of the past week and the answer to so many prayers with the SCOTUS “leak” that Roe v Wade will be overturned after the murder of over 63 million precious children in our country alone in the past fifty years since it became law. We should be rejoicing and not let victory be tainted by the way we heard about it that has set Democrats and pro-abortion advocates into a frenzy.

I want to preface this blog with a word to anyone suffering from the guilt of having an abortion and not yet asked and received the Lord’s forgiveness. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

My friend Pat Layton has a beautiful ministry Surrendering the Secret I would encourage you to look into. “A ministry designed to help women (and men) heal from the hurt of abortion. Abortion affects people of all walks of life. At STS we, provide resources for women that have had abortions, and opportunities for others to help support these women.” 

Paganism in America

I often read the Bible in a year. This year, I’m using the CBN.Com reading schedule where I read from the Old and New Testament each day. As I study, I see a stark resemblance to the world we’re living in today. No longer are we a country governed by our foundational Judeo-Christian beliefs, morals, fairness, and justice or even a belief in God We Trust.

We now have a political party in charge who worships nature through a false religion of climate control/change. Encourages mothers to murder their unwanted babies, censors and controls any dissention from their demented platform, and a President who calls anyone who is a patriot and believes in God, country, and the sanctity of life, “the most extreme political organization that’s ever existed in recent American history.”

Actually, Biden’s regime is the first administration in my lifetime who wants to destroy America, trash the Constitution, and turn us into a Marxist/Communist country. I would call that an “extreme political organization.”

When you look into the eyes of those who are demanding women have the demonic “right” to kill their unborn babies, even infanticide after birth, and who can’t define a woman and believe men can get pregnant, you see evil deception, greed, power, and pride.

Paganism! Hedonism!

King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, was also enticed by paganism, but the Lord saw everything just like He’s watching all the evil today, and He said there would be consequences to the king who once wisely saved a baby’s life. (1 Kings 3:16-28)

1 Kings 11:1-8 tells of Solomon’s downfall:

Now King Solomon loved many foreign women. Besides Pharaoh’s daughter, he married women from Moab, Ammon, Edom, Sidon, and from among the Hittites. The Lord had clearly instructed the people of Israel, “You must not marry them, because they will turn your hearts to their gods.” Yet Solomon insisted on loving them anyway. He had 700 wives of royal birth and 300 concubines. And in fact, they did turn his heart away from the Lord.

In Solomon’s old age, they turned his heart to worship other gods instead of being completely faithful to the Lord his God, as his father, David, had been. Solomon worshiped Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molech,[a] the detestable god of the Ammonites.

In this way, Solomon did what was evil in the Lord’s sight; he refused to follow the Lord completely, as his father, David, had done. On the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem,[a] he even built a pagan shrine for Chemosh, the detestable god of Moab, and another for Molech, the detestable god of the Ammonites. Solomon built such shrines for all his foreign wives to use for burning incense and sacrificing to their gods.

Chemosh was the name of the chief pagan god of the Moabites. Molech represents the most repulsive of acts in God’s sight, the ritual sacrifice of children to a pagan god. Just like abortion sacrifices children to the gods of pleasure, convenience, selfish ambition, and money.

I wonder if all the protestors, activists, and politicians demanding that abortion remain legal have ever watched the movie Unplanned where we see a callous doctor vacuum a fetus out of a mother’s womb. Or read about the tortures children experience during abortion when saline is injected in-vitro into their heart to stop it from beating or instruments used to tear the baby apart limb by limb in their mother’s womb. If you can stand to hear details, Dr. Anthony Levatino, a former abortion doctor, graphically described the procedure to Congress.

The tortured, burned, dismembered bodies of these babies are thrown into trashcans or sold for research. That’s the reality of abortion. Most people would be aghast if this atrocity happened to puppies, yet people and politicians are actually protesting that every woman should have the “right” to mercilessly kill their unborn child. Barbaric. Hedonistic ritualistic sacrifice of humans. Paganism!

I recently heard an abortion survivor at seven months share her story. She’s a beautiful woman who founded an abortion survivors’ organization. She has a family. She had a right to life just like every aborted child had a right to its life.

Biden in defense of abortion falsely claims “Roe says what all basic mainstream religions have historically concluded, that the existence of a human life and being is a question. Is it at the moment of conception? Is it six months? Is it six weeks? Is it quickening, like Aquinas argued?”

This is an outright lie when he knows his own Catholic “religion” vehemently opposes abortion. Actually, it doesn’t matter what “mainstream religions” say, it only matters that God says, “Thou shalt not kill!” Period. No discussion or rationalization. And with modern technology and science, we absolutely do know that human life begins at conception. Now we can hear the baby’s heartbeat and literally watch the child develop in the womb! We know a baby in the womb experiences fetal pain and has viability in the second trimester and in some cases even earlier.

When an interviewer asked Dr. Levatino to give a gestational timeframe for acceptable abortion, he responded, “You were always you!” In other words, NEVER!

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb.” Jer. 1:5 NLT

While lobbying for abortion and not once condemning the “leak” or supporting SCOTUS, Biden said, “abort a child,” and then declared, “I believe I have the rights that I have not because the government gave it to me . . . but because I’m just a child of God: I exist.” Yes, Mr. President you exist with rights because your mother chose life and not death for you. But God does not give the right to murder. Every aborted child is a child of God with a right to exist! Using God in your defense of abortion is blasphemy and an abomination to our Great Creator. *

Let’s read on to see what God said to King Solomon about abandoning the Lord’s ways.

The Lord was very angry with Solomon, for his heart had turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice. 10 He had warned Solomon specifically about worshiping other gods, but Solomon did not listen to the Lord’s command11 So now the Lord said to him, “Since you have not kept my covenant and have disobeyed my decrees, I will surely tear the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your servants. 1 Kings 11:9-11 NLT

No one is fooled. The Democrats were behind the SCOTUS vile leak to rev up their base because the odds are against them in November and to take the focus off inflation, crime, rising food and gas costs, and the invasion at the border. They were ready with their protestors and speeches moments after the leak. They know they’re on a trajectory to lose “their kingdom” and long ago they discarded ethics, morals, and scruples. We saw that with the last election.

What Do We Do Now?

With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies. Ps. 108:13

1. We pray for wisdom of when and what to do and say. We pray for the safety and protection of the Supreme Court Justices and their families and that they don’t waiver under pressure but vote with integrity. We don’t stay silent in the face of deception and evil. We pray for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Matt. 6:10)

2. We speak the truth and educate those who often don’t even know that they’re championing and protesting for mothers to kill their children.

3. We vote for anti-abortion, family-friendly truly Conservative Christian political representatives and do our homework before we vote. When abortion comes back to the states to vote, we’ll have our work to do all over again, especially if you live in blue states.

4. We support parents speaking out against the pornographic perverted sex and racist CRT taught in some schools today. I wrote more about this is my blog “They’re Coming for Our Children!”

When its age appropriate, children should be taught the biological fact that when a male sperm permeates a female egg a child results and it can happen the first time you have unprotected sex! That’s how babies are made. Don’t have sex unless you’re ready to take on that responsibility. I think it would be good for sex education to show videos of babies developing in the womb so that children won’t be deceived into thinking there’s not a real person with moving arms and legs and eyes, nose, and a mouth that smiles.

Kimberly Fletcher, founder of says parents need to teach their children the truth about abortion and that it is barbarically taking a life. Raise children to understand the difference between death and the value and sanctity of life. Understanding evil versus good should be taught in every home. Children are hearing lies and hyperbole and home should be a safe place to hear the truth and ask questions.

5. If you haven’t seen the movie Unplanned, watch it now to reaffirm your anti-abortion, pro-life conviction and recommend it to anyone you know who is pro-abortion, pro-death. Here’s the trailer.

6. Churches should offer counseling and ministries to provide hope and tangible help to women dealing with unplanned pregnancies. For those who have already had abortions, help them find spiritual healing that comes from seeking God’s forgiveness.

I’ll close with this story. On a panel show discussing the Roe leak, a liberal left Democrat who was distraught with the possible overturn of Roe spewed angrily, “What am I supposed to tell my daughters?!”

With those words, he epitomized the reality of what abortion has become to many, including parents, a form of accepted birth control.

I said to the TV screen, “You tell your daughters not to have promiscuous sex outside of marriage. You tell them don’t have unprotected sex unless you’re ready to have a baby. You remind them that sex is the beautiful way God created for a husband and wife to come together as one to give the gift of life to a child. You tell them abortion snuffs out a life.

They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was desecrated by their blood. Ps. 106:38

But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea. Matt. 18:6 NLT

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Psalm 139:13

This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. Deut. 30:19

Here are blogs I wrote previously.

What If Abortion Had Been an Option for Mary?

Why You Should See #Unplanned Movie

Prisoner’s of Choice By Patti Smith

*Note: I’ve told you in earlier blogs how God often confirms the topic I’m to write about. I hope you’ll take a moment to read an article in Blaze News by Steve Deace “The most demonic moment in the history of the presidency?” I had already written the above blog when I read Deace’s article, which conveyed similar thoughts the Lord had given to me. It was an ah-ha moment over my Friday morning coffee. Here’s Deace’s closing paragraph . . .

“If you are a Christian, you must realize that the president of the United States just brought down curses and judgement upon your nation no different than the wicked kings of ancient Israel did. He is telling you that the heavens demand human sacrifice. He is telling you, this “devout Catholic,” that salvation comes from rogue tyranny and power over others instead of from the cross. In other words, Nero still lives.”

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What If Abortion Had Been a “Legal” Option for Mary?

Abortion has been in the news recently in a way that gives us hope that Roe v Wade could be overturned and precious innocent lives saved. Three months ago, a six-week abortion ban became law in Texas and the Supreme Court is currently considering a case regarding Mississippi’s law preventing abortion after fifteen weeks, Dobbs v. Jackson’s Women’s Health Organization. For me, six and fifteen weeks are still too late to snuff out life, but it’s a start. Progress in the fight for life.

The arguments for Jackson’s Women’s Health Organization rest heavily upon their claim that abortion is a question of right, liberty, and autonomy, and for those reasons, they maintain it must be upheld.

How did we ever get to the place where there are court battles over whether a mother should be allowed to kill her baby in womb at any time on the basis of “liberty” and “personal autonomy”? Liberty and bodily autonomy occur when you decide to have unprotected sex. Yes, you have the liberty to make that choice with your personal autonomous body, but once that choice is made, as with any other choice in life, you are personally responsible for the consequences.

Even before the choice to have sex, the autonomous consideration should be: “Am I ready to have a baby if I get pregnant?” If the answer is no, then NO should be the answer to having sex.

Today, women aren’t required to make that sensible responsible decision. They can take a pill or go to Planned Parenthood and have their baby destroyed. Then continue on with their life . . . or so they think.

My friend Patti Smith wrote a blog about the devastation of her own abortions: Nobody Told Me the Truth. Maybe that’s you and you were misled or misinformed. Patti learned that God is the God of forgiveness as she learned the truth about the life she was carrying and subsequently aborted. I’ve also heard good things about Project Rachel: Hope After Abortion. 

After your own healing, like Patti, God may use your past to help another woman not let abortion become her future.

Misguided Justifications Women and Lawyers Give for Abortion

Misconception: Abortion is a “right.”

Last week, Supreme Court Justice Thomas poignantly asked where in the constitution is abortion a right. “I understand we’re talking about abortion here, but what is confusing is that we — if we were talking about the Second Amendment, I know exactly what we’re talking about. If we’re talking about the Fourth Amendment, I know what we’re talking about because it’s written. It’s there. What specifically is the right here that we’re talking about?” Thomas said.

Thomas was pointing out that abortion is not a written constitutional right. The Constitution does say everyone has a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and that includes a baby in the womb.

Here are more “my right” misconceptions and misuses of terminology.

  1. “It’s my body.” It’s not her own body. She didn’t create herself. God did by her parents having sex to create her. Then she used her body to have sex and create a body separate from hers with its own heartbeat, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, brain, organs, skin, arms, legs, sensitivity to pain, and cry.
  2. “Bodily autonomy is a human right.” Autonomy does allow a woman to choose to have sex with her body, but when she creates another body, that little body has autonomy and a human right also.
  3. “Abortion is morally good.” When murder becomes morally good and justified, we’ve definitely regressed to barbarism and savagery. Promiscuous sex is morally wrong. Two wrongs do not make a right
  4. “A woman’s right to choose.” In 99.9% of situations, a woman does have a right to choose . . . if she’s going to have sex or not. That’s her choice.
  5. “Reproductive rights” starts with the right to say yes or no to sex. Sex leads to reproduction. A scientific and biological fact and a right God gave to every man and woman who chooses to have sex.
  6. “Healthcare.” There’s nothing healthy for a woman to have a baby poisoned, burned, dismembered, or sucked out of her womb.
  7. “It’s a decision between a woman and her doctor.” When a girl or woman goes into Planned Parenthood, they don’t see the doctor until they’re in stirrups and he’s killing her baby. Doctors take an oath to save life, not take it. Often it’s not even a doctor performing the abortion.
  8. “Prochoice.” The argument is between prolife and prodeath advocates! That’s something no one wants to say.
  9. “A war on women.” Hmm. How about we stop the war on babies, both male and female.

Other reasons given to justify abortion might be too young, inconvenient, embarrassing, being a mother wouldn’t fit in with life plans. Motivations are often selfish and self-centered not even considering they are carrying God’s creation. A person!

Let’s Look at Mary the Mother of Our Lord and Savior.

When the angel Gabriel visited Mary, he told her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the baby to be born will be holy, and he will be called the Son of God.” (Luke 1: 35 NLT) Mary was going to become pregnant with the Savior of the world as a young teenager and a virgin betrothed to marry Joseph. Talk about bad timing! Inconvenient! Embarrassing! Disrupting her marriage plans.

Today’s pro-choice advocates would argue that Mary had every justification for either saying no I won’t do this for you Lord, or if she conceived anyway, call the local abortionist and murder God’s Son, the future Savior of the world.

There would be no Christmas. No fulfillment of prophecy. No chance for repentance and forgiveness of our sins. No eternal life! God’s plans for future generations thwarted!

Praise God, instead, “Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” (Luke 1:38 NLT)

How many of God’s children who He knit together in their mother’s womb and had great plans for them to rescue our world in the areas of medicine, health, science, teachers, leaders, preachers, fathers and mothers of future generations have been slaughtered before they could take their first breath or horrifically some even murdered after birth? How many? An estimated 62,502,904 since Roe v Wade legalized unlimited abortions in 1973!

God creates and has a plan for every child conceived. That’s not just a “religious belief” as one pro-abortion SCOTUS said, but a reality, and He had a plan for her too!

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jer. 29:11 NLT

The pro-abortion attorney in the Dobbs case also tried to argue that “the burden of parenthood is an obstacle to women’s success” even as she addressed this absurd argument to Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett a mother of seven, including two adopted children.

A man and a woman should carefully consider parenthood BEFORE having sex, not after a child is conceived. Only secular cultural worldly thinking considers success outside the home more valuable than success in the home as a parent.

Mary’s choice to continue with the pregnancy wasn’t easy, but by all standards was one of the most successful and fulfilling choices a mother could ever make!

God Creates Each of Us At Conception

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. Ps. 139:13-14 NLT

When liberal SCOTUS Sotomayor compared a baby in the womb to a brain-dead person, she actually admitted that a pre-born baby is a person! Satan tries to seduce with deception by calling the baby a “fetus,” which sounds clinical and not like a human being. But I’ve never heard a woman say she’s pregnant with a fetus, a brain-dead person, or a blob of cells. An expectant mother says she’s going to have a baby: a precious, fragile, defenseless human being that according to our current laws she can “choose” to murder or let live.

A scientific discovery is now confirming what Christians have always known that life begins at conception when sperm fertilizes an egg. A video reveals what appears to be a fluorescent display of fireworks taking place at the moment of conception. The ‘flash of light’ is created when zinc is released and binds to tiny molecules that “emit a fluorescence,” only viewable by microscopes. This discovery is nothing short of a breathtaking display of our Creator’s hand at work in creating each of us.

Science and technology now confirm that by six weeks, a child has a beating heart, a developing brain and spinal cord. At ten weeks, the child has arms, legs, fingers, toes and can kick. By fifteen weeks, the baby has a nose, lips, eyebrows, eyelids and can feel pain, yawn, and suck a thumb. If you’ve watched the movie Unplanned, you know the baby feels pain in an abortion and struggles to get away from the suction tube. It’s heartbreaking.

Before ultrasounds and heartbeat monitoring, women bought into the lie they were told that it’s just a blob of cells that can’t feel pain. But now, we know none of that is true. We can see the baby developing and hear the heartbeat at six weeks. We know, without a doubt, that life begins at conception. Yet many still want the “right” to kill that human being, even after the baby takes its first breath! Inhuman barbaric depravity is actually celebrated in Congress, Hollywood, the media, Big Tech, and some state governments.

Abortion has become the accepted crime of unbridled passion and lust.

There’s no right way to do the wrong thing. There’s no justification for having sex and killing a baby because the sex was convenient, but the baby is inconvenient.

Our culture today is playing God by choosing who can live and who should die. That’s not going to end well. I’m asking you to PRAY for the Supreme Court to uphold the Mississippi law and forever change what Roe v. Wade has done to this nation. Pray for each SCOTUS to have a heart conviction to do the right thing and not let innocent lives become political pawns. Ask your churches to pray as ours did this morning.

Mary celebrated her inconvenient pregnancy with a song because she knew “all things are possible with God.” (Mark 10:27)

The Magnificat: Mary’s Song of Praise

46 Mary responded,

“Oh, how my soul praises the Lord.
47     How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior!
48 For he took notice of his lowly servant girl,
    and from now on all generations will call me blessed.
49 For the Mighty One is holy,
    and he has done great things for me.
50 He shows mercy from generation to generation
    to all who fear him.

His mighty arm has done tremendous things!
    He has scattered the proud and haughty ones.
52 He has brought down princes from their thrones
    and exalted the humble.
53 He has filled the hungry with good things
    and sent the rich away with empty hands.
54 He has helped his servant Israel
    and remembered to be merciful.
55 For he made this promise to our ancestors,
    to Abraham and his children forever. Luke 1:46-55 NLT

You might also enjoy my Bible study Face-to-Face with Elizabeth and Mary: Generation to Generation, which studies the mentoring relationship between Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist and Mary the mother of Jesus.

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Don’t Just Be an Admirer of Jesus Be a Follower!

In last week’s blog, Yes, You Can Be Biblical and Political, I mentioned that our Couples’ Group is studying Dr. David Jeremiah’s new book, Where Do We Go From Here? In Chapter One, “A Cultural Prophecy—Socialism,” Dr. Jeremiah had a section that resonated with my spirit, Resolve to Follow Christ and Not Just Admire Him! Take a minute to reflect on that concept.

What differentiates a follower of Christ from an admirer? Words we associate with a Christ-follower are self-sacrifice, service, surrender. We can observe outward reflections of a follower of Jesus by their life-style, countenance, choices, actions, language, inner joy, love, and willingness to profess their faith in Christ and belief in the Gospel at all times under all circumstances.

An admirer might be in awe of Christ as an example of a good and moral man and the sacrifice He made for us, but they’re not willing to actually follow in His footsteps. They claim to be a Christian, but they’re not willing to completely surrender their entire life to Jesus when it’s uncomfortable or inconvenient. The fruit isn’t there. They may go to church every Sunday, serve on church committees, sing in the choir, take communion, and intellectually understand faith, but don’t let faith and the Bible define their life.

Dr. Jeremiah quotes Soren Kierkegaard who put it this way: “The admirer never makes any sacrifices. He always plays it safe. Though in words, phrases, songs, he is inexhaustible about how he praises Christ, but he renounces nothing, will not reconstruct his life, and will not let his life express what supposedly he admires. Not so for the follower. No, no. The follower aspires with all his strength to be what he admires.”

I think about Biden meeting with the Pope last week and claiming that the Pope told him he was a “good Catholic.” What does that mean anyway? Who determines what’s considered good? By whose standards?

Jesus doesn’t care if we’re a “good” Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist, Episcopalian, non-denominational, or a member of any organized denomination. Following Jesus is not about a specific church, religion, theology, or doctrine. He’s looking for one thing in His followers: a changed and surrendered heart. Salvation. Have you given your whole heart to Jesus? Have you received the Holy Spirit? Do you live out your faith everywhere and anywhere? Are you willing to pick up your cross and follow Jesus?

Then he said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me. 24 If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. Luke 9:23-24 NLT

Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.” John 3:3 NLT

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. John 14:6. NLT

What It Looks Like to Follow Jesus

When we’re truly born again, we’re a new person. We’re granted a new life in Christ and everything changes, if we’re willing to be a follower and not just a sideline admirer of Christ. Paul explains the life of a Christian best in Colossians 3:1-11:

Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. And when Christ, who is your[a] life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all his glory.

So put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking within you. Have nothing to do with sexual immorality, impurity, lust, and evil desires. Don’t be greedy, for a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world. Because of these sins, the anger of God is coming.[b] You used to do these things when your life was still part of this world. But now is the time to get rid of anger, rage, malicious behavior, slander, and dirty language. Don’t lie to each other, for you have stripped off your old sinful nature and all its wicked deeds. 10 Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him. 11 In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile,[c] circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized,[d] slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us.

Maybe Biden, who I’ve only ever heard speak of himself as a Catholic not a Christian, and liberal progressive Democrats who claim to be Christians, admire Christ but not enough to follow Christ and make the political sacrifice of turning the Democrat party away from supporting and financing the murder of babies! Not enough to acknowledge that God only made two genders. Not enough to admit that God said marriage is between a man and a woman. Not enough to stop lying! Not enough to surrender their life to Holy Jesus, instead of the idol of political power!

Any politician, regardless of party affiliation, who is willing to be a Christ-follower will be hated and persecuted by the world but he or she will not back down because they understand that their authority comes from the King of kings and the Lord of Lords, not the government, and they will govern accordingly.

Here’s how Jesus put it:  The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you. John 15:19 NLT

Biblical Examples of Christ-Followers

In Everyday Brave: Living Courageously as a Woman of Faith, Chapter 17 “Brave Loyalty,” I offer examples of women willing to follow Christ no matter what the cost. Here is the opening to that chapter:

“In our current culture, it’s no longer cushy and easy being a Jesus-follower or loyally defending Jesus. Standing firm in our faith takes grit, determination, and fierce loyalty. When society tries to dissuade and discourage us from remaining true to Jesus, we must stand firm with bravery and courage, even it if means standing “alone”—God is always with us cheering us on.

Jesus was followed by many courageous women disciples, like Joanna, Susanna, and others who also went against the cultural norm to loyally support Jesus’s ministry, even as it became more and more controversial and his life, therefore theirs too, was in eminent danger. We can look to these women disciples as prime examples of faith and devotion to Christ and emulate them in our own lives as believing disciples today, regardless of daunting circumstances.”

Here’s a quick review of these women, which you can read about in Matt. 27:55-61; 28:1-10; Mark 15:33-16-8; Luke 8:1-3; 23:44-24:11:

Joanna was a wealthy woman accustomed to the glamour and prestige of living in Herod Antipas’s court as the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward and manager of his vast estate. When doctors couldn’t help her, she sought out Jesus who healed her and she became a devoted Jesus-follower joining a group of women who followed him on his journeys and financially supported his ministry. We don’t know what her husband or Herod thought of this, but she took the risk and joined Susanna and Mary Magdalene and a number of other women who traveled with Jesus during his ministry and became part of his inner circle.

These women bravely went against cultural norms to care faithfully for Jesus and the disciples. They selflessly gave of their time, energy, and resources to serve and support Jesus’s ministry, even though everyone knew the Pharisees threatened to expel Jesus’s followers from the synagogue. This didn’t deter them. They were committed Jesus-followers not mere admirers.

Current Example of Christ-Followers

If you’re not familiar with In-N-Out Burger, like Chick-fil-A, they are a Christian owned restaurant chain with Scriptures printed on all their cups and wrappers! I encourage you to read this article where the Jesus-follower owner, Lynsi Snyder, shares her faith and her testimony. Here’s the opening paragraph of the article: “In-N-Out Burger hasn’t necessarily been secretive about the fact that it’s a Christian establishment. It has printed John 3:16 on the bottom of its cups. However, like Chick-fil-A before it, the owner and heiress of the burger chain, Lynsi Snyder, is letting everyone know just how much Christ means to her publicly.

Sometimes we need to engage in righteous rebellion. It is God and not the government that we obey when there is a moral conflict between the two. You may have read recently that several In-N-Out Burger restaurants in California were shut down because they refused to be vaccine police. Here is their statement:

The reason for the closure is that In-N-Out Associates were not actively intervening by demanding COVID-19 vaccine or testing documentation and photo identification from each dine-in Customer before serving them. Rather than acting as enforcement agents, our Associates were allowing our Customers to be responsible for their own compliance with the divisive local regulations,” In-N-Out Chief Legal and Business Officer Arnie Wensinger said in a statement.

We refuse to become the vaccination police for any government. It is unreasonable, invasive, and unsafe to force our restaurant Associates to segregate Customers into those who may be served and those who may not, whether based on the documentation they carry, or any other reason,” Wensinger said in a statement.”

In a tweet the Chief legal and Business Officer also wrote:
“We fiercely disagree with any government that dictates that forces a private company to discriminate against customers who choose to patronage their businesses. This is clear governmental overreach and is intrusive, improper, and offensive.”

We Must Live As Jesus-Followers, Not Mere Admirers!

I’ll leave you in closing with another quote from Dr. Jeremiah:

“To persevere in an increasingly socialist culture, you’re going to have to decide whether to be a Christ-follower or merely a Christ-admirer. . . . Set your mind fully on the hope you have in Christ, and be ready to pay any price, challenge any foe, and confront any lie for the sake of the Gospel . . . At any moment, Jesus Christ will descend from heaven for His people. We haven’t long to wait. But until then, we need to understand what the age requires—and we need to do what the Lord commands.”

When Christ returns . . .
the government will be on his shoulders. . . .
Of the greatness of his government and peace
    there will be no end.
He will reign on David’s throne
    and over his kingdom,
establishing and upholding it
    with justice and righteousness
    from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the Lord Almighty
    will accomplish this.
Isa. 9:6-7 NLT

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We’re No Longer One Nation United Under God!

It’s been a subtle shift of disunity over the years as God became degraded and discarded in our country and the two political sides became defined by whether they stood for godly principles. But two recent significant events have clarified and delineated the spiritual political divide: Covid and the disputed election.

Let’s start with Covid. A pandemic, like any traumatic event, should’ve united our country in fighting it together, but instead it divided us, even in the church. I wrote a few weeks ago about Don’t Let Vaccines Divide the Church, and then last year, Don’t Let Covid Divide the Church: We’re on the Same Team! But because Covid has been politicized, the country and the church are divided often along political lines. And we’ve let it happen. Lies from the media blame Conservatives and Christians for causing what they now refer to as the “unvaccinated pandemic,” when in actuality the highest number of unvaccinated are people of color regardless of party affiliation.

Democrat politicians show their ignorance about God by trying to claim that God wants everyone vaccinated and yet they’re the party that voted several years ago at their convention to take God out of policies and programs, even the Pledge of Allegiance. They wrongly think they can pretend to represent God now as they show their biblical ignorance by taking Scriptures out of context and trying to manipulate a Christian population they know nothing about.

It was the liberal blue state governors that forbid churches to meet during Covid lockdowns calling them nonessential and even imprisoning pastors and fining parishioners who defied them and met anyway. With never an apology, they think they can tell us they’re now speaking for God concerning His desire for vaccinations. Even going so far as to say you’re disobeying God if you don’t get the vaccine!

Which brings me to the next great divide: Diabolical progressives and godless liberal Democrats used Covid to perpetuate voter fraud and take control of our country, while falsely claiming to be the party of unity. Their idea of “unity” is agreeing with them or you lose your job, are fined, or even put in jail.

But good can never unite with evil, without denouncing faith.

14 Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? 15 What harmony can there be between Christ and the devil? How can a believer be a partner with an unbeliever? 2 Cor. 6:13-15 NLT

Let’s look at just some of the differences of Conservatives vs. Progressive Liberals (which have hijacked the Democrat party).

Conservatives Believe                                                           Progressive Liberals Believe

Sanctity of life protecting unborn babies                               Slaughter/sacrifice babies

Scientific biology of male and female                          Scalpels can change genders

Police/Military protection                                                       Defund police/woke military

Medical treatment is personal                                                Government forced medicine

Following the Constitution                                                     Destroying the Constitution

A country with borders                                                           Borderless country

Freedom                                                                                  Mandates

Work ethic                                                                              Social welfare

Democracy / civil rights                                                     Marxism/Communism

Against racism                                                                        Critical race theory

Judeo/Christian foundation                                                     Godless government

God reigns                                                                               Government rules                                                                   

I’m sure you can think of even more differences like equality vs equity. But you get the point that there can never be a compromise, reaching across the aisle, or meeting of the minds with a political party or position that excludes God. We can never support a government that refuses to submit to godly principles and only uses God when politically convenient, but fundamentally wants to rule as gods themselves.

This radicalization has been slow in coming, but living up to their name, it’s been progressive. Several years ago, everyone was laughing at AOC and Bernie Sander’s “New Green Deal” and today it’s included in a massive spending bill before Congress with only two legislators holding out against it and progressives mad because the bill isn’t even bigger and include more socialism. And those two holdouts probably will go with the bill if the price tag is lowered, but it would still be a bill that allows the government to spy on your bank accounts, the IRS to harass you, tax your driving miles, and turn us into a socialist welfare state.

What’s Changed?

Over the years, we’ve watched the changes in government officials like Pelosi and Biden and the Democrat Party. They weren’t always totally godless as they are today, but they’ve succumbed to the alluring sin of power at any cost, even renouncing the ways of the God some claim to know. I don’t know the spiritual history of all the Democrats in Congress and the Senate, but no one in Congress who voted for the latest deceptively named “Women’s Healthcare Act” allowing babies to be killed up until birth, could have a clear conscience if they had a relationship with Jesus. Only one Democrat Congressman was brave enough to do the right thing and vote against it. I wrote about this in my blog last week, Satan is Running Scared: He Knows His Time is Short!

I’m not an historian, but I do believe the downfall of America began with Roe v Wade and has been on a steady decline to the historic deterioration we’re watching today. When a country decides that unborn babies should be violently poisoned and viciously ripped apart in their mother’s womb and taxpayers actually pay for it, God cried. God was angry. He’s still crying and angry! How could He not be?!

They have built pagan shrines at Topheth, the garbage dump in the valley of Ben-Hinnom, and there they burn their sons and daughters in the fire. I have never commanded such a horrible deed; it never even crossed my mind to command such a thing! Jer. 7:31 NLT

You have done more evil than all who lived before you. You have made for yourself other gods, idols made of metal; you have aroused my anger and turned your back on me. 1 Kings 14:9

And the worst part is that Christians and the church have actually done very little to reverse this atrocity or keep child sacrifice in front of politicians until recently and the Dems have noticed our sudden advocacy. What started over 50 years ago as a practice only to be used in an extreme emergency has evolved to killing babies on a whim and even as a form of birth control. Yet still for the most part the church and Republicans have been fairly quiet as millions of babies are murdered.

Last year was the first time a sitting President, Donald J. Trump, appeared personally and spoke at a National Walk for Life in Washington DC. It seemed like the Republican Party and the church became emboldened. Some red states are beginning to pass laws forbidding abortion, especially after a heartbeat, which is a beginning. Now we have a political party in charge of our country that wants to, as Nancy Pelosi’s own Bishop said, pass a bill that could’ve only been written by Satan.

I hear more Conservative news pundits willing to call out what we’re watching take place in our government for what it is: evil! They use the word evil! Finally, people willing to verbalize what is happening in our country and world today. But is it too late? I don’t know. But what I do know is God is only going to put up with what He’s watching for so long, just like in the days of Noah.

God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to forgive those who repent from their sins but that promise is shouted down today by rioters, Marxists, and corrupt legislators who encourage sin and violence instead of repentance and forgiveness.

We will never be a united nation as long as evil rules in our nation.

Our only chance to take back our beloved nation is to vote the Democrats and Communists out of power and keep them out of power forever unless they have a spiritual awakening. They’re not going to go quietly and they’re going to do as much damage as they can while they’re still in the driver’s seat. You can see them squirming and frantically scrambling as I wrote about last week, that Satan is running scared because he knows his time is short. How short? I don’t know, but I do know that we can’t give up the fight and sit back and wait for the next election because maybe God’s not waiting. Any day He could say “Enough!” and it’s over.


Be ready

Make your voice heard now for godly justice.

Vote and do your part for voter integrity.

Run for local offices like school boards and state legislators.

Make sure the people you love most are ready when Jesus comes to rapture His people.

38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left. Matt. 24:38-41

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Satan is Running Scared! He Knows His Time is Short

Newscasters often open their show with, “This has been a busy news week!” Actually, it’s been busy news days for the past few years. We’re bombarded with so many conflicting stories of world events that sometimes we just become numb and want to tune it all out. I agree there are times we should do exactly that when we feel overwhelmed and need to take a break to clear our heads and seek God’s perspective, but then we need to jump back into the battle to pray and take action wherever God directs us.

With the recent news flurry about illegal Haitians flooding our borders and cities, Covid related mandates, the search for Brian Laundrie after his fiancé was found dead, bogus lies about Border Patrol agents on horseback, Biden blaming the unvaccinated for his economic disaster, Biden’s Afghanistan fiasco, the Hunter Biden laptop story, two vaccinated cohosts on The View testing Covid positive live on the show after just lecturing the unvaccinated . . . one critical news story was buried or barely covered.

I almost missed this headline myself: “House Passes ‘Extreme’ Pro-Abortion Bill to Wipe Out State Pro-Life Laws and Permanently Enshrine Roe!” Where did I see this? I subscribe to CBN News (News with a Christian Perspective) and I would encourage you to follow them also. Friday morning, September 24, 2021, Congress voted to approve what they labeled the “Women’s Health Protection Act,” a sweeping bill to wipe away state pro-life laws like the one recently passed in Texas preventing abortion after a heartbeat is detected. Sadly, the House bill passed as you would expect by party line 218 to 211 with only one brave Democrat voting against it.

Democrats are so worried about Roe v. Wade eventually being overturned that when the Supreme Court refused to challenge the Texas pro-life law, they quickly put together their federal bill that not only disallows states’ rights to pass their own abortion laws, it would codify Roe from ever being challenged!

 It’s obvious why the Dems wanted to bury this news on a Friday morning, but one pro-life congresswoman, Marjorie Taylor Greene, was willing to challenge them on the steps of the Capitol while they attempted to hold a press conference gloating over their success. Rep. Greene shouts at Democrats on Capitol steps over abortion: ‘Try being a Christian!’ It’s disappointing Greene didn’t have more Congressional Republicans out there with her, but kudos to her for making enough noise to get this atrocity recognized by the media filming.

Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) tried to challenge Greene by shouting the only verse that Democrats seem to know and use out of context against Christians speaking up against the wrongs in our country: “You should practice the basic thing you’re taught in church: respect your neighbor.” [As if murdering babies is respecting your neighbor?!]

“Try being a Christian and supporting life!” Greene hit back.

Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) who opposed the measure in Congress warned, “This bill is far outside the American mainstream and goes far beyond Roe v Wade. For the first time ever by congressional statute, H.R. 3755 would legally enable the death of unborn baby girls and boys by dismemberment, decapitation, forced expulsion from the womb, deadly poisons, or other methods at any time until birth.”

This diabolical bill allows abortion up until the moment of birth and opens the door to prevent state protections for children from abortion based solely on their sex, race, or diagnosis of a genetic abnormality such as Down Syndrome—policies that, in the words of Justice Clarence Thomas, ‘promote a State’s compelling interest in preventing abortion from becoming a tool of modern-day eugenics’!

It removes all rights from the state regarding abortion and transfers them to the federal government. It also prevents abortion to ever be challenged in the Supreme Court!

Of course, ‘Catholic’ Biden says he would sign the bill and ‘Catholic’ Pelosi praised the bill saying, “it’s about people’s medical choices.” Notice she didn’t say women’s choices, a distinction the crazy dems are trying to devoid of motherhood, even though it’s called the Women’s Health Protection Act. Pelosi said, “This is about freedom. About freedom of women to have a choice about the size and timing of their families – not the business of the people on the court or members of Congress. It’s about themselves. But it’s also about freedom from the danger of vigilantes.”

Dems Want to Codify Child Sacrifice

Christians know this bill is satanic! It has nothing to do with women’s health and is purely child sacrifice on the altar of pleasure, convenience, and personal gratification. Everyone knows, whether or not you believe in God as our Creator, children are conceived through sex. No one wants to bring up the inconvenient fact that the male sperm permeates the female egg creating life during sex.

While the Dems are so eager to talk about climate control and vaccine control, when’s the last time you heard them talk about birth control?!

Another thing this bill would circumvent is a waiting period or showing an expectant mother an ultrasound before she chooses abortion because they know that no one can look at an ultrasound or hear a heart beating and deny there is a child in the womb who will be murdered. Yes, abortion is murder by torture.

Calling abortion a “medical or health procedure” is another one of the Democrats’ ludicrous attempts to brainwash and gaslight with terminology. Medical/health procedures preserve life, not destroy life. Abortion will negatively affect a woman’s mental health for the rest of her life.

Is God Loosening His Leash On Satan?

I know I’m preaching to the choir for most of my followers, but we must acknowledge the pervasive satanic evil in our legislature. Every pastor should be talking about this very subject from the podium!! We’re blessed that our pastor did talk about this bill on Sunday morning. And he also brought up an interesting point. Could we be experiencing God pouring out His wrath on the world by loosening Satan’s leash?!

“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” Matt. 10:34

Nancy Pelosi’s Cardinal also speaks out. Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, Pelosi’s home diocese, criticized her stance on the Hyde Amendment. “Let me repeat: no one can claim to be a devout Catholic and condone the killing of innocent human life, let alone have the government pay for it,” he told CNA.  

In response, [to Pelosi’s Press Conference in July regarding eliminating the Hyde Amendment] Archbishop Cordileone said: “To use the smokescreen of abortion as an issue of health and fairness to poor women is the epitome of hypocrisy: what about the health of the baby being killed? What about giving poor women real choice, so they are supported in choosing life?”

“This would give them fairness and equality to women of means, who can afford to bring a child into the world. It is people of faith who run pro-life crisis pregnancy clinics; they are the only ones who provide poor women life-giving alternatives to having their babies killed in their wombs.”  

He added: “I cannot be prouder of my fellow Catholics who are so prominent in providing this vital service. To them, I say: you are the ones worthy to call yourselves ‘devout Catholics’!”

What Can You Do?

This so-called “Women’s Health Protection Act” still has to pass the Senate where Republicans can invoke the filibuster and require 60 votes to overcome the 50/50 partisan division. So while it doesn’t seem the Democrats will be successful, don’t think this will be their last attempt! Satan is running scared that Roe v. Wade could be overturned and children’s lives could be saved.

So you need to contact your Senators and tell them to vote no when this atrocious bill hits the Senate floor. Chastise any of your legislators who voted for it in Congress.

Then we need to pray, not only that this evil satanic bill is widely defeated, but for the soul of every blinded legislator who would vote for such a horrific atrocity to fellow human beings. Only Satan could distort the value of innocent life in the womb. I’m not saying those who vote for it are satanic, but I am saying they are being influenced, persuaded, and deceived by the author of evil. They are intentionally taking a purely political power stance without considering the ethical or moral ramifications.

There are six things the Lord hates—no, seven things he detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family. Pr. 6:16-19 NLT

I doubt that any of the Democrat legislators have watched the movie Unplanned and graphically watched what happens to a baby in an abortion. If they have and still consider killing a baby as a legal “right,” then they have definitely sold their soul to the devil, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t redeemable and salvageable. They need our prayers for the blinders to be removed because they will be held accountable for their detestable actions.

God can and does change lives, even liberals.

I was inspired to write this blog because with my Saturday morning coffee, I watched Sean Feucht in front of the Supreme Court in D.C. with others praying for legislation concerning the lives of the unborn. As I prayed with them, I knew what this week’s topic would be. Let God speak to you every morning too about what He wants you to focus on in your thoughts and in your prayers. Christians are carriers of Christ to a lost and hurting world.

Do not let the opposition beat you down. Don’t become discouraged or lose hope. Don’t give up the fight. That’s what they’re counting on but they don’t know the perseverance and determination of Christ followers!

“The mystery of God’s presence is revealed through those who wear it well.” Chris Tiegreen

For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory. Col. 1:27 NLT

Satan’s time is running out . . .

Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices shouting in heaven: “The world has now become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign forever and ever. Rev. 11:15 NLT

Note: I know that someone reading this article has experienced an abortion and I want you to know that if you haven’t already asked God for forgiveness, He’s just waiting to hear from you. He is a merciful God and doesn’t want you living with guilt and sorrow, but He does want you to share your testimony with other women to help them know the power of Jesus in your life. You can also help pregnant women find solutions for their baby other than abortion. I would encourage you to read a blog by my friend Patti Smith in which she gives her own abortion testimony, Nobody Told Me the Truth.

If you or someone you know is suffering post abortion, I’ve heard good things about Hope After Abortion.

I’ve written several previous blogs on abortion.

Why You Should See Unplanned Movie
Abortion a Crime of Passion
Who’s Behind the War on Women?

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