What Color Do You See?

Recently, I’ve been going to a new hairstylist, and like we girls do, I took a picture that I thought depicted well the color highlights I was trying to achieve. But each time I had my hair done, the color turned out different from what I was expecting.

Last week, as the stylist and I put our heads together over her color chart, I noticed she was looking on one side of the chart and I was focused on the opposite side. Finally, a little frustrated I’m sure, she asked me a key question about the picture I had brought her to follow: “What color do you see?”

We had to laugh when we realized she was seeing rust tones and I was seeing reddish tones! How could that happen you ask when we were both looking at the same picture?!

It was such an “Ah ha” moment for me.

Isn’t that how we look at so many issues in our world? In our marriages. In our faith. In politics.

We can’t imagine how anyone could see something so differently from what seems crystal clear and apparent to us. But all you have to do is glance at social media or engage in a political or spiritual conversation to see that we’re often coming from completely different viewpoints on the same subject that looks so obvious from our point of view.

Seeing Black and White, Or Grey

Like many of you, I watched a good portion of the Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court Justice hearing last week. What a perfect example of how political parties differ on beliefs and how they present their differences.

Judge Barrett listened to presentations and questioning from Democrat and Republican Senators. The Dems tried to get her to change/admit what they thought was her position on specific issues and Republicans endorsed what each side assumed she would rule.

Judge Barrett gracefully and wisely never gave either side a hint of how she would vote. If confirmed, when presented with a case as a Justice, she would base her final decision on interpreting and applying the law according to the Constitution. One side was frustrated with her answers and the other side was elated.

Judge Barrett has black and white guidelines to base how she judges a case: the law and the Constitution. She said many times that she would make a decision using those benchmarks even if it went against her personal beliefs. No grey areas.

She would not rule as an advocate or activist but as a judge!

It shouldn’t matter if the left or the right nominated her because she wouldn’t be influenced by political, personal, or sociological persuasion.

That will be unique and refreshing because it seems few judges can make that distinction today. I’m convinced Justice Barrett will!

What Colors Your Faith?

Biblical laws and beliefs are not popular today, but they’re the foundation of our Christian faith and God expects us to follow them even when our faith comes under pressure. Even when it’s hard. Even when the majority does not agree with us.

Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way. James 1:2-4 The Message

It’s not easy today to go against the culture and sadly we see prominent people of faith moving to the dark side. We wonder how they could go from the brilliant light of Jesus into the world’s evil darkness, especially when we’re all reading the same Bible and praying to the same God.

How could they support the barbaric tortuous murder of unborn children?

How could they dismiss the Bible’s definition of marriage between a man and a woman?

How could they endorse the mutilation and child abuse of gender change in young children?

The Bible has the answer–

They left us, but they were never really with us. If they had been, they would have stuck it out with us, loyal to the end. In leaving, they showed their true colors, showed they never did belong. 1 John 2:19 The Message

We cry out . . .

God, put an end to evil; avenging God, show your colors! Judge of the earth, take your stand; throw the book at the arrogant. God, the wicked get away with murder—how long will you let this go on? They brag and boast and crow about their crimes! Ps. 94:1-4 The Message

Christians have God’s law and His Word to guide us in our actions, choices, and decisions. There is no grey area. “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” Is. 5:20

What Colors Your Vote?

We see states labeled with Liberal Blue or Conservative Red and yet there are both types of people living in those states. My birth state of California is liberal blue, but I have many conservative friends and family living there and many who are leaving. It’s hard to live under a tyrannical rule that pushes agendas contrary to your beliefs.

As a conservative, I admit I’m happy to be living in a “red” state, but I know there are liberals on the ballot who would like nothing better than to turn our state blue! And there are liberals who will vote for them.


I don’t know.

What do they see in socialism that attracts them? I’m truly curious, but when I ask that question, I never get an answer. I’m usually bombarded with all the things they don’t like about President Trump personally, ignoring everything he’s achieved for our country. Nothing about what they like in the Democrat agenda, which would become the law of the land if they were to win in the election.

Sadly, many people’s vote will be colored by their emotions and not wisdom.

Regardless of who we’re voting for, I believe we should base our vote primarily on platforms and polices, not personality.

Many people today are putting personality first. A treacherous mistake.

Here’s a good article to read. Deroy Murdock: Trump vs. Biden—Voters in 2020 should think long and hard about policy, not personality!

Every few weeks, I can change a wrong hair color, but we can’t change a wrong voting decision for years.

What colors do you see for America?

Red or Blue

Red, White, and Blue!

Last week, I gave a link to Vote Your Faith. I want to add a few others as we move into the countdown to November 3 and maybe you’re voting early.

Decision Magazine free voter guide to download.

Million Voices 2020 Voter Guide

We’re not just voting for a President, Congressmen, Senators, and local government officials. As Pastor Jack Hibbs, who opened the doors of his large California church on May 31 says, we’re voting for a way of life . . .

…we’re voting for our freedom.

…we’re voting to save the unborn.

…we’re voting for our right to worship freely.

…we’re voting to protect our streets and secure our borders.

…we’re voting for the right to promote Godly values!

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Babies’ Lives Are Important, But . . .

As someone gives you a compliment, have you ever braced yourself because you know by the tone of their voice that the disclaimer “but” is coming in the next breath. For example,

I love your new hairstyle . . . but I’m not sure about the color.

You’ve lost weight . . . but I’m sure you’ve still got more to lose.

I want to come to your party . . . but I’ll have to see how the day goes.

I agree with you . . . but aren’t you getting too political.

Are you shaking your head in agreement? We’ve all been there and maybe we’ve been the one tying two opposing thoughts together with that little qualifying dangler “but.”

In reading comments on social media, I’ve been appalled at how often I see people saying something like, “Abortion is an important issue, but this can’t be a one issue voting decision.”

Why not? What could be more important than saving a life versus “legally” murdering a life?

Looking at our own children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews would anyone make that same statement. “Well, yes their life is important, but . . .”

But what? We say we would do anything to protect them and lay down our life for theirs. Anything but vote for them to have life?!

When we don’t vote against abortion, we’re voting for it.

When we don’t vote for the party working to eliminate abortion, we’re voting for the party that wants to keep it legalized and stretch the limits to genocide like in New York and Virginia.


I hear, “I can’t vote for Trump because I don’t like how he talks or something he said or did over a decade ago, or his tweets.”

Seriously?! His rhetoric versus the life of the unborn?

Or, “Yes I’m a Christian but abortion isn’t my main concern.”

Really? Isn’t cherishing the sanctity of life, the gift from God, at the heart of Christianity?

What about a candidate who uses his Catholic “faith” to his political advantage but is willing to set the precepts of his faith aside as a liberal Democrat. What kind of character does that show?

What kind of man would trade his soul for power?

In Biden’s book Promises to Keep: On Life in Politics, he wrote, “I’m as much a cultural Catholic as I am a theological Catholic.” What does that mean? By his current stance on championing abortion, it means he’s allowing his faith to adapt to the culture rather than allowing his faith to change the culture.

He’s saying, I’m a Catholic when it’s convenient but when it interferes with my political aspirations and power, I can disavow its precepts. I can apply cancel culture to the Catholic stance on right to life!

That my friends is not how faith works. I think you would agree that you apply your faith to every aspect of life or it’s not true faith. Faith isn’t like a cafeteria where you pick and choose the aspects you like, or what works well with your situation, or is convenient.

Faith is all or none.

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ Matt. 22:37

I wonder if Biden has listened to Fr. James Altman’s convicting YouTube video: You Cannot be Catholic & a Democrat. Period.

How Does Your Vote Save Lives?

Biden and his running mate Harris not only endorse abortion up through birth, they want to make every American taxpayer pay for it!

The Biden/Harris (or Harris/Biden) agenda is characterized as the most pro-abortion ticket in history.

Biden vows to overturn every prolife advancement that President Trump has accomplished.

President Trump defunded Planned Parenthood. Biden has the endorsement of Planned Parenthood that profits from the death and dismemberment of the unborn!

President Trump is unquestionably and undeniably the most pro-life president ever!! And I might add, he’s also the most pro-faith president who puts action behind his words.

What could President Trump ever have done or said that would justify “but I’m voting for the liberal, pro-abortion socialist Democrats.”

What Christian could say, “but I’m ok with the savagery of murdering preborn babies?”

What human being could say, “but I’m ok with one pre-born baby murdered at Planned Parenthood every 97 seconds?

Let’s look at what God says about the sanctify of His created life.

 “You shall not murder.” Exodus 20:13

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:13-16

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. Psalm 127:3

There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood . . . Proverbs 6:16-17

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

From birth I was cast on you; from my mother’s womb you have been my God. Psalm 22:10

Sin Hurts

Often, we’re reticent to talk about abortion in the church because sadly, many women have had abortions today and it hurts to be reminded.

No one likes remembering their sins. It’s convicting.

The Good News of the Gospel is that when we surrender our life to Christ, He forgives us of all our past sins and wipes the slate clean.

We will always live with consequences of our actions but God remembers our sins no more. That cleansing forgiveness provides freedom from the guilt. “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).

Many women today share their testimony to encourage and mentor other women in similar situations. I suggest ways to do this in Mentoring for All Seasons: Sharing Life Experiences and God’s Faithfulness.

A New Opportunity to Save the Babies

Ruth Bader Ginsburg died after I had already written most of this post. The minute I heard it, I knew why God had me write this week on the topic of abortion. Ginsburg was a staunch liberal advocate of abortion as a “woman’s right.” Even though as I listened to commentators discuss her life, she was able to progress in her law career as a wife and mother of two children she “adored” and four grandchildren.

Instead of taking the position that women could do as she did and have a successful career as well as be a mother, she was an activist for women disposing of their unborn babies. Sad.

President Trump now has the opportunity to place a pro-life Justice on the Supreme Court and after almost 50 years, there’s a glimmer of hope that Roe vs Wade could be overturned.

The future of millions of babies rests on filling this Justice seat.

Biden will most definitely place a liberal pro-choice, pro-abortion judge and since these are lifetime positions, murdering the future unborn would be “legal” for many more years.

So tell me again why anyone who believes in the sanctity of life wouldn’t want a President in the White House who will fight for the life of future generations?

What “but” could anyone come up with that would justify trash cans filled with dismembered human beings? I can’t think of one!

Often, we say I’m just one person what can I do? You can let your voice and your vote be heard no “buts” about it! Vote for life because yes that is the single most important issue on the ballot on November 3.

Jesus Christ is our Savior and Creator of life.

Donald J Trump is our President and defender of life.

This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. Deut. 30:19

You alone are the Lord. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you. Nehemiah 9:6

Note: Live Action is a good pro-life website.

Lest you think I’m becoming too political, abortion is a moral and spiritual issue that has been politicized. I will not be silent or stop speaking out for the unborn and for those in government who can make a difference.

If you missed my blog last Monday, I was at our church women’s retreat for the weekend learning how I can use my personality to care for others. If you didn’t miss me . . . but you didn’t want to say anything, that’s ok!

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God Will Not be Silenced So Why are His People Being Silent?

Every time I hear the term “Silent Majority,” I cringe. I cringe because they’re talking about conservatives, especially conservative Christians.

I wonder: If we’re in the majority, why are we silent?

If we know the Truth and truly believe that the Truth will sustain and maintain righteous freedom, why are we silent?

If we’re in the majority, what are we afraid of? Why do we let the vocal minority claim the public square?

If God is on our side, who should we fear?

If God is for us, who can ever be against us? Rom. 8:31 NLT

Why are we cowering and not only staying silent but letting ourselves be silenced, dismissed, opposed, mocked, and marginalized?

It’s clear that mainstream media really has no idea who we are or the grit in our soul . . . maybe because we don’t tell them!

We let ourselves be referred to as living in “fly over states.” “Middle America.” “Kitchen table people.” Even “smelly Walmart shoppers.” “Blue collar workers.” Suffering from “cognitive dissonance.” “Deplorables.” Illiterate “credulous rubes.” And more . . . .

“People who love your guns and love your Bibles.” As if that’s a negative.

Many times the “silent majority” defamation is spit out with disdain unless a politician is trying to win our vote.

Politicians know we’re not silent when we go to cast our vote. And cast our vote we must!

The “silent majority’s” voice is “heard” loud and clear at the ballot box but why not also on the soapbox?

Why Wait Until Election Day to Give God a Voice

No matter what your political persuasion, if you watched the Republican National Convention, you saw everyday people speaking out and taking a courageous stand for their faith, their beliefs, and their aspirations for our country. They were not afraid!

Many of these men and women probably never read a teleprompter before, but they spoke clearly, distinctly, and passionately looking straight into the camera and letting their voices be heard across America. They were NOT silent!

I applauded each one who took such a brave and bold step. I kept wondering what the rioting minority might do to try to disrupt their life. Because that’s what bullying, abrasive, mean-spirited people do who can’t make their point in a civilized way or win by fair means.

You’ve read in past blogs how troubled I am when churches acquiesce without even a fight and close their doors. I don’t think Jesus would have done that nor would his disciples and apostles. They were not silent!

I wrote about that last week, Why Watching Church Online is NOT a Substitute for Attending in Person.

When I wrote the book, Everyday Brave: Living Courageously as a Woman of Faith, I became familiar with many biblical verses and circumstances where God knew we would need His support to be brave and not give a foothold to the enemy.

Yes, Satan is the one who really wants to silence us!

“Be strong, and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The Lord will do what is good in his sight.” 2 Sam. 10:12

As we watch civil law go counter to God’s laws and rampant tolerance for everything except Christianity, we’re under intense pressure to comply with the culture. God says, “Stand firm in the faith” and don’t crumble.

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. 1 Cor. 16:13

Courage is faith that calls on God to help us speak when we have the opportunity and remain silent when the time is not right.

We will not be silenced by those who oppose us and try to suppress us. Instead, opposition gives us a platform to show who we are in Christ and for Christ!

God tells us we can trust Him to stand right beside us! Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord. Ps. 31:24 NLT

“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 NLT

Jesus also warns us . . .

But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven. Mt. 10:33

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. 2 Tim. 1:7

How and When Should We Speak Out?

We have so many opportunities to give God the glory in our life for the little and big things He does every day.

If you’re on social media, you have a constant platform to speak truth. It’s not a place to get into arguments trying to prove your point as you’ve probably already learned. But it is a place you can “speak” and defend your beliefs. Expect that you might get pushback, but ignore it. If someone is debating you, it means they heard you.

Again, the point isn’t to prove you’re right but maybe to encourage others to bravely speak their views. You never know who might be persuaded by something you say. That goes for conversations also.

Being a kind and considerate person can win over many people or they might at least be willing to consider your opinions.

It’s sad when I hear people say to be careful what you say because someone might hurt you. Is that the world we want to live in? Intimidated by bullies and thugs?

I don’t know where God wants you to speak out in your life, but I would ask you to pray about it.

For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps. 1 Peter 2:21 NLT

People often thank me for not being silent about God and the conservative Christian agenda. But my response is that speaking out at appropriate times for what you believe shouldn’t be unusual. Everyone should!

We can’t be silent at a time when evil is flourishing all around us!

Saying nothing is saying something!

Silence is deafening!

Women wouldn’t have the vote today if the suffragettes had stayed silent.

Don’t let the culture cancel your voice or your right to speak or your courage to speak.

We speak the truth in love but we speak!

Pray before you speak, then speak the words God gives you.

Except for the part about being too young, I relate to the prophet Jeremiah when I don’t know what to say in a blog every week. When Jeremiah questioned God about what he should say, God said:

“O Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I can’t speak for you! I’m too young!”

The Lord replied, “Don’t say, ‘I’m too young,’ for you must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you. And don’t be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you. I, the Lord, have spoken!” Jeremiah 1:6-8 NLT

Let us be known as the majority who speaks up courageously and graciously for moral values, truth, faith, patriotism, and Almighty God!

You have turned for me my mourning into dancing;
You have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness,
12 That my [a]soul may sing praise to You and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever.
Ps. 30:11-12 NASB

As the Lord encouraged Paul so should we be encouraged that the majority of Americans agree with us. Let’s not be silent or silenced!

One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision and told him, “Don’t be afraid! Speak out! Don’t be silent! 10 For I am with you, and no one will attack and harm you, for many people in this city belong to me.” Acts 18:9-10 NLT

A True Story

After I had this blog ready to post, I saw this story below of a pastor’s response to someone who sent him a private message to please stick to preaching and stay off politics.

“I responded graciously and thanked her for her thoughts. [Then I wrote] I only talk about Jesus Christ and His Kingdom on Sundays. However…. I am an American citizen. I pay taxes. When I write on my personal page, I am writing only my thoughts and represent only what I think. You are free to disagree with me and I will respect you, honor you, and encourage you to speak your disagreement freely!

But I do not write in a vacuum. I know history. I understand philosophy. I know the principles upon which this great country was founded. Historically, I’ve been called a “classical liberal” because I’ve advocated for the abused, stood up to those in power, preached the equality of women and all ethnicities, and encouraged people to treat everyone with dignity and respect.

That said, I can and will no longer remain silent when it comes to our nation. I’ll talk about Jesus with you all day – and if you come to Emmanuel on Sunday mornings or Wednesday night – that’s all you will hear me talk about – the Savior and the Scriptures. But on my personal social media accounts, the Spirit has prompted me to begin speaking up, and the more people write me telling me to “stick to preaching,” the more I’ll write. :)” [Emphasis added]

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What Would You Sacrifice for Your Beliefs?

You’ve probably read or heard about Shelly Luther, the Dallas hair salon owner arrested for opening her business before the state of Texas approved the opening of salons. The judge gave her the choice of apologizing for being “selfish” or going to jail. She refused to render an apology saying it wasn’t selfish to want to feed her family. She went to jail, not for opening her salon, but for contempt of court because the judge didn’t like her answer.

I’m not defending her opening the salon early, but what struck me in that story was her courage to not deny what she felt was right just to avoid a penalty. She was bravely willing to go to jail rather than bow down to this judge’s demands for her to go against her convictions.

As I heard this story unfold, I wondered how many Christians would take that kind of a sacrificial stand for their faith? Their beliefs? If a judge said deny Christ or go to jail, would there be any hesitation on our part?

We might think that would never happen in America, but I’m sure Shelly never thought she would face that crossroads either just for opening the doors of her business. A business that supported her family, paid the bills, and provided a livelihood to other stylists in her salon. They had waited as long as they could; it was time to get back to work. Yet, there she was standing before a judge telling her to gravel or the gavel goes down. And down it went.

Other business owners have had local governments suspend their business license for opening their doors. I’m not advocating breaking the law, but there really is no law, simply executive orders at the whim of what a local government official deems is their right to inflict on constituents. No one is governing these officials and they have no experience or expertise with this pandemic to back up their demands.

Last week, I wrote about how fast this shutdown of our rights has happened in our country in the name of “public health” based on “facts and science” that change every day and none of the governors or mayors actually ever provide specific data for their restrictions. Everything can be manipulated to serve anyone’s purpose or power grab.

Honestly, some restrictions are outrageous like the mayor of Los Angeles saying when people “have earned the right” to go back to the beach they must stay on wet sand, not dry sand! He has now said they can leave their home but must wear a mask at all times. They can’t gather in their backyard or go to someone else’s house. Where is any of this in the public health handbook for coronavirus?

But I digress. The real thought I want us to chew on is could this be a preview of what could happen to people of faith? Wait, it is happening! In some states, pastors are fined, and even jailed, for opening their churches safely!

What we’re learning during this unseen enemy is that in today’s culture, it takes sacrifice and courage to stand up for our faith and our rights, but this is nothing new. The message the Apostle Paul gave to the church at Corinth is still a source of encouragement for Christians to be brave today: “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong” (1 Cor. 16:13).

And Paul should know. He was routinely arrested, sent to prison, flogged, ridiculed, and eventually killed for his faith, but he never backed down from sharing the truth of the gospel. I don’t know if Shelly Luther is a believer, but like her, Paul would not bow down to any magistrate who wanted him to denounce his convictions and he would not deny his faith to avoid prison, or worse.

Women of Faith in the Bible Give Us Courage

A group of what the Bible calls “prominent women” or “leading women” who were God-fearing Greeks in Thessalonica and Berea heard Paul’s message about Jesus, became believers, and joined his ministry. In both cities, the Jews listening to Paul became jealous that he was drawing a crowd, and they formed a mob to go after him and his ministry companion Silas. Knowing violent agitators and bullies were following Paul everywhere he went, what must these courageous women have feared might happen to them?

We’re not sure if prominent refers to their status as the wife of well-known important men, or if they indeed were leaders of influence themselves, or simply wealthy women—or all of the above. Publicly believing the gospel and joining Paul’s evangelistic ministry could easily jeopardize their marriages, their standing in society, and their businesses. No matter what the personal cost to worldly fame, fortune, and security, they were all in for Christ.

They were brave believers and played an important role in helping Paul start the early church and share the gospel. Imagine the trials, struggles, and sacrifices of these women as they watched Paul endure persecution while they served beside him amid hostility and danger. They knew that the authorities in the government and temple didn’t readily receive the message of Jesus.

Conspicuous believers were risking their lives. After all, they crucified their Messiah. What would happen to them? It seems they didn’t care. As believers, they were willing to take that risk.

Jesus had brave women willing to risk their lives for him too! Many courageous women disciples like Joanna, Susanna, Mary Magdalene, and others, also went against the cultural norm to loyally support Jesus’s ministry, even as it became more and more controversial and his life was in eminent danger.

We can learn from these strong women of faith following Paul and Jesus to see how to carry on their courageous legacy in a culture today that often isn’t receptive to the gospel of Christ. We can look to these women as prime examples of faith and devotion to Christ and emulate them in our own lives as believing disciples, regardless of daunting circumstances and possible sacrifices.

When I wrote Everyday Brave: Living Courageously As A Woman of Faith, where I explore these biblical women who supported Paul and Jesus along with fifty other brave women, I had no idea how soon after its release last September that we would all be putting our brave on for our families, ourselves, and our faith. The premise of Everyday Brave is that the women of the Bible have a message about bravery for the women of today.

When the coronavirus is over, and it will be someday, we will each have our own brave story. Maybe it was tackling homeschooling or figuring how best to protect our families. For all of us, it’s how to provide financially and provisionally when it seems like the world shut down. But God never shut down or abandoned us and He knows exactly what we need to make it through this difficult season emotionally, physically, spiritually, and mentally.

We just need to stay strong in our convictions, our beliefs, and our faith that in all things God will work this out for good for those who love him. “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them (Romans 8:28 NLT).

God knows the number of our days. We don’t live foolishly or recklessly, but we do live out our faith with a peace that passes understanding.

For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs. Zephaniah 3:17 NLT

In our current culture, it’s no longer cushy and easy being a Jesus-follower or loyally defending Jesus. Standing firm in our faith takes grit, determination, and fierce loyalty. When society tries to dissuade and discourage us from remaining true to Jesus, we must stand firm with bravery and courage, even if it means standing “alone”—God is always with us cheering us on.

I don’t think believers will go to jail in our country for our beliefs today, but there is coming a time during the tribulation when even worse will happen to those who profess Christ as their Savior. My personal belief is that God will rapture all Christians before the tribulation, but everyone left behind will suffer greatly if they don’t deny Christ.

Let this plague, which is minor in light of the tribulation, be a wake up call to share the gospel with everyone you love because Jesus is coming and it could be soon!

 “I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close. You have little strength, yet you obeyed my word and did not deny me.” Revelation 3:8 NLT

PS For more on endtime prophesy, I highly recommend Dr. David Jeremiah’s book The Signs. Our small group has been studying this book since last fall and what a timely study it has been for such a time as this.

If you missed last week’s blog How Is Home Depot More “Essential” Than God’s Home?

Everyday Brave: Living Courageously As A Woman of Faith is available signed at my website or on Amazon. I pray it encourages you that we all are braver than we know!

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How Is Home Depot More “Essential” Than God’s Home?!

Across the top of the Liberty Bell is the inscription, “PROCLAIM LIBERTY THROUGHOUT ALL THE LAND UNTO ALL THE INHABITANTS THEREOF LEV. XXV X.” [Leviticus 25:10.]

When I walked into our church May 3, I felt a rush of the Holy Spirit. I hadn’t expected it. I didn’t realize how much I had missed the meeting together of my church family.

Like many of you, my husband and I had watched church online for six weeks. Not just our own pastor, but two or three others each Sunday. We couldn’t get our fill, but what we were seeking couldn’t come off the TV or computer screen. We longed to greet fellow attenders, find out how they were doing, hear their prayer requests, look into caring eyes, hear the smiling greetings, and feel the love of our church family.

At first, it was nice, even convenient, having couch church in our PJ’s and streaming the services when we chose. We were able to virtually visit our past home churches and experience others we’d always wanted to visit. We even sang along during worship. But when we turned off the TV and computer, there was an uneasy emptiness.

I compare it to looking at pictures and videos of your family, but not seeing or conversing with them face-to-face. How long could we go without our heart aching to be with them?

Most of us are fortunate to have video chatting, ZOOM, or SKYPE to keep in touch with friends and family, and at least see their faces and hear their voices. We’ve had to rely on these capabilities during this pandemic, but they could never replace being in the presence of our family.

And so it was with me missing the fellowship and camaraderie of our church family.

My friend Carol put it like this, “I miss the face-to-face fellowship with believers. We are seeing them on Zoom and getting teaching. But there’s nothing like hugging your friends.”

My husband and I are fortunate to live in a state and county where Phase 1 of reopening Idaho included churches! Sadly, around the USA there are state and local governments putting undue restrictions on churches to prohibit them from safely reopening.

That should scare us!

We should be alarmed at how fast government took away our religious freedoms and, in many cases, how far their overreach in denying or penalizing pastors and church attenders.

Did you ever think we would live in a country where people are fined, even imprisoned, for going to church?! That only happens in other countries not America. Not any longer. Religious persecution has crossed borders and oceans as some American governors and mayors enforce the same totalitarian measures we see in Communist countries.

How fast it happened and how fast we’ve let it happen.

The argument and talking points many liberals, atheists, partisans, and sadly some Christians have used: “Churches are nonessential. They don’t provide life-saving food or necessities.”

We rolled over with little to no outcry and let them decree that Costco, Home Depot, Liquor and Marijuana stores are essential, but churches are not essential. Even on Easter Sunday!

Don’t get me wrong, I love Costco, that’s not the point.

Costco is not our only source of food! While shopping at any big store, you’re shoulder-to-shoulder mingling with hundreds of strangers, albeit wearing a mask! But that’s OK we’re told. It’s worth it to risk your life there to fight over the last roll of toilet paper.

But churches that feed our spiritual souls and employ strict social distancing measures, where we know the people we’re around, are deemed nonessential. Not worth the risk.

Who made that determination? That discrimination?

Who is willing to stand before God and tell Him that His home is not essential but Home Depot or Costco is essential?

Why didn’t more pastors push back in the very beginning of these shutdowns?

Why didn’t they stand up for religious freedoms?

Why did they allow their church to be relegated to “nonessential” in a world that essentially needs Jesus more than ever now?

We quote the Scriptures that man cannot live by bread alone and Jesus is the bread of life, but do we believe it? Do we live it?

I know many will argue that more people were able to experience church online than ever before and thousands made a commitment to Christ. And Christ is in our hearts, not in a building. Absolutely agree, but there’s a reason the Scriptures warn us for exactly the times we’re in right now . . .

24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. 25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25 NLT

Many have said, and I agree, that we are feeling the birth pangs proceeding the last days, however far off. People are scared and lonely and believers need to be together with our church families to encourage, support, and love on each other just as those verses in Hebrews 10:24-25 say. They are in the Bible for such a time as this!

God knew this pandemic was going to happen.

Yes, it’s hard to make changes in the way we do church to accommodate safety, but that’s no reason not to do it.

I have to laugh when I hear someone worried about getting sick at church, but they think nothing of piling their carts full in Walmart, Home Depot, and Costco with people they don’t know and could never trace a “community spread.”

Yes, we need food. But let’s put this all in perspective. Don’t swallow lies. Don’t let government extend overreaching unwarranted, sometimes illegal, control and power.

The Virus Came From China But Let’s Not Become Like China!

When the coronavirus first started in China, we saw family members being pulled out of their homes. Soon Americans were being pulled off buses and subways and out of stores for not wearing a mask.

When I first saw pictures of everyone wearing a mask in China, I thought that could never happen here. Now you can’t get into many places, including Costco, without a mask and some states will fine or arrest you! Making and selling masks has become a lucrative business.

When we heard of families being locked into their homes in China, we were aghast. Now we refer to our stay-at-home or shelter in place as lockdown.

I could go on…in some states, beaches and parks are closed. Drones fly over neighborhoods to see if too many people are in their own backyard. Anyone remember the phrase, “Big brother is watching you.” You can’t plant a garden, mow your lawn, or fish from your boat in other states. Pulled over if you’re not wearing a mask alone in your own car. Encouraged to “snitch” on your neighbor. Required to sign in with address and telephone number to attend church so “they” can track you.

Does this sound like America to you? Home of the free?

I’m glad to see brave people using their legal right to protest the loss of our freedoms and rights. We need to resist tyranny or the freedom we hold so dear will be lost forever.

Whatever weapon used against us, we can use our weapon of faith. Remember our battle isn’t against human flesh.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Eph. 10:10-12

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Cor. 10:4-5

I’ve said for so long that Christians need to stand up and speak out for our religious and civil rights. We need to repent of our silence and let the world know that not only is the church essential, a relationship with Christ is the only thing that will save you from eternal death. Could anything be more essential?!

Many evil forces have been waiting to shut down the church. They see their opportunity now to use this virus to create new rules and regulations for how we can operate . . . forever. Don’t let it happen.

In Everyday Brave: Living Courageously As A Woman of Faith, I point out that fear is paralyzing. That’s why the liberal media is trying to immobilize us with fear tactics so that we will acquis and do whatever we’re told without questioning.

Don’t Put Your Trust in the Media

On March 2, before the virus really took hold in America, I wrote a blog: Headlines Are Designed to Generate Fear: God says “Fear Not!”

We need to do our homework. Do not believe what you hear from the media. Their goal is to keep you afraid and misinformed. Yes, this is a contagious virus and not one to take lightly, but we know those who are most susceptible to it and we need to protect them. If you’re over sixty, have underlying health issues, or not feeling well, take precautions and stay home for a few more weeks.

But the rest of you, help your church open soon and when it does, go to church. Never let the world believe that God’s church is not essential. Don’t make the church go underground. This is America land of the free, home of the brave. In God we trust.

Be prepared. You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over but the shouting you’ll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You’ll need them throughout your life. God’s Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out. Ephesians 6:13-18 MSG

PS As I’m writing and posting this blog, I just read an article about pastors in California who are taking action to open their churches on Pentecost May 31. They are expressing and confirming what I wrote in this blog.
“Our churches are part of the answer, not part of the problem,” said Danny Carroll, senior pastor at Water of Life Community Church. “We’re an essential part of this whole journey and we’ve been bypassed … kicked to the curb and deemed nonessential.”
I’m proud of these pastors and praying for their success and a blessing on their congregations.

I also just received a text offering free guidelines for making your church covid-safe. I’m not endorsing these, but again, could the timing of this text be just a coincidence when this blog hasn’t even posted yet? I don’t think so, do you?!

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Bridging The Great Divide in Politics and Faith


When I was a young girl, my mom counseled me to never discuss politics or faith, even with family. Especially, not with family!

That was hard for me to understand as a new believer at eleven-years old. Jesus was the most important person in my life and resided in my heart, which meant I wanted to talk about Him ALL the time. How could I, or why would I, monitor what I said about my faith around other people?

My faith was at the center of my life! And anyway, why couldn’t others just ignore what I said if they didn’t want to hear it? But I wanted them to hear it so they could be saved too and ask Jesus into their heart. Why wouldn’t they want to go to heaven and have eternal life? Who could turn that down?

Politics was not that important to me, so that wouldn’t be hard not to talk about; although I watched many uncomfortable political conversations take place around me. It seemed like people had definite opinions and it made them mad if you didn’t agree with them.

Maturity Changes Everything

Then I grew up.

I learned that people often held on tighter to their political beliefs than to their spiritual beliefs. They defend their political party more than they defend Jesus.

The cultural lines, once definitive, began to merge between the two beliefs. Politics started determining what was moral and laws developed that promoted sin, even though the Bible clearly said such actions are immoral. If you defended the Bible’s definition of sin, you were immoral, even hateful.

The civil law no longer cared about God’s laws. It was now acceptable for everyone to do what was right in his or her own eyes and woe to you if you objected. In fact, you were a legalistic religious fanatic and bigot.

Fast forward to today, where politicians try to make laws to forbid and even prosecute those who follow the teachings of the Bible, Christians. The difference between today’s two political parties in many cases is differences over freedom of speech and freedom of religious rights given to us by our political faith-filled founding fathers.

But we need to remember that human rulers often feel threatened by the higher loyalty of those who are committed to God. That’s why they try to silence us, but they can’t silence Jesus in us unless we let them!

Many people profess to be Christians, yet still side with a political party that hates Israel, supports and condones murdering of babies at all stages of birth, legalizes gay marriage, imposes homosexual values on society, tries to deny scientific genders, promotes sexual promiscuity and deviancy, bans God from the public square, tears down crosses and the 10 Commandments, and bases its agenda on liberalism, socialism, and suppressing freedom of religion.

How can a Christian defend this liberal platform?

How did this happen?

I propose because people continued to avoid talking about politics and faith. Christians stayed silent as they watched the world try to silence Jesus, the same Jesus who resides in every believer’s heart. And I ask the same question, I asked as a little girl, “If Jesus is the most important person in your life, how can you stay silent?”

I know it’s not always comfortable, in fact it can be downright unpleasant, to engage someone who has a differing point of view than you do. Somehow, we’ve lost our backbone, our courage, our grit and have taken the easy way out—avoidance and compliance.

We Must Find Our Platform and Use It

Because the lines have blurred between politics and faith, we cannot be silent. We let it happen, now let’s do something about it.

It’s such a blessing to see so many Christian conservatives run for political office to make sure our voice is heard in government decision making and overturning inappropriate laws.

You may be one of those people God has called to take your faith into the political arena. Do not be silenced. Represent us with dignity and honor to God and His glory.

Running for office may not be your calling, but you can support those who do run. Maybe it will be financially or serving on committees or campaigns and voting.

Give believers a voice wherever you have a voice.

You don’t have to run for office or be a minister to make a difference in politics and in faith. Every believer is in full-time service to the Lord. Every believer is a minister. In God’s eyes, there is no great divide between secular and sacred work.

Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Col. 4:5 NLT

Social media has become a popular platform to take a public and a faith stand. It can be difficult. I don’t recommend getting into arguments or trying to convince people who are belligerent and unkind. But you can post about God-honoring people and policies you believe are good for our country.

I find the best way to deal with people who want to antagonize or harass you is to either ignore them or ask them questions. That’s what Jesus did. Here are just a few of His questions?

  • “Who do people say I am?” Mark 8:27
  • “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Mark 8:29
  • “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?” Matt 12:10
  • And if you greet your brethren only, what is unusual about that? Do not the unbelievers do the same? Matt 5:47
  • Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your lifespan? Matt 6:27
  • Why are you anxious about clothes? Matt 6:28
  • Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye yet fail to perceive the wooden beam in your own eye? Matt 7:2
  • Why did you doubt? Matt 14:31
  • And why do you break the commandments of God for the sake of your tradition? Matt 15:3

Some questions that help me in a faith or political discussion:

  • That’s interesting; tell me why you feel/think that way?
  • What do you believe about _________? (Lets you know where they’re coming from spiritually and/or politically)
  • What do you agree with in your party’s platform? (Instead of trying to convince them that yours is better).
  • Why do you like your candidate? (I find they usually just want to tear down yours, but can’t really tell you why the one they like is better)
  • You’re entitled to your opinions, but I choose to follow the Bible’s teaching. Will you agree to that?

The goal isn’t to try to prove that you’re right, but to get them thinking about why they think the way they do.

Try not to argue and always let Jesus shine through your conversation. You never know when they’ll consider your comment or position. Maybe not now but later.

I’ve become Facebook friends with another author who often has different views than I do and many of her friends are in-your-face liberal. I want to avoid her posts, and yet, I’m drawn to them and to her. She and I have come to a good understanding, and I feel that gradually she’s listening to me and considering what I say.

What has been fun to watch is some of her conservative friends seem to feel like they can comment or agree with me or “like” my comment. Almost, like they have permission to talk and not just be quiet because so many are harshly vocal.

I don’t know if I’m making a difference or not, but every time I overcome the desire to just ignore her posts, I pray about it and feel led to engage.

And that’s the key factor. Pray before you engage in conversation or on social media. It’s so easy for our want-to-be-right ego to take over instead of letting Jesus shine through us.

Who knows, maybe this coronavirus that we’re all experiencing together will help us bridge the great divide in politics and faith that has become a chasm in our society.

In Forsaken God? Remembering the Goodness of God Our Culture Has Forgotten, I wrote:

“Often we see the most growth in our spiritual lives during hard times, when God is growing us spiritually and emotionally. We may think he has forgotten us, but God is good and God is great. He never forgets his promises to his people even though his people often forget their promises to him.”

Chris Tiegreen writes in The One Year Salt & Light Devotional: “Many modern cultures have grown soft with comforts and conveniences so common to us, and most people think something has gone terribly wrong when life gets difficult. But we know better. In the Kingdom of God, at least for now, we can be certain of difficulties. We will need to persevere. The rewards are immensely worthwhile, but the costs are real. Wherever you are facing them in your life today, let your higher calling and the name of Jesus make you ‘heartily’ willing to go on.”

Every activity offers a platform to love, serve, trust, encourage, comfort, pray, and do the works of God.”

The benefits of serving and speaking up for God are well worth the costs and inconvenience!

This mystery has been kept in the dark for a long time, but now it’s out in the open. God wanted everyone, not just Jews, to know this rich and glorious secret inside and out, regardless of their background, regardless of their religious standing. The mystery in a nutshell is just this: Christ is in you, so therefore you can look forward to sharing in God’s glory. It’s that simple. That is the substance of our Message. We preach Christ, warning people not to add to the Message. We teach in a spirit of profound common sense so that we can bring each person to maturity. To be mature is to be basic. Christ! No more, no less. That’s what I’m working so hard at day after day, year after year, doing my best with the energy God so generously gives me. Col. 1:27-28 The Message

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Family, Faith, and Science

The Coronavirus has imposed restrictions on most of the world. Our normal life abruptly came to a halt. Some people are “sheltering in place” others are quarantined. A few cities are in “lockdown.” Schools and businesses are closed. Many are working from home.

We’re all practicing social distancing.

The goal is to stop the spread of this unseen enemy. For the most part, citizens are cooperating because no one wants to get sick or spread the virus to someone else.

We’re coming together against a common foe by staying apart!

So how does this new crisis in our culture connect family, faith, and science and how can these three segments of our life unify us? Let’s look at each one.


Before this virus disrupted our everyday life, families often started their day with each person going their separate way. The kids were hurriedly hustled off to school, preschool, or daycare, and mom and dad rushed off to work or the day’s activities. Afternoons were filled with chauffeuring kids to sports, quick dinner with whoever happened to be home to eat it, homework, and individually burrowing into electronic devices. Eventually, everyone fell into bed to get up the next morning and start all over again.

Then one day everything came to a screeching halt! The entire family became sequestered at home together all day, everyday! Forced to spend time together talking, eating, entertaining each other . . . maybe taking family relationships and dynamics to a deeper level. Cocooning!

What a perfect time for a Sabbath of the soul for the whole family when there’s no place to go, no outside distractions, just you and your family.

Here are some activities to do together during this family time. . .

  • Play games or start jigsaw puzzles
  • Eat meals
  • Pray
  • Watch church online
  • Do a Bible study
  • Watch family appropriate movies
  • Cook
  • Work on household projects as a family
  • Skype, Facetime, Zoom with extended family
  • Give each other space when needed
  • Make memories
  • Help in your community

Don’t waste this unexpected season. You may never have the opportunity for this kind of uninterrupted family time again.

As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. Deuteronomy 6:6-9


“The American people want hope!” President Donald Trump

Another word for faith is hope. Heb. 11:1 reminds us “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” We don’t know what’s going to happen, but we trust that God knows and we put our trust in him. He is our hope.

Without hope, the people perish. They lose their will to go on or they act recklessly out of fear.

I know what it feels like to lack hope. I’m typically a very hopeful person, but when I was recovering from kidney surgery, I couldn’t see an end to my pain. It seemed like every day was as bad as the day before. I couldn’t tap into hope that I would ever feel better, even though the doctors said that I would, but it might take a while. Until then, I would have to endure the pain.

I cried! I needed hope! I wanted hope! Now!

How a Word Can Change Your Life, mine for 2017 was hope.

Then one day a church member, whose ministry was sending get-well cards and gifts, gave me a mug with the word “HOPE” on it. She had no idea how much I needed that reassurance, but God did. Every time I drink my morning coffee from that cup, I’m reminded that God is always my source of hope. Things will get better, but I need to be patient and not lose my hope in God.

That’s where our country is today. Our President wants to give us a cup of hope when he speaks to the nation. Where would we be if everyday he told us that nothing was going to get better and there is no medication on the horizon?

We would be a depressed, desperate people. Many have criticized the President for offering the American people hope, but that’s exactly what we need to hear.

For now, we hunker down and go through a difficult time, but hope is on the way and things will get better. President Trump said when he declared March 15, 2020 a day of prayer for the coronavirus that “No problem is too big for God!”

If you haven’t read the entire declaration, please read it now.

That’s faith! That’s hope! That’s the same faith and hope we must have today and everyday!

Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” Luke 18:27

We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 1:3


We have scientists in our family and I understand that scientists typically look at results of studies and statistics to project outcomes. When we watch the Coronavirus Task Force press conferences, there can be tension between the members telling us how things could get better and scientists cautioning that we don’t have all the data to prove it.

But I don’t believe we’re seeing faith versus science. It’s faith having confidence in science and scientists appreciating that we have faith in them to find an answer, a solution, to our crisis. We praise God for the knowledge, wisdom, and gifts He’s given them. These scientists are working around the clock to find a cure to help those who have the virus and a vaccine to eradicate it completely.

It is with faith that we pray for the medical personnel and scientists. Faith that God will use these professionals in a mighty way. Without our prayers, their work might take years. But as President Trump said in the 3/21/2020 press conference, regarding the innovative use of medicine available now and being considered by scientists to combat the virus:

“It if works it will be a gift from heaven. A gift from God. Pray to God that it does work!”

So families, while we’re home together bonding, not roaming, let’s unite in prayer for all those in the medical field, researchers, the task force, and those who have Coronavirus or any illness.

Pray to our God who knows all, sees all, and loves all of us.

“Lord, help!” they cried in their trouble,
    and he rescued them from their distress.
Psalm 107:6 (NLT)

“He [God] sees the entire timeline of history at once and asks us to see it with the same certainty. He wants us to live with a sense of his timing.

When we reflect and represent the God who does not panic about anything, we prepare hearts to open to his ways and see from a different perspective. Being still in the presence of the Lord makes his presence much more known.” Chris Tiegreen

Be still before the Lord
    and wait patiently for him. Psalm 37:7

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deut. 31:6

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How Do Your Plans for 2020 Align with God’s Plans for You?

How Do Your Plans for 2020 Align with God's Plans for You?

I’m going to be honest with you right up front! I seriously considered taking a mini-vacation from writing this week’s Monday Morning Blog. After all, it’s that confusing time between Christmas and New Year’s when it’s hard to remember what day it is after taking a day off in the middle of the week and many of us might be suffering from the after-Christmas blahs. I know I am.

We had a wonderful Christmas with our family, which I had looked forward to for weeks . . . and then it’s over. We don’t often have a day to relax and spend time with those close to us that we don’t see every day. Of course, as Christians, we have Jesus in our heart year-round!

But I digress. I felt justified in not writing a blog on the last Monday of the year. I rationalized that you would probably be too busy to read it anyway. Then I received the email that changed everything. God nudged me off the couch and back to my office because there might be just one person who needs encouragement in determining what God wants him or her to do in 2020.

Here’s part of the email that motivated me to write this blog. It’s from the Faith Editor at Crosswalk.com where I’m a contributing writer:

“Hi wonderful writers! I just wanted to thank and congratulate you ‘select 6’ writers for pouring your hearts into content that made our top 10 in page view-volume for content that was created in 2019 for our Spiritual Life channel!”

You might remember that last week’s Monday Morning Blog was “When God Surprises You!” My editor’s congratulatory email was a huge surprise to me! To God be the Glory!

The Crosswalk article that placed #3 in the Top 10 viewed for 2019 was How to Know If Your Leap of Faith Is In God’s Will. This article only posted on Crosswalk on October 11, 2019, and yet, it was the third most read article for the entire year in the Faith and Spiritual Life category!

[Tweet “Christians want to know how to determine if we’re in God’s will when we make decisions, decide to follow a dream, make changes in our life . . . take a leap of faith.”]

Christians want to know how to determine if we’re in God’s will when we make decisions, decide to follow a dream, consider changes in our life . . . .

We ask: What am I doing here? What does God want me to do?

In the Crosswalk article, I share the 10 Steps that I went through 25 years ago to determine if it truly was God’s will for me to take a leap of faith and start a Woman to Woman Mentoring Ministry. Little did I know then that not only was it God’s will, but He had plans to take the mentoring ministry beyond what I could’ve ever imagined or dreamed.

How Do Your Plans for 2020 Align with God's Plans for You?

As 2019 ends, you’re probably thinking about setting goals or resolutions for the coming year. The 10 Steps in my Crosswalk article could help guide you, like they did me, in determining if your plans align with God’s plans for you. God’s will for you. 

[Tweet “The 10 Steps in my Crosswalk article could help guide you, like they did me, in determining if your plans align with God’s plans for you. God’s will for you.”]

Maybe you really want to follow God’s calling for your life, but you’re afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone. Or you might be fearful of failing or the cost seems too high to take a leap of faith into the unknown.

Let me assure you, if God is in it, He’ll be right beside you giving you the strength and courage to persevere.

[Tweet “Let me assure you, if God is in it, He’ll be right beside you giving you the strength and courage to persevere.”]

I can’t reproduce How to Know If You’re Leap of Faith Is In God’s Will here for copyright reasons, but here’s the link again. Crosswalk put the article into a beautiful slide show with pictures you’ll identify with for both men and women. The 10 faith steps in this article come from Scripture. God speaks to each of us through His Word.

[Tweet “God speaks to each of us through His Word.”]

I’m looking forward to hearing in the New Year the leaps of faith God confirms He wants you to take. I pray my Monday Morning Blogs will encourage you in your journey. We’re all sojourners together following the Lord’s leading to do His work on earth as it is in heaven.

Lord, please give me the strength to take a leap of faith and go where you call me to go and do what you ask me to do. My trust is in You alone. Empower me to align my plans with Your plans for me and to give You the glory for what You will do in and through me.

“True success in your life comes not in knowing the will of God, but in doing it.” –O.S. Hawkins The Believer’s Code

 For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to do my own will.” John 6:38 NLT

I wish you a blessed joyful New Year, not just on January 1, 2020, but everyday with every breath.

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November is National Military Family Month

Jocelyn's book

Author Jocelyn Green is a friend and fellow author whom I admire for her passion and versatile writing skills. I dearly identify with this topic since we have a military family in our family and my husband is a veteran.

Please enjoy this interview with Jocelyn C. Green, author of Faith Deployed: Daily Encouragement for Military Wives

Faith Deployed….Again: More Daily Encouragement for Military Wives  
1. Jocelyn, could you share with us the inspiration behind these books.
The inspiration for Faith Deployed . . . Again was the same as the inspiration for the first book I wrote for military wives, Faith Deployed. Put simply, military wives need encouragement and the best source is God’s Word.

As a former Coast Guard wife, I was so desperate for biblical encouragement that spoke directly to me. To have an opportunity to collect this type of encouragement from twenty-eight other military wives from every branch of service and have it published by Moody is an incredible gift. I never once lacked motivation to work on this project.

2. The title of your sequel is “Faith Deployed…Again.” What is the significance behind the phrase “Faith Deployed,” and can the phrase (and the book itself) have meaning for those who aren’t military wives, as well?

[Tweet “Whether your military family experiences deployments or not, military life requires that we all deploy our faith in order to respond biblically to each trial we face.”]
I think of “faith deployed” as a faith called into action. Whether your military family experiences deployments or not, military life requires that we all deploy our faith in order to respond biblically to each trial we face. While this book was written by and for military wives using illustrations from the military lifestyle, anyone who reads the book will come away with a deeper understanding of God’s Word and how it applies to trials we face.

Military wives will be likely to get the most out of it since it speaks directly to their unique lifestyle, but I have heard from many civilians, and men, who have also benefited from reading it.

3. But if the troops are coming home from Syria, do we still really need this book?

Yes, we do. Faith Deployed…Again was created to encourage military wives during all the seasons of a career, regardless of where they stand in the deployment cycle and troops are deployed around the world continuously.
[Tweet “Military wives of all branches all over the globe are hungry for spiritual nourishment.”]

Military wives of all branches all over the globe are hungry for spiritual nourishment. That need isn’t going to disappear when troops come home. In fact, only one of the book’s eight sections is devoted to deployments. There are plenty of other challenges in the military lifestyle even without having a husband deployed to a combat zone.

As a Coast Guard wife, my husband never fought in a war, but I still desperately needed the hope that comes only from God’s Word. The biblical concepts illustrated in this book will strengthen and encourage military wives during times of both peace and war.

4. The rates of post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury among soldiers and veterans are increasing at an alarming rate. How does this affect the spouses and children of these veterans?
[Tweet “The rates of post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury among soldiers and veterans are increasing at an alarming rate.”]

The spouses and children make adjustments to how they interact with the veteran and how they live in their own home. Emotional detachment is very common among vets with PTSD, so the wife and children often crave a connection that their husband/father simply isn’t able to give at this stage. This means they feel lonely and sometimes emotionally abandoned. They might be angry and resentful that he changed so much because of his combat experience, or they could genuinely grieve the loss of the way their family used to be.

Several of our writers in Faith Deployed…Again are married to veterans with PTSD, and share their insights in the book. I also highly recommend the Combat Trauma Healing Manual for veterans, and for the wives, When War Comes Home: Christ-centered Healing for Wives of Combat Veterans.

5. What are some practical ways that individuals can support military wives?
  • Quite often, if you just say “What can I do for you?” or “I’m here to help you” the wife may be overwhelmed enough to not even know what to ask for. Give her some ideas, perhaps in the form of a coupon booklet for free babysitting, homemade cookies, a coffee date, running errands, an hour or two of housework, etc.
  • Find out what’s broken and fix it. Computer problems are a big deal, especially since so many couples rely on email or Skype to communicate. If the car is broken down, offer to give rides.
  • Mow the lawn, pull weeds, other yard work- cleaning out gutters-those seasonal tasks that the deployed spouse may have typically done.
  • Bring a meal over so that’s one less thing a stressed out spouse would have to think about.
  • Visiting is a great mood lifter, but ask first. And if you get a couple negative responses, don’t take it personally.
  • Drop off a basket of favorite foods and/or a movie rental you know she’s been wanting to see.
  • Pray for her!
6. Why is it critical to pay special attention to supporting the military wife?

If the military wife is supported, she will have much more ability to support her husband and her children in a way only she can. If she is too stressed out, her entire family will feel it. Her kids will suffer, she may resent her husband’s service, and if she tells him as much, he will be distracted from his duties. If he is thinking about the trials for his family back home, he will have a much harder time giving undivided attention to his mission. Also, if the wife isn’t getting support from appropriate sources, she will be more prone to confide in a man other than her husband who makes her feel special – which is the start of an emotional affair.

When we support a military spouse, we support the entire family.

[Tweet “When we support a military spouse, we support the entire family.”]

Today is Veteran’s Day! Thank all the veterans you know for their service and if you know of a military family send them a thank you card. They all sacrifice for you and me to experience peace and freedom. Don’t take that for granted or become complacent.

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Rejection Tests Our Courage

It's hard staying brave in rejection

Rejection cuts like a knife, straight to the heart of our self-confidence and self-worth. Many of us can remember feeling insecure in high school, desperately wanting to be popular and accepted. Many girls who feel rejected or unloved by their dads also feel unlovable and don’t value their own dignity or respect their bodies. If Daddy doesn’t love them, then who will? They might turn to self-destruction or settling for less than they deserve because of their hunger for love from a man.

Other women rejected or dismissed by a male decide all men are bad and try to find solace in promiscuity or even same-sex relationships, to no avail.

A sinful life never soothes a hurting heart.

[Tweet “A sinful life never soothes a hurting heart.”]

Rejection comes in many forms—not just from men. Jobs. Parents. Children. Schools. Relationships. Friendships. Sports. Publishers. Auditions. Contests. Infertility. You weren’t selected, accepted, loved, or good enough.

Rejection can seem like failure and a justification to quit. Or we can view rejection as an opportunity to put our brave on and try again.

Life is often unfair. Sometimes others exclude us or treat us unjustly. We find ourselves in circumstances we can’t control or change. Rejection hurts and we’re angry, maybe even with God. We think God has rejected us when he doesn’t answer our prayers the way we want or expect.

[Tweet “God is our only sure source of strength and courage to rally and carry on with confidence and composure.”]

But soon we realize God is our only sure source of strength and courage to rally and carry on with confidence and composure. Even when we don’t feel his presence, our faith assures us of the truth that we are never alone. God has promised never to leave or forsake us, even when others fail us or abandon us.

So we pick ourselves up and bravely move forward, choosing to not let rejection define us or retaliation confine us.

Rejection or Curiosity?

Other times what we perceive as rejection is just curiosity. Maybe we’re a little different from others and they’re just trying to figure us out. Sometimes we can overcome our feelings of inferiority or insecurity by reaching out to others, even when it isn’t comfortable. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t. It’s always worth a try.

When my husband and I moved from Orange County, California, to the rural mountains of Idaho, I felt scrutinized and rejected. I was from California. I dressed differently. I’m an author and speaker, not a canner or camper. We came from a mega-church to a small church and I didn’t always know the old hymns, but I learned them. I didn’t “pack.” In short, I wasn’t a mountain woman and probably never will become one.

I felt perceived stares and disapproval, but I was here to stay, so I tried not to read into what might be behind the once-overs and whispers. I reached out, smiled, hugged, participated, talked, made new friends, and loved on them. I still don’t pack or make jelly or can, but I’ve met people who take me as I am.

I love one-time game show host Wink Martindale’s quote: “Rejection is just another point of view.”

God Won’t Reject You!

[Tweet “Remember, when others reject you, God accepts you.”]

Remember, when others reject you, God accepts you. Rejection says more about the other person than it does about you.

Rejection doesn’t define you; it refines you.

[Tweet “Rejection doesn’t define you; it refines you.”]

Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me! Psalm 66:20

What lessons has God taught you through actual or perceived rejection?

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Everyday Brave is available on AmazonChristianbook.comBarnesandNoble.com and signed at my website. 

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